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Allow logParser to handle inputGeneratorFile printed by Herwig interface

Spyros Argyropoulos requested to merge fixH7 into master

Changes introduced

The Herwig7 interface is printing inputGeneratorFile by itself with a convention that was not recognised by logParser.
We should fix this in the transform/interface side in the future, because the current implementation is easy to break and generally not easily maintainable.

However this MR provides a way to recognise the input LHE files passed to Herwig and propagate to the chain.


1. Test on H7 file with external LHE inputs

File provided by @aivina and @jveatch :

python scripts/ -i 600xxx/600065/log.generate  

Generate transform params:
- ecmEnergy =  13000
- nEventsPerJob =  10000
- Requested output events =  10000
- transform =  Gen_tf
- inputFilesPerJob =  11
- inputGeneratorFile =  TXT.451483._000001.tar.gz,TXT.451483._000002.tar.gz,TXT.451483._000003.tar.gz,TXT.451483._000004.tar.gz,TXT.451483._000005.tar.gz,TXT.451483._000006.tar.gz,TXT.451483._000007.tar.gz,TXT.451483._000008.tar.gz,TXT.451483._000009.tar.gz,TXT.451483._000010.tar.gz,TXT.451483._000011.tar.gz


Errors : 0 , Warnings : 1  -> Some warnings encountered, check that these are ok before submitting production!

2. Test on non-H7 file with external LHE inputs

python scripts/ -i 900xxx/900051/log.generate   

Generate transform params:
- ecmEnergy =  13000.0
- nEventsPerJob =  10000
- Requested output events =  10000
- transform =  Gen_tf
- inputFilesPerJob =  0
- inputGeneratorFile =  /hepusers2/gingrich/atlas/athena/21.6/21.6.32/LHEF/TXT_900100._000001.tar.gz
 ERROR: 1 input files used while inputFilesPerJob=0

Since this is the only error and is not related to logParser but to the transform we should ignore for this MR

3. Test that the fix propagates correctly downstream

Running on the first example above I get a log.generate.short which contains

- estimated CPU for CI job = 0.01 hrs
- using release =  AthGeneration-21.6.17
- ecmEnergy =  13000
- inputGeneratorFile =  TXT.451483._000001.tar.gz,TXT.451483._000002.tar.gz,TXT.451483._000003.tar.gz,TXT.451483._000004.tar.gz,TXT.451483._000005.tar.gz,TXT.451483._000006.tar.gz,TXT.451483._000007.tar.gz,TXT.451483._000008.tar.gz,TXT.451483._000009.tar.gz,TXT.451483._000010.tar.gz,TXT.451483._000011.tar.gz
- LHEonly =  False

so everything seems fine

Issues resolved

Closes #

Edited by Spyros Argyropoulos

Merge request reports
