Tests defined in this package are run for every merge request. Only experts should modify
these as they have a significant impact on the CI turnaround time.
Once you have made the local modifications to the code that you wish to test, compile them locally alongside this package. Remain in the build directory. Individual tests can then be run by specifying the test name (supports regex):
ctest -R CITest_RecoRun2Data
ctest -R LuminosityCondAlgConfig_test
for a test defined in `LumiBlockComps/CMakeLists.txt` with the name `LuminosityCondAlgConfig_test`.
For builds involving several packages, tests can be selected/excluded using the "CITest" label:
ctest -L CITest # run all CI tests
ctest -LE CITest # run all tests, except CI tests
This runs the test job and compares the output with the reference file, whose locations are specified in the `CMakeLists.txt` file. The results of the test are written to a temporary directory as reported by the job's message to the command prompt. The output of the test job itself is embedded in this file and so the relevant lines can be extracted in case you need to update the reference file.
- Test are defined in separate files for each project (e.g. [`Athena.cmake`](Athena.cmake)).
- Tests should have a short self-explanatory name. Do not add the word "test" to the name itself.
- If tests depend on each other consider using a common basename and delimit the steps with an underscore,
e.g. `Muon_digi`, `Muon_reco`.
- Use the dedicated [`atlas_add_citest`](cmake/CITestFunctions.cmake) command for test definitions,
which is an extension of the regular [`atlas_add_test`]( command. It has a few extra arguments and sets
different defaults suitable for CI tests.
- Additional properties can be set using the `PROPERTIES` keyword. See the
[cmake documentation]( for a full list.
**Simple tests** should be added inline:
atlas_add_citest( q221
SCRIPT --AMI q221 )
For more **complex commands**, or **any command that contains a semicolon (`;`)** use a dedicated script.
Either one available within the release:
atlas_add_citest( Digitization_NewConfig

John Derek Chapman
or add a script to the [`test/`](test/) folder:
atlas_add_citest( FastChain
For **MT/MP-tests**, add the number of required CPU cores (used for job scheduling):
atlas_add_citest( ...
Rather than matching the number of actual cores used, this number should reflect the
expected system load. E.g. if a job runs with 8 threads but the system load during running is
significant lower, one can reduce this number to allow other jobs to run in parallel.
## Test dependencies
**Test dependencies** can be declared via the `DEPENDS` (or `DEPENDS_SUCCESS`) keyword
(on one or multiple tests):
atlas_add_citest( Test1 ... )
atlas_add_citest( Test2 ...
DEPENDS Test1...
Use `DEPENDS_SUCCESS` if the test should only run if the dependee(s) succeeded.
If used, `DEPENDS[_SUCCESS]` needs to be specified as the **last argument** of `atlas_add_citest`.
Additional requirements can be specified via e.g.
to only run the test if the specified file is available. These tests then appear as "Not Run"
in the test summary (instead of "Failed"). Use a relative path to the other test's working directory.
All tests defined with `atlas_add_citest` run a [default post-processing script](cmake/
that checks the log file for errors using [``](../TestTools/).
An additional post-processing script can be specified with the
`POST_EXEC_SCRIPT` keyword. The overall test result will be the exit code of that
post-processing script! The original test result is stored in the
`${ATLAS_CTEST_TESTSTATUS}` environment variable and can be used in the post-processing
script if needed.
To temporarily ignore an error message, use:
atlas_add_citest( ...
LOG_IGNORE_PATTERN "my error to ignore" )
New post-processing scripts should be made as general as possible and named as
- All tests are run in a separate working directory in the build area: `AtlasTest/CITest/CMakeFiles/ciTestRun/<test>/` where `<test>` is the name used in `atlas_add_citest`.
- The main test log file within the working directory is named `<test>.log`.
- If you want to verify the final command that is being run (useful e.g. to debug issues with quotes), check the content of `AtlasTest/CITest/test-bin/<test>.exe` in the build area.
- To avoid running the CI tests as part of the regular unit testing in the nightly build, the tests are disabled by default. To enable them (e.g. for CI builds), one has to configure with `cmake -DATLAS_ENABLE_CI_TESTS=TRUE ...`. This is done by default for partial `WorkDir` builds so a regular developer does not need to worry about this.