"kolos submitted swrod with tag swrod-00-16-00 for tdaq-11-02-01"
=== swrod ===
Don't forward fragments if ROB is disabled (Serguei Kolos) Improve rate accuracy (Serguei Kolos) Add RateLimit parameter and improve data generator stability (Serguei Kolos) Add spinWaitFor function (Serguei Kolos) Support automatic disabling of ROBs which have all their input links stopplessly removed (Serguei Kolos) Update trigger counters of all input links when enableLinks command is received (Serguei Kolos) Add RateLimit parameter (Serguei Kolos) Fix a bug that stopped publishing when all input links are unsubscribed (Serguei Kolos) Fix a bug of wrongly setting error status to ROB fragments when all input links of a worker are disabled (Serguei Kolos) Use the counter of L1A packets for synchronisation as the counter of built fragments may be incorrect (Serguei Kolos) If SwRodRob is enabled this guarantees that at least one input link is enabled as well (Serguei Kolos)