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Commit 230025e8 authored by Rolf Seuster's avatar Rolf Seuster Committed by Graeme Stewart
Browse files

o.b.o. John Chapman: add namespaces to use newer CLHEP version (AtlasSealCLHEP-00-01-08)

parent 64723e3d
No related branches found
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with 989 additions and 0 deletions
Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
Temporary package for CLHEP SEAL dictionary
Copyright (C) 2004 by ATLAS Collaboration
//<doc><file> $Id: AtlasSealCLHEPDict.h,v 1.3 2006-03-10 22:22:20 mnowak Exp $
//<version> $Name: not supported by cvs2svn $
//<<<<<< INCLUDES >>>>>>
#include "AtlasSealCLHEP/CLHEP_Vector.h"
#include "AtlasSealCLHEP/CLHEP_Random.h"
#include "AtlasSealCLHEP/CLHEP_Geometry.h"
#include "AtlasSealCLHEP/CLHEP_Matrix.h"
// #include " AtlasSealCLHEP/CLHEP_Vector.h "
// #include " AtlasSealCLHEP/CLHEP_Random.h "
// #include " AtlasSealCLHEP/CLHEP_Geometry.h "
// #include " AtlasSealCLHEP/CLHEP_Matrix.h "
// #include " AtlasSealCLHEPDict/CLHEP_Vector.h "
// #include " AtlasSealCLHEPDict/CLHEP_Random.h "
// #include " AtlasSealCLHEPDict/CLHEP_Geometry.h "
// #include " AtlasSealCLHEPDict/CLHEP_Matrix.h "
// #include " AtlasSealCLHEPDict/CLHEP_HepMC.h "
// #include " AtlasSealCLHEPDict/CLHEP_HepPDT.h "
// #include " AtlasSealCLHEPDict/CLHEP_GenericFunctions.h "
#include "AtlasSealCLHEP/OldCLHEP.h"
#include "AtlasSealCLHEP/OldCLHEPStreamers.h"
//<<<<<< CLASS DECLARATIONS >>>>>>
Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
#include "CLHEP/GenericFunctions/ACos.hh"
#include "CLHEP/GenericFunctions/ASin.hh"
#include "CLHEP/GenericFunctions/ATan.hh"
#include "CLHEP/GenericFunctions/Abs.hh"
#include "CLHEP/GenericFunctions/AbsFunction.hh"
#include "CLHEP/GenericFunctions/AbsFunctional.hh"
#include "CLHEP/GenericFunctions/AbsParameter.hh"
#include "CLHEP/GenericFunctions/AnalyticConvolution.hh"
#include "CLHEP/GenericFunctions/Argument.hh"
#include "CLHEP/GenericFunctions/ArrayFunction.hh"
#include "CLHEP/GenericFunctions/AssociatedLaguerre.hh"
#include "CLHEP/GenericFunctions/BivariateGaussian.hh"
#include "CLHEP/GenericFunctions/ConstMinusFunction.hh"
#include "CLHEP/GenericFunctions/ConstMinusParameter.hh"
#include "CLHEP/GenericFunctions/ConstOverFunction.hh"
#include "CLHEP/GenericFunctions/ConstOverParameter.hh"
#include "CLHEP/GenericFunctions/ConstPlusFunction.hh"
#include "CLHEP/GenericFunctions/ConstPlusParameter.hh"
#include "CLHEP/GenericFunctions/ConstTimesFunction.hh"
#include "CLHEP/GenericFunctions/ConstTimesParameter.hh"
#include "CLHEP/GenericFunctions/Cos.hh"
#include "CLHEP/GenericFunctions/CumulativeChiSquare.hh"
#include "CLHEP/GenericFunctions/DefiniteIntegral.hh"
#include "CLHEP/GenericFunctions/Erf.hh"
#include "CLHEP/GenericFunctions/Exp.hh"
#include "CLHEP/GenericFunctions/Exponential.hh"
#include "CLHEP/GenericFunctions/FixedConstant.hh"
#include "CLHEP/GenericFunctions/FloatingConstant.hh"
#include "CLHEP/GenericFunctions/FunctionComposition.hh"
#include "CLHEP/GenericFunctions/FunctionConvolution.hh"
#include "CLHEP/GenericFunctions/FunctionDifference.hh"
#include "CLHEP/GenericFunctions/FunctionDirectProduct.hh"
#include "CLHEP/GenericFunctions/FunctionNegation.hh"
#include "CLHEP/GenericFunctions/FunctionNoop.hh"
#include "CLHEP/GenericFunctions/FunctionNumDeriv.hh"
#include "CLHEP/GenericFunctions/FunctionPlusParameter.hh"
#include "CLHEP/GenericFunctions/FunctionProduct.hh"
#include "CLHEP/GenericFunctions/FunctionQuotient.hh"
#include "CLHEP/GenericFunctions/FunctionSum.hh"
