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Commit 267accda authored by Matthew Thomas Anthony's avatar Matthew Thomas Anthony :speech_balloon: Committed by Frank Winklmeier
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Reworked the cluster matching to be cell based matching if we're not matching...

Reworked the cluster matching to be cell based matching if we're not matching TopoClusters to FE Topoclusters
parent 359a3dba
5 merge requests!58791DataQualityConfigurations: Modify L1Calo config for web display,!46784MuonCondInterface: Enable thread-safety checking.,!46776Updated LArMonitoring config file for WD to match new files produced using MT,!45405updated ART test cron job,!42417Draft: DIRE and VINCIA Base Fragments for Pythia 8.3
......@@ -25,3 +25,5 @@ atlas_add_dictionary( xAODPFlowDict
EXTRA_FILES Root/dict/*.cxx )
atlas_generate_cliddb( xAODPFlow)
\ No newline at end of file
Copyright (C) 2002-2020 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
* PFMuonFlowElementAssoc.h
* Header file for class PFEMuonFlowElementAssoc
* Created by M.T. Anthony
#include "AthenaBaseComps/AthAlgorithm.h"
#include "AthenaBaseComps/AthReentrantAlgorithm.h"
#include "GaudiKernel/ToolHandle.h"
#include "StoreGate/DataHandle.h"
#include "xAODMuon/MuonContainer.h"
#include "xAODPFlow/FlowElementContainer.h"
#include "StoreGate/WriteDecorHandle.h"
AthReentrantAlgorithm to associate Flow Elements (FEs) to Muons.
Associates tracks from charged flow elements to Muons only (otherwise links to NULL)
class PFMuonFlowElementAssoc : public AthReentrantAlgorithm {
using AthReentrantAlgorithm::AthReentrantAlgorithm;
PFMuonFlowElementAssoc(const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator);
virtual ~PFMuonFlowElementAssoc();
virtual StatusCode initialize();
virtual StatusCode execute(const EventContext & ctx ) const;
// ReadHandleKeys
SG::ReadHandleKey<xAOD::MuonContainer>m_muonReadHandleKey{this,"MuonContainer","Muons","ReadHandleKey for Muons"};
SG::ReadHandleKey<xAOD::FlowElementContainer>m_neutralFEReadHandleKey{this,"JetEtMissNeutralFlowElementContainer","JetETMissNeutralFlowElements","ReadHandleKey for neutral FlowElements"};
SG::ReadHandleKey<xAOD::FlowElementContainer>m_chargedFEReadHandleKey{this,"JetEtMissChargedFlowElementContainer","JetETMissChargedFlowElements","ReadHandleKey for charged FlowElements"};
/** Write key for adding charged Flow Element link decorations to muons **/
SG::WriteDecorHandleKey<xAOD::MuonContainer> m_muonChargedFEWriteHandleKey{this,"MuonContainer_chargedFELinks","Muons.chargedFELinks","WriteHandleKey for muon link to charged FlowElements"};
/** Write key for adding Muon link decorations to charged Flow Elements **/
SG::WriteDecorHandleKey<xAOD::FlowElementContainer> m_ChargedFEmuonWriteHandleKey{this,"JetETMissChargedFlowElements_FE_MuonLinks","JetETMissChargedFlowElements.FE_MuonLinks","WriteHandleKey for Charged Flow Elements coupled to muons"};
/** Write key for adding neutral Flow Element link decorations to muons **/
SG::WriteDecorHandleKey<xAOD::MuonContainer> m_muonNeutralFEWriteHandleKey{this,"MuonContainer_neutralFELinks","Muons.neutralFELinks","WriteHandleKey for muon links to neutral FlowElement"};
/** Write key for adding Muon link decorations to neutral Flow Elements **/
SG::WriteDecorHandleKey<xAOD::FlowElementContainer> m_NeutralFEmuonWriteHandleKey{this,"JetETMissNeutralFlowElementContainer_FE_MuonLinks","JetETMissNeutralFlowElements.FE_MuonLinks","WriteHandleKey for neutral flow Elements to Muons"};
