"isolov submitted pbeast with tag master for tdaq-99-00-00"
=== pbeast ===
cut interval boundaries in case of attribute type change inside a query (Igor Soloviev) improve accuracy of report about data type validity (Igor Soloviev) when merge files, close group on data type change to cover back and forth type changes during the same merge interval and avoid data files overlaps as described in ADAMATLAS-477 (Igor Soloviev) ignore file type change in the read_attribute functions since the type can be changed by various reasons (Igor Soloviev) avoid centos7 compilation (Igor Soloviev) fix occasional shift of aggregation data (integer ceil) as discussed in ADAMATLAS-480 (Igor Soloviev) fix issue with many data points returned for certain types of data when lookup-next-value-time-lapse parameter is set to a large value as described in ADAMATLAS-483 (Igor Soloviev)
Merge request reports
added Controls Monitoring labels
assigned to @isolov
mentioned in commit e254fa95