From 4e05e76e080dc510451d7aa22fed9d8c0e386d4a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Petr Jacka <>
Date: Fri, 1 Sep 2017 11:03:06 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Cleaned mess in CaloGeometry classes

 .../CMakeLists.txt                            |    3 +-
 .../CaloDetDescrElement.h                     |  268 ----
 .../CaloGeoDetDescrElement.h                  |  249 ----
 .../CaloGeoGeometry.h                         |  200 ---
 .../CaloGeometry.h                            |   97 +-
 .../CaloGeometryFromFile.h                    |   22 -
 .../FCAL_ChannelMap.h                         |  286 ----
 .../ICaloGeometry.h                           |    1 -
 .../ISF_HitAnalysis.h                         |   17 +
 .../   |    1 - |    2 +- |   18 +- |    5 +
 .../src/CaloGeoGeometry.cxx                   | 1220 -----------------
 .../src/CaloGeometry.cxx                      |  493 ++-----
 .../src/CaloGeometryFromCaloDDM.cxx           |   24 +-
 .../src/CaloGeometryFromCaloDDM.h             |   21 -
 .../src/CaloGeometryFromFile.cxx              |  373 -----
 .../src/FCAL_ChannelMap.cxx                   |  488 -------
 .../src/FastCaloSimParamAlg.cxx               |    4 +-
 .../src/ISF_HitAnalysis.cxx                   |    2 +-
 .../tools/CaloGeometryFromFile.cxx            |  144 +-
 .../tools/init_geo.C                          |    8 +-
 .../tools/run_geo.C                           |   84 +-
 .../ISF_FastCaloSimServices/CMakeLists.txt    |    8 +-
 .../python/                |   61 +-
 .../python/   |   23 +-
 .../python/ |    4 +-
 .../src/FastCaloSimSvcV2.cxx                  | 1173 +++++++++++-----
 .../src/FastCaloSimSvcV2.h                    |  206 ++-
 30 files changed, 1302 insertions(+), 4203 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100755 Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/CaloDetDescrElement.h
 delete mode 100644 Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/CaloGeoDetDescrElement.h
 delete mode 100644 Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/CaloGeoGeometry.h
 delete mode 100644 Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/CaloGeometryFromFile.h
 delete mode 100755 Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/FCAL_ChannelMap.h
 create mode 100644 Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/share/
 delete mode 100644 Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/src/CaloGeoGeometry.cxx
 delete mode 100644 Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/src/CaloGeometryFromCaloDDM.h
 delete mode 100644 Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/src/CaloGeometryFromFile.cxx
 delete mode 100755 Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/src/FCAL_ChannelMap.cxx

diff --git a/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/CMakeLists.txt b/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/CMakeLists.txt
index 0ff7df8d978c..5640dd4b4695 100644
--- a/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ atlas_depends_on_subdirs( PUBLIC
+			  LArCalorimeter/LArGeoModel
@@ -63,7 +64,7 @@ atlas_add_root_dictionary( ISF_FastCaloSimParametrizationLib
                            EXTERNAL_PACKAGES  ROOT HepPDT XercesC CLHEP HepMC Geant4 )
 atlas_add_library( ISF_FastCaloSimParametrizationLib
-                   Root/*.cxx src/CaloGeoGeometry.cxx src/CaloGeometryFromFile.cxx
+                   Root/*.cxx src/CaloGeometryFromCaloDDM.cxx src/CaloGeometryLookup.cxx
                    PUBLIC_HEADERS ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization
diff --git a/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/CaloDetDescrElement.h b/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/CaloDetDescrElement.h
deleted file mode 100755
index 4a4ecf6b2f15..000000000000
--- a/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/CaloDetDescrElement.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,268 +0,0 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-class CaloGeometry;
-#include "Identifier/Identifier.h"
-#include <iostream>
-#include <iomanip>
-#include <cmath>
-class CaloGeoDetDescrElement
- friend class CaloGeometry;
- public:
-  CaloGeoDetDescrElement() {
-    m_identify = 0;
-    m_hash_id = 0;
-    m_calosample = 0;
-    m_eta = 0;
-    m_phi = 0;
-    m_deta = 0;
-    m_dphi = 0;
-    m_r = 0;
-    m_eta_raw = 0;
-    m_phi_raw = 0;
-    m_r_raw = 0;
-    m_dr = 0;
-    m_x = 0;
-    m_y = 0;
-    m_z = 0;
-    m_x_raw = 0;
-    m_y_raw = 0;
-    m_z_raw = 0;
-    m_dx = 0;
-    m_dy = 0;
-    m_dz = 0;
-  };
-  /** @brief virtual destructor
-   */
-  virtual ~CaloGeoDetDescrElement() {};
-  /** @brief cell eta
-   *  @copydoc CaloGeoDetDescrElement::m_eta
-   */
-  float eta() const;
-  /** @brief cell phi
-   *  @copydoc CaloGeoDetDescrElement::m_phi
-   */
-  float phi() const;
-  /** @brief cell r
-   *  @copydoc CaloGeoDetDescrElement::m_r
-   */
-  float r() const;
-  /** @brief cell eta_raw
-   *  @copydoc CaloGeoDetDescrElement::m_eta_raw
-   */
-  float eta_raw() const;
-  /** @brief cell phi_raw
-   *  @copydoc CaloGeoDetDescrElement::m_phi_raw
-   */
-  float phi_raw() const;
-  /** @brief cell r_raw
-   *  @copydoc CaloGeoDetDescrElement::m_r_raw
-   */
-  float r_raw() const;
-  /** @brief cell dphi
-   *  @copydoc CaloGeoDetDescrElement::m_dphi
-   */
-  float dphi() const;
-  /** @brief cell deta
-   *  @copydoc CaloGeoDetDescrElement::m_deta
-   */
-  float deta() const;
-  /** @brief cell dr
-   *  @copydoc CaloGeoDetDescrElement::m_dr
-   */
-  float dr() const;
-  /** @brief cell x
-   *  @copydoc CaloGeoDetDescrElement::m_x
-   */
-  float x() const;
-  /** @brief cell y
-   *  @copydoc CaloGeoDetDescrElement::m_y
-   */
-  float y() const;
-  /** @brief cell z
-   *  @copydoc CaloGeoDetDescrElement::m_z
-   */
-  float z() const;
-  /** @brief cell x_raw
-   *  @copydoc CaloGeoDetDescrElement::m_x_raw
-   */
-  float x_raw() const;
-  /** @brief cell y_raw
-   *  @copydoc CaloGeoDetDescrElement::m_y_raw
-   */
-  float y_raw() const;
-  /** @brief cell z_raw
-   *  @copydoc CaloGeoDetDescrElement::m_z_raw
-   */
-  float z_raw() const;
-  /** @brief cell dx
-   *  @copydoc CaloGeoDetDescrElement::m_dx
-   */
-  float dx() const;
-  /** @brief cell dy
-   *  @copydoc CaloGeoDetDescrElement::m_dy
-   */
-  float dy() const;
-  /** @brief cell dz
-   *  @copydoc CaloGeoDetDescrElement::m_dz
-   */
-  float dz() const;
-  /** @brief cell identifier
-   */
-  Identifier identify() const;
-  unsigned long long calo_hash() const;
-  int getSampling() const ;
- private:
- //ACH protected:
- //
-  long long m_identify;
-  long long m_hash_id;
-  int m_calosample;
-  /** @brief cylindric coordinates : eta
-   */
-  float m_eta;
-  /** @brief cylindric coordinates : phi
-   */
-  float m_phi;
- /** @brief this one is cached for algorithm working in transverse Energy
-    */
-  float m_sinTh;
-   /** @brief this one is cached for algorithm working in transverse Energy
-   */
-  float m_cosTh;
-  /** @brief cylindric coordinates : delta eta
-   */
-  float m_deta;
-  /** @brief cylindric coordinates : delta phi
-   */
-  float m_dphi;
-  /** @brief cylindric coordinates : r
-   */
-  float m_volume;
-  /** @brief cache to allow fast px py pz computation
-   */
-  float m_sinPhi;
-  /** @brief cache to allow fast px py pz computation
-  */
-  float m_cosPhi;
-  /** @brief cylindric coordinates : r
-   */
-  float m_r;
-  /** @brief cylindric coordinates : eta_raw
-   */
-  float m_eta_raw;
-  /** @brief cylindric coordinates : phi_raw
-   */
-  float m_phi_raw;
-  /** @brief cylindric coordinates : r_raw
-   */
-  float m_r_raw;
-  /** @brief cylindric coordinates : delta r
-   */
-  float m_dr;
-  /** @brief cartesian coordinates : X
-   */
-  float m_x;
-  /** @brief cartesian coordinates : Y
-   */
-  float m_y;
-  /** @brief cartesian coordinates : Z
-   */
-  float m_z;
-  /** @brief cartesian coordinates : X raw
-   */
-  float m_x_raw;
-  /** @brief cartesian coordinates : Y raw
-   */
-  float m_y_raw;
-  /** @brief cartesian coordinates : Z raw
-   */
-  float m_z_raw;
-  /** @brief cartesian coordinates : delta X
-   */
-  float m_dx;
-  /** @brief cartesian coordinates : delta Y
-   */
-  float m_dy;
-  /** @brief cartesian coordinates : delta Z
-   */
-  float m_dz;
-inline Identifier CaloGeoDetDescrElement::identify() const
-	Identifier id((unsigned long long) m_identify);
-	return id;
-inline unsigned long long CaloGeoDetDescrElement::calo_hash() const
-	return m_hash_id;
-inline int CaloGeoDetDescrElement::getSampling() const
-{ return m_calosample;}
-inline float CaloGeoDetDescrElement::eta() const
-{ return m_eta;}
-inline float CaloGeoDetDescrElement::phi() const
-{ return m_phi;}
-inline float CaloGeoDetDescrElement::r() const
-{ return m_r;}
-inline float CaloGeoDetDescrElement::eta_raw() const
-{ return m_eta_raw;}
-inline float CaloGeoDetDescrElement::phi_raw() const
-{ return m_phi_raw;}
-inline float CaloGeoDetDescrElement::r_raw() const
-{ return m_r_raw;}
-inline float CaloGeoDetDescrElement::deta() const
-{ return m_deta;}
-inline float CaloGeoDetDescrElement::dphi() const
-{ return m_dphi;}
-inline float CaloGeoDetDescrElement::dr() const
-{ return m_dr;}
-inline float CaloGeoDetDescrElement::x() const
-{ return m_x;}
-inline float CaloGeoDetDescrElement::y() const
-{ return m_y;}
-inline float CaloGeoDetDescrElement::z() const
-{ return m_z;}
-inline float CaloGeoDetDescrElement::x_raw() const
-{ return m_x_raw;}
-inline float CaloGeoDetDescrElement::y_raw() const
-{ return m_y_raw;}
-inline float CaloGeoDetDescrElement::z_raw() const
-{ return m_z_raw;}
-inline float CaloGeoDetDescrElement::dx() const
-{ return m_dx;}
-inline float CaloGeoDetDescrElement::dy() const
-{ return m_dy;}
-inline float CaloGeoDetDescrElement::dz() const
-{ return m_dz;}
diff --git a/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/CaloGeoDetDescrElement.h b/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/CaloGeoDetDescrElement.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 20cc3cd3c9c3..000000000000
--- a/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/CaloGeoDetDescrElement.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,249 +0,0 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-class CaloGeometry;
-#include "Identifier/Identifier.h"
-#include <iostream>
-#include <iomanip>
-#include <cmath>
-class CaloGeoDetDescrElement
- friend class CaloGeometry;
- public:
-  CaloGeoDetDescrElement() {
-    m_identify = 0;
-    m_hash_id = 0;
-    m_calosample = 0;
-    m_eta = 0;
-    m_phi = 0;
-    m_deta = 0;
-    m_dphi = 0;
-    m_r = 0;
-    m_eta_raw = 0;
-    m_phi_raw = 0;
-    m_r_raw = 0;
-    m_dr = 0;
-    m_x = 0;
-    m_y = 0;
-    m_z = 0;
-    m_x_raw = 0;
-    m_y_raw = 0;
-    m_z_raw = 0;
-    m_dx = 0;
-    m_dy = 0;
-    m_dz = 0;
-  };
-  /** @brief virtual destructor
-   */
-  virtual ~CaloGeoDetDescrElement() {};
-  /** @brief cell eta
-   */
-  float eta() const;
-  /** @brief cell phi
-   */
-  float phi() const;
-  /** @brief cell r
-   */
-  float r() const;
-  /** @brief cell eta_raw
-   */
-  float eta_raw() const;
-  /** @brief cell phi_raw
-   */
-  float phi_raw() const;
-  /** @brief cell r_raw
-   */
-  float r_raw() const;
-  /** @brief cell dphi
-   */
-  float dphi() const;
-  /** @brief cell deta
-   */
-  float deta() const;
-  /** @brief cell dr
-   */
-  float dr() const;
-  /** @brief cell x
-   */
-  float x() const;
-  /** @brief cell y
-   */
-  float y() const;
-  /** @brief cell z
-   */
-  float z() const;
-  /** @brief cell x_raw
-   */
-  float x_raw() const;
-  /** @brief cell y_raw
-   */
-  float y_raw() const;
-  /** @brief cell z_raw
-   */
-  float z_raw() const;
-  /** @brief cell dx
-   */
-  float dx() const;
-  /** @brief cell dy
-   */
-  float dy() const;
-  /** @brief cell dz
-   */
-  float dz() const;
-  /** @brief cell identifier
-   */
-  Identifier identify() const;
-  unsigned long long calo_hash() const;
-  int getSampling() const ;
- //ACH protected:
- //
-  long long m_identify;
-  long long m_hash_id;
-  int m_calosample;
-  /** @brief cylindric coordinates : eta
-   */
-  float m_eta;
-  /** @brief cylindric coordinates : phi
-   */
-  float m_phi;
- /** @brief this one is cached for algorithm working in transverse Energy
-    */
-  float m_sinTh;
-   /** @brief this one is cached for algorithm working in transverse Energy
-   */
-  float m_cosTh;
-  /** @brief cylindric coordinates : delta eta
-   */
-  float m_deta;
-  /** @brief cylindric coordinates : delta phi
-   */
-  float m_dphi;
-  /** @brief cylindric coordinates : r
-   */
-  float m_volume;
-  /** @brief cache to allow fast px py pz computation
-   */
-  float m_sinPhi;
-  /** @brief cache to allow fast px py pz computation
-  */
-  float m_cosPhi;
-  /** @brief cylindric coordinates : r
-   */
-  float m_r;
-  /** @brief cylindric coordinates : eta_raw
-   */
-  float m_eta_raw;
-  /** @brief cylindric coordinates : phi_raw
-   */
-  float m_phi_raw;
-  /** @brief cylindric coordinates : r_raw
-   */
-  float m_r_raw;
-  /** @brief cylindric coordinates : delta r
-   */
-  float m_dr;
-  /** @brief cartesian coordinates : X
-   */
-  float m_x;
-  /** @brief cartesian coordinates : Y
-   */
-  float m_y;
-  /** @brief cartesian coordinates : Z
-   */
-  float m_z;
-  /** @brief cartesian coordinates : X raw
-   */
-  float m_x_raw;
-  /** @brief cartesian coordinates : Y raw
-   */
-  float m_y_raw;
-  /** @brief cartesian coordinates : Z raw
-   */
-  float m_z_raw;
-  /** @brief cartesian coordinates : delta X
-   */
-  float m_dx;
-  /** @brief cartesian coordinates : delta Y
-   */
-  float m_dy;
-  /** @brief cartesian coordinates : delta Z
-   */
-  float m_dz;
-inline Identifier CaloGeoDetDescrElement::identify() const
-	Identifier id((unsigned long long) m_identify);
-	return id;
-inline unsigned long long CaloGeoDetDescrElement::calo_hash() const
-	return m_hash_id;
-inline int CaloGeoDetDescrElement::getSampling() const
-{ return m_calosample;}
-inline float CaloGeoDetDescrElement::eta() const
-{ return m_eta;}
-inline float CaloGeoDetDescrElement::phi() const
-{ return m_phi;}
-inline float CaloGeoDetDescrElement::r() const
-{ return m_r;}
-inline float CaloGeoDetDescrElement::eta_raw() const
-{ return m_eta_raw;}
-inline float CaloGeoDetDescrElement::phi_raw() const
-{ return m_phi_raw;}
-inline float CaloGeoDetDescrElement::r_raw() const
-{ return m_r_raw;}
-inline float CaloGeoDetDescrElement::deta() const
-{ return m_deta;}
-inline float CaloGeoDetDescrElement::dphi() const
-{ return m_dphi;}
-inline float CaloGeoDetDescrElement::dr() const
-{ return m_dr;}
-inline float CaloGeoDetDescrElement::x() const
-{ return m_x;}
-inline float CaloGeoDetDescrElement::y() const
-{ return m_y;}
-inline float CaloGeoDetDescrElement::z() const
-{ return m_z;}
-inline float CaloGeoDetDescrElement::x_raw() const
-{ return m_x_raw;}
-inline float CaloGeoDetDescrElement::y_raw() const
-{ return m_y_raw;}
-inline float CaloGeoDetDescrElement::z_raw() const
-{ return m_z_raw;}
-inline float CaloGeoDetDescrElement::dx() const
-{ return m_dx;}
-inline float CaloGeoDetDescrElement::dy() const
-{ return m_dy;}
-inline float CaloGeoDetDescrElement::dz() const
-{ return m_dz;}
diff --git a/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/CaloGeoGeometry.h b/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/CaloGeoGeometry.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 19adbd677982..000000000000
--- a/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/CaloGeoGeometry.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,200 +0,0 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-#include <TMath.h>
-#include <vector>
-#include <map>
-#include <iostream>
-#include "ISF_FastCaloSimEvent/FastCaloSim_CaloCell_ID.h"
-#include "Identifier/Identifier.h"
-//#include "ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/ICaloGeometry.h"
-#include "ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/MeanAndRMS.h"
-#include "ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/FSmap.h"
-#include "ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/FCAL_ChannelMap.h"
-class CaloGeoDetDescrElement;
-class TCanvas;
-class TGraphErrors;
-typedef std::map< Identifier , const CaloGeoDetDescrElement* > t_cellmap;
-typedef std::map< double , const CaloGeoDetDescrElement* > t_eta_cellmap;
-class CaloGeoGeometryLookup {
-  public:
-    CaloGeoGeometryLookup(int ind=0);
-    virtual ~CaloGeoGeometryLookup();
-    bool IsCompatible(const CaloGeoDetDescrElement* cell);
-    void add(const CaloGeoDetDescrElement* cell);
-    t_cellmap::size_type size() const {return m_cells.size();};
-    int index() const {return m_index;};
-    void set_index(int ind) {m_index=ind;};
-    void post_process();
-    bool has_overlap(CaloGeoGeometryLookup* ref);
-    void merge_into_ref(CaloGeoGeometryLookup* ref);
-    //void CalculateTransformation();
-    float mineta() const {return m_mineta;};
-    float maxeta() const {return m_maxeta;};
-    float minphi() const {return m_minphi;};
-    float maxphi() const {return m_maxphi;};
-    float mineta_raw() const {return m_mineta_raw;};
-    float maxeta_raw() const {return m_maxeta_raw;};
-    float minphi_raw() const {return m_minphi_raw;};
-    float maxphi_raw() const {return m_maxphi_raw;};
-    float minx() const {return m_mineta;};
-    float maxx() const {return m_maxeta;};
-    float miny() const {return m_minphi;};
-    float maxy() const {return m_maxphi;};
-    float minx_raw() const {return m_mineta_raw;};
-    float maxx_raw() const {return m_maxeta_raw;};
-    float miny_raw() const {return m_minphi_raw;};
-    float maxy_raw() const {return m_maxphi_raw;};
-    const MeanAndRMS& deta() {return m_deta;};
-    const MeanAndRMS& dphi() {return m_dphi;};
-    float mindeta() {return m_mindeta;};
-    float mindphi() {return m_mindphi;};
-    const MeanAndRMS& dx() {return m_deta;};
-    const MeanAndRMS& dy() {return m_dphi;};
-    float mindx() {return m_mindeta;};
-    float mindy() {return m_mindphi;};
-    const MeanAndRMS& eta_correction() {return m_eta_correction;};
-    const MeanAndRMS& phi_correction() {return m_phi_correction;};
-    const MeanAndRMS& x_correction() {return m_eta_correction;};
-    const MeanAndRMS& y_correction() {return m_phi_correction;};
-    int cell_grid_eta() const {return m_cell_grid_eta;};
-    int cell_grid_phi() const {return m_cell_grid_phi;};
-    void set_xy_grid_adjustment_factor(float factor) {m_xy_grid_adjustment_factor=factor;};
-    virtual const CaloGeoDetDescrElement* getDDE(float eta,float phi,float* distance=0,int* steps=0);
-  protected:
-    float neta_double() {return (maxeta_raw()-mineta_raw())/deta().mean();};
-    float nphi_double() {return (maxphi_raw()-minphi_raw())/dphi().mean();};
-    Int_t neta() {return TMath::Nint( neta_double() );};
-    Int_t nphi() {return TMath::Nint( nphi_double() );};
-    //FCal is not sufficiently regular to use submaps with regular mapping
-    float nx_double() {return (maxx_raw()-minx_raw())/mindx();};
-    float ny_double() {return (maxy_raw()-miny_raw())/mindy();};
-    Int_t nx() {return TMath::Nint(TMath::Ceil( nx_double() ));};
-    Int_t ny() {return TMath::Nint(TMath::Ceil( ny_double() ));};
-    float m_xy_grid_adjustment_factor;
-    int raw_eta_position_to_index(float eta_raw) const {return TMath::Floor((eta_raw-mineta_raw())/m_deta_double);};
-    int raw_phi_position_to_index(float phi_raw) const {return TMath::Floor((phi_raw-minphi_raw())/m_dphi_double);};
-    bool index_range_adjust(int& ieta,int& iphi);
-    float calculate_distance_eta_phi(const CaloGeoDetDescrElement* DDE,float eta,float phi,float& dist_eta0,float& dist_phi0);
-    int m_index;
-    t_cellmap m_cells;
-    std::vector< std::vector< const CaloGeoDetDescrElement* > > m_cell_grid;
-    int m_cell_grid_eta,m_cell_grid_phi;
-    float m_mineta,m_maxeta,m_minphi,m_maxphi;
-    float m_mineta_raw,m_maxeta_raw,m_minphi_raw,m_maxphi_raw;
-    float m_mineta_correction,m_maxeta_correction,m_minphi_correction,m_maxphi_correction;
-    MeanAndRMS m_deta,m_dphi,m_eta_correction,m_phi_correction;
-    float m_mindeta,m_mindphi;
-    float m_deta_double,m_dphi_double;
-class CaloGeoGeometry //: virtual public ICaloGeometry {
-  public :
-    static const int MAX_SAMPLING;
-    static Identifier m_debug_identify;
-    static bool m_debug;
-    CaloGeoGeometry();
-    virtual ~CaloGeoGeometry();
-    virtual bool PostProcessGeometry();
-    virtual void Validate();
-    virtual const CaloGeoDetDescrElement* getDDE(Identifier identify);
