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CosmicGenerator.cxx 31.8 KiB
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  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration

// -------------------------------------------------------------
// File: CosmicGenerator/CosmicGenerator.cxx
// Description:

//    The output will be stored in the transient event store so it can be
//    passed to the simulation.
// AuthorList:
//         W. Seligman: Initial Code 08-Nov-2002,
//         based on work by M. Shapiro and I. Hinchliffe

// Modification for increasing efficiency of muon hitting the detector:
//                     H. Ma.    March 17, 2006
//   Property: ExzCut:
//        if true, the method exzCut(...) will be called to apply a
//               energy dependent position cut on the surface.
//               This rejects low energy muons at large distance.
//   Property: RMax
//               Used by exzCut to reject non-projective muons, which are
//               too far out on the surface

// Modifications to accomodate Pixel EndCap C Cosmic Test needs
//      Marian Zdrazil   June 7, 2006
// Modifications to accomodate replacement of Pixel EndCap C by a Pixel EndCap A
//      Marian Zdrazil   November 24, 2006
// Description:
// ------------
// It is easier and actually more useful to leave the EndCap A
// in the vertical position (the way it is positioned in the ATLAS detector)
// instead of rotating it clockwise by 90deg which corresponds to the
// placement during the Pixel EndCap A cosmic test in SR1 in November 2006.
// This is why we will generate cosmic muons coming from the positive Z-axis
// direction better than rotating the whole setup in PixelGeoModel.

// Modifications July 3rd 2007, Rob McPherson
//     - Fix mu+/mu- bug (always present in Athena versions)
//     - Fix sign of Py (since tag CosmicGenerator-00-00-21, muons only upward-going)

// Optimize selection of events passed to Geant4 for full simulation:
// - cut on energy based on pathlength in rock
// - reweighting of generated cosmic rays
// - geometrical cut in plane of pixel detector
//      Juerg Beringer   November 2007
//      Robert Cahn      November 2007

#include "CosmicGenerator/CosmicGenerator.h"
#include "CosmicGenerator/CosmicGun.h"
#include "CosmicGenerator/CosmicEventParser.h"

#include "CLHEP/Vector/ThreeVector.h"
#include "CLHEP/Geometry/Normal3D.h"
#include "CLHEP/Units/PhysicalConstants.h"
#include "CLHEP/Random/RandFlat.h"

#include <limits>
#include <cmath>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>

// Pointer On AtRndmGenSvc
IAtRndmGenSvc*         CosmicGenerator::p_AtRndmGenSvc = 0;
extern "C" float cosmicrndm_(int* /*dummy*/)
  CLHEP::HepRandomEngine* engine = CosmicGenerator::p_AtRndmGenSvc->GetEngine("COSMICS");
  return CLHEP::RandFlat::shoot(engine);

CosmicGenerator::CosmicGenerator(const std::string& name,
      ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator)
  : GenModule(name,pSvcLocator)
  , m_stopped_tminus(0.)
  , m_stopped_tplus(0.)
86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534
  // Migration to MeV and mm units: all conversions are done in this interface
  // to the CosmicGun. The CosmicGun itself uses GeV units internally - to call
  // the fortran code.

  m_GeV = 1000;
  m_mm  = 10;
  m_readfile = false;
  m_activeStore = 0;

  m_events = 0;
  m_rejected = 0;
  m_accepted = 0;
  m_selection = 0;

  declareProperty("eventfile",  m_infile = "NONE" );
  declareProperty("emin",       m_emin =10.*m_GeV );
  declareProperty("emax",       m_emax =100*m_GeV );
  declareProperty("xvert_low",  m_xlow =0. *m_mm);
  declareProperty("xvert_hig",  m_xhig =10.*m_mm );
  declareProperty("zvert_low",  m_zlow =0. *m_mm);
  declareProperty("zvert_hig",  m_zhig =10.*m_mm );
  declareProperty("yvert_val",  m_yval = 81*m_mm );
  declareProperty("tmin",       m_tmin =0. );
  declareProperty("tmax",       m_tmax =0. );

