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Commit 406c5eba authored by Frank Winklmeier's avatar Frank Winklmeier
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Merge branch 'vector_column' into 'main'

support for std::vector<T> columns in columnar tools

See merge request !78448
parents 2c103e35 0c1b45c7
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2 merge requests!78448support for std::vector<T> columns in columnar tools (ATLASG-2853),!76343Draft: MooTrackBuilder: Recalibrate NSW hits in refine method
......@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ namespace columnar
/// specialize this template to provide support for the specific types
/// and modes they support. The primary way in which users specify
/// alternate accessors is by wrapping the column type, e.g.
/// `VectorColumn<float>` for a column that contains a vector of
/// `std::vector<float>` for a column that contains a vector of
/// floats per object.
/// Originally all accessor classes were separate and unique
......@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ namespace columnar
/// that covers what before where multiple classes.
/// * There are some accessor configuration that are supported now and
/// would have required a separate template class before, e.g.
/// something like `VectorColumn<RetypeColumn<...>>` wasn't
/// something like `std::vector<RetypeColumn<...>>` wasn't
/// supported before, but now it is.
/// * Overall I find it easier to ensure consistency across
/// specializations with this approach, as well as making it easier
Copyright (C) 2002-2025 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
/// @author Nils Krumnack
#include <ColumnarCore/ColumnAccessor.h>
#include <ColumnarCore/VectorConvertView.h>
#include <span>
#include <vector>
namespace columnar
/// @file VectorColumn.h
/// `std::vector` specialization for `AccessorTemplate`
/// ===================================================
/// Per-object vectors get handled differently depending on the
/// framework, so there are different accessor specializations in
/// different environments. So far (11 Dec 24) only input accessors
/// are supported, and they will generally return an object that
/// behaves like `std::span<const CT>`
// in xAOD mode we can do a straightforward conversion from
// std::vector to std::span, as xAODs natively use std::vector
template<typename CT>
requires (ColumnTypeTraits<CT,ColumnarModeXAOD>::isNativeType)
struct ColumnTypeTraits<std::vector<CT>,ColumnarModeXAOD> final
using CM = ColumnarModeXAOD;
using ElementType = typename ColumnTypeTraits<CT,CM>::ColumnType;
using ColumnType = NativeColumn<std::vector<ElementType>>;
using UserType = std::span<const ElementType>;
static constexpr bool isNativeType = false;
static constexpr bool useConvertInput = true;
static constexpr bool useConvertWithDataInput = false;
static ColumnInfo& updateColumnInfo (ColumnarTool<CM>& /*columnarTool*/, ColumnInfo& info) {return info;}
static std::span<const ElementType> convertInput (const std::vector<ElementType>& value) {return std::span<const ElementType> (value);}
// the column accessor for std::vector in ColumnarModeArray
// This is one of the more tricky accessors, as it need to connect to
// two underlying columns. The first column is the offset column, the
// second is the data column.
template<ContainerId CI,typename CT>
requires (ColumnTypeTraits<CT,ColumnarModeArray>::isNativeType)
class AccessorTemplate<CI,std::vector<CT>,ColumnAccessMode::input,ColumnarModeArray> final
/// Public Members
/// ==============
static constexpr ColumnAccessMode CAM = ColumnAccessMode::input;
using CM = ColumnarModeArray;
using ElementType = typename ColumnTypeTraits<CT,CM>::ColumnType;
AccessorTemplate () = default;
AccessorTemplate (ColumnarTool<CM>& columnarTool, const std::string& name, ColumnInfo&& info = {})
auto myinfo = info;
myinfo.offsetName = columnarTool.objectName (CI);
myinfo.isOffset = true;