-    virtual const CaloGeoDetDescrElement* getDDE(int sampling, Identifier identify);
-    virtual const CaloGeoDetDescrElement* getDDE(int sampling,float eta,float phi,float* distance=0,int* steps=0);
-    virtual const CaloGeoDetDescrElement* getFCalDDE(int sampling,float eta,float phi,float z);
-    double deta(int sample,double eta) const;
-    void   minmaxeta(int sample,double eta,double& mineta,double& maxeta) const;
-    double rzmid(int sample,double eta) const;
-    double rzent(int sample,double eta) const;
-    double rzext(int sample,double eta) const;
-    double rmid(int sample,double eta) const;
-    double rent(int sample,double eta) const;
-    double rext(int sample,double eta) const;
-    double zmid(int sample,double eta) const;
-    double zent(int sample,double eta) const;
-    double zext(int sample,double eta) const;
-    double rpos(int sample,double eta,int subpos = CaloSubPos::SUBPOS_MID) const;
-    double zpos(int sample,double eta,int subpos = CaloSubPos::SUBPOS_MID) const;
-    double rzpos(int sample,double eta,int subpos = CaloSubPos::SUBPOS_MID) const;
-    bool   isCaloBarrel(int sample) const {return m_isCaloBarrel[sample];};
-    static std::string SamplingName(int sample);
-    TGraphErrors* GetGraph(unsigned int sample) const {return m_graph_layers[sample];};
-    void SetDoGraphs(bool dographs=true) {m_dographs=dographs;};
-    bool DoGraphs() const {return m_dographs;};
-    TCanvas* DrawGeoForPhi0();
-    FCAL_ChannelMap* GetFCAL_ChannelMap(){return &m_FCal_ChannelMap;}
-  protected:
-    virtual void addcell(const CaloGeoDetDescrElement* cell);
-    virtual void post_process(int layer);
-    virtual void PrintMapInfo(int i, int j);
-    virtual void InitRZmaps();
-    t_cellmap m_cells;
-    std::vector< t_cellmap > m_cells_in_sampling;
-    std::vector< t_eta_cellmap > m_cells_in_sampling_for_phi0;
-    std::vector< std::vector< CaloGeoGeometryLookup* > > m_cells_in_regions;
-    std::vector< bool > m_isCaloBarrel;
-    std::vector< double > m_min_eta_sample[2]; //[side][calosample]
-    std::vector< double > m_max_eta_sample[2]; //[side][calosample]
-    std::vector< FSmap< double , double > > m_rmid_map[2]; //[side][calosample]
-    std::vector< FSmap< double , double > > m_zmid_map[2]; //[side][calosample]
-    std::vector< FSmap< double , double > > m_rent_map[2]; //[side][calosample]
-    std::vector< FSmap< double , double > > m_zent_map[2]; //[side][calosample]
-    std::vector< FSmap< double , double > > m_rext_map[2]; //[side][calosample]
-    std::vector< FSmap< double , double > > m_zext_map[2]; //[side][calosample]
-    bool m_dographs;
-    std::vector< TGraphErrors* > m_graph_layers;
-		FCAL_ChannelMap m_FCal_ChannelMap;
-    /*
-       double  m_min_eta_sample[2][MAX_SAMPLING]; //[side][calosample]
-       double  m_max_eta_sample[2][MAX_SAMPLING]; //[side][calosample]
-       FSmap< double , double > m_rmid_map[2][MAX_SAMPLING]; //[side][calosample]
-       FSmap< double , double > m_zmid_map[2][MAX_SAMPLING]; //[side][calosample]
-       FSmap< double , double > m_rent_map[2][MAX_SAMPLING]; //[side][calosample]
-       FSmap< double , double > m_zent_map[2][MAX_SAMPLING]; //[side][calosample]
-       FSmap< double , double > m_rext_map[2][MAX_SAMPLING]; //[side][calosample]
-       FSmap< double , double > m_zext_map[2][MAX_SAMPLING]; //[side][calosample]
-       */
diff --git a/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/CaloGeometry.h b/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/CaloGeometry.h
index 3ba69de1560d..b0adf9aae342 100644
--- a/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/CaloGeometry.h
+++ b/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/CaloGeometry.h
@@ -12,104 +12,15 @@
 #include <iostream>
 #include "ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/ICaloGeometry.h"
+#include "ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/CaloGeometryLookup.h"
 #include "ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/MeanAndRMS.h"
 #include "ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/FSmap.h"
-#include "ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/FCAL_ChannelMap.h"
+#include "LArReadoutGeometry/FCAL_ChannelMap.h"
 class CaloDetDescrElement;
 class TCanvas;
 class TGraphErrors;
-typedef std::map< Identifier , const CaloDetDescrElement* > t_cellmap;
-typedef std::map< double , const CaloDetDescrElement* > t_eta_cellmap;
-class CaloGeometryLookup {
-  public:
-    CaloGeometryLookup(int ind=0);
-    virtual ~CaloGeometryLookup();
-    bool IsCompatible(const CaloDetDescrElement* cell);
-    void add(const CaloDetDescrElement* cell);
-    t_cellmap::size_type size() const {return m_cells.size();};
-    int index() const {return m_index;};
-    void set_index(int ind) {m_index=ind;};
-    void post_process();
-    bool has_overlap(CaloGeometryLookup* ref);
-    void merge_into_ref(CaloGeometryLookup* ref);
-    //void CalculateTransformation();
-    float mineta() const {return m_mineta;};
-    float maxeta() const {return m_maxeta;};
-    float minphi() const {return m_minphi;};
-    float maxphi() const {return m_maxphi;};
-    float mineta_raw() const {return m_mineta_raw;};
-    float maxeta_raw() const {return m_maxeta_raw;};
-    float minphi_raw() const {return m_minphi_raw;};
-    float maxphi_raw() const {return m_maxphi_raw;};
-    float minx() const {return m_mineta;};
-    float maxx() const {return m_maxeta;};
-    float miny() const {return m_minphi;};
-    float maxy() const {return m_maxphi;};
-    float minx_raw() const {return m_mineta_raw;};
-    float maxx_raw() const {return m_maxeta_raw;};
-    float miny_raw() const {return m_minphi_raw;};
-    float maxy_raw() const {return m_maxphi_raw;};
-    const MeanAndRMS& deta() {return m_deta;};
-    const MeanAndRMS& dphi() {return m_dphi;};
-    float mindeta() {return m_mindeta;};
-    float mindphi() {return m_mindphi;};
-    const MeanAndRMS& dx() {return m_deta;};
-    const MeanAndRMS& dy() {return m_dphi;};
-    float mindx() {return m_mindeta;};
-    float mindy() {return m_mindphi;};
-    const MeanAndRMS& eta_correction() {return m_eta_correction;};
-    const MeanAndRMS& phi_correction() {return m_phi_correction;};
-    const MeanAndRMS& x_correction() {return m_eta_correction;};
-    const MeanAndRMS& y_correction() {return m_phi_correction;};
-    int cell_grid_eta() const {return m_cell_grid_eta;};
-    int cell_grid_phi() const {return m_cell_grid_phi;};
-    void set_xy_grid_adjustment_factor(float factor) {m_xy_grid_adjustment_factor=factor;};
-    virtual const CaloDetDescrElement* getDDE(float eta,float phi,float* distance=0,int* steps=0);
-  protected:
-    float neta_double() {return (maxeta_raw()-mineta_raw())/deta().mean();};
-    float nphi_double() {return (maxphi_raw()-minphi_raw())/dphi().mean();};
-    Int_t neta() {return TMath::Nint( neta_double() );};
-    Int_t nphi() {return TMath::Nint( nphi_double() );};
-    //FCal is not sufficiently regular to use submaps with regular mapping
-    float nx_double() {return (maxx_raw()-minx_raw())/mindx();};
-    float ny_double() {return (maxy_raw()-miny_raw())/mindy();};
-    Int_t nx() {return TMath::Nint(TMath::Ceil( nx_double() ));};
-    Int_t ny() {return TMath::Nint(TMath::Ceil( ny_double() ));};
-    float m_xy_grid_adjustment_factor;
-    int raw_eta_position_to_index(float eta_raw) const {return TMath::Floor((eta_raw-mineta_raw())/m_deta_double);};
-    int raw_phi_position_to_index(float phi_raw) const {return TMath::Floor((phi_raw-minphi_raw())/m_dphi_double);};
-    bool index_range_adjust(int& ieta,int& iphi);
-    float calculate_distance_eta_phi(const CaloDetDescrElement* DDE,float eta,float phi,float& dist_eta0,float& dist_phi0);
-    int m_index;
-    t_cellmap m_cells;
-    std::vector< std::vector< const CaloDetDescrElement* > > m_cell_grid;
-    int m_cell_grid_eta,m_cell_grid_phi;
-    float m_mineta,m_maxeta,m_minphi,m_maxphi;
-    float m_mineta_raw,m_maxeta_raw,m_minphi_raw,m_maxphi_raw;
-    float m_mineta_correction,m_maxeta_correction,m_minphi_correction,m_maxphi_correction;
-    MeanAndRMS m_deta,m_dphi,m_eta_correction,m_phi_correction;
-    float m_mindeta,m_mindphi;
-    float m_deta_double,m_dphi_double;
 class CaloGeometry : virtual public ICaloGeometry {
   public :
     static const int MAX_SAMPLING;
@@ -153,6 +64,7 @@ class CaloGeometry : virtual public ICaloGeometry {
     TCanvas* DrawGeoForPhi0();
     FCAL_ChannelMap* GetFCAL_ChannelMap(){return &m_FCal_ChannelMap;}
+    virtual void LoadFCalGeometryFromFiles(TString filename1,TString filename2,TString filename3); // Initialize m_FCal_ChannelMap
     virtual void addcell(const CaloDetDescrElement* cell);
@@ -180,7 +92,8 @@ class CaloGeometry : virtual public ICaloGeometry {
     bool m_dographs;
     std::vector< TGraphErrors* > m_graph_layers;
-		FCAL_ChannelMap m_FCal_ChannelMap;
+    FCAL_ChannelMap m_FCal_ChannelMap; // for hit-to-cell assignment in FCal
        double  m_min_eta_sample[2][MAX_SAMPLING]; //[side][calosample]
        double  m_max_eta_sample[2][MAX_SAMPLING]; //[side][calosample]
diff --git a/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/CaloGeometryFromFile.h b/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/CaloGeometryFromFile.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 5238fa4d78db..000000000000
--- a/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/CaloGeometryFromFile.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-#ifndef CaloGeometryFromFile_h
-#define CaloGeometryFromFile_h
-#include "ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/CaloGeoGeometry.h"
-class CaloGeometryFromFile:public CaloGeoGeometry {
-public :
-   CaloGeometryFromFile();
-   virtual ~CaloGeometryFromFile();
-   virtual bool LoadGeometryFromFile(TString filename,TString treename);
-   virtual bool LoadFCalGeometryFromFiles(TString filename1,TString filename2,TString filename3);
-   void DrawFCalGraph(int isam,int color);
diff --git a/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/FCAL_ChannelMap.h b/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/FCAL_ChannelMap.h
deleted file mode 100755
index 3a7cb07efbbf..000000000000
--- a/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/FCAL_ChannelMap.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,286 +0,0 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-// ***************************************************************************
-// Liquid Argon FCAL detector description package
-// -----------------------------------------
-// 10-Sep-2000 S.Simion   Handling of the FCAL read-out identifiers
-//    Jan-2001 R.Sobie    Modify for persistency
-//    Feb-2002 R.Sobie    Use same FCAL geometry files as simulation 
-// ***************************************************************************
-//<<<<<< INCLUDES                                                       >>>>>>
-#include <math.h>
-#include <vector>
-#include <functional>
-#include <map>
-#include <string>
-#include <stdexcept>
-/** This class contains the tube and tile maps for the FCAL <br>
- * A tile is of a set of FCAL tubes
-  */
-class FCAL_ChannelMap
-    //
-    //	 Typedefs:
-    //	
-    typedef unsigned int                          tileName_t;
-    typedef unsigned int                          tubeID_t;
-    //------------ TubePosition:  X,Y Position of an FCAL Tube---- //
-    //                                                             //
-    class TubePosition {                                           //
-    public:                                                        //
-      TubePosition();                                              //
-      TubePosition(tileName_t name, float x, float y, std::string hvFT);//
-      tileName_t  get_tileName() const;                            //
-      float       x() const;                                       //
-      float       y() const;                                       //
-      std::string getHVft() const;                                 //Gabe
-    private:                                                       //
-      tileName_t  m_tileName;                                      //
-      float       m_x;                                             //
-      float       m_y;                                             //
-      std::string m_hvFT;                                          // Gabe
-    };                                                             //
-    //-------------------------------------------------------------//
-    /**  Constructors: */
-    FCAL_ChannelMap( int itemp);
-    typedef std::map<tubeID_t,  TubePosition >  tubeMap_t;
-    typedef tubeMap_t::size_type       		tubemap_sizetype;
-    typedef tubeMap_t::value_type 	        tubemap_valuetype;
-    typedef tubeMap_t::const_iterator	      	tubemap_const_iterator;
-    /** tubeMap access functions */
-    tubemap_const_iterator       tubemap_begin        (int isam) const;
-    tubemap_const_iterator       tubemap_end          (int isam) const;
-    tubemap_sizetype             tubemap_size         (int isam) const;
-    // Get the tube by copy number:
-    tubemap_const_iterator getTubeByCopyNumber ( int isam, int copyNo) const;
-    /**  ---- For the new LArFCAL_ID Identifier 
-     */ 
-    bool getTileID(int isam, 
-		   float x, 
-		   float y, 
-		   int& eta, 
-		   int& phi) const throw (std::range_error);
-    /** For reconstruction, decoding of tile identifiers */
-    float x(int isam, 
-	    int eta, 
-	    int phi) const throw(std::range_error) ;
-    float y(int isam, 
-	    int eta, 
-	    int phi) const throw(std::range_error) ;
-    void tileSize(int sam, int eta, int phi, 
-		  float& dx, float& dy) const throw(std::range_error) ;
-    void tileSize(int isam, int ntubes, float& dx, float& dy) const;
-    /** print functions */
-    void print_tubemap  (int isam) const;
-    /** set and get for the inversion flags
-    */ 
-    bool invert_x() const; 
-    bool invert_xy() const ; 
-    void set_invert_x(bool ); 
-    void set_invert_xy(bool ); 
-    // Fill this.  The information comes from the database.
-    void add_tube (const std::string & tileName, int mod, int id, int i, int j, double xCm, double yCm);//original
-    void add_tube (const std::string & tileName, int mod, int id, int i, int j, double xCm, double yCm, std::string hvFT);//29-03-07 include HV 
-    // Finish the job. Create the tile map.
-    void finish();
-    class TilePosition {
-    public:
-	TilePosition();
-	TilePosition(float x, float y, int ntubes);
-	float         x() const;
-	float         y() const;
-	unsigned int  ntubes() const;
-    private:
-	float        m_x;
-	float        m_y;
-	unsigned int m_ntubes;
-    };
-    /** TileMap */
-    typedef std::map<tileName_t, TilePosition >   tileMap_t;
-    typedef tileMap_t::size_type       		  tileMap_sizetype;
-    typedef tileMap_t::value_type              	  tileMap_valuetype;
-    typedef tileMap_t::const_iterator		  tileMap_const_iterator;
-    // Methods to iterate over the tile map:
-    tileMap_const_iterator begin(int isam) const {return m_tileMap[isam-1].begin();}
-    tileMap_const_iterator end(int isam)   const {return m_tileMap[isam-1].end(); };
-    /** Geometrical parameters here, in CLHEP::cm please to be compatible with G3 */
-    static const double m_tubeSpacing[];
-    double 		m_tubeDx[3];
-    double 		m_tubeDy[3];
-    double 		m_tileDx[3];
-    double 		m_tileDy[3];
-    mutable bool	m_invert_x;   // Some geometry need x inverted
-    mutable bool	m_invert_xy;  // Some geometry need xy crossed 
-    tileMap_t   	                        m_tileMap[3];
-    void                                        create_tileMap( int isam );
-  /** TubeMap */ 
-  tubeMap_t                                 	m_tubeMap[3];
-  std::vector<tubemap_const_iterator>           m_tubeIndex[3];
-// Tube Position functions
-    :
-  m_tileName(0),
-  m_x(0),
-  m_y(0),
-  m_hvFT("")
-FCAL_ChannelMap::TubePosition::TubePosition(tileName_t name, float x, float y, std::string hvFT)
-    :
-    m_tileName(name),
-    m_x(x),
-    m_y(y),
-    m_hvFT(hvFT)
-inline FCAL_ChannelMap::tileName_t
-FCAL_ChannelMap::TubePosition::get_tileName() const
-    return m_tileName;
-inline float
-FCAL_ChannelMap::TubePosition::x() const
-    return m_x;
-inline float
-FCAL_ChannelMap::TubePosition::y() const
-    return m_y;
-inline std::string
-FCAL_ChannelMap::TubePosition::getHVft() const
-  return m_hvFT;
-// Tile Position functions
-    :
-    m_x(0),
-    m_y(0),
-    m_ntubes(0)
-FCAL_ChannelMap::TilePosition::TilePosition(float x, float y, int ntubes)
-    :
-    m_x(x),
-    m_y(y),
-    m_ntubes(ntubes)
-inline float
-FCAL_ChannelMap::TilePosition::x() const
-    return m_x;
-inline float
-FCAL_ChannelMap::TilePosition::y() const
-    return m_y;
-inline unsigned int
-FCAL_ChannelMap::TilePosition::ntubes() const
-    return m_ntubes;
-bool FCAL_ChannelMap::invert_x() const {
-return m_invert_x;
-bool FCAL_ChannelMap::invert_xy() const {
-return m_invert_xy;
-void FCAL_ChannelMap::set_invert_x(bool flag ){
-m_invert_x = flag; 
-return ;
-void FCAL_ChannelMap::set_invert_xy(bool flag ){
-m_invert_xy = flag; 
-return ;
-//#include "CLIDSvc/CLASS_DEF.h"
-//CLASS_DEF(FCAL_ChannelMap, 74242524, 1)
diff --git a/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/ICaloGeometry.h b/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/ICaloGeometry.h
index 7ac58a1d9e6b..d302c71e1de7 100644
--- a/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/ICaloGeometry.h
+++ b/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/ICaloGeometry.h
@@ -8,7 +8,6 @@
 #include "Identifier/Identifier.h"
 #include "ISF_FastCaloSimEvent/FastCaloSim_CaloCell_ID.h"
 #include "CaloDetDescr/CaloDetDescrElement.h"
-#include "ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/CaloGeoDetDescrElement.h"
 class CaloDetDescrElement;
 class ICaloGeometry {
diff --git a/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/ISF_HitAnalysis.h b/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/ISF_HitAnalysis.h
index 924341e2462b..e4c345953e7d 100755
--- a/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/ISF_HitAnalysis.h
+++ b/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/ISF_HitAnalysis.h
@@ -160,6 +160,23 @@ class ISF_HitAnalysis : public AthAlgorithm {
    double m_ptruth_p;
    int m_pdgid;
+   /*
+   std::vector<std::vector<float> >* m_TTC_entrance_eta;
+   std::vector<std::vector<float> >* m_TTC_entrance_phi;
+   std::vector<std::vector<float> >* m_TTC_entrance_r;
+   std::vector<std::vector<float> >* m_TTC_entrance_z;
+   std::vector<std::vector<float> >* m_TTC_back_eta;
+   std::vector<std::vector<float> >* m_TTC_back_phi;
+   std::vector<std::vector<float> >* m_TTC_back_r;
+   std::vector<std::vector<float> >* m_TTC_back_z;
+   std::vector<float>* m_TTC_IDCaloBoundary_eta;
+   std::vector<float>* m_TTC_IDCaloBoundary_phi;
+   std::vector<float>* m_TTC_IDCaloBoundary_r;
+   std::vector<float>* m_TTC_IDCaloBoundary_z;
+   std::vector<float>* m_TTC_Angle3D;
+   std::vector<float>* m_TTC_AngleEta;
+   */
    std::vector<std::vector<float> >* m_newTTC_entrance_eta;
    std::vector<std::vector<float> >* m_newTTC_entrance_phi;
    std::vector<std::vector<float> >* m_newTTC_entrance_r;
diff --git a/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/python/ b/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/python/
index e69e3b183b57..76281ea3bedc 100644
--- a/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/python/
+++ b/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/python/
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 # Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
 Tools configurations for ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization
diff --git a/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/share/ b/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/share/
index 3491c5354028..55cef205defc 100644
--- a/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/share/
+++ b/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/share/
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
 from AthenaCommon.CfgGetter import getPublicTool
diff --git a/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/share/ b/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/share/
index 64d3c37f2e08..81eef137a23c 100644
--- a/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/share/
+++ b/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/share/
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import ServiceMgr
+ServiceMgr.MessageSvc.OutputLevel= VERBOSE
+#rel 19 is configuring this via a tool!!
