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ClearStore_test.ref 23.1 KiB
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Warning in <TEnvRec::ChangeValue>: duplicate entry <Root.ErrorIgnoreLevel=Print> for level 1; ignored
*** ClearStore_test BEGINS ***

Initializing Gaudi ApplicationMgr using job opts ../share/StoreGateTestCommon.txt
JobOptionsSvc        INFO # =======> /afs/
JobOptionsSvc        INFO # (5,1): ApplicationMgr.ExtSvc += ["StoreGateSvc/DetectorStore", "StoreGateSvc/HistoryStore"]
JobOptionsSvc        INFO # (6,1): AuditorSvc.Auditors += ["AlgContextAuditor"]
JobOptionsSvc        INFO # (7,1): StoreGateSvc.OutputLevel = 1
JobOptionsSvc        INFO # (8,1): StoreGateSvc.ActivateHistory = 0
JobOptionsSvc        INFO # (9,1): CLIDSvc.OutputLevel = 2
JobOptionsSvc        INFO # (10,1): MessageSvc.useColors = 1
JobOptionsSvc        INFO Job options successfully read in from ../share/StoreGateTestCommon.txt
ApplicationMgr    SUCCESS 
                                                   Welcome to ApplicationMgr (GaudiCoreSvc v3r3)
                                          running on on Wed Mar 18 02:25:46 2015
ApplicationMgr       INFO Application Manager Configured successfully
DetectorStore        INFO Initializing DetectorStore - package version StoreGate-03-01-09
ClassIDSvc           INFO Initializing ClassIDSvc - package version CLIDComps-00-06-18
ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 210 CLIDRegistry entries for module ALL
ProxyProviderSvc     INFO Initializing ProxyProviderSvc - package version SGComps-00-01-10
HistoryStore         INFO Initializing HistoryStore - package version StoreGate-03-01-09
EventLoopMgr      WARNING Unable to locate service "EventSelector" 
EventLoopMgr      WARNING No events will be processed from external input.
HistogramPersis...WARNING Histograms saving not required.
ApplicationMgr       INFO Application Manager Initialized successfully
ApplicationMgr Ready
StoreGateSvc        DEBUG Property update for OutputLevel : new value = 1
StoreGateSvc        DEBUG Service base class initialized successfully
StoreGateSvc      VERBOSE Initializing StoreGateSvc
StoreGateSvc        DEBUG trying to create store SGImplSvc/StoreGateSvc_Impl
StoreGateSvc_Impl   DEBUG Property update for OutputLevel : new value = 1
StoreGateSvc_Impl VERBOSE Initializing StoreGateSvc_Impl
StoreGateSvc_Impl   DEBUG Service base class initialized successfully
StoreGateSvc_Impl VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service EventPersistencySvc
StoreGateSvc_Impl VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service ClassIDSvc
*** ClearStore_test run standard testRecord a first time ***
*** StoreGateSvcClient_test record BEGINS ***
StoreGateSvc        DEBUG Recorded object @0x117d300 with key pFoo1 of type Foo(CLID 8101)
 in DataObject @0x1539d10
 object modifiable when retrieved
Now we expect to see an error message:
----Error Message Starts--->>
StoreGateSvc      WARNING  setupProxy:: error setting up proxy for key pFoo1 and clid 8101
 Pre-existing valid DataProxy @0x153a370 found in Store for key pFoo1 with clid 8101
ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 720 CLIDRegistry entries for module ALL
StoreGateSvc      WARNING record_impl: Problem setting up the proxy for object @0x151b280
 recorded with key pFoo1 of type Foo (CLID 8101) in DataObject @0x153a1e0
<<---Error Message Ends-------
Now we expect to see an error message:
----Error Message Starts--->>
StoreGateSvc      WARNING record_impl: failed for key=pFoo2, type Foo (CLID 8101)
 object @0x117d300 already in store with key=pFoo1. Will not record a duplicate! 
