Attila Krasznahorkay authored
2016-06-23 Attila Krasznahorkay <Attila.Krasznahorkay@cern.ch> * Making the package link against the necessary tdaq-common libraries. To make it possible to turn on using -Wl,--no-undefined in the build. * Removed the executable flag from all of the files in the package. * Tagging as TBCnv-00-03-25
Attila Krasznahorkay authored2016-06-23 Attila Krasznahorkay <Attila.Krasznahorkay@cern.ch> * Making the package link against the necessary tdaq-common libraries. To make it possible to turn on using -Wl,--no-undefined in the build. * Removed the executable flag from all of the files in the package. * Tagging as TBCnv-00-03-25
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TBH6ByteStream-Calib.py 7.68 KiB
# TOP Job options file for H6 TB2004 Calibration run decoding
RunNumber = 80031 # EMEC calibration run
FilePrefix = "daq_calEmec_H6"
InputDirectory = "/castor/cern.ch/atlas/testbeam/cbt-ec2/calib"
doSim=False # Used in RecExTB_CondDB.py
# Compose output file names
HistOutputFileName='%(dir)s/Histos_%(No)d.root' % {"dir" : OutputDir, "No" : RunNumber}
NtupleOutputFileName='%(dir)s/Ntuple_%(No)d.root' % {"dir" : OutputDir, "No" : RunNumber}
ESDOutputFileName='%(dir)s/ESD_%(No)d.root' % {"dir" : OutputDir, "No" : RunNumber}
# ------------------------------------
include( "AthenaCommon/Atlas.UnixStandardJob.py" )
# Turn off printing for LArRoI_Map
ToolSvc = Service( "ToolSvc" )
ToolSvc.TBByteStreamCnvTool.Dump = False
ToolSvc.TBByteStreamCnvTool.OutputLevel = INFO
from AthenaCommon.GlobalFlags import GlobalFlags
# Next 2 lines equivalent to some in LArTBFlags for H8
LArCondCnvDbServer = 'atlobk02.cern.ch'
LArEC04IOVDbTag = ""
from AthenaCommon.DetFlags import DetFlags
include ("AtlasGeoModel/SetGeometryVersion.py")
include ("AtlasGeoModel/GeoModelInit.py")
# ByteStream Input
include( "TBCnv/TBReadH6BS_Calib_jobOptions.py" )
# Specify input file
ByteStreamInputSvc = Service( "ByteStreamInputSvc" )
ByteStreamInputSvc.InputDirectory = [ InputDirectory ]
ByteStreamInputSvc.FilePrefix = [ FilePrefix ]
ByteStreamInputSvc.RunNumber = [ RunNumber ]
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# Specify IOVDbSvc and access conditions database
include( "RecExTB/RecExTB_CondDB.py" )
# Detector description, conditions database and BS converters
# # loading of the DetectorStore
# include( "DetDescrCnvSvc/DetStore_joboptions.py" )
include ("LArDetDescr/LArDetDescr_H6_joboptions.py")
# LAr DB access *** cut from LArCondCnv_EC04_jobOptions.py
# include("LArCondCnv/LArCondCnv_EC04_jobOptions.py")
include( "LArCondCnv/LArCondCnv_Config_jobOptions.py" )
IOVDbSvc = Service( "IOVDbSvc" )
if 'LArEC04IOVDbTag' in dir():
for i in range(len(LArEC04FolderList)) :
LArEC04FolderList[i] += '<tag>'+ LArEC04IOVDbTag + '</tag>'
IOVDbSvc.Folders += LArEC04FolderList;
print ' IOVDbSvc.Folders= ', IOVDbSvc.Folders , '\n'
# IOV server
IOVDbSvc.serverName = "atlobk02.cern.ch"
IOVDbSvc.DBname = "conditions_ctb_2004";
IOVDbSvc.userName = "conditions";
IOVDbSvc.userPwd = "conditions";
#*** end cut from LArCondCnv_EC04_jobOptions.py
# -----------------------------
# Reconstruction
# non-ATLAS detectors
theApp.Dlls += ["LArRawUtils"]
theApp.Dlls += ["LArTools"]
theApp.Dlls += ["LArROD"]
theApp.Dlls += ["TBRec"]
theApp.Dlls += [ "AthenaMonitoring"]
theApp.Dlls += [ "LArMonitoring"]