@@ -8,14 +9,13 @@ ServiceMgr.TileInfoLoader.NPhElecC=0
 print ServiceMgr.TileInfoLoader
 print topSequence.TileDigitsMaker
 print ToolSvc.TileHitVecToCntTool
-#ServiceMgr.MessageSvc.OutputLevel= VERBOSE
diff --git a/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/share/ b/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/share/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..3965eb8bb970
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/share/
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+from G4AtlasApps.SimFlags import simFlags
diff --git a/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/src/CaloGeoGeometry.cxx b/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/src/CaloGeoGeometry.cxx
deleted file mode 100644
index 92d40e7dc165..000000000000
--- a/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/src/CaloGeoGeometry.cxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1220 +0,0 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-#include "ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/CaloGeoGeometry.h"
-#include <TTree.h>
-#include <TVector2.h>
-#include <TRandom.h>
-#include <TCanvas.h>
-#include <TH2D.h>
-#include <TGraphErrors.h>
-#include <TVector3.h>
-#include <TLegend.h>
-//#include "CaloDetDescr/CaloGeoDetDescrElement.h"
-#include "ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/CaloGeoDetDescrElement.h"
-#include "CaloGeoHelpers/CaloSampling.h"
-#include "ISF_FastCaloSimEvent/FastCaloSim_CaloCell_ID.h"
-//#include "TMVA/Tools.h"
-//#include "TMVA/Factory.h"
-using namespace std;
-const int CaloGeoGeometry::MAX_SAMPLING = CaloCell_ID_FCS::MaxSample; //number of calorimeter layers/samplings
-Identifier CaloGeoGeometry::m_debug_identify;
-bool CaloGeoGeometry::m_debug=false;
-CaloGeoGeometryLookup::CaloGeoGeometryLookup(int ind):m_xy_grid_adjustment_factor(0.75),m_index(ind)
-  m_mineta=+10000;
-  m_maxeta=-10000;
-  m_minphi=+10000;
-  m_maxphi=-10000;
-  m_mineta_raw=+10000;
-  m_maxeta_raw=-10000;
-  m_minphi_raw=+10000;
-  m_maxphi_raw=-10000;
-  m_mindeta=10000;
-  m_mindphi=10000;
-  m_mineta_correction=+10000;
-  m_maxeta_correction=-10000;
-  m_minphi_correction=+10000;
-  m_maxphi_correction=-10000;
-  m_cell_grid_eta=0.;
-  m_cell_grid_phi=0.;
-  m_deta_double  =0.;
-  m_dphi_double  =0.;
-bool CaloGeoGeometryLookup::has_overlap(CaloGeoGeometryLookup* ref)
-  if(m_cells.size()==0) return false;
-  for(t_cellmap::iterator ic=m_cells.begin();ic!=m_cells.end();++ic) {
-    const CaloGeoDetDescrElement* cell=ic->second;
-    if(ref->IsCompatible(cell)) return true;
-  }
-  return false;
-void CaloGeoGeometryLookup::merge_into_ref(CaloGeoGeometryLookup* ref)
-  for(t_cellmap::iterator ic=m_cells.begin();ic!=m_cells.end();++ic) {
-    const CaloGeoDetDescrElement* cell=ic->second;
-    ref->add(cell);
-  }
-bool CaloGeoGeometryLookup::IsCompatible(const CaloGeoDetDescrElement* cell)
-  if(m_cells.size()==0) return true;
-  t_cellmap::iterator ic=m_cells.begin();
-  const CaloGeoDetDescrElement* refcell=ic->second;
-  int sampling=refcell->getSampling();
-  if(cell->getSampling()!=sampling) return false;
-  if(cell->eta_raw()*refcell->eta_raw()<0) return false;
-  if(sampling<21) { // keep only cells reasonable close in eta to each other
-    if(TMath::Abs(cell->deta()-refcell->deta())>0.001) return false;
-    if(TMath::Abs(cell->dphi()-refcell->dphi())>0.001) return false;
-    if( cell->eta()<mineta()-2.1*cell->deta() ) return false;  
-    if( cell->eta()>maxeta()+2.1*cell->deta() ) return false;  
-    double delta_eta=(cell->eta_raw()-refcell->eta_raw())/cell->deta();
-    double delta_phi=(cell->phi_raw()-refcell->phi_raw())/cell->dphi();
-    if(TMath::Abs(delta_eta-TMath::Nint(delta_eta)) > 0.01) return false;
-    if(TMath::Abs(delta_phi-TMath::Nint(delta_phi)) > 0.01) return false;
-    //cout<<"Compatible: s="<<cell->getSampling()<<"~"<<refcell->getSampling()<<"; ";
-    //cout<<"eta="<<cell->eta_raw()<<","<<refcell->eta_raw()<<"; ";
-    //cout<<"phi="<<cell->phi_raw()<<","<<refcell->phi_raw()<<"; ";
-    //cout<<"deta="<<cell->deta()<<"~"<<refcell->deta()<<"; ";
-    //cout<<"dphi="<<cell->dphi()<<"~"<<refcell->dphi()<<";";
-    //cout<<"mineta="<<mineta()<<", maxeta="<<maxeta()<<"; ";
-    //cout<<endl;
-  } else {
-    //FCal is not sufficiently regular to use submaps with regular mapping
-    return true;
-    //if(TMath::Abs(cell->dx()-refcell->dx())>0.001) return false;
-    //if(TMath::Abs(cell->dy()-refcell->dy())>0.001) return false;
-    //if( cell->x()<minx()-20*cell->dx() ) return false;
-    //if( cell->x()>maxx()+20*cell->dx() ) return false;
-    //if( cell->y()<miny()-20*cell->dy() ) return false;
-    //if( cell->y()>maxy()+20*cell->dy() ) return false;
-    //double delta_x=(cell->x_raw()-refcell->x_raw())/cell->dx();
-    //double delta_y=(cell->y_raw()-refcell->y_raw())/cell->dy();
-    //if(TMath::Abs(delta_x-TMath::Nint(delta_x)) > 0.01) return false;
-    //if(TMath::Abs(delta_y-TMath::Nint(delta_y)) > 0.01) return false;
-  }  
-  return true;  
-void CaloGeoGeometryLookup::add(const CaloGeoDetDescrElement* cell)
-  if(cell->getSampling()<21) {
-    m_deta.add(cell->deta());
-    m_dphi.add(cell->dphi());
-    m_mindeta=TMath::Min(cell->deta(),m_mindeta);
-    m_mindphi=TMath::Min(cell->dphi(),m_mindphi);
-    m_eta_correction.add(cell->eta_raw()-cell->eta());
-    m_phi_correction.add(cell->phi_raw()-cell->phi());
-    m_mineta_correction=TMath::Min(cell->eta_raw()-cell->eta() , m_mineta_correction);
-    m_maxeta_correction=TMath::Max(cell->eta_raw()-cell->eta() , m_maxeta_correction);
-    m_minphi_correction=TMath::Min(cell->phi_raw()-cell->phi() , m_minphi_correction);
-    m_maxphi_correction=TMath::Max(cell->phi_raw()-cell->phi() , m_maxphi_correction);
-    m_mineta=TMath::Min(cell->eta()-cell->deta()/2,m_mineta);
-    m_maxeta=TMath::Max(cell->eta()+cell->deta()/2,m_maxeta);
-    m_minphi=TMath::Min(cell->phi()-cell->dphi()/2,m_minphi);
-    m_maxphi=TMath::Max(cell->phi()+cell->dphi()/2,m_maxphi);
-    m_mineta_raw=TMath::Min(cell->eta_raw()-cell->deta()/2,m_mineta_raw);
-    m_maxeta_raw=TMath::Max(cell->eta_raw()+cell->deta()/2,m_maxeta_raw);
-    m_minphi_raw=TMath::Min(cell->phi_raw()-cell->dphi()/2,m_minphi_raw);
-    m_maxphi_raw=TMath::Max(cell->phi_raw()+cell->dphi()/2,m_maxphi_raw);
-  } else {
-    m_deta.add(cell->dx());
-    m_dphi.add(cell->dy());
-    m_mindeta=TMath::Min(cell->dx(),m_mindeta);
-    m_mindphi=TMath::Min(cell->dy(),m_mindphi);
-    m_eta_correction.add(cell->x_raw()-cell->x());
-    m_phi_correction.add(cell->y_raw()-cell->y());
-    m_mineta_correction=TMath::Min(cell->x_raw()-cell->x() , m_mineta_correction);
-    m_maxeta_correction=TMath::Max(cell->x_raw()-cell->x() , m_maxeta_correction);
-    m_minphi_correction=TMath::Min(cell->y_raw()-cell->y() , m_minphi_correction);
-    m_maxphi_correction=TMath::Max(cell->y_raw()-cell->y() , m_maxphi_correction);
-    m_mineta=TMath::Min(cell->x()-cell->dx()/2,m_mineta);
-    m_maxeta=TMath::Max(cell->x()+cell->dx()/2,m_maxeta);
-    m_minphi=TMath::Min(cell->y()-cell->dy()/2,m_minphi);
-    m_maxphi=TMath::Max(cell->y()+cell->dy()/2,m_maxphi);
-    m_mineta_raw=TMath::Min(cell->x_raw()-cell->dx()/2,m_mineta_raw);
-    m_maxeta_raw=TMath::Max(cell->x_raw()+cell->dx()/2,m_maxeta_raw);
-    m_minphi_raw=TMath::Min(cell->y_raw()-cell->dy()/2,m_minphi_raw);
-    m_maxphi_raw=TMath::Max(cell->y_raw()+cell->dy()/2,m_maxphi_raw);
-  }  
-  m_cells[cell->identify()]=cell;
-bool CaloGeoGeometryLookup::index_range_adjust(int& ieta,int& iphi)
-  while(iphi<0) {iphi+=m_cell_grid_phi;};
-  while(iphi>=m_cell_grid_phi) {iphi-=m_cell_grid_phi;};
-  if(ieta<0) {
-    ieta=0;
-    return false;
-  }
-  if(ieta>=m_cell_grid_eta) {
-    ieta=m_cell_grid_eta-1;
-    return false;
-  }
-  return true;
-void CaloGeoGeometryLookup::post_process()
-  if(size()==0) return;
-  t_cellmap::iterator ic=m_cells.begin();
-  const CaloGeoDetDescrElement* refcell=ic->second;
-  int sampling=refcell->getSampling();
-  if(sampling<21) {
-    double rneta=neta_double()-neta();
-    double rnphi=nphi_double()-nphi();
-    if(TMath::Abs(rneta)>0.05 || TMath::Abs(rnphi)>0.05) {
-      cout<<"ERROR: can't map cells into a regular grid for sampling "<<sampling<<", map index "<<index()<<endl;
-      return;
-    }
-    m_cell_grid_eta=neta();
-    m_cell_grid_phi=nphi();
-    m_deta_double=deta();
-    m_dphi_double=dphi();
-  } else {
-    //double rnx=nx_double()-nx();
-    //double rny=ny_double()-ny();
-    //if(TMath::Abs(rnx)>0.05 || TMath::Abs(rny)>0.05) {
-    //  cout<<"Grid: Sampling "<<sampling<<"_"<<index()<<": mapping cells into a regular grid, although cells don't fit well"<<endl;
-    //}
-    m_cell_grid_eta=TMath::Nint(TMath::Ceil(nx_double()/m_xy_grid_adjustment_factor));
-    m_cell_grid_phi=TMath::Nint(TMath::Ceil(ny_double()/m_xy_grid_adjustment_factor));
-    m_deta_double=mindx()*m_xy_grid_adjustment_factor;
-    m_dphi_double=mindy()*m_xy_grid_adjustment_factor;
-  }
-  m_cell_grid.resize(m_cell_grid_eta); 
-  for(int ieta=0;ieta<m_cell_grid_eta;++ieta) {
-    m_cell_grid[ieta].resize(m_cell_grid_phi,0); 
-  }  
-  for(ic=m_cells.begin();ic!=m_cells.end();++ic) {
-    refcell=ic->second;
-    int ieta,iphi;
-    if(sampling<21) {
-      ieta=raw_eta_position_to_index(refcell->eta_raw());
-      iphi=raw_phi_position_to_index(refcell->phi_raw());
-    } else {
-      ieta=raw_eta_position_to_index(refcell->x_raw());
-      iphi=raw_phi_position_to_index(refcell->y_raw());
-    }
-    if(index_range_adjust(ieta,iphi)) {
-      if(m_cell_grid[ieta][iphi]) {
-        cout<<"Grid: Sampling "<<sampling<<"_"<<index()<<": Already cell found at pos ("<<ieta<<","<<iphi<<"): id="
-            <<m_cell_grid[ieta][iphi]->identify()<<"->"<<refcell->identify()<<endl;
-        cout<<"    x="<<m_cells[m_cell_grid[ieta][iphi]->identify()]->x_raw()<<" -> "<<refcell->x_raw();
-        cout<<" , y="<<m_cells[m_cell_grid[ieta][iphi]->identify()]->y_raw()<<" -> "<<refcell->y_raw();
-        cout<<" mindx="<<m_deta_double<<" mindy="<<m_dphi_double<<endl;
-        cout<<endl;
-      }      
-      m_cell_grid[ieta][iphi]=refcell;
-    } else {
-      cout<<"Grid: Sampling "<<sampling<<"_"<<index()<<": Cell at pos ("<<ieta<<","<<iphi<<"): id="
-          <<refcell->identify()<<" outside eta range"<<endl;
-    }
-  }
-  int ncells=0;
-  int nempty=0;
-  for(int ieta=0;ieta<m_cell_grid_eta;++ieta) {
-    for(int iphi=0;iphi<m_cell_grid_phi;++iphi) {
-      if(!m_cell_grid[ieta][iphi]) {
-        ++nempty;
-        //cout<<"Sampling "<<sampling<<"_"<<index()<<": No cell at pos ("<<ieta<<","<<iphi<<")"<<endl;
-      } else {
-        ++ncells;
-      }
-    }
-  }  
-  //  cout<<"Grid: Sampling "<<sampling<<"_"<<index()<<": "<<ncells<<"/"<<size()<<" cells filled, "<<nempty<<" empty grid positions deta="<<m_deta_double<<" dphi="<<m_dphi_double<<endl;
-float CaloGeoGeometryLookup::calculate_distance_eta_phi(const CaloGeoDetDescrElement* DDE,float eta,float phi,float& dist_eta0,float& dist_phi0)
-  dist_eta0=(eta - DDE->eta())/m_deta_double;
-  dist_phi0=(TVector2::Phi_mpi_pi(phi - DDE->phi()))/m_dphi_double;
-  float abs_dist_eta0=TMath::Abs(dist_eta0);
-  float abs_dist_phi0=TMath::Abs(dist_phi0);
-  return TMath::Max(abs_dist_eta0,abs_dist_phi0)-0.5;
-const CaloGeoDetDescrElement* CaloGeoGeometryLookup::getDDE(float eta,float phi,float* distance,int* steps) 
-  float dist;
-  const CaloGeoDetDescrElement* bestDDE=0;
-  if(!distance) distance=&dist;
-  *distance=+10000000;
-  int intsteps=0;
-  if(!steps) steps=&intsteps;
-  float best_eta_corr=m_eta_correction;
-  float best_phi_corr=m_phi_correction;
-  float raw_eta=eta+best_eta_corr;
-  float raw_phi=phi+best_phi_corr;
-  int ieta=raw_eta_position_to_index(raw_eta);
-  int iphi=raw_phi_position_to_index(raw_phi);
-  index_range_adjust(ieta,iphi);
-  const CaloGeoDetDescrElement* newDDE=m_cell_grid[ieta][iphi];
-  float bestdist=+10000000;
-  ++(*steps);
-  int nsearch=0;
-  while(newDDE && nsearch<3) {
-    float dist_eta0,dist_phi0;
-    *distance=calculate_distance_eta_phi(newDDE,eta,phi,dist_eta0,dist_phi0);
-    bestDDE=newDDE;
-    bestdist=*distance;
-    if(CaloGeoGeometry::m_debug || CaloGeoGeometry::m_debug_identify==newDDE->identify()) {
-      cout<<"CaloGeoGeometryLookup::getDDE, search iteration "<<nsearch<<endl;
-      cout<<"cell id="<<newDDE->identify()<<" steps "<<*steps<<" steps, eta="<<eta<<" phi="<<phi<<" dist="<<*distance<<" cell_grid_eta="<<cell_grid_eta()<<" cell_grid_phi="<<cell_grid_phi()<<" m_deta_double="<<m_deta_double<<" m_dphi_double="<<m_dphi_double<<" 1st_eta_corr="<<best_eta_corr<<" 1st_phi_corr="<<best_phi_corr<<endl;
-      cout<<"  input sampling="<<newDDE->getSampling()<<" eta="<<newDDE->eta()<<" eta_raw="<<newDDE->eta_raw()<<" deta="<<newDDE->deta()<<" ("<<(newDDE->eta_raw()-newDDE->eta())/newDDE->deta()<<") phi="<<newDDE->phi()<<" phi_raw="<<newDDE->phi_raw()<<" dphi="<<newDDE->dphi()<<" ("<<(newDDE->phi_raw()-newDDE->phi())/newDDE->dphi()<<")"<<endl;
-      cout<<"  ieta="<<ieta<<" iphi="<<iphi<<endl;
-      cout<<"  dist_eta0="<<dist_eta0<<" ,dist_phi0="<<dist_phi0<<endl;
-    }
-    if(*distance<0) return newDDE;
-    //correct ieta and iphi by the observed difference to the hit cell
-    ieta+=TMath::Nint(dist_eta0);
-    iphi+=TMath::Nint(dist_phi0);
-    index_range_adjust(ieta,iphi);
-    const CaloGeoDetDescrElement* oldDDE=newDDE;
-    newDDE=m_cell_grid[ieta][iphi];
-    ++(*steps);
-    ++nsearch;
-    if(oldDDE==newDDE) break;
-  } 
-  if(CaloGeoGeometry::m_debug && !newDDE) {
-    cout<<"CaloGeoGeometryLookup::getDDE, direct search ieta="<<ieta<<" iphi="<<iphi<<" is empty"<<endl;
-  }
-  float minieta=ieta+TMath::Nint(TMath::Floor(m_mineta_correction/cell_grid_eta()));
-  float maxieta=ieta+TMath::Nint(TMath::Ceil(m_maxeta_correction/cell_grid_eta()));
-  float miniphi=iphi+TMath::Nint(TMath::Floor(m_minphi_correction/cell_grid_phi()));
-  float maxiphi=iphi+TMath::Nint(TMath::Ceil(m_maxphi_correction/cell_grid_phi()));
-  if(minieta<0) minieta=0;
-  if(maxieta>=m_cell_grid_eta) maxieta=m_cell_grid_eta-1;
-  for(int iieta=minieta;iieta<=maxieta;++iieta) {
-    for(int iiphi=miniphi;iiphi<=maxiphi;++iiphi) {
-      ieta=iieta;
-      iphi=iiphi;
-      index_range_adjust(ieta,iphi);
-      newDDE=m_cell_grid[ieta][iphi];
-      ++(*steps);
-      if(newDDE) {
-        float dist_eta0,dist_phi0;
-        *distance=calculate_distance_eta_phi(newDDE,eta,phi,dist_eta0,dist_phi0);
-        if(CaloGeoGeometry::m_debug || CaloGeoGeometry::m_debug_identify==newDDE->identify()) {
-          cout<<"CaloGeoGeometryLookup::getDDE, windows search! minieta="<<m_mineta_correction/cell_grid_eta()<<" maxieta="<<m_maxeta_correction/cell_grid_eta()<<" miniphi="<<m_minphi_correction/cell_grid_phi()<<" maxiphi="<<m_maxphi_correction/cell_grid_phi()<<endl;
-          cout<<"cell id="<<newDDE->identify()<<" steps "<<*steps<<" steps, eta="<<eta<<" phi="<<phi<<" dist="<<*distance<<endl;
-          cout<<"  input sampling="<<newDDE->getSampling()<<" eta="<<newDDE->eta()<<" eta_raw="<<newDDE->eta_raw()<<" deta="<<newDDE->deta()<<" ("<<(newDDE->eta_raw()-newDDE->eta())/newDDE->deta()<<") phi="<<newDDE->phi()<<" phi_raw="<<newDDE->phi_raw()<<" dphi="<<newDDE->dphi()<<" ("<<(newDDE->phi_raw()-newDDE->phi())/newDDE->dphi()<<")"<<endl;
-          cout<<"  ieta="<<ieta<<" iphi="<<iphi<<endl;
-          cout<<"  dist_eta0="<<dist_eta0<<" ,dist_phi0="<<dist_phi0<<endl;
-        }
-        if(*distance<0) return newDDE;
-        if(*distance<bestdist) {
-          bestDDE=newDDE;
-          bestdist=*distance;
-        }
-      } else if(CaloGeoGeometry::m_debug) {
-        cout<<"CaloGeoGeometryLookup::getDDE, windows search ieta="<<ieta<<" iphi="<<iphi<<" is empty"<<endl;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  *distance=bestdist;
-  return bestDDE;
-void CaloGeometryLookup::CalculateTransformation()
-  gROOT->cd();
-  TTree* tmap = new TTree( "mapping" , "mapping" );
-  float eta,phi,Deta_raw,Dphi_raw;
-  tmap->Branch("eta", &eta,"eta/F");
-  tmap->Branch("phi", &phi,"phi/F");
-  tmap->Branch("Deta_raw", &Deta_raw,"Deta_raw/F");
-  tmap->Branch("Dphi_raw", &Dphi_raw,"Dphi_raw/F");
-  if(m_cells.size()==0) return;
-  int sampling=0;
-  for(t_cellmap::iterator ic=m_cells.begin();ic!=m_cells.end();++ic) {
-    CaloGeoDetDescrElement* refcell=ic->second;
-    sampling=refcell->getSampling();
-    if(sampling<21) {
-      eta=refcell->eta();
-      phi=refcell->phi();
-      Deta_raw=refcell->eta_raw()-eta;
-      Dphi_raw=refcell->phi_raw()-phi;
-    } else {
-      eta=refcell->x();
-      phi=refcell->y();
-      Deta_raw=refcell->x_raw()-eta;
-      Dphi_raw=refcell->y_raw()-phi;
-    }  
-    tmap->Fill();
-    tmap->Fill(); //Fill twice to have all events and training and test tree
-  }
-  tmap->Print();
-  TString outfileName( Form("Mapping%d_%d.root",sampling,m_index) );
-  TFile* outputFile = new TFile( outfileName, "RECREATE" );
-  //TFile* outputFile = new TMemFile( outfileName, "RECREATE" );
-  TMVA::Factory *factory = new TMVA::Factory( Form("Mapping%d_%d.root",sampling,m_index) , outputFile, "!V:!Silent:Color:DrawProgressBar" );
-  factory->AddVariable( "eta", "calo eta", "1", 'F' );
-  factory->AddVariable( "phi", "calo phi", "1", 'F' );
-  factory->AddTarget( "Deta_raw" ); 
-  factory->AddTarget( "Dphi_raw" ); 
-  factory->AddRegressionTree( tmap );
-  //factory->PrepareTrainingAndTestTree( "" , Form("nTrain_Regression=%d:nTest_Regression=%d:SplitMode=Random:NormMode=NumEvents:!V",(int)m_cells.size(),(int)m_cells.size()) );
-  factory->PrepareTrainingAndTestTree( "" , "nTrain_Regression=0:nTest_Regression=0:SplitMode=Alternate:NormMode=NumEvents:!V" );
-  factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kMLP, "MLP", "!H:!V:VarTransform=Norm:NeuronType=tanh:NCycles=20000:HiddenLayers=N+5:TestRate=6:TrainingMethod=BFGS:Sampling=0.3:SamplingEpoch=0.8:ConvergenceImprove=1e-6:ConvergenceTests=15:!UseRegulator" );
-  cout<<"=== Start trainging ==="<<endl;
-  // Train MVAs using the set of training events
-  factory->TrainAllMethods();
-  cout<<"=== Start testing ==="<<endl;
-  // ---- Evaluate all MVAs using the set of test events
-  factory->TestAllMethods();
-  cout<<"=== Start evaluation ==="<<endl;
-  // ----- Evaluate and compare performance of all configured MVAs
-  factory->EvaluateAllMethods();    
-  outputFile->Close();
-  delete factory;
-  delete tmap;
-CaloGeoGeometry::CaloGeoGeometry() : m_cells_in_sampling(MAX_SAMPLING),m_cells_in_sampling_for_phi0(MAX_SAMPLING),m_cells_in_regions(MAX_SAMPLING),m_isCaloBarrel(MAX_SAMPLING),m_dographs(false),m_FCal_ChannelMap(0)
-  //TMVA::Tools::Instance();
-  for(int i=0;i<2;++i) {
-    m_min_eta_sample[i].resize(MAX_SAMPLING); //[side][calosample]
-    m_max_eta_sample[i].resize(MAX_SAMPLING); //[side][calosample]
-    m_rmid_map[i].resize(MAX_SAMPLING); //[side][calosample]
-    m_zmid_map[i].resize(MAX_SAMPLING); //[side][calosample]
-    m_rent_map[i].resize(MAX_SAMPLING); //[side][calosample]
-    m_zent_map[i].resize(MAX_SAMPLING); //[side][calosample]
-    m_rext_map[i].resize(MAX_SAMPLING); //[side][calosample]
-    m_zext_map[i].resize(MAX_SAMPLING); //[side][calosample]
-  }
-  m_graph_layers.resize(MAX_SAMPLING);
-  for(int i=CaloCell_ID_FCS::FirstSample;i<CaloCell_ID_FCS::MaxSample;++i) {
-    m_graph_layers[i]=0;
-    CaloSampling::CaloSample s=static_cast<CaloSampling::CaloSample>(i);