  declareProperty("IPx",  m_IPx =0. );
  declareProperty("IPy",  m_IPy =0. );
  declareProperty("IPz",  m_IPz =0. );
  declareProperty("Radius",  m_radius =0. );
  declareProperty("ExzCut",  m_exzCut = false );
  declareProperty("OptimizeForCavern",  m_cavOpt = false );
  declareProperty("OptimizeForSR1", m_srOneOpt = 0);
  declareProperty("OptimizeForSR1PixelEndCap", m_srOnePixECOpt = false);
  declareProperty("SwapYZAxis", m_swapYZAxis = false);
  declareProperty("OptimizeForMuonEndCap", m_muonECOpt = false);
  declareProperty("ctcut",      m_ctcut =0.35 );
  declareProperty("PrintEvent", m_printEvent=10);
  declareProperty("PrintMod",   m_printMod=100);
  declareProperty("RMax",       m_rmax = 10000000. );
  declareProperty("ThetaMin", m_thetamin = 0.);
  declareProperty("ThetaMax", m_thetamax = 1.);
  declareProperty("PhiMin", m_phimin = -1*M_PI);
  declareProperty("PhiMax", m_phimax = M_PI);
  declareProperty("Zposition", m_zpos = 14500);

  // Job options for new optimzation options (November 2007)
  declareProperty("doPathLengthCut",m_doPathlengthCut = false);
  declareProperty("doAimedAtPixelsCut",m_doAimedAtPixelsCut = false);
  declareProperty("doReweighting",m_doReweighting = false);
  declareProperty("energyCutThreshold",m_energyCutThreshold = 1.0);
  declareProperty("ysurface",m_ysurface = 81*m_mm);
  declareProperty("rvert_max",m_rvertmax = 300*m_mm);   // replaces rectangle in case of reweighting
  declareProperty("pixelplane_maxx",m_pixelplanemaxx = 1150);
  declareProperty("pixelplane_maxz",m_pixelplanemaxz = 1650);



StatusCode CosmicGenerator::genInitialize() {

  // Initialize event count.

  m_events = 0;



      // Get the random number service
      CosmicGenerator::p_AtRndmGenSvc = &(GenModule::atRndmGenSvc());
      CosmicGun* gun = CosmicGun::GetCosmicGun();

      gun->PrintLevel(m_printEvent, m_printMod);
      float flux_withCT = gun->InitializeGenerator();

      ATH_MSG_INFO( "Initialisation cosmic gun done." );
      ATH_MSG_INFO( "Accepted diff  flux after E and cos(theta) cuts = " << flux_withCT << " /cm^2/s" );
      if (! m_doReweighting) {
        // The following is only correct w/o reweighting
        ATH_MSG_INFO( "Accepted total flux after E and cos(theta) cuts = " <<
          flux_withCT*(m_xhig-m_xlow)/m_mm*(m_zhig-m_zlow)/m_mm << " /s" );

      ATH_MSG_INFO( "Cosmics are read from file " << m_infile );;
          ATH_MSG_FATAL( "Could not open input file - stop! " );
          return StatusCode::FAILURE;
      m_readfile = true;

  m_center=CLHEP::Hep3Vector(m_IPx, m_IPy, m_IPz);

  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;


CLHEP::HepLorentzVector CosmicGenerator::generateVertex(void) {

  // Get the pointer to the engine of the stream named SINGLE. If the
  // stream does not exist is created automaticaly
  CLHEP::HepRandomEngine* engine = CosmicGenerator::p_AtRndmGenSvc->GetEngine("COSMICS");

  // Generate a random number according to the distribution.

  float x_val = CLHEP::RandFlat::shoot(engine, m_xlow, m_xhig);
  float z_val = CLHEP::RandFlat::shoot(engine, m_zlow, m_zhig);

