From 92e31e2859445b6da18724ac0f17d0a577b40647 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Benedikt Hegner <>
Date: Sun, 25 Sep 2016 10:16:25 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 1/4] remove deprecated copy of state machine interface from

This removal has been checked grep'ing the git repo of ATLAS
 GaudiKernel/GaudiKernel/IAlgManager.h | 20 --------------------
 1 file changed, 20 deletions(-)

diff --git a/GaudiKernel/GaudiKernel/IAlgManager.h b/GaudiKernel/GaudiKernel/IAlgManager.h
index 995a1323f..f6f40e6be 100644
--- a/GaudiKernel/GaudiKernel/IAlgManager.h
+++ b/GaudiKernel/GaudiKernel/IAlgManager.h
@@ -59,26 +59,6 @@ public:
   /// Return the list of Algorithms
   virtual const std::vector<IAlgorithm*>& getAlgorithms() const = 0;
-#if !defined(GAUDI_V22_API) || defined(G22_NEW_SVCLOCATOR)
-  /// Initializes the list of "managed" algorithms
-  virtual StatusCode initializeAlgorithms() { return initialize(); }
-  /// Starts the list of "managed" algorithms
-  virtual StatusCode startAlgorithms() { return start(); }
-  /// Stops the list of "managed" algorithms
-  virtual StatusCode stopAlgorithms() { return stop(); }
-  /// Finalizes the list of "managed" algorithms
-  virtual StatusCode finalizeAlgorithms() { return finalize(); }
-  /// Initializes the list of "managed" algorithms
-  virtual StatusCode reinitializeAlgorithms() { return reinitialize(); }
-  /// Starts the list of "managed" algorithms
-  virtual StatusCode restartAlgorithms() { return restart(); }
   /// Returns a smart pointer to a service.
   virtual SmartIF<IAlgorithm> &algorithm(const Gaudi::Utils::TypeNameString &typeName, const bool createIf = true) = 0;

From a870c796bf30bf2627905caf00660e12fba6eff4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Benedikt Hegner <>
Date: Wed, 28 Sep 2016 09:48:04 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 2/4] remove deprecated RoundRobin, ParallelSequential and
 Sequential schedulers

 GaudiHive/CMakeLists.txt                      |   4 -
 .../  |  50 ---
 .../options/  |  47 ---
 .../options/  |  51 ---
 .../src/ParallelSequentialSchedulerSvc.cpp    | 384 ------------------
 .../src/ParallelSequentialSchedulerSvc.h      | 144 -------
 GaudiHive/src/RoundRobinSchedulerSvc.cpp      | 297 --------------
 GaudiHive/src/RoundRobinSchedulerSvc.h        | 106 -----
 GaudiHive/src/SequentialSchedulerSvc.cpp      | 186 ---------
 9 files changed, 1269 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 GaudiHive/options/
 delete mode 100644 GaudiHive/options/
 delete mode 100644 GaudiHive/options/
 delete mode 100644 GaudiHive/src/ParallelSequentialSchedulerSvc.cpp
 delete mode 100644 GaudiHive/src/ParallelSequentialSchedulerSvc.h
 delete mode 100644 GaudiHive/src/RoundRobinSchedulerSvc.cpp
 delete mode 100644 GaudiHive/src/RoundRobinSchedulerSvc.h
 delete mode 100644 GaudiHive/src/SequentialSchedulerSvc.cpp

diff --git a/GaudiHive/CMakeLists.txt b/GaudiHive/CMakeLists.txt
index c2af1ef61..226a0e1f4 100644
--- a/GaudiHive/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/GaudiHive/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -58,10 +58,6 @@ gaudi_add_test(ForwardSchedulerStall
                PASSREGEX "Stall detected"
                TIMEOUT 120)
-               FRAMEWORK options/
-               TIMEOUT 120)
                FRAMEWORK options/
                TIMEOUT 120)
diff --git a/GaudiHive/options/ b/GaudiHive/options/
deleted file mode 100644
index c75546741..000000000
--- a/GaudiHive/options/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-from Gaudi.Configuration import *
-from Configurables import HiveWhiteBoard, HiveSlimEventLoopMgr, ParallelSequentialSchedulerSvc, CPUCruncher,AlgResourcePool
-# metaconfig
-evtMax = 10
-evtInFlight = 10
-scheduler = ParallelSequentialSchedulerSvc(OutputLevel=DEBUG)
-slimeventloopmgr = HiveSlimEventLoopMgr(SchedulerName="ParallelSequentialSchedulerSvc",
-                                        OutputLevel=DEBUG)
-whiteboard   = HiveWhiteBoard("EventDataSvc",
-			EventSlots = evtInFlight)
-algResPool = AlgResourcePool(OutputLevel=DEBUG)
-a1 = CPUCruncher("A1", 
-                 DataOutputs = ['/Event/a1'],
-                 shortCalib=True,
-                 varRuntime=.1, 
-                 avgRuntime=.5 )
-a2 = CPUCruncher("A2", 
-                 shortCalib=True,
-                 DataInputs = ['/Event/a1'],
-                 DataOutputs = ['/Event/a2'])
-a3 = CPUCruncher("A3", 
-                 shortCalib=True,
-                 DataInputs = ['/Event/a1'],
-                 DataOutputs = ['/Event/a3'])
-a4 = CPUCruncher("A4", 
-                 shortCalib=True,
-                 DataInputs = ['/Event/a2','/Event/a3'],
-                 DataOutputs = ['/Event/a4'])
-for algo in [a1,a2,a3,a4]:
-  algo.OutputLevel=INFO
-  algo.Cardinality=1
-ApplicationMgr( EvtMax = evtMax,
-                EvtSel = 'NONE',
-                ExtSvc =[whiteboard,algResPool],
-                EventLoop = slimeventloopmgr,
-                TopAlg = [a1,a2,a3,a4],
-                MessageSvcType="InertMessageSvc")
diff --git a/GaudiHive/options/ b/GaudiHive/options/
deleted file mode 100644
index da47ac591..000000000
--- a/GaudiHive/options/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-from Gaudi.Configuration import *
-from Configurables import HiveWhiteBoard, HiveSlimEventLoopMgr, RoundRobinSchedulerSvc, CPUCruncher,AlgResourcePool
-# metaconfig
-evtMax = 10
-scheduler = RoundRobinSchedulerSvc(OutputLevel=DEBUG)
-slimeventloopmgr = HiveSlimEventLoopMgr(SchedulerName="RoundRobinSchedulerSvc",
-                                        OutputLevel=DEBUG)
-whiteboard   = HiveWhiteBoard("EventDataSvc")                                        
-a1 = CPUCruncher("A1", 
-                 DataOutputs = ['/Event/a1'],
-                 shortCalib=True,
-                 varRuntime=.1, 
-                 avgRuntime=.5 )
-a2 = CPUCruncher("A2", 
-                 shortCalib=True,
-                 DataInputs = ['/Event/a1'],
-                 DataOutputs = ['/Event/a2'])
-a3 = CPUCruncher("A3", 
-                 shortCalib=True,
-                 DataInputs = ['/Event/a1'],
-                 DataOutputs = ['/Event/a3'])
-a4 = CPUCruncher("A4", 
-                 shortCalib=True,
-                 DataInputs = ['/Event/a2','/Event/a3'],
-                 DataOutputs = ['/Event/a4'])
-for algo in [a1,a2,a3,a4]:
-  algo.OutputLevel=INFO
-ApplicationMgr( EvtMax = evtMax,
-                EvtSel = 'NONE',
-                ExtSvc =[whiteboard,algResPool],
-                EventLoop = slimeventloopmgr,
-                TopAlg = [a1,a2,a3,a4],
-                MessageSvcType="InertMessageSvc")
diff --git a/GaudiHive/options/ b/GaudiHive/options/
deleted file mode 100644
index 9412c3ecf..000000000
--- a/GaudiHive/options/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-from Gaudi.Configuration import *
-from Configurables import HiveWhiteBoard, HiveSlimEventLoopMgr, SequentialSchedulerSvc, CPUCruncher,AlgResourcePool
-# metaconfig
-evtMax = 10
-scheduler = SequentialSchedulerSvc(OutputLevel=DEBUG)
-slimeventloopmgr = HiveSlimEventLoopMgr(SchedulerName="SequentialSchedulerSvc",
-                                        OutputLevel=DEBUG)
-whiteboard   = HiveWhiteBoard("EventDataSvc")                                        
-a1 = CPUCruncher("A1", 
-                 shortCalib=True,
-                 varRuntime=.1, 
-                 avgRuntime=.5 )
-a1.outKeys = ['/Event/a1']
-a2 = CPUCruncher("A2", 
-                 shortCalib=True)
-a2.inpKeys = ['/Event/a1']
-a2.outKeys = ['/Event/a2']
-a3 = CPUCruncher("A3", 
-                 shortCalib=True)
-a3.inpKeys = ['/Event/a1']
-a3.outKeys = ['/Event/a3']
-a4 = CPUCruncher("A4", 
-                 shortCalib=True)
-a4.inpKeys = ['/Event/a2','/Event/a3']
-a4.outKeys = ['/Event/a4']
-for algo in [a1,a2,a3,a4]:
-  algo.OutputLevel=INFO
-ApplicationMgr( EvtMax = evtMax,
-                EvtSel = 'NONE',
-                ExtSvc =[whiteboard,algResPool],
-                EventLoop = slimeventloopmgr,
-                TopAlg = [a1,a2,a3,a4],
-                MessageSvcType="InertMessageSvc")
diff --git a/GaudiHive/src/ParallelSequentialSchedulerSvc.cpp b/GaudiHive/src/ParallelSequentialSchedulerSvc.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 8fd47d8a7..000000000
--- a/GaudiHive/src/ParallelSequentialSchedulerSvc.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,384 +0,0 @@
-// Framework includes
-#include "GaudiKernel/SvcFactory.h"
-#include "GaudiKernel/IAlgorithm.h"
-#include "GaudiKernel/Algorithm.h" // will be IAlgorithm if context getter promoted to interface
-#include "GaudiKernel/IProperty.h"
-#include "GaudiKernel/AppReturnCode.h"
-#include "GaudiKernel/CommonMessaging.h"
-#include "GaudiKernel/IDataManagerSvc.h"
-#include "GaudiKernel/ThreadLocalContext.h"
-#include "GaudiKernel/DataHandleHolderVisitor.h"
-// C++
-#include <list>
-#include <thread>
-// Local
-#include "ParallelSequentialSchedulerSvc.h"
-#include "AlgResourcePool.h"
-#include "RetCodeGuard.h"
-// Instantiation of a static factory class used by clients to create instances of this service
-// Infrastructure methods
-ParallelSequentialSchedulerSvc::ParallelSequentialSchedulerSvc(const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* svcLoc):
-    base_class(name,svcLoc) {
-  declareProperty("UseTopAlgList", m_useTopAlgList = false);
-  declareProperty("ThreadPoolSize", m_threadPoolSize = -1);
-  declareProperty("WhiteboardSvc", m_whiteboardSvcName = "EventDataSvc");
-StatusCode ParallelSequentialSchedulerSvc::initialize(){
-  // Initialise mother class (read properties, ...)
-  StatusCode sc(Service::initialize());
-  if (!sc.isSuccess())
-    warning () << "Base class could not be initialized" << endmsg;
-  // Get the algo resource pool
-  m_algResourcePool =  serviceLocator()->service("AlgResourcePool");
-  if (!m_algResourcePool.isValid()){
-    error() << "Error retrieving AlgResourcePool" << endmsg;
-    return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-  }
-  // Get the list of algorithms
-  m_algList = m_useTopAlgList ? m_algResourcePool->getTopAlgList() : m_algResourcePool->getFlatAlgList();
-  info() << "Found " <<  m_algList.size() << " algorithms" << endmsg;
-  // Get Whiteboard
-  m_whiteboard = serviceLocator()->service(m_whiteboardSvcName);
-  if (!m_whiteboard.isValid())
-    fatal() << "Error retrieving EventDataSvc interface IHiveWhiteBoard." << endmsg;
-  // Check the MaxEventsInFlight parameters and react
-  // Deprecated for the moment
-  size_t numberOfWBSlots = m_whiteboard->getNumberOfStores();
-  // Set the number of free slots
-  m_freeSlots=numberOfWBSlots;
-  info() << "Allowing " << m_freeSlots << " events in flight" << endmsg;
-  if(m_threadPoolSize == -1)
-    m_threadPoolSize = numberOfWBSlots;
-  debug() << "Initialising a TBB thread pool of size " << m_threadPoolSize << endmsg;
-  m_tbb_sched.reset(new tbb::task_scheduler_init(m_threadPoolSize));
-  // Fill the containers to convert algo names to index
-  m_algname_index_map.reserve(m_algList.size());
-  m_algname_vect.reserve(m_algList.size());
-  unsigned int index=0;
-  for (IAlgorithm* algo : m_algList){
-    const std::string& name = algo->name();
-    m_algname_index_map[name]=index;
-    m_algname_vect.emplace_back(name);
-    index++;
-  }
-  //initialize control flow manager
-  const AlgResourcePool* algPool = dynamic_cast<const AlgResourcePool*>(m_algResourcePool.get());
-  m_controlFlow.initialize(algPool->getExecutionFlowGraph(), m_algname_index_map);
-  const unsigned int algosDependenciesSize=0;
-  info() << "Algodependecies size is " << algosDependenciesSize << endmsg;
-  //get algorithm dependencies
-  /* Dependencies
-     0) Read deps from config file
-     1) Look for handles in algo, if none
-     2) Assume none are required
-   */
-  if (algosDependenciesSize == 0){
-    // Get the event root from the IDataManagerSvc interface of the WhiteBoard
-    SmartIF<IDataManagerSvc> dataMgrSvc (m_whiteboard);
-    std::string rootInTESName(dataMgrSvc->rootName());
-    if ("" != rootInTESName && '/'!=rootInTESName[rootInTESName.size()-1]){
-      rootInTESName = rootInTESName+"/";
-    }
-    for (IAlgorithm* ialgoPtr : m_algList){
-      Algorithm* algoPtr = dynamic_cast<Algorithm*> (ialgoPtr);
-      if (nullptr == algoPtr){
-        fatal() << "Could not convert IAlgorithm into Algorithm: this will result in a crash." << endmsg;
-      }
-      std::vector<Gaudi::DataHandle*> algoHandles(algoPtr->inputHandles());
-      DataObjIDColl algoDependencies;
-      if (!algoHandles.empty()){
-        info() << "Algorithm " << algoPtr->name() << " data dependencies:" << endmsg;
-        DataObjIDColl inputObjs, outputObjs;
-        DHHVisitor avis(inputObjs, outputObjs);
-        algoPtr->acceptDHVisitor( &avis );
-        for (auto id : inputObjs) {
-          const std::string& productName = rootInTESName + id.key();
-          info() << "  o Input dep for " << productName << endmsg;
-          algoDependencies.insert(id);
-        }
-      } else {
-        info() << "Algorithm " << algoPtr->name() << " has no data dependencies."
