logparser.py failed to parse log.generate created by release 23.6.36
logParser.py failed extract following infos from log.generate files.
using release [AthGeneration-23.6.36] [x86_64-el9-gcc13-opt].
JOs: DSID: https://cernbox.cern.ch/s/EiGzgG17ndxSV3U or "/eos/user/e/ekarentz/myPhysicsAnalysis/DSID_jira"
Performance metrics:
MISSING Performance metric:
ERROR: snapshot_post_fin is missing!
ERROR: jobcfg_walltime is missing!
ERROR: VmRSS is missing!
I searched log.generate files and didn't file any of these words.
Maybe the printout changed in Athena?
Cheers, Ablet
Edited by Yiming Abulaiti