commit script broken
Look like the recent MR !252 (merged) broke the commit script, since it's doesn't accept JOs and gridpacks apparently:
Checking jO consistency and DSID ranges ...
950xxx/950031/ in correct DSID range
New DSID directory: 950xxx/950031 ...
OK: log.generate file found.
OK: log.generate file contains no errors
OK: CI job expected to last less than 1h - time estimate: 0.05 hours
Will now add files to git commit
File: log.generate cannot be added to the commit. Skipping.
File: log.generate.short cannot be added to the commit. Skipping.
File: mc_13TeV.Sh_228_ttbar_AllHadronic_EnhMaxHTavrgTopPT.GRID.tar.gz cannot be added to the commit. Skipping.
File: cannot be added to the commit. Skipping.
Added: Sherpa_i
This was found in !256 (merged).