  // Generate a random number for time offset
  float t_val = m_tmin;  // Assign defined value
  if(m_tmin < m_tmax){
    t_val = CLHEP::RandFlat::shoot(engine, m_tmin, m_tmax);
  else if(m_tmin == m_tmax){
    t_val = m_tmin;
  else ATH_MSG_FATAL("You specified m_tmin = " << m_tmin << " and m_tmax " << m_tmax);
  CLHEP::HepLorentzVector p(x_val,m_yval,z_val, t_val*CLHEP::c_light);

  return p;


CLHEP::HepLorentzVector CosmicGenerator::generateVertexReweighted(void) {

  // Get the pointer to the engine of the stream named SINGLE. If the
  // stream does not exist is created automaticaly
  CLHEP::HepRandomEngine* engine = CosmicGenerator::p_AtRndmGenSvc->GetEngine("COSMICS");

  // Generate non-uniform distribution of vertices to reflect azimuthal
  // angle subtended by the sphere of radiusm m_radius
  // Inside m_radius, the density of vertices is proportional to 2 pi r dr
  // Outside m_radius, the density is proportional to 2r arcsin (m_radius/r)
  // We approximate the latter by its maximum: m_radius * pi
  // We generate vertices out to m_rvertmax.
  // Integrating the approximated distribution gives
  // pi r**2 for r < m_radius and pi m_radius r for r> m_radius
  // So with ran in (0,1) we take r=max_r * ran for ran>m_radius/max_r
  // and r= sqrt(m_radius*max_r*ran) for ran<m_radius/max_r
  // for r>m_radius we use acceptance/rejection by comparing
  // m_radius * pi * new_ran with 2r arcsin (m_radius/r)
  int accept=0;
  float max_r = m_rvertmax;
  float r_val = 0.;
    float ran_one = CLHEP::RandFlat::shoot(engine,0.,1.);
      r_val = ran_one*max_r;
      float ran_two = CLHEP::RandFlat::shoot(engine,0.,1.);
        r_val = sqrt(m_radius*max_r*ran_one);
  float ran_three= CLHEP::RandFlat::shoot(engine, 0.,2*M_PI);
  float x_val = r_val*cos(ran_three);
  float z_val = r_val*sin(ran_three);

  // Generate a random number for time offset
  float t_val = m_tmin;  // Assign defined value
  if(m_tmin < m_tmax){
    t_val = CLHEP::RandFlat::shoot(engine, m_tmin, m_tmax);
  else if(m_tmin == m_tmax){
    t_val = m_tmin;
  else ATH_MSG_FATAL( " You specified m_tmin = " << m_tmin << " and m_tmax " << m_tmax );
  CLHEP::HepLorentzVector p(x_val,m_yval,z_val, t_val*CLHEP::c_light);

  return p;

StatusCode CosmicGenerator::callGenerator() {

  ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "Event #" << m_events);

  CLHEP::HepRandomEngine* engine = CosmicGenerator::p_AtRndmGenSvc->GetEngine("COSMICS");

  // clear up the vectors

          CosmicEventParser evt;
          m_ffile >> evt;

          ATH_MSG_VERBOSE( evt );

          double polx = 0;
          double poly = 0;
          double polz = 0;
          HepMC::Polarization thePolarization;

          // units are already converted to MeV's and mm.