-               << endmsg;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  m_aess = serviceLocator()->service("AlgExecStateSvc");
-  if( !m_aess.isValid() ) {
-    fatal() << "Error retrieving AlgExecStateSvc" << endmsg;
-    return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-  }
-  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
-StatusCode ParallelSequentialSchedulerSvc::finalize(){
-  m_tbb_sched.reset();
-  StatusCode sc(Service::finalize());
-  if (!sc.isSuccess())
-    warning () << "Base class could not be finalized" << endmsg;
-  return sc;
-/** Make an event available to the scheduler. Immediately the algortihms are
- * executed.
- */
-StatusCode ParallelSequentialSchedulerSvc::pushNewEvent(EventContext* eventContext){
-  std::vector<EventContext*> eventContexts;
-  eventContexts.push_back(eventContext);
-  m_aess->reset(*eventContext);
-  return pushNewEvents(eventContexts);
-StatusCode ParallelSequentialSchedulerSvc::pushNewEvents(std::vector<EventContext*>& eventContexts){
-  for(auto evt : eventContexts){
-    if(m_freeSlots.load() > 0){
-      //only one thread executes scheduler --> m_freeSlots can only grow if other thread finishes
-      m_freeSlots--;
-      debug() << "Enqueuing event " << evt->evt() << " @ " << evt->slot() << endmsg;
-      tbb::task* t = new( tbb::task::allocate_root() )
-        SequentialTask(serviceLocator(), evt, this, m_algResourcePool, m_aess);
-      tbb::task::enqueue( *t);
-    } else {
-      return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-    }
-  }
-  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
- * Get a finished event or block until one becomes available.
- */
-StatusCode ParallelSequentialSchedulerSvc::popFinishedEvent(EventContext*& eventContext){
-  m_finishedEvents.pop(eventContext);
-  debug() << "Popped slot " << eventContext->slot() << "(event "
-      << eventContext->evt() << ")" << endmsg;
-  m_freeSlots++;
-  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
- * Try to get a finished event, if not available just return a failure
- */
-StatusCode ParallelSequentialSchedulerSvc::tryPopFinishedEvent(EventContext*& eventContext){
-  if (m_finishedEvents.try_pop(eventContext)){
-    debug() << "Try Pop successful slot " << eventContext->slot()
-                << "(event " << eventContext->evt() << ")" << endmsg;
-    m_freeSlots++;
-    return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
-  }
-  return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-/** Get free slots number. Given that the scheduler is sequential and its
- * methods non reentrant, this is always 1.
- */
-unsigned int ParallelSequentialSchedulerSvc::freeSlots(){return m_freeSlots;}
-tbb::task* SequentialTask::execute() {
-  // Get the IProperty interface of the ApplicationMgr to pass it to RetCodeGuard
-  const SmartIF<IProperty> appmgr(m_serviceLocator);
-  SmartIF<IMessageSvc> messageSvc (m_serviceLocator);
-  MsgStream log(messageSvc, "SequentialAlgoExecutionTask");
-  log.activate();
-  StatusCode sc;
-  //initialize control algorithm states and decisions
-  AlgsExecutionStates algStates(m_scheduler->m_algList.size(), messageSvc);
-  const AlgResourcePool* algPool = dynamic_cast<const AlgResourcePool*>(m_scheduler->m_algResourcePool.get());
-  std::vector<int> nodeDecisions(algPool->getExecutionFlowGraph()->getControlFlowNodeCounter(), -1);
-  m_scheduler->m_controlFlow.updateEventState(algStates, nodeDecisions);
-  m_scheduler->m_controlFlow.promoteToControlReadyState(algStates, nodeDecisions);
-  //initialize data flow manager
-  //DataFlowManager dataFlow(m_scheduler->m_algosDependencies);
-  //intitialize context
-  //	m_eventContext->m_thread_id = pthread_self();
-  bool eventFailed = false;
-  Gaudi::Hive::setCurrentContextId(m_eventContext->slot());
-  // loop while algorithms are controlFlowReady and event has not failed
-  while(!eventFailed && algStates.algsPresent(AlgsExecutionStates::State::CONTROLREADY) ){
-    //std::cout << "[" << m_eventContext->evt() << "] algorithms left" << std::endl;
-    //std::for_each(m_scheduler->m_algList.begin(), m_scheduler->m_algList.end(),
-    //[&] (IAlgorithm* ialgorithm) {
-    for(auto it = algStates.begin(AlgsExecutionStates::State::CONTROLREADY); it != algStates.end(AlgsExecutionStates::State::CONTROLREADY); ++it){
-      uint algIndex = *it;
-      std::string algName = m_scheduler->m_algname_vect[algIndex];
-      //promote algorithm to data ready
-      algStates.updateState(algIndex,AlgsExecutionStates::DATAREADY);
-      //std::cout << "Running algorithm [" << algIndex << "] " << ialgorithm->name() << " for event " << m_eventContext->evt() << std::endl;
-      log << MSG::DEBUG << "Running algorithm [" << algIndex << "] " << algName << " for event " << m_eventContext->evt() << endmsg;
-      IAlgorithm* ialgoPtr=nullptr;
-      sc = m_algPool->acquireAlgorithm(algName,ialgoPtr, true); //blocking call
-      if(sc.isFailure() || ialgoPtr == nullptr){
-        log << MSG::ERROR << "Could not acquire algorithm " << algName << endmsg;
-        m_aess->setEventStatus(EventStatus::Other, *m_eventContext);
-      } else { // we got an algorithm
-        //promote algorithm to scheduled
-        algStates.updateState(algIndex,AlgsExecutionStates::SCHEDULED);
-        Algorithm* algoPtr = dynamic_cast<Algorithm*> (ialgoPtr); // DP: expose the setter of the context?
-        algoPtr->setContext(m_eventContext);
-        // Call the execute() method
-        try {
-          RetCodeGuard rcg(appmgr, Gaudi::ReturnCode::UnhandledException);
-          sc = algoPtr->sysExecute();
-          if (UNLIKELY(!sc.isSuccess()))  {
-            log << MSG::WARNING  << "Execution of algorithm " << algName << " failed" << endmsg;
-            eventFailed = true;
-          }
-          rcg.ignore(); // disarm the guard
-        } catch ( const GaudiException& Exception ) {
-          log << MSG::ERROR << ".executeEvent(): Exception with tag=" << Exception.tag()
-																								       << " thrown by " << algName << endmsg;
-          log << MSG::ERROR << Exception << endmsg;
-        } catch ( const std::exception& Exception ) {
-          log << MSG::FATAL << ".executeEvent(): Standard std::exception thrown by "
-              << algName << endmsg;
-          log << MSG::ERROR <<  Exception.what()  << endmsg;
-        } catch(...) {
-          log << MSG::FATAL << ".executeEvent(): UNKNOWN Exception thrown by "
-              << algName << endmsg;
-        }
-        if(sc.isFailure()){
-          eventFailed = true;
-          m_aess->algExecState(ialgoPtr,*m_eventContext).setExecStatus(sc);
-        }
-        //std::cout << "Algorithm [" << algIndex << "] " << ialgorithm->name() << " for event " << m_eventContext->evt()
-        //          << (eventFailed ? " failed" : " succeeded") << std::endl;
-        log << MSG::DEBUG << "Algorithm [" << algIndex << "] " << algName << " for event " << m_eventContext->evt()
-            << (eventFailed ? " failed" : " succeded") << endmsg;
-        AlgsExecutionStates::State state;
-        if(m_aess->algExecState(ialgoPtr,*m_eventContext).filterPassed()) {
-          state = AlgsExecutionStates::State::EVTACCEPTED;
-        } else {
-          state = AlgsExecutionStates::State::EVTREJECTED;
-        }
-        log << MSG::DEBUG << "Algorithm [" << algIndex << "] " << algName 
-            << " for event " << m_eventContext->evt()
-            << (m_aess->algExecState(ialgoPtr,*m_eventContext).filterPassed() ? 
-                " passed" : " rejected")
-            << endmsg;
-        sc = m_algPool->releaseAlgorithm(algName,ialgoPtr);
-        algStates.updateState(algIndex,state);
-        //just for debug: look at products -- not thread safe
-        // Update the catalog: some new products may be there
-        /*m_scheduler->m_whiteboard->selectStore(m_eventContext->slot()).ignore();
-          // update prods in the dataflow
-          // DP: Handles could be used. Just update what the algo wrote
-          std::vector<std::string> new_products;
-          m_scheduler->m_whiteboard->getNewDataObjects(new_products).ignore();
-          for (const auto& new_product : new_products)
-          std::cout << "Found in WB: " << new_product << std::endl;
-          //dataFlow.updateDataObjectsCatalog(new_products);*/
-      }
-    }
-    //);
-    m_scheduler->m_controlFlow.updateEventState(algStates, nodeDecisions);
-    m_scheduler->m_controlFlow.promoteToControlReadyState(algStates, nodeDecisions);
-    m_aess->updateEventStatus(eventFailed, *m_eventContext);
-    if(eventFailed){
-      break;
-    }
-    if(!algStates.algsPresent(AlgsExecutionStates::State::CONTROLREADY) && !algStates.allAlgsExecuted()){
-      //std::cout << "WARNING: " << " not all algorithms executed for event " << m_eventContext->evt() << std::endl;
-      /*std::for_each(m_scheduler->m_algList.begin(), m_scheduler->m_algList.end(),
-          [&] (IAlgorithm* ialgorithm) {
-            uint algIndex = m_scheduler->m_algname_index_map[ialgorithm->name()];
-            if(AlgsExecutionStates::State::SCHEDULED >= algStates.algorithmState(algIndex))
-              std::cout << "Event [" << m_eventContext->evt() << "] algorithm " << ialgorithm->name()
-                << " NOT executed" << std::endl;
-          });*/
-    }
-  }
-  m_scheduler->m_finishedEvents.push(m_eventContext);
-  return nullptr;
diff --git a/GaudiHive/src/ParallelSequentialSchedulerSvc.h b/GaudiHive/src/ParallelSequentialSchedulerSvc.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 683710ab8..000000000
--- a/GaudiHive/src/ParallelSequentialSchedulerSvc.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,144 +0,0 @@
-// Framework include files
-#include "GaudiKernel/IScheduler.h"
-#include "GaudiKernel/IRunable.h"
-#include "GaudiKernel/Service.h"
-#include "GaudiKernel/IAlgResourcePool.h"
-#include "GaudiKernel/CommonMessaging.h"
-#include "GaudiKernel/EventContext.h"
-#include "GaudiKernel/IAlgExecStateSvc.h"
-#include "AlgResourcePool.h"
-#include "ExecutionFlowManager.h"
-#include "DataFlowManager.h"
-// C++ include files
-#include <vector>
-#include <string>
-#include <unordered_map>
-#include <functional>
-#include <thread>
-// External libs
-#include "tbb/concurrent_queue.h"
-#include "tbb/task.h"
-#include "tbb/task_scheduler_init.h"
-class SequentialTask; //forward declaration
-/**@class ParallelSequentialSchedulerSvc ParallelSequentialSchedulerSvc.h
- *
- *  This SchedulerSvc implements the IScheduler interface.
- * It executes all the algorithms in sequence for several events in flight.
