diff --git a/analysis/fit/README.md b/analysis/fit/README.md
index de145b84fdfec4cf9d2f476ed2a21b9c40f2e0ee..739689ae971f9f6406cece48d31018dc2e19b722 100644
--- a/analysis/fit/README.md
+++ b/analysis/fit/README.md
@@ -38,15 +38,97 @@ register_fit_strategy('simple',
 More complicated functions can also be used.
-RooVarConfig: configurations for the variables, like  
-"CONST 5.9"  
+Configuration Syntax
+###Loading from result
+Either single values or parts of a pdf can be loaded from a result.
+To specify *which value to be loaded*, one can use either of the two possibilities:
+`path_func:name:key format`
+The file to be loaded from is therefore either specified by the exact *filename* using the `file_name` keyword
+or through the name of a path function and the corresponding name using the `path_func:name`. The key
+is expected to be in the format of `key1/subkey3` to load `val` from `{key1: {subkey3: val}}` resp. in yaml format
+    subkey3: val`
+####Loading parts of a pdf
+It is possible to load whole parts of a pdf or even a full pdf using the `load` keyword. To specify,
+*where to but the loaded value*, a `load` keyword has to be placed *directly* where the loaded part should
+be attached.
+In order to overwrite a parameter of the loaded pdf, the key and it's new value have to be provided under
+a `modify` key.
+Example (reduced to the essentials):
+    sig:
+        parameters:
+            mu: CONST 5.0
+            sigma: CONST 36.2
+            alpha: CONST -0.43
+    bkg:
+        parameters:
+            lambda: CONST 3.2`
+use signal pdf from result:
+    sig:
+        load: path/to/file/result.yaml:parameters
+        modify:
+            parameters:
+                alpha: CONST 0.54
+    other_sig:
+        parameters:
+            mu: CONST 2.3
+            sigma: CONST 151`
+which will result in the *effective* configuration:
+    sig:
+        parameters:
+            mu: CONST 5.0
+            sigma: CONST 36.2
+                alpha: CONST 0.54
+    other_sig:
+        parameters:
+            mu: CONST 2.3
+            sigma: CONST 151`
+*alternative `modify` syntax*: in the example, equivalently `parameters/alpha: CONST 0.54` could be used instead of
+    alpha: Const 0.54`.
+Note that *not using `modify`* in order to alter a loaded configuration will raise an Error!
+Example (FAILS by design!):
+    sig:
+        load: path/to/file/result.yaml:parameters
+        parameters:
+            alpha: CONST 0.54`
+###Variables Syntax
+RooVarConfig: configurations for the variables, like
+"CONST 5.9"
 "VAR 4 3 5.6"
-###Variable, constant and constraint
+####Variable, constant and constraint
 These are the more basic values.
@@ -55,30 +137,30 @@ These are the more basic values.
 The variable used for everything that is floating. Parameters have the same order as the
 ROOT internally used Class (except that an initial value *has to be* provided).
-ROOT analogue: RooRealVar (with min, max specified)  
-Types: string numerical numerical numerical  
-Meaning: VAR initial_val minimum maximum  
-Example: VAR 500 450 570  
+ROOT analogue: RooRealVar (with min, max specified)
+Types: string numerical numerical numerical
+Meaning: VAR initial_val minimum maximum
+Example: VAR 500 450 570
 A numerical constant.
-ROOT analogue: RooRealVar (without min, max specified)  
-Types: string numerical  
-Meaning: CONST value  
-Example: CONST 13.41  
+ROOT analogue: RooRealVar (without min, max specified)
+Types: string numerical
+Meaning: CONST value
+Example: CONST 13.41
 Currently implemented is the gaussian constraining of a parameter.
-ROOT analogue: ROOT.RooGaussian  
-Types: string numerical numerical  
-Meaning: GAUSS value("mean") value_error("sigma")  
-Example: GAUSS 647 15  
+ROOT analogue: ROOT.RooGaussian
+Types: string numerical numerical
+Meaning: GAUSS value("mean") value_error("sigma")
+Example: GAUSS 647 15
-###Shift, scale and blind
+####Shift, scale and blind
 Those values have one thing in common: they "refer" to another value in one or the other way.
 With the current implementation, it is necessary to use a *shared variable*
@@ -86,40 +168,40 @@ for this referenced value.