-    m_isCaloBarrel[i]=(CaloSampling::barrelPattern() & CaloSampling::getSamplingPattern(s))!=0;
-  }
-  m_isCaloBarrel[CaloCell_ID_FCS::TileGap3]=false; 
-void CaloGeoGeometry::addcell(const CaloGeoDetDescrElement* cell) 
-  int sampling=cell->getSampling();
-  Identifier identify=cell->identify();
-  //m_cells[identify]=cell;
-  //m_cells_in_sampling[sampling][identify]=cell;
-  m_cells[identify]= new CaloGeoDetDescrElement(*cell);
-  m_cells_in_sampling[sampling][identify]= new CaloGeoDetDescrElement(*cell);
-  CaloGeoGeometryLookup* lookup=0;
-  for(unsigned int i=0;i<m_cells_in_regions[sampling].size();++i) {
-    if(m_cells_in_regions[sampling][i]->IsCompatible(cell)) {
-      lookup=m_cells_in_regions[sampling][i];
-      //cout<<sampling<<":  found compatible map"<<endl;
-      break;
-    }
-  }
-  if(!lookup) {
-    lookup=new CaloGeoGeometryLookup(m_cells_in_regions[sampling].size());
-    m_cells_in_regions[sampling].push_back(lookup);
-  }
-  lookup->add(cell);
-void CaloGeoGeometry::PrintMapInfo(int i, int j) 
-  cout<<"  map "<<j<<": "<<m_cells_in_regions[i][j]->size()<<" cells";
-  if(i<21) {
-    cout<<", "<<m_cells_in_regions[i][j]->cell_grid_eta()<<"*"<<m_cells_in_regions[i][j]->cell_grid_phi();
-    cout<<", deta="<<m_cells_in_regions[i][j]->deta().mean()<<"+-"<<m_cells_in_regions[i][j]->deta().rms();
-    cout<<", dphi="<<m_cells_in_regions[i][j]->dphi().mean()<<"+-"<<m_cells_in_regions[i][j]->dphi().rms();
-    cout<<", mineta="<<m_cells_in_regions[i][j]->mineta()<<", maxeta="<<m_cells_in_regions[i][j]->maxeta();
-    cout<<", minphi="<<m_cells_in_regions[i][j]->minphi()<<", maxphi="<<m_cells_in_regions[i][j]->maxphi();
-    cout<<endl<<"         ";  
-    cout<<", mineta_raw="<<m_cells_in_regions[i][j]->mineta_raw()<<", maxeta_raw="<<m_cells_in_regions[i][j]->maxeta_raw();
-    cout<<", minphi_raw="<<m_cells_in_regions[i][j]->minphi_raw()<<", maxphi_raw="<<m_cells_in_regions[i][j]->maxphi_raw();
-    cout<<endl;
-  } else {
-    cout<<", "<<m_cells_in_regions[i][j]->cell_grid_eta()<<"*"<<m_cells_in_regions[i][j]->cell_grid_phi();
-    cout<<", dx="<<m_cells_in_regions[i][j]->dx().mean()<<"+-"<<m_cells_in_regions[i][j]->dx().rms();
-    cout<<", dy="<<m_cells_in_regions[i][j]->dy().mean()<<"+-"<<m_cells_in_regions[i][j]->dy().rms();
-    cout<<", mindx="<<m_cells_in_regions[i][j]->mindx();
-    cout<<", mindy="<<m_cells_in_regions[i][j]->mindy();
-    cout<<", minx="<<m_cells_in_regions[i][j]->minx()<<", maxx="<<m_cells_in_regions[i][j]->maxx();
-    cout<<", miny="<<m_cells_in_regions[i][j]->miny()<<", maxy="<<m_cells_in_regions[i][j]->maxy();
-    cout<<endl<<"         ";  
-    cout<<", minx_raw="<<m_cells_in_regions[i][j]->minx_raw()<<", maxx_raw="<<m_cells_in_regions[i][j]->maxx_raw();
-    cout<<", miny_raw="<<m_cells_in_regions[i][j]->miny_raw()<<", maxy_raw="<<m_cells_in_regions[i][j]->maxy_raw();
-    cout<<endl;
-  }
-void CaloGeoGeometry::post_process(int sampling)
-  //cout<<"post processing sampling "<<sampling<<endl;
-  bool found_overlap=false;
-  for(unsigned int j=0;j<m_cells_in_regions[sampling].size();++j) {
-    /*
-    cout<<"Sample "<<sampling<<": checking map "<<j<<"/"<<m_cells_in_regions[sampling].size();
-    for(unsigned int k=0;k<m_cells_in_regions[sampling].size();++k) {
-      cout<<", "<<k<<":"<<m_cells_in_regions[sampling][k]->size();
-    }
-    cout<<endl;
-    */
-    for(unsigned int i=j+1;i<m_cells_in_regions[sampling].size();++i) {
-      if(m_cells_in_regions[sampling][i]->has_overlap(m_cells_in_regions[sampling][j])) {
-        if(!found_overlap) {
-          cout<<"Sample "<<sampling<<", starting maps : "<<m_cells_in_regions[sampling].size();
-          for(unsigned int k=0;k<m_cells_in_regions[sampling].size();++k) {
-            cout<<", "<<k<<":"<<m_cells_in_regions[sampling][k]->size();
-          }
-          cout<<endl;
-        }
-        found_overlap=true;
-        /*
-        cout<<"Sample "<<sampling<<": Found overlap between map "<<j<<" and "<<i<<", "
-            <<m_cells_in_regions[sampling].size()<<" total maps"<<endl;
-        cout<<"  current configuration map "<<j<<"/"<<m_cells_in_regions[sampling].size();
-        for(unsigned int k=0;k<m_cells_in_regions[sampling].size();++k) {
-          cout<<", "<<k<<":"<<m_cells_in_regions[sampling][k]->size();
-        }
-        cout<<endl;
-        PrintMapInfo(sampling,j);
-        PrintMapInfo(sampling,i);
-        */
-        CaloGeoGeometryLookup* toremove=m_cells_in_regions[sampling][i];
-        toremove->merge_into_ref(m_cells_in_regions[sampling][j]);
-        /*
-        cout<<"  New ";
-        PrintMapInfo(sampling,j);
-        */
-        for(unsigned int k=i;k<m_cells_in_regions[sampling].size()-1;++k) {
-          m_cells_in_regions[sampling][k]=m_cells_in_regions[sampling][k+1];
-          m_cells_in_regions[sampling][k]->set_index(k);
-        }
-        m_cells_in_regions[sampling].resize(m_cells_in_regions[sampling].size()-1);
-        /*
-        cout<<"  new configuration map "<<j<<"/"<<m_cells_in_regions[sampling].size();
-        for(unsigned int k=0;k<m_cells_in_regions[sampling].size();++k) {
-          cout<<", "<<k<<":"<<m_cells_in_regions[sampling][k]->size();
-        }
-        cout<<endl;
-        */
-        --i;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  if(found_overlap) {
-    cout<<"Sample "<<sampling<<", final maps : "<<m_cells_in_regions[sampling].size();
-    for(unsigned int k=0;k<m_cells_in_regions[sampling].size();++k) {
-      cout<<", "<<k<<":"<<m_cells_in_regions[sampling][k]->size();
-    }
-    cout<<endl;
-  }
-  if(found_overlap) {
-    cout<<"Run another round of ";
-    post_process(sampling);
-  }  
-void CaloGeoGeometry::InitRZmaps()
-  std::cout<<"CHECKME InitRZmaps"<<std::endl;
-  int nok=0;
-  FSmap< double , double > rz_map_eta [2][MAX_SAMPLING];
-  FSmap< double , double > rz_map_rmid[2][MAX_SAMPLING];
-  FSmap< double , double > rz_map_zmid[2][MAX_SAMPLING];
-  FSmap< double , double > rz_map_rent[2][MAX_SAMPLING];
-  FSmap< double , double > rz_map_zent[2][MAX_SAMPLING];
-  FSmap< double , double > rz_map_rext[2][MAX_SAMPLING];
-  FSmap< double , double > rz_map_zext[2][MAX_SAMPLING];
-  FSmap< double , int    > rz_map_n   [2][MAX_SAMPLING];
-  for(int side=0;side<=1;++side) for(int sample=0;sample<MAX_SAMPLING;++sample)
-  {
-    m_min_eta_sample[side][sample]=+1000;
-    m_max_eta_sample[side][sample]=-1000;
-  }  
-  for(t_cellmap::iterator calo_iter=m_cells.begin();calo_iter!=m_cells.end();++calo_iter)
-  {
-    const CaloGeoDetDescrElement* theDDE=(*calo_iter).second;
-    if(theDDE)
-    {
-      ++nok;
-      int sample=theDDE->getSampling();
-      int side=0;
-      int sign_side=-1;
-      double eta_raw=theDDE->eta_raw();
-      if(eta_raw>0) {
-        side=1;
-        sign_side=+1;
-      }
-      if(!m_cells_in_sampling_for_phi0[sample][eta_raw]) {
-        m_cells_in_sampling_for_phi0[sample][eta_raw]=theDDE;
-      } else {
-        if(TMath::Abs(theDDE->phi()) < TMath::Abs(m_cells_in_sampling_for_phi0[sample][eta_raw]->phi())) {
-          m_cells_in_sampling_for_phi0[sample][eta_raw]=theDDE;
-        }
-      }  
-      double min_eta=theDDE->eta()-theDDE->deta()/2;
-      double max_eta=theDDE->eta()+theDDE->deta()/2;
-      if(min_eta<m_min_eta_sample[side][sample]) m_min_eta_sample[side][sample]=min_eta;
-      if(max_eta>m_max_eta_sample[side][sample]) m_max_eta_sample[side][sample]=max_eta;
-      if(rz_map_eta[side][sample].find(eta_raw)==rz_map_eta[side][sample].end()) {
-        rz_map_eta [side][sample][eta_raw]=0;
-        rz_map_rmid[side][sample][eta_raw]=0;
-        rz_map_zmid[side][sample][eta_raw]=0;
-        rz_map_rent[side][sample][eta_raw]=0;
-        rz_map_zent[side][sample][eta_raw]=0;
-        rz_map_rext[side][sample][eta_raw]=0;
-        rz_map_zext[side][sample][eta_raw]=0;
-        rz_map_n   [side][sample][eta_raw]=0;
-      }
-      rz_map_eta [side][sample][eta_raw]+=theDDE->eta();
-      rz_map_rmid[side][sample][eta_raw]+=theDDE->r();
-      rz_map_zmid[side][sample][eta_raw]+=theDDE->z();
-      double drh=theDDE->dr()/2;
-      double dzh=theDDE->dz();
-      if(sample>=CaloSampling::PreSamplerB && sample<=CaloSampling::EMB3) {
-        drh=theDDE->dr();
-      }
-      rz_map_rent[side][sample][eta_raw]+=theDDE->r()-drh;
-      rz_map_zent[side][sample][eta_raw]+=theDDE->z()-dzh*sign_side;
-      rz_map_rext[side][sample][eta_raw]+=theDDE->r()+drh;
-      rz_map_zext[side][sample][eta_raw]+=theDDE->z()+dzh*sign_side;
-      rz_map_n   [side][sample][eta_raw]++;
-    }
-  }
-  for(int side=0;side<=1;++side)
-  {
-   for(int sample=0;sample<MAX_SAMPLING;++sample)
-   {
-    if(rz_map_n[side][sample].size()>0)
-    {
-      for(FSmap< double , int >::iterator iter=rz_map_n[side][sample].begin();iter!=rz_map_n[side][sample].end();++iter)
-      {
-        double eta_raw=iter->first;
-        if(iter->second<1)
-        {
-          //ATH_MSG_WARNING("rz-map for side="<<side<<" sample="<<sample<<" eta_raw="<<eta_raw<<" : #cells="<<iter->second<<" !!!");
-        }
-        else
-        {
-          double eta =rz_map_eta[side][sample][eta_raw]/iter->second;
-          double rmid=rz_map_rmid[side][sample][eta_raw]/iter->second;
-          double zmid=rz_map_zmid[side][sample][eta_raw]/iter->second;
-          double rent=rz_map_rent[side][sample][eta_raw]/iter->second;
-          double zent=rz_map_zent[side][sample][eta_raw]/iter->second;
-          double rext=rz_map_rext[side][sample][eta_raw]/iter->second;
-          double zext=rz_map_zext[side][sample][eta_raw]/iter->second;
-          m_rmid_map[side][sample][eta]=rmid;
-          m_zmid_map[side][sample][eta]=zmid;
-          m_rent_map[side][sample][eta]=rent;
-          m_zent_map[side][sample][eta]=zent;
-          m_rext_map[side][sample][eta]=rext;
-          m_zext_map[side][sample][eta]=zext;
-        }
-      }
-      //ATH_MSG_DEBUG("rz-map for side="<<side<<" sample="<<sample<<" #etas="<<m_rmid_map[side][sample].size());
-     }
-    else
-    {
-     std::cout<<"rz-map for side="<<side<<" sample="<<sample<<" is empty!!!"<<std::endl;
-    }
-   } //sample
-  } //side
-  if(DoGraphs()) {
-    int calocol[24]={1,2,3,4, // LAr barrel
-                     1,2,3,4, // LAr EM endcap
-                     1,2,3,4, // Hadronic end cap cal.
-                     1,2,3,   // Tile barrel
-                     6,28,42, // Tile gap (ITC & scint)
-                     1,2,3,   // Tile extended barrel
-                     1,2,3    // Forward EM endcap
-                    }; 
-    for(int sample=0;sample<MAX_SAMPLING;++sample) {
-      m_graph_layers[sample]=new TGraphErrors(rz_map_n[0][sample].size()+rz_map_n[1][sample].size());
-      m_graph_layers[sample]->SetMarkerColor(calocol[sample]);
-      m_graph_layers[sample]->SetLineColor(calocol[sample]);
-      int np=0;
-      for(int side=0;side<=1;++side) {
-        for(FSmap< double , int >::iterator iter=rz_map_n[side][sample].begin();iter!=rz_map_n[side][sample].end();++iter) {
-          double eta_raw=iter->first;
-          int sign_side=-1;
-          if(eta_raw>0) sign_side=+1;
-          //double eta =rz_map_eta[side][sample][eta_raw]/iter->second;
-          double rmid=rz_map_rmid[side][sample][eta_raw]/iter->second;
-          double zmid=rz_map_zmid[side][sample][eta_raw]/iter->second;
-          //double rent=rz_map_rent[side][sample][eta_raw]/iter->second;
-          //double zent=rz_map_zent[side][sample][eta_raw]/iter->second;
-          double rext=rz_map_rext[side][sample][eta_raw]/iter->second;
-          double zext=rz_map_zext[side][sample][eta_raw]/iter->second;
-          m_graph_layers[sample]->SetPoint(np,zmid,rmid);
-          /*
-          if(isCaloBarrel(sample)) {
-            m_graph_layers[sample]->SetPointError(np,0,rext-rmid);
-          } else {
-            m_graph_layers[sample]->SetPointError(np,(zext-zent)*sign_side,0);
-          }
-          */
-          m_graph_layers[sample]->SetPointError(np,(zext-zmid)*sign_side,rext-rmid);
-          ++np;
-        }
-      }  
-    }
-  }
-TCanvas* CaloGeoGeometry::DrawGeoForPhi0()
-  TCanvas* c=new TCanvas("CaloGeoForPhi0","Calo geometry for #phi~0");
-  TH2D* hcalolayout=new TH2D("hcalolayoutPhi0","Reconstruction geometry: calorimeter layout;z [mm];r [mm]",50,-7000,7000,50,0,4000);
-  hcalolayout->Draw();
-  hcalolayout->SetStats(0);
-  hcalolayout->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.4);
-  int calocol[MAX_SAMPLING]={1,2,3,4, // LAr barrel
-                   1,2,3,4, // LAr EM endcap
-                   1,2,3,4, // Hadronic end cap cal.
-                   1,2,3,   // Tile barrel
-                   -42,-28,-6, // Tile gap (ITC & scint)
-                   1,2,3,   // Tile extended barrel
-                   1,2,3    // Forward EM endcap
-                  }; 
-  TLegend* leg=new TLegend(0.30,0.13,0.70,0.37);
-  leg->SetFillStyle(0);
-  leg->SetFillColor(10);
-  leg->SetBorderSize(1);
-  leg->SetNColumns(2);
-  for(int sample=0;sample<MAX_SAMPLING;++sample) {
-//  for(int sample=21;sample<22;++sample) {
-    cout<<"Start sample "<<sample<<" ("<<SamplingName(sample)<<")"<<endl;
-    int ngr=0;
-    for(t_eta_cellmap::iterator calo_iter=m_cells_in_sampling_for_phi0[sample].begin();calo_iter!=m_cells_in_sampling_for_phi0[sample].end();++calo_iter) {
-      const CaloGeoDetDescrElement* theDDE=(*calo_iter).second;
-      if(theDDE) {
-        TVector3 cv;
-        TGraph* gr=new TGraph(5);
-        gr->SetLineColor(TMath::Abs(calocol[sample]));
-        gr->SetFillColor(TMath::Abs(calocol[sample]));
-        if(calocol[sample]<0) {
-          gr->SetFillStyle(1001);
-        } else {
-          gr->SetFillStyle(0);
-        }
-        gr->SetLineWidth(2);
-        double r=theDDE->r();
-        double dr=theDDE->dr();
-        double x=theDDE->x();
-        double dx=theDDE->dx();
-        double y=theDDE->y();
-        double dy=theDDE->dy();
-        double z=theDDE->z();
-        double dz=theDDE->dz()*2;
-        double eta=theDDE->eta();
-        double deta=theDDE->deta();
-        if(CaloSampling::PreSamplerB<=sample && sample<=CaloSampling::EMB3) {
-         dr*=2;
-        }
-        if(isCaloBarrel(sample)) {
-          cv.SetPtEtaPhi(r-dr/2,eta-deta/2,0);
-          gr->SetPoint(0,cv.Z(),cv.Pt());
-          gr->SetPoint(4,cv.Z(),cv.Pt());
-          cv.SetPtEtaPhi(r-dr/2,eta+deta/2,0);
-          gr->SetPoint(1,cv.Z(),cv.Pt());
-          cv.SetPtEtaPhi(r+dr/2,eta+deta/2,0);
-          gr->SetPoint(2,cv.Z(),cv.Pt());
-          cv.SetPtEtaPhi(r+dr/2,eta-deta/2,0);
-          gr->SetPoint(3,cv.Z(),cv.Pt());
-        } else {
-          if(sample<CaloSampling::FCAL0) {
-            cv.SetPtEtaPhi(1,eta-deta/2,0);cv*=(z-dz/2)/cv.Z();
-            gr->SetPoint(0,cv.Z(),cv.Pt());
-            gr->SetPoint(4,cv.Z(),cv.Pt());
-            cv.SetPtEtaPhi(1,eta+deta/2,0);cv*=(z-dz/2)/cv.Z();
-            gr->SetPoint(1,cv.Z(),cv.Pt());
-            cv.SetPtEtaPhi(1,eta+deta/2,0);cv*=(z+dz/2)/cv.Z();
-            gr->SetPoint(2,cv.Z(),cv.Pt());
-            cv.SetPtEtaPhi(1,eta-deta/2,0);cv*=(z+dz/2)/cv.Z();
-            gr->SetPoint(3,cv.Z(),cv.Pt());
-          } else {
-            double minr=r;
-            double maxr=r;
-            for(double px=x-dx/2;px<=x+dx/2;px+=dx) {
-              for(double py=y-dy/2;py<=y+dy/2;py+=dy) {
-                double pr=TMath::Sqrt(px*px+py*py);
-                minr=TMath::Min(minr,pr);
-                maxr=TMath::Max(maxr,pr);
-              }
-            }
-            cv.SetXYZ(minr,0,z-dz/2);
-            gr->SetPoint(0,cv.Z(),cv.Pt());
-            gr->SetPoint(4,cv.Z(),cv.Pt());
-            cv.SetXYZ(maxr,0,z-dz/2);
-            gr->SetPoint(1,cv.Z(),cv.Pt());
-            cv.SetXYZ(maxr,0,z+dz/2);
-            gr->SetPoint(2,cv.Z(),cv.Pt());
-            cv.SetXYZ(minr,0,z+dz/2);
-            gr->SetPoint(3,cv.Z(),cv.Pt());
-          }  
-        }
-        //if(calocol[sample]>0) gr->Draw("Lsame");
-        // else gr->Draw("LFsame");
-        gr->Draw("LFsame");
-        if(ngr==0) {
-          std::string sname=Form("Sampling %2d : ",sample);
-          sname+=SamplingName(sample);
-          leg->AddEntry(gr,sname.c_str(),"LF");
-        }  
-        ++ngr;
-      }
-    }  
-    cout<<"Done sample "<<sample<<" ("<<SamplingName(sample)<<")="<<ngr<<endl;
-  }
-  leg->Draw();
-  return c;
-const CaloGeoDetDescrElement* CaloGeoGeometry::getDDE(Identifier identify) 
-  return m_cells[identify];
-const CaloGeoDetDescrElement* CaloGeoGeometry::getDDE(int sampling,Identifier identify) 
-  return m_cells_in_sampling[sampling][identify];
-const CaloGeoDetDescrElement* CaloGeoGeometry::getDDE(int sampling,float eta,float phi,float* distance,int* steps) 
-  if(sampling<0) return 0;
-  if(sampling>=MAX_SAMPLING) return 0;
-  if(m_cells_in_regions[sampling].size()==0) return 0;
-  float dist;
-  const CaloGeoDetDescrElement* bestDDE=0;
-  if(!distance) distance=&dist;
-  *distance=+10000000;
-  int intsteps;
-  int beststeps;
-  if(steps) beststeps=(*steps);
-   else beststeps=0;
-  if(sampling<21) {
-    for(int skip_range_check=0;skip_range_check<=1;++skip_range_check) {
-      for(unsigned int j=0;j<m_cells_in_regions[sampling].size();++j) {
-        if(!skip_range_check) {
-          if(eta<m_cells_in_regions[sampling][j]->mineta()) continue;
-          if(eta>m_cells_in_regions[sampling][j]->maxeta()) continue;
-        }  
-        if(steps) intsteps=(*steps);
-         else intsteps=0;
-        if(m_debug) {
-          cout<<"CaloGeoGeometry::getDDE : check map"<<j<<" skip_range_check="<<skip_range_check<<endl;
-        }
-        float newdist;
-        const CaloGeoDetDescrElement* newDDE=m_cells_in_regions[sampling][j]->getDDE(eta,phi,&newdist,&intsteps);
-        if(m_debug) {
-          cout<<"CaloGeoGeometry::getDDE : map"<<j<<" dist="<<newdist<<" best dist="<<*distance<<" steps="<<intsteps<<endl;
-        }
-        if(newdist<*distance) {
-          bestDDE=newDDE;
-          *distance=newdist;
-          if(steps) beststeps=intsteps;
-          if(newdist<-0.1) break; //stop, we are well within the hit cell
-        }
-      }
-      if(bestDDE) break;
-    }
-  } else {
-		return 0;
-    //for(int skip_range_check=0;skip_range_check<=1;++skip_range_check) {
-      //for(unsigned int j=0;j<m_cells_in_regions[sampling].size();++j) {
-        //if(!skip_range_check) {
-          //if(eta<m_cells_in_regions[sampling][j]->minx()) continue;
-          //if(eta>m_cells_in_regions[sampling][j]->maxx()) continue;
-          //if(phi<m_cells_in_regions[sampling][j]->miny()) continue;
-          //if(phi>m_cells_in_regions[sampling][j]->maxy()) continue;
-        //}  
-        //if(steps) intsteps=*steps;
-         //else intsteps=0;
-        //if(m_debug) {
-          //cout<<"CaloGeoGeometry::getDDE : check map"<<j<<" skip_range_check="<<skip_range_check<<endl;
-        //}
-        //float newdist;
-        //const CaloGeoDetDescrElement* newDDE=m_cells_in_regions[sampling][j]->getDDE(eta,phi,&newdist,&intsteps);
-        //if(m_debug) {
-          //cout<<"CaloGeoGeometry::getDDE : map"<<j<<" dist="<<newdist<<" best dist="<<*distance<<" steps="<<intsteps<<endl;
-        //}
-        //if(newdist<*distance) {
-          //bestDDE=newDDE;
-          //*distance=newdist;
-          //if(steps) beststeps=intsteps;
-          //if(newdist<-0.1) break; //stop, we are well within the hit cell