- * It pulls the algorithms from the AlgResourcePool
- *  @author  Daniel Funke
- *  @version 0.1
- */
-class ParallelSequentialSchedulerSvc: public extends<Service,
-                                                     IScheduler> {
-  /// Constructor
-  ParallelSequentialSchedulerSvc( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* svc );
-  /// Destructor
-  ~ParallelSequentialSchedulerSvc() override;
-  /// Initialise
-  StatusCode initialize() override;
-  /// Finalise
-  StatusCode finalize() override;
-  /// Make an event available to the scheduler
-  StatusCode pushNewEvent(EventContext* eventContext) override;
-  // Make multiple events available to the scheduler
-  StatusCode pushNewEvents(std::vector<EventContext*>& eventContexts) override;
-  /// Blocks until an event is availble
-  StatusCode popFinishedEvent(EventContext*& eventContext) override;
-  /// Try to fetch an event from the scheduler
-  StatusCode tryPopFinishedEvent(EventContext*& eventContext) override;
-  /// Get free slots number
-  unsigned int freeSlots() override;
-  /// Decide if the top alglist or its flat version has to be used
-  bool m_useTopAlgList;
-  /// Cache the list of algs to be executed
-  std::list<IAlgorithm*> m_algList;
-  /// Queue of finished events
-  tbb::concurrent_bounded_queue<EventContext*> m_finishedEvents;
-  /// Atomic to account for asyncronous updates by the scheduler wrt the rest
-  // number of events in flight
-  std::atomic_int m_freeSlots;
-  /// A shortcut to the whiteboard
-  SmartIF<IHiveWhiteBoard> m_whiteboard;
-  /// The whiteboard name
-  std::string m_whiteboardSvcName;
-  /// Cache for the algorithm resource pool
-  SmartIF<IAlgResourcePool>  m_algResourcePool;
-  /// Algorithm Execution State manager
-  SmartIF<IAlgExecStateSvc> m_aess;
-  /// Size of the threadpool initialised by TBB; a value of -1 gives TBB the freedom to choose
-  int m_threadPoolSize;
-  //TBB scheduler
-  std::unique_ptr<tbb::task_scheduler_init> m_tbb_sched;
-  //control flow manager
-  concurrency::ExecutionFlowManager m_controlFlow;
-  /// Vector to bookkeep the information necessary to the index2name conversion
-  std::vector<std::string> m_algname_vect;
-  /// Map to bookkeep the information necessary to the name2index conversion
-  std::unordered_map<std::string,unsigned int> m_algname_index_map;
-  // Needed to queue actions on algorithm finishing and decrement algos in flight
-  friend class SequentialTask;
-class SequentialTask: public tbb::task {
-  SequentialTask(ISvcLocator* svcLocator,
-                 EventContext* eventContext,
-                 ParallelSequentialSchedulerSvc* scheduler,
-                 IAlgResourcePool* algPool,
-                 IAlgExecStateSvc* aem):
-                   m_serviceLocator(svcLocator),
-                   m_eventContext(eventContext),
-                   m_scheduler(scheduler),
-                   m_algPool(algPool),
-                   m_aess(aem) {
-  };
-  tbb::task* execute() override;
-  SmartIF<ISvcLocator> m_serviceLocator;
-  EventContext* m_eventContext;
-  SmartIF<ParallelSequentialSchedulerSvc> m_scheduler;
-  SmartIF<IAlgResourcePool> m_algPool;
-  SmartIF<IAlgExecStateSvc> m_aess;
diff --git a/GaudiHive/src/RoundRobinSchedulerSvc.cpp b/GaudiHive/src/RoundRobinSchedulerSvc.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index ab0d49d20..000000000
--- a/GaudiHive/src/RoundRobinSchedulerSvc.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,297 +0,0 @@
-// Framework includes
-#include "GaudiKernel/SvcFactory.h"
-#include "GaudiKernel/IAlgorithm.h"
-#include "GaudiKernel/Algorithm.h" // will be IAlgorithm if context getter promoted to interface
-#include "GaudiKernel/IProperty.h"
-#include "GaudiKernel/AppReturnCode.h"
-#include "GaudiKernel/ThreadLocalContext.h"
-// C++
-#include <list>
-#include <thread>
-#include <csignal>
-// Local
-#include "RoundRobinSchedulerSvc.h"
-#include "AlgResourcePool.h"
-#include "RetCodeGuard.h"
-// Instantiation of a static factory class used by clients to create instances of this service
-// Infrastructure methods
-RoundRobinSchedulerSvc::RoundRobinSchedulerSvc( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* svcLoc ):
-  declareProperty("UseTopAlgList", m_useTopAlgList=true);
-  declareProperty("SimultaneousEvents", m_freeSlots=1);
-StatusCode RoundRobinSchedulerSvc::initialize(){
-  // Initialise mother class (read properties, ...)
-  StatusCode sc(Service::initialize());
-  if (!sc.isSuccess())
-    warning () << "Base class could not be initialized" << endmsg;
-  // Get the algo resource pool
-  m_algResourcePool =  serviceLocator()->service("AlgResourcePool");
-  if (!m_algResourcePool.isValid()){
-    error() << "Error retrieving AlgResourcePool" << endmsg;
-    return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-  }
-  // Get the list of algorithms
-  m_algList = m_useTopAlgList ? m_algResourcePool->getTopAlgList() : m_algResourcePool->getFlatAlgList();
-  info() << "Found " <<  m_algList.size() << " algorithms" << endmsg;
-  // Fill the containers to convert algo names to index
-  m_algname_index_map.reserve(m_algList.size());
-  m_algname_vect.reserve(m_algList.size());
-  unsigned int index=0;
-  for (IAlgorithm* algo : m_algList){
-    const std::string& name = algo->name();
-    m_algname_index_map[name]=index;
-    m_algname_vect.emplace_back(name);
-    index++;
-  }
-  //initialize control flow manager
-  const AlgResourcePool* algPool = dynamic_cast<const AlgResourcePool*>(m_algResourcePool.get());
-  m_controlFlow.initialize(algPool->getExecutionFlowGraph(), m_algname_index_map);
-  m_aess = serviceLocator()->service("AlgExecStateSvc");
-  if( !m_aess.isValid() ) {
-    fatal() << "Error retrieving AlgExecStateSvc" << endmsg;
-    return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-  }
-  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
-  // prepare the event slots
-  // TODO !
-StatusCode RoundRobinSchedulerSvc::finalize(){
-  StatusCode sc(Service::finalize());
-  if (!sc.isSuccess())
-    warning () << "Base class could not be finalized" << endmsg;
-  return sc;
-/** Make an event available to the scheduler. Immediately the algortihms are
- * executed.
- */
-StatusCode RoundRobinSchedulerSvc::pushNewEvent(EventContext* eventContext){
-  // consistency check
-  if (!m_freeSlots) {
-    fatal() << "More contexts than slots provided" << m_freeSlots << endmsg;
-    return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-  }
-  --m_freeSlots;
-  m_evtCtx_buffer.push_back(eventContext);
-  m_aess->reset(*eventContext);
-  return m_freeSlots > 0 ? StatusCode::SUCCESS : processEvents();
-StatusCode RoundRobinSchedulerSvc::pushNewEvents(std::vector<EventContext*>& eventContexts){
-  // consistency check
-  if (eventContexts.size() > m_freeSlots) {
-    fatal() << "More contexts than slots provided" << m_freeSlots << endmsg;
-    return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-  }
-  m_freeSlots -= eventContexts.size();
-  m_evtCtx_buffer.insert(m_evtCtx_buffer.end(), eventContexts.begin(), eventContexts.end());
-  return m_freeSlots > 0 ? StatusCode::SUCCESS : processEvents();
-StatusCode RoundRobinSchedulerSvc::processEvents(){
-  StatusCode sc(StatusCode::SUCCESS);
-  // Get the IProperty interface of the ApplicationMgr to pass it to RetCodeGuard
-  const SmartIF<IProperty> appmgr(serviceLocator());
-  SmartIF<IMessageSvc> messageSvc (serviceLocator());
-  //initialize control algorithm states and decisions
-  AlgsExecutionStates algStates(m_algList.size(), messageSvc);
-  const AlgResourcePool* algPool = dynamic_cast<const AlgResourcePool*>(m_algResourcePool.get());
-  std::vector<int> nodeDecisions(algPool->getExecutionFlowGraph()->getControlFlowNodeCounter(), -1);
-  m_controlFlow.updateEventState(algStates, nodeDecisions);
-  m_controlFlow.promoteToControlReadyState(algStates, nodeDecisions);
-  //initialize data flow manager
-  //DataFlowManager dataFlow(m_scheduler->m_algosDependencies);
-  info() << "Got " << m_evtCtx_buffer.size() << " events, starting loop" << endmsg;
-  while(algStates.algsPresent(AlgsExecutionStates::State::CONTROLREADY) ){
-    debug() << "algorithms left" << endmsg;
-    //std::for_each(algStates.begin(AlgsExecutionStates::State::CONTROLREADY), algStates.end(AlgsExecutionStates::State::CONTROLREADY),
-    //[&] (uint algIndex) {
-    for(auto it = algStates.begin(AlgsExecutionStates::State::CONTROLREADY); it != algStates.end(AlgsExecutionStates::State::CONTROLREADY); ++it){
-      uint algIndex = *it;
-      std::string algName = m_algname_vect[algIndex];
-      debug() << "Running algorithm [" << algIndex << "] " << algName << endmsg;
-      std::vector<AlgsExecutionStates::State> algResults(m_evtCtx_buffer.size());
-      //promote algorithm to data ready
-      algStates.updateState(algIndex,AlgsExecutionStates::DATAREADY);
-      IAlgorithm* ialgoPtr=nullptr;
-      m_algResourcePool->acquireAlgorithm(algName, ialgoPtr);
-      //promote algorithm to scheduled
-      algStates.updateState(algIndex,AlgsExecutionStates::SCHEDULED);
-      Algorithm* algoPtr = dynamic_cast<Algorithm*> (ialgoPtr); // DP: expose the setter of the context?
-      algoPtr->resetExecuted();
-      for (uint i = 0; i < m_evtCtx_buffer.size(); ++i) {
-        if (m_aess->eventStatus(*m_evtCtx_buffer[i]) == EventStatus::Success ||
-            m_aess->eventStatus(*m_evtCtx_buffer[i]) == EventStatus::Invalid ) {
-          bool eventfailed=false;
-          // m_evtCtx_buffer[i]->m_thread_id = pthread_self();
-          algoPtr->resetExecuted();
-          algoPtr->setContext(m_evtCtx_buffer[i]);
-          Gaudi::Hive::setCurrentContextId(m_evtCtx_buffer[i]->slot());
-          sc = StatusCode::FAILURE;
-          // Call the execute() method
-          try {
-            RetCodeGuard rcg(appmgr, Gaudi::ReturnCode::UnhandledException);
-            sc = ialgoPtr->sysExecute();
-            if (UNLIKELY(!sc.isSuccess()))  {
-              warning() << "Execution of algorithm " << algName << " failed for event "
-                        << m_evtCtx_buffer[i]->evt() << endmsg;
-              eventfailed = true;
-            }
-            rcg.ignore(); // disarm the guard
-          } catch ( const GaudiException& Exception ) {
-            error() << ".executeEvent(): Exception with tag=" << Exception.tag()
-                    << " thrown by " << algName << endmsg;
-            error() << Exception << endmsg;
-            eventfailed = true;
-          } catch ( const std::exception& Exception ) {
-            fatal() << ".executeEvent(): Standard std::exception thrown by "
-                    << algName << endmsg;
-            error() <<  Exception.what()  << endmsg;
-            eventfailed = true;
-          } catch(...) {
-            fatal() << ".executeEvent(): UNKNOWN Exception thrown by "
-                    << algName << endmsg;
-            eventfailed = true;
-          }
-          m_aess->algExecState(ialgoPtr, *m_evtCtx_buffer[i]).setExecStatus( sc );
-          m_aess->updateEventStatus(eventfailed,*m_evtCtx_buffer[i]);
-        }
-        if (m_aess->algExecState(ialgoPtr,*m_evtCtx_buffer[i]).filterPassed()) {
-          algResults[i] = AlgsExecutionStates::State::EVTACCEPTED;
-        } else {
-          algResults[i] = AlgsExecutionStates::State::EVTREJECTED;
-        }
-      }
-      m_algResourcePool->releaseAlgorithm(algName,ialgoPtr);
-      AlgsExecutionStates::State result = algResults[0];
-      bool unanimous = true;
-      for(uint i = 1; i < algResults.size(); ++i)
-        if(result != algResults[i])
-          unanimous = false;
-      if(unanimous)
-        algStates.updateState(algIndex,result);
-      else{
-        fatal() << "divergent algorithm execution" << endmsg;
-        fatal() << "Algorithm results: ";
-        for(uint i =0; i < algResults.size(); ++i){
-          fatal() << i << ": " << (algResults[i] ==  AlgsExecutionStates::State::EVTACCEPTED ? "A" : "R") << "\t";
-          if(algResults[i] ==  AlgsExecutionStates::State::EVTREJECTED){
-            //std::cerr << m_evtCtx_buffer[i]->m_evt_num << std::endl;
-          }
-        }
-        fatal() << endmsg;
-        sc = StatusCode::FAILURE;
-      }
-    }
-    //});
-    if(sc.isFailure())
-      break; //abort execution of events, something went wrong
-    m_controlFlow.updateEventState(algStates, nodeDecisions);
-    m_controlFlow.promoteToControlReadyState(algStates, nodeDecisions);
-  }
-  for (EventContext* eventContext : m_evtCtx_buffer) {
-    m_finishedEvents.push(eventContext);
-  }
-  m_evtCtx_buffer.clear();
-  return sc; //TODO: define proper return value
-/// Blocks until an event is availble
-StatusCode RoundRobinSchedulerSvc::popFinishedEvent(EventContext*& eventContext){
-  if(m_finishedEvents.empty() && !m_evtCtx_buffer.empty())
-    processEvents();
-  m_finishedEvents.pop(eventContext);
-  m_freeSlots++;
-  debug() << "Popped slot " << eventContext->slot() << "(event "
-          << eventContext->evt() << ")" << endmsg;
-  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
-/// Try to get a finished event, if not available just return a failure
-StatusCode RoundRobinSchedulerSvc::tryPopFinishedEvent(EventContext*& eventContext){
-  if (m_finishedEvents.try_pop(eventContext)){
-    debug() << "Try Pop successful slot " << eventContext->slot()
-            << "(event " << eventContext->evt() << ")" << endmsg;
-    m_freeSlots++;
-    return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
-  }
-  return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-/** Get free slots number. Given that the scheduler is sequential and its
- * methods non reentrant, this is always 1.
- */
-unsigned int RoundRobinSchedulerSvc::freeSlots(){return m_freeSlots;}
diff --git a/GaudiHive/src/RoundRobinSchedulerSvc.h b/GaudiHive/src/RoundRobinSchedulerSvc.h
deleted file mode 100644
index bf2a86469..000000000
--- a/GaudiHive/src/RoundRobinSchedulerSvc.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-// Framework include files
-#include "GaudiKernel/IScheduler.h"
-#include "GaudiKernel/IRunable.h"
-#include "GaudiKernel/Service.h"
-#include "GaudiKernel/IAlgResourcePool.h"
-#include "GaudiKernel/IAlgExecStateSvc.h"
-#include "AlgResourcePool.h"
-#include "ExecutionFlowManager.h"
-#include "DataFlowManager.h"
-// C++ include files
-#include <vector>
-#include <string>
-#include <unordered_map>
-#include <functional>
-#include <thread>
-// External libs
-#include "tbb/concurrent_queue.h"
-/**@class RoundRobinSchedulerSvc RoundRobinSchedulerSvc.h
- *
- * The RoundRobinSchedulerSvc implements the IScheduler interface.
