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fixed toy fit results getting overwritten

Jonas Eschle requested to merge hotfix/toy-result-overwritten into master

@matzeni reported (#26 (closed)) a problem that the fit results, when using multiple jobs, only contain the last fit and therefore gets overwritten somehow. Seems like it really got overwritten due to the use of pd.HDFStore with mode='w'. Fix: replace with modify_hdf.

Did not replace the mode 'w' -> 'r' because if the file does not exist, an error will be thrown.

See also the changed file bugfix. Not yet tested if it solves @matzeni problem (but I guess).

Further changes:

  • replaced 'append' mode with 'read' for hdf file that is only read (existence of file is tested before, so 'r' is ok)
  • replaced (in test) pd.HDFStore with the "better" modify_hdf

Ready to merge

Edited by Jonas Eschle

Merge request reports