-        //}
-      //}
-      //if(bestDDE) break;
-    //}  
-  }
-  if(steps) *steps=beststeps;
-  return bestDDE;
-const CaloGeoDetDescrElement* CaloGeoGeometry::getFCalDDE(int sampling,float x,float y,float z){
-		int isam = sampling - 20;
-		int iphi,ieta;
-		Long64_t mask1[]{0x34,0x34,0x35};
-		Long64_t mask2[]{0x36,0x36,0x37};
-		m_FCal_ChannelMap.getTileID(isam, x, y, ieta, iphi);
-		//cout << ieta << ""
-		Long64_t id = (ieta << 5) + 2*iphi;
-		if(isam==2)id+= (8<<8);
-		if(z>0) id+=(mask2[isam-1] << 12);
-		else id+=(mask1[isam-1] << 12);
-		//if(z<0) cout << "CaloGeoGeometry::getFCalDDE: Identifier: " << (id << 44) << " " << m_cells[id << 44]->identify() << endl;
-		id = id << 44; 
-		Identifier identify((unsigned long long)id);
-		return m_cells[identify];
-		//return m_cells_in_sampling[sampling][id << 12];
-bool CaloGeoGeometry::PostProcessGeometry()
-  for(int i=0;i<MAX_SAMPLING;++i) {
-    post_process(i);
-    for(unsigned int j=0;j<m_cells_in_regions[i].size();++j) {
-      m_cells_in_regions[i][j]->post_process();
-    }
-    //if(i>=21) break;
-  }
-  InitRZmaps(); 
-  /*
-  cout<<"all : "<<m_cells.size()<<endl;
-  for(int sampling=0;sampling<MAX_SAMPLING;++sampling) {
-    cout<<"cells sampling "<<sampling<<" : "<<m_cells_in_sampling[sampling].size()<<" cells";
-    cout<<", "<<m_cells_in_regions[sampling].size()<<" lookup map(s)"<<endl;
-    for(unsigned int j=0;j<m_cells_in_regions[sampling].size();++j) {
-      PrintMapInfo(sampling,j);
-      //break;
-    }
-    //if(i>0) break;
-  } 
-  */ 
-  return true;
-void CaloGeoGeometry::Validate()
-  int ntest=0;
-  cout<<"start CaloGeoGeometry::Validate()"<<endl;
-  for(t_cellmap::iterator ic=m_cells.begin();ic!=m_cells.end();++ic) {
-    const CaloGeoDetDescrElement* cell=ic->second;
-    int sampling=cell->getSampling();
-    if(sampling>=21) continue;
-    if(m_debug_identify==cell->identify()) {
-      cout<<"CaloGeoGeometry::Validate(), cell "<<ntest<<" id="<<cell->identify()<<endl; 
-      m_debug=true;
-    }  
-    const int nrnd=100;
-    for(int irnd=0;irnd<nrnd;++irnd) {
-      int steps=0;
-      float eta=cell->eta()+1.5*(gRandom->Rndm()-0.5)*cell->deta();
-      float phi=cell->phi()+1.5*(gRandom->Rndm()-0.5)*cell->dphi();
-      float distance;
-      const CaloGeoDetDescrElement* foundcell=getDDE(sampling,eta,phi,&distance,&steps);
-      if(m_debug && foundcell) {
-        cout<<"CaloGeoGeometry::Validate(), irnd="<<irnd<<", foundcell id="<<foundcell->identify()<<", "<<steps<<" steps"<<endl; 
-      }  
-      if(cell==foundcell) {
-        if(steps>3 && distance<-0.01) { 
-          cout<<"cell id="<<cell->identify()<<", sampling="<<sampling<<" found in "<<steps<<" steps, dist="<<distance<<" eta="<<eta<<" phi="<<phi<<endl;
-          cout<<"  eta="<<cell->eta()<<" eta_raw="<<cell->eta_raw()<<" deta="<<cell->deta()<<" ("<<(cell->eta_raw()-cell->eta())/cell->deta()<<") phi="<<cell->phi()<<" phi_raw="<<cell->phi_raw()<<" dphi="<<cell->dphi()<<" ("<<(cell->phi_raw()-cell->phi())/cell->dphi()<<")"<<endl;
-          //if(steps>3 && distance>0.01) return;
-        }
-      } else {
-        if( TMath::Abs( (eta-cell->eta())/cell->deta() )<0.45 && TMath::Abs( (phi-cell->phi())/cell->dphi() )<0.45 ) {
-          cout<<"cell id="<<cell->identify()<<" not found! Found instead id=";
-          if (foundcell) cout << foundcell->identify();
-          cout <<" in "<<steps<<" steps, dist="<<distance<<" eta="<<eta<<" phi="<<phi<<endl;
-          cout<<"  input sampling="<<sampling<<" eta="<<cell->eta()<<" eta_raw="<<cell->eta_raw()<<" deta="<<cell->deta()<<" ("<<(cell->eta_raw()-cell->eta())/cell->deta()<<") phi="<<cell->phi()<<" phi_raw="<<cell->phi_raw()<<" dphi="<<cell->dphi()<<" ("<<(cell->phi_raw()-cell->phi())/cell->dphi()<<")"<<endl;
-          cout<<" output sampling="<<(foundcell?(foundcell->getSampling()):-1)<<" eta="<<(foundcell?(foundcell->eta()):0)<<" eta_raw="<<(foundcell?(foundcell->eta_raw()):0)<<" deta="<<(foundcell?(foundcell->deta()):0)<<" ("<<(foundcell?((foundcell->eta_raw()-foundcell->eta())/foundcell->deta()):0)<<") phi="<<(foundcell?(foundcell->phi()):0)<<" phi_raw="<<(foundcell?(foundcell->phi_raw()):0)<<" dphi="<<(foundcell?(foundcell->dphi()):0)<<" ("<<(foundcell?((foundcell->phi_raw()-foundcell->phi())/cell->dphi()):0)<<")"<<endl;
-          return;
-        }  
-        if(!foundcell) {
-          cout<<"nothing found close to cell id="<<cell->identify()<<" in "<<steps<<" steps, dist="<<distance<<" eta="<<eta<<" phi="<<phi<<endl;
-          cout<<"  input sampling="<<sampling<<" eta="<<cell->eta()<<" eta_raw="<<cell->eta_raw()<<" deta="<<cell->deta()<<" ("<<(cell->eta_raw()-cell->eta())/cell->deta()<<") phi="<<cell->phi()<<" phi_raw="<<cell->phi_raw()<<" dphi="<<cell->dphi()<<" ("<<(cell->phi_raw()-cell->phi())/cell->dphi()<<")"<<endl;
-          return;
-        }
-      }
-      //if(ntest>60000) break;
-    }  
-    m_debug=false;
-    if(ntest%25000==0) cout<<"Validate cell "<<ntest<<" with "<<nrnd<<" random hits"<<endl;
-    ++ntest;
-  }
-  cout<<"end CaloGeoGeometry::Validate()"<<endl;
-double CaloGeoGeometry::deta(int sample,double eta) const
-  int side=0;
-  if(eta>0) side=1;
-  double mineta=m_min_eta_sample[side][sample];
-  double maxeta=m_max_eta_sample[side][sample];
-  if(eta<mineta)
-  {
-    return fabs(eta-mineta);
-  }
-  else if(eta>maxeta)
-  {
-   return fabs(eta-maxeta);
-	}
-	else
-	{
-   double d1=fabs(eta-mineta);
-   double d2=fabs(eta-maxeta);
-   if(d1<d2) return -d1;
-   else return -d2;
-  }
-void CaloGeoGeometry::minmaxeta(int sample,double eta,double& mineta,double& maxeta) const 
-  int side=0;
-  if(eta>0) side=1;
-  mineta=m_min_eta_sample[side][sample];
-  maxeta=m_max_eta_sample[side][sample];
-double CaloGeoGeometry::rmid(int sample,double eta) const 
-  int side=0;
-  if(eta>0) side=1;
-  return m_rmid_map[side][sample].find_closest(eta)->second;
-double CaloGeoGeometry::zmid(int sample,double eta) const 
-  int side=0;
-  if(eta>0) side=1;
-  return m_zmid_map[side][sample].find_closest(eta)->second;
-double CaloGeoGeometry::rzmid(int sample,double eta) const
- int side=0;
- if(eta>0) side=1;
- if(isCaloBarrel(sample)) return m_rmid_map[side][sample].find_closest(eta)->second;
- else                     return m_zmid_map[side][sample].find_closest(eta)->second;
-double CaloGeoGeometry::rent(int sample,double eta) const 
-  int side=0;
-  if(eta>0) side=1;
-  return m_rent_map[side][sample].find_closest(eta)->second;
-double CaloGeoGeometry::zent(int sample,double eta) const 
-  int side=0;
-  if(eta>0) side=1;
-  return m_zent_map[side][sample].find_closest(eta)->second;
-double CaloGeoGeometry::rzent(int sample,double eta) const
-  int side=0;
-  if(eta>0) side=1;
-  if(isCaloBarrel(sample)) return m_rent_map[side][sample].find_closest(eta)->second;
-   else                    return m_zent_map[side][sample].find_closest(eta)->second;
-double CaloGeoGeometry::rext(int sample,double eta) const 
-  int side=0;
-  if(eta>0) side=1;
-  return m_rext_map[side][sample].find_closest(eta)->second;
-double CaloGeoGeometry::zext(int sample,double eta) const 
-  int side=0;
-  if(eta>0) side=1;
-  return m_zext_map[side][sample].find_closest(eta)->second;
-double CaloGeoGeometry::rzext(int sample,double eta) const
-  int side=0;
-  if(eta>0) side=1;
-  if(isCaloBarrel(sample)) return m_rext_map[side][sample].find_closest(eta)->second;
-   else                    return m_zext_map[side][sample].find_closest(eta)->second;
-double CaloGeoGeometry::rpos(int sample,double eta,int subpos) const
-  int side=0;
-  if(eta>0) side=1;
-  if(subpos==CaloSubPos::SUBPOS_ENT) return m_rent_map[side][sample].find_closest(eta)->second;
-  if(subpos==CaloSubPos::SUBPOS_EXT) return m_rext_map[side][sample].find_closest(eta)->second;
-  return m_rmid_map[side][sample].find_closest(eta)->second;
-double CaloGeoGeometry::zpos(int sample,double eta,int subpos) const
-  int side=0;
-  if(eta>0) side=1;
-  if(subpos==CaloSubPos::SUBPOS_ENT) return m_zent_map[side][sample].find_closest(eta)->second;
-  if(subpos==CaloSubPos::SUBPOS_EXT) return m_zext_map[side][sample].find_closest(eta)->second;
-  return m_zmid_map[side][sample].find_closest(eta)->second;
-double CaloGeoGeometry::rzpos(int sample,double eta,int subpos) const
-  int side=0;
-  if(eta>0) side=1;
-  if(isCaloBarrel(sample)) {
-    if(subpos==CaloSubPos::SUBPOS_ENT) return m_rent_map[side][sample].find_closest(eta)->second;
-    if(subpos==CaloSubPos::SUBPOS_EXT) return m_rext_map[side][sample].find_closest(eta)->second;
-    return m_rmid_map[side][sample].find_closest(eta)->second;
-  } else {
-    if(subpos==CaloSubPos::SUBPOS_ENT) return m_zent_map[side][sample].find_closest(eta)->second;
-    if(subpos==CaloSubPos::SUBPOS_EXT) return m_zext_map[side][sample].find_closest(eta)->second;
-    return m_zmid_map[side][sample].find_closest(eta)->second;
-  }  
-std::string CaloGeoGeometry::SamplingName(int sample)
-  return CaloSampling::getSamplingName(sample);
diff --git a/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/src/CaloGeometry.cxx b/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/src/CaloGeometry.cxx
index 6caff6fc20be..ca49c0552219 100644
--- a/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/src/CaloGeometry.cxx
+++ b/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/src/CaloGeometry.cxx
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
 #include <TGraphErrors.h>
 #include <TVector3.h>
 #include <TLegend.h>
+#include <fstream>
 #include "CaloDetDescr/CaloDetDescrElement.h"
 //#include "ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/CaloDetDescrElement.h"
@@ -26,420 +27,6 @@ const int CaloGeometry::MAX_SAMPLING = CaloCell_ID_FCS::MaxSample; //number of c
 Identifier CaloGeometry::m_debug_identify;
 bool CaloGeometry::m_debug=false;
-CaloGeometryLookup::CaloGeometryLookup(int ind):m_xy_grid_adjustment_factor(0.75),m_index(ind)
-  m_mineta=+10000;
-  m_maxeta=-10000;
-  m_minphi=+10000;
-  m_maxphi=-10000;
-  m_mineta_raw=+10000;
-  m_maxeta_raw=-10000;
-  m_minphi_raw=+10000;
-  m_maxphi_raw=-10000;
-  m_mindeta=10000;
-  m_mindphi=10000;
-  m_mineta_correction=+10000;
-  m_maxeta_correction=-10000;
-  m_minphi_correction=+10000;
-  m_maxphi_correction=-10000;
-  m_cell_grid_eta=0.;
-  m_cell_grid_phi=0.;
-  m_deta_double  =0.;
-  m_dphi_double  =0.;
-bool CaloGeometryLookup::has_overlap(CaloGeometryLookup* ref)
-  if(m_cells.size()==0) return false;
-  for(t_cellmap::iterator ic=m_cells.begin();ic!=m_cells.end();++ic) {
-    const CaloDetDescrElement* cell=ic->second;
-    if(ref->IsCompatible(cell)) return true;
-  }
-  return false;
-void CaloGeometryLookup::merge_into_ref(CaloGeometryLookup* ref)
-  for(t_cellmap::iterator ic=m_cells.begin();ic!=m_cells.end();++ic) {
-    const CaloDetDescrElement* cell=ic->second;
-    ref->add(cell);
-  }
-bool CaloGeometryLookup::IsCompatible(const CaloDetDescrElement* cell)
-  if(m_cells.size()==0) return true;
-  t_cellmap::iterator ic=m_cells.begin();
-  const CaloDetDescrElement* refcell=ic->second;
-  int sampling=refcell->getSampling();
-  if(cell->getSampling()!=sampling) return false;
-  if(cell->eta_raw()*refcell->eta_raw()<0) return false;
-  if(sampling<21) { // keep only cells reasonable close in eta to each other
-    if(TMath::Abs(cell->deta()-refcell->deta())>0.001) return false;
-    if(TMath::Abs(cell->dphi()-refcell->dphi())>0.001) return false;
-    if( cell->eta()<mineta()-2.1*cell->deta() ) return false;  
-    if( cell->eta()>maxeta()+2.1*cell->deta() ) return false;  
-    double delta_eta=(cell->eta_raw()-refcell->eta_raw())/cell->deta();
-    double delta_phi=(cell->phi_raw()-refcell->phi_raw())/cell->dphi();
-    if(TMath::Abs(delta_eta-TMath::Nint(delta_eta)) > 0.01) return false;
-    if(TMath::Abs(delta_phi-TMath::Nint(delta_phi)) > 0.01) return false;
-    /*
-    cout<<"Compatible: s="<<cell->getSampling()<<"~"<<refcell->getSampling()<<"; ";
-    cout<<"eta="<<cell->eta_raw()<<","<<refcell->eta_raw()<<"; ";
-    cout<<"phi="<<cell->phi_raw()<<","<<refcell->phi_raw()<<"; ";
-    cout<<"deta="<<cell->deta()<<"~"<<refcell->deta()<<"; ";
-    cout<<"dphi="<<cell->dphi()<<"~"<<refcell->dphi()<<";";
-    cout<<"mineta="<<mineta()<<", maxeta="<<maxeta()<<"; ";
-    cout<<endl;
-    */
-  } else {
-    //FCal is not sufficiently regular to use submaps with regular mapping
-    return true;
-    /*
-    if(TMath::Abs(cell->dx()-refcell->dx())>0.001) return false;
-    if(TMath::Abs(cell->dy()-refcell->dy())>0.001) return false;
-    if( cell->x()<minx()-20*cell->dx() ) return false;
-    if( cell->x()>maxx()+20*cell->dx() ) return false;
-    if( cell->y()<miny()-20*cell->dy() ) return false;
-    if( cell->y()>maxy()+20*cell->dy() ) return false;
-    double delta_x=(cell->x_raw()-refcell->x_raw())/cell->dx();
-    double delta_y=(cell->y_raw()-refcell->y_raw())/cell->dy();
-    if(TMath::Abs(delta_x-TMath::Nint(delta_x)) > 0.01) return false;
-    if(TMath::Abs(delta_y-TMath::Nint(delta_y)) > 0.01) return false;
-    */
-  }  
-  return true;  
-void CaloGeometryLookup::add(const CaloDetDescrElement* cell)
-  if(cell->getSampling()<21) {
-    m_deta.add(cell->deta());
-    m_dphi.add(cell->dphi());
-    m_mindeta=TMath::Min(cell->deta(),m_mindeta);
-    m_mindphi=TMath::Min(cell->dphi(),m_mindphi);
-    m_eta_correction.add(cell->eta_raw()-cell->eta());
-    m_phi_correction.add(cell->phi_raw()-cell->phi());
-    m_mineta_correction=TMath::Min(cell->eta_raw()-cell->eta() , m_mineta_correction);
-    m_maxeta_correction=TMath::Max(cell->eta_raw()-cell->eta() , m_maxeta_correction);
-    m_minphi_correction=TMath::Min(cell->phi_raw()-cell->phi() , m_minphi_correction);
-    m_maxphi_correction=TMath::Max(cell->phi_raw()-cell->phi() , m_maxphi_correction);
-    m_mineta=TMath::Min(cell->eta()-cell->deta()/2,m_mineta);
-    m_maxeta=TMath::Max(cell->eta()+cell->deta()/2,m_maxeta);
-    m_minphi=TMath::Min(cell->phi()-cell->dphi()/2,m_minphi);
-    m_maxphi=TMath::Max(cell->phi()+cell->dphi()/2,m_maxphi);
-    m_mineta_raw=TMath::Min(cell->eta_raw()-cell->deta()/2,m_mineta_raw);
-    m_maxeta_raw=TMath::Max(cell->eta_raw()+cell->deta()/2,m_maxeta_raw);
-    m_minphi_raw=TMath::Min(cell->phi_raw()-cell->dphi()/2,m_minphi_raw);
-    m_maxphi_raw=TMath::Max(cell->phi_raw()+cell->dphi()/2,m_maxphi_raw);
-  } else {
-    m_deta.add(cell->dx());
-    m_dphi.add(cell->dy());
-    m_mindeta=TMath::Min(cell->dx(),m_mindeta);
-    m_mindphi=TMath::Min(cell->dy(),m_mindphi);
-    m_eta_correction.add(cell->x_raw()-cell->x());
-    m_phi_correction.add(cell->y_raw()-cell->y());
-    m_mineta_correction=TMath::Min(cell->x_raw()-cell->x() , m_mineta_correction);
-    m_maxeta_correction=TMath::Max(cell->x_raw()-cell->x() , m_maxeta_correction);
-    m_minphi_correction=TMath::Min(cell->y_raw()-cell->y() , m_minphi_correction);
-    m_maxphi_correction=TMath::Max(cell->y_raw()-cell->y() , m_maxphi_correction);
-    m_mineta=TMath::Min(cell->x()-cell->dx()/2,m_mineta);
-    m_maxeta=TMath::Max(cell->x()+cell->dx()/2,m_maxeta);
-    m_minphi=TMath::Min(cell->y()-cell->dy()/2,m_minphi);
-    m_maxphi=TMath::Max(cell->y()+cell->dy()/2,m_maxphi);
-    m_mineta_raw=TMath::Min(cell->x_raw()-cell->dx()/2,m_mineta_raw);
-    m_maxeta_raw=TMath::Max(cell->x_raw()+cell->dx()/2,m_maxeta_raw);
-    m_minphi_raw=TMath::Min(cell->y_raw()-cell->dy()/2,m_minphi_raw);
-    m_maxphi_raw=TMath::Max(cell->y_raw()+cell->dy()/2,m_maxphi_raw);
-  }  
-  m_cells[cell->identify()]=cell;
-bool CaloGeometryLookup::index_range_adjust(int& ieta,int& iphi)
-  while(iphi<0) {iphi+=m_cell_grid_phi;};
-  while(iphi>=m_cell_grid_phi) {iphi-=m_cell_grid_phi;};
-  if(ieta<0) {
-    ieta=0;
-    return false;
-  }
-  if(ieta>=m_cell_grid_eta) {
-    ieta=m_cell_grid_eta-1;
-    return false;
-  }
-  return true;
-void CaloGeometryLookup::post_process()
-  if(size()==0) return;
-  t_cellmap::iterator ic=m_cells.begin();
-  const CaloDetDescrElement* refcell=ic->second;
-  int sampling=refcell->getSampling();
-  if(sampling<21) {
-    double rneta=neta_double()-neta();
-    double rnphi=nphi_double()-nphi();
-    if(TMath::Abs(rneta)>0.05 || TMath::Abs(rnphi)>0.05) {
-      cout<<"ERROR: can't map cells into a regular grid for sampling "<<sampling<<", map index "<<index()<<endl;
-      return;
-    }
-    m_cell_grid_eta=neta();
-    m_cell_grid_phi=nphi();
-    m_deta_double=deta();
-    m_dphi_double=dphi();
-  } else {
-    //double rnx=nx_double()-nx();
-    //double rny=ny_double()-ny();
-    //if(TMath::Abs(rnx)>0.05 || TMath::Abs(rny)>0.05) {
-    //  cout<<"Grid: Sampling "<<sampling<<"_"<<index()<<": mapping cells into a regular grid, although cells don't fit well"<<endl;
-    //}
-    m_cell_grid_eta=TMath::Nint(TMath::Ceil(nx_double()/m_xy_grid_adjustment_factor));
-    m_cell_grid_phi=TMath::Nint(TMath::Ceil(ny_double()/m_xy_grid_adjustment_factor));
-    m_deta_double=mindx()*m_xy_grid_adjustment_factor;
-    m_dphi_double=mindy()*m_xy_grid_adjustment_factor;
-  }
-  m_cell_grid.resize(m_cell_grid_eta); 
-  for(int ieta=0;ieta<m_cell_grid_eta;++ieta) {
-    m_cell_grid[ieta].resize(m_cell_grid_phi,0); 
-  }  
-  for(ic=m_cells.begin();ic!=m_cells.end();++ic) {
-    refcell=ic->second;
-    int ieta,iphi;
-    if(sampling<21) {
-      ieta=raw_eta_position_to_index(refcell->eta_raw());
-      iphi=raw_phi_position_to_index(refcell->phi_raw());
-    } else {
-      ieta=raw_eta_position_to_index(refcell->x_raw());
-      iphi=raw_phi_position_to_index(refcell->y_raw());
-    }
-    if(index_range_adjust(ieta,iphi)) {
-      if(m_cell_grid[ieta][iphi]) {
-        cout<<"Grid: Sampling "<<sampling<<"_"<<index()<<": Already cell found at pos ("<<ieta<<","<<iphi<<"): id="
-            <<m_cell_grid[ieta][iphi]->identify()<<"->"<<refcell->identify()<<endl;
-        cout<<"    x="<<m_cells[m_cell_grid[ieta][iphi]->identify()]->x_raw()<<" -> "<<refcell->x_raw();
-        cout<<" , y="<<m_cells[m_cell_grid[ieta][iphi]->identify()]->y_raw()<<" -> "<<refcell->y_raw();
-        cout<<" mindx="<<m_deta_double<<" mindy="<<m_dphi_double<<endl;
-        cout<<endl;
-      }      
-      m_cell_grid[ieta][iphi]=refcell;
-    } else {
-      cout<<"Grid: Sampling "<<sampling<<"_"<<index()<<": Cell at pos ("<<ieta<<","<<iphi<<"): id="
-          <<refcell->identify()<<" outside eta range"<<endl;
-    }
-  }
-  int ncells=0;
-  int nempty=0;
-  for(int ieta=0;ieta<m_cell_grid_eta;++ieta) {
-    for(int iphi=0;iphi<m_cell_grid_phi;++iphi) {
-      if(!m_cell_grid[ieta][iphi]) {
-        ++nempty;
-        //cout<<"Sampling "<<sampling<<"_"<<index()<<": No cell at pos ("<<ieta<<","<<iphi<<")"<<endl;
-      } else {
-        ++ncells;
-      }
-    }
-  }  
-  //  cout<<"Grid: Sampling "<<sampling<<"_"<<index()<<": "<<ncells<<"/"<<size()<<" cells filled, "<<nempty<<" empty grid positions deta="<<m_deta_double<<" dphi="<<m_dphi_double<<endl;
-float CaloGeometryLookup::calculate_distance_eta_phi(const CaloDetDescrElement* DDE,float eta,float phi,float& dist_eta0,float& dist_phi0)
-  dist_eta0=(eta - DDE->eta())/m_deta_double;
-  dist_phi0=(TVector2::Phi_mpi_pi(phi - DDE->phi()))/m_dphi_double;
-  float abs_dist_eta0=TMath::Abs(dist_eta0);
-  float abs_dist_phi0=TMath::Abs(dist_phi0);
-  return TMath::Max(abs_dist_eta0,abs_dist_phi0)-0.5;
-const CaloDetDescrElement* CaloGeometryLookup::getDDE(float eta,float phi,float* distance,int* steps) 
-  float dist;
