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Add HitLink Information

Roman Kusters requested to merge (removed):addingHitLink2 into main

Adding information

  1. if Hit was used in Track reconstruction
  2. for used Hits: which position Track has in sorted vector

At the moment: only save 1 Trackposition (even if hit was used for 2 Tracks(not sure about the datastructure for this case)) roughly 2% of the hits have more than 1 track associated to them

Should be used later by GN2 for Trackless studies Large samples for studies are requested but not produced yet ( athena tags: r15069 for mc23a default r15072 for mc23a low pT r15073 for mc23c default r15074 for mc23c low pT)

Small sample of FTAG1 (2000 Events) exists here: /eos/home-r/rkusters/FTAG/athena/run_long/DAOD_FTAG1.DAOD.24937557._019634.pool.root.1

Tagging @svanstro @hartman @dan-guest @pgadow @sargyrop @mtanasin

Edited by Roman Kusters

Merge request reports