- * It deals with  multiple events and tries to handle all events
- * algorithm type by algorithm type, using one single thread.
- * It serves as simple implementation against the concurrent state machine
- * and provides a test for instruction cache locality
- *
- *  @author  Benedikt Hegner
- *  @version 1.0
- */
-class RoundRobinSchedulerSvc: public extends<Service,
-                                             IScheduler> {
-  /// Constructor
-  RoundRobinSchedulerSvc( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* svc );
-  /// Destructor
-  ~RoundRobinSchedulerSvc() override;
-  /// Initialise
-  StatusCode initialize() override;
-  /// Finalise
-  StatusCode finalize() override;
-  /// Make an event available to the scheduler
-  StatusCode pushNewEvent(EventContext* eventContext) override;
-  // Make multiple events available to the scheduler
-  StatusCode pushNewEvents(std::vector<EventContext*>& eventContexts) override;
-  /// Blocks until an event is availble
-  StatusCode popFinishedEvent(EventContext*& eventContext) override;
-  /// Try to fetch an event from the scheduler
-  StatusCode tryPopFinishedEvent(EventContext*& eventContext) override;
-  /// Get free slots number
-  unsigned int freeSlots() override;
-  StatusCode processEvents();
-  /// Decide if the top alglist or its flat version has to be used
-  bool m_useTopAlgList;
-  SmartIF<IAlgResourcePool> m_algResourcePool;
-  /// Algorithm Execution State manager
-  SmartIF<IAlgExecStateSvc> m_aess;
-  //control flow manager
-  concurrency::ExecutionFlowManager m_controlFlow;
-  /// Vector to bookkeep the information necessary to the index2name conversion
-  std::vector<std::string> m_algname_vect;
-  /// Map to bookkeep the information necessary to the name2index conversion
-  std::unordered_map<std::string,unsigned int> m_algname_index_map;
-  /// Ugly, will disappear when the deps are declared only within the C++ code of the algos.
-  std::vector<std::vector<std::string>> m_algosDependencies;
-  /// Cache the list of algs to be executed
-  std::list<IAlgorithm*> m_algList;
-  /// Queue of finished events
-  tbb::concurrent_bounded_queue<EventContext*> m_finishedEvents;
-  /// The number of free slots (0 or 1)
-  unsigned int m_freeSlots;
-  std::vector<EventContext*> m_evtCtx_buffer;
diff --git a/GaudiHive/src/SequentialSchedulerSvc.cpp b/GaudiHive/src/SequentialSchedulerSvc.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 772efbda8..000000000
--- a/GaudiHive/src/SequentialSchedulerSvc.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,186 +0,0 @@
-// Framework includes
-#include "GaudiKernel/SvcFactory.h"
-#include "GaudiKernel/IAlgorithm.h"
-#include "GaudiKernel/Algorithm.h" // will be IAlgorithm if context getter promoted to interface
-#include "GaudiKernel/IProperty.h"
-#include "GaudiKernel/AppReturnCode.h"
-// C++
-#include <list>
-#include <thread>
-// Local
-#include "SequentialSchedulerSvc.h"
-#include "AlgResourcePool.h"
-#include "RetCodeGuard.h"
-// Instantiation of a static factory class used by clients to create instances of this service
-// Infrastructure methods
-SequentialSchedulerSvc::SequentialSchedulerSvc( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* svcLoc ):
- base_class(name,svcLoc),
- m_eventContext(nullptr),
- m_freeSlots(1){
-  declareProperty("UseTopAlgList", m_useTopAlgList=true);
-StatusCode SequentialSchedulerSvc::initialize(){
-  // Initialise mother class (read properties, ...)
-  StatusCode sc(Service::initialize());
-  if (!sc.isSuccess())
-    warning () << "Base class could not be initialized" << endmsg;
-  // Get the algo resource pool
-  SmartIF<IAlgResourcePool> algResourcePool (serviceLocator()->service("AlgResourcePool"));
-  if (!algResourcePool.isValid()){
-    error() << "Error retrieving AlgResourcePool" << endmsg;
-    return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-  }
-  m_aess = serviceLocator()->service("AlgExecStateSvc");
-  if( !m_aess.isValid() ) {
-    fatal() << "Error retrieving AlgExecStateSvc" << endmsg;
-    return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-  }
-  // Get the list of algorithms
-  m_algList = m_useTopAlgList ? algResourcePool->getTopAlgList() : algResourcePool->getFlatAlgList();
-  info() << "Found " <<  m_algList.size() << " algorithms" << endmsg;
-  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
-StatusCode SequentialSchedulerSvc::finalize(){
-  StatusCode sc(Service::finalize());
-  if (!sc.isSuccess())
-    warning () << "Base class could not be finalized" << endmsg;
-  return sc;
-/** Make an event available to the scheduler. Immediately the algortihms are
- * executed.
- */
-StatusCode SequentialSchedulerSvc::pushNewEvent(EventContext* eventContext){
-  m_freeSlots--;
-  debug() << "[pushNewEvent] Free slots are now: " << m_freeSlots << endmsg;
-  // Call the resetExecuted() method of ALL "known" algorithms
-  // (From the MinimalEventLoopMgr)
-  SmartIF<IAlgManager> algMan(serviceLocator());
-  if (LIKELY(algMan.isValid())) {
-    for( IAlgorithm* ialg : algMan->getAlgorithms() ) {
-      if (LIKELY(nullptr != ialg)) ialg->resetExecuted();
-    }
-  }
-  m_eventContext= eventContext;
-  bool eventfailed=false;
-  for (IAlgorithm* ialgorithm : m_algList){
-    Algorithm* this_algo = dynamic_cast<Algorithm*>(ialgorithm);
-    if (!this_algo){
-      throw GaudiException ("Cast to Algorithm failed!",
-                            "SequentialSchedulerSvc",
-                            StatusCode::FAILURE);
-    }
-    debug() << "Running algorithm " << this_algo->name() << endmsg;
-    // m_eventContext->m_thread_id = pthread_self();
-    this_algo->setContext(m_eventContext);
-    // Get the IProperty interface of the ApplicationMgr to pass it to RetCodeGuard
-    const SmartIF<IProperty> appmgr(serviceLocator());
-    // Call the execute() method of all top algorithms
-    StatusCode sc(StatusCode::FAILURE);
-    try {
-      RetCodeGuard rcg(appmgr, Gaudi::ReturnCode::UnhandledException);
-      sc = ialgorithm->sysExecute();
-      if (UNLIKELY(!sc.isSuccess()))  {
-        warning() << "Execution of algorithm " << ialgorithm->name() << " failed" << endmsg;
-      eventfailed = true;
-    }
-      rcg.ignore(); // disarm the guard
-    } catch ( const GaudiException& Exception ) {
-      error() << ".executeEvent(): Exception with tag=" << Exception.tag()
-              << " thrown by " << ialgorithm->name() << endmsg;
-      error() << Exception << endmsg;
-      eventfailed = true;
-    } catch ( const std::exception& Exception ) {
-      fatal() << ".executeEvent(): Standard std::exception thrown by "
-              << ialgorithm->name() << endmsg;
-      error() <<  Exception.what()  << endmsg;
-      eventfailed = true;
-    } catch(...) {
-      fatal() << ".executeEvent(): UNKNOWN Exception thrown by "
-              << ialgorithm->name() << endmsg;
-      eventfailed = true;
-    }
-    m_aess->algExecState(ialgorithm, *m_eventContext).setExecStatus( sc );
-    debug() << "Algorithm " << this_algo->name() << (eventfailed ? " failed" : " succeeded") << endmsg;
-    debug() << "Algorithm " << this_algo->name() << (this_algo->filterPassed() ? " passed" : " rejected") << endmsg;
-    // DP it is important to propagate the failure of an event.
-    // We need to stop execution when this happens so that execute run can
-    // then receive the FAILURE
-    m_aess->updateEventStatus(eventfailed, *m_eventContext);
-    if (eventfailed)
-      return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-  }
-  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
-StatusCode SequentialSchedulerSvc::pushNewEvents(std::vector<EventContext*>& eventContexts){
-  StatusCode sc;
-  for (auto context : eventContexts){
-    sc = pushNewEvent(context);
-    if (sc != StatusCode::SUCCESS) return sc;
-  }
-  return sc;
-/// Blocks until an event is availble
-StatusCode SequentialSchedulerSvc::popFinishedEvent(EventContext*& eventContext){
-  m_freeSlots++;
-  eventContext = m_eventContext;
-  debug() << "[popFinishedEvent] Free slots are now: " << m_freeSlots << endmsg;
-  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
-/** The scheduler is sequential. Therefore pop and try/pop are factually the
- * same.
- */
-StatusCode SequentialSchedulerSvc::tryPopFinishedEvent(EventContext*& eventContext){
-  return m_freeSlots == 1 ? StatusCode::FAILURE : popFinishedEvent(eventContext);
-/** Get free slots number. Given that the scheduler is sequential and its
- * methods non reentrant, this is always 1.
- */
-unsigned int SequentialSchedulerSvc::freeSlots(){return m_freeSlots;}

From de0766fb17bd85f1c26588029abfa56e0fa8ab39 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Benedikt Hegner <>
Date: Wed, 28 Sep 2016 17:38:22 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 3/4] remove HiveEventLoopMgr; fix broken test for tool cloning

 .../ROOT_IO/   |  15 +-
 GaudiHive/CMakeLists.txt                      |   4 -
 GaudiHive/GaudiHive/HiveEventLoopMgr.h        | 127 ---
 GaudiHive/GaudiHive/HiveTestAlgorithm.h       |   3 +
 GaudiHive/options/           | 153 ----
 GaudiHive/options/            |  86 --
 GaudiHive/options/CPUCruncher.opts            |  49 --
 GaudiHive/options/              |  38 -
 GaudiHive/options/               |  46 -
 GaudiHive/options/           |  17 +-
 GaudiHive/profiling/      |   2 +-
 GaudiHive/src/HiveEventLoopMgr.cpp            | 831 ------------------
 GaudiHive/src/HiveTestAlgorithm.cpp           |  26 +-
 13 files changed, 41 insertions(+), 1356 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 GaudiHive/GaudiHive/HiveEventLoopMgr.h
 delete mode 100755 GaudiHive/options/
 delete mode 100644 GaudiHive/options/
 delete mode 100644 GaudiHive/options/CPUCruncher.opts
 delete mode 100644 GaudiHive/options/
 delete mode 100644 GaudiHive/options/
 delete mode 100644 GaudiHive/src/HiveEventLoopMgr.cpp

diff --git a/GaudiExamples/options/ROOT_IO/ b/GaudiExamples/options/ROOT_IO/
index bc3d1a390..5c5ec7da9 100644
--- a/GaudiExamples/options/ROOT_IO/
+++ b/GaudiExamples/options/ROOT_IO/
@@ -4,7 +4,8 @@
 from Gaudi.Configuration import *
 from Configurables import Gaudi__RootCnvSvc as RootCnvSvc, GaudiPersistency
-from Configurables import WriteHandleAlg, ReadHandleAlg, HiveWhiteBoard, HiveEventLoopMgr
+from Configurables import WriteHandleAlg, ReadHandleAlg, HiveWhiteBoard, HiveSlimEventLoopMgr
+from Configurables import ForwardSchedulerSvc
 # Output setup
 # - DST
@@ -56,13 +57,11 @@ algoparallel = 10
 whiteboard   = HiveWhiteBoard("EventDataSvc",
                               EventSlots = evtslots)
-eventloopmgr = HiveEventLoopMgr(MaxEventsParallel = evtslots,
-                                MaxAlgosParallel  = algoparallel,
-                                CloneAlgorithms = True,
-                                DumpQueues = True,
-                                NumThreads = algoparallel,
-                                AlgosDependencies = [[],[product_name],[product_name]])
+slimeventloopmgr = HiveSlimEventLoopMgr()
+scheduler = ForwardSchedulerSvc(MaxAlgosInFlight = algoparallel,
+                                ThreadPoolSize = algoparallel,
+                                OutputLevel=WARNING)
 # Application setup
 app = ApplicationMgr()
@@ -80,4 +79,4 @@ app.EvtMax   = 50
 app.EvtSel   = "NONE" # do not use any event input
 app.HistogramPersistency = "NONE"
 app.ExtSvc = [whiteboard]
-app.EventLoop = eventloopmgr
+app.EventLoop = slimeventloopmgr
diff --git a/GaudiHive/CMakeLists.txt b/GaudiHive/CMakeLists.txt
index 226a0e1f4..8ca66a5e2 100644
--- a/GaudiHive/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/GaudiHive/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -27,10 +27,6 @@ gaudi_add_test(WhiteBoard
                FRAMEWORK options/
                TIMEOUT 120)
-               FRAMEWORK options/
-               TIMEOUT 120)
                FRAMEWORK options/
                TIMEOUT 120)
diff --git a/GaudiHive/GaudiHive/HiveEventLoopMgr.h b/GaudiHive/GaudiHive/HiveEventLoopMgr.h
deleted file mode 100644
index aacc19221..000000000
--- a/GaudiHive/GaudiHive/HiveEventLoopMgr.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,127 +0,0 @@
-// Framework include files
-#include "GaudiKernel/IAlgResourcePool.h"
-#include "GaudiKernel/IEvtSelector.h"
-#include "GaudiKernel/IHiveWhiteBoard.h"
-#include "GaudiKernel/MinimalEventLoopMgr.h"
-#include "GaudiKernel/IAlgExecStateSvc.h"
-// std includes
-#include <atomic>
-//include boost
-#include <boost/dynamic_bitset.hpp>
-// include tbb
-#include "tbb/concurrent_vector.h"
-#include "tbb/concurrent_queue.h"
-// typedef for the event and algo state
-typedef boost::dynamic_bitset<> state_type;
-// Forward declarations
-class IIncidentSvc;
-class IDataManagerSvc;
-class IDataProviderSvc;
-namespace tbb {
-  class task_scheduler_init;
-class HiveEventLoopMgr : public MinimalEventLoopMgr   {
-  /// Reference to the Event Data Service's IDataManagerSvc interface
-  SmartIF<IDataManagerSvc>  m_evtDataMgrSvc;
-  /// Reference to the Event Data Service's IDataProviderSvc interface
-  SmartIF<IDataProviderSvc> m_evtDataSvc;
-  /// Reference to the Event Selector
-  SmartIF<IEvtSelector>     m_evtSelector;
-  /// Event Iterator
-  IEvtSelector::Context*    m_evtSelContext;
-  /// Event selector
-  std::string       m_evtsel;
-  /// Reference to the Histogram Data Service
-  SmartIF<IDataManagerSvc>  m_histoDataMgrSvc;
-  /// Reference to the Histogram Persistency Service
-  SmartIF<IConversionSvc>   m_histoPersSvc;
-  /// Reference to the Histogram Persistency Service
-  SmartIF<IHiveWhiteBoard>  m_whiteboard;
-  /// Reference to the Algorithm resource pool
-  SmartIF<IAlgResourcePool>  m_algResourcePool;
-  /// Name of the Hist Pers type
-  std::string       m_histPersName;
-  /// Property interface of ApplicationMgr
-  SmartIF<IProperty>        m_appMgrProperty;
-  /// Algorithm Execution State Mgr
-  SmartIF<IAlgExecStateSvc>      m_aess;
-  /// Flag to avoid to fire the EnvEvent incident twice in a row
-  /// (and also not before the first event)
-  bool              m_endEventFired;
-  /// Flag to disable warning messages when using external input
-  bool              m_warnings;
-  // Variables for the concurrency  
-  /// Maximum number of parallel running algorithms
-  unsigned int m_max_parallel;
-  /// Pointer to tbb task scheduler
-  tbb::task_scheduler_init* m_tbb_scheduler_init;  
-  /// Get the input and output collections
-  void find_dependencies();
-  /// The termination requirement
-  state_type m_termination_requirement;
-  /// All requirements
-  std::vector<state_type> m_all_requirements;
-  /// Register of input products
-  std::map<DataObjID,unsigned int> m_product_indices;
-  /// Total number of algos in flight across all events
-  std::atomic_uint m_total_algos_in_flight;
-  /// Total number of algos
-  unsigned int  m_numberOfAlgos;
-  /// Dump the algorithm queues
-  bool m_DumpQueues;
-  /// Number of events in parallel
-  unsigned int m_evts_parallel;
-  /// Total numbers of threads
-  unsigned int m_num_threads;
-  /// Clone algorithms to run them simultaneously
-  bool m_CloneAlgorithms;
-  /// Algorithms Inputs
-  // keep room for a class hashing strings instead of strings
-  typedef std::vector<std::vector<std::string>> algosDependenciesCollection;
-  // We just need the dependencies and not the algo names.