#include "CLHEP/GenericFunctions/FunctionTimesParameter.hh"
#include "CLHEP/GenericFunctions/Gaussian.hh"
#include "CLHEP/GenericFunctions/IncompleteGamma.hh"
#include "CLHEP/GenericFunctions/Landau.hh"
#include "CLHEP/GenericFunctions/LikelihoodFunctional.hh"
#include "CLHEP/GenericFunctions/Ln.hh"
#include "CLHEP/GenericFunctions/LogGamma.hh"
#include "CLHEP/GenericFunctions/LogisticFunction.hh"
#include "CLHEP/GenericFunctions/Mod.hh"
#include "CLHEP/GenericFunctions/Parameter.hh"
#include "CLHEP/GenericFunctions/ParameterDifference.hh"
#include "CLHEP/GenericFunctions/ParameterNegation.hh"
#include "CLHEP/GenericFunctions/ParameterProduct.hh"
#include "CLHEP/GenericFunctions/ParameterQuotient.hh"
#include "CLHEP/GenericFunctions/ParameterSum.hh"
#include "CLHEP/GenericFunctions/PeriodicRectangular.hh"
#include "CLHEP/GenericFunctions/Power.hh"
#include "CLHEP/GenericFunctions/Psi2Hydrogen.hh"
#include "CLHEP/GenericFunctions/PtRelFcn.hh"
#include "CLHEP/GenericFunctions/RCBase.hh"
#include "CLHEP/GenericFunctions/RKIntegrator.hh"
#include "CLHEP/GenericFunctions/Rectangular.hh"
#include "CLHEP/GenericFunctions/ReverseExponential.hh"
#include "CLHEP/GenericFunctions/Sigma.hh"
#include "CLHEP/GenericFunctions/Sin.hh"
#include "CLHEP/GenericFunctions/Sqrt.hh"
#include "CLHEP/GenericFunctions/Square.hh"
#include "CLHEP/GenericFunctions/Tan.hh"
#include "CLHEP/GenericFunctions/TrivariateGaussian.hh"
#include "CLHEP/GenericFunctions/Variable.hh"
#include "CLHEP/GenericFunctions/X.hh"
/* excluded because of multipe defined symbols
problem with *.icc files defining non inline functions
#include "CLHEP/GenericFunctions/Bessel.hh"
#include "CLHEP/GenericFunctions/EllipticIntegral.hh"
#include "CLHEP/GenericFunctions/SphericalBessel.hh"
#include "CLHEP/GenericFunctions/SphericalNeumann.hh"
// not implemented functions in clhep
inline Genfun::Parameter& Genfun::LogGamma::sigma() { return *(new Parameter("dummy",1.0)); };
Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
#include "CLHEP/Geometry/BasicVector3D.h"
#include "CLHEP/Geometry/Normal3D.h"
#include "CLHEP/Geometry/Plane3D.h"
#include "CLHEP/Geometry/Point3D.h"
#include "CLHEP/Geometry/Transform3D.h"
#include "CLHEP/Geometry/Vector3D.h"
namespace AtlasSealCLHEP
// HepGeom::Plane3D<double> m_pld;
// HepGeom::Plane3D<float> m_plf;
Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
#include "CLHEP/HepMC/Flow.h"
#include "CLHEP/HepMC/GenEvent.h"
#include "CLHEP/HepMC/GenEventConvert.h"
#include "CLHEP/HepMC/GenParticle.h"
#include "CLHEP/HepMC/GenVertex.h"
#include "CLHEP/HepMC/Polarization.h"
#include "CLHEP/HepMC/WeightContainer.h"
// functions declared but not defined in
inline void HepMC::GenParticle::setParticleID(HepPDT::ParticleID pid) { int i =; ++i; }
Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
#include "CLHEP/HepPDT/CommonParticleData.hh"
#include "CLHEP/HepPDT/Constituent.hh"
#include "CLHEP/HepPDT/DefTable.hh"
#include "CLHEP/HepPDT/Measurement.hh"
#include "CLHEP/HepPDT/PDGtoQQTable.hh"
#include "CLHEP/HepPDT/ParticleID.hh"
#include "CLHEP/HepPDT/QQChannel.hh"
#include "CLHEP/HepPDT/QQDecay.hh"
#include "CLHEP/HepPDT/QQDecayTable.hh"
#include "CLHEP/HepPDT/ResonanceStructure.hh"
#include "CLHEP/HepPDT/SimpleDecayModel.hh"
#include "CLHEP/HepPDT/SimpleParticle.hh"
#include "CLHEP/HepPDT/SpinState.hh"
// functions declared in HepPDT but not defined
inline void HepPDT::QQDecayTable::writeTable(std::ostream& os) const { os << "1"; }
inline void HepPDT::QQChannel::write(std::ostream & os) const { os << "1"; }
inline void HepPDT::QQDecay::write(std::ostream & os) const { os << "1"; }
Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
#include "CLHEP/Matrix/DiagMatrix.h"
#include "CLHEP/Matrix/GenMatrix.h"
#include "CLHEP/Matrix/Matrix.h"
#include "CLHEP/Matrix/Pile.h"
#include "CLHEP/Matrix/SymMatrix.h"
#include "CLHEP/Matrix/Vector.h"
// not implemented functions in CLHEP
inline void CLHEP::HepSymMatrix::invertHaywood4(int& ) {}
inline void CLHEP::HepMatrix::invertHaywood4(int& ) {}
inline void CLHEP::HepMatrix::invertHaywood5(int& ) {}
inline void CLHEP::HepMatrix::invertHaywood6(int& ) {}
inline CLHEP::HepMatrix& CLHEP::HepMatrix::operator=(const CLHEP::HepRotation &) {return *(new CLHEP::HepMatrix()); }
// must instatiate some templates
namespace AtlasSealCLHEP {
// CLHEP::HepGenMatrix::Alloc<double,25> m_alloc;
// CLHEP::HepGenMatrix::Alloc<double,25> m_all;
// CLHEP::GenMatrix::Alloc<double,25> m_alloc;
// CLHEP::HepMatrix m_matrix;
// std::vector<double, CLHEP::HepGenMatrix::Alloc<double,25> > m_allocVec;
Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
#include "CLHEP/Random/Randomize.h"
//----Functions missing in the implementation and required by the dictionary
// [ Bug #1806 ] Missing method implementations
inline void CLHEP::RandPoissonT::shootArray(class CLHEP::HepRandomEngine *,int,long *,double) {}
inline void CLHEP::RandPoissonT::fireArray(int,long *) {}
inline void CLHEP::RandPoissonQ::shootArray(class CLHEP::HepRandomEngine *,int,long *,double){}
inline void CLHEP::RandPoissonQ::fireArray(int,long *) {}
//// DRQ: The following function was removed in CLHEP
////inline void HepRandomEngine::getTableSeeds(long *,int)const {}
Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
#include "CLHEP/Vector/Rotation.h"
#include "CLHEP/Vector/EulerAngles.h"
#include "CLHEP/Vector/LorentzRotation.h"
#include "CLHEP/Vector/ThreeVector.h"
#include "CLHEP/Vector/TwoVector.h"
Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
#ifndef OLDHepVector3D_H
#define OLDHepVector3D_H
2006 CERN Marcin Nowak
Set of classes identical (hopefully) to CLHEP v.1.8.2 classes, but with different names.
Only persistent data members are important, inheritance and the presence of virtual table.
Methods are not needed.
class OldHep3Vector {
OldHep3Vector() : dx(0), dy(0), dz(0) {}
inline double x() const { return dx; }
inline double y() const { return dy; }
inline double z() const { return dz; }
double dx, dy, dz;
class OldHepTransform3D {
double m1, m2, m3, m4,
m5, m6, m7, m8,
m9, m10, m11, m12;
OldHepTransform3D() :
m1(0), m2(0), m3(0), m4(0),
m5(0), m6(0), m7(0), m8(0),
m9(0), m10(0), m11(0), m12(0) {}
virtual ~OldHepTransform3D() {}
class OldHepRotation {
OldHepRotation() :
rxx(0), rxy(0), rxz(0), ryx(0), ryy(0), ryz(0), rzx(0), rzy(0), rzz(0) {}
double rxx, rxy, rxz, ryx, ryy, ryz, rzx, rzy, rzz;
#include "CLHEP/Vector/ThreeVector.h"
class OldBasicVector3D {
OldBasicVector3D() {}
virtual ~OldBasicVector3D() {}
inline double x() const { return vec.x(); }
inline double y() const { return vec.y(); }
inline double z() const { return vec.z(); }
CLHEP::Hep3Vector vec;
class OldHepVector3D : public OldBasicVector3D {
OldHepVector3D() {}
virtual ~OldHepVector3D() {}
#include "CLHEP/Geometry/BasicVector3D.h"
typedef HepGeom::BasicVector3D<double> MyBasicVector3D;
class OldHepPoint3D
: public MyBasicVector3D
OldHepPoint3D() {}
virtual ~OldHepPoint3D() {}
inline double x() const { return MyBasicVector3D::x(); }
inline double y() const { return MyBasicVector3D::y(); }
inline double z() const { return MyBasicVector3D::z(); }
class OldHepLorentzVector
OldHepLorentzVector() : ee(0) {}
inline double x() const { return pp.x(); }