<<---Error Message Ends-------
StoreGateSvc        DEBUG Recorded object @0x1510790 with key pFoo2 of type Foo(CLID 8101)
 in DataObject @0x14fc8b0
 object modifiable when retrieved
StoreGateSvc        DEBUG Recorded object @0x1525d20 with key cpFoo of type Foo(CLID 8101)
 in DataObject @0x14fc900
 object not modifiable when retrieved
StoreGateSvc        DEBUG Recorded object @0x1526bb0 with key silly of type Foo(CLID 8101)
 in DataObject @0x1461870
 object modifiable when retrieved
Now we expect to see an error message:
----Error Message Starts--->>
StoreGateSvc      WARNING  setupProxy:: error setting up proxy for key silly and clid 8101
 Pre-existing valid DataProxy @0x14fe0b0 found in Store for key silly with clid 8101
StoreGateSvc      WARNING record_impl: Problem setting up the proxy for object @0x15267c0
 recorded with key silly of type Foo (CLID 8101) in DataObject @0x14f0460
<<---Error Message Ends-------
Now we expect to see an error message:
----Error Message Starts--->>
StoreGateSvc      WARNING  setupProxy:: error setting up proxy for key silly and clid 8101
 Pre-existing valid DataProxy @0x14fe0b0 found in Store for key silly with clid 8101
StoreGateSvc      WARNING record_impl: Problem setting up the proxy for object @0x117cf10
 recorded with key silly of type Foo (CLID 8101) in DataObject @0x14587f0
<<---Error Message Ends-------
Now we expect to see an error message:
----Error Message Starts--->>
StoreGateSvc      WARNING  setupProxy:: error setting up proxy for key silly and clid 8101
 Pre-existing valid DataProxy @0x14fe0b0 found in Store for key silly with clid 8101
StoreGateSvc      WARNING record_impl: Problem setting up the proxy for object @0x152aec0
 recorded with key silly of type Foo (CLID 8101) in DataObject @0x14618c0
<<---Error Message Ends-------
StoreGateSvc        DEBUG Recorded object @0x117e8e0 with key UnLocked of type Foo(CLID 8101)
 in DataObject @0x14f37f0
 object modifiable when retrieved
StoreGateSvc        DEBUG Recorded object @0x152cdc0 with key Locked of type Foo(CLID 8101)
 in DataObject @0x14f3840
 object not modifiable when retrieved
StoreGateSvc        DEBUG Recorded object @0x152f340 with key LockedReset of type Foo(CLID 8101)
 in DataObject @0x1500d80
 object not modifiable when retrieved
StoreGateSvc        DEBUG Recorded object @0x15304a0 with key UnLockedReset of type Foo(CLID 8101)
 in DataObject @0x15006e0
 object modifiable when retrieved
StoreGateSvc        DEBUG Recorded object @0x15333c0 with key LockedDelete of type Foo(CLID 8101)
 in DataObject @0x14fb460
 object not modifiable when retrieved
StoreGateSvc        DEBUG Recorded object @0x15300b0 with key UnLockedDelete of type Foo(CLID 8101)
 in DataObject @0x15014b0
 object modifiable when retrieved
StoreGateSvc        DEBUG Recorded object @0x150e320 with key Const of type Foo(CLID 8101)
 in DataObject @0x14ef8f0
 object not modifiable when retrieved
StoreGateSvc        DEBUG Recorded object @0x1449fc0 with key Const2 of type Foo(CLID 8101)
 in DataObject @0x14f4b50
 object not modifiable when retrieved
Now we expect to see an error message:
----Error Message Starts--->>
StoreGateSvc      WARNING  setupProxy:: error setting up proxy for key Const and clid 8101
 Pre-existing valid DataProxy @0x1500a00 found in Store for key Const with clid 8101
StoreGateSvc      WARNING record_impl: Problem setting up the proxy for object @0x146a6b0
 recorded with key Const of type Foo (CLID 8101) in DataObject @0x14ed940
<<---Error Message Ends-------
StoreGateSvc        DEBUG Recorded object @0x1468f10 with key ow of type Foo(CLID 8101)
 in DataObject @0x14fd650
 object modifiable when retrieved
StoreGateSvc        DEBUG overwrite: Recorded object @0x14f5290 with key ow of type Foo(CLID 8101)
 in DataObject @0x1491e00
 object modifiable when retrieved
StoreGateSvc        DEBUG overwrite: Recorded object @0x1464b70 with key ow of type Foo(CLID 8101)
 in DataObject @0x14fd650
 object modifiable when retrieved
StoreGateSvc        DEBUG Recorded object @0x153a3e0 with key ow2 of type Foo(CLID 8101)
 in DataObject @0x1491e00
 object not modifiable when retrieved
StoreGateSvc        DEBUG overwrite: Recorded object @0x14f54d0 with key ow2 of type Foo(CLID 8101)
 in DataObject @0x153a820
 object not modifiable when retrieved
StoreGateSvc        DEBUG overwrite: Recorded object @0x146adb0 with key ow2 of type Foo(CLID 8101)
 in DataObject @0x1491e00
 object not modifiable when retrieved
*** StoreGateSvcClient_test records OK ***

*** ClearStore_test clear the store ***
StoreGateSvc        DEBUG Clearing store with forceRemove=0
