# builder: copies the source code and compiles if necessary, then installing
# <last>: copies the installation so that the source code is dropped, but based on preBuilder to keep cmake etc
FROM AS builder
ENV PATH $PATH:/opt/cmake/3.24.3/Linux-x86_64/bin/
COPY . /home/atlas/source/
RUN rpmFile=(/home/atlas/source/ci_build/*.rpm); \
if [ ! -e "${rpmFile[0]}" ] 2>&1; then \
source /opt/lcg/gcc/11.2.0/x86_64-centos7/ && \
export MAKEFLAGS="-j`nproc` -l`nproc`" && \
mkdir /home/atlas/source/ci_build && cd /home/atlas/source/ci_build && \
cmake /home/atlas/source/ && cmake --build . && \
cpack -G RPM ; fi && \
# Install the RPM
rpm -i /home/atlas/source/ci_build/*.rpm && \
# Clean up to save space
rm -rf /home/atlas/source && \
sudo yum clean all
# multistage build ... should mean we drop the bit above and just copy the release area...
# Set up the environment setup script.
COPY docker/ /
# Set up the message of the day, and optionally copy latest versions too if it exists.
# copy aka install the release into the image ... hopefully each release can use the previous layers as-is
COPY --from=builder /usr/StatAnalysis /usr/StatAnalysis
# Switch back to the ATLAS account.
USER atlas
# change workdir from default / to a writable directory
WORKDIR /workdir
# Start the image with BASH by default, after having printed the message
CMD ["/bin/bash"]