info.offsetName = columnarTool.objectName (CI) + "." + name + ".offset";
m_offsetData = std::make_unique<ColumnAccessorDataArray> (&m_offsetIndex, &m_offsetData, &typeid (ColumnarOffsetType), ColumnAccessMode::input);
columnarTool.addColumn (info.offsetName, m_offsetData.get(), std::move (myinfo));
m_dataData = std::make_unique<ColumnAccessorDataArray> (&m_dataIndex, &m_dataData, &typeid (ElementType), ColumnAccessMode::input);
columnarTool.addColumn (columnarTool.objectName(CI) + "." + name + ".data", m_dataData.get(), std::move (info));
AccessorTemplate (AccessorTemplate&& that)
moveAccessor (m_offsetIndex, m_offsetData, that.m_offsetIndex, that.m_offsetData);
moveAccessor (m_dataIndex, m_dataData, that.m_dataIndex, that.m_dataData);
AccessorTemplate& operator = (AccessorTemplate&& that)
if (this != &that)
moveAccessor (m_offsetIndex, m_offsetData, that.m_offsetIndex, that.m_offsetData);
moveAccessor (m_dataIndex, m_dataData, that.m_dataIndex, that.m_dataData);
return *this;
std::span<const ElementType> operator () (ObjectId<CI,CM> id) const noexcept
auto *offset = static_cast<const ColumnarOffsetType*>(id.getData()[m_offsetIndex]);
auto *data = static_cast<const ElementType*>(id.getData()[m_dataIndex]);
return std::span<const ElementType> (&data[offset[id.getIndex()]], offset[id.getIndex()+1]-offset[id.getIndex()]);
bool isAvailable (ObjectId<CI,CM> id) const noexcept
auto *data = static_cast<const ElementType*>(id.getData()[m_dataIndex]);
return data != nullptr;
/// Private Members
/// ===============
unsigned m_offsetIndex = 0u;
std::unique_ptr<ColumnAccessorDataArray> m_offsetData;
unsigned m_dataIndex = 0u;
std::unique_ptr<ColumnAccessorDataArray> m_dataData;
/// a @ref std::vector accessor for types that can be implemented via
/// conversions
/// This is a bit more involved in that it needs to wrap the
/// underlying view, and apply the conversion on access. That means I
/// need to have a custom view and iterator object to handle it.
/// Furthermore, since some conversions need a data pointer and others
/// don't, I need to have two different implementations of the view
/// and iterator.
template<ContainerId CI,typename CT,typename CM>
requires (ColumnTypeTraits<CT,CM>::useConvertInput || ColumnTypeTraits<CT,CM>::useConvertWithDataInput)
class AccessorTemplate<CI,std::vector<CT>,ColumnAccessMode::input,CM> final
/// Public Members
/// ==============
AccessorTemplate () = default;
AccessorTemplate (ColumnarTool<CM>& columnarTool, const std::string& name, ColumnInfo&& info = {})
: m_accessor(columnarTool,name,std::move(ColumnTypeTraits<CT,CM>::updateColumnInfo(columnarTool, info)))
auto operator () (ObjectId<CI,CM> id) const
if constexpr (ColumnTypeTraits<CT,CM>::useConvertWithDataInput)
return detail::VectorConvertView ([data = id.getData()](const auto& value) {return ColumnTypeTraits<CT,CM>::convertInput (data, value);}, m_accessor(id));
return detail::VectorConvertView ([](const auto& value) {return ColumnTypeTraits<CT,CM>::convertInput(value);}, m_accessor(id));
[[nodiscard]] bool isAvailable (ObjectId<CI,CM> id) const noexcept
return m_accessor.isAvailable (id);
/// Private Members
/// ===============
ColumnAccessor<CI,std::vector<typename ColumnTypeTraits<CT,CM>::ColumnType>,CM> m_accessor;
Copyright (C) 2002-2025 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
/// @author Nils Krumnack
#include <ColumnarCore/ColumnAccessor.h>
namespace columnar
namespace detail
/// @file VectorConvertView.h
/// `std::vector` views and iterators that incorporate a type conversion
/// ====================================================================
/// If the underlying column is an `std::vector`, but the access
/// requires a type conversion (e.g. `ElementLink` or an enum), then I
/// can't just use a `std::span` to access the data. Instead I rely
/// on this view and iterator to handle the conversion on access.
/// Presumably with C++23 this could be replaced with a range adaptor,
/// but for now I need to do it manually.