-  algosDependenciesCollection m_AlgosDependencies;
-  // Number of products to deal with
-  unsigned int m_nProducts;
-  /// Standard Constructor
-  HiveEventLoopMgr(const std::string& nam, ISvcLocator* svcLoc);
-  /// Standard Destructor
-  ~HiveEventLoopMgr() override;
-  /// Create event address using event selector
-  StatusCode getEventRoot(IOpaqueAddress*& refpAddr);  
-  /// implementation of IService::initialize
-  StatusCode initialize() override;
-  /// implementation of IService::reinitialize
-  StatusCode reinitialize() override;
-  /// implementation of IService::stop
-  StatusCode stop() override;
-  /// implementation of IService::finalize
-  StatusCode finalize() override;
-  /// implementation of IService::nextEvent
-  StatusCode nextEvent(int maxevt) override;
-  /// implementation of IEventProcessor::executeEvent(void* par)
-  StatusCode executeEvent(void* par) override;
-  /// implementation of IEventProcessor::executeRun()
-  StatusCode executeRun(int maxevt) override;
-  /// Decrement the number of algos in flight and put algo back in manager - maybe private
-  void taskFinished(IAlgorithm*& algo);
diff --git a/GaudiHive/GaudiHive/HiveTestAlgorithm.h b/GaudiHive/GaudiHive/HiveTestAlgorithm.h
index a2f24fde0..3a48a541f 100644
--- a/GaudiHive/GaudiHive/HiveTestAlgorithm.h
+++ b/GaudiHive/GaudiHive/HiveTestAlgorithm.h
@@ -47,5 +47,8 @@ class GAUDI_API HiveTestAlgorithm: public GaudiAlgorithm {
   std::vector<std::string> m_inputs;
   std::vector<std::string> m_outputs;
+  std::vector<DataObjectHandle<DataObject> *> m_inputHandles;
+  std::vector<DataObjectHandle<DataObject> *> m_outputHandles;
diff --git a/GaudiHive/options/ b/GaudiHive/options/
deleted file mode 100755
index 392eb9673..000000000
--- a/GaudiHive/options/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,153 +0,0 @@
-from Gaudi.Configuration import *
-# ============================================================================
-from Configurables import GaudiExamplesCommonConf, CPUCruncher,HiveEventLoopMgr, HiveWhiteBoard
-import json
-# ============================================================================     
-# Metaconfig
-SCALE = .1
-CloneAlgos = CLONEALGOS
-DumpQueues = DUMPQUEUES
-Scale = SCALE
-Verbosity = VERBOSITY
-def load_brunel_scenario(filename):
-  algs = {}
-  timing = {}
-  objs = []
-  curr = None
-  order = 0
-  nodes = ('/Event', '/Event/Rec', '/Event/DAQ')
-  for l in open(filename).readlines():
-    if l.find('StoreTracer') == 0:
-      if   l.find('Executing Algorithm') != -1:
-        alg = l.split()[-1]
-        if alg not in algs.keys() : algs[alg] = (order, set(),set())
-        curr = alg
-        order += 1
-      elif l.find('Done with Algorithm') != -1:
-        curr = None
-      elif l.find('[EventDataSvc]') != -1 and curr:
-        obj = l.split()[-1]
-        if obj in nodes : continue
-        if obj.find('/Event/') == 0 : obj = obj[7:]
-        obj = obj.replace('/','_')
-        if obj not in objs : objs.append(obj)
-        talg = algs[curr]
-        if l.find('RETRIEVE') != -1:
-          if obj not in talg[1] : talg[1].add(obj)
-        elif l.find('REGOBJ') != -1:
-          if obj not in talg[2] : talg[2].add(obj)
-    if l.find("TimingAuditor") != -1:
-        algo = l.split()[2]#.rstrip("|")
-        index = 13
-        if algo.endswith("|"): 
-           index = 12
-           algo = algo.rstrip("|")
-        if algo in algs.keys(): 
-             timing[algo] = l.split()[index]
-        else:
-             for name in algs.keys():
-                if name.startswith(algo):
-                   timing[name] = l.split()[index]
-  all_inputs = set()
-  all_outputs = set()
-  all_algos = []
-  all_algos_inputs = []
-  sTiming = json.dumps(timing)
-  f = open("algTimings.json", 'w')
-  print >> f, sTiming
-  #Scale all algo timings if needed
-  if Scale!=-1:
-    for alg in timing.keys():
-      old_timing = float(timing[alg])
-      new_timing = old_timing*Scale;
-      #print "Algorithm %s: %f --> %f" %(alg, old_timing, new_timing)
-      timing[alg]=new_timing
-  for i, (alg,deps) in enumerate(algs.items()):
-    if alg in ["PatPVOffline","PrsADCs"]: continue
-    if deps[1] or deps[2] : 
-        inputs = []
-        inputs = [item for item in deps[1] if item not in ("DAQ_ODIN","DAQ_RawEvent") and item not in deps[2]]
-        outputs = [item for item in deps[2]]
-        new_algo = CPUCruncher(alg,
-                               avgRuntime=float(timing[alg]),
-                               DataInputs=inputs,
-                               DataOutputs=outputs,
-                               OutputLevel = 6
-                              )
-        for item in deps[1]: 
-            all_inputs.add(item)
-        for item in deps[2]: 
-            all_outputs.add(item)
-        all_algos.append(new_algo)
-        all_algos_inputs.append(inputs)
-  #look for the objects that haven't been provided within the job. Assume this needs to come via input
-  new_algo = CPUCruncher("input",
-                         avgRuntime=1,
-                         DataInputs=[],
-                         DataOutputs=[item for item in all_inputs.difference(all_outputs)],
-                         OutputLevel = 6
-                         )
-  all_algos.append(new_algo)
-  all_algos_inputs.append([])
-  return all_algos,all_algos_inputs
-# Set output level threshold 2=DEBUG, 3=INFO, 4=WARNING, 5=ERROR, 6=FATAL )
-ms = MessageSvc() 
-ms.OutputLevel     =  Verbosity
-crunchers,inputs = load_brunel_scenario("Brunel.TES.trace.log")
-whiteboard   = HiveWhiteBoard("EventDataSvc",
-                              EventSlots = NumberOfEventsInFlight)
-# Setup the Event Loop Manager
-evtloop = HiveEventLoopMgr()
-evtloop.MaxAlgosParallel = NumberOfAlgosInFlight
-evtloop.MaxEventsParallel = NumberOfEventsInFlight
-evtloop.NumThreads = NumberOfThreads 
-evtloop.CloneAlgorithms = CloneAlgos
-evtloop.DumpQueues = DumpQueues
-evtloop.AlgosDependencies = inputs
-# And the Application Manager
-app = ApplicationMgr()
-app.TopAlg = crunchers
-app.EvtSel = "NONE" # do not use any event input
-app.EvtMax = NumberOfEvents
-app.EventLoop = evtloop
-app.ExtSvc =[whiteboard]
-#app.MessageSvcType = "TBBMessageSvc"
diff --git a/GaudiHive/options/ b/GaudiHive/options/
deleted file mode 100644
index dc404e9b1..000000000
--- a/GaudiHive/options/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
-import json
-from Gaudi.Configuration import *
-# ============================================================================
-from Configurables import GaudiExamplesCommonConf, CPUCruncher,HiveEventLoopMgr
-# ============================================================================     
-# Metaconfig
-CloneAlgos = CLONEALGOS
-DumpQueues = DUMPQUEUES
-Verbosity = VERBOSITY
-def load_CMSSW_scenario(filename):
-  data = open(filename).read()
-  workflow = eval(data)
-  cpu_cruncher_algos = []
-  cpu_cruncher_algos_inputs = []
-  all_outputs = set()
-  all_inputs  = set()
-  for algo in workflow["process"]["producers"]:
-    # in the next two lines replace the slash as that is a reserved character in the data store 
-    inputs = [ item["label"].replace("/","_") for item in algo["toGet"] ]
-    outputs = [algo["@label"].replace("/","_"),]
-    new_algo = CPUCruncher(algo["@label"],
-                           avgRuntime=float(algo["eventTimes"][0]),
-                           DataInputs = inputs,
-                           DataOutputs = outputs
-                          )
-    cpu_cruncher_algos.append(new_algo)
-    all_outputs.update(outputs)
-    all_inputs.update(inputs)
-    cpu_cruncher_algos_inputs.append(inputs)
-  #look for the objects that haven't been provided within the job. Assume this needs to come via input
-  new_algo = CPUCruncher("input",
-                         avgRuntime=1,
-                         DataInputs=[],
-                         DataOutputs=[item for item in all_inputs.difference(all_outputs)]
-                         )
-  cpu_cruncher_algos.append(new_algo)
-  cpu_cruncher_algos_inputs.append([])
-  print [item for item in all_inputs.difference(all_outputs)]
-  return cpu_cruncher_algos,cpu_cruncher_algos_inputs
-# Set output level threshold 2=DEBUG, 3=INFO, 4=WARNING, 5=ERROR, 6=FATAL )
-ms = MessageSvc() 
-ms.OutputLevel     =  Verbosity
-crunchers,inputs = load_CMSSW_scenario("CMS_multijet.json")
-# Setup the Event Loop Manager
-evtloop = HiveEventLoopMgr()
-evtloop.MaxAlgosParallel = NumberOfAlgosInFlight
-evtloop.MaxEventsParallel = NumberOfEventsInFlight
-evtloop.NumThreads = NumberOfThreads 
-evtloop.CloneAlgorithms = CloneAlgos
-evtloop.DumpQueues = DumpQueues
-evtloop.AlgosDependencies = inputs
-# And the Application Manager
-app = ApplicationMgr()
-app.TopAlg = crunchers
-app.EvtSel = "NONE" # do not use any event input
-app.EvtMax = NumberOfEvents
-app.EventLoop = evtloop
-#app.MessageSvcType = "TBBMessageSvc"
diff --git a/GaudiHive/options/CPUCruncher.opts b/GaudiHive/options/CPUCruncher.opts
deleted file mode 100644
index 728ea7270..000000000
--- a/GaudiHive/options/CPUCruncher.opts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-// Example options file.