          ATH_MSG_FATAL( "End of file reached - stop " );
          return StatusCode::FAILURE;

      bool accepted=false;
      CLHEP::HepLorentzVector pp;
      CosmicGun* gun = CosmicGun::GetCosmicGun();
      CLHEP::HepLorentzVector vert;
      CLHEP::Hep3Vector vert3;
      double theta1;
      double phi1;
      double mag1;


        if (m_doReweighting && m_cavOpt) {
          // The code here doesn't make sense without the sphere cut in the
          // cavern optimization that is selected by OptimizeForCavern=True
          vert = generateVertexReweighted();
          vert3 = CLHEP::Hep3Vector(vert.x(),vert.y(),vert.z());

          double vert_radius=sqrt(vert3.x()*vert3.x() + vert3.z()*vert3.z());

          pp = gun->GenerateEvent();


          if (vert_radius>m_radius) {
            float delta_phi=asin(m_radius/vert_radius);
            phi1=phi1+CLHEP::RandFlat::shoot(engine, -delta_phi, delta_phi);

        } else {
          vert = generateVertex();
          vert3 = CLHEP::Hep3Vector(vert.x(),vert.y(),vert.z());

          pp = gun->GenerateEvent();


        CLHEP::Hep3Vector pp_corr(mag1*sin(theta1)*cos(phi1),
        CLHEP::Hep3Vector direction(pp_corr.x(),pp_corr.y(), pp_corr.z());

        // if optimization activated, check for the direction of the generated muon
        if(m_cavOpt) {

          CLHEP::Hep3Vector center_dir=m_center-vert3;
          double beta=direction.angle(center_dir);
          double alpha=asin(m_radius/center_dir.r());

          if(fabs(beta)<alpha) {

            if(m_exzCut) {
              // Old optimization code - is it still useful?
              CLHEP::HepLorentzVector pp2(pp_corr.x(),pp_corr.y(), pp_corr.z(), pp.e());
              if( exzCut(vert3,pp2) ) {
            } else {

              accepted = true;

              ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "x0 = " << vert3.x()
                  << ", y0 = " << vert3.y()
                  << ", z0 = " << vert3.z()
                  << ", theta = " << pp.theta()
                  << ", phi = " << pp.phi()
                  << ", energy = " << pp.e()*m_GeV );

              if (m_doPathlengthCut) {
                double path = pathLengthInRock(vert3.x(),vert3.y(),vert3.z(),pp.theta(),pp.phi());
                double energyLoss =  2.33e-3 * 244. * path; //FIXME Hardcoded values!
                ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "Energy loss is " << energyLoss
                    << " --> " << (energyLoss>pp.e()*m_GeV ? "REJECTED" : "ACCEPTED") << " by pathlength cut");
                if (energyLoss-m_energyCutThreshold > pp.e()*m_GeV) accepted = false;

              if (m_doAimedAtPixelsCut) {
                bool aimedAtPixels = pointsAtPixels(vert3.x(),vert3.y(),vert3.z(),pp.theta(),pp.phi());
                ATH_MSG_DEBUG( (aimedAtPixels ? "AIMED AT PIXELS" : "NOT AIMED AT PIXELS") );
                if (!aimedAtPixels) accepted = false;

              // FOR DEBUGGING ONLY
              if (accepted) {
                ATH_MSG_VERBOSE("The following event has been accepted for simulation:");
                ATH_MSG_VERBOSE( "x0 = " << vert3.x() << ", y0 = " << vert3.y() << ", z0 = " << vert3.z()
                              << ", theta = " << pp.theta() << ", phi = " << pp.phi() << ", energy = " << pp.e()*m_GeV );

                if (m_doPathlengthCut) {
                  double path = pathLengthInRock(vert3.x(),vert3.y(),vert3.z(),pp.theta(),pp.phi());
                  double energyLoss =  2.33e-3 * 244. * path;
                  ATH_MSG_VERBOSE( "Energy loss is " << energyLoss
                      << " --> " << (energyLoss>pp.e()*m_GeV ? "REJECTED" : "ACCEPTED") << " by pathlength cut" );
                if (m_doAimedAtPixelsCut) {
                  bool aimedAtPixels = pointsAtPixels(vert3.x(),vert3.y(),vert3.z(),pp.theta(),pp.phi());
                  ATH_MSG_VERBOSE( (aimedAtPixels ? "AIMED AT PIXELS" : "NOT AIMED AT PIXELS") );