-  const CaloDetDescrElement* bestDDE=0;
-  if(!distance) distance=&dist;
-  *distance=+10000000;
-  int intsteps=0;
-  if(!steps) steps=&intsteps;
-  float best_eta_corr=m_eta_correction;
-  float best_phi_corr=m_phi_correction;
-  float raw_eta=eta+best_eta_corr;
-  float raw_phi=phi+best_phi_corr;
-  int ieta=raw_eta_position_to_index(raw_eta);
-  int iphi=raw_phi_position_to_index(raw_phi);
-  index_range_adjust(ieta,iphi);
-  const CaloDetDescrElement* newDDE=m_cell_grid[ieta][iphi];
-  float bestdist=+10000000;
-  ++(*steps);
-  int nsearch=0;
-  while(newDDE && nsearch<3) {
-    float dist_eta0,dist_phi0;
-    *distance=calculate_distance_eta_phi(newDDE,eta,phi,dist_eta0,dist_phi0);
-    bestDDE=newDDE;
-    bestdist=*distance;
-    if(CaloGeometry::m_debug || CaloGeometry::m_debug_identify==newDDE->identify()) {
-      cout<<"CaloGeometryLookup::getDDE, search iteration "<<nsearch<<endl;
-      cout<<"cell id="<<newDDE->identify()<<" steps "<<*steps<<" steps, eta="<<eta<<" phi="<<phi<<" dist="<<*distance<<" cell_grid_eta="<<cell_grid_eta()<<" cell_grid_phi="<<cell_grid_phi()<<" m_deta_double="<<m_deta_double<<" m_dphi_double="<<m_dphi_double<<" 1st_eta_corr="<<best_eta_corr<<" 1st_phi_corr="<<best_phi_corr<<endl;
-      cout<<"  input sampling="<<newDDE->getSampling()<<" eta="<<newDDE->eta()<<" eta_raw="<<newDDE->eta_raw()<<" deta="<<newDDE->deta()<<" ("<<(newDDE->eta_raw()-newDDE->eta())/newDDE->deta()<<") phi="<<newDDE->phi()<<" phi_raw="<<newDDE->phi_raw()<<" dphi="<<newDDE->dphi()<<" ("<<(newDDE->phi_raw()-newDDE->phi())/newDDE->dphi()<<")"<<endl;
-      cout<<"  ieta="<<ieta<<" iphi="<<iphi<<endl;
-      cout<<"  dist_eta0="<<dist_eta0<<" ,dist_phi0="<<dist_phi0<<endl;
-    }
-    if(*distance<0) return newDDE;
-    //correct ieta and iphi by the observed difference to the hit cell
-    ieta+=TMath::Nint(dist_eta0);
-    iphi+=TMath::Nint(dist_phi0);
-    index_range_adjust(ieta,iphi);
-    const CaloDetDescrElement* oldDDE=newDDE;
-    newDDE=m_cell_grid[ieta][iphi];
-    ++(*steps);
-    ++nsearch;
-    if(oldDDE==newDDE) break;
-  } 
-  if(CaloGeometry::m_debug && !newDDE) {
-    cout<<"CaloGeometryLookup::getDDE, direct search ieta="<<ieta<<" iphi="<<iphi<<" is empty"<<endl;
-  }
-  float minieta=ieta+TMath::Nint(TMath::Floor(m_mineta_correction/cell_grid_eta()));
-  float maxieta=ieta+TMath::Nint(TMath::Ceil(m_maxeta_correction/cell_grid_eta()));
-  float miniphi=iphi+TMath::Nint(TMath::Floor(m_minphi_correction/cell_grid_phi()));
-  float maxiphi=iphi+TMath::Nint(TMath::Ceil(m_maxphi_correction/cell_grid_phi()));
-  if(minieta<0) minieta=0;
-  if(maxieta>=m_cell_grid_eta) maxieta=m_cell_grid_eta-1;
-  for(int iieta=minieta;iieta<=maxieta;++iieta) {
-    for(int iiphi=miniphi;iiphi<=maxiphi;++iiphi) {
-      ieta=iieta;
-      iphi=iiphi;
-      index_range_adjust(ieta,iphi);
-      newDDE=m_cell_grid[ieta][iphi];
-      ++(*steps);
-      if(newDDE) {
-        float dist_eta0,dist_phi0;
-        *distance=calculate_distance_eta_phi(newDDE,eta,phi,dist_eta0,dist_phi0);
-        if(CaloGeometry::m_debug || CaloGeometry::m_debug_identify==newDDE->identify()) {
-          cout<<"CaloGeometryLookup::getDDE, windows search! minieta="<<m_mineta_correction/cell_grid_eta()<<" maxieta="<<m_maxeta_correction/cell_grid_eta()<<" miniphi="<<m_minphi_correction/cell_grid_phi()<<" maxiphi="<<m_maxphi_correction/cell_grid_phi()<<endl;
-          cout<<"cell id="<<newDDE->identify()<<" steps "<<*steps<<" steps, eta="<<eta<<" phi="<<phi<<" dist="<<*distance<<endl;
-          cout<<"  input sampling="<<newDDE->getSampling()<<" eta="<<newDDE->eta()<<" eta_raw="<<newDDE->eta_raw()<<" deta="<<newDDE->deta()<<" ("<<(newDDE->eta_raw()-newDDE->eta())/newDDE->deta()<<") phi="<<newDDE->phi()<<" phi_raw="<<newDDE->phi_raw()<<" dphi="<<newDDE->dphi()<<" ("<<(newDDE->phi_raw()-newDDE->phi())/newDDE->dphi()<<")"<<endl;
-          cout<<"  ieta="<<ieta<<" iphi="<<iphi<<endl;
-          cout<<"  dist_eta0="<<dist_eta0<<" ,dist_phi0="<<dist_phi0<<endl;
-        }
-        if(*distance<0) return newDDE;
-        if(*distance<bestdist) {
-          bestDDE=newDDE;
-          bestdist=*distance;
-        }
-      } else if(CaloGeometry::m_debug) {
-        cout<<"CaloGeometryLookup::getDDE, windows search ieta="<<ieta<<" iphi="<<iphi<<" is empty"<<endl;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  *distance=bestdist;
-  return bestDDE;
-void CaloGeometryLookup::CalculateTransformation()
-  gROOT->cd();
-  TTree* tmap = new TTree( "mapping" , "mapping" );
-  float eta,phi,Deta_raw,Dphi_raw;
-  tmap->Branch("eta", &eta,"eta/F");
-  tmap->Branch("phi", &phi,"phi/F");
-  tmap->Branch("Deta_raw", &Deta_raw,"Deta_raw/F");
-  tmap->Branch("Dphi_raw", &Dphi_raw,"Dphi_raw/F");
-  if(m_cells.size()==0) return;
-  int sampling=0;
-  for(t_cellmap::iterator ic=m_cells.begin();ic!=m_cells.end();++ic) {
-    CaloGeoDetDescrElement* refcell=ic->second;
-    sampling=refcell->getSampling();
-    if(sampling<21) {
-      eta=refcell->eta();
-      phi=refcell->phi();
-      Deta_raw=refcell->eta_raw()-eta;
-      Dphi_raw=refcell->phi_raw()-phi;
-    } else {
-      eta=refcell->x();
-      phi=refcell->y();
-      Deta_raw=refcell->x_raw()-eta;
-      Dphi_raw=refcell->y_raw()-phi;
-    }  
-    tmap->Fill();
-    tmap->Fill(); //Fill twice to have all events and training and test tree
-  }
-  tmap->Print();
-  TString outfileName( Form("Mapping%d_%d.root",sampling,m_index) );
-  TFile* outputFile = new TFile( outfileName, "RECREATE" );
-  //TFile* outputFile = new TMemFile( outfileName, "RECREATE" );
-  TMVA::Factory *factory = new TMVA::Factory( Form("Mapping%d_%d.root",sampling,m_index) , outputFile, "!V:!Silent:Color:DrawProgressBar" );
-  factory->AddVariable( "eta", "calo eta", "1", 'F' );
-  factory->AddVariable( "phi", "calo phi", "1", 'F' );
-  factory->AddTarget( "Deta_raw" ); 
-  factory->AddTarget( "Dphi_raw" ); 
-  factory->AddRegressionTree( tmap );
-  //factory->PrepareTrainingAndTestTree( "" , Form("nTrain_Regression=%d:nTest_Regression=%d:SplitMode=Random:NormMode=NumEvents:!V",(int)m_cells.size(),(int)m_cells.size()) );
-  factory->PrepareTrainingAndTestTree( "" , "nTrain_Regression=0:nTest_Regression=0:SplitMode=Alternate:NormMode=NumEvents:!V" );
-  factory->BookMethod( TMVA::Types::kMLP, "MLP", "!H:!V:VarTransform=Norm:NeuronType=tanh:NCycles=20000:HiddenLayers=N+5:TestRate=6:TrainingMethod=BFGS:Sampling=0.3:SamplingEpoch=0.8:ConvergenceImprove=1e-6:ConvergenceTests=15:!UseRegulator" );
-  cout<<"=== Start trainging ==="<<endl;
-  // Train MVAs using the set of training events
-  factory->TrainAllMethods();
-  cout<<"=== Start testing ==="<<endl;
-  // ---- Evaluate all MVAs using the set of test events
-  factory->TestAllMethods();
-  cout<<"=== Start evaluation ==="<<endl;
-  // ----- Evaluate and compare performance of all configured MVAs
-  factory->EvaluateAllMethods();    
-  outputFile->Close();
-  delete factory;
-  delete tmap;
 CaloGeometry::CaloGeometry() : m_cells_in_sampling(MAX_SAMPLING),m_cells_in_sampling_for_phi0(MAX_SAMPLING),m_cells_in_regions(MAX_SAMPLING),m_isCaloBarrel(MAX_SAMPLING),m_dographs(false),m_FCal_ChannelMap(0)
@@ -1214,3 +801,81 @@ std::string CaloGeometry::SamplingName(int sample)
   return CaloSampling::getSamplingName(sample);
+void CaloGeometry::LoadFCalGeometryFromFiles(TString filename1,TString filename2,TString filename3){
+  vector<ifstream*> electrodes(3);
+  electrodes[0]=new ifstream(filename1);
+  electrodes[1]=new ifstream(filename2);
+  electrodes[2]=new ifstream(filename3);
+  int	thisTubeId;
+  int    thisTubeI;
+  int    thisTubeJ;
+  //int    thisTubeID;
+  //int    thisTubeMod;
+  double thisTubeX;
+  double thisTubeY;
+  TString tubeName;
+  //int second_column;
+  string seventh_column;
+  string eight_column;
+  int ninth_column;
+  int i;
+  for(int imodule=1;imodule<=3;imodule++){
+    i=0;
+    //while(i<50){
+    while(1){
+      //cout << electrodes[imodule-1]->eof() << endl;
+      (*electrodes[imodule-1]) >> tubeName;
+      if(electrodes[imodule-1]->eof())break;
+      (*electrodes[imodule-1]) >> thisTubeId; // ?????
+      (*electrodes[imodule-1]) >> thisTubeI;
+      (*electrodes[imodule-1]) >> thisTubeJ;
+      (*electrodes[imodule-1]) >> thisTubeX;
+      (*electrodes[imodule-1]) >> thisTubeY;
+      (*electrodes[imodule-1]) >> seventh_column;
+      (*electrodes[imodule-1]) >> eight_column;
+      (*electrodes[imodule-1]) >> ninth_column;
+      tubeName.ReplaceAll("'","");
+      string tubeNamestring=tubeName.Data();
+      std::istringstream tileStream1(std::string(tubeNamestring,1,1));
+      std::istringstream tileStream2(std::string(tubeNamestring,3,2));
+      std::istringstream tileStream3(std::string(tubeNamestring,6,3));
+      int a1=0,a2=0,a3=0;
+      if (tileStream1) tileStream1 >> a1;
+      if (tileStream2) tileStream2 >> a2;
+      if (tileStream3) tileStream3 >> a3;
+      //unsigned int tileName= (a3 << 16) + a2;
+      stringstream s;
+      m_FCal_ChannelMap.add_tube(tubeNamestring, imodule, thisTubeId, thisTubeI,thisTubeJ, thisTubeX, thisTubeY,seventh_column);
+      //cout << "FCal electrodes: " << tubeName << " " << second_column << " " << thisTubeI << " " << thisTubeJ << " " << thisTubeX << " " << thisTubeY << " " << seventh_column << " " << eight_column << " " << ninth_column << endl;
+      //cout << tileStream1.str() << " " << tileStream2.str() << " " << tileStream3.str() << endl;
+      //cout << a1 << " " << a2 << " " << a3 << " " << tileName << endl;
+      i++;
+    }
+  }
+  m_FCal_ChannelMap.finish(); // Creates maps
diff --git a/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/src/CaloGeometryFromCaloDDM.cxx b/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/src/CaloGeometryFromCaloDDM.cxx
index a309a2b7010a..ffc2ad9fae24 100644
--- a/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/src/CaloGeometryFromCaloDDM.cxx
+++ b/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/src/CaloGeometryFromCaloDDM.cxx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
   Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-#include "CaloGeometryFromCaloDDM.h"
+#include "ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/CaloGeometryFromCaloDDM.h"
 #include "CaloDetDescr/CaloDetDescrElement.h"
 //#include "ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/CaloGeoDetDescrElement.h"
 #include "CaloDetDescr/CaloDetDescrManager.h"
@@ -17,18 +17,18 @@ CaloGeometryFromCaloDDM::~CaloGeometryFromCaloDDM()
-bool CaloGeometryFromCaloDDM::LoadGeometryFromCaloDDM(const CaloDetDescrManager* /*calo_dd_man*/)
+bool CaloGeometryFromCaloDDM::LoadGeometryFromCaloDDM(const CaloDetDescrManager* calo_dd_man)
-  //int jentry=0;
-  //for(CaloDetDescrManager::calo_element_const_iterator calo_iter=calo_dd_man->element_begin();calo_iter<calo_dd_man->element_end();++calo_iter) {
-    //const CaloGeoDetDescrElement* pcell=*calo_iter;
-    //addcell(pcell);
-    //if(jentry%25000==0) {
-      //cout<<jentry<<" : "<<pcell->getSampling()<<", "<<pcell->identify()<<endl;
-    //}
-    //++jentry;
-  //}
+  int jentry=0;
+  for(CaloDetDescrManager::calo_element_const_iterator calo_iter=calo_dd_man->element_begin();calo_iter<calo_dd_man->element_end();++calo_iter) {
+    const CaloDetDescrElement* pcell=*calo_iter;
+    addcell(pcell);
+    if(jentry%25000==0) {
+      cout<<jentry<<" : "<<pcell->getSampling()<<", "<<pcell->identify()<<endl;
+    }
+    ++jentry;
+  }
   return PostProcessGeometry();
diff --git a/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/src/CaloGeometryFromCaloDDM.h b/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/src/CaloGeometryFromCaloDDM.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 169eff26fae2..000000000000
--- a/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/src/CaloGeometryFromCaloDDM.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-#ifndef CaloGeometryFromCaloDDM_h
-#define CaloGeometryFromCaloDDM_h
-#include "ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/CaloGeometry.h"
-class CaloDetDescrManager;
-class CaloGeometryFromCaloDDM:public CaloGeometry {
-public :
-   CaloGeometryFromCaloDDM();
-   virtual ~CaloGeometryFromCaloDDM();
-   virtual bool LoadGeometryFromCaloDDM(const CaloDetDescrManager* calo_dd_man);
diff --git a/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/src/CaloGeometryFromFile.cxx b/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/src/CaloGeometryFromFile.cxx
deleted file mode 100644
index 76c98c6f3f07..000000000000
--- a/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/src/CaloGeometryFromFile.cxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,373 +0,0 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-#include "ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/CaloGeometryFromFile.h"
-#include <TTree.h>
-#include <TFile.h>
-#include "ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/CaloGeoDetDescrElement.h"
-//#include "CaloDetDescr/CaloGeoDetDescrElement.h"
-#include <fstream>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <TGraph.h>
-#include "TH2D.h"
-#include <fstream>
-#include <map>
-#include <string>
-#include <sstream>
-using namespace std;
-map<unsigned long long, unsigned long long> g_cellId_vs_cellHashId_map;
-CaloGeometryFromFile::CaloGeometryFromFile() : CaloGeoGeometry()
-	ifstream textfile("/afs/");
-	unsigned long long id, hash_id;
-	cout << "Loading cellId_vs_cellHashId_map" << endl;
-	int i=0;
-	string line;
-	stringstream s;
-	while(1){
-		//getline(textfile,line);
-		s.str(line);
-	  textfile >> id;
-		if(textfile.eof())break;
-		textfile >> hash_id;
-		g_cellId_vs_cellHashId_map[id]=hash_id;
-		if(i%10000==0)cout << "Line: " << i << " line " << line << " id " << hex << id << " hash_id " << dec << hash_id << endl;
-		i++;
-	}
-	cout << "Done." << endl;
-bool CaloGeometryFromFile::LoadGeometryFromFile(TString filename,TString treename)
-  TTree *tree;
-  TFile *f = TFile::Open(filename);
-  if(!f) return false;
-  f->GetObject(treename,tree);
-  if(!tree) return false;
-  TTree* fChain = tree;
-  CaloGeoDetDescrElement cell;
-  // List of branches
-  TBranch        *b_identifier;   //!
-  TBranch        *b_calosample;   //!
-  TBranch        *b_eta;   //!
-  TBranch        *b_phi;   //!
-  TBranch        *b_r;   //!
-  TBranch        *b_eta_raw;   //!
-  TBranch        *b_phi_raw;   //!
-  TBranch        *b_r_raw;   //!
-  TBranch        *b_x;   //!
-  TBranch        *b_y;   //!
-  TBranch        *b_z;   //!
-  TBranch        *b_x_raw;   //!
-  TBranch        *b_y_raw;   //!
-  TBranch        *b_z_raw;   //!
-  TBranch        *b_deta;   //!
-  TBranch        *b_dphi;   //!
-  TBranch        *b_dr;   //!
-  TBranch        *b_dx;   //!
-  TBranch        *b_dy;   //!
-  TBranch        *b_dz;   //!
-  fChain->SetMakeClass(1);
-  fChain->SetBranchAddress("identifier", &cell.m_identify, &b_identifier);
-  fChain->SetBranchAddress("calosample", &cell.m_calosample, &b_calosample);
-  fChain->SetBranchAddress("eta", &cell.m_eta, &b_eta);
-  fChain->SetBranchAddress("phi", &cell.m_phi, &b_phi);
-  fChain->SetBranchAddress("r", &cell.m_r, &b_r);
-  fChain->SetBranchAddress("eta_raw", &cell.m_eta_raw, &b_eta_raw);
-  fChain->SetBranchAddress("phi_raw", &cell.m_phi_raw, &b_phi_raw);
-  fChain->SetBranchAddress("r_raw", &cell.m_r_raw, &b_r_raw);
-  fChain->SetBranchAddress("x", &cell.m_x, &b_x);
-  fChain->SetBranchAddress("y", &cell.m_y, &b_y);
-  fChain->SetBranchAddress("z", &cell.m_z, &b_z);
-  fChain->SetBranchAddress("x_raw", &cell.m_x_raw, &b_x_raw);
-  fChain->SetBranchAddress("y_raw", &cell.m_y_raw, &b_y_raw);
-  fChain->SetBranchAddress("z_raw", &cell.m_z_raw, &b_z_raw);
-  fChain->SetBranchAddress("deta", &cell.m_deta, &b_deta);
-  fChain->SetBranchAddress("dphi", &cell.m_dphi, &b_dphi);
-  fChain->SetBranchAddress("dr", &cell.m_dr, &b_dr);
-  fChain->SetBranchAddress("dx", &cell.m_dx, &b_dx);
-  fChain->SetBranchAddress("dy", &cell.m_dy, &b_dy);
-  fChain->SetBranchAddress("dz", &cell.m_dz, &b_dz);
-  Long64_t nentries = fChain->GetEntriesFast();
-  for (Long64_t jentry=0; jentry<nentries;jentry++) {
-    Long64_t ientry = fChain->LoadTree(jentry);
-    if (ientry < 0) break;
-    fChain->GetEntry(jentry);
-    if (g_cellId_vs_cellHashId_map.find(cell.m_identify)!=g_cellId_vs_cellHashId_map.end()) cell.m_hash_id=g_cellId_vs_cellHashId_map[cell.m_identify];
-    else cout << endl << "ERROR: Cell id not found in the cellId_vs_cellHashId_map!!!" << endl << endl;
-    const CaloGeoDetDescrElement* pcell=new CaloGeoDetDescrElement(cell);
-    int sampling = pcell->getSampling();
-    if(sampling >20) continue;
-    this->addcell(pcell);
-    if(jentry%25000==0) {
-    //if(jentry==nentries-1) {
-			cout << "Checking loading cells from file" << endl;
-      cout<<jentry<<" : "<<pcell->getSampling()<<", "<<pcell->identify()<<endl;
-      //if(jentry>5) break;
-    }
-  }
-	//cout<<"all : "<<m_cells.size()<<endl;
-  //unsigned long long max(0);
-  //unsigned long long min_id=m_cells_in_sampling[0].begin()->first;
-  //for(int i=0;i<21;++i) {
-		////cout<<"  cells sampling "<<i<<" : "<<m_cells_in_sampling[i].size()<<" cells";
-		////cout<<", "<<m_cells_in_regions[i].size()<<" lookup map(s)"<<endl;
-		//for(auto it=m_cells_in_sampling[i].begin(); it!=m_cells_in_sampling[i].end();it++){
-			////cout << it->second->getSampling() << " " << it->first << endl;
-			//if(min_id/10 >=  it->first){
-				////cout << "Warning: Identifiers are not in increasing order!!!!" << endl;
-				////cout << min_id << " " << it->first << endl;
-			//}
-			//if(min_id > it->first)min_id = it->first;
-		//}
-	//}
-	//cout << "Min id for samplings < 21: " << min_id << endl;
-  delete f;
-	//return true;
-	bool ok = PostProcessGeometry();
-	cout << "Result of PostProcessGeometry(): " << ok << endl;
-	const CaloGeoDetDescrElement* mcell=0;
-	unsigned long long cellid64(3179554531063103488);
-	Identifier cellid(cellid64);
-	mcell=this->getDDE(cellid); //This is working also for the FCal
-	std::cout << "\n \n";
-	std::cout << "Testing whether CaloGeoGeometry is loaded properly" << std::endl;
-	if(!mcell)std::cout << "Cell is not found" << std::endl;
-	std::cout << "Identifier " << mcell->identify() <<" sampling " << mcell->getSampling() << " eta: " << mcell->eta() << " phi: " << mcell->phi() << std::endl<< std::endl;
-	const CaloGeoDetDescrElement* mcell2 = this->getDDE(mcell->getSampling(),mcell->eta(),mcell->phi());
-	std::cout << "Identifier " << mcell2->identify() <<" sampling " << mcell2->getSampling() << " eta: " << mcell2->eta() << " phi: " << mcell2->phi() << std::endl<< std::endl;
-  return ok;
-bool CaloGeometryFromFile::LoadFCalGeometryFromFiles(TString filename1,TString filename2,TString filename3){
-	vector<ifstream*> electrodes(3);
-  electrodes[0]=new ifstream(filename1);
-  electrodes[1]=new ifstream(filename2);
-  electrodes[2]=new ifstream(filename3);
-	int	thisTubeId;
-  int    thisTubeI;
-	int    thisTubeJ;
-	//int    thisTubeID;
-	//int    thisTubeMod;
-	double thisTubeX;
-	double thisTubeY;
-	TString tubeName;
-	//int second_column;
-	string seventh_column;
-	string eight_column;
-	int ninth_column;
-	int i;
-	for(int imodule=1;imodule<=3;imodule++){
-		i=0;
-		//while(i<50){
-		while(1){
-		  //cout << electrodes[imodule-1]->eof() << endl;
-			(*electrodes[imodule-1]) >> tubeName;
-			if(electrodes[imodule-1]->eof())break;
-			(*electrodes[imodule-1]) >> thisTubeId; // ?????