/** Write key for adding fraction of nFlowElement cluster energy used in cell matching decoration of FlowElementContainer - EXPERIMENTAL **/
SG::WriteDecorHandleKey<xAOD::FlowElementContainer> m_NeutralFE_efrac_match_muonWriteHandleKey{this,"FlowElementContainer_FE_efrac_matched_muon","JetETMissNeutralFlowElements.FE_efrac_matched_muon","WriteHandleKey for the fraction of neutral FlowElements cluster energy used to match to Muons"};
/** Write key for adding fraction of Muon cluster energy used in cell matching decoration of MuonContainer -EXPERIMENTAL **/
SG::WriteDecorHandleKey<xAOD::MuonContainer> m_muonNeutralFE_muon_efrac_WriteDecorHandleKey{this,"MuonContainer_muon_efrac_matched_FE","Muons.muon_efrac_matched_FE","WriteHandleKey for the fraction of muon cluster energy used to match to neutral Flow Elements"};
/** Write key to count number of muons matched to a given neutral FE - EXPERIMENTAL **/
SG::WriteDecorHandleKey<xAOD::FlowElementContainer> m_NeutralFEmuon_nMatches_WriteDecorHandleKey{this,"FlowElementContainer_nMatchedMuons","JetETMissNeutralFlowElements.FE_nMatchedMuons","WriteHandleKey for the number of muons matched to a given neutral flow element"};
/** Write key to measure dR between calo clusters and the muon -EXPERIMENTAL **/
SG::WriteDecorHandleKey<xAOD::MuonContainer>m_muon_ClusterInfo_deltaR_WriteDecorHandleKey{this,"MuonContainer_ClusterInfo_deltaR","Muons.ClusterInfo_deltaR","WriteHandleKey for the delta R between the muon and it's associated calocluster"};
/** Gaudi Property to configure linkage of Neutral Flow Elements to Muon clusters (EXPERIMENTAL - default = False/OFF) **/
Gaudi::Property<bool> m_LinkNeutralFEClusters{this,"m_LinkNeutralFEClusters",false,"Toggle usage of linkage of Neutral FlowElements - false by default (EXPERIMENTAL)"};
(EXPERIMENTAL) Gaudi Property to configure linkage of Neutral FEs to TopoClusters associated to Muons. Only works with previous option set to True (m_LinkNeutralFEClusters).
True: Link FEs to Topoclusters associated to Muons
False: Link FEs to CaloClusters associated to Muons
Gaudi::Property<bool> m_UseMuonTopoClusters{this,"m_UseMuonTopoClusters",false,"Toggle usage of linker of muon associated topoclusters to flow elements - false by default (EXPERIMENTAL)"};
......@@ -255,6 +255,7 @@ if jobproperties.eflowRecFlags.usePFEGammaPFOAssoc:
topSequence += PFEGammaPFOAssoc
#Add new FlowElement creators
if jobproperties.eflowRecFlags.useFlowElements:
from eflowRec.eflowRecConf import PFChargedFlowElementCreatorAlgorithm
......@@ -269,6 +270,19 @@ if jobproperties.eflowRecFlags.useFlowElements:
PFLCNeutralFlowElementCreatorAlgorithm = PFLCNeutralFlowElementCreatorAlgorithm("PFLCNeutralFlowElementCreatorAlgorithm")
topSequence += PFLCNeutralFlowElementCreatorAlgorithm
# Electron/Photon linkers to flow elements
from eflowRec.eflowRecConf import PFEGamFlowElementAssoc
topSequence +=PFEGamFlowElementAssoc
topSequence +=PFEGamFlowElementAssocAlg
# Muon linker to flow elements
from eflowRec.eflowRecConf import PFMuonFlowElementAssoc
#Gaudi switch to add the experimental linker between muon clusters and neutral flow elements (FE)
PFMuonFlowElementAssocAlg.m_UseMuonTopoClusters=False # requires m_LinkNeutralFEClusters=True and if set to True= Retrieves TopoClusters from Aux. If not, cell-match muon calocluster to NFE topocluster.