          if(accepted) {
          } else {
            ATH_MSG_VERBOSE("Rejected muon due to cavern optimization request!");
        else if(m_srOneOpt == 1) {
          CLHEP::Hep3Vector srOneVec(direction.x(), direction.y(), direction.z());
          if(mag1 < 0) // Check if momentum vector is flipped.
            srOneVec *= -1;

          if( (srOneVec.phi() >= -2.25) && (srOneVec.phi() <= -1.7) &&
              (srOneVec.theta() >= 0.85) && (srOneVec.theta() <= 2.25) ) { //FIXME Hardcoded values!
            accepted = true;
            ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Muon accepted by SR1 SCT/TRT optimization!");
          } else {
            ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Rejected muon due to SR1 SCT/TRT optimization request!");
        else if(m_srOneOpt == 2) {
          CLHEP::Hep3Vector srOneVec(direction.x(), direction.y(), direction.z());
          if(mag1 < 0) // Check if momentum vector is flipped.
            srOneVec *= -1;

          if( (srOneVec.phi() >= -1.68) && (srOneVec.phi() <= -1.08) &&
              (srOneVec.theta() >= 0.29) && (srOneVec.theta() <= 0.72) ) { //FIXME Hardcoded values!
            accepted = true;
            ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Muon accepted by SR1 SCT/TRT EndCapC optimization!");
          } else {
            ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Rejected muon due to SR1 SCT/TRT EndcapC optimization request!");

        else if(m_srOnePixECOpt) {
          CLHEP::Hep3Vector srOneVec(direction.x(), direction.y(), direction.z());
          if(mag1 < 0) // Check if momentum vector is flipped.
            srOneVec *= -1;

          if( (srOneVec.phi() >= m_phimin) && (srOneVec.phi() <= m_phimax) &&
              (srOneVec.theta() >= m_thetamin) && (srOneVec.theta() <= m_thetamax) ) {
            accepted = true;
            ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Muon accepted by SR1 Pixel EndCap optimization!");
          } else {
            ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Rejected muon due to SR1 Pixel EndCap optimization request!");

        else if (m_muonECOpt) {
          double coor_x, coor_y, coor_z;
          coor_z = m_zpos; // defined in jobOpt.
          coor_x = direction.x()*(coor_z - vert.z())/direction.z() +vert.x();
          coor_y = direction.y()*(coor_z - vert.z())/direction.z() +vert.y();
          if( ((coor_x)*(coor_x) + (coor_y)*(coor_y)) <= m_radius*m_radius ) {
            accepted = true;
          } else {
            coor_z = -m_zpos;
            coor_x = direction.x()*(coor_z - vert.z())/direction.z() +vert.x();
            coor_y = direction.y()*(coor_z - vert.z())/direction.z() +vert.y();
            if( ((coor_x)*(coor_x) + (coor_y)*(coor_y)) <= m_radius*m_radius ) {
              accepted = true;
            } else {
              ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Rejected muon due to Muon EndCap optimization request!");

        else accepted=true; // if no opt required accept the first muon


      // Get the mass of the particle to be generated
      int charge = gun->GetMuonCharge();
      // m_pdgCode.push_back(charge*13);

      const HepPDT::ParticleData* particle = particleData(abs(m_pdgCode.back()));
      if (particle==nullptr){
        ATH_MSG_FATAL( "Particle with PDG ID=" << abs(m_pdgCode.back()) << " returned a nullptr" );
        return StatusCode::FAILURE;

      double mass = particle->mass().value();

      // Compute the kinematic values.  First, the vertex 4-vector:
      double x = vert.x();
      double y = vert.y();
      double z = vert.z();
      double t = vert.t();

      // Do we need to swap Y- and Z-axis for the PixelEndCap A Cosmic test ?
      // if nothing...if so, invert position of y- and z- coordinate
      // but not only that...change also the direction of the incoming cosmic muon(s),
      // they must go towards the pixel endcap A, i.e. y -> -y