/// an iterator that does converts members using a passed in function
template<typename FunctionType,typename IteratorType>
class VectorConvertIterator final
/// Public Members
/// ==============
VectorConvertIterator (const FunctionType& val_function, IteratorType&& val_iterator)
: m_function (val_function), m_iterator (std::move (val_iterator))
[[nodiscard]] bool operator == (const VectorConvertIterator& that) const noexcept {
return m_iterator == that.m_iterator;}
[[nodiscard]] bool operator != (const VectorConvertIterator& that) const noexcept {
return m_iterator != that.m_iterator;}
VectorConvertIterator& operator ++ () noexcept {
++ m_iterator; return *this;}
[[nodiscard]] decltype(auto) operator * () const noexcept {
return m_function (*m_iterator);}
/// Private Members
/// ===============
[[no_unique_address]] FunctionType m_function;
IteratorType m_iterator;
template<typename FunctionType,typename IteratorType> VectorConvertIterator (FunctionType&&,IteratorType&&) -> VectorConvertIterator<std::remove_cv_t<FunctionType>,std::remove_cv_t<IteratorType>>;
/// a range view that does converts members using a passed in function
template<typename FunctionType,typename ViewType>
class VectorConvertView final
/// Common Public Members
/// =====================
explicit VectorConvertView (const FunctionType& val_function, const ViewType& val_view) noexcept
: m_function (val_function), m_view (val_view)
[[nodiscard]] std::size_t size () const noexcept
return m_view.size();
[[nodiscard]] decltype(auto) operator[] (std::size_t index) const
if (index >= m_view.size()) [[unlikely]]
throw std::out_of_range ("VectorConvertView::operator[]: index out of range");
return m_function (m_view[index]);
[[nodiscard]] auto begin () const noexcept
return VectorConvertIterator (m_function, m_view.begin());
[[nodiscard]] auto end () const noexcept
return VectorConvertIterator (m_function, m_view.end());
/// Private Members
/// ===============
[[no_unique_address]] FunctionType m_function;
ViewType m_view;
template<typename FunctionType,typename ViewType> VectorConvertView (FunctionType&&,ViewType&&) -> VectorConvertView<std::remove_cv_t<FunctionType>,std::remove_cv_t<ViewType>>;
......@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ ATLAS_NO_CHECK_FILE_THREAD_SAFETY;
#include <AsgTesting/UnitTest.h>
#include <ColumnarCore/ColumnAccessor.h>
#include <ColumnarCore/ObjectColumn.h>
#include <ColumnarCore/VectorColumn.h>
#include <ColumnarEventInfo/EventInfoDef.h>
#include <ColumnarCore/ParticleDef.h>
......@@ -133,6 +134,52 @@ namespace columnar
EXPECT_EQ (objectRange.endIndex(), 6);
TEST (AccessorTest, vectorEventAccessor)
MyTool tool;
MyAccessor<std::vector<uint32_t>,ContainerId::eventInfo> eventAccessor {tool, "var1"};
MyAccessor<std::vector<RetypeColumn<uint64_t,uint32_t>>,ContainerId::eventInfo> eventRetypeAccessor {tool, "var1"};
auto columns = tool.getColumnInfo();
EXPECT_EQ (columns.size(), 3);
auto& columnOffset = columns[1];
EXPECT_EQ (, "");
EXPECT_EQ (columnOffset.index, 0);
EXPECT_EQ (columnOffset.type, &typeid (uint32_t));
EXPECT_EQ (columnOffset.accessMode, ColumnAccessMode::input);
EXPECT_EQ (columnOffset.offsetName, "EventInfo.var1.offset");
auto& columnData = columns[2];
EXPECT_EQ (, "EventInfo.var1.offset");
EXPECT_EQ (columnData.index, 0);
EXPECT_EQ (columnData.type, &typeid (ColumnarOffsetType));
EXPECT_EQ (columnData.accessMode, ColumnAccessMode::input);
EXPECT_EQ (columnData.offsetName, numberOfEventsName);
tool.setColumnIndex ("EventInfo.var1.offset", 1);
tool.setColumnIndex ("", 2);
std::vector<void*> data (3, nullptr);
std::vector<ColumnarOffsetType> var1Offsets = {0, 1, 3, 6, 7};
std::vector<uint32_t> var1Data = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6};
data[1] =;
data[2] =;
MyId<ContainerId::eventInfo> id1 {, 1};
MyId<ContainerId::eventInfo> id2 {, 2};
EXPECT_EQ (eventAccessor (id1).size(), 2);
EXPECT_EQ (eventAccessor (id2).size(), 3);
EXPECT_EQ (eventAccessor(id1)[0],1);
EXPECT_EQ (eventAccessor(id1)[1],2);
EXPECT_EQ (eventAccessor(id2)[0],3);
EXPECT_EQ (eventAccessor(id2)[2],5);
EXPECT_EQ (eventRetypeAccessor (id1).size(), 2);
EXPECT_EQ (eventRetypeAccessor (id2).size(), 3);
EXPECT_EQ (eventRetypeAccessor(id1)[0],1);
EXPECT_EQ (eventRetypeAccessor(id1)[1],2);
EXPECT_EQ (eventRetypeAccessor(id2)[0],3);
EXPECT_EQ (eventRetypeAccessor(id2)[2],5);
Copyright (C) 2002-2025 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
/// @author Nils Krumnack
#include <AsgTools/AsgTool.h>
#include <AsgTools/PropertyWrapper.h>
#include <ColumnarCore/ColumnAccessor.h>
#include <ColumnarCore/ColumnarTool.h>
#include <ColumnarCore/ObjectColumn.h>
#include <ColumnarCore/ParticleDef.h>
#include <ColumnarCore/VectorColumn.h>
namespace columnar
/// @brief an example of a columnar tool that reads a vector column
/// This illustrates how to read vector columns in a tool. The actual
/// example is a bit arcane, but it hopefully illustrates how to read
/// vector columns.