theApp.TopAlg += ["TBEventStreamer/EventInfoStreamer"]
EventInfoStreamer = Algorithm( "EventInfoStreamer" )
EventInfoStreamer.ToolNames += [ "TBEventInfoStreamerTool/EventTypeSelector" ]
# possible selection: "Physics", "Special", "f/e_Calibration",
# "Random", "BPC_Calibration", default: "Physics"
# theApp.TopAlg += [ "LArCalibDigitPreProcessor<TBLArCalibDigitContainer>/TBLArDigProcessorLOW" ]
# TBLArDigProcessorLOW = Algorithm("TBLArDigProcessorLOW")
# TBLArDigProcessorLOW.InputContainers = ["LOW"]
# TBLArDigProcessorLOW.OutputContainer = "LOW"
# TBLArDigProcessorLOW.OutputLevel = INFO
theApp.TopAlg += [ "LArCalibDigitPreProcessor<TBLArCalibDigitContainer>/TBLArCalDigProcessorMEDIUM" ]
TBLArCalDigProcessorMEDIUM = Algorithm("TBLArCalDigProcessorMEDIUM")
TBLArCalDigProcessorMEDIUM.InputContainers = ["MEDIUM"]
TBLArCalDigProcessorMEDIUM.OutputContainer = "MEDIUM"
TBLArCalDigProcessorMEDIUM.OutputLevel = INFO
# theApp.TopAlg += [ "LArCalibDigitPreProcessor<TBLArCalibDigitContainer>/TBLArDigProcessorHIGH" ]
# TBLArDigProcessorHIGH = Algorithm("TBLArDigProcessorHIGH")
# TBLArDigProcessorHIGH.InputContainers = ["HIGH"]
# TBLArDigProcessorHIGH.OutputContainer = "HIGH"
# TBLArDigProcessorHIGH.OutputLevel = INFO
# -- basic monitoring to test the calibration mapping
theApp.TopAlg += ["AthenaMon/LArCalDigMon"]
LArCalDigMon = Algorithm("LArCalDigMon")
LArCalDigMon.AthenaMonTools += ["LArDigMonTool<LArCalibDigitContainer>/LArCalDigMonTool"]
ToolSvc.LArCalDigMonTool.histoPathBase = "/stat/LArCalibDigMon"
ToolSvc.LArCalDigMonTool.digitKey = "MEDIUM"
ToolSvc.LArCalDigMonTool.pedMode = "SAMPLE"
ToolSvc.LArCalDigMonTool.pedSamp = 0
ToolSvc.LArCalDigMonTool.adcCut = 50
ToolSvc.LArCalDigMonTool.OutputLevel = INFO
# -- and try building cali waves
theApp.Dlls += ["LArCalibUtils"]
theApp.Dlls += ["LArCalibTools"]
theApp.TopAlg += ["LArCaliWaveBuilder"]
LArCaliWaveBuilder = Algorithm( "LArCaliWaveBuilder" )
LArCaliWaveBuilder.KeyList = ["MEDIUM"]
LArCaliWaveBuilder.SubtractPed = False
theApp.TopAlg += [ "LArWaves2Ntuple<LArCaliWaveContainer>/LArCaliWaves2Ntuple"]
LArCaliWaves2Ntuple = Algorithm( "LArCaliWaves2Ntuple" )
theApp.TopAlg += ["AthenaMon/LArWaveMon"]
LArWaveMon = Algorithm("LArWaveMon")
LArWaveMon.AthenaMonTools += ["LArWaveMonTool/wavemon"]
ToolSvc.wavemon.histoPathBase = "/stat/wave"
ToolSvc.wavemon.waveKey = "MEDIUM"
# -- use root histos
theApp.Dlls += [ "RootHistCnv" ]
theApp.HistogramPersistency = "ROOT"
HistogramPersistencySvc = Service( "HistogramPersistencySvc" )
HistogramPersistencySvc.OutputFile = HistOutputFileName
NTupleSvc = Service( "NTupleSvc" )
# NtupleSvc.Output=["FILE1 DATAFILE='Waves.root' TYP='ROOT' OPT='NEW'"]
NTupleSvc.Output = [ "FILE1 DATAFILE='"+NtupleOutputFileName+"' OPT='NEW'" ]
# Chrono svc
theApp.Dlls += [ "GaudiAud" ]
theAuditorSvc = AuditorSvc()
theAuditorSvc.Auditors = [ "ChronoAuditor" ]
# Set output level threshold (2=DEBUG, 3=INFO, 4=WARNING, 5=ERROR, 6=FATAL )
# Output level & events
MessageSvc.OutputLevel = INFO
theApp.EvtMax = 1000000
# EventSelector.SkipEvents = 300;
AthenaEventLoopMgr = Service("AthenaEventLoopMgr")
AthenaEventLoopMgr.OutputLevel = WARNING
# # Dump all objects available
# StoreGateSvc = Service( "StoreGateSvc" )
# StoreGateSvc.Dump = True
#theApp.AuditTools=True # FIXME crash on finalisation
MessageSvc.Format = "% F%40W%S%7W%R%T %0W%M"