topSequence += PFMuonFlowElementAssocAlg
Copyright (C) 2002-2020 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
#include "eflowRec/PFMuonFlowElementAssoc.h"
#include "StoreGate/WriteDecorHandle.h"
#include "xAODMuon/MuonContainer.h"
#include "xAODMuon/Muon.h"
#include "xAODPFlow/FlowElementContainer.h"
#include "xAODPFlow/FlowElement.h"
//includes for CaloCluster algo
#include "CaloEvent/CaloCell.h"
#include "xAODCaloEvent/CaloClusterKineHelper.h"
#include "Identifier/Identifier.h"
typedef ElementLink<xAOD::MuonContainer> MuonLink_t;
typedef ElementLink<xAOD::FlowElementContainer> FlowElementLink_t;
// Algorithm created by M.T. Anthony
// =============================================================
PFMuonFlowElementAssoc::PFMuonFlowElementAssoc(const std::string& name,
ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator):
AthReentrantAlgorithm(name, pSvcLocator)
// Declare the decoration keys
PFMuonFlowElementAssoc::~PFMuonFlowElementAssoc() {}
// =============================================================
StatusCode PFMuonFlowElementAssoc::initialize() {
ATH_MSG_INFO("Initializing " << name() << "...");
// Initialise the decoration keys
//init the experimental keys
//init ReadHandleKeys
ATH_MSG_INFO("Initialization completed successfully");
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
// =========================================================================
StatusCode PFMuonFlowElementAssoc::execute(const EventContext & ctx) const
// WriteDecorHandles for the charged/neutral Flow Elements and Muons
// Links a Muon that has a track to a charged flow element if possible
ATH_MSG_INFO("Started execute step");
// Get container for muons
SG::WriteDecorHandle<xAOD::MuonContainer,std::vector<FlowElementLink_t> > muonChargedFEWriteDecorHandle (m_muonChargedFEWriteHandleKey,ctx);
SG::WriteDecorHandle<xAOD::MuonContainer,std::vector<FlowElementLink_t> > muonNeutralFEWriteDecorHandle (m_muonNeutralFEWriteHandleKey,ctx);
// get container for charged flow elements
SG::WriteDecorHandle<xAOD::FlowElementContainer,std::vector<MuonLink_t> > ChargedFEmuonWriteDecorHandle (m_ChargedFEmuonWriteHandleKey,ctx);
SG::WriteDecorHandle<xAOD::FlowElementContainer,std::vector<MuonLink_t> > NeutralFEmuonWriteDecorHandle(m_NeutralFEmuonWriteHandleKey,ctx);
//extra container handles between neutral FE cluster and Muon CaloCluster - these are all for studies based on neutral Flow Element matching - All of these handles are experimental
SG::WriteDecorHandle<xAOD::FlowElementContainer,std::vector<double> > NeutralFE_efrac_match_muonWriteDecorHandle(m_NeutralFE_efrac_match_muonWriteHandleKey,ctx);
SG::WriteDecorHandle<xAOD::MuonContainer ,std::vector<double> >muonNeutralFE_muon_efrac_WriteDecorHandle(m_muonNeutralFE_muon_efrac_WriteDecorHandleKey,ctx);
SG::WriteDecorHandle<xAOD::FlowElementContainer ,int> NeutralFEmuon_nMatches_WriteDecorHandle(m_NeutralFEmuon_nMatches_WriteDecorHandleKey,ctx);
SG::WriteDecorHandle<xAOD::MuonContainer ,double > muon_ClusterInfo_deltaR_WriteDecorHandle(m_muon_ClusterInfo_deltaR_WriteDecorHandleKey,ctx);
//store readhandles for muon and charged flow elements
SG::ReadHandle<xAOD::MuonContainer> muonReadHandle (m_muonReadHandleKey,ctx); // readhandle for muon
SG::ReadHandle<xAOD::FlowElementContainer> ChargedFEReadHandle(m_chargedFEReadHandleKey,ctx);
SG::ReadHandle<xAOD::FlowElementContainer> NeutralFEReadHandle(m_neutralFEReadHandleKey,ctx);
//now init some Flow element link containers
std::vector<std::vector<FlowElementLink_t> > muonChargedFEVec(muonReadHandle->size());
std::vector<std::vector<FlowElementLink_t> > muonNeutralFEVec(muonReadHandle->size());
//for neutral flow element studies
std::vector<std::vector<double> >muonNeutralFE_frac_cluster_energy_matched_Vec(muonReadHandle->size());
//Loop over the Flow Elements
for (const xAOD::FlowElement* FE: *ChargedFEmuonWriteDecorHandle){
//get the track associated to the charged flow element (or at least the index of said track)
size_t FETrackIndex=FE->chargedObjects().at(0)->index();
// Init a vector of element links to muons
std::vector<MuonLink_t> FEMuonLinks;
//loop over muons in container
for(const xAOD::Muon* muon: *muonChargedFEWriteDecorHandle){
