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Feature different track selection configurations

Antonello Pellecchia requested to merge feature/tracking-configuration into main

This MR allows different options to select the best track in events with ambiguities.

Supported types for now are:

  • tmmCharge: for each tracking detector, use only the rechit with highest charge to build the track and only if the ratio between the y and x charges is within 3 and 9 (used by HCAL setups);
  • bestChi2: build all possible combinations of rechits and keep the one corresponding to the best track chi2 (used by GEM setups).

Additionally, the Tracking program is split in a RechitFileReader and a TrackFileWriter that take care of the I/O. The tracking algorithms are written in the include/tracking/algorithms directory and are instantiated by a TrackingFactory class according to what is selected in the xml geometry file.

Bug fixes are also included, for example one regarding the calculation of the width of the detector: 8a587144.

Finally, this MR contains improvements and bugfixes (e.g. mapping and clustering) for the HCAL setups.

Edited by Antonello Pellecchia

Merge request reports