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Add CC7 docker container & atomated CI build

Martin Errenst requested to merge merrenst/docker:CentOS7_docker into master

I've extracted the CI proposal to !34

Now that we have CentOS7 builds of 21.2 projects, we want to have corresponding docker images.

In this MR I do a couple of things to address this:

  • Have two separate versions of atlasos, based on the CERN slc6 and cc7 images
  • Use GCC 8.3.0 in cc7-atlasos
  • Use BASEIMAGE as build variable (--build-arg) in all atlasos dependent projects
  • Make cc7-atlasos default for 21.2 projects (AnalysisBase, AnalysisTop, AthAnalysis)
  • Make build files (like and motd) baseimage agnostic

First of all, I tested all of the builds once, but didn't spend much time on actually using AnalysisTop, AthAnalysis, Athena and the CVMFS containers. I would appreciate if someone could have a quick look a these, too. Or is it preferable if I revert my changes to Athena and the CVMFS Dockerfiles? Our analysis code on top of cc7-analysisbase was building successfully and a testjob ran without any issues.

The sources the installed GCC version via source source /opt/lcg/binutils/*/x86_64-*/ and source /opt/lcg/gcc/*/x86_64-*/ now, to account for variable GCC versions and platforms. But in the SLC6 case, for example, there are actually two folders under /opt/lcg/gcc, finally symlinking to the same and therefore sourcing the twice. Not a big deal, I guess, but also not the cleanest way. Any ideas on this? Should I just keep it as it is now?

Any thoughts?

Mentioning people who might be interested: @akraszna @tadej @lheinric @gstark

Edited by Martin Errenst

Merge request reports