aporeba submitted AutoPrescaleEditor with tag AutoPrescaleEditor-09-00-08
Edited by Aleksandra Poreba
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assigned to @aporeba
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mentioned in commit 21b5201a
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unassigned @aporeba
I see we inserted new key with the new style comment successfully:
2022-08-20 12:01:20 DatabaseAccess DEBUG Query: insertPrescales.py --l1ps /logs/AutoPrescaler/AUTO_L1Prescale_2190_2022-08-20_12-01-20.json --smk 3101 --dbalias TRIGGERDB_RUN3 --comment "Original key 2190 Prescaled items: L1_EM3_EMPTY, L1_EM7_EMPTY, L1_EM7_FIRSTEMPTY, L1_TAU8_EMPTY, L1_TAU8_FIRSTEMPTY, L1_J12_EMPTY, L1_J12_FIRSTEMPTY, L1_J12_UNPAIRED_ISO, L1_J12_UNPAIRED_NONISO,..." 2022-08-20 12:01:21 DatabaseAccess DEBUG Result of the query: STDOUT: Attempting to authenticate via /det/tdaq/hlt/trigconf/run3/write/ Opening DB connection ATLAS_CONF_TRIGGER_RUN3_W@ATONR_CONF Inserted L1 prescale set AUTO_Physics_pp_run3_v1 (version 86) into the L1 table with index 2191, linked to SMK 3101. Key Summary: SMK | L1PSK | HLTPSK | Comment ------------------------------- 3101 | 2191 | | "Original key 2190 Prescaled items: L1_EM3_EMPTY, L1_EM7_EMPTY, L1_EM7_FIRSTEMPTY, L1_TAU8_EMPTY, L1_TAU8_FIRSTEMPTY, L1_J12_EMPTY, L1_J12_FIRSTEMPTY, L1_J12_UNPAIRED_ISO, L1_J12_UNPAIRED_NONISO,..." Closing DB connection STDERR: End of query output 2022-08-20 12:01:21 DatabaseAccess INFO Inserted new key 2022-08-20 12:01:21 L1PrescaleSaver DEBUG New L1 PSK key is 2191 2022-08-20 12:01:21 AutoPrescaleEditor DEBUG New L1 PSK: 2191 2022-08-20 12:01:21 AutoPrescaleEditor INFO Returning success with the new prescale key 2191
Marking as testing ok
Cheers, Aleksandra
added TestingOK label
removed TestingRequired label
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