StoreGateSvc      VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x1500a00, recorded with key=Const, CLID=8101, containing data object @0x14ef8f0  ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc      VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x153a230, recorded with key=Const2, CLID=8101, containing data object @0x14f4b50  ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc      VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x14fdf80, recorded with key=Locked, CLID=8101, containing data object @0x14f3840  ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc      VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x14fb4b0, recorded with key=LockedDelete, CLID=8101, containing data object @0x14fb460  ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc      VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x1500670, recorded with key=LockedReset, CLID=8101, containing data object @0x1500d80  ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc      VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x14f7440, recorded with key=UnLocked, CLID=8101, containing data object @0x14f37f0  ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc      VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x14ef880, recorded with key=UnLockedDelete, CLID=8101, containing data object @0x15014b0  ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc      VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x14f5cd0, recorded with key=UnLockedReset, CLID=8101, containing data object @0x15006e0  ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc      VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x14fcee0, recorded with key=cpFoo, CLID=8101, containing data object @0x14fc900  ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc      VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x14f84d0, recorded with key=ow, CLID=8101, containing data object @0x14fd650  ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc      VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x153a870, recorded with key=ow2, CLID=8101, containing data object @0x1491e00  ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc      VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x153a370, recorded with key=pFoo1, CLID=8101, containing data object @0x1539d10  ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc      VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x1500750, recorded with key=pFoo2, CLID=8101, containing data object @0x14fc8b0  ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc      VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x14fe0b0, recorded with key=silly, CLID=8101, containing data object @0x1461870  ... -> DONE
Testing dump: store should contain no data now 
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Data Store Dump >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 
Found 10 proxies for ClassID 8101 (Foo): 
 flags: (INVALID,   locked,  reset) --- data:          0 --- key: Const
 flags: (INVALID,   locked,  reset) --- data:          0 --- key: Const2
 flags: (INVALID,   locked,  reset) --- data:          0 --- key: Locked
 flags: (INVALID,   locked,  reset) --- data:          0 --- key: LockedReset
 flags: (INVALID, UNLOCKED,  reset) --- data:          0 --- key: UnLocked
 flags: (INVALID, UNLOCKED,  reset) --- data:          0 --- key: UnLockedReset
 flags: (INVALID,   locked,  reset) --- data:          0 --- key: cpFoo
 flags: (INVALID, UNLOCKED,  reset) --- data:          0 --- key: pFoo1
 flags: (INVALID, UNLOCKED,  reset) --- data:          0 --- key: pFoo2
 flags: (INVALID, UNLOCKED,  reset) --- data:          0 --- key: silly


*** ClearStore_test run standard testRecord a second time ***
*** StoreGateSvcClient_test record BEGINS ***
StoreGateSvc        DEBUG Recorded object @0x150e320 with key pFoo1 of type Foo(CLID 8101)
 in DataObject @0x14587f0
 object modifiable when retrieved
Now we expect to see an error message:
----Error Message Starts--->>
StoreGateSvc      WARNING  setupProxy:: error setting up proxy for key pFoo1 and clid 8101
 Pre-existing valid DataProxy @0x153a370 found in Store for key pFoo1 with clid 8101
StoreGateSvc      WARNING record_impl: Problem setting up the proxy for object @0x146a6b0
 recorded with key pFoo1 of type Foo (CLID 8101) in DataObject @0x153a1e0
<<---Error Message Ends-------
Now we expect to see an error message:
----Error Message Starts--->>
StoreGateSvc      WARNING record_impl: failed for key=pFoo2, type Foo (CLID 8101)
 object @0x150e320 already in store with key=pFoo1. Will not record a duplicate! 