-ROOT analogue: RooAddition  
-Types: string reference RooVarConfig     
-Meaning: SHIFT variable_to_shift_from shift_itself    
-Example: SHIFT @muTrue VAR 500 200 900  
+ROOT analogue: RooAddition
+Types: string reference RooVarConfig
+Meaning: SHIFT shift_itself variable_to_shift_from
+Example: SHIFT @muShift 900
-ROOT analogue: RooProduct  
-Types: string reference RooVarConfig  
-Meaning: SCALE variable_to_be_scaled scale_itself    
-Example: SCALE @sigma1 VAR 3 1 5  
+ROOT analogue: RooProduct
+Types: string reference RooVarConfig
+Meaning: SCALE scale_itself variable_to_be_scaled
+Example: SCALE @sigmaScale 5
 For the blinding, a blind string is provided for the randomization, a central value
 as well as a sigma value. Those three parameters are used to "blind" the parameter.
-ROOT analogue: RooUnblindPrecision  
-Types: string reference  string numerical numerical  
-Meaning: BLIND blinding_reference blind_str central_val sigma_val  
-Example: BLIND @sigma1 uzhirchel 15 36  
+ROOT analogue: RooUnblindPrecision
+Types: string reference  string numerical numerical
+Meaning: BLIND blinding_reference blind_str central_val sigma_val
+Example: BLIND @sigma1 uzhirchel 15 36
-###shared variables
+####shared variables
 Shared variables can be referenced by their *reference_name*. Every variable can
 be shared (so not strings, numerical etc. where sharing would not serve any purpose either).
-Types: @string/string/string/string *(followed by params as needed for Roo variable config)*    
+Types: @string/string/string/string *(followed by params as needed for Roo variable config)*
 Meaning: @reference_name/variable_name/variable_title/type (type is the exact config
-syntax for a variable)  
-Example: @mu1_low/mu1/mu_the_lower/VAR 50 10 90 (shared variable of type VAR) 
-Usage examples:  
-just the reference: @mu1_low  
-within another variable: SHIFT @mu1_low 2701 (shift the value 2071 by @mu1_low)    
+syntax for a variable)
+Example: @mu1_low/mu1/mu_the_lower/VAR 50 10 90 (shared variable of type VAR)
+Usage examples:
+just the reference: @mu1_low
+within another variable: SHIFT @mu1_low 2701 (shift the value 2071 by @mu1_low)
diff --git a/analysis/fit/result.py b/analysis/fit/result.py
index 07ea940ef80b1f96847eaaeb5f9c40af4e527e06..d72dcc95f2708f07bf9434c4d2b2eb8baafe6ef1 100644
--- a/analysis/fit/result.py
+++ b/analysis/fit/result.py
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ import numpy as np
 from analysis.utils.config import load_config, write_config, ConfigError
 from analysis.utils.root import iterate_roocollection
+from analysis.utils.decorators import memoize
 import analysis.utils.paths as _paths
@@ -22,7 +23,6 @@ _SUFFIXES = ('', '_err_hesse', '_err_plus', '_err_minus')
 def ensure_initialized(method):
     """Make sure the fit result is initialized."""
     def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
         """Check result is empty. Raise otherwise."""
         if not self.get_result():
@@ -64,6 +64,7 @@ class FitResult(object):
         return self._result
+    @memoize
     def from_roofit(roofit_result):
         """Load the `RooFitResult` into the internal format.
@@ -102,6 +103,7 @@ class FitResult(object):
         return FitResult(result)
+    @memoize
     def from_yaml(yaml_dict):
         """Initialize from a YAML dictionary.
@@ -130,6 +132,7 @@ class FitResult(object):
         return FitResult(yaml_dict)
+    @memoize
     def from_yaml_file(name):
         """Initialize from a YAML file.
@@ -158,6 +161,7 @@ class FitResult(object):
             raise KeyError("Missing keys in input file -> {}".format(','.join(error.missing_keys)))
+    @memoize
     def from_hdf(name):  # TODO: which path func?
         """Initialize from a hdf file.
@@ -222,7 +226,7 @@ class FitResult(object):
                                    for param_name, param in self._result['fit-parameters'].items()
                                    for val, suffix in zip(param, _SUFFIXES)))
         pandas_dict.update(OrderedDict((param_name, val) for param_name, val
-                            in self._result['const-parameters'].items()))
+                                       in self._result['const-parameters'].items()))
         pandas_dict['status_migrad'] = self._result['status'].get('MIGRAD', -1)
         pandas_dict['status_hesse'] = self._result['status'].get('HESSE', -1)
         pandas_dict['status_minos'] = self._result['status'].get('MINOS', -1)
@@ -324,7 +328,7 @@ class FitResult(object):
         return not any(status for status in self._result['status'].values()) and \
-               self._result['covariance-matrix']['quality'] == 3
+            self._result['covariance-matrix']['quality'] == 3
     def generate_random_pars(self, params=None, include_const=False):
diff --git a/analysis/utils/config.py b/analysis/utils/config.py
index 108a89e4d1227e08817dc66b1a600afd27261f8f..b7365a6ec053adbe797929cda055c50e746e8adb 100644
--- a/analysis/utils/config.py
+++ b/analysis/utils/config.py
@@ -35,6 +35,18 @@ def load_config(*file_names, **options):
         - `validate` (list), which gets a list of keys to check. If one of these
             keys is not present, `config.ConfigError` is raised.