inline double y() const { return pp.y(); }
inline double z() const { return pp.z(); }
inline double t() const { return ee; }
double ee;
CLHEP::Hep3Vector pp;
#include "CLHEP/Matrix/GenMatrix.h"
class OldHepGenMatrix {
public :
OldHepGenMatrix() {};
virtual ~OldHepGenMatrix() {}
class OldHepMatrix : public CLHEP::HepGenMatrix
OldHepMatrix() : nrow(0), ncol(0), size(0) {}
virtual ~OldHepMatrix() {}
virtual int num_row() const { return nrow; }
virtual int num_col() const { return ncol; }
virtual int num_size() const { return size; }
virtual void invert(int&) {}
virtual const double& operator()(int x, int y) const { return m[x*ncol+y]; } // <- FIXME hack
virtual double& operator()(int x, int y) { return m[x*ncol+y]; } // <- FIXME hack
// std::vector<double,Alloc<double,25> > m;
std::vector<double> m;
int nrow, ncol;
int size;
Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
2006 CERN Marcin Nowak
Athena/ROOT custom streamers for CLHEP v.1.8.2 classes
#include "AthenaPoolServices/T_AthenaRootConverter.h"
#include "CLHEP/Geometry/Vector3D.h"
#include "CLHEP/Geometry/Point3D.h"
#include "CLHEP/Vector/LorentzVector.h"
#include "OldCLHEP.h"
class CLHEPVec3dStreamer : public T_AthenaRootConverter<HepGeom::Vector3D<double>, OldHepVector3D > {
CLHEPVec3dStreamer() {
SetClassNameAndChecksum("HepVector3D", 358881035U);
void CopyOldToNew(const OldHepVector3D &old_vec, HepGeom::Vector3D<double> &new_vec )
HepGeom::Vector3D<double> vec( old_vec.x(), old_vec.y(), old_vec.z() );
new_vec = vec;
class CLHEPPoint3dStreamer : public T_AthenaRootConverter<HepGeom::Point3D<double>, OldHepPoint3D > {
CLHEPPoint3dStreamer() {
SetClassNameAndChecksum("HepPoint3D", 1634550480U);
void CopyOldToNew(const OldHepPoint3D &old_point, HepGeom::Point3D<double> &new_point );
class CLHEPRotationStreamer : public T_AthenaRootConverter<CLHEP::HepRotation, OldHepRotation >
CLHEPRotationStreamer() {
SetClassNameAndChecksum("HepRotation", 4141898558U);
T_AthenaRootConverter<CLHEP::HepGenMatrix, OldHepGenMatrix >
::CopyOldToNew(const OldHepGenMatrix &, CLHEP::HepGenMatrix & ) {}
class CLHEPGenMatrixStreamer : public T_AthenaRootConverter<CLHEP::HepGenMatrix, OldHepGenMatrix >
CLHEPGenMatrixStreamer() { SetClassNameAndChecksum("HepGenMatrix", 21721098U); }
class CLHEPMatrixStreamer : public T_AthenaRootConverter<CLHEP::HepMatrix, OldHepMatrix >
CLHEPMatrixStreamer() {
SetClassNameAndChecksum("HepMatrix", 3811046672U);
void CopyOldToNew(const OldHepMatrix &old_matx, CLHEP::HepMatrix &new_matx );
class CLHEPLorVecStreamer : public T_AthenaRootConverter<CLHEP::HepLorentzVector, OldHepLorentzVector >
CLHEPLorVecStreamer() {
SetClassNameAndChecksum("HepLorentzVector", 3077056266U);
void CopyOldToNew(const OldHepLorentzVector &old_vec, CLHEP::HepLorentzVector &new_vec );
class CLHEP3VectorStreamer : public T_AthenaRootConverter<CLHEP::Hep3Vector, OldHep3Vector >
CLHEP3VectorStreamer() {
SetClassNameAndChecksum("Hep3Vector", 760000369U);
void CopyOldToNew(const OldHep3Vector &old_vec, CLHEP::Hep3Vector &new_vec );
class CLHEPBasicVectorStreamer : public T_AthenaRootConverter<HepGeom::BasicVector3D<double>, OldBasicVector3D >
CLHEPBasicVectorStreamer() {
SetClassNameAndChecksum("BasicVector3D", 2681080162U);
void CopyOldToNew(const OldBasicVector3D &old_vec, HepGeom::BasicVector3D<double> &new_vec );
namespace HepGeom { class Transform3D; }
class CLHEPTransform3DStreamer : public T_AthenaRootConverter<HepGeom::Transform3D, OldHepTransform3D >
CLHEPTransform3DStreamer() {
SetClassNameAndChecksum("HepTransform3D", 520750269U);
void CopyOldToNew(const OldHepTransform3D &old_, HepGeom::Transform3D &new_);