-AuditorSvc.Auditors = { "ChronoAuditor" };
-// Set up the transient data store
-EventDataSvc.ForceLeaves = true;
-EventDataSvc.RootCLID    =    1;
-// Private Application Configuration options
-// Set output level threshold 2=DEBUG, 3=INFO, 4=WARNING, 5=ERROR, 6=FATAL )
-MessageSvc.OutputLevel     =  3;
-ApplicationMgr.TopAlg += { "CPUCruncher/Test1",
-                           "CPUCruncher/Test2" };
-// Event related parameters
-ApplicationMgr.EvtMax    = 15;   // events to be processed (default is 10)
-ApplicationMgr.EvtSel   = "NONE"; // do not use any event input
-ApplicationMgr.HistogramPersistency = "NONE";
-ApplicationMgr.StatusCodeCheck = false ;
-ApplicationMgr.EventLoop = "HiveEventLoopMgr";
-HiveEventLoopMgr.MaxAlgosParallel = 1;
-HiveEventLoopMgr.MaxEventsParallel = 1;
-HiveEventLoopMgr.NumThreads = 2;
-HiveEventLoopMgr.CloneAlgorithms = true;
-HiveEventLoopMgr.DumpQueues = false;
diff --git a/GaudiHive/options/ b/GaudiHive/options/
deleted file mode 100644
index f74722037..000000000
--- a/GaudiHive/options/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-from Gaudi.Configuration import *
-from Configurables import HiveWhiteBoard, HiveEventLoopMgr, CPUCruncher
-evtslots = 10
-whiteboard   = HiveWhiteBoard("EventDataSvc",
-                              EventSlots = evtslots)
-eventloopmgr = HiveEventLoopMgr(MaxEventsParallel = evtslots,
-                                MaxAlgosParallel  = 20,
-                                NumThreads = 8,
-                                AlgosDependencies = [[],['a1'],['a1'],['a2','a3']])
-a1 = CPUCruncher("A1",
-                 varRuntime=.1,
-                 avgRuntime=.5,
-                 shortCalib = True )
-a1.outKeys = ['/Event/a1']
-a2 = CPUCruncher("A2")
-a2.inpKeys = ['/Event/a1']
-a2.outKeys = ['/Event/a2']
-a3 = CPUCruncher("A3")
-a3.inpKeys = ['/Event/a1']
-a3.outKeys = ['/Event/a3']
-a4 = CPUCruncher("A4")
-a4.inpKeys = ['/Event/a2','/Event/a3']
-a4.outKeys = ['/Event/a4']
-ApplicationMgr( EvtMax = 10,
-                EvtSel = 'NONE',
-                ExtSvc =[whiteboard],
-                EventLoop = eventloopmgr,
-                TopAlg = [a1,a2,a3,a4] )
diff --git a/GaudiHive/options/ b/GaudiHive/options/
deleted file mode 100644
index ecd9b5db3..000000000
--- a/GaudiHive/options/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-from Gaudi.Configuration import *
-# ============================================================================
-from Configurables import GaudiExamplesCommonConf, CPUCruncher,HiveEventLoopMgr_v2
-# ============================================================================
-number_of_algos = 20
-number_of_threads = 10
-mean_time = 1
-# ============================================================================
-# Create number_of_algos independent algos and run them
-import random
-for i in xrange(number_of_algos):
-  auto_cruncher = CPUCruncher("cruncher_%s"%i,
-                              avgRuntime=random.uniform(mean_time+.1,mean_time+.5),
-                              DataInputs=[],
-                              DataOutputs=["coll_%s"%i])
-  auto_crunchers.append(auto_cruncher)
-# ============================================================================
-# Setup the Event Loop Manager
-evtloop = HiveEventLoopMgr_v2()
-evtloop.MaxEventsParallel = number_of_threads
-evtloop.NumThreads = number_of_threads
-evtloop.CloneAlgorithms = True
-evtloop.DumpQueues = False
-# And the Application Manager
-app = ApplicationMgr()
-app.TopAlg = auto_crunchers
-app.EvtSel = "NONE" # do not use any event input
-app.EvtMax = 10
-app.EventLoop = evtloop;
-app.MessageSvcType = "TBBMessageSvc";
-# ============================================================================
-# The END
-# ============================================================================
diff --git a/GaudiHive/options/ b/GaudiHive/options/
index 0090680fd..45f905b7a 100644
--- a/GaudiHive/options/
+++ b/GaudiHive/options/
@@ -1,14 +1,16 @@
 from Gaudi.Configuration import *
-from Configurables import HiveWhiteBoard, HiveEventLoopMgr, HiveTestAlgorithm
+from Configurables import HiveWhiteBoard, HiveSlimEventLoopMgr, HiveTestAlgorithm, ForwardSchedulerSvc
 evtslots = 10
 whiteboard   = HiveWhiteBoard("EventDataSvc",
                               EventSlots = evtslots)
-eventloopmgr = HiveEventLoopMgr(MaxEventsParallel = evtslots,
-                                MaxAlgosParallel  = 20,
-                                NumThreads = 8,
-                                AlgosDependencies = [[],['a1'],['a1'],['a2','a3']])
+slimeventloopmgr = HiveSlimEventLoopMgr(OutputLevel=DEBUG)
+scheduler = ForwardSchedulerSvc(MaxAlgosInFlight = 20,
+                                ThreadPoolSize = 8,
+                                OutputLevel=WARNING)
 a1 = HiveTestAlgorithm("A1", Output = ['/Event/a1'])
 a2 = HiveTestAlgorithm("A2", Input = ['/Event/a1'],
@@ -21,5 +23,6 @@ a4 = HiveTestAlgorithm("A4", Input = ['/Event/a2','/Event/a3'],
 ApplicationMgr( EvtMax = 100,
                 EvtSel = 'NONE',
                 ExtSvc =[whiteboard],
-                EventLoop = eventloopmgr,
-                TopAlg = [a1,a2,a3,a4] )
+                EventLoop = slimeventloopmgr,
+                TopAlg = [a1, a2, a3, a4],
+                MessageSvcType="InertMessageSvc")
diff --git a/GaudiHive/profiling/ b/GaudiHive/profiling/
index ab616b5af..9ca9b1169 100644
--- a/GaudiHive/profiling/
+++ b/GaudiHive/profiling/
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ LegendDrawOpts="lp"
 def parseLog(logfilename):
   # a line looks like 
-  #"HiveEventLoopMgr  SUCCESS Event backlog (max= 3, min= 0 ) = 3"
+  #"HiveSlimEventLoopMgr  SUCCESS Event backlog (max= 3, min= 0 ) = 3"
   global NEventsInFlight
   global NThreads
   ifile = open(logfilename,"r")
diff --git a/GaudiHive/src/HiveEventLoopMgr.cpp b/GaudiHive/src/HiveEventLoopMgr.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index b2baede31..000000000
--- a/GaudiHive/src/HiveEventLoopMgr.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,831 +0,0 @@
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <tuple>
-#include "GaudiKernel/SmartIF.h"
-#include "GaudiKernel/Incident.h"
-#include "GaudiKernel/MsgStream.h"
-#include "GaudiKernel/SvcFactory.h"
-#include "GaudiKernel/DataObject.h"
-#include "GaudiKernel/IAlgManager.h"
-#include "GaudiKernel/IIncidentSvc.h"
-#include "GaudiKernel/IEvtSelector.h"
-#include "GaudiKernel/IDataManagerSvc.h"
-#include "GaudiKernel/IDataProviderSvc.h"
-#include "GaudiKernel/IConversionSvc.h"
-#include "GaudiKernel/AppReturnCode.h"
-#include "GaudiKernel/DataSvc.h"
-#include "GaudiKernel/IAlgExecStateSvc.h"
-#include "HistogramAgent.h"
-// For concurrency
-#include "GaudiHive/HiveEventLoopMgr.h"
-#include "GaudiHive/EventSchedulingState.h"
-#include "tbb/task_scheduler_init.h"
-#include "tbb/task.h"
-#include "tbb/tick_count.h"
-#include "GaudiKernel/EventContext.h"
-#include "GaudiKernel/Algorithm.h"
-#include "GaudiKernel/GaudiException.h"
-#include <pthread.h> // only for the tID!
-#include <sys/resource.h>
-#include <sys/times.h>
-// Instantiation of a static factory class used by clients to create instances of this service
-#define ON_DEBUG if (UNLIKELY(outputLevel() <= MSG::DEBUG))
-#define ON_VERBOSE if (UNLIKELY(outputLevel() <= MSG::VERBOSE))
-#define DEBMSG ON_DEBUG debug()
-#define VERMSG ON_VERBOSE verbose()
-/// *dirty* place for adding an AlgoTask wrapper
-class HiveAlgoTask : public tbb::task {
-  HiveAlgoTask(IAlgorithm* algorithm,
-               EventSchedulingState* scheduler,
-               HiveEventLoopMgr* eventloopmanager,
-               EventContext* ctx,
-               IAlgExecStateSvc* aem): m_algorithm(algorithm),
-                                  m_scheduler(scheduler),
-                                  m_eventloopmanager(eventloopmanager),
-                                  m_ctx(ctx),
-                                  m_aess(aem){};
-  tbb::task* execute();
-  IAlgorithm* m_algorithm;
-  EventSchedulingState* m_scheduler;
-  HiveEventLoopMgr* m_eventloopmanager;
-  EventContext* m_ctx;
-  IAlgExecStateSvc*  m_aess;
-tbb::task* HiveAlgoTask::execute() {
-  // Algorithm* this_algo = dynamic_cast<Algorithm*>(m_algorithm);
-  // this_algo->getContext()->m_thread_id = pthread_self();
-  m_algorithm->setContext(m_ctx);
-  bool eventfailed(false);
-  StatusCode sc (StatusCode::FAILURE);
-  try {
-    sc = m_algorithm->sysExecute();
-  } catch ( ... ) {
-    eventfailed = true;
-  }
-  if (sc.isFailure()) {
-    eventfailed = true;
-  }
-  m_aess->algExecState(m_algorithm, *m_ctx).setExecuted(true);
-  m_aess->algExecState(m_algorithm, *m_ctx).setExecStatus(sc);
-  m_aess->updateEventStatus(eventfailed, *m_ctx);
-  m_scheduler->algoFinished();
-  // put back the algo into the hive algorithm manager
-  m_eventloopmanager->taskFinished(m_algorithm); // TODO do this with index: put index in context?
-  return NULL;
-// Standard Constructor
-HiveEventLoopMgr::HiveEventLoopMgr(const std::string& nam, ISvcLocator* svcLoc)
-  : MinimalEventLoopMgr(nam, svcLoc)
-  m_histoDataMgrSvc   = 0;
-  m_histoPersSvc      = 0;
-  m_evtDataMgrSvc     = 0;
-  m_evtDataSvc        = 0;
-  m_evtSelector       = 0;
-  m_evtSelContext        = 0;
-  m_algResourcePool   = 0;
-  m_endEventFired     = true;
-  m_total_algos_in_flight=0;
-  m_max_parallel = 1;
-  m_evts_parallel = 1;
-  m_num_threads = 1;
-  m_DumpQueues = true;
-  m_nProducts = 0;
-  // Declare properties
-  declareProperty("HistogramPersistency", m_histPersName = "");
-  declareProperty("EvtSel", m_evtsel );
-  declareProperty("Warnings",m_warnings=true,
-                  "Set this property to false to suppress warning messages");
-  declareProperty("MaxAlgosParallel", m_max_parallel );
-  declareProperty("MaxEventsParallel", m_evts_parallel);
-  declareProperty("NumThreads", m_num_threads);
-  declareProperty("DumpQueues", m_DumpQueues= false);
-  declareProperty("CloneAlgorithms", m_CloneAlgorithms= false);
-  declareProperty("AlgosDependencies", m_AlgosDependencies);
-// Standard Destructor
-HiveEventLoopMgr::~HiveEventLoopMgr()   {
-  if( m_histoDataMgrSvc ) m_histoDataMgrSvc->release();
-  if( m_histoPersSvc ) m_histoPersSvc->release();
-  if( m_evtDataMgrSvc ) m_evtDataMgrSvc->release();
-  if( m_evtDataSvc ) m_evtDataSvc->release();
-  if( m_evtSelector ) m_evtSelector->release();
-  if( m_evtSelContext ) delete m_evtSelContext;
-// implementation of IAppMgrUI::initialize
-StatusCode HiveEventLoopMgr::initialize()    {
-  // Initialize the base class
-  StatusCode sc = MinimalEventLoopMgr::initialize();
-  if( !sc.isSuccess() ) {
-    DEBMSG << "Error Initializing base class MinimalEventLoopMgr." << endmsg;
-    return sc;
-  }
-  find_dependencies();
-  // Setup access to event data services
-  m_evtDataMgrSvc = serviceLocator()->service("EventDataSvc");
-  if( !m_evtDataMgrSvc.isValid() )  {
-    fatal() << "Error retrieving EventDataSvc interface IDataManagerSvc." << endmsg;
-    return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-  }
-  m_evtDataSvc = serviceLocator()->service("EventDataSvc");
-  if( !m_evtDataSvc.isValid() )  {
-    fatal() << "Error retrieving EventDataSvc interface IDataProviderSvc." << endmsg;
-    return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-  }
-  m_whiteboard = serviceLocator()->service("EventDataSvc");
-  if( !m_whiteboard.isValid() )  {
-    fatal() << "Error retrieving EventDataSvc interface IHiveWhiteBoard." << endmsg;
-    return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-  }
-  m_whiteboard->setNumberOfStores(m_evts_parallel).ignore();
-  // Obtain the IProperty of the ApplicationMgr
-  m_appMgrProperty = serviceLocator();
-  if ( ! m_appMgrProperty.isValid() )   {
-    fatal() << "IProperty interface not found in ApplicationMgr." << endmsg;
-    return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-  }
-  // We do not expect a Event Selector necessarily being declared
-  setProperty(m_appMgrProperty->getProperty("EvtSel")).ignore();
-  if( m_evtsel != "NONE" || m_evtsel.length() == 0) {
-    m_evtSelector = serviceLocator()->service("EventSelector");
-    if( m_evtSelector.isValid() ) {
-      // Setup Event Selector
-      sc=m_evtSelector->createContext(m_evtSelContext);
-      if( !sc.isSuccess() )   {
-        fatal() << "Can not create the event selector Context." << endmsg;
-        return sc;
-      }
-    }
-    else {
-      fatal() << "EventSelector not found." << endmsg;
-      return sc;
-    }
-  }
-  else {
-    m_evtSelector = 0;
-    m_evtSelContext = 0;
-    if ( m_warnings ) {
-      warning() << "Unable to locate service \"EventSelector\" " << endmsg;
-      warning() << "No events will be processed from external input." << endmsg;
-    }
-  }
-  // Setup access to histogramming services
-  m_histoDataMgrSvc = serviceLocator()->service("HistogramDataSvc");
-  if( !m_histoDataMgrSvc.isValid() )  {
