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Commit 5eac76d7 authored by kreps's avatar kreps Committed by kreps
Browse files

Tagging package Gen/DecFiles as v29r9

git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// 4525493e-7705-40b1-a816-d608a930855b
parents c3b632f4 6eb2bfa9
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# EventType: 26164061
# EventType: 26164051
# Descriptor: [Xi_cc++ -> (D+ -> K- pi+ pi+ ) pi+ ]cc
# EventType: 26264061
# EventType: 26264051
# Descriptor: [Xi_cc++ -> (Lambda_c+ -> p K- pi+) pi+ ]cc
......@@ -29,6 +29,9 @@
!========================= DecFiles v29r9 2016-11-09 =======================
! 2016-11-09 - Michal Kreps
- Fix decay file testing script to use correct settings for GenXicc.
! 2016-11-08 - Michal Kreps
- Fixing script to include event types starting with 59
into bookkeeping update scripts.
......@@ -124,8 +127,8 @@
! 2016-11-02 - Jibo He
- Added new DecFiles for Xi_cc/bc:
+ 26163051 Xicc+_D0p,Kpi=GenXicc,DecProdCut,WithMinPT.dec
+ 26164061 Xicc++_D+p,Kpipi=GenXicc,DecProdCut,WithMinPT.dec
+ 26264061 Xicc++_Lcpi,pKpi-res=GenXicc,DecProdCut,WithMinPT.dec
+ 26164051 Xicc++_D+p,Kpipi=GenXicc,DecProdCut,WithMinPT.dec
+ 26264051 Xicc++_Lcpi,pKpi-res=GenXicc,DecProdCut,WithMinPT.dec
+ 16102061 Xibc_pK=DecProdCut,m=6.9GeV,t=0.4ps.dec
+ 16103061 Xibc+_pKst=DecProdCut,m=6.9GeV,t=0.4ps.dec
+ 16103062 Xibc+_Delta++K=DecProdCut,m=6.9GeV,t=0.4ps.dec
......@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ import logging
def testEventType(eventType, nevents=0):
'''Function, which runs actual test for given event type.'''
gaussVersion = 'v49r4'
gaussVersion = 'v49r5'
fullPath = sys.argv[0]
if fullPath[0] != '/':
fullPath = os.getcwd()+'/'+sys.argv[0]
......@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ def testEventType(eventType, nevents=0):
if eventType[0:2] == '14':
generator = '$LBBCVEGPYROOT/options/'
if eventType[0:2] == '26' and (eventType[6] == '5' or eventType[6] == '6'):
generator = '$LBGENXICCROOT/options/'
generator = '$LBGENXICCROOT/options/'
if eventType[0:2] == '16' and (eventType[6] == '6'):
generator = '$LBGENXICCROOT/options/'
if eventType[0:2] == '26' and (eventType[6] == '8' or eventType[6] == '9'):
......@@ -71,6 +71,7 @@ $GAUSSOPTS/ \
''' + nevtFile[1])
# runCommand = ['lb-run --nightly=lhcb-sim09 Gauss ' + gaussVersion + ' bash ' + runFile[1]]
runCommand = ['lb-run Gauss ' + gaussVersion + ' bash ' + runFile[1]]
# Here we can do actual running of Gauss and grabbing stdout and stderr
proc = subprocess.Popen(runCommand, shell=True, \
......@@ -92,8 +93,8 @@ $GAUSSOPTS/ \
if sout.find(expString2) > -1:
nFound += 1
if nFound == 2:
return True
return False
return True, sout, serr
return False, sout, serr
......@@ -245,7 +246,10 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
nevt = 0
if len(sys.argv) == 3:
nevt = int(sys.argv[2])
result = testEventType(evtType, nevt)
print('Result of the test is ', result)
result, out, err = testEventType(evtType, nevt)
print('Result of the test for '+str(evtType)+' is ', result)
if not result:
# testEventType('12365400', 0)
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