# Copyright (C) 2002-2020 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration # # Configuration options for building the atlas-stats externals. Collected # into a single place. # find_package( Python 3.6 COMPONENTS Interpreter Development QUIET ) find_package( Xrootd 4.1 QUIET ) find_package( dcap QUIET ) find_package( Davix QUIET ) find_package( OpenSSL QUIET ) find_package( UUID QUIET ) # find_package( TBB 2018 QUIET ) # - commented out because trouble with 2021 versions so just build in the project instead # Get the OS name. atlas_os_id( _os _osIsValid ) # Decide whether to build Python. set( _flag FALSE ) if( ( NOT Python_Interpreter_FOUND ) OR ( NOT Python_Development_FOUND ) OR APPLE ) set( _flag TRUE ) else() # If Python *is* found, then check whether it comes from the system, # or from a custom/user build. As in general we can't accept Python # from the system. get_filename_component( _pythonDir ${Python_EXECUTABLE} DIRECTORY ) if( "${_pythonDir}" MATCHES "^(/usr)?/bin(32|64)?$" ) # Since that's not appropriate for us... :-( set( _flag TRUE ) endif() unset( _pythonDir ) endif() option( ATLAS_BUILD_PYTHON "Build Python as part of the release" ${_flag} ) # Decide whether to build XRootD. set( _flag FALSE ) if( NOT XROOTD_FOUND OR ATLAS_BUILD_PYTHON ) set( _flag TRUE ) else() # If XRootD *was* found, but it was found on the system, then don't # accept it. As for our build we must use C++14/17, which the system # version will not be compiled with. if( "${XROOTD_INCLUDE_DIR}" STREQUAL "/usr/include" ) set( _flag TRUE ) endif() endif() option( ATLAS_BUILD_XROOTD "Build XRootD as part of the release" ${_flag} ) # Decide whether to build DCAP. set( _flag FALSE ) #if( NOT DCAP_FOUND AND _osIsValid AND #( "${CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR}" STREQUAL "x86_64" ) AND #( ( "${_os}" STREQUAL "slc6" ) OR ( "${_os}" STREQUAL "centos7" ) ) ) # set( _flag TRUE ) #endif() option( ATLAS_BUILD_DCAP "Build DCAP as part of the release" ${_flag} ) # Decide whether to build LibXml2. set( _flag TRUE ) #if( APPLE ) # set( _flag FALSE ) #endif() option( ATLAS_BUILD_LIBXML2 "Build LibXml2 as part of the release" ${_flag} ) # Decide whether to build Davix. set( _flag FALSE ) #if( NOT DAVIX_FOUND AND NOT APPLE AND UUID_FOUND AND OPENSSL_FOUND ) # set( _flag TRUE ) #endif() option( ATLAS_BUILD_DAVIX "Build Davix as part of the release" ${_flag} ) # Decide whether to build TBB. set( _flag FALSE ) #if( NOT TBB_FOUND ) # set( _flag TRUE ) #endif() option( ATLAS_BUILD_TBB "Build TBB as part of the release" ${_flag} ) option( ATLAS_BUILD_BOOST "Build Boost" TRUE ) # Introduce STATANA_XXX_VERSION options to control software versions # Also STATANA_XXX_SOURCE for controlling source where relevant (may not create these for now) set( STATANA_ROOT_VERSION "minuit2NewStrategyWithFIVFix" CACHE STRING "Version of ROOT") set( STATANA_PYHF_VERSION "0.7.3" CACHE STRING "Version of pyhf" ) # this currently does nothing! set( STATANA_ROOFITEXTENSIONS_VERSION "v1.0.4" CACHE STRING "Version of RooFitExtensions" ) set( STATANA_XROOFIT_VERSION "master" CACHE STRING "Version of xRooFit" ) set( STATANA_COMMONSTATTOOLS_VERSION "39f8ee13" CACHE STRING "Version of CommonStatTools" ) set( STATANA_BOOTSTRAPGENERATOR_VERSION "71e6ebe2" CACHE STRING "Version of BootstrapGenerator" ) set( STATANA_HISTFITTER_VERSION "v1.3.0" CACHE STRING "Version of HistFitter" ) set( STATANA_TREXFITTER_VERSION "a98e268f" CACHE STRING "Version of TRExFitter" ) set( STATANA_SIGNIFICANCE_VERSION "d59b9a2" CACHE STRING "Version of Significance" ) set( STATANA_ROOUNFOLD_VERSION "924c8b60" CACHE STRING "Version of RooUnfold" ) set( STATANA_QUICKFIT_VERSION "46aa84f9" CACHE STRING "Version of quickFit" ) set( STATANA_WORKSPACECOMBINER_VERSION "" CACHE STRING "Version of workspaceCombiner" ) set( STATANA_XMLANAWSBUILDER_VERSION "ba8fda1a" CACHE STRING "Version of xmlAnaWSBuilder" ) option( TRACK_CHANGES "forces cmake to detect changes in directories of submodules and recompile if changes detected - slower to build, but required for development" ON) option( TRACK_CHANGES_ROOT "forces cmake to detect changes in ROOT and recompile if changes detected - slower to build, but required for development" OFF) set( CERN_GITLAB_PREFIX "https://:@gitlab.cern.ch:8443" CACHE STRING "Prefix to use for accessing gitlab.cern.ch, defaults to krb5" ) option( CCACHE "build with ccache for speeding up repeated compilation" OFF) if((CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_LAUNCHER STREQUAL "ccache") AND (NOT ${CCACHE})) message(WARNING "WARNING: Found CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_LAUNCHER set to ccache, but CCACHE option is set to OFF. \ This will disable ccache for external projects. To enable ccache, set CCACHE project option to ON.") elseif(${CCACHE}) set(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_LAUNCHER "ccache" CACHE STRING "Compiler launcher for CXX." FORCE) endif() # ROOT and PyAnalysis are built by default for this project. list(APPEND CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH $ENV{ROOTSYS}) find_package(ROOT QUIET) set( _flag TRUE ) if (ROOT_FOUND) set(ROOT_VERSION "v${ROOT_VERSION_MAJOR}-${ROOT_VERSION_MINOR}-${ROOT_VERSION_PATCH}") message(STATUS "INFO: Found existing ROOT ${ROOT_VERSION}: ${ROOTSYS}") endif() if (ROOT_FOUND AND ROOT_VERSION STREQUAL ${STATANA_ROOT_VERSION}) message(STATUS "INFO: Can Build on top of Existing ROOT: ${ROOT_VERSION}") set( _flag FALSE ) endif() option( ATLAS_BUILD_ROOT "Build ROOT as part of the release" ${_flag} ) option( ATLAS_BUILD_PYANALYSIS "Build the PyAnalysis package as part of this project" ${ATLAS_BUILD_PYTHON} ) option( STATANA_VERBOSE "verbose build progress" OFF ) # Make CMake forget that it found any of these packages. (In case it did.) # Since they could interfere with the environment setup of the project. # Whichever package ends up needing those externals, will anyway ask for # them explicitly. get_property( _packages GLOBAL PROPERTY PACKAGES_FOUND ) list( REMOVE_ITEM _packages Python Xrootd dcap Davix OpenSSL UUID TBB ROOT ) set_property( GLOBAL PROPERTY PACKAGES_FOUND ${_packages} ) unset( _packages ) # Clean up. unset( _flag ) unset( _os ) unset( _osIsValid )