-    fatal() << "Error retrieving HistogramDataSvc." << endmsg;
-    return sc;
-  }
-  // Setup histogram persistency
-  m_histoPersSvc = serviceLocator()->service("HistogramPersistencySvc");
-  if( !m_histoPersSvc.isValid() ) {
-    warning() << "Histograms cannot not be saved - though required." << endmsg;
-    return sc;
-  }
-  // Setup algorithm resource pool
-  m_algResourcePool = serviceLocator()->service("AlgResourcePool");
-  if( !m_algResourcePool.isValid() ) {
-    fatal() << "Error retrieving AlgResourcePool" << endmsg;
-    return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-  }
-  m_aess = serviceLocator()->service("AlgExecStateSvc");
-  if( !m_aess.isValid() ) {
-    fatal() << "Error retrieving AlgExecStateSvc" << endmsg;
-    return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-  }
-  // Setup tbb task scheduler
-  // TODO: shouldn't be in this case
-  // One more for the current thread
-  m_tbb_scheduler_init = new tbb::task_scheduler_init(m_num_threads+1);
-  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
-// implementation of IService::reinitialize
-StatusCode HiveEventLoopMgr::reinitialize() {
-  // Initialize the base class
-  StatusCode sc = MinimalEventLoopMgr::reinitialize();
-  if( !sc.isSuccess() ) {
-    DEBMSG << "Error Initializing base class MinimalEventLoopMgr." << endmsg;
-    return sc;
-  }
-  // Check to see whether a new Event Selector has been specified
-  setProperty(m_appMgrProperty->getProperty("EvtSel"));
-  if( m_evtsel != "NONE" || m_evtsel.length() == 0) {
-    SmartIF<IService> theSvc(serviceLocator()->service("EventSelector"));
-    SmartIF<IEvtSelector> theEvtSel(theSvc);
-    if( theEvtSel.isValid() && ( theEvtSel.get() != m_evtSelector.get() ) ) {
-      // Setup Event Selector
-      if ( m_evtSelector.get() && m_evtSelContext ) {
-        // Need to release context before switching to new event selector
-        m_evtSelector->releaseContext(m_evtSelContext);
-        m_evtSelContext = 0;
-      }
-      m_evtSelector = theEvtSel;
-      if (theSvc->FSMState() == Gaudi::StateMachine::INITIALIZED) {
-        sc = theSvc->reinitialize();
-        if( !sc.isSuccess() ) {
-          error() << "Failure Reinitializing EventSelector "
-                  << theSvc->name( ) << endmsg;
-          return sc;
-        }
-      }
-      else {
-        sc = theSvc->sysInitialize();
-        if( !sc.isSuccess() ) {
-          error() << "Failure Initializing EventSelector "
-                  << theSvc->name( ) << endmsg;
-          return sc;
-        }
-      }
-      sc = m_evtSelector->createContext(m_evtSelContext);
-      if( !sc.isSuccess() ) {
-        error() << "Can not create Context " << theSvc->name( ) << endmsg;
-        return sc;
-      }
-      info() << "EventSelector service changed to "
-             << theSvc->name( ) << endmsg;
-    }
-    else if ( m_evtSelector.isValid() ) {
-      if ( m_evtSelContext ) {
-        m_evtSelector->releaseContext(m_evtSelContext);
-        m_evtSelContext = 0;
-      }
-      sc = m_evtSelector->createContext(m_evtSelContext);
-      if( !sc.isSuccess() ) {
-        error() << "Can not create Context " << theSvc->name( ) << endmsg;
-        return sc;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  else if ( m_evtSelector.isValid() && m_evtSelContext ) {
-    m_evtSelector->releaseContext(m_evtSelContext);
-    m_evtSelector = 0;
-    m_evtSelContext = 0;
-  }
-  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
-// implementation of IService::stop
-StatusCode HiveEventLoopMgr::stop()    {
-  if ( ! m_endEventFired ) {
-    // Fire pending EndEvent incident
-    m_incidentSvc->fireIncident(Incident(name(),IncidentType::EndEvent));
-    m_endEventFired = true;
-  }
-  return MinimalEventLoopMgr::stop();
-// implementation of IAppMgrUI::finalize
-StatusCode HiveEventLoopMgr::finalize()    {
-  StatusCode sc;
-  // Finalize base class
-  sc = MinimalEventLoopMgr::finalize();
-  if (! sc.isSuccess()) {
-    error() << "Error finalizing base class" << endmsg;
-    return sc;
-  }
-  // Save Histograms Now
-  if ( m_histoPersSvc != 0 )    {
-    HistogramAgent agent;
-    sc = m_histoDataMgrSvc->traverseTree( &agent );
-    if( sc.isSuccess() )   {
-      IDataSelector* objects = agent.selectedObjects();
-      // skip /stat entry!
-      if ( objects->size() > 0 )    {
-        IDataSelector::iterator i;
-        for ( i = objects->begin(); i != objects->end(); i++ )    {
-          IOpaqueAddress* pAddr = 0;
-          StatusCode iret = m_histoPersSvc->createRep(*i, pAddr);
-          if ( iret.isSuccess() )     {
-            (*i)->registry()->setAddress(pAddr);
-          }
-          else  {
-            sc = iret;
-          }
-        }
-        for ( i = objects->begin(); i != objects->end(); i++ )    {
-          IRegistry* reg = (*i)->registry();
-          StatusCode iret = m_histoPersSvc->fillRepRefs(reg->address(), *i);
-          if ( !iret.isSuccess() )    {
-            sc = iret;
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      if ( sc.isSuccess() )    {
-        info() << "Histograms converted successfully according to request." << endmsg;
-      }
-      else  {
-        error() << "Error while saving Histograms." << endmsg;
-      }
-    }
-    else {
-      error() << "Error while traversing Histogram data store" << endmsg;
-    }
-  }
-  // Release event selector context
-  if ( m_evtSelector && m_evtSelContext )   {
-    m_evtSelector->releaseContext(m_evtSelContext).ignore();
-    m_evtSelContext = 0;
-  }
-  // Release all interfaces...
-  m_histoDataMgrSvc = 0;
-  m_histoPersSvc    = 0;
-  m_evtSelector     = 0;
-  m_evtDataSvc      = 0;
-  m_evtDataMgrSvc   = 0;
-  delete m_tbb_scheduler_init;
-  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
-// implementation of executeEvent(void* par)
-StatusCode HiveEventLoopMgr::executeEvent(void* /*par*/)    {
-  // FIXME : does this ever get called???
-  // Fire BeginEvent "Incident"
-  m_incidentSvc->fireIncident(Incident(name(),IncidentType::BeginEvent));
-  // An incident may schedule a stop, in which case is better to exit before the actual execution.
-  if ( m_scheduledStop ) {
-    always() << "Terminating event processing loop due to a stop scheduled by an incident listener" << endmsg;
-    return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
-  }
-  // Execute Algorithms
-  m_incidentSvc->fireIncident(Incident(name(), IncidentType::BeginProcessing));
-  // Prepare the event context for concurrency
-  // Call the resetExecuted() method of ALL "known" algorithms
-  // (before we were reseting only the topalgs)
-  SmartIF<IAlgManager> algMan(serviceLocator());
-  if (LIKELY(algMan.isValid())) {
-    for(auto ialg: algMan->getAlgorithms()) {
-      if (LIKELY(0 != ialg)) ialg->resetExecuted();
-    }
-  }
-  bool eventfailed = false;//run_parallel();
-  // ensure that the abortEvent flag is cleared before the next event
-  if (UNLIKELY(m_abortEvent)) {
-    DEBMSG << "AbortEvent incident fired by " 
-           << m_abortEventSource << endmsg;
-    m_abortEvent = false;
-  }
-  // Call the execute() method of all output streams
-  for (ListAlg::iterator ito = m_outStreamList.begin(); 
-       ito != m_outStreamList.end(); ito++ ) {
-    (*ito)->resetExecuted();
-    StatusCode sc;
-    sc = (*ito)->sysExecute();
-    if (UNLIKELY(!sc.isSuccess())) {
-      warning() << "Execution of output stream " << (*ito)->name() 
-                << " failed" << endmsg;
-      eventfailed = true;
-    }
-  }
-  m_incidentSvc->fireIncident(Incident(name(), IncidentType::EndProcessing));
-  // Check if there was an error processing current event
-  if (UNLIKELY(eventfailed)){
-    error() << "Error processing event loop." << endmsg;
-    return StatusCode(StatusCode::FAILURE,true);
-  }
-  return StatusCode(StatusCode::SUCCESS,true);
-// implementation of IEventProcessing::executeRun
-StatusCode HiveEventLoopMgr::executeRun( int maxevt )    {
-  StatusCode  sc;
-  // initialize the base class
-  sc = MinimalEventLoopMgr::executeRun(maxevt);
-  return sc;
-// implementation of IAppMgrUI::nextEvent
-// Here the loop on the events takes place.
-// This is also the natural place to put the preparation of the algorithms
-// contexts, which contain the event specific data.
-StatusCode HiveEventLoopMgr::nextEvent(int maxevt)   {
-  // Collapse executeEvent and run_parallel in the same method
-  // TODO _very_ sporty on conditions and checks!!
-  auto start_time = tbb::tick_count::now();
-  auto secsFromStart = [&start_time]()->double{
-    return (tbb::tick_count::now()-start_time).seconds();
-  };
-  typedef std::tuple<EventContext*,EventSchedulingState*> contextSchedState_tuple;
-  MsgStream log(msgSvc(), name());
-  // Reset the application return code.
-  Gaudi::setAppReturnCode(m_appMgrProperty, Gaudi::ReturnCode::Success, true).ignore();
-  // Lambda to check if an event has finished
-  auto has_finished = [] // acquire nothing
-    (contextSchedState_tuple evtContext_evtstate) // argument is a tuple
-    { return std::get<1>(evtContext_evtstate)->hasFinished();}; // true if finished
-  // Useful for the Logs
-  always() << "Running with "
-           << m_evts_parallel << " parallel events, "
-           << m_max_parallel << " max concurrent algorithms, "
-           << m_num_threads << " threads."
-           << endmsg;
-  int n_processed_events = 0;
-  bool eof = false;
-  StatusCode sc;
-  // Events in flight
-  std::list<contextSchedState_tuple> events_in_flight;
-  // Loop until no more evts are there
-  while( maxevt == -1 ? !eof : n_processed_events < maxevt ){// TODO Fix the condition in case of -1
-    const unsigned int n_events_in_flight = events_in_flight.size();
-    const unsigned int n_evts_to_process = maxevt - n_processed_events - n_events_in_flight;
-    unsigned int n_acquirable_events = m_evts_parallel - n_events_in_flight ;
-    if (n_acquirable_events > n_evts_to_process)
-      n_acquirable_events = n_evts_to_process;
-    log << MSG::INFO << "Evts in flight: " <<  n_events_in_flight << endmsg;
-    log << MSG::INFO << "Evts processed: " <<  n_processed_events<< endmsg;
-    log << MSG::INFO << "Evts parallel: " << m_evts_parallel << endmsg;
-    log << MSG::INFO << "Acquirable Events are " << n_acquirable_events << endmsg;
-    // Initialisation section ------------------------------------------------
-    // Loop on events to be initialised
-    for (unsigned int offset=0; offset< n_acquirable_events; ++offset){
-      EventContext* evtContext(new EventContext);
-      const int evt_num =  n_processed_events + offset + n_events_in_flight;
-      evtContext->set(evt_num,  m_whiteboard->allocateStore(evt_num) );
-      m_whiteboard->selectStore(evtContext->slot()).ignore();
-      if( m_evtSelContext ) {
-        //---This is the "event iterator" context from EventSelector
-        IOpaqueAddress* pAddr = 0;
-        sc = getEventRoot(pAddr);
-        if( !sc.isSuccess() )  {
-          info() << "No more events in event selection " << endmsg;
-          eof = true;
-          maxevt = evt_num;  // Set the maxevt to the determined maximum
-          break;
-        }
-        sc = m_evtDataMgrSvc->setRoot ("/Event", pAddr);
-        if( !sc.isSuccess() )  {
-          warning() << "Error declaring event root address." << endmsg;
-        }
-      }
-      else {
-        //---In case of no event selector----------------
-        sc = m_evtDataMgrSvc->setRoot ("/Event", new DataObject());
-        if( !sc.isSuccess() )  {
-          warning() << "Error declaring event root DataObject" << endmsg;
-        }
-      }
-      EventSchedulingState* event_state = new EventSchedulingState(m_topAlgList.size(),m_nProducts);
-      events_in_flight.push_back(std::make_tuple(evtContext,event_state));
-      info()  << "Started event " << evt_num << " at " << secsFromStart() << endmsg;
-    }// End initialisation loop on acquired events
-    // End initialisation section --------------------------------------------
-    // Scheduling section ----------------------------------------------------
-    auto in_flight_end = events_in_flight.end();
-    auto in_flight_begin = events_in_flight.begin();
-    // loop until at least one evt finished
-    while (in_flight_end == find_if(in_flight_begin, in_flight_end ,has_finished)){
-      bool no_algo_can_run = true;
-      for (auto& evtContext_evtstate : events_in_flight){ // loop on evts
-        EventContext* event_Context = std::get<0>(evtContext_evtstate);
-        EventSchedulingState* event_state = std::get<1>(evtContext_evtstate);
-        // reset the execution status
-        m_aess->reset( *event_Context );
-        for (unsigned int algo_counter=0; algo_counter<m_topAlgList.size(); algo_counter++) { // loop on algos
-          // check whether all requirements/dependencies for the algorithm are fulfilled...
