Ondrej Kovanda authoredOndrej Kovanda authored
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HitMapGenerator.h 1.20 KiB
* Author: Ondra Kovanda, ondrej.kovanda at cern.ch
* Date: 02/2024
* Description: Generation of hits for ITkPix* emulation
#include <vector>
#include <random>
#include <iostream>
#include "EventData.h"
#include "ItkpixLayout.h"
class HitMapGenerator{
typedef ItkpixLayout<uint16_t> HitMap;
HitMapGenerator(const uint nCol = 400, const uint nRow = 384, const uint nColInCCol = 8, const uint nRowInQrow = 2, const uint seed = 0);
void setSeed(const uint seed = 0);
void randomHitMap(const float occupancy = 1e-3);
void randomQCore(const uint CCol, const uint QRow);
HitMap& outHits(){return m_hitMap;}
FrontEndEvent& outTruth(){return m_truthEvt;}
//generation machinery
std::mt19937 generator;
std::uniform_real_distribution<float> m_hitProb;
std::uniform_int_distribution<uint16_t> m_totProb;
//geometry and config
uint m_seed, m_nCol, m_nRow, m_nCCol, m_nQRow, m_nColInCCol, m_nRowInQRow;
float m_occupancy;
HitMap m_hitMap;
FrontEndEvent m_truthEvt;
uint m_nGenerated;