      // Set the polarization.  Realistically, this is going to be zero
      // for most studies, but you never know...
      double polx = 0;
      double poly = 0;
      double polz = 0;
      HepMC::Polarization thePolarization;

      // Do we need to swap Y- and Z-axis for the PixelEndCap C Cosmic test ?
      // if nothing...if so, invert position of y- and z- coordinate
      // well and don't forget about the direction of the incoming cosmic muon(s) either
      // that means:  y -> -y
        // thePolarization.set_normal3d(HepGeom::Normal3D<double>(polx,-poly,polz));


      // The method of calculating e, theta, and phi depends on the user's
      // commands.  Let the KinematicManager handle it.
      double e     = pp.e();
      double theta = pp.theta();
      double phi   = pp.phi();

      // At this point, we have e, theta, and phi.  Put them together to
      // get the four-momentum.

      double p2 = e*e - mass*mass;
      if ( p2 < 0 )
          ATH_MSG_ERROR( "Event #" << m_events
              << " E=" << e << ", mass=" << mass
              << " -- you have generated a tachyon! Increase energy or change particle ID." );
          return StatusCode::FAILURE;

      double p = sqrt(p2);
      double px = p*sin(theta)*cos(phi);
      double pz = p*sin(theta)*sin(phi);
      double py = -p*cos(theta);

      // Do we need to swap Y- and Z-axis for the PixelEndCap C Cosmic test ?
      // if nothing...if so, invert position of y- and z- coordinate
      // well and don't forget about the direction of the incoming cosmic muon(s) either
      // that means:  y -> -y
      if(!m_swapYZAxis) {
        // Line below corrupted py sign and forces muons to be upwards, not downwards.
        // m_fourMom.push_back(CLHEP::HepLorentzVector(px,-py,pz,pp.e()));

             "  (x,y,z,t) = ("
          << m_fourPos.back().x() << ","
          << m_fourPos.back().y() << ","
          << m_fourPos.back().z() << ","
          << m_fourPos.back().t() << "), (Px,Py,Pz,E) = ("
          << m_fourMom.back().px() << ","
          << m_fourMom.back().py() << ","
          << m_fourMom.back().pz() << ","
          << m_fourMom.back().e()  << ")" );
             "  (theta,phi) = (" << theta << "," << phi << "), "
          << "polarization(x,y,z) = ("
          << m_polarization.back().normal3d().x() << ","
          << m_polarization.back().normal3d().y() << ","
          << m_polarization.back().normal3d().z() << ")" );
  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;


StatusCode CosmicGenerator::genFinalize() {
  // Get the KinematicManager.


    ATH_MSG_INFO("** you have run CosmicGenerator with some ");
    ATH_MSG_INFO("** optimizations for cavern simulation");
    ATH_MSG_INFO("** "<<m_accepted<<" muons were accepted");
    ATH_MSG_INFO("** "<<m_rejected<<" muons were rejected");

  if(m_srOneOpt == 1){

    ATH_MSG_INFO("** you have run CosmicGenerator with some ");
    ATH_MSG_INFO("** optimizations for SR1 SCT/TRT simulation");
    ATH_MSG_INFO("** "<<m_accepted<<" muons were accepted");
    ATH_MSG_INFO("** "<<m_rejected<<" muons were rejected");

  if(m_srOneOpt == 2){

    ATH_MSG_INFO("** you have run CosmicGenerator with some ");
    ATH_MSG_INFO("** optimizations for SR1 SCT/TRT EndcapC simulation");
    ATH_MSG_INFO("** "<<m_accepted<<" muons were accepted");
    ATH_MSG_INFO("** "<<m_rejected<<" muons were rejected");



    ATH_MSG_INFO("** you have run CosmicGenerator with some ");
    ATH_MSG_INFO("** optimizations for SR1 Pixel EndCap simulation");
    ATH_MSG_INFO("** "<<m_accepted<<" muons were accepted");
    ATH_MSG_INFO("** "<<m_rejected<<" muons were rejected");

