Warning in <TEnvRec::ChangeValue>: duplicate entry <Root.ErrorIgnoreLevel=Print> for level 1; ignored
*** ClearStore_test BEGINS ***
Initializing Gaudi ApplicationMgr using job opts ../share/StoreGateTestCommon.txt
JobOptionsSvc INFO # =======> /afs/
JobOptionsSvc INFO # (5,1): ApplicationMgr.ExtSvc += ["StoreGateSvc/DetectorStore", "StoreGateSvc/HistoryStore"]
JobOptionsSvc INFO # (6,1): AuditorSvc.Auditors += ["AlgContextAuditor"]
JobOptionsSvc INFO # (7,1): StoreGateSvc.OutputLevel = 1
JobOptionsSvc INFO # (8,1): StoreGateSvc.ActivateHistory = 0
JobOptionsSvc INFO # (9,1): CLIDSvc.OutputLevel = 2
JobOptionsSvc INFO # (10,1): MessageSvc.useColors = 1
JobOptionsSvc INFO Job options successfully read in from ../share/StoreGateTestCommon.txt
ApplicationMgr SUCCESS
Welcome to ApplicationMgr (GaudiCoreSvc v3r3)
running on on Wed Mar 18 02:25:46 2015
ApplicationMgr INFO Application Manager Configured successfully[m
DetectorStore INFO Initializing DetectorStore - package version StoreGate-03-01-09[m
ClassIDSvc INFO Initializing ClassIDSvc - package version CLIDComps-00-06-18[m
ClassIDSvc INFO getRegistryEntries: read 210 CLIDRegistry entries for module ALL[m
ProxyProviderSvc INFO Initializing ProxyProviderSvc - package version SGComps-00-01-10[m
HistoryStore INFO Initializing HistoryStore - package version StoreGate-03-01-09[m
[93;1mEventLoopMgr WARNING Unable to locate service "EventSelector" [m
[93;1mEventLoopMgr WARNING No events will be processed from external input.[m
[93;1mHistogramPersis...WARNING Histograms saving not required.[m
ApplicationMgr INFO Application Manager Initialized successfully[m
ApplicationMgr Ready
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Property update for OutputLevel : new value = 1
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Service base class initialized successfully
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE Initializing StoreGateSvc
StoreGateSvc DEBUG trying to create store SGImplSvc/StoreGateSvc_Impl
StoreGateSvc_Impl DEBUG Property update for OutputLevel : new value = 1
StoreGateSvc_Impl VERBOSE Initializing StoreGateSvc_Impl
StoreGateSvc_Impl DEBUG Service base class initialized successfully
StoreGateSvc_Impl VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service EventPersistencySvc
StoreGateSvc_Impl VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service ClassIDSvc
*** ClearStore_test run standard testRecord a first time ***
*** StoreGateSvcClient_test record BEGINS ***
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Recorded object @0x117d300 with key pFoo1 of type Foo(CLID 8101)
in DataObject @0x1539d10
object modifiable when retrieved[m
Now we expect to see an error message:
----Error Message Starts--->>
[93;1mStoreGateSvc WARNING setupProxy:: error setting up proxy for key pFoo1 and clid 8101
Pre-existing valid DataProxy @0x153a370 found in Store for key pFoo1 with clid 8101[m
ClassIDSvc INFO getRegistryEntries: read 720 CLIDRegistry entries for module ALL[m
[93;1mStoreGateSvc WARNING record_impl: Problem setting up the proxy for object @0x151b280
recorded with key pFoo1 of type Foo (CLID 8101) in DataObject @0x153a1e0[m
<<---Error Message Ends-------
Now we expect to see an error message:
----Error Message Starts--->>
[93;1mStoreGateSvc WARNING record_impl: failed for key=pFoo2, type Foo (CLID 8101)
object @0x117d300 already in store with key=pFoo1. Will not record a duplicate! [m
<<---Error Message Ends-------
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Recorded object @0x1510790 with key pFoo2 of type Foo(CLID 8101)
in DataObject @0x14fc8b0
object modifiable when retrieved[m
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Recorded object @0x1525d20 with key cpFoo of type Foo(CLID 8101)
in DataObject @0x14fc900
object not modifiable when retrieved[m
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Recorded object @0x1526bb0 with key silly of type Foo(CLID 8101)
in DataObject @0x1461870
object modifiable when retrieved[m
Now we expect to see an error message:
----Error Message Starts--->>
[93;1mStoreGateSvc WARNING setupProxy:: error setting up proxy for key silly and clid 8101
Pre-existing valid DataProxy @0x14fe0b0 found in Store for key silly with clid 8101[m
[93;1mStoreGateSvc WARNING record_impl: Problem setting up the proxy for object @0x15267c0