<!-- Vector -->
<class name="CLHEP::Hep2Vector"/>
<!-- rotation interface do not compile with reflex/gcc344 RDS 2006/03
<class name="CLHEP::Hep3RotationInterface"/>
<class name="CLHEP::Hep4RotationInterface"/>
<class name="CLHEP::HepBoostZ"/>
<class name="CLHEP::HepBoostY"/>
<class name="CLHEP::HepBoostX"/>
<class name="CLHEP::HepBoost"/>
<class name="CLHEP::HepRotationZ"/>
<class name="CLHEP::HepRotationY"/>
<class name="CLHEP::HepRotationX"/>
<class name="CLHEP::HepRep4x4Symmetric"/>
<class name="CLHEP::HepRep4x4"/>
<class name="CLHEP::HepRep3x3"/>
<class name="CLHEP::HepLorentzVector"/>
<class name="CLHEP::HepLorentzRotation"/>
<class name="CLHEP::Hep3Vector"/>
<class name="CLHEP::HepAxisAngle"/>
<class name="CLHEP::HepEulerAngles"/>
<class name="CLHEP::HepRotation"/>
<!-- Random` -->
<class name="CLHEP::RandStudentT"/>
<class name="CLHEP::RandPoissonT"/>
<class name="CLHEP::RandPoissonQ"/>
<class name="CLHEP::RandPoisson"/>
<class name="CLHEP::RandLandau"/>
<class name="CLHEP::RandGeneral"/>
<class name="CLHEP::RandGaussT"/>
<class name="CLHEP::HepStat"/>
<class name="CLHEP::RandGaussQ"/>
<class name="CLHEP::RandGauss"/>
<class name="CLHEP::RandGamma"/>
<class name="CLHEP::RandBit"/>
<class name="CLHEP::RandExponential"/>
<class name="CLHEP::RandChiSquare"/>
<class name="CLHEP::RandBreitWigner"/>
<class name="CLHEP::RandFlat"/>
<class name="CLHEP::RandBinomial"/>
<class name="CLHEP::HepRandom"/>
<class name="CLHEP::RandEngine"/>
<class name="CLHEP::HepJamesRandom"/>
<class name="CLHEP::HepRandomEngine"/>
<!-- Geometry -->
<class name="HepGeom::BasicVector3D<double>"/>
<class name="HepGeom::BasicVector3D<float>"/>
<class name="HepGeom::Normal3D<double>"/>
<class name="HepGeom::Normal3D<float>"/>
<class name="HepGeom::Point3D<double>"/>
<class name="HepGeom::Point3D<float>"/>
<class name="HepGeom::Transform3D"/>
<!-- <class name="HepTransform3D"/> -->
<class name="HepGeom::Rotate3D"/>
<class name="HepGeom::RotateX3D"/>
<class name="HepGeom::RotateY3D"/>
<class name="HepGeom::RotateZ3D"/>
<class name="HepGeom::Translate3D"/>
<class name="HepGeom::TranslateX3D"/>
<class name="HepGeom::TranslateY3D"/>
<class name="HepGeom::TranslateZ3D"/>
<class name="HepGeom::Reflect3D"/>
<class name="HepGeom::ReflectX3D"/>
<class name="HepGeom::ReflectY3D"/>
<class name="HepGeom::ReflectZ3D"/>
<class name="HepGeom::Scale3D"/>
<class name="HepGeom::ScaleX3D"/>
<class name="HepGeom::ScaleY3D"/>
<class name="HepGeom::ScaleZ3D"/>
<class name="HepGeom::Vector3D<double>"/>
<class name="HepGeom::Vector3D<float>"/>
<!-- Matrix -->
<class name="CLHEP::HepDiagMatrix"/>
<class name="CLHEP::HepGenMatrix" />
<class name="CLHEP::HepMatrix"/>
<class name="CLHEP::HepSymMatrix"/>
<class name="CLHEP::HepVector"/>
<!-- GenericFunctions -->
<!-- OLD CLHEP -->
<class name="OldHepPoint3D" />
<class name="OldHepVector3D" />
<class name="OldBasicVector3D" />
<class name="OldHep3Vector" />
<class name="OldHepMatrix" />
<class name="OldHepGenMatrix" />
<class name="OldHepLorentzVector" />
<class name="OldHepTransform3D" />
<!-- OLD CLHEP Streamers -->
<class name="CLHEPVec3dStreamer" />
<class name="CLHEPPoint3dStreamer" />
<class name="CLHEPGenMatrixStreamer" />
<class name="CLHEPMatrixStreamer" />
<class name="CLHEPRotationStreamer" />
<class name="CLHEPLorVecStreamer" />
<class name="CLHEP3VectorStreamer" />
<class name="CLHEPBasicVectorStreamer" />
<class name="CLHEPTransform3DStreamer" />
package AtlasSealCLHEP
author RD Schaffer <>
use AtlasPolicy AtlasPolicy-01-*
use AtlasCLHEP AtlasCLHEP-00-* External
use AthenaPoolServices AthenaPoolServices-00-* Database/AthenaPOOL
use AtlasReflex AtlasReflex-00-* External -no_auto_imports
apply_pattern installed_library
library AtlasSealCLHEP OldCLHEPStreamers.cxx
# Pattern to build the dict lib. User should create a single header
# file: <package>Dict.h which includes all other .h files. See MissingETDict
# A selection file must be created by hand. This file lists the
# classes to be added to the dictionary, and which fields are
# transient. It should be put in ../<package> dir and is conventionally called
# selection.xml.
macro_append lcgdict_options ' -I.. '