const xAOD::TrackParticle* muon_trk=muon->trackParticle(xAOD::Muon::TrackParticleType::InnerDetectorTrackParticle);
size_t MuonTrkIndex=muon_trk->index();
// Add Muon element link to a vector
// index() is the unique index of the muon in the muon container
FEMuonLinks.push_back( MuonLink_t(*muonReadHandle, muon->index()));
// Add flow element link to a vector
// index() is the unique index of the cFlowElement in the cFlowElementcontaine>index()).push_back(FlowElementLink_t(*ChargedFEReadHandle,FE->index()));
} // matching block
}// end of muon loop
// Add vector of muon element links as decoration to FlowElement container
ChargedFEmuonWriteDecorHandle(*FE) = FEMuonLinks;
} // end of charged Flow Element loop
// Loop over Neutral FlowElements
In short, this feature is an experimental linker between neutral FEs and Muons either by the following:
Case 1) Retrieve the CaloCluster(s) from the muon, and get any topocluster(s) associated to those, then link the topoclusters to the neutral FEs
Case 2) Retrieve the CaloCluster(s) from the muon then link to the neutral FEs
This code is switched using two switches:
m_LinkNeutralFEClusters (turns on the experimental feature)
m_UseMuonTopoClusters (True= Case 1, False = Case 2)
ATH_MSG_INFO("Experimental: Cluster Linkers between neutral FEs and Muons are used");
for (const xAOD::FlowElement* FE: *NeutralFEmuonWriteDecorHandle){
int nMatchedFE=0;
//get the index of the cluster corresponding to the Neutral FlowElements
size_t FEclusterindex=FE->otherObjects().at(0)->index();
// FE->otherObjects returns a vector of IParticles. We only want the first one
const xAOD::IParticle* FE_Iparticle=FE->otherObjects().at(0);
//dynamic cast to CaloCluster
const xAOD::CaloCluster* FE_cluster=dynamic_cast<const xAOD::CaloCluster*>(FE_Iparticle); //cast to CaloCluster
// retrieve the link to cells
const CaloClusterCellLink* CellLink = FE_cluster->getCellLinks();
// build the iterator(s) for the looping over the elements inside the CellLink
CaloClusterCellLink::const_iterator FE_FirstCell=CellLink->begin();
CaloClusterCellLink::const_iterator FE_LastCell=CellLink->end();
//design the vector of ElementLinks
std::vector<MuonLink_t> FEMuonLinks;
std::vector<double> FE_efrac_clustermatch;
std::vector<double> Muon_efrac_clustermatch;
for (const xAOD::Muon* muon: *muonNeutralFEWriteDecorHandle ){
//Retrieve the ElementLink vector of clusters
const ElementLink<xAOD::CaloClusterContainer> ClusterLink=muon->clusterLink();
//access object from element link
const xAOD::CaloCluster* cluster = *ClusterLink; // de-ref the element link to retrieve the pointer to the original object
// get the linker to the topo clusters
std::vector<ElementLink<xAOD::CaloClusterContainer>> linksToTopoClusters=cluster->auxdata<std::vector<ElementLink<xAOD::CaloClusterContainer>> >("constituentClusterLinks");
for (ElementLink<xAOD::CaloClusterContainer> TopoClusterLink: linksToTopoClusters){
const xAOD::CaloCluster* MuonTopoCluster=*TopoClusterLink; // de-ref the link to get the topo-cluster
size_t MuonTopoCluster_index=MuonTopoCluster->index();
// Add Muon element link to a vector
// index() is the unique index of the muon in the muon container
// index() is the unique index of the cFlowElement in the cFlowElementcontaine>index()).push_back(FlowElementLink_t(*NeutralFEReadHandle,FE->index()));
ATH_MSG_INFO("Got a match between NFE and Muon");
nMatchedFE++; // count number of matches between FE and muons
} // check block of index matching
} // end of loop over element links
} //end of TopoCluster specific block
else{ // case when we don't use Topoclusters, just match the caloclusters to the flow element
//if we don't match topoclusters, do something more complex:
// Retrieve cells in both the FE cluster and muon cluster
// Define the link as where at least one calo cell is shared between the FE cluster and the Muon Cluster
//retrieve cells associated to Muon cluster
const CaloClusterCellLink* Muon_Clus_CellLink=cluster->getCellLinks();
//get the iterator on the links
CaloClusterCellLink::const_iterator Muon_Clus_FirstCell=Muon_Clus_CellLink->begin();
CaloClusterCellLink::const_iterator Muon_Clus_LastCell=Muon_Clus_CellLink->end();
//Now we check if any match and sum the energy of the cells that are matched. Current algo allows for at least one match.
