long-lived GMSB higgsino with 50% BR to either Z+gravitino or higgs+gravitino 3 of 11 checklist items completed!1582
JOs for Leptophilic low mass Z'->4mu signal samples 3 of 9 checklist items completed!1921
joboptions for active learning effort 512985-513014 7 of 9 checklist items completed!1864
MG+Py8 LO 4-top samples with modified top Yukawa coupling 3 of 11 checklist items completed!1753
MET-filtered Wtaunuhad 3 of 11 checklist items completed!1725
JOs for hSM->aa->4b, 0lep signal 3 of 11 checklist items completed!1713
Draft: aMC@NLO+Pythia8 SM tZq nominal and 5-flavour scheme samples 3 of 11 checklist items completed!1707
Draft: aMC@NLO+Pythia8 SM tZq nominal and 5-flavour scheme samples 3 of 11 checklist items completed!1706
EWK pMSSM bino LSP, first large pMSSM scan, DSID 510575-510918 4 of 11 checklist items completed!1643
Javiers H721 NLO dijets (2nd try) 3 of 11 checklist items completed!1618
- Closed
- 0 of 1 Approvals