New endpoint for eye monitor diagram and DC offset (bias) monitoring - example of usage is in Optoboard production testing for downlink operation analysis; Output is DC offset (or bias) and filenames for values and plot of eye monitoring diagram
Removal of singular soft error counter endpoint - parallel soft error counter renamed, and now user can give either one value or multiple values to one function (still called softErrorCounter)
Soft error scan is also parallelised now
Removed "version" from example docker-compose - removes warning about it being obsolete
Switching to newer FELIX SW
FELIX base image 05-00-04, itk-demo-felix:demi-12
Requires tagging of optoboard-felix due to changes in soft error counter functions and addition of DC offset (bias) component to eye monitoring diagram function
Added 'mkdir /results' to API Dockerfile
Removed alive-progress
Moved pyconfigdb installation from API Dockerfile to opto-base-image Dockerfile
API/UI/worker image changed to demi-7 in preparation for tag