recorded with key silly of type Foo (CLID 8101) in DataObject @0x14f0460[m
<<---Error Message Ends-------
Now we expect to see an error message:
----Error Message Starts--->>
[93;1mStoreGateSvc WARNING setupProxy:: error setting up proxy for key silly and clid 8101
Pre-existing valid DataProxy @0x14fe0b0 found in Store for key silly with clid 8101[m
[93;1mStoreGateSvc WARNING record_impl: Problem setting up the proxy for object @0x117cf10
recorded with key silly of type Foo (CLID 8101) in DataObject @0x14587f0[m
<<---Error Message Ends-------
Now we expect to see an error message:
----Error Message Starts--->>
[93;1mStoreGateSvc WARNING setupProxy:: error setting up proxy for key silly and clid 8101
Pre-existing valid DataProxy @0x14fe0b0 found in Store for key silly with clid 8101[m
[93;1mStoreGateSvc WARNING record_impl: Problem setting up the proxy for object @0x152aec0
recorded with key silly of type Foo (CLID 8101) in DataObject @0x14618c0[m
<<---Error Message Ends-------
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Recorded object @0x117e8e0 with key UnLocked of type Foo(CLID 8101)
in DataObject @0x14f37f0
object modifiable when retrieved[m
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Recorded object @0x152cdc0 with key Locked of type Foo(CLID 8101)
in DataObject @0x14f3840
object not modifiable when retrieved[m
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Recorded object @0x152f340 with key LockedReset of type Foo(CLID 8101)
in DataObject @0x1500d80
object not modifiable when retrieved[m
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Recorded object @0x15304a0 with key UnLockedReset of type Foo(CLID 8101)
in DataObject @0x15006e0
object modifiable when retrieved[m
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Recorded object @0x15333c0 with key LockedDelete of type Foo(CLID 8101)
in DataObject @0x14fb460
object not modifiable when retrieved[m
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Recorded object @0x15300b0 with key UnLockedDelete of type Foo(CLID 8101)
in DataObject @0x15014b0
object modifiable when retrieved[m
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Recorded object @0x150e320 with key Const of type Foo(CLID 8101)
in DataObject @0x14ef8f0
object not modifiable when retrieved[m
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Recorded object @0x1449fc0 with key Const2 of type Foo(CLID 8101)
in DataObject @0x14f4b50
object not modifiable when retrieved[m
Now we expect to see an error message:
----Error Message Starts--->>
[93;1mStoreGateSvc WARNING setupProxy:: error setting up proxy for key Const and clid 8101
Pre-existing valid DataProxy @0x1500a00 found in Store for key Const with clid 8101[m
[93;1mStoreGateSvc WARNING record_impl: Problem setting up the proxy for object @0x146a6b0
recorded with key Const of type Foo (CLID 8101) in DataObject @0x14ed940[m
<<---Error Message Ends-------
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Recorded object @0x1468f10 with key ow of type Foo(CLID 8101)
in DataObject @0x14fd650
object modifiable when retrieved[m
StoreGateSvc DEBUG overwrite: Recorded object @0x14f5290 with key ow of type Foo(CLID 8101)
in DataObject @0x1491e00
object modifiable when retrieved[m
StoreGateSvc DEBUG overwrite: Recorded object @0x1464b70 with key ow of type Foo(CLID 8101)
in DataObject @0x14fd650
object modifiable when retrieved[m
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Recorded object @0x153a3e0 with key ow2 of type Foo(CLID 8101)
in DataObject @0x1491e00
object not modifiable when retrieved[m
StoreGateSvc DEBUG overwrite: Recorded object @0x14f54d0 with key ow2 of type Foo(CLID 8101)
in DataObject @0x153a820
object not modifiable when retrieved[m
StoreGateSvc DEBUG overwrite: Recorded object @0x146adb0 with key ow2 of type Foo(CLID 8101)
in DataObject @0x1491e00
object not modifiable when retrieved[m