-          const state_type& algo_requirements = m_all_requirements[algo_counter];
-          // Very verbose!
-          //      log << MSG::VERBOSE << "Checking dependencies for algo " << algo_counter << ":\n"
-          //          << "  o Requirements: " <<  algo_requirements << std::endl
-          //          << "  o State: " << event_state->state() << endmsg;
-          // ...and whether the algorithm was already started and if it can be started
-          bool algo_not_started_and_dependencies_there = (algo_requirements.is_subset_of(event_state->state()) &&
-                                                          (event_state->hasStarted(algo_counter) ) == false);
-          // It could run, just the maximum number of algos in flight has been reached
-          if (algo_not_started_and_dependencies_there)
-            no_algo_can_run = false;
-          if (algo_not_started_and_dependencies_there &&
-              (m_total_algos_in_flight < m_max_parallel )) {
-            // Pick the algorithm if available and if not and requested create one
-            IAlgorithm* ialgo=NULL;
-            // To be transferred to the algomanager, this is inefficient
-            ListAlg::iterator algoIt = m_topAlgList.begin();
-            std::advance(algoIt, algo_counter);
-            if(m_algResourcePool->acquireAlgorithm(algoIt->get()->name(),ialgo)){
-              log << MSG::INFO << "Launching algo " << algo_counter<<  " on event " << event_Context->evt() << endmsg;
-              // Attach context to the algo
-              Algorithm* algo = dynamic_cast<Algorithm*> (ialgo);
-              algo->setContext(event_Context);
-              tbb::task* t = new( tbb::task::allocate_root() ) 
-                HiveAlgoTask(ialgo, event_state, this, event_Context, m_aess);
-              tbb::task::enqueue( *t);
-              event_state->algoStarts(algo_counter);
-              ++m_total_algos_in_flight;
-              log << MSG::INFO << "Algos in flight: " <<  m_total_algos_in_flight << endmsg;
-            }
-          } // End scheduling if block
-        }// end loop on algo indices
-        // update the event state with what has been put into the DataSvc
-        //      std::vector<std::string> new_products;
-        DataObjIDColl new_products;
-        m_whiteboard->selectStore(event_Context->slot()).ignore();
-        sc = m_whiteboard->getNewDataObjects(new_products);
-        if( !sc.isSuccess() ){
-          warning() << "Error getting recent new products (since last time called)" << endmsg;
-        }
-        for (const auto& newProduct : new_products) {
-          log << MSG::DEBUG << "New Product: " << newProduct << " in the store." << endmsg;
-          if (m_product_indices.count( newProduct ) == 1) { // only products with dependencies upon need to be announced to other algos
-            log << MSG::DEBUG << "  - Used as input by some algorithm. Updating the event state." << endmsg;
-            event_state->update_state(m_product_indices[newProduct]);
-          }
-        }
-        /* Check if we stall on the current event
-         * One should check if:
-         * - Nothing can run
-         * - Nothing is running
-         * - No new product is available
-         * - The event is not finished
-         * At this point one could claim a stall.
-         * The implementation poses a challenge though, which resides in the
-         * asyncronous termination of algorithm and potential writing in the
-         * store. Therefore one checks the 4 aforementioned conditions.
-         * Then, the store is again checked (without removing the new
-         * elements). If something new is there the stall is not sure
-         * anymore.
-         * Another possibility could be to check if any algo terminated
-         * during the checks made to the wb probably.
-         */
-        if (no_algo_can_run && // nothing could run
-            m_total_algos_in_flight==0 && // nothing is running
-            new_products.size() == 0 && // no new product available
-            ! event_state->hasFinished() ){ // the event is not finished
-          // Check if something arrived on the wb meanwhile
-          if(!m_whiteboard->newDataObjectsPresent()){
-            std::string errorMessage("No algorithm can run, "
-                                     "no algorithm in flight, "
-                                     "no new products in the store, "
-                                     "event not complete: this is a stall.");
-            fatal() << errorMessage << std::endl
-                    << "Algorithms that ran for event " << event_Context->evt() << std::endl;
-            unsigned int algo_counter=0;
-            for (auto& algo : m_topAlgList){
-              bool has_started = event_state->hasStarted(algo_counter);
-              if (has_started)
-                fatal() << " o " << algo->name() << " could run" << std::endl;
-              else
-                fatal() << " o " << algo->name() << " could NOT run" << std::endl;
-              algo_counter++;
-            } // End ofloop on algos
-            fatal() << endmsg;
-            throw GaudiException (errorMessage,"HiveEventLoopMgr",StatusCode::FAILURE);
-          }
-        }
-      }// end loop on evts in flight
-    }// end loop until at least one evt in flight finished
-    // Remove from the in flight events the finished ones
-    std::list<contextSchedState_tuple>::iterator it=events_in_flight.begin();
-    while (it!=events_in_flight.end()){
-      // Now proceed to deletion
-      if (std::get<1>(*it)->hasFinished()){
-        const unsigned int evt_num = std::get<0>(*it)->evt();
-        const unsigned int evt_slot = std::get<0>(*it)->slot();
-        log << MSG::INFO << "Event "<< evt_num << " finished. Events in flight are "
-            << events_in_flight.size() << ". Processed events are "
-            <<  n_processed_events << endmsg;
-        info() << "Event "<< evt_num << " finished. now is " <<  secsFromStart() << endmsg;
-        // Calculate min and max event num
-        unsigned int min_event_num=0xFFFFFFFF;
-        unsigned int max_event_num=0;
-        for (auto& evtContext_evtstate : events_in_flight){
-          const unsigned int evt_num = std::get<0>(evtContext_evtstate)->evt();
-          // Update min and max for backlog calculation
-          if (evt_num > max_event_num) max_event_num=evt_num;
-          if (evt_num < min_event_num) min_event_num=evt_num;
-        }
-        unsigned int evt_backlog=max_event_num-min_event_num;
-        info() << "Event backlog (max= " << max_event_num << ", min= "
-               << min_event_num<<" ) = " << evt_backlog << endmsg;
-        // Output
-        // Call the execute() method of all output streams
-        for (ListAlg::iterator ito = m_outStreamList.begin(); ito != m_outStreamList.end(); ito++ ) {
-          (*ito)->resetExecuted();
-          StatusCode sc;
-          sc = (*ito)->sysExecute();
-          if (UNLIKELY(!sc.isSuccess())) {
-            warning() << "Execution of output stream " << (*ito)->name() << " failed" << endmsg;
-          }
-        }
-        sc = m_whiteboard->clearStore(evt_slot);
-        if( !sc.isSuccess() )  {
-          warning() << "Clear of Event data store failed" << endmsg;
-        }
-        else {
-          info() << "Cleared store " << evt_slot << endmsg;
-        }
-        m_whiteboard->freeStore(evt_slot).ignore();
-        delete std::get<0>(*it);
-        delete std::get<1>(*it);
-        it=events_in_flight.erase(it) ;
-        n_processed_events++;
-      } else{
-        ++it;
-      }
-    }
-    // End scheduling session ------------------------------------------------
-  } // End while loop on events
-  always() << "---> Loop Finished (seconds): " << secsFromStart() <<endmsg;
-  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
-/// Create event address using event selector
-StatusCode HiveEventLoopMgr::getEventRoot(IOpaqueAddress*& refpAddr)  {
-  refpAddr = 0;
-  StatusCode sc = m_evtSelector->next(*m_evtSelContext);
-  if ( !sc.isSuccess() )  {
-    return sc;
-  }
-  // Create root address and assign address to data service
-  sc = m_evtSelector->createAddress(*m_evtSelContext,refpAddr);
-  if( !sc.isSuccess() )  {
-    sc = m_evtSelector->next(*m_evtSelContext);
-    if ( sc.isSuccess() )  {
-      sc = m_evtSelector->createAddress(*m_evtSelContext,refpAddr);
-      if ( !sc.isSuccess() )  {
-        warning() << "Error creating IOpaqueAddress." << endmsg;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  return sc;
-// Here because temporary
-#include <iostream>
-/// Compute dependencies between the algorithms
-HiveEventLoopMgr::find_dependencies() {
-  // Count how many products are actually requested
-  for (auto& thisAlgoDependencies : m_AlgosDependencies){
-    m_nProducts += thisAlgoDependencies.size();
-  }
-  const unsigned int n_algos = m_topAlgList.size();
-  std::vector<state_type> all_requirements(n_algos,state_type(m_nProducts));
-  unsigned int algo_counter=0;
-  unsigned int input_counter=0;
-  MsgStream log(msgSvc(), name());
-  // loop on the dependencies
-  for (const auto& algoDependencies : m_AlgosDependencies){ // loop on algo dependencies lists
-    state_type requirements(m_nProducts);
-    log << MSG::DEBUG << "Algorithm " << algo_counter << " dependencies: " << endmsg;
-    for (const auto& dependency : algoDependencies){ // loop on dependencies
-      log << MSG::DEBUG << " - " << dependency << endmsg;
-      auto ret = m_product_indices.insert(std::pair<std::string, unsigned int>("/Event/"+dependency,input_counter));
-      // insert successful means == wasn't known before. So increment counter
-      if (ret.second==true) ++input_counter;
-      // in any case the return value holds the proper product index
-      requirements[ret.first->second] = true;
-      log << MSG::DEBUG << "  - Requirements now: " << requirements[ret.first->second] << endmsg;
-    }// end loop on single dependencies
-    all_requirements[algo_counter] = requirements;
-    ++algo_counter;
-  } // end loop on algo dependencies lists
-  // Loop on the product indices
-  log << MSG::DEBUG << "Product indices:" << endmsg;
-  for (auto& prod_index: m_product_indices)
-    log << MSG::DEBUG << " - " << prod_index.first << " " << prod_index.second << endmsg;
-  m_numberOfAlgos = algo_counter;
-  m_all_requirements = all_requirements;
-void HiveEventLoopMgr::taskFinished(IAlgorithm*& algo){
-  m_algResourcePool->releaseAlgorithm(algo->name(),algo);
-  --m_total_algos_in_flight;
-  MsgStream log(msgSvc(), name());
-  log << MSG::DEBUG << "[taskFinished] Algos in flight: " <<  m_total_algos_in_flight << endmsg;
diff --git a/GaudiHive/src/HiveTestAlgorithm.cpp b/GaudiHive/src/HiveTestAlgorithm.cpp
index e5bf4410a..fa86006bf 100644
--- a/GaudiHive/src/HiveTestAlgorithm.cpp
+++ b/GaudiHive/src/HiveTestAlgorithm.cpp
@@ -47,6 +47,22 @@ StatusCode
   info() << ":HiveTestAlgorithm::initialize " << endmsg;
+  int i=0;
+  for (auto k: m_inputs) {
+    debug() << "adding input key " << k << endmsg;
+    m_inputHandles.push_back( new DataObjectHandle<DataObject>( k, Gaudi::DataHandle::Reader, this ));
+    declareProperty("dummy_in_" + std::to_string(i), *(m_inputHandles.back()) );
+    i++;
+  }
+  i = 0;
+  for (auto k: m_outputs) {
+    debug() << "adding output key " << k << endmsg;
+    m_outputHandles.push_back( new DataObjectHandle<DataObject>( k, Gaudi::DataHandle::Writer, this ));
+    declareProperty("dummy_out_" + std::to_string(i), *(m_outputHandles.back()) );
+    i++;
+  }
   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
@@ -59,16 +75,14 @@ HiveTestAlgorithm::execute()
   info() << ":HiveTestAlgorithm::getting inputs... " << evt << endmsg;
-  for(vector<string>::iterator i = m_inputs.begin(); i != m_inputs.end(); i++) {
-    MyObject* obj = get<MyObject>(*i);
-    info() << "Got data " << *i << " with value " << obj->getData() << endmsg;
+  for(auto& handle : m_inputHandles) {
+    auto obj = dynamic_cast<MyObject*>(handle->get());
+    info() << "Got data with value " << obj->getData() << endmsg;
   info() << ":HiveTestAlgorithm::registering outputs... " << evt << endmsg;
-  for(vector<string>::iterator i = m_outputs.begin(); i != m_outputs.end(); i++) {
-    put(new MyObject(1000+evt), *i);
-  }
+  for (auto & outputHandle: m_outputHandles){ outputHandle->put(new MyObject(1000+evt)); }
   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;

From e909988d2610d58666b1b929a9334974c52ad144 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Charles Leggett <>
Date: Wed, 26 Oct 2016 19:28:29 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 4/4] fixed MaxAlgosInFlight default in ForwardScheduler

 GaudiHive/src/ForwardSchedulerSvc.cpp | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/GaudiHive/src/ForwardSchedulerSvc.cpp b/GaudiHive/src/ForwardSchedulerSvc.cpp
index 493899c43..5470caa50 100644
--- a/GaudiHive/src/ForwardSchedulerSvc.cpp
+++ b/GaudiHive/src/ForwardSchedulerSvc.cpp
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ ForwardSchedulerSvc::ForwardSchedulerSvc( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator*
   declareProperty("ThreadPoolSize", m_threadPoolSize = -1 );
   declareProperty("WhiteboardSvc", m_whiteboardSvcName = "EventDataSvc" );
   declareProperty("IOBoundAlgSchedulerSvc", m_IOBoundAlgSchedulerSvcName = "IOBoundAlgSchedulerSvc" );
-  declareProperty("MaxAlgosInFlight", m_maxAlgosInFlight = 0, "Taken from the whiteboard. Deprecated" );
+  declareProperty("MaxAlgosInFlight", m_maxAlgosInFlight = 1, "Taken from the whiteboard. Deprecated" );
   declareProperty("MaxIOBoundAlgosInFlight", m_maxIOBoundAlgosInFlight = 0);
   // XXX: CF tests. Temporary property to switch between ControlFlow implementations
   declareProperty("useGraphFlowManagement", m_CFNext = false );