LineNumber,VariableName,Type,Description 1,pt,vector<float>,Muon kinematics 2,eta,vector<float>,Muon kinematics 3,phi,vector<float>,Muon kinematics 4,charge,vector<float>,Charge of muon 5,MuonSpectrometerPt,vector<float>,pT of Muon Spectrometer track 6,InnerDetectorPt,vector<float>,pT of Inner Detector track 7,EnergyLoss,vector<float>,Energy loss in calorimeters 8,truthType,vector<int>,Truth info on type of muon 9,truthOrigin,vector<int>,Truth info on origin of muon 10,momentumBalanceSignificance,vector<float>,Quality of muon: significance of Inner Detector-Muon Spectrometer imbalance 11,scatteringNeighbourSignificance,vector<float>,Quality of muon: significance of a change in trajectory (kink) along the track 12,CaloMuonScore,vector<float>,Score resulting from the CaloMuonScore algorithm 13,neflowisol20,vector<float>,Isolation computed as the sum of pT of neutral flow elements within cone of radius 0.2 14,ptvarcone30_Nonprompt_All_MaxWeightTTVA_pt500,vector<float>,Track Isolation in 0.3 varcone with improved track-vertex association 15,ptcone20_Nonprompt_All_MaxWeightTTVA_pt500,vector<float>,Track Isolation in 0.2 cone with improved track-vertex association 16,author,vector<unsigned short>,Primary algorithm author of muon 17,allAuthors,vector<unsigned short>,Bitmask of algorithm authors of muon 18,muonType,vector<unsigned short>,"Reconstruction type (combined, standalone,...)" 19,quality,vector<unsigned char>,Output quality of muon selection tool 20,energyLossType,vector<unsigned char>,"Type of energy loss (measured, parametric,...)" 21,numberOfPrecisionLayers,vector<unsigned char>,Number of precision stations used for muon reconstruction 22,numberOfPrecisionHoleLayers,vector<unsigned char>,Number of precision stations holes resulting from muon reconstruction 23,innerSmallHits,vector<unsigned char>,Number of hits in the Inner station of Muon Spectrometer in small sectors 24,innerLargeHits,vector<unsigned char>,Number of hits in the Inner station of Muon Spectrometer in large sectors 25,middleSmallHits,vector<unsigned char>,Number of hits in the middle station of Muon Spectrometer in small sectors 26,middleLargeHits,vector<unsigned char>,Number of hits in the middle station of Muon Spectrometer in large sectors 27,outerSmallHits,vector<unsigned char>,Number of hits in the outer station of Muon Spectrometer in small sectors 28,outerLargeHits,vector<unsigned char>,Number of hits in the outer station of Muon Spectrometer in large sectors 29,extendedSmallHits,vector<unsigned char>,Number of hits in the extended station of Muon Spectrometer in small sectors 30,extendedLargeHits,vector<unsigned char>,Number of hits in the extended station of Muon Spectrometer in large sectors 31,extendedSmallHoles,vector<unsigned char>,Number of holes in the extended station of Muon Spectrometer in small sectors 32,cscUnspoiledEtaHits,vector<unsigned char>,Number of unspoiled CSC hits in the eta plane 33,scatteringCurvatureSignificance,vector<float>,"Quality of muon: normalized integral of the scattering angle significances, corrected for single kinks along the trajectory that diminish the absolute value of the integral significance" 34,CaloMuonIDTag,vector<int>,Result of the CaloMuonTag algorithm 35,combinedTrackOutBoundsPrecisionHits,vector<unsigned char>,Quality of muon 36,isSmallGoodSectors,vector<unsigned char>,Quality of muon 37,numberOfGoodPrecisionLayers,vector<unsigned char>,Quality of muon 38,ptcone20_Nonprompt_All_MaxWeightTTVA_pt1000,vector<float>,Track isolation in 0.2 cone with improved track-vertex association 39,ptvarcone30_Nonprompt_All_MaxWeightTTVA_pt1000,vector<float>,Track isolation in 0.3 varcone with improved track-vertex association 40,truthParticleLink,vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::TruthParticle_v1> > >,Link from muon to corresponding truth particle 41,TruthLink,vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::TruthParticle_v1> > >,Link from muon to corresponding truth particle 42,inDetTrackParticleLink,vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::TrackParticle_v1> > >,Link from muon to corresponding Inner Detector track 43,muonSpectrometerTrackParticleLink,vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::TrackParticle_v1> > >,Link from muon to corresponding Muon Spectrometer track 44,extrapolatedMuonSpectrometerTrackParticleLink,vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::TrackParticle_v1> > >,Link