      ATH_MSG_INFO(" You have swapped Y- and Z-axis, i.e. muons are    ");
      ATH_MSG_INFO(" not coming from the top any more !!!              ");


  if(m_muonECOpt) {

    ATH_MSG_INFO("** you have run CosmicGenerator with some "        );
    ATH_MSG_INFO("** filters for cosmic muon simulation"             );
    ATH_MSG_INFO("** "<<m_accepted<<" muons were accepted"           );
    ATH_MSG_INFO("** "<<m_rejected<<" muons were rejected"           );

  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;

StatusCode CosmicGenerator::fillEvt(HepMC::GenEvent* event) {

  // loop over generated vertices

    for(std::size_t v=0;v<m_fourMom.size();++v){

      // Note: The vertex and particle are owned by the event, so the
      // event is responsible for those pointers.

      // Create the particle, and specify its polarization.

      HepMC::GenParticle* particle = new HepMC::GenParticle( m_fourMom[v], m_pdgCode[v], 1);
      particle->set_polarization( m_polarization[v] );

      // Create the vertex, and add the particle to the vertex.
      HepMC::GenVertex* vertex = new HepMC::GenVertex(m_fourPos[v]);
      vertex->add_particle_out( particle );

      // Add the vertex to the event.
      event->add_vertex( vertex );


    event->set_event_number(m_events); // Set the event number
    if (event->weights().empty()){
    return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
  } else {
    ATH_MSG_ERROR("Wrong different number of vertexes/momenta/polaritazions!");
    return StatusCode::FAILURE;


// Energy dependent position cut on the surface.
bool CosmicGenerator::exzCut(const CLHEP::Hep3Vector& pos,const CLHEP::HepLorentzVector& p)
// p is in GeV...

        double r =0;
        bool cut = false;
          r = sqrt((pow(pos.x(),2)+pow(pos.z()+28000,2))) ; //FIXME Hardcoded values!
          double e = 0.45238*r+5000 ;  //FIXME Hardcoded values!
          cut = p.e()*m_GeV>e;
          r = sqrt((pow(pos.x(),2)+pow(pos.z()-20000,2))) ; //FIXME Hardcoded values!
          if(r<15000) { //FIXME Hardcoded values!
            cut = true;
          } else
          double e = 0.461538*(r-15000)+10000 ;  //FIXME Hardcoded values!
          cut = p.e()*m_GeV>e;
          ATH_MSG_VERBOSE("z>0 r , e, p.e = "<<r <<" " <<e <<" " <<p.e()*m_GeV);

        cut = cut && r < m_rmax ;

        return cut;

// Estimate pathlength in rock towards the pixel detector, taking into account both
// the PX14 and PX16 shafts. The shaft positions are currently hard-coded.
double CosmicGenerator::pathLengthInRock(double xgen, double ygen, double zgen, double theta, double phi) {
  // y is vertical direction, z along beam, major shaft has z>0

  // Definition of shafts and cavern
  double p14_x = 1700; //FIXME Hardcoded values!
  double p14_z = 13500; //FIXME Hardcoded values!
  double p14_radius = 9000.; //FIXME Hardcoded values!
  double p16_x = 1700; //FIXME Hardcoded values!
  double p16_z = -20000; //FIXME Hardcoded values!
  double p16_radius = 6300.; //FIXME Hardcoded values!
  double y1 = 26400; //       ! mm cavern height above IP //FIXME Hardcoded values!