macro_append AtlasSealCLHEPDict_shlibflags " -lAtlasSealCLHEP "
apply_pattern lcgdict dict=AtlasSealCLHEP selectionfile=selection.xml headerfiles="../AtlasSealCLHEP/AtlasSealCLHEPDict.h"
#apply_tag no_extra_dict_deps
#macro QUICK "1"
# Now build a special (hand-written) library to build a dictionary for HepTransform3D
#apply_pattern lcgdictfix libname=AtlasSealCLHEP dictfiles="AtlasSealCLHEPDict_dict_fixes.cxx"
apply_pattern declare_joboptions files="*.py"
apply_pattern declare_python_modules files="*.py"
Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
@mainpage AtlasSealCLHEP Package
This package contains Reflex dictionary definitions for some CLHEP classes used within ATLAS.
@section IntroductionAtlasSealCLHEP Introduction
CLHEP classes used in ATLAS are defined in this package. This package
was originally needed when CLHEP classes were being written out
directly. This has mostly changed with the transient/persistent
separation so that this dictionary is only needed for python
interaction with CLHEP classes.
There is also some ROOT streamers classes which allow reading old data
with schema evolved CLHEP classes in the data. This is no longer
needed with data written with from release 13 and beyond.
@page UsedAtlasSealCLHEP Used Packages
@htmlinclude used_packages.html
@page RequirementsAtlasSealCLHEP Requirements
@include requirements
# Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
def loadOldCLHEPStreamers():
Helper method to load and configure the AthenaRootStreamerSvc to be able
to read Old CLHEP classes (v1.8)
from AthenaCommon.Logging import logging
from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import ServiceMgr as svcMgr
from AthenaCommon import CfgMgr
msg = logging.getLogger( 'loadOldCLHEPStreamers' )
msg.debug( "Loading Old CLHEP streamers..." )
# Seal services: for loading dictionaries
if not hasattr (svcMgr, 'AthenaSealSvc'):
svcMgr += CfgMgr.AthenaSealSvc()
# Reguest loading CLHEP dictionary
svcMgr.AthenaSealSvc.DictNames += [ "AtlasSealCLHEPDict" ]
# ROOT streaming service
if not hasattr (svcMgr, 'AthenaRootStreamerSvc'):
svcMgr += CfgMgr.AthenaRootStreamerSvc()
streamerSvc = svcMgr.AthenaRootStreamerSvc
# active ROOT streamers list
streamerSvc.Streamers += [ "CLHEPVec3dStreamer" ]
streamerSvc.Streamers += [ "CLHEPPoint3dStreamer" ]
streamerSvc.Streamers += [ "CLHEPRotationStreamer" ]
streamerSvc.Streamers += [ "CLHEPGenMatrixStreamer" ]
streamerSvc.Streamers += [ "CLHEPMatrixStreamer" ]
streamerSvc.Streamers += [ "CLHEPLorVecStreamer" ]
streamerSvc.Streamers += [ "CLHEPTransform3DStreamer" ]
streamerSvc.Streamers += [ "CLHEP3VectorStreamer" ]
streamerSvc.Streamers += [ "CLHEPBasicVectorStreamer" ]
msg.debug( "Loading Old CLHEP streamers... [DONE]" )
## load streamer configuration at module import
## clean-up: avoid running multiple times this method
del loadOldCLHEPStreamers
# Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
## load the Old CLHEP streamers by importing the appropriate py-module
## It configures the AthenaRootStreamerSvc
import AtlasSealCLHEP.OldCLHEPStreamers
Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
// Generated at Mon Jul 11 17:45:44 2005. Do not modify it
#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma warning ( disable : 4786 )
#include <string> // Included here since it is sensitive to private->public trick
#define private public
#define protected public
#include "../AtlasSealCLHEP/AtlasSealCLHEPDict.h"
#undef private
#undef protected
#include "ReflectionBuilder/ReflectionBuilder.h"
#include "ReflectionBuilder/CollectionProxy.h"
#include <typeinfo>
using namespace seal::reflect;
//------Dictionary for class Transform3D -------------------------------
class HepTransform3D_dict {
static void* constructor_2212( void* );
