1,definingParametersCovMatrixDiag,vector<vector<float> >,Combined muon track: covariance matrix diagonal of track fit
2,definingParametersCovMatrixOffDiag,vector<vector<float> >,Combined muon track: covariance matrix off-diagonal of track fit
3,phi,vector<float>,Combined muon track kinematics
4,truthType,vector<int>,Truth type associated with Combined muon track
5,truthOrigin,vector<int>,Truth origin associated with Combined muon track
6,numberOfPixelHits,vector<unsigned char>,Combined muon track: number of Pixel hits
7,numberOfPixelHoles,vector<unsigned char>,Combined muon track: number of Pixel holes
8,numberOfSCTHits,vector<unsigned char>,Combined muon track: number of SCT hits
9,numberOfSCTHoles,vector<unsigned char>,Combined muon track: number of SCT holes
10,numberOfPixelDeadSensors,vector<unsigned char>,Combined muon track: number of Pixel dead sensors on the track
11,numberOfSCTDeadSensors,vector<unsigned char>,Combined muon track: number of SCT dead sensors on the track
12,qOverP,vector<float>,Combined muon track kinematics
13,d0,vector<float>,"Transverse impact parameter, i.e. the distance of the closest point of the track to the beamspot on the transverse plane"
14,z0,vector<float>,"Longitudinal impact parameter, i.e. the track's distance from the beamspot along the z-axis, calculated at the point of closest approach to the beamspot on the transverse plane"
15,theta,vector<float>,Combined muon track kinematics
16,vz,vector<float>,"The point of reference for the z0 calculation, i.e. the beamspot position along the z-axis"
17,chiSquared,vector<float>,Combined muon track: chi square of fit
18,numberDoF,vector<float>,Combined muon track: number of degrees of freedom of fit
19,numberOfTRTHits,vector<unsigned char>,Combined muon track: number of TRT hits
20,numberOfTRTOutliers,vector<unsigned char>,Combined muon track: number of TRT outliers