LineNumber,VariableName,Type,Description 1,actualInteractionsPerCrossing,,Actual pileup mu (per BCID (Bunch Crosssing Identification)) 2,averageInteractionsPerCrossing,,Average pileup mu (average over BCIDs in the LB) 3,beamSpotWeight,,Additional event weight in case multiple beamspot sizes are included in the dataset 4,mcChannelNumber,,Monte Carlo DSID (channel number) 5,RandomRunNumber,,Randomized run number from pileup reweighting 6,GenFiltHT,,"Truth HT, definition to match generator filter" 7,GenFiltHTinclNu,,Generator filter based on HT including neutrinos (effective mass proxy) 8,GenFiltMET,,"Truth MET, definition to match generator filter" 9,GenFiltPTZ,,Generator filter based on Z boson pT 10,GenFiltFatJ,,Generator filter based on large radius jet momentum 11,DFCommonJets_eventClean_LooseBad,,Event clean flag based on loose jet cleaning 12,DFCommonJets_eventClean_LooseBadLLP,,Event clean flag based on loose LLP jet cleaning 13,PileupWeight_NOSYS,,Nominal pileup weight 14,runNumber,,Run number 15,eventNumber,,Event number 16,lumiBlock,,Lumiblock number 17,timeStamp,,Time stamp in ns 18,timeStampNSOffset,,Offset for timestamp (in case time stamp becomes very large) 19,bcid,,Bunch crossing unique identifier 20,detDescrTags,"vector<pair<string,string> >",Detector description (i.e. geometry version) 21,eventTypeBitmask,,"Type of event (Monte Carlo, data, etc) as bitmask" 22,pixelFlags,,Flags for Pixel detector status 23,sctFlags,,Flags for SCT detector status 24,trtFlags,,Flags for TRT detector status 25,larFlags,,Flags for LAr calorimeter detector status 26,tileFlags,,Flags for Tile calorimeter detector status 27,muonFlags,,Flags for Muon system detector status 28,forwardDetFlags,,Flags for forward detectors status 29,coreFlags,,"""Core"" flags for e.g. data corruption" 30,lumiFlags,,Flags for luminosity determination 31,beamPosSigmaX,,Beam spot width in x 32,beamPosSigmaXY,,Beam spot width in xy 33,beamPosSigmaY,,Beam spot width in y 34,beamPosSigmaZ,,Beam spot width in z 35,beamPosX,,Beam spot position in x 36,beamPosY,,Beam spot position in y 37,beamPosZ,,Beam spot position in z 38,beamStatus,,"Beam status (for data, e.g. stable beams)" 39,beamTiltXZ,,Beam spot tilt (rotation) in xz plane 40,beamTiltYZ,,Beam spot tilt (rotation) in yz plane 41,mcEventNumber,,Monte Carlo simulation event number 42,mcEventWeights,vector<float>,Generator event weight nominal and variations 43,pileUpMixtureIDHighBits,,Identifier for pileup events overlaid as background 44,pileUpMixtureIDLowBits,,Identifier for pileup events overlaid as background 45,DFCommonJets_isBadBatman,,Calorimeter noise cleaning based on jets - flag for special calorimeter region 46,DFCommonJets_BCIDDistanceFromFront,,Calorimeter noise cleaning based on jets - distance from the front of a bunch train 47,DFCommonJets_BCIDDistanceTail,,Calorimeter noise cleaning based on jets - distance to the tail of the train 48,DFCommonJets_BCIDGapBeforeTrain,,Calorimeter noise cleaning based on jets - number of empty bunches before the train 49,DFCommonJets_BCIDGapAfterTrain,,Calorimeter noise cleaning based on jets - number of empty bunches after the train 50,DFCommonJets_BCIDType,,Calorimeter noise cleaning based on jets - type of bunch crossing 51,DFCommonJets_BCIDGapBeforeTrainMinus12,,Gap before train for the BCID 12 before the collision of interest 52,DFCommonJets_BCIDGapAfterTrainMinus12,,Gap after train for the BCID 12 before the collision of interest 53,DFCommonJets_BCIDTypeMinus12,,BCID type for the BCID 12 before the collision of interest 54,HTXS_prodMode,,Higgs truth cross section production mode (a truth classification of Higgs events) 55,hardScatterVertexLink,ElementLink<DataVector<xAOD::Vertex_v1> >,Link to the hard-scatter vertex (matrix element vertex) 56,HF_Classification,,"Detailed classification of ttbar+heavy flavor events (counts of jets per category)" 57,HF_SimpleClassification,,"Simplified classification of ttbar+heavy flavor events (light/c/b)" 58,GRL2023,,Flag for specific Run 3 Good Run List 59,GRL2023_ignoreTRIG,,Flag for specific Run 3 ignoreTrig Good Run List 60,GRL2023_ignoreTRIG_HLTmisconf,,Flag for specific Run 3 ingnoreTrig_HLTmisconf Good Run List 61,GRL2023_ignoreTRIG_HLTmisconf_JETCTPIN,,Flag for specific Run 3 ingnoreTrig_HLTmisconf_JETCTPIN Good Run List 62,GRL2022,,Flag for specific Run 2 ingnoreTrig Good Run List 63,GRL2022_ignore_TRIGLAR,,Flag for specific Run 2 ingnore_TRIGLAR Good Run List 64,GRL2022_ignore_TRIGMUO_TRIGLAR,,Flag for specific Run 2 ingnore_TRIGMUO_TRIGLAR Good Run List 65,GRL2018_Triggerno17e33prim,,Flag for specific Run 2 Triggerno17e33prim 2018 Good Run List 66,GRL2018_BjetHLT,,Flag for specific Run 2 BjetHLT 2018 Good Run List 67,GRL2017_Triggerno17e33prim,,Flag for specific Run 2 Triggerno17e33prim 2017 Good Run List 68,GRL2017_BjetHLT_Normal2017,,Flag for specific Run 2 BjetHLT_Normal2017 Good Run List 69,GRL2017_JetHLT_Normal2017,,Flag for specific Run 2 JetHLT_Normal2017 Good Run List 70,GRL2016,,Flag for specific Run 2 2016 Good Run List 71,GRL2016_ignore_TOROID_STATUS,,Flag for specific Run 2 ignore_TOROID_STATUS Good Run List 72,GRL2016_BjetHLT,,Flag for specific Run 2 BjetHLT 2016 Good Run List 73,GRL2016_BjetHLT_Tight,,Flag for specific Run 2 BjetHLT_Tight Good Run List 74,GRL2015,,Flag for specific Run 2 2015 Good Run List