-			(*electrodes[imodule-1]) >> thisTubeI;
-			(*electrodes[imodule-1]) >> thisTubeJ;
-			(*electrodes[imodule-1]) >> thisTubeX;
-			(*electrodes[imodule-1]) >> thisTubeY;
-			(*electrodes[imodule-1]) >> seventh_column;
-			(*electrodes[imodule-1]) >> eight_column;
-			(*electrodes[imodule-1]) >> ninth_column;
-			tubeName.ReplaceAll("'","");
-			string tubeNamestring=tubeName.Data();
-			std::istringstream tileStream1(std::string(tubeNamestring,1,1));
-		  std::istringstream tileStream2(std::string(tubeNamestring,3,2));
-		  std::istringstream tileStream3(std::string(tubeNamestring,6,3));
-		  int a1=0,a2=0,a3=0;
-		  if (tileStream1) tileStream1 >> a1;
-		  if (tileStream2) tileStream2 >> a2;
-		  if (tileStream3) tileStream3 >> a3;
-			//unsigned int tileName= (a3 << 16) + a2;
-			stringstream s;
-			m_FCal_ChannelMap.add_tube(tubeNamestring, imodule, thisTubeId, thisTubeI,thisTubeJ, thisTubeX, thisTubeY,seventh_column);
-			//cout << "FCal electrodes: " << tubeName << " " << second_column << " " << thisTubeI << " " << thisTubeJ << " " << thisTubeX << " " << thisTubeY << " " << seventh_column << " " << eight_column << " " << ninth_column << endl;
-			//cout << tileStream1.str() << " " << tileStream2.str() << " " << tileStream3.str() << endl;
-			//cout << a1 << " " << a2 << " " << a3 << " " << tileName << endl;
-			i++;
-		}
-	}
-	m_FCal_ChannelMap.finish(); // Creates maps
-	unsigned long long phi_index,eta_index;
-	float x,y,dx,dy;
-	long id;
-	//auto it =m_cells_in_sampling[20].rbegin();
-	//it--;
-	//unsigned long long identify=it->first;
-	//for(auto it=m_cells_in_sampling[i].begin(); it!=m_cells_in_sampling[i].end();it++){
-	//
-	//}
-	long mask1[]{0x34,0x34,0x35};
-	long mask2[]{0x36,0x36,0x37};
-	for(int imap=1;imap<=3;imap++){
-		for(auto it=m_FCal_ChannelMap.begin(imap);it!=m_FCal_ChannelMap.end(imap);it++){
-			phi_index = it->first & 0xffff;
-			eta_index = it->first >> 16;
-			CaloGeoDetDescrElement *DDE =new CaloGeoDetDescrElement; // side C
-			CaloGeoDetDescrElement *DDE2 =new CaloGeoDetDescrElement; // side A
-			x=it->second.x();
-			y=it->second.y();
-			m_FCal_ChannelMap.tileSize(imap, eta_index, phi_index,dx,dy);
-			//if(imap==2) eta_index+=100;
-			//if(imap==3) eta_index+=200;
-			//cout << imap << " " << eta_index << " " << phi_index << " " <<  it->first << " " << (eta_index << 16) + phi_index << endl;
-			DDE->m_calosample=imap+20;
-			DDE->m_x=x;
-			DDE->m_y=y;
-			DDE->m_x_raw=x;
-			DDE->m_y_raw=y;
-			DDE->m_dx=dx;
-			DDE->m_dy=dy;
-			DDE2->m_calosample=imap+20;
-			DDE2->m_x=x;
-			DDE2->m_y=y;
-			DDE2->m_x_raw=x;
-			DDE2->m_y_raw=y;
-			DDE2->m_dx=dx;
-			DDE2->m_dy=dy;
-			id=(mask1[imap-1]<<12) + (eta_index << 5) +2*phi_index;
-			if(imap==2) id+= (8<<8);
-			DDE->m_identify=(id << 44);
-			//DDE->m_identify=(id << 12);
-			//cout << DDE->identify() << endl;
-			if (g_cellId_vs_cellHashId_map.find(DDE->m_identify)!=g_cellId_vs_cellHashId_map.end()) DDE->m_hash_id=g_cellId_vs_cellHashId_map[DDE->m_identify];
-			else cout << endl << "ERROR: Cell id not found in the cellId_vs_cellHashId_map!!!" << endl << endl;
-			addcell(DDE);
-			id=(mask2[imap-1]<<12) + (eta_index << 5) +2*phi_index;
-			if(imap==2) id+= (8<<8);
-			DDE2->m_identify=(id << 44);
-						//DDE->m_identify=(id << 12);
-			if (g_cellId_vs_cellHashId_map.find(DDE2->m_identify)!=g_cellId_vs_cellHashId_map.end()) DDE2->m_hash_id=g_cellId_vs_cellHashId_map[DDE2->m_identify];
-			else cout << endl << "ERROR: Cell id not found in the cellId_vs_cellHashId_map!!!" << endl << endl;
-			addcell(DDE2);
-			delete DDE;
-			delete DDE2;
-		}
-	}
-	//auto it =m_cells_in_sampling[0].begin();
-	//it--;
-	//unsigned long long identify=it->first;
-	////cout << "min identifier from sampling < 21: " << identify << endl;
-	//for(int i=0;i<21;++i) {
-	////for(int i=21;i<MAX_SAMPLING;++i) {
-        //cout<<"  cells sampling "<<i<<" : "<<m_cells_in_sampling[i].size()<<" cells";
-        //cout<<", "<<m_cells_in_regions[i].size()<<" lookup map(s)"<<endl;
-        //int k=0;
-        //for(auto it=m_cells_in_sampling[i].begin(); it!=m_cells_in_sampling[i].end();it++){
-					//if(k<10){
-						//cout << "  cells sampling "<< it->second->getSampling() << " : " << it->first << endl;
-						//const CaloGeoDetDescrElement *DDE = this->getDDE(it->second->getSampling(),it->second->eta(),it->second->phi());
-						//cout << "  cells sampling "<< DDE->getSampling()  << " : " << DDE->identify()  << endl;
-						//DDE = this->getDDE(it->first);
-						//cout << "  cells sampling "<< DDE->getSampling()  << " : " << DDE->identify() << endl << endl;
-					//}
-					//k++;
-				//}
-  //}
-  for(int imodule=1;imodule<=3;imodule++) delete electrodes[imodule-1];
-  electrodes.clear();
-	return true;
-void CaloGeometryFromFile::DrawFCalGraph(int isam,int color){
-	stringstream ss;
-	ss << "FCal" << isam - 20 << endl;
-	TString name = ss.str().c_str();
-	const unsigned int size=m_cells_in_sampling[isam].size();
-	double* x = new double[size];
-	double* y = new double[size];
-	//const CaloGeoDetDescrElement* cell;
-	unsigned int i=0;
-	for(auto it=m_cells_in_sampling[isam].begin();it!=m_cells_in_sampling[isam].end();it++){
-		x[i]=it->second->x();
-		y[i]=it->second->y();
-		i++;
-	}
-	// cout << size << endl;
-	//TH2D* h = new TH2D("","",10,-0.5,0.5,10,-0.5,0.5);
-	//h->SetStats(0);
-	//h->Draw();
-	TGraph* graph = new TGraph(size,x,y);
-	graph->SetLineColor(color);
-	graph->SetTitle(name);
-	graph->SetMarkerStyle(21);
-	graph->SetMarkerColor(color);
-	graph->SetMarkerSize(0.5);
-	graph->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("x");
-	graph->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("y");
-	graph->Draw("AP");
-  	if (x) { delete x; x = 0; }
-  	if (y) { delete y; y = 0; }
diff --git a/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/src/FCAL_ChannelMap.cxx b/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/src/FCAL_ChannelMap.cxx
deleted file mode 100755
index 4c2cbebd5f5d..000000000000
--- a/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/src/FCAL_ChannelMap.cxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,488 +0,0 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-// ***************************************************************************
-// Liquid Argon FCAL detector description package
-// -----------------------------------------
-// 10-Sep-2000 S.Simion   Handling of the FCAL read-out identifiers
-//    Jan-2001 R.Sobie    Modify for persistency
-//    Feb-2002 R.Sobie    Use same FCAL geometry files as simulation
-#include "ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/FCAL_ChannelMap.h"
-//#include "CLHEP/Units/SystemOfUnits.h"
-//#include "boost/io/ios_state.hpp"
-#include <sstream>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <iomanip>
-#include <stdio.h>
-/* === Geometrical parameters === */
-//const double cm = 0.01;
-const double cm = 10.;
-//const double FCAL_ChannelMap::m_tubeSpacing[] = {0.75*CLHEP::cm, 0.8179*CLHEP::cm, 0.90*CLHEP::cm};
-const double FCAL_ChannelMap::m_tubeSpacing[] = {0.75*cm, 0.8179*cm, 0.90*cm};
-FCAL_ChannelMap::FCAL_ChannelMap( int flag)
-  /* === Initialize geometrical dimensions */
-  for(int i=0; i<3; i++){
-    m_tubeDx[i] = m_tubeSpacing[i] / 2.;
-    m_tubeDy[i] = m_tubeSpacing[i] * sqrt(3.)/2.;
-  }
-  // FCAL1 small cells are 2x2 tubes
-  m_tileDx[0] = 2. * m_tubeSpacing[0];
-  m_tileDy[0] = 2. * m_tubeSpacing[0] * sqrt(3.)/2.;
-  // FCAL2 small cells are 2x3 tubes
-  m_tileDx[1] = 2. * m_tubeSpacing[1];
-  m_tileDy[1] = 3. * m_tubeSpacing[1] * sqrt(3.)/2.;
-  // FCAL3 cells are 6x6 tubes
-  m_tileDx[2] = 6. * m_tubeSpacing[2];
-  m_tileDy[2] = 6. * m_tubeSpacing[2] * sqrt(3.)/2.;
-  m_invert_x = flag & 1;
-  m_invert_xy = flag & 2;
-void FCAL_ChannelMap::finish() {
-  create_tileMap(1);
-  create_tileMap(2);
-  create_tileMap(3);
-// *********************************************************************
-// Read tube mapping tables
-// Jan 23,2002    R. Sobie
-// ********************************************************************
-void FCAL_ChannelMap::add_tube(const std::string & tileName, int mod, int /*id*/, int i, int j, double x, double y) {
-  // Get three integers from the tileName:
-  std::istringstream tileStream1(std::string(tileName,1,1));
-  std::istringstream tileStream2(std::string(tileName,3,2));
-  std::istringstream tileStream3(std::string(tileName,6,3));
-  int a1=0,a2=0,a3=0;
-  if (tileStream1) tileStream1 >> a1;
-  if (tileStream2) tileStream2 >> a2;
-  if (tileStream3) tileStream3 >> a3;
-  tileName_t tilename = (a3 << 16) + a2;
-  TubePosition tb(tilename, x*cm, y*cm,"");
-  // Add offsets, becaues iy and ix can be negative HMA
-  i = i+200;
-  j = j+200;
-  //  m_tubeMap[mod-1][(j <<  16) + i] = tb;
-  unsigned int ThisId = (j<<16) + i;
-  tubemap_const_iterator p = m_tubeMap[mod-1].insert(m_tubeMap[mod-1].end(),std::make_pair(ThisId,tb));
-  m_tubeIndex[mod-1].push_back(p);
-//Gabe: new to include HV and LARFCALELECRTODES ID
-void FCAL_ChannelMap::add_tube(const std::string & tileName, int mod, int /*id*/, int i, int j, double x, double y, std::string hvFT) {
-  // Get three integers from the tileName:
-  std::istringstream tileStream1(std::string(tileName,1,1));
-  std::istringstream tileStream2(std::string(tileName,3,2));
-  std::istringstream tileStream3(std::string(tileName,6,3));
-  int a1=0,a2=0,a3=0;
-  if (tileStream1) tileStream1 >> a1;
-  if (tileStream2) tileStream2 >> a2;
-  if (tileStream3) tileStream3 >> a3;
-  tileName_t tilename = (a3 << 16) + a2;
-  TubePosition tb(tilename, x*cm,y*cm, hvFT);
-  // Add offsets, becaues iy and ix can be negative HMA
-  i = i+200;
-  j = j+200;
-  //  m_tubeMap[mod-1][(j <<  16) + i] = tb;
-  unsigned int ThisId = (j<<16) + i;
-  tubemap_const_iterator p = m_tubeMap[mod-1].insert(m_tubeMap[mod-1].end(),std::make_pair(ThisId,tb));
-  m_tubeIndex[mod-1].push_back(p);
-FCAL_ChannelMap::tubemap_const_iterator FCAL_ChannelMap::getTubeByCopyNumber( int isam, int copyNo) const {
-  return m_tubeIndex[isam-1][copyNo];
-// *********************************************************************
-// Create tile mapping tables
-// Jan 23,2002    R. Sobie
-// ********************************************************************
-FCAL_ChannelMap::create_tileMap(int isam)
-  tileMap_const_iterator tile;
-  tubemap_const_iterator first = m_tubeMap[isam-1].begin();
-  tubemap_const_iterator  last = m_tubeMap[isam-1].end();
-  // Loop over tubes -> find unique tiles and fill the descriptors
-  while (first != last){
-    tileName_t tileName = (first->second).get_tileName();
-    tile                = m_tileMap[isam-1].find(tileName);
-    if (tile == m_tileMap[isam-1].end()){             // New tile found
-      float x             = (first->second).x();
-      float y             = (first->second).y();
-      unsigned int ntubes = 1;
-      TilePosition tp(x, y, ntubes);
-      m_tileMap[isam-1][tileName] = tp;
-    }
-    else{                                             // Existing tile
-      float x             = (tile->second).x() + (first->second).x();
-      float y             = (tile->second).y() + (first->second).y();
-      unsigned int ntubes = (tile->second).ntubes() + 1;
-      TilePosition tp(x, y, ntubes);
-      m_tileMap[isam-1][tileName] = tp;
-    }
-    ++first;
-  }
-  //
-  // List the number of tubes and tiles
-  //
-  // std::cout << "FCAL::create_tilemap: FCAL # " << isam
-  //        << " Number of tiles = " << m_tileMap[isam-1].size()
-  //        << " Number of tubes = " << m_tubeMap[isam-1].size()
-  //        << std::endl;
-  // this->print_tubemap(isam);
-  //
-  // loop over tiles and set (x,y) to average tile positions
-  //
-  tileMap_const_iterator tilefirst = m_tileMap[isam-1].begin();
-  tileMap_const_iterator tilelast  = m_tileMap[isam-1].end();
-  while (tilefirst != tilelast) {
-    tileName_t tileName = tilefirst->first;
-    unsigned int ntubes = (tilefirst->second).ntubes();
-    float xtubes        = (float) ntubes;
-    float x             = (tilefirst->second).x() / xtubes;
-    float y             = (tilefirst->second).y() / xtubes;
-    TilePosition tp(x, y, ntubes);
-    m_tileMap[isam-1][tileName] = tp;
-    ++tilefirst;
-  }
-//---------- for New LArFCAL_ID ------------------------
-// *********************************************************************
-//  get Tile ID
-// Original code: Stefan Simion, Randy Sobie
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-//   This function computes the tile identifier for any given position
-//   Inputs:
-//   - isam the sampling number, from G3 data;
-//   - x the tube x position, in CLHEP::cm, from G3 data;
-//   - y the tube y position, in CLHEP::cm, from G3 data.
-//   Outputs:
-//   - pair of indices eta, phi
-//   Attention side-effect: x is changed by this function.
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------
-//   June 2002  HMA
-// ***********************************************************************
-FCAL_ChannelMap::getTileID(int isam, float x_orig, float y_orig,
-        int& eta, int& phi) const throw (std::range_error)
-//  /* ### MIRROR for compatibility between G3 and ASCII files ### */
-  float x = x_orig;
-  float y = y_orig;
-  if(m_invert_xy){
-    x = y_orig;
-    y = x_orig;
-  }
-  if(m_invert_x) x = -x;
-  /* === Compute the tubeID */
-  int ktx = (int) (x / m_tubeDx[isam-1]);
-  int kty = (int) (y / m_tubeDy[isam-1]);
-  if (x < 0.) ktx--;
-  if (y < 0.) kty--;
-  // S.M.: in case we lookup real positions inside the Tile (not only
-  // integer grids for the tubes) half of the time we are outisde a
-  // tube bin since the integer pattern of the tubes is like in this
-  // sketch:
-  //
-  // # # # #
-  //  # # # #
-  // # # # #
-  //
-  // in order to avoid this problem we have to make sure the integer
-  // indices for x and y have either both to be even or both to be odd
-  // (For Module 0 one has to be odd the other even ...). We take the
-  // y-index and check for odd/even and change the x-index in case
-  // it's different from the first tube in the current sampling ...
-  //
-  // S.M. update: in case we are in a hole of the integer grid the
-  // relative x and y w.r.t to the original tube are used to assign a
-  // tube according to the hexagonal pattern.
-  tubemap_const_iterator  it = m_tubeMap[isam-1].begin();
-  unsigned int firstId = it->first;
-  // take offset from actual map
-  int ix = ktx+((int)((firstId&0xffff)-it->second.x()/m_tubeDx[isam-1]))+1;
-  int iy = kty+((int)((firstId>>16)-it->second.y()/m_tubeDy[isam-1]))+1;
-  int isOddEven = (((firstId>>16)%2)+(firstId%2))%2;
-  bool movex = false;
-  if ( (iy%2) != ((ix+isOddEven)%2) ) {
-    double yc = y/m_tubeDy[isam-1] - kty - 0.5;
-    if ( fabs(yc) > 0.5/sqrt(3) ) {
-      double xk = x/m_tubeDx[isam-1] - ktx;
-      if ( xk > 0.5 ) {
-        xk = 1 - xk;
-      }
-      double yn = 0.5-xk/3;
-      if ( fabs(yc) > fabs(yn) ) {
-        if ( yc > 0 )
-          iy++;
-        else
-          iy--;
-      }
-      else
-        movex = true;
-    }
-    else
-      movex = true;
-    if ( movex ) {
-      if ( x/m_tubeDx[isam-1] - ktx > 0.5 )
-        ix++;
-      else
-        ix--;
-    }
-  }
-  tubeID_t tubeID = (iy << 16) + ix;
-  it = m_tubeMap[isam-1].find(tubeID);
-  if (it != m_tubeMap[isam-1].end()){
-    tileName_t tilename = (it->second).get_tileName();
-    phi = tilename & 0xffff;
-    eta = tilename >> 16;
-    return true ;
-  }
-  // reach here only if it failed the second time.
-  return false;
-/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-   To decode the tile x position from the tile identifier
-   ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-FCAL_ChannelMap::x(int isam, int eta, int phi) const
-                                    throw(std::range_error)
-  if(m_invert_xy){
-   // temp turn off the flag
-   m_invert_xy=false;
-   float y1 =  y(isam,eta,phi);
-   m_invert_xy=true;
-   return y1;
-  }
-  float x;
-  tileName_t tilename = (eta << 16) + phi  ;
-  tileMap_const_iterator it = m_tileMap[isam-1].find(tilename);
-  if(it != m_tileMap[isam-1].end())
-  {
-    x = (it->second).x();
-  } else
-  { // can't find the tile, throw exception.
-      char l_str[200] ;
-      snprintf(l_str, sizeof(l_str),
-   "Error in FCAL_ChannelMap::x, wrong tile,phi= %d ,eta=: %d ",phi,eta);
-      std::string errorMessage(l_str);
-      throw std::range_error(errorMessage.c_str());
-  }
-  if(m_invert_x) {
-    return -x;
-  }
-  else {
-    return x;
-  }
-  return x;
-/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-   To decode the tile y position from the tile identifier
-   ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-FCAL_ChannelMap::y(int isam, int eta, int phi) const
-                                    throw(std::range_error)
-  if(m_invert_xy){
-   // temp turn off the flag
-   m_invert_xy=false;
-   float x1 =  x(isam,eta,phi);
-   m_invert_xy=true;
-   return x1;
-  }
-  float y;
-  tileName_t tilename = (eta << 16) + phi  ;
-  tileMap_const_iterator it = m_tileMap[isam-1].find(tilename);
-  if(it != m_tileMap[isam-1].end())
-  {
-    y = (it->second).y();
-  } else
-  { // can't find the tile, throw exception.
-      char l_str[200] ;
-      snprintf(l_str, sizeof(l_str),
-   "Error in FCAL_ChannelMap::x, wrong tile,phi= %d ,eta=: %d",phi,eta);
-      std::string errorMessage(l_str);
-      throw std::range_error(errorMessage.c_str());
-  }
-  return y;
-/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-   To decode the tile dx size from the tile identifier
-   ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-void FCAL_ChannelMap::tileSize(int sam, int ntubes, float &dx, float &dy) const {
-  dx = m_tubeDx[sam-1];
-  dy = m_tubeDy[sam-1];
-  //      float ntubes =  (it->second).ntubes();
-  if(sam == 1 || sam == 3) {
-    float scale =sqrt(ntubes);
-    dx = dx * scale;
-    dy = dy * scale;
-  }
-  else  {
-    float scale = sqrt(ntubes/1.5);
-    dx = dx * scale;
-    dy = dy * scale * 1.5 ;
-  }
-  // There is a fundamental discrepancy between dx and dy. A cell will
-  // contain twice as many distinct x-positions as y-positions.  Diagram:
-  // . . . .        -
-  //. . . .         -
-  //  . . . .       -   4 x dy
-  // . . . .        -
-  // ||||||||
-  //    8 x dx
-  dx = 2*dx;
-  if(m_invert_xy){
-    // switch xy
-    float temp = dx;
-    dx = dy;
-    dy = temp;
-  }
-void FCAL_ChannelMap::tileSize(int sam, int eta, int phi,
-        float& dx, float& dy ) const  throw(std::range_error)
-  tileName_t tilename = (eta << 16) + phi  ;
-  tileMap_const_iterator it = m_tileMap[sam-1].find(tilename);
-  if(it != m_tileMap[sam-1].end()) {
-    int ntubes =  (it->second).ntubes();
-    tileSize(sam,ntubes,dx,dy);
-    return ;
-  }
-  else {
-    // can't find the tile, throw exception.