+    Additionally, several commands are available to modify the configurations:
+        - The `load` key can be used to load other config files from the
+            config file. The value of this key can have two formats:
+            + `file_name:key` inserts the contents of `key` in `file_name` at the same
+                level as the `load` entry.
+            + `path_func:name:key` inserts the contents `key` in the file obtained by the
+                `get_{path_func}_path(name)` call at the same level as the `load` entry.
+        - The `modify` command can be used to modify a previously loaded key/value pair.
+            It has the format `key: value` and replaces `key` at its same level by the value
+            given by `value`. For more complete examples and documentation, see the README.
         *file_names (list[str]): Files to load.
         **options (dict): Configuration options. See above for supported
@@ -58,13 +70,60 @@ def load_config(*file_names, **options):
         except yaml.parser.ParserError as error:
             raise KeyError(str(error))
-    data = fold_config(unfolded_data, OrderedDict)
+    # Load required data
+    unfolded_data_expanded = []
+    root_prev_load = None
+    for key, val in unfolded_data:
+        command = key.split('/')[-1]
+        if command == 'load':  # An input requirement has been made
+            split_val = val.split(":")
+            if len(split_val) == 2:  # file_name:key format
+                file_name_result, required_key = split_val
+            elif len(split_val) == 3:  # path_func:name:key format
+                path_name, name, required_key = split_val
+                import analysis.utils.paths as _paths
+                try:
+                    path_func = getattr(_paths, 'get_{}_path'.format(path_name))
+                except AttributeError:
+                    raise ConfigError("Unknown path getter type -> {}".format(path_name))
+                file_name_result = path_func(name)
+            else:
+                raise ConfigError("Malformed 'load' key")
+            try:
+                root = key.rsplit('/load')[0]
+                for new_key, new_val in unfold_config(load_config(file_name_result, root=required_key)):
+                    unfolded_data_expanded.append(('{}/{}'.format(root, new_key), new_val))
+            except Exception:
+                logger.error("Error loading required data in %s", required_key)
+                raise
+            else:
+                root_prev_load = root
+        elif root_prev_load and key.startswith(root_prev_load):  # we have to handle it *somehow*
+            relative_key = key.split(root_prev_load + '/', 1)[1]  # remove root
+            if not relative_key.startswith('modify/'):
+                logger.error("Key {} cannot be used without 'modify' if 'load' came before.".format(key))
+                raise ConfigError("Loaded pdf with 'load' can *only* be modified by using 'modify'.")
+            key_to_replace = '{}/{}'.format(root_prev_load, relative_key.split('modify/', 1)[1])
+            try:
+                key_index = [key for key, _ in unfolded_data_expanded].index(key_to_replace)
+            except IndexError:
+                logger.error("Cannot find key to modify -> %s", key_to_replace)
+                raise ConfigError("Malformed 'modify' key")
+            unfolded_data_expanded[key_index] = (key_to_replace, val)
+        else:
+            root_prev_load = None  # reset, there was no 'load'
+            unfolded_data_expanded.append((key, val))
+    # Fold back
+    data = fold_config(unfolded_data_expanded, OrderedDict)
     logger.debug('Loaded configuration -> %s', data)
     data_root = options.get('root', '')
     if data_root:
-        if data_root not in data:
-            raise ConfigError("Root node not found in dataset -> {}".format(**data_root))
-        data = data[data_root]
+        for root_node in data_root.split('/'):
+            try:
+                data = data[root_node]
+            except KeyError:
+                raise ConfigError("Root node {} of {} not found in dataset".format(root_node, data_root))
     if 'validate' in options:
         missing_keys = []
         data_keys = ['/'.join(key.split('/')[:entry_num+1])
@@ -214,20 +273,20 @@ def configure_parameter(name, title, parameter_config, external_vars=None):
     consists in a letter that indicates the "action" to apply on the parameter,
     followed by the configuration of that action. There are several possibilities:
         * 'VAR' (or nothing) is used for parameters without constraints. If one configuration
-        element is given, the parameter doesn't have limits. If three are given, the last two
-        specify the low and upper limits. Parameter is set to not constant.