*** StoreGateSvcClient_test records OK ***
*** ClearStore_test clear the store ***
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Clearing store with forceRemove=0[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x1500a00, recorded with key=Const, CLID=8101, containing data object @0x14ef8f0 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x153a230, recorded with key=Const2, CLID=8101, containing data object @0x14f4b50 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x14fdf80, recorded with key=Locked, CLID=8101, containing data object @0x14f3840 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x14fb4b0, recorded with key=LockedDelete, CLID=8101, containing data object @0x14fb460 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x1500670, recorded with key=LockedReset, CLID=8101, containing data object @0x1500d80 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x14f7440, recorded with key=UnLocked, CLID=8101, containing data object @0x14f37f0 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x14ef880, recorded with key=UnLockedDelete, CLID=8101, containing data object @0x15014b0 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x14f5cd0, recorded with key=UnLockedReset, CLID=8101, containing data object @0x15006e0 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x14fcee0, recorded with key=cpFoo, CLID=8101, containing data object @0x14fc900 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x14f84d0, recorded with key=ow, CLID=8101, containing data object @0x14fd650 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x153a870, recorded with key=ow2, CLID=8101, containing data object @0x1491e00 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x153a370, recorded with key=pFoo1, CLID=8101, containing data object @0x1539d10 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x1500750, recorded with key=pFoo2, CLID=8101, containing data object @0x14fc8b0 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x14fe0b0, recorded with key=silly, CLID=8101, containing data object @0x1461870 ... -> DONE[m
Testing dump: store should contain no data now
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Data Store Dump >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Found 10 proxies for ClassID 8101 (Foo):
flags: (INVALID, locked, reset) --- data: 0 --- key: Const
flags: (INVALID, locked, reset) --- data: 0 --- key: Const2
flags: (INVALID, locked, reset) --- data: 0 --- key: Locked
flags: (INVALID, locked, reset) --- data: 0 --- key: LockedReset
flags: (INVALID, UNLOCKED, reset) --- data: 0 --- key: UnLocked
flags: (INVALID, UNLOCKED, reset) --- data: 0 --- key: UnLockedReset
flags: (INVALID, locked, reset) --- data: 0 --- key: cpFoo
flags: (INVALID, UNLOCKED, reset) --- data: 0 --- key: pFoo1
flags: (INVALID, UNLOCKED, reset) --- data: 0 --- key: pFoo2
flags: (INVALID, UNLOCKED, reset) --- data: 0 --- key: silly
*** ClearStore_test run standard testRecord a second time ***
*** StoreGateSvcClient_test record BEGINS ***
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Recorded object @0x150e320 with key pFoo1 of type Foo(CLID 8101)
in DataObject @0x14587f0
object modifiable when retrieved[m
Now we expect to see an error message:
----Error Message Starts--->>
[93;1mStoreGateSvc WARNING setupProxy:: error setting up proxy for key pFoo1 and clid 8101
Pre-existing valid DataProxy @0x153a370 found in Store for key pFoo1 with clid 8101[m
[93;1mStoreGateSvc WARNING record_impl: Problem setting up the proxy for object @0x146a6b0
recorded with key pFoo1 of type Foo (CLID 8101) in DataObject @0x153a1e0[m
<<---Error Message Ends-------
Now we expect to see an error message:
----Error Message Starts--->>
[93;1mStoreGateSvc WARNING record_impl: failed for key=pFoo2, type Foo (CLID 8101)
object @0x150e320 already in store with key=pFoo1. Will not record a duplicate! [m
<<---Error Message Ends-------
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Recorded object @0x1529bc0 with key pFoo2 of type Foo(CLID 8101)
in DataObject @0x148fcc0
object modifiable when retrieved[m
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Recorded object @0x15290c0 with key cpFoo of type Foo(CLID 8101)
in DataObject @0x15006e0
object not modifiable when retrieved[m
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Recorded object @0x15104b0 with key silly of type Foo(CLID 8101)
in DataObject @0x14f0460
object modifiable when retrieved[m
Now we expect to see an error message:
----Error Message Starts--->>
[93;1mStoreGateSvc WARNING setupProxy:: error setting up proxy for key silly and clid 8101
Pre-existing valid DataProxy @0x14fe0b0 found in Store for key silly with clid 8101[m
[93;1mStoreGateSvc WARNING record_impl: Problem setting up the proxy for object @0x1527eb0