from muon to corresponding extrapolated Muon Spectrometer track 45,combinedTrackParticleLink,vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::TrackParticle_v1> > >,Link from muon to corresponding combined Inner Detector+Muon Spectrometer track 46,ptcone20,vector<float>,Track isolation in 0.2 cone 47,ptcone30,vector<float>,Track isolation in 0.3 cone 48,ptvarcone20,vector<float>,Track isolation in 0.2 varcone 49,ptvarcone30,vector<float>,Track isolation in 0.3 varcone 50,topoetcone20,vector<float>,TopoCluster isolation in 0.2 cone 51,topoetcone30,vector<float>,TopoCluster isolation in 0.3 cone 52,topoetcone40,vector<float>,TopoCluster isolation in 0.4 cone 53,ptcone40,vector<float>,Track isolation in 0.4 cone 54,ptvarcone40,vector<float>,Track isolation in 0.4 varcone 55,topoetcone20_CloseByCorr,vector<float>,Muon topo isolation within R = 0.2 (calo-based) with close-by lepton correction 56,innerSmallHoles,vector<unsigned char>,Number of holes in the Inner station of Muon Spectrometer in small sectors 57,innerLargeHoles,vector<unsigned char>,Number of holes in the Inner station of Muon Spectrometer in large sectors 58,middleSmallHoles,vector<unsigned char>,Number of holes in the middle station of Muon Spectrometer in small sectors 59,middleLargeHoles,vector<unsigned char>,Number of holes in the middle station of Muon Spectrometer in large sectors 60,outerSmallHoles,vector<unsigned char>,Number of holes in the outer station of Muon Spectrometer in small sectors 61,outerLargeHoles,vector<unsigned char>,Number of holes in the outer station of Muon Spectrometer in large sectors 62,extendedLargeHoles,vector<unsigned char>,Number of holes in the extended station of Muon Spectrometer in large sectors 63,CaloLRLikelihood,vector<float>,can be removed 64,clusterLink,vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::CaloCluster_v1> > >,can be removed 65,DFCommonJetDr,vector<float>,can be removed 66,DFCommonMuonPassIDCuts,vector<char>,can be removed 67,DFCommonMuonPassPreselection,vector<char>,can be removed 68,etaLayer1STGCHits,vector<unsigned char>,Number of hits in the first eta layer of sTGC chambers in the New Small Wheel 69,etaLayer2STGCHits,vector<unsigned char>,Number of hits in the second eta layer of sTGC chambers in the New Small Wheel 70,extendedClosePrecisionHits,vector<unsigned char>,can be removed 71,extendedOutBoundsPrecisionHits,vector<unsigned char>,can be removed 72,innerClosePrecisionHits,vector<unsigned char>,can be removed 73,innerOutBoundsPrecisionHits,vector<unsigned char>,can be removed 74,isEndcapGoodLayers,vector<unsigned char>,can be removed 75,middleClosePrecisionHits,vector<unsigned char>,can be removed 76,middleOutBoundsPrecisionHits,vector<unsigned char>,can be removed 77,MMHits,vector<unsigned char>,Number of hits in the MicroMegas chambers in the New Small Wheel 78,msOnlyExtrapolatedMuonSpectrometerTrackParticleLink,vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::TrackParticle_v1> > >,Helper variable to allow for retrieving the link to the original Muon Spectrometer track only track with back extrapolation to the primary vertex 79,muonSegmentLinks,vector<vector<ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::MuonSegment_v1> > > >,Links to muon tracks segments in the Muon Spectrometer 80,neflowisol20_CloseByCorr,vector<float>,Neutral particle flow isolation variable in 0.2 cone with close-by lepton correction 81,outerClosePrecisionHits,vector<unsigned char>,can be removed 82,outerOutBoundsPrecisionHits,vector<unsigned char>,can be removed 83,phiLayer1STGCHits,vector<unsigned char>,Number of hits in the first phi layer of sTGC chambers in the New Small Wheel 84,phiLayer2STGCHits,vector<unsigned char>,Number of hits in the second phi layer of sTGC chambers in the New Small Wheel 85,ptvarcone30_Nonprompt_All_MaxWeightTTVA_pt1000_CloseByCorr,vector<float>,Track Isolation in 0.3 varcone with improved track-vertex association and close-by lepton correction 86,ptvarcone30_Nonprompt_All_MaxWeightTTVA_pt500_CloseByCorr,vector<float>,Track Isolation in 0.3 varcone with improved track-vertex association and close-by lepton correction 87,segmentDeltaEta,vector<float>,"Angular difference between the extrapolated track and the innermost segment, measured in the eta coordinate" 88,spectrometerFieldIntegral,vector<float>,can be removed