  // direction of trajectory
  // x=x0 - t sinth cosphi; y=y0 + t costh; z=z0 - t sinth sinphi
  double cosphi = cos(phi);
  double sinphi = sin(phi);
  double costh = cos(theta);
  double sinth = sin(theta);

  double y0 = m_ysurface;
  double t = (ygen-y0)/costh;
  double x0 = xgen + t*sinth*cosphi;   // x position at y=0
  double z0 = zgen + t*sinth*sinphi;   // z position at y=0

  // full path length ignoring shaft
  double full_distance = (y0-y1)/costh;

  // does trajectory intersect p14 cylinder?
  double z_mid14 = (x0-p14_x)*sinphi-(z0-p14_z)*cosphi;
  double min_dist14 = fabs(z_mid14);  //minimum distance of line from center
  double shaft_distance14 = 0.;
  if (min_dist14<p14_radius) {

    // z values at intersections
    double z_plus14  = -cosphi*z_mid14+sinphi*sqrt(pow(p14_radius,2.)-pow(z_mid14,2.)) + p14_z;
    double z_minus14 = -cosphi*z_mid14-sinphi*sqrt(pow(p14_radius,2.)-pow(z_mid14,2.)) + p14_z;

    // y values at intersections
    double y_plus14  = y0-costh*(z_plus14-z0)/sinth/sinphi;
    double y_minus14 = y0-costh*(z_minus14-z0)/sinth/sinphi;
    double y_great14 = y_plus14>y_minus14 ? y_plus14 : y_minus14;
    double y_less14  = y_plus14>y_minus14 ? y_minus14 : y_plus14;

    // top intersection must occur above bottom of shaft
    if ( (y_great14>y1) && (y_less14<y0) ) {
      double y_top14    = y_great14<y0 ? y_great14 : y0;
      double y_bottom14 = y_less14>y1  ? y_less14 : y1;
      shaft_distance14 = (y_top14-y_bottom14)/costh;

  // does trajectory intersect p16 cylinder?
  double z_mid16 = (x0-p16_x)*sinphi-(z0-p16_z)*cosphi;
  double min_dist16 = fabs(z_mid16);
  double shaft_distance16 = 0.;
  if (min_dist16<p16_radius) {

    // z values at intersections
    double z_plus16  = -cosphi*z_mid16+sinphi*sqrt(pow(p16_radius,2.)-pow(z_mid16,2.)) + p16_z;
    double z_minus16 = -cosphi*z_mid16-sinphi*sqrt(pow(p16_radius,2.)-pow(z_mid16,2.)) + p16_z;

    // determine y values at intersections
    double y_plus16  = y0-costh*(z_plus16-z0)/sinth/sinphi;
    double y_minus16 = y0-costh*(z_minus16-z0)/sinth/sinphi;
    double y_great16 = y_plus16>y_minus16 ? y_plus16 : y_minus16;
    double y_less16  = y_plus16>y_minus16 ? y_minus16 : y_plus16;

    // top intersection must occur above bottom of shaft
    if ( (y_great16>y1) && (y_less16<y0) ) {
      double y_top16    = y_great16<y0 ? y_great16 : y0;
      double y_bottom16 = y_less16>y1  ? y_less16 : y1;
      shaft_distance16 = (y_top16-y_bottom16)/costh;

  double rock_distance = full_distance - shaft_distance14-shaft_distance16;
  return rock_distance;

// Check if trajectory points towards a horizontal rectangle centered at the pixel detector
bool CosmicGenerator::pointsAtPixels(double xgen, double ygen, double zgen, double theta, double phi) {
  // y is vertical direction, z along beam, major shaft has z<0
  bool does = false;

  // direction of trajectory
  // x=xgen+ t sinth cosphi; y=ygen+t costh; z=zgen+t sinth sinphi
  double cosphi = cos(phi);
  double sinphi = sin(phi);
  double costh = cos(theta);
  double sinth = sin(theta);
  double t = ygen/costh;  //for parameterized trajectory
  double x_pos = xgen + t*sinth*cosphi; //x position at y=0
  double z_pos = zgen + t*sinth*sinphi; //z position at y=0

  ATH_MSG_VERBOSE("x_pos = " << x_pos << ", z_pos = " << z_pos);


  return does;