=== TRP ===
Changed error flags to integer type (Connor Menzel) Clean pred IS definition (Joerg Stelzer) Updated CMakeLists.txt (Connor Menzel) Fixed error with reading TBranches (Connor Menzel) Made slight change to error tracking and removed pileup requirement for on-the-fly predictions (Connor Menzel) Revert "Made slight modification to error tracking functionality" (Connor Harrison Menzel) Fix to merge xmon_errortracking branch to master (Julia Frances Marsh) Revert "Merge branch 'xmon_errortracking' into 'master'" (Julia Frances Marsh) Made slight modification to error tracking functionality (Connor Menzel) Update HLT prediction schema for error tracking (Connor Menzel) Fixed issue with reading trigger ratio predictions (Connor Menzel) Made slight changes to global offset functionality (Connor Menzel) Finished implementing xMon error tracking functionality (Connor Menzel) Fixed misplaced bracket so xMon can publish predictions. (Connor Menzel) Removed variables that xMon no longer publishes or calculates. (Connor Menzel) Removed unnecessary variables and functions used with the old IS data format. (Connor Menzel) Removed number of bunches parameter in xMon adapter because it is not needed. (Connor Menzel) Fixed bunch factor subscription issue (Connor Menzel) Added initial bunch factor pull from IS after subscription. (Connor Menzel) Further devlopment on error tracking functionality (Connor Menzel) Finished error tracking functionality for offline predictions, otf predicitons, and global offset. (Connor Menzel) Initial commit for errortracking branch (Connor Menzel) Finished error tracking class implementation, still need to implement class in the PredAdapter (Connor Menzel) Initial commit for xMon error tracking functionality (Connor Menzel) Removed Global_Offet.h header and added corresponding Global_Offset.xml file. (Connor Menzel) Added doxygen style comments to xMon files (Enzo Daniele Brandani) Added further doxygen-style comments to PredAdapter.cpp (Connor Menzel) Added some doxygen style documentation to PredAdapter xMon files. (Connor Menzel) configured xmon to pull bunch factor from IS for most recent build (Enzo Daniele Brandani) Revert "configured xmon to pull bunch factor from IS" (Enzo Daniele Brandani) configured xmon to pull bunch factor from IS (Enzo Daniele Brandani) Removed unneeded ouputs and added condition on lumi for filling global offset histogram (Connor Menzel) Removed unnecessary cout statements (Connor Menzel) Successfully implemented global offset detection so we read the KS value for each group in IS (Connor Menzel) Made changes to see OTF Predictions for all triggers present in menu and also made changes to publish global offset statistics. (Connor Menzel)