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Draft: Added a script, attempting to configure the InDetV0Finder and schedule...

Waltteri Leinonen requested to merge (removed):add-v0s into r22

Configuring and Scheduling the InDetV0Finder in the TDD

This MR is only intended to communicate to others working in FTAG what I'm attempting to accomplish here.

Here I attempt to configure and schedule the InDetV0Finder in the TDD. The configuration is in the script, and is scheduled in the ca-dump-single-btag file. Note that I've commented out the ca.merge(dumper.getDumperConfig) line, as I'm only trying to get it scheduled initially, and then worry about outputting to HDF5 format later.

The configuration still gives errors from the Extrapolator tool configuration, again complaining about No job properties found. This is not allowed for an AthCheckedComponent.

I believe anyone can try to run this locally using something similar to the command I use: ca-dump-single-btag -c ../training-dataset-dumper/configs/single-b-tag/EMPFlow.json /eos/user/w/wleinone/ftag_tutorial/data/DAOD_PHYSVAL.ttbar_tutorial.root

Wherein I use the same sample data from the TDD tutorial some months ago, stored in EOS.

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