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Rohin Thampilali Narayan requested to merge narayan-master-patch-31274 into master

Description of bug

Number of LHE events too low. Event generation exhausted and getting following errors 22:30:30 CountHepMC ERROR No enough events produced. Requested 10000 provided 8332 22:30:30 SimTimeEstimate INFO ==> RUN INFORMATION | Processed 8332 events and found 4.30436e+10 of energy to be processed. 22:30:30 EvgenPostSeq INFO Finalizing EvgenPostSeq... 22:30:30 AthAlgSeq INFO Finalizing AthAlgSeq...

Changes introduced

Changed evgenConfig.inputFilesPerJob = 4 to evgenConfig.inputFilesPerJob = 5


Performed local tests and verified successful production EVNT file.

Issues resolved

Closes #

Merge request reports