static void destructor( void* o ) { ((HepGeom::Transform3D*)o)->~Transform3D(); }
HepTransform3D_dict::HepTransform3D_dict() {
ClassBuilder _c_("HepTransform3D", "", typeid(HepGeom::Transform3D), sizeof(HepGeom::Transform3D),std::vector<const std::type_info*>(), false, NOCONTAINER, 0, PUBLIC);
_c_.addField("xx", "double", "", (size_t)(&((HepGeom::Transform3D*)64)->xx_)-64, PROTECTED );
_c_.addField("xy", "double", "", (size_t)(&((HepGeom::Transform3D*)64)->xy_)-64, PROTECTED );
_c_.addField("xz", "double", "", (size_t)(&((HepGeom::Transform3D*)64)->xz_)-64, PROTECTED );
_c_.addField("dx", "double", "", (size_t)(&((HepGeom::Transform3D*)64)->dx_)-64, PROTECTED );
_c_.addField("yx", "double", "", (size_t)(&((HepGeom::Transform3D*)64)->yx_)-64, PROTECTED );
_c_.addField("yy", "double", "", (size_t)(&((HepGeom::Transform3D*)64)->yy_)-64, PROTECTED );
_c_.addField("yz", "double", "", (size_t)(&((HepGeom::Transform3D*)64)->yz_)-64, PROTECTED );
_c_.addField("dy", "double", "", (size_t)(&((HepGeom::Transform3D*)64)->dy_)-64, PROTECTED );
_c_.addField("zx", "double", "", (size_t)(&((HepGeom::Transform3D*)64)->zx_)-64, PROTECTED );
_c_.addField("zy", "double", "", (size_t)(&((HepGeom::Transform3D*)64)->zy_)-64, PROTECTED );
_c_.addField("zz", "double", "", (size_t)(&((HepGeom::Transform3D*)64)->zz_)-64, PROTECTED );
_c_.addField("dz", "double", "", (size_t)(&((HepGeom::Transform3D*)64)->dz_)-64, PROTECTED );
_c_.addMethod("HepTransform3D", "", "HepTransform3D", constructor_2212, PUBLIC);
_c_.addMethod("~HepTransform3D", "", destructor, PUBLIC);;
//------Stub functions for class Transform3D -------------------------------
void* HepTransform3D_dict::constructor_2212( void* mem) {
return ::new(mem) HepGeom::Transform3D();
//------Dictionary for class HepLorentzVector -------------------------------
class HepLorentzVector_dict {
static void* constructor_7008( void* );
static void destructor( void* o ) { ((CLHEP::HepLorentzVector*)o)->~HepLorentzVector(); }
HepLorentzVector_dict::HepLorentzVector_dict() {
ClassBuilder _c_("HepLorentzVector", "", typeid(CLHEP::HepLorentzVector), sizeof(CLHEP::HepLorentzVector),std::vector<const std::type_info*>(), false, NOCONTAINER, 0, PUBLIC);
_c_.addField("pp", "Hep3Vector", "", (size_t)(&((CLHEP::HepLorentzVector*)64)->pp)-64, PRIVATE );
_c_.addField("ee", "double", "", (size_t)(&((CLHEP::HepLorentzVector*)64)->ee)-64, PRIVATE );
_c_.addMethod("HepLorentzVector", "", "HepLorentzVector", constructor_7008, PUBLIC);
_c_.addMethod("~HepLorentzVector", "", destructor, PUBLIC);;
//------Stub functions for class HepLorentzVector -------------------------------
void* HepLorentzVector_dict::constructor_7008( void* mem) {
return ::new(mem) CLHEP::HepLorentzVector();
//------Dictionary for class Hep3Vector -------------------------------
class Hep3Vector_dict {
static void* constructor_x46( void* );
static void destructor( void* o ) { ((CLHEP::Hep3Vector*)o)->~Hep3Vector(); }
Hep3Vector_dict::Hep3Vector_dict() {
ClassBuilder _c_("Hep3Vector", "", typeid(CLHEP::Hep3Vector), sizeof(CLHEP::Hep3Vector),std::vector<const std::type_info*>(), false, NOCONTAINER, 0, PUBLIC);
_c_.addField("dx", "double", "", (size_t)(&((CLHEP::Hep3Vector*)64)->dx)-64, PROTECTED );
_c_.addField("dy", "double", "", (size_t)(&((CLHEP::Hep3Vector*)64)->dy)-64, PROTECTED );
_c_.addField("dz", "double", "", (size_t)(&((CLHEP::Hep3Vector*)64)->dz)-64, PROTECTED );
_c_.addMethod("Hep3Vector", "", "CLHEP::Hep3Vector", constructor_x46, PUBLIC);
_c_.addMethod("~Hep3Vector", "", destructor, PUBLIC);;
//------Stub functions for class Hep3Vector -------------------------------
void* Hep3Vector_dict::constructor_x46( void* mem) {
return ::new(mem) CLHEP::Hep3Vector();
//--------- Bootstrap for building classes ------
namespace {
struct Dictionaries {
Dictionaries() {
static Dictionaries instance;
//--------- Capabilities specification ------
// This file has been generated by lcgdict with the --capabilities option
