There is no standard. Can you disable your formatter? It's adding way too much noise: I didn't comment on the changes to imports but that's also a ...
Sorry for that, but it's I think "standard" to go with the double quotation marks. My formatter changes these automatically
do you really need to change all the quotes from '
to "
? This makes for a lot of noise.
Didn't want to open a new MR but could you also change this to the ghost label HadronGhostTruthLabelID
This one should be there, but I rearranged a bit the order to make it more visible
Removed it
Removed it
There should also be a pu
score which is the sum of ud+s+g, which would be nice to save for convenience
let's remove the detailed light jet class for the non PFlowMuon trainings? it's quite a lot of variables which will make working with the jets data...
let's remove the pT regression for the simple flip taggers
I'm wondering if, just in case someone wants to create some samples now, we should hold off on this MR until the samples have finished.
If this whole config is the same as the GN3 config then instead this can be done like...
ab05a574 · Adding isHadronicTauFromTruthTaus Label