Eye diagram EP, upgrade to newer FELIX SW
In this merge request:
- New endpoint for eye monitor diagram and DC offset (bias) monitoring - example of usage is in Optoboard production testing for downlink operation analysis; Output is DC offset (or bias) and filenames for values and plot of eye monitoring diagram
- Removal of singular soft error counter endpoint - parallel soft error counter renamed, and now user can give either one value or multiple values to one function (still called softErrorCounter)
- Soft error scan is also parallelised now
- Removed "version" from example docker-compose - removes warning about it being obsolete
- Switching to newer FELIX SW
- FELIX base image 05-00-04, itk-demo-felix:demi-12
- Requires tagging of optoboard-felix due to changes in soft error counter functions and addition of DC offset (bias) component to eye monitoring diagram function
- Added 'mkdir /results' to API Dockerfile
- Removed alive-progress
- Moved pyconfigdb installation from API Dockerfile to opto-base-image Dockerfile
- API/UI/worker image changed to demi-7 in preparation for tag
Edited by Marianna Glazewska