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Resolve FLX-1105 "Bchan emu"

Alessandra Camplani requested to merge FLX-1105_Bchan_emu into master

Hello! I pushed the updated code :)

I started in the meantime a compilation, syntax looks fine.

I just got these messages: ERROR: [Synth 8-5826] no such design unit 'xoffmonitoring' in library 'work' [C:/Users/aleca/Documents/Git_projects/FELIX/firmware/sources/centralRouter/centralRouter.vhd:891] ERROR: [Synth 8-285] failed synthesizing module 'centralRouter' [C:/Users/aleca/Documents/Git_projects/FELIX/firmware/sources/centralRouter/centralRouter.vhd:133] ERROR: [Synth 8-285] failed synthesizing module 'felix_top_bnl711' [C:/Users/aleca/Documents/Git_projects/FELIX/firmware/sources/FelixTop/felix_top_bnl711.vhd:236]

But I guess this is due to something in my Vivado project..

Let me know if the changes look good for you. Cheers, Alessandra

Merge request reports