bool isCellMatched=false;
double FE_sum_matched_cellEnergy=0;
double Muon_sum_matched_cellEnergy=0;
for(;FE_FirstCell != FE_LastCell; ++FE_FirstCell){
Identifier index_FECell=FE_FirstCell->ID();
for(; Muon_Clus_FirstCell != Muon_Clus_LastCell; ++Muon_Clus_FirstCell){
Identifier index_muoncell=Muon_Clus_FirstCell->ID();
double FE_cell_energy=FE_FirstCell->e();
double Muon_cell_energy=Muon_Clus_FirstCell->e();
Muon_sum_matched_cellEnergy= Muon_sum_matched_cellEnergy+Muon_cell_energy;
} // end of cell matching double loop
double frac_FE_cluster_energy_matched=0;
//retrieve total cluster energy from the FE cluster
double tot_FE_cluster_energy=FE_cluster->e();
if(tot_FE_cluster_energy!=0){ // ! div 0
frac_FE_cluster_energy_matched=FE_sum_matched_cellEnergy / tot_FE_cluster_energy ;
double tot_muon_cluster_energy=cluster->e();
double frac_muon_cluster_energy_matched=0;
ATH_MSG_INFO("Fraction of FE cluster energy used in match: "<<frac_FE_cluster_energy_matched<<", ismatched? "<<isCellMatched<<"");
ATH_MSG_INFO("Fraction of Muon cluster energy used in match: "<<frac_muon_cluster_energy_matched<<"");
if(isCellMatched){ // cell matched => Link the two objects.
// Add Muon element link to a vector
// index() is the unique index of the muon in the muon container
// index() is the unique index of the nFlowElement in the nFlowElementcontainer>index()).push_back(FlowElementLink_t(*NeutralFEReadHandle,FE->index()));
// save the energy fraction used in the cluster matching - mostly for debug/extension studies
FE_efrac_clustermatch.push_back(frac_FE_cluster_energy_matched); // fraction of FE cluster energy matched>index()).push_back(frac_muon_cluster_energy_matched);//fraction of Muon cluster energy matched
nMatchedFE++; // count number of matches incrementally
} // end of calocluster specific block
// loop over caloclusters
} // loop over muons
} // loop over neutral FE
}// end of the Gaudi check block
// Add the vectors of the Flow Element Links as decoations to the muon container
for(const xAOD::Muon* muon: *muonChargedFEWriteDecorHandle){
} // end of muon loop
if(m_LinkNeutralFEClusters){// Experimental
for(const xAOD::Muon* muon: *muonNeutralFEWriteDecorHandle){
// For debug of the muon clusters used, add also: dR between caloclusters and number of caloclusters associated to each muon.
//retrieve element link again to cluster
const ElementLink<xAOD::CaloClusterContainer> ClusterContLink=muon->clusterLink();
// use elem link to retrieve container
const xAOD::CaloCluster* MuonCluster=*ClusterContLink;
TLorentzVector muon_fourvec=muon->p4();
TLorentzVector muon_cluster_fourvec=MuonCluster->p4();
double deltaR_muon_cluster=0;
// retrieve the vector of delta R between muon and its associated calo cluster.
}// end of experimental block
ATH_MSG_INFO("Execute completed successfully");
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
......@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
#include "eflowRec/PFOChargedCreatorAlgorithm.h"
#include "eflowRec/PFONeutralCreatorAlgorithm.h"
#include "eflowRec/PFEGammaPFOAssoc.h"
#include "eflowRec/PFMuonFlowElementAssoc.h"
#include "eflowRec/PFEGamFlowElementAssoc.h"
#include "eflowRec/PFTauFlowElementAssoc.h"
......@@ -49,5 +50,6 @@ DECLARE_COMPONENT( PFTrackClusterMatchingTool )
DECLARE_COMPONENT( eflowCellEOverPTool_mc12_JetETMiss)
DECLARE_COMPONENT( eflowCellEOverPTool_mc12_LC)
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