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Add check for MG events and restructuring

Spyros Argyropoulos requested to merge mg into master

Changes introduced

  • Adding test for MadGraph that nEvents generated in MG should be > 1.1*nEventsPerJob - the former is extracted from Py:MadGraphUtils INFO Setting nevents
  • Restructuring of the code to make the code clearer


Using a log.generate that Avik provided in the MR !355 (merged)

Output if nEvents is high enough

Generator specific tests: MadGraph(v.2.6.7p3.atlas5)+Pythia8(v.244p3)+EvtGen(v.1.7.0)
INFO: Pythia 8 checks: Passed
WARNING: No PDF base fragment was included, which is the recommended way to steer pdf and systematics (see
INFO: MadGraph checks: Passed

Errors : 0 , Warnings : 1  -> Some warnings encountered, check that these are ok before submitting production!

Output if nEvents is NOT high enough

I hacked the line in log.generate to read Py:MadGraphUtils INFO Setting nevents = 10000.0.

Generator specific tests: MadGraph(v.2.6.7p3.atlas5)+Pythia8(v.244p3)+EvtGen(v.1.7.0)
INFO: Pythia 8 checks: Passed
ERROR: Increase nevents to be generated in MG from 10000 to 11000
WARNING: No PDF base fragment was included, which is the recommended way to steer pdf and systematics (see

Errors : 1 , Warnings : 1  -> Errors encountered! Not ready for production!

Issues resolved

Closes #

Edited by Spyros Argyropoulos

Merge request reports
