VBF aMC@NLO + Herwig7 with H->tautau 12 of 12 checklist items completed!992
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Adding new single particle for EF Tracking 12 of 12 checklist items completed!991
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Validation jO for bulk ttbar 12 of 12 checklist items completed!990
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VH aMC@NLO + Py8 with H->tautau 12 of 12 checklist items completed!988
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MG5_aMC@NLO ggF Higgs multi-leg NLO sample using FxFx merging 12 of 12 checklist items completed!987
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8body MGPy8 ttbarll 12 of 12 checklist items completed!980
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Adding ttbar Powheg+Pythia8 samples with Monash tune 11 of 12 checklist items completed!986
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Extension of Yplusplus production in 331 model (DSIDs 506088-506097) 12 of 12 checklist items completed!985
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Sh2.2.10 V+jets Zmm/Ztt/Wmv/Wtv HF filters for HION 10 of 12 checklist items completed!984
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Dpm2 (H++) production in 331 model (Dsids 506075 - 506083) 12 of 12 checklist items completed!979
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W->rho+gamma MC sample 9 of 9 checklist items completed!971
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Powheg+Pythia8 nch-filtered background samples with low-pt tracking for yy->WW analysis 11 of 12 checklist items completed!969
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Gluino pair production with sleptons in the decay chain, DSID 505945-506074 12 of 12 checklist items completed!972
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Herwig 7.2 b-quark fragmentation 12 of 12 checklist items completed!970
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Extra JOs for EWK SUSY C1N2-> WZ -> 3L higgsino grid. 12 of 12 checklist items completed!965
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Direct slepton production with 2L2MET75 filter DSID 505886-505944 12 of 12 checklist items completed!968
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Grid Expansion for VBF WinoBino Production 12 of 12 checklist items completed!963
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aMC+H721 tW DR/DS 12 of 12 checklist items completed!962
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Gluino pair production, with long-lived neutralino, decaying to two leptons and neutrino, DSID505760-505819 12 of 12 checklist items completed!961
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Bc semileptonic decay JOs 12 of 12 checklist items completed!960
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