+            element is given, the parameter doesn't have limits. If three are given, the last two
+            specify the low and upper limits. Parameter is set to not constant.
         * 'CONST' indicates a constant parameter. The following argument indicates
-        at which value to fix it.
+            at which value to fix it.
         * 'GAUSS' is used for a Gaussian-constrained parameter. The arguments of that
-        Gaussian, ie, its mean and sigma, have to be given after the letter.
+            Gaussian, ie, its mean and sigma, have to be given after the letter.
         * 'SHIFT' is used to perform a constant shift to a variable. The first value must be a
             shared variable, the second can be a number or a shared variable.
         * 'SCALE' is used to perform a constant scaling to a variable. The first value must be a
             shared variable, the second can be a number or a shared variable.
         * 'BLIND' covers the actual parameter by altering its value in an unknown way. The first
-          value must be a shared variable whereas the following are a string and two floats.
-          They represent a randomization string, a mean and a width (both used for the
-          randomization of the value as well).
+            value must be a shared variable whereas the following are a string and two floats.
+            They represent a randomization string, a mean and a width (both used for the
+            randomization of the value as well).
     In addition, wherever a variable value is expected one can use a 'fit_name:var_name' specification to
     load the value from a fit result. In the case of 'GAUSS', if no sigma is given, the Hesse error
diff --git a/analysis/utils/decorators.py b/analysis/utils/decorators.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..54e162774eec6913fea4a02834a298a7d4e17c93
--- /dev/null
+++ b/analysis/utils/decorators.py
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# =============================================================================
+# @file   decorators.py
+# @author Albert Puig (albert.puig@cern.ch)
+# @date   16.11.2017
+# =============================================================================
+"""Useful decorators."""
+# pylint: disable=R0903,C0103
+class memoize(object):
+    """Memoize the creation of class instances."""
+    def __init__(self, cls):
+        """Initialize the decorator.
+        Pay special attention to static methods.
+        """
+        self.cls = cls
+        cls.instances = {}
+        self.__dict__.update(cls.__dict__)
+        # This bit allows staticmethods to work as you would expect.
+        for attr, val in cls.__dict__.items():
+            if isinstance(val, staticmethod):
+                self.__dict__[attr] = val.__func__
+    def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        """Create class instance.
+        Instances are memoized according to their init arguments, which are converted
+        to string and used as keys.
+        """
+        key = '{}//{}'.format('//'.join(map(str, args)),
+                              '//'.join('{}:{}'.format(str(key), str(val))
+                                        for key, val in kwargs.items()))
+        if key not in self.cls.instances:
+            self.cls.instances[key] = self.cls(*args, **kwargs)
+        return self.cls.instances[key]
+# EOF
diff --git a/tests/test_config.py b/tests/test_config.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d75582d7c2d3c5da45e9e3f33e16a746563f0a42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test_config.py
@@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# =============================================================================
+# @file   test_config.py
+# @author Jonas Eschle 'Mayou36' (jonas.eschle@cern.ch)
+# @date   24.11.2017
+# =============================================================================
+"""Test configuration related functionality/manipulations"""
+import contextlib
+import tempfile
+import os
+import atexit
+import yaml
+import yamlordereddictloader
+import pytest
+from analysis.utils.config import load_config, ConfigError
+def create_tempfile(suffix=None):
+    """Create a temporary file and remove it on exit "guaranteed".
+    Returns:
+        tuple(os handle, str): Returns same objects as :py:func:`tempfile.mkstemp`.
+    """
+    try:
+        os_handle, filename = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix=suffix)
+    except Exception:  # aiming at interruptions
+        print("Exception occured while creating a temp-file")
+        raise
+    finally:
+        atexit.register(cleanup_file, filename)
+    return os_handle, filename
+def cleanup_file(filename):
+    """Remove a file if exists."""