<<---Error Message Ends-------
StoreGateSvc        DEBUG Recorded object @0x1529bc0 with key pFoo2 of type Foo(CLID 8101)
 in DataObject @0x148fcc0
 object modifiable when retrieved
StoreGateSvc        DEBUG Recorded object @0x15290c0 with key cpFoo of type Foo(CLID 8101)
 in DataObject @0x15006e0
 object not modifiable when retrieved
StoreGateSvc        DEBUG Recorded object @0x15104b0 with key silly of type Foo(CLID 8101)
 in DataObject @0x14f0460
 object modifiable when retrieved
Now we expect to see an error message:
----Error Message Starts--->>
StoreGateSvc      WARNING  setupProxy:: error setting up proxy for key silly and clid 8101
 Pre-existing valid DataProxy @0x14fe0b0 found in Store for key silly with clid 8101
StoreGateSvc      WARNING record_impl: Problem setting up the proxy for object @0x1527eb0
 recorded with key silly of type Foo (CLID 8101) in DataObject @0x14f4b50
<<---Error Message Ends-------
Now we expect to see an error message:
----Error Message Starts--->>
StoreGateSvc      WARNING  setupProxy:: error setting up proxy for key silly and clid 8101
 Pre-existing valid DataProxy @0x14fe0b0 found in Store for key silly with clid 8101
StoreGateSvc      WARNING record_impl: Problem setting up the proxy for object @0x152cdc0
 recorded with key silly of type Foo (CLID 8101) in DataObject @0x14fd650
<<---Error Message Ends-------
Now we expect to see an error message:
----Error Message Starts--->>
StoreGateSvc      WARNING  setupProxy:: error setting up proxy for key silly and clid 8101
 Pre-existing valid DataProxy @0x14fe0b0 found in Store for key silly with clid 8101
StoreGateSvc      WARNING record_impl: Problem setting up the proxy for object @0x15333c0
 recorded with key silly of type Foo (CLID 8101) in DataObject @0x14fffe0
<<---Error Message Ends-------
StoreGateSvc        DEBUG Recorded object @0x117e8e0 with key UnLocked of type Foo(CLID 8101)
 in DataObject @0x1539d10
 object modifiable when retrieved
StoreGateSvc        DEBUG Recorded object @0x15300b0 with key Locked of type Foo(CLID 8101)
 in DataObject @0x14f84d0
 object not modifiable when retrieved
StoreGateSvc        DEBUG Recorded object @0x1535080 with key LockedReset of type Foo(CLID 8101)
 in DataObject @0x1500b40
 object not modifiable when retrieved
StoreGateSvc        DEBUG Recorded object @0x152cae0 with key UnLockedReset of type Foo(CLID 8101)
 in DataObject @0x14f2080
 object modifiable when retrieved
StoreGateSvc        DEBUG Recorded object @0x1531a80 with key LockedDelete of type Foo(CLID 8101)
 in DataObject @0x14f20d0
 object not modifiable when retrieved
StoreGateSvc        DEBUG Recorded object @0x1525a40 with key UnLockedDelete of type Foo(CLID 8101)
 in DataObject @0x14f37f0
 object modifiable when retrieved
StoreGateSvc        DEBUG Recorded object @0x1526bb0 with key Const of type Foo(CLID 8101)
 in DataObject @0x14f3840
 object not modifiable when retrieved
StoreGateSvc        DEBUG Recorded object @0x1525d20 with key Const2 of type Foo(CLID 8101)
 in DataObject @0x1491e00
 object not modifiable when retrieved
Now we expect to see an error message:
----Error Message Starts--->>
StoreGateSvc      WARNING  setupProxy:: error setting up proxy for key Const and clid 8101
 Pre-existing valid DataProxy @0x1500a00 found in Store for key Const with clid 8101
StoreGateSvc      WARNING record_impl: Problem setting up the proxy for object @0x14ef920
 recorded with key Const of type Foo (CLID 8101) in DataObject @0x14fb4d0
<<---Error Message Ends-------
StoreGateSvc        DEBUG Recorded object @0x14fb520 with key ow of type Foo(CLID 8101)
 in DataObject @0x1539300
 object modifiable when retrieved
StoreGateSvc        DEBUG overwrite: Recorded object @0x14759f0 with key ow of type Foo(CLID 8101)
 in DataObject @0x1501550
 object modifiable when retrieved
StoreGateSvc        DEBUG overwrite: Recorded object @0x15393c0 with key ow of type Foo(CLID 8101)
 in DataObject @0x1539300
 object modifiable when retrieved
StoreGateSvc        DEBUG Recorded object @0x14844f0 with key ow2 of type Foo(CLID 8101)
 in DataObject @0x1501550
 object not modifiable when retrieved
StoreGateSvc        DEBUG overwrite: Recorded object @0x1478260 with key ow2 of type Foo(CLID 8101)
 in DataObject @0x14ed940
 object not modifiable when retrieved
StoreGateSvc        DEBUG overwrite: Recorded object @0x1492510 with key ow2 of type Foo(CLID 8101)
 in DataObject @0x1501550
 object not modifiable when retrieved
*** StoreGateSvcClient_test records OK ***

*** ClearStore_test clear the store again ***
StoreGateSvc        DEBUG Clearing store with forceRemove=0
StoreGateSvc      VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x1500a00, recorded with key=Const, CLID=8101, containing data object @0x14f3840  ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc      VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x153a230, recorded with key=Const2, CLID=8101, containing data object @0x1491e00  ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc      VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x14fdf80, recorded with key=Locked, CLID=8101, containing data object @0x14f84d0  ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc      VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x14fc8b0, recorded with key=LockedDelete, CLID=8101, containing data object @0x14f20d0  ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc      VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x1500670, recorded with key=LockedReset, CLID=8101, containing data object @0x1500b40  ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc      VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x14f7440, recorded with key=UnLocked, CLID=8101, containing data object @0x1539d10  ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc      VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x14fb460, recorded with key=UnLockedDelete, CLID=8101, containing data object @0x14f37f0  ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc      VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x14f5cd0, recorded with key=UnLockedReset, CLID=8101, containing data object @0x14f2080  ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc      VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x14fcee0, recorded with key=cpFoo, CLID=8101, containing data object @0x15006e0  ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc      VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x1539350, recorded with key=ow, CLID=8101, containing data object @0x1539300  ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc      VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x153a820, recorded with key=ow2, CLID=8101, containing data object @0x1501550  ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc      VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x153a370, recorded with key=pFoo1, CLID=8101, containing data object @0x14587f0  ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc      VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x1500750, recorded with key=pFoo2, CLID=8101, containing data object @0x148fcc0  ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc      VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x14fe0b0, recorded with key=silly, CLID=8101, containing data object @0x14f0460  ... -> DONE
Testing dump: store should contain no data now 
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Data Store Dump >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 
Found 10 proxies for ClassID 8101 (Foo): 
 flags: (INVALID,   locked,  reset) --- data:          0 --- key: Const
 flags: (INVALID,   locked,  reset) --- data:          0 --- key: Const2
 flags: (INVALID,   locked,  reset) --- data:          0 --- key: Locked
 flags: (INVALID,   locked,  reset) --- data:          0 --- key: LockedReset
 flags: (INVALID, UNLOCKED,  reset) --- data:          0 --- key: UnLocked
 flags: (INVALID, UNLOCKED,  reset) --- data:          0 --- key: UnLockedReset
 flags: (INVALID,   locked,  reset) --- data:          0 --- key: cpFoo
 flags: (INVALID, UNLOCKED,  reset) --- data:          0 --- key: pFoo1
 flags: (INVALID, UNLOCKED,  reset) --- data:          0 --- key: pFoo2
 flags: (INVALID, UNLOCKED,  reset) --- data:          0 --- key: silly

*** ClearStore_test clear the store one last time forcing proxy removal (the way we do in finalize()) ***
StoreGateSvc        DEBUG Clearing store with forceRemove=1
StoreGateSvc      VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() forcing release of DataProxy @0x1500a00, recorded with key=Const, CLID=8101, containing data object @0  ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc      VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() forcing release of DataProxy @0x153a230, recorded with key=Const2, CLID=8101, containing data object @0  ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc      VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() forcing release of DataProxy @0x14fdf80, recorded with key=Locked, CLID=8101, containing data object @0  ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc      VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() forcing release of DataProxy @0x1500670, recorded with key=LockedReset, CLID=8101, containing data object @0  ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc      VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() forcing release of DataProxy @0x14f7440, recorded with key=UnLocked, CLID=8101, containing data object @0  ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc      VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() forcing release of DataProxy @0x14f5cd0, recorded with key=UnLockedReset, CLID=8101, containing data object @0  ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc      VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() forcing release of DataProxy @0x14fcee0, recorded with key=cpFoo, CLID=8101, containing data object @0  ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc      VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() forcing release of DataProxy @0x153a370, recorded with key=pFoo1, CLID=8101, containing data object @0  ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc      VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() forcing release of DataProxy @0x1500750, recorded with key=pFoo2, CLID=8101, containing data object @0  ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc      VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() forcing release of DataProxy @0x14fe0b0, recorded with key=silly, CLID=8101, containing data object @0  ... -> DONE
Testing dump: store should contain no proxy now 
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Data Store Dump >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 
Found 0 proxies for ClassID 8101 (Foo): 

*** ClearStore_test OK ***