static const char* clnames[] = {
//--Begin AtlasSealCLHEPDictFix
//--End AtlasSealCLHEPDict
//--Final End
extern "C" void SEAL_CAPABILITIES (const char**& names, int& n )
names = clnames;
n = sizeof(clnames)/sizeof(char*);
Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
#define private public
#define protected public
#include "CLHEP/Matrix/Matrix.h"
#include "CLHEP/Geometry/Transform3D.h"
#undef private
#undef protected
#include "AtlasSealCLHEP/OldCLHEPStreamers.h"
#include <iostream>
CLHEPMatrixStreamer::CopyOldToNew(const OldHepMatrix &old_matx, CLHEP::HepMatrix &new_matx )
// std::cout << " **** CLHEPMatrixStreamer::CopyOldToNew() " << std::endl;
// std::cout << " matrix size="<< old_matx.size << std::endl;
// std::cout << " matrix nrow="<< old_matx.nrow << std::endl;
// std::cout << " matrix ncol="<< old_matx.ncol << std::endl;
// std::cout << " matrix m-size="<< old_matx.m.size() << std::endl;
new_matx.m = old_matx.m; // ---- FIXME
new_matx.size_ = old_matx.size;
// intentional swap! somehow necessary for reading root3 data
new_matx.nrow = old_matx.ncol;
new_matx.ncol = old_matx.nrow;
CLHEPPoint3dStreamer::CopyOldToNew(const OldHepPoint3D &old_point, HepGeom::Point3D<double> &new_point )
// std::cout << " **** CLHEPPoint3dStreamer::CopyOldToNew() " << std::endl;
// std::cout << " Point(x,y,z) = " << old_point.x() << "," << old_point.y() << "," << old_point.z() << std::endl;
HepGeom::Point3D<double> point( old_point.x(), old_point.y(), old_point.z() );
new_point = point;
CLHEPLorVecStreamer::CopyOldToNew(const OldHepLorentzVector &old_vec, CLHEP::HepLorentzVector &new_vec )
// std::cout << " **** CLHEPLorVecStreamer::CopyOldToNew() " << std::endl;
// std::cout << " LVec(x,y,z,t) = " << old_vec.x() << "," << old_vec.y() << "," << old_vec.z() << "," << old_vec.t() << std::endl;
CLHEP::HepLorentzVector vector( old_vec.x(), old_vec.y(), old_vec.z(), old_vec.t() );
new_vec = vector;
CLHEP3VectorStreamer::CopyOldToNew(const OldHep3Vector &old_vec, CLHEP::Hep3Vector &new_vec )
// std::cout << " **** CLHEP3VectorStreamer::CopyOldToNew() " << std::endl;
// std::cout << " Vec(x,y,z) = " << old_vec.x() << "," << old_vec.y() << "," << old_vec.z() << std::endl;
CLHEP::Hep3Vector vector( old_vec.x(), old_vec.y(), old_vec.z() );
new_vec = vector;
CLHEPBasicVectorStreamer::CopyOldToNew(const OldBasicVector3D &old_vec, HepGeom::BasicVector3D<double> &new_vec )
// std::cout << " **** CLHEPBasicVectorStreamer::CopyOldToNew() " << std::endl;
// std::cout << " Vec(x,y,z) = " << old_vec.x() << "," << old_vec.y() << "," << old_vec.z() << std::endl;
HepGeom::BasicVector3D<double> vector( old_vec.x(), old_vec.y(), old_vec.z() );
new_vec = vector;
#define TRANSF_DBGL 0
CLHEPTransform3DStreamer::CopyOldToNew(const OldHepTransform3D &old_tr, HepGeom::Transform3D &new_tr )
#if( TRANSF_DBGL > 0 )
std::cout << " **** CLHEPTransform3DStreamer::CopyOldToNew() " << std::endl;
#if( TRANSF_DBGL > 1 )
std::cout << " TRFM= " << old_tr.m1 <<"," << old_tr.m2 <<"," << old_tr.m3 <<"," << old_tr.m4 << std::endl;
std::cout << " TRFM= " << old_tr.m5 <<"," << old_tr.m6 <<"," << old_tr.m7 <<"," << old_tr.m8 << std::endl;
std::cout << " TRFM= " << old_tr.m9 <<"," << old_tr.m10<<"," << old_tr.m11<<"," << old_tr.m12<< std::endl;
new_tr.xx_ = old_tr.m4;
new_tr.xy_ = old_tr.m5;
new_tr.xz_ = old_tr.m6;
new_tr.dx_ = old_tr.m1;
new_tr.yx_ = old_tr.m7;
new_tr.yy_ = old_tr.m8;
new_tr.yz_ = old_tr.m9;
new_tr.dy_ = old_tr.m2;
new_tr.zx_ = old_tr.m10;
new_tr.zy_ = old_tr.m11;
new_tr.zz_ = old_tr.m12;
new_tr.dz_ = old_tr.m3;
#if( TRANSF_DBGL > 1 )
std::cout << " TRFM new= " << new_tr.xx() <<"," << new_tr.xy() <<"," << new_tr.xz() <<"," << new_tr.dx() << std::endl;
std::cout << " TRFM new= " << new_tr.yx() <<"," << new_tr.yy() <<"," << new_tr.yz() <<"," << new_tr.dy() << std::endl;
std::cout << " TRFM new= " << new_tr.zx() <<"," << new_tr.zy() <<"," << new_tr.zz() <<"," << << std::endl;
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