recorded with key silly of type Foo (CLID 8101) in DataObject @0x14f4b50[m
<<---Error Message Ends-------
Now we expect to see an error message:
----Error Message Starts--->>
[93;1mStoreGateSvc WARNING setupProxy:: error setting up proxy for key silly and clid 8101
Pre-existing valid DataProxy @0x14fe0b0 found in Store for key silly with clid 8101[m
[93;1mStoreGateSvc WARNING record_impl: Problem setting up the proxy for object @0x152cdc0
recorded with key silly of type Foo (CLID 8101) in DataObject @0x14fd650[m
<<---Error Message Ends-------
Now we expect to see an error message:
----Error Message Starts--->>
[93;1mStoreGateSvc WARNING setupProxy:: error setting up proxy for key silly and clid 8101
Pre-existing valid DataProxy @0x14fe0b0 found in Store for key silly with clid 8101[m
[93;1mStoreGateSvc WARNING record_impl: Problem setting up the proxy for object @0x15333c0
recorded with key silly of type Foo (CLID 8101) in DataObject @0x14fffe0[m
<<---Error Message Ends-------
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Recorded object @0x117e8e0 with key UnLocked of type Foo(CLID 8101)
in DataObject @0x1539d10
object modifiable when retrieved[m
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Recorded object @0x15300b0 with key Locked of type Foo(CLID 8101)
in DataObject @0x14f84d0
object not modifiable when retrieved[m
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Recorded object @0x1535080 with key LockedReset of type Foo(CLID 8101)
in DataObject @0x1500b40
object not modifiable when retrieved[m
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Recorded object @0x152cae0 with key UnLockedReset of type Foo(CLID 8101)
in DataObject @0x14f2080
object modifiable when retrieved[m
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Recorded object @0x1531a80 with key LockedDelete of type Foo(CLID 8101)
in DataObject @0x14f20d0
object not modifiable when retrieved[m
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Recorded object @0x1525a40 with key UnLockedDelete of type Foo(CLID 8101)
in DataObject @0x14f37f0
object modifiable when retrieved[m
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Recorded object @0x1526bb0 with key Const of type Foo(CLID 8101)
in DataObject @0x14f3840
object not modifiable when retrieved[m
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Recorded object @0x1525d20 with key Const2 of type Foo(CLID 8101)
in DataObject @0x1491e00
object not modifiable when retrieved[m
Now we expect to see an error message:
----Error Message Starts--->>
[93;1mStoreGateSvc WARNING setupProxy:: error setting up proxy for key Const and clid 8101
Pre-existing valid DataProxy @0x1500a00 found in Store for key Const with clid 8101[m
[93;1mStoreGateSvc WARNING record_impl: Problem setting up the proxy for object @0x14ef920
recorded with key Const of type Foo (CLID 8101) in DataObject @0x14fb4d0[m
<<---Error Message Ends-------
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Recorded object @0x14fb520 with key ow of type Foo(CLID 8101)
in DataObject @0x1539300
object modifiable when retrieved[m
StoreGateSvc DEBUG overwrite: Recorded object @0x14759f0 with key ow of type Foo(CLID 8101)
in DataObject @0x1501550
object modifiable when retrieved[m
StoreGateSvc DEBUG overwrite: Recorded object @0x15393c0 with key ow of type Foo(CLID 8101)
in DataObject @0x1539300
object modifiable when retrieved[m
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Recorded object @0x14844f0 with key ow2 of type Foo(CLID 8101)
in DataObject @0x1501550
object not modifiable when retrieved[m
StoreGateSvc DEBUG overwrite: Recorded object @0x1478260 with key ow2 of type Foo(CLID 8101)
in DataObject @0x14ed940
object not modifiable when retrieved[m
StoreGateSvc DEBUG overwrite: Recorded object @0x1492510 with key ow2 of type Foo(CLID 8101)
in DataObject @0x1501550
object not modifiable when retrieved[m