class VectorExampleTool final
: public asg::AsgTool,
public ColumnarTool<>
VectorExampleTool (const std::string& name);
virtual StatusCode initialize () override;
virtual void callEvents (EventContextRange events) const override;
/// @brief the pt cut to apply
Gaudi::Property<float> m_ptCut {this, "ptCut", 10e3, "pt cut (in MeV)"};
/// @brief the object accessor for the particles
/// This is equivalent to a `ReadHandleKey` in the xAOD world. It
/// is used to access the particle range/container for a given
/// event.
ParticleAccessor<ObjectColumn> particlesHandle {*this, "Particles"};
/// @brief the pt accessor for the particle container
/// This is the equivalent to an `AuxElement::Accessor` in the xAOD
/// world. The main difference is that it registers with the tool,
/// as that is needed for column accessors. Also, it is specific to
/// the container, and can't be used with other containers.
ParticleAccessor<float> ptAcc {*this, "pt"};
/// @brief a vector column accessor
/// There aren't a lot of cases in which there is a simple
/// POD-vector column in PHYSLITE, so I picked up this rather
/// obscure one.
ParticleAccessor<std::vector<int>> trknumAcc {*this, "NumTrkPt500"};
/// @brief a vector accessor involving retyping
/// This mostly illustrates and tests that view can also read
/// columns that need to do a conversion of the underlying type. In
/// PHYSLITE this mostly happens for ElementLink columns, and maybe
/// enum columns, but for a simple example I'm changing from `float`
/// to `double`.
ParticleAccessor<std::vector<RetypeColumn<double,float>>> trksumptAcc {*this, "SumPtTrkPt500"};
/// @brief the selection decorator for the particles
/// This is the equivalent to an `AuxElement::Decorator` in the xAOD
/// world. One thing to note is that the tools generally run on
/// many objects, not a a single object. So the tool doesn't have
/// the option to return individual output values. Instead it needs
/// to provide an output value per object, which in the columnar
/// world is done by filling a column.
ParticleDecorator<char> selectionDec {*this, "selection"};
Copyright (C) 2002-2025 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
/// @author Nils Krumnack
// includes
#include <ColumnarExampleTools/VectorExampleTool.h>
// method implementations
namespace columnar
VectorExampleTool ::
VectorExampleTool (const std::string& name)
: AsgTool (name)
StatusCode VectorExampleTool ::
initialize ()
// give the base class a chance to initialize the column accessor
// backends
ANA_CHECK (initializeColumns());
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
void VectorExampleTool ::
callEvents (EventContextRange events) const
// loop over all events and particles. note that this is
// deliberately looping by value, as the ID classes are very small
// and can be copied cheaply. this could have also been written as
// a single loop over all particles in the event range, but I chose
// to split it up into two loops as most tools will need to do some
// per-event things, e.g. retrieve `EventInfo`.
for (columnar::EventContextId event : events)
for (ParticleId particle : particlesHandle(event))
// in pactical terms we should find the index of the primary
// vertex, but for purposes of the example we just use the first
// vertex instead
const std::size_t index = 0;
// it is actually safe to copy the return value of the
// accessors, as those are ranges that are cheap to copy
auto trknum = trknumAcc(particle);
auto trksumpt = trksumptAcc(particle);
// this is probably not a meaningful selection, but it hopefully
// illustrates how to use the vector accessors
selectionDec(particle) = ptAcc(particle) > m_ptCut.value() && trknum.size() > index && trknum[index] > 2 && trksumpt.size() > index && trksumpt[index] > 2e3;
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