+    try:
+        os.remove(filename)
+    except FileNotFoundError as error:
+        pass  # file was not created at all
+def temp_file():
+    """Create temporary files, cleanup after exit"""
+    _, file_name = create_tempfile()
+    yield file_name
+    os.remove(file_name)
+def dump_yaml_str(config_str):
+    _, filename = create_tempfile(suffix='yaml')
+    with open(filename, 'w') as yaml_file:
+        yaml_file.write(config_str)
+    return filename
+def result_simple():
+    result_str = """result:
+                        bkg_pdf:
+                            pdf: exp
+                            parameters:
+                                tau: CONST -0.003
+                        signal_pdf:
+                            yield: 0.9
+                            fit-result:
+                                mu: 999 99 9999
+                                sigma1: '111 11 1111'
+                                sigma2: '@sigma'
+                                n1: 555 55 555
+                                n2: 1.6 0.2 2
+                                alpha1: 0.25923 0.1 0.5
+                                alpha2: -1.9749 -3.5 -1.0
+                                frac: 0.84873 0.1 1.0"""
+    filename = dump_yaml_str(result_str)
+    return filename
+def result_simple_signal():
+    result_str = """
+        signal:
+            yield: 0.5
+            pdf:
+                mass:
+                    pdf: cb
+                    parameters:
+                        mu: 5246.7 5200 5300
+                        sigma1: '@sigma/sigma/sigma/41 35 45'
+                        sigma2: '@sigma'
+                        n1: 5.6689 2 9
+                        n2: 1.6 0.2 2
+                        alpha1: 0.25923 0.1 0.5
+                        alpha2: -1.9749 -3.5 -1.0
+                        frac: 0.84873 0.1 1.0
+        background:
+            pdf:
+                mass:
+                    pdf: exp
+                    parameters:
+                        tau: CONST -0.003
+        """
+    filename = dump_yaml_str(result_str)
+    return filename
+def config_simple_load(result_simple):
+    config_str = """
+        signal:
+            yield: 0.5
+            pdf:
+                mass:
+                    pdf: cb
+                    parameters:
+                        load: {yaml_res}:result/signal_pdf/fit-result
+                        modify: 
+                            mu: 5246.7 5200 5300
+                            sigma1: '@sigma/sigma/sigma/41 35 45'
+                            n1: 5.6689 2 9
+        background:
+            pdf:
+                mass:
+                    load: {yaml_res}:result/bkg_pdf""".format(yaml_res=result_simple)  # tempfile name
+    filename = dump_yaml_str(config_str)
+    return filename
+def config_simple_load_signal(result_simple_signal):
+    config_str = """
+        signal:
+            load: {yaml_res}:signal
+            modify: 
+                yield: 0.5
+                pdf:
+                    mass:
+                        parameters: 
+                            mu: 5246.7 5200 5300
+                            sigma1: '@sigma/sigma/sigma/41 35 45'
+                            n1: 5.6689 2 9
+        background:
+            pdf:
+                load: {yaml_res}:background/pdf""".format(yaml_res=result_simple_signal)  # tempfile name
+    filename = dump_yaml_str(config_str)
+    return filename
+def config_simple_fail_noload(result_simple):
+    config_str = """
+        signal:
+            yield: 0.5
+            pdf:
+                mass:
+                    pdf: cb
+                    parameters:
+                        load: {yaml_res}:result/signal_pdf/fit-result 
+                        mu: 5246.7 5200 5300
+        background:
+            pdf:
+                mass:
+                    load: {yaml_res}:result/bkg_pdf""".format(yaml_res=result_simple)  # tempfile name
+    filename = dump_yaml_str(config_str)
+    return filename
+def config_simple_load_target():
+    """What we want config_simple_load to look like"""
+    loaded_config = yaml.load("""
+        signal:
+            yield: 0.5
+            pdf:
+                mass:
+                    pdf: cb
+                    parameters:
+                        mu: 5246.7 5200 5300
+                        sigma1: '@sigma/sigma/sigma/41 35 45'
+                        sigma2: '@sigma'
+                        n1: 5.6689 2 9
+                        n2: 1.6 0.2 2
+                        alpha1: 0.25923 0.1 0.5
+                        alpha2: -1.9749 -3.5 -1.0
+                        frac: 0.84873 0.1 1.0
+        background:
+            pdf:
+                mass:
+                    pdf: exp
+                    parameters:
+                        tau: CONST -0.003
+        """,
+                              Loader=yamlordereddictloader.Loader)
+    return loaded_config
+def test_simple(config_simple_load, config_simple_load_target):
+    config = load_config(config_simple_load)
+    assert config == config_simple_load_target
+def test_simple_signal(config_simple_load_signal, config_simple_load_target):
+    config = load_config(config_simple_load_signal)
+    assert config == config_simple_load_target
+def test_fails_loudly(config_simple_fail_noload):
+    with pytest.raises(ConfigError) as error_info:
+        load_config(config_simple_fail_noload)