*** StoreGateSvcClient_test records OK ***
*** ClearStore_test clear the store again ***
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Clearing store with forceRemove=0[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x1500a00, recorded with key=Const, CLID=8101, containing data object @0x14f3840 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x153a230, recorded with key=Const2, CLID=8101, containing data object @0x1491e00 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x14fdf80, recorded with key=Locked, CLID=8101, containing data object @0x14f84d0 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x14fc8b0, recorded with key=LockedDelete, CLID=8101, containing data object @0x14f20d0 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x1500670, recorded with key=LockedReset, CLID=8101, containing data object @0x1500b40 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x14f7440, recorded with key=UnLocked, CLID=8101, containing data object @0x1539d10 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x14fb460, recorded with key=UnLockedDelete, CLID=8101, containing data object @0x14f37f0 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x14f5cd0, recorded with key=UnLockedReset, CLID=8101, containing data object @0x14f2080 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x14fcee0, recorded with key=cpFoo, CLID=8101, containing data object @0x15006e0 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x1539350, recorded with key=ow, CLID=8101, containing data object @0x1539300 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x153a820, recorded with key=ow2, CLID=8101, containing data object @0x1501550 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x153a370, recorded with key=pFoo1, CLID=8101, containing data object @0x14587f0 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x1500750, recorded with key=pFoo2, CLID=8101, containing data object @0x148fcc0 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x14fe0b0, recorded with key=silly, CLID=8101, containing data object @0x14f0460 ... -> DONE[m
Testing dump: store should contain no data now
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Data Store Dump >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Found 10 proxies for ClassID 8101 (Foo):
flags: (INVALID, locked, reset) --- data: 0 --- key: Const
flags: (INVALID, locked, reset) --- data: 0 --- key: Const2
flags: (INVALID, locked, reset) --- data: 0 --- key: Locked
flags: (INVALID, locked, reset) --- data: 0 --- key: LockedReset
flags: (INVALID, UNLOCKED, reset) --- data: 0 --- key: UnLocked
flags: (INVALID, UNLOCKED, reset) --- data: 0 --- key: UnLockedReset
flags: (INVALID, locked, reset) --- data: 0 --- key: cpFoo
flags: (INVALID, UNLOCKED, reset) --- data: 0 --- key: pFoo1
flags: (INVALID, UNLOCKED, reset) --- data: 0 --- key: pFoo2
flags: (INVALID, UNLOCKED, reset) --- data: 0 --- key: silly
*** ClearStore_test clear the store one last time forcing proxy removal (the way we do in finalize()) ***
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Clearing store with forceRemove=1[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() forcing release of DataProxy @0x1500a00, recorded with key=Const, CLID=8101, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() forcing release of DataProxy @0x153a230, recorded with key=Const2, CLID=8101, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() forcing release of DataProxy @0x14fdf80, recorded with key=Locked, CLID=8101, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() forcing release of DataProxy @0x1500670, recorded with key=LockedReset, CLID=8101, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() forcing release of DataProxy @0x14f7440, recorded with key=UnLocked, CLID=8101, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() forcing release of DataProxy @0x14f5cd0, recorded with key=UnLockedReset, CLID=8101, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() forcing release of DataProxy @0x14fcee0, recorded with key=cpFoo, CLID=8101, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() forcing release of DataProxy @0x153a370, recorded with key=pFoo1, CLID=8101, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() forcing release of DataProxy @0x1500750, recorded with key=pFoo2, CLID=8101, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() forcing release of DataProxy @0x14fe0b0, recorded with key=silly, CLID=8101, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE[m
Testing dump: store should contain no proxy now
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Data Store Dump >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Found 0 proxies for ClassID 8101 (Foo):
*** ClearStore_test OK ***