-    char l_str[200] ;
-    snprintf(l_str, sizeof(l_str),
-            "Error in FCAL_ChannelMap::tilesize, wrong tile,phi= %d ,eta=: %d ",phi,eta);
-    std::string errorMessage(l_str);
-    throw std::range_error(errorMessage.c_str());
-  }
-// ********************** print_tubemap *************************************
-FCAL_ChannelMap::print_tubemap( int imap) const
-  FCAL_ChannelMap::tubemap_const_iterator it = m_tubeMap[imap-1].begin();
-  //boost::io::ios_all_saver ias (std::cout);
-  std::cout << "First 10 elements of the New FCAL tube map : " << imap << std::endl;
-  std::cout.precision(5);
-  for ( int i=0;  i<10; i++, it++)
-    std::cout << std::hex << it->first << "\t"
-              << (it->second).get_tileName() << std::dec <<"\t"
-              << (it->second).x() <<"\t"
-              << (it->second).y() << std::endl;
-// ********************** tubemap_begin **************************************
-FCAL_ChannelMap::tubemap_begin (int imap ) const
-  return m_tubeMap[imap-1].begin();
-// ********************** tubemap_end ****************************************
-FCAL_ChannelMap::tubemap_end (int imap ) const
-  return m_tubeMap[imap-1].end();
-// ********************** tubemap_size ***************************************
-FCAL_ChannelMap::tubemap_size (int imap) const
-  return m_tubeMap[imap-1].size();
diff --git a/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/src/FastCaloSimParamAlg.cxx b/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/src/FastCaloSimParamAlg.cxx
index 3d57daf1ab87..0e98d1b15762 100755
--- a/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/src/FastCaloSimParamAlg.cxx
+++ b/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/src/FastCaloSimParamAlg.cxx
@@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ StatusCode FastCaloSimParamAlg::execute()
   std::cout << "Size after clusterization: " << MergeeventSteps->size() << std::endl;
-  StatusCode sc = evtStore()->record(MergeeventSteps,"MergedEventSteps");
+  StatusCode sc = evtStore()->record(MergeeventSteps,"ZHMergedEventSteps");
   if (sc.isFailure()) 
       std::cout<<"Coudn't resave merged collection "<<std::endl;
@@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ const HepMC::GenParticle* FastCaloSimParamAlg::getParticleFromMC()
 const ISF_FCS_Parametrization::FCS_StepInfoCollection* FastCaloSimParamAlg::getFCS_StepInfo()
   const ISF_FCS_Parametrization::FCS_StepInfoCollection* eventStepsES;
-  StatusCode sc = evtStore()->retrieve(eventStepsES, "EventSteps");
+  StatusCode sc = evtStore()->retrieve(eventStepsES, "ZHEventSteps");
   if (sc.isFailure()) return NULL;
   return eventStepsES;
diff --git a/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/src/ISF_HitAnalysis.cxx b/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/src/ISF_HitAnalysis.cxx
index d1152721b01c..40083e8c512f 100755
--- a/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/src/ISF_HitAnalysis.cxx
+++ b/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/src/ISF_HitAnalysis.cxx
@@ -779,7 +779,7 @@ StatusCode ISF_HitAnalysis::execute()
  //Get the FastCaloSim step info collection from store
  const ISF_FCS_Parametrization::FCS_StepInfoCollection* eventStepsES;
- StatusCode sc = evtStore()->retrieve(eventStepsES, "MergedEventSteps");
+ StatusCode sc = evtStore()->retrieve(eventStepsES, "ZHMergedEventSteps");
  if (sc.isFailure())
   ATH_MSG_WARNING( "No FastCaloSim steps read from StoreGate?" );
diff --git a/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/tools/CaloGeometryFromFile.cxx b/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/tools/CaloGeometryFromFile.cxx
index a1c38db61ff2..28dd5b70d6de 100644
--- a/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/tools/CaloGeometryFromFile.cxx
+++ b/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/tools/CaloGeometryFromFile.cxx
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 #include "CaloGeometryFromFile.h"
 #include <TTree.h>
 #include <TFile.h>
-#include "CaloDetDescr/CaloDetDescrElement.h"
+#include "ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/CaloGeoDetDescrElement.h"
 #include <fstream>
 #include <sstream>
 #include <TGraph.h>
@@ -13,8 +13,28 @@
 using namespace std;
-CaloGeometryFromFile::CaloGeometryFromFile() : CaloGeometry()
+map<unsigned long long, unsigned long long> g_cellId_vs_cellHashId_map;
+CaloGeometryFromFile::CaloGeometryFromFile() : CaloGeoGeometry()
+	ifstream textfile("/afs/");
+	unsigned long long id, hash_id; 
+	cout << "Loading cellId_vs_cellHashId_map" << endl;
+	int i=0;
+	string line;
+	stringstream s;
+	while(1){
+		//getline(textfile,line);
+		s.str(line);
+	  textfile >> id;
+		if(textfile.eof())break;
+		textfile >> hash_id;
+		g_cellId_vs_cellHashId_map[id]=hash_id;
+		if(i%10000==0)cout << "Line: " << i << " line " << line << " id " << hex << id << " hash_id " << dec << hash_id << endl;
+		i++;
+	}
+	cout << "Done." << endl;
@@ -83,14 +103,20 @@ bool CaloGeometryFromFile::LoadGeometryFromFile(TString filename,TString treenam
     if (ientry < 0) break;
-    CaloGeoDetDescrElement* pcell=new CaloGeoDetDescrElement(cell);
+    if (g_cellId_vs_cellHashId_map.find(cell.m_identify)!=g_cellId_vs_cellHashId_map.end()) cell.m_hash_id=g_cellId_vs_cellHashId_map[cell.m_identify];
+    else cout << endl << "ERROR: Cell id not found in the cellId_vs_cellHashId_map!!!" << endl << endl;
+    const CaloGeoDetDescrElement* pcell=new CaloGeoDetDescrElement(cell);
     int sampling = pcell->getSampling();
     if(sampling >20) continue;
-    addcell(pcell);
-    //if(jentry%25000==0) {
-    if(jentry==nentries-1) {
-      //cout<<jentry<<" : "<<cell.getSampling()<<", "<<cell.identify()<<endl;
+    this->addcell(pcell);
+    if(jentry%25000==0) {
+    //if(jentry==nentries-1) {
+			cout << "Checking loading cells from file" << endl;
+      cout<<jentry<<" : "<<pcell->getSampling()<<", "<<pcell->identify()<<endl;
@@ -99,25 +125,41 @@ bool CaloGeometryFromFile::LoadGeometryFromFile(TString filename,TString treenam
 	//cout<<"all : "<<m_cells.size()<<endl;
-  Long64_t max(0);
-  Long64_t min_id=m_cells_in_sampling[0].begin()->first;
-  for(int i=0;i<21;++i) {
-		//cout<<"  cells sampling "<<i<<" : "<<m_cells_in_sampling[i].size()<<" cells";
-		//cout<<", "<<m_cells_in_regions[i].size()<<" lookup map(s)"<<endl;
-		for(auto it=m_cells_in_sampling[i].begin(); it!=m_cells_in_sampling[i].end();it++){
-			//cout << it->second->getSampling() << " " << it->first << endl;
-			if(min_id/10 >=  it->first){
-				//cout << "Warning: Identifiers are not in increasing order!!!!" << endl;
-				//cout << min_id << " " << it->first << endl;
+  //unsigned long long max(0);
+  //unsigned long long min_id=m_cells_in_sampling[0].begin()->first;
+  //for(int i=0;i<21;++i) {
+		////cout<<"  cells sampling "<<i<<" : "<<m_cells_in_sampling[i].size()<<" cells";
+		////cout<<", "<<m_cells_in_regions[i].size()<<" lookup map(s)"<<endl;
+		//for(auto it=m_cells_in_sampling[i].begin(); it!=m_cells_in_sampling[i].end();it++){
+			////cout << it->second->getSampling() << " " << it->first << endl;
+			//if(min_id/10 >=  it->first){
+				////cout << "Warning: Identifiers are not in increasing order!!!!" << endl;
+				////cout << min_id << " " << it->first << endl;
-			}
-			if(min_id > it->first)min_id = it->first;
-		}
-	}
+			//}
+			//if(min_id > it->first)min_id = it->first;
+		//}
+	//}
 	//cout << "Min id for samplings < 21: " << min_id << endl;
   delete f;
 	//return true;
-  return PostProcessGeometry();
+	bool ok = PostProcessGeometry();
+	cout << "Result of PostProcessGeometry(): " << ok << endl;
+	const CaloGeoDetDescrElement* mcell=0;
+	unsigned long long cellid64(3179554531063103488);
+	Identifier cellid(cellid64);
+	mcell=this->getDDE(cellid); //This is working also for the FCal
+	std::cout << "\n \n";
+	std::cout << "Testing whether CaloGeoGeometry is loaded properly" << std::endl;
+	if(!mcell)std::cout << "Cell is not found" << std::endl;
+	std::cout << "Identifier " << mcell->identify() <<" sampling " << mcell->getSampling() << " eta: " << mcell->eta() << " phi: " << mcell->phi() << std::endl<< std::endl;
+	const CaloGeoDetDescrElement* mcell2 = this->getDDE(mcell->getSampling(),mcell->eta(),mcell->phi());
+	std::cout << "Identifier " << mcell2->identify() <<" sampling " << mcell2->getSampling() << " eta: " << mcell2->eta() << " phi: " << mcell2->phi() << std::endl<< std::endl;
+  return ok;
@@ -134,12 +176,12 @@ bool CaloGeometryFromFile::LoadFCalGeometryFromFiles(TString filename1,TString f
   int    thisTubeI;
 	int    thisTubeJ;
 	//int    thisTubeID;
-	int    thisTubeMod;
+	//int    thisTubeMod;
 	double thisTubeX;
 	double thisTubeY;
 	TString tubeName;
-	int second_column;
+	//int second_column;
 	string seventh_column;
 	string eight_column;
 	int ninth_column;
@@ -178,7 +220,7 @@ bool CaloGeometryFromFile::LoadFCalGeometryFromFiles(TString filename1,TString f
 		  if (tileStream2) tileStream2 >> a2;
 		  if (tileStream3) tileStream3 >> a3;
-			unsigned int tileName= (a3 << 16) + a2;
+			//unsigned int tileName= (a3 << 16) + a2;
 			stringstream s;
@@ -192,14 +234,16 @@ bool CaloGeometryFromFile::LoadFCalGeometryFromFiles(TString filename1,TString f
 	m_FCal_ChannelMap.finish(); // Creates maps
-	Long64_t phi_index,eta_index;
+	unsigned long long phi_index,eta_index;
 	float x,y,dx,dy;
 	long id;
 	//auto it =m_cells_in_sampling[20].rbegin();
-	//Long64_t identify=it->first;
+	//unsigned long long identify=it->first;
 	//for(auto it=m_cells_in_sampling[i].begin(); it!=m_cells_in_sampling[i].end();it++){
@@ -240,28 +284,49 @@ bool CaloGeometryFromFile::LoadFCalGeometryFromFiles(TString filename1,TString f
 			DDE->m_identify=(id << 44);
 			//DDE->m_identify=(id << 12);
 			//cout << DDE->identify() << endl;
+			if (g_cellId_vs_cellHashId_map.find(DDE->m_identify)!=g_cellId_vs_cellHashId_map.end()) DDE->m_hash_id=g_cellId_vs_cellHashId_map[DDE->m_identify];
+			else cout << endl << "ERROR: Cell id not found in the cellId_vs_cellHashId_map!!!" << endl << endl;
 			id=(mask2[imap-1]<<12) + (eta_index << 5) +2*phi_index;
 			if(imap==2) id+= (8<<8);
 			DDE2->m_identify=(id << 44);
 						//DDE->m_identify=(id << 12);
+			if (g_cellId_vs_cellHashId_map.find(DDE2->m_identify)!=g_cellId_vs_cellHashId_map.end()) DDE2->m_hash_id=g_cellId_vs_cellHashId_map[DDE2->m_identify];
+			else cout << endl << "ERROR: Cell id not found in the cellId_vs_cellHashId_map!!!" << endl << endl;
+			delete DDE;
+			delete DDE2;
-	auto it =m_cells_in_sampling[0].begin();
+	//auto it =m_cells_in_sampling[0].begin();
-	Long64_t identify=it->first;
-	//cout << "min identifier from sampling < 21: " << identify << endl;
+	//unsigned long long identify=it->first;
+	////cout << "min identifier from sampling < 21: " << identify << endl;
-	for(int i=21;i<MAX_SAMPLING;++i) {
+	//for(int i=0;i<21;++i) {
+	////for(int i=21;i<MAX_SAMPLING;++i) {
         //cout<<"  cells sampling "<<i<<" : "<<m_cells_in_sampling[i].size()<<" cells";
         //cout<<", "<<m_cells_in_regions[i].size()<<" lookup map(s)"<<endl;
-        for(auto it=m_cells_in_sampling[i].begin(); it!=m_cells_in_sampling[i].end();it++){
-					//cout << it->second->getSampling() << " " << it->first << endl;
-				}
+        //int k=0;
+        //for(auto it=m_cells_in_sampling[i].begin(); it!=m_cells_in_sampling[i].end();it++){
+					//if(k<10){
+						//cout << "  cells sampling "<< it->second->getSampling() << " : " << it->first << endl;
+						//const CaloGeoDetDescrElement *DDE = this->getDDE(it->second->getSampling(),it->second->eta(),it->second->phi());
+						//cout << "  cells sampling "<< DDE->getSampling()  << " : " << DDE->identify()  << endl;
+						//DDE = this->getDDE(it->first);
+						//cout << "  cells sampling "<< DDE->getSampling()  << " : " << DDE->identify() << endl << endl;
+					//}
+					//k++;
+				//}
-  }
+  //}
+  for(int imodule=1;imodule<=3;imodule++) delete electrodes[imodule-1];
+  electrodes.clear();
 	return true;
@@ -274,7 +339,7 @@ void CaloGeometryFromFile::DrawFCalGraph(int isam,int color){
 	const int size=m_cells_in_sampling[isam].size();
 	double x[size];
 	double y[size];
-	const CaloGeoDetDescrElement* cell;
+	//const CaloGeoDetDescrElement* cell;
 	int i=0;
 	for(auto it=m_cells_in_sampling[isam].begin();it!=m_cells_in_sampling[isam].end();it++){
@@ -291,12 +356,13 @@ void CaloGeometryFromFile::DrawFCalGraph(int isam,int color){
-	graph->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("x");
-	graph->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("y");
+	graph->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("x [mm]");
+	graph->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("y [mm]");
diff --git a/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/tools/init_geo.C b/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/tools/init_geo.C
index f3c901f18325..3a71c69b2933 100644
--- a/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/tools/init_geo.C
+++ b/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/tools/init_geo.C
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 #include "../ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/MeanAndRMS.h"
 #include "Identifier/Identifier.h"
-#include "CaloDetDescr/CaloDetDescrElement.h"
+//#include "CaloDetDescr/CaloDetDescrElement.h"
 void init_geo();
@@ -21,9 +21,9 @@ void init_geo()
- gROOT->LoadMacro("CaloSampling.cxx+");
- gROOT->LoadMacro("../src/CaloGeometry.cxx+");
- gROOT->LoadMacro("CaloGeometryFromFile.cxx+");
+ //gROOT->LoadMacro("CaloSampling.cxx+");
+ gROOT->LoadMacro("../src/CaloGeoGeometry.cxx+");
+ gROOT->LoadMacro("../src/CaloGeometryFromFile.cxx+");
  cout<<"init geometry done"<<endl;
  cout << "running run_geo.C" << endl;
diff --git a/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/tools/run_geo.C b/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/tools/run_geo.C
index b6ec56c5da96..ca975dbf459a 100644
--- a/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/tools/run_geo.C
+++ b/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/tools/run_geo.C
@@ -7,6 +7,10 @@
 #include "TGraph.h"
 void run_geo();
+void WriteGeneralInfo(TString /*cut_label*/, TString lumi, float size, float x, float y);
+void ATLASLabel(Double_t x,Double_t y,const char* text, float tsize, Color_t color=1);
+void WriteInfo(TString info, float size, float x, float y, int color=1);
 void run_geo()
@@ -54,15 +58,27 @@ void run_geo()
-  TCanvas* canvas = new TCanvas("FCal1_xy","FCal1_xy");
+  float xInfo = 0.18;
+  float  yInfo = 0.9;
+  float sizeInfo=0.035;
+  TCanvas* canvas = new TCanvas("FCal1_xy","FCal1_xy",600,600);
-	canvas->SaveAs("FCal1Geometry.png");
-	TCanvas* canvas2 = new TCanvas("FCal2_xy","FCal2_xy");
+  WriteGeneralInfo("","",sizeInfo,xInfo,yInfo);
+  WriteInfo("FCal1", 0.05, 0.20, 0.21);
+  canvas->SaveAs("FCal1Geometry.png");
+  TCanvas* canvas2 = new TCanvas("FCal2_xy","FCal2_xy",600,600);
-	canvas2->SaveAs("FCal2Geometry.png");
-	TCanvas* canvas3 = new TCanvas("FCal3_xy","FCal3_xy");
+  WriteGeneralInfo("","",sizeInfo,xInfo,yInfo);
+  WriteInfo("FCal2", 0.05, 0.20, 0.21);
+  canvas2->SaveAs("FCal2Geometry.png");
+  TCanvas* canvas3 = new TCanvas("FCal3_xy","FCal3_xy",600,600);
-	canvas3->SaveAs("FCal3Geometry.png");
+  WriteGeneralInfo("","",sizeInfo,xInfo,yInfo);
+  WriteInfo("FCal3", 0.05, 0.20, 0.21);
+  canvas3->SaveAs("FCal3Geometry.png");
@@ -190,4 +206,58 @@ void run_geo()
+void ATLASLabel(Double_t x,Double_t y,const char* text, float tsize, Color_t color){
+  TLatex l; //l.SetTextAlign(12);
+  if (tsize>0) l.SetTextSize(tsize); 
+  l.SetNDC();
+  l.SetTextFont(72);
+  l.SetTextColor(color);
+  //double delx = 0.115*696*gPad->GetWh()/(472*gPad->GetWw());
+  double delx = 0.14;
+  l.DrawLatex(x,y,"ATLAS");
+  if (text) {
+    TLatex p; 
+    p.SetNDC();
+    if (tsize>0) p.SetTextSize(tsize); 
+    p.SetTextFont(42);
+    p.SetTextColor(color);
+    p.DrawLatex(x+delx,y,text);
+    //    p.DrawLatex(x,y,"#sqrt{s}=900GeV");
+  }
+void WriteGeneralInfo(TString /*cut_label*/, TString lumi, float size, float x, float y){
+  TString label="";
+  if (lumi=="") label+="  Simulation";
+  //label+="  Internal";
+    label+=" Preliminary";
+  ATLASLabel(x,y,label.Data(),size*1.15);
+  TString ToWrite="";
+  TLatex l;
+  l.SetNDC();
+  l.SetTextFont(42);
+  l.SetTextSize(size*0.9); 
+  l.SetTextColor(1);
+  //l.DrawLatex(x-0.005,y-0.07,cut_label.Data());
+  double shift=0.55;
+  //ToWrite="#sqrt{s}=13 TeV";
+  //if (lumi!=""){
+    ////ToWrite="L_{int}=";
+    //ToWrite+=", ";
+    //ToWrite+=lumi;
+    //ToWrite+=" fb^{-1}";
+    //shift=0.43;
+  //}
+  l.DrawLatex(x+shift,y,ToWrite.Data());
+void WriteInfo(TString info, float size, float x, float y, int color){
+  TLatex l;
+  l.SetNDC();
+  l.SetTextFont(42);
+  l.SetTextSize(size); 
+  l.SetTextColor(color);
+  l.DrawLatex(x,y,info.Data());
diff --git a/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimServices/CMakeLists.txt b/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimServices/CMakeLists.txt
index d222b374cfb6..c0dbcc846ea0 100644
--- a/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimServices/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimServices/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -9,8 +9,6 @@ atlas_subdir( ISF_FastCaloSimServices )
 atlas_depends_on_subdirs( PUBLIC
-                          Control/AthenaKernel
-                          DetectorDescription/IdDictParser
@@ -18,14 +16,14 @@ atlas_depends_on_subdirs( PUBLIC
+			  Calorimeter/CaloDetDescr
-                          Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimInterfaces
-                          Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization )
+                          Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimInterfaces )
 # External dependencies:
 find_package( CLHEP )
@@ -36,7 +34,7 @@ atlas_add_component( ISF_FastCaloSimServices
-                     LINK_LIBRARIES ${CLHEP_LIBRARIES} ${HEPMC_LIBRARIES} AthenaBaseComps AthenaKernel GaudiKernel IdDictParser ISF_Interfaces TrkEventPrimitives TrkExInterfaces CaloEvent StoreGateLib SGtests NavFourMom GeneratorObjects FastCaloSimLib ISF_Event ISF_FastCaloSimEvent ISF_FastCaloSimInterfaces ISF_FastCaloSimParametrizationLib )
+                     LINK_LIBRARIES ${CLHEP_LIBRARIES} ${HEPMC_LIBRARIES} AthenaBaseComps GaudiKernel ISF_Interfaces TrkEventPrimitives TrkExInterfaces CaloEvent StoreGateLib SGtests NavFourMom GeneratorObjects FastCaloSimLib ISF_Event ISF_FastCaloSimEvent ISF_FastCaloSimInterfaces )
 # Install files from the package:
 atlas_install_headers( ISF_FastCaloSimServices )
diff --git a/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimServices/python/ b/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimServices/python/
index 3cacab794fb4..7e7d36b7dd02 100644
--- a/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimServices/python/
+++ b/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimServices/python/
@@ -13,11 +13,9 @@ from AthenaCommon.Constants import *  # FATAL,ERROR etc.
 from AthenaCommon.SystemOfUnits import *
 from AthenaCommon.DetFlags import DetFlags
+from ISF_Config.ISF_jobProperties import ISF_Flags # IMPORTANT: Flags must be set before tools are retrieved
 from ISF_FastCaloSimServices.ISF_FastCaloSimJobProperties import ISF_FastCaloSimFlags
-from ISF_Algorithms.collection_merger_helpers import generate_mergeable_collection_name
 def getAdditionalParticleParametrizationFileNames():
     return [
@@ -674,7 +672,7 @@ def getPunchThroughTool(name="ISF_PunchThroughTool", **kwargs):
     kwargs.setdefault("MinEnergy"               , [   938.3,   135.6,     50.,     50.,   105.7 ]    )
     kwargs.setdefault("MaxNumParticles"         , [      -1,      -1,      -1,      -1,      -1 ]    )
     kwargs.setdefault("EnergyFactor"            , [      1.,      1.,      1.,      1.,      1. ]    )
-    kwargs.setdefault("BarcodeSvc"              , simFlags.TruthStrategy.BarcodeServiceName()                         )
+    kwargs.setdefault("BarcodeSvc"              , ISF_Flags.BarcodeService()                         )
     kwargs.setdefault("EnvelopeDefSvc"          , getService('AtlasGeometry_EnvelopeDefSvc')         )
     kwargs.setdefault("BeamPipeRadius"          , 500.                                               )
@@ -703,6 +701,16 @@ def getNITimedExtrapolator(name="ISF_NITimedExtrapolator", **kwargs):
     from TrkExTools.TrkExToolsConf import Trk__TimedExtrapolator as TimedExtrapolator
     return TimedExtrapolator(name, **kwargs )
+def getTimedExtrapolator(name="TimedExtrapolator", **kwargs):
+    kwargs.setdefault("MaterialEffectsUpdators" , [ 'ISF_NIMatEffUpdator' ])
+    kwargs.setdefault("ApplyMaterialEffects"    , False )
+    kwargs.setdefault("STEP_Propagator"    , 'ISF_NIPropagator' )
+    from TrkExTools.TrkExToolsConf import Trk__TimedExtrapolator as TimedExtrapolator
+    return TimedExtrapolator(name, **kwargs )
 ## FastShowerCellBuilderTool
 def getDefaultFastShowerCellBuilderTool(name, **kwargs):
@@ -791,50 +799,7 @@ def getPileupFastShowerCellBuilderTool(name="ISF_PileupFastShowerCellBuilderTool
     kwargs.setdefault("sampling_energy_reweighting", weightsfcs )
     return getFastShowerCellBuilderTool(name, **kwargs)
-def getFastHitConvertTool(name="ISF_FastHitConvertTool", **kwargs):
-    mergeable_collection_suffix = "_FastCaloSim"
-    EMB_hits_bare_collection_name = "LArHitEMB"
-    EMB_hits_merger_input_property = "LArEMBHits"
-    EMB_hits_collection_name = generate_mergeable_collection_name(
-        EMB_hits_bare_collection_name,
-        mergeable_collection_suffix,
-        EMB_hits_merger_input_property)
-    EMEC_hits_bare_collection_name = "LArHitEMEC"
-    EMEC_hits_merger_input_property = "LArEMECHits"
-    EMEC_hits_collection_name = generate_mergeable_collection_name(
-        EMEC_hits_bare_collection_name,
-        mergeable_collection_suffix,
-        EMEC_hits_merger_input_property)
-    FCAL_hits_bare_collection_name = "LArHitFCAL"
-    FCAL_hits_merger_input_property = "LArFCALHits"
-    FCAL_hits_collection_name = generate_mergeable_collection_name(
-        FCAL_hits_bare_collection_name,
-        mergeable_collection_suffix,
-        FCAL_hits_merger_input_property)
-    HEC_hits_bare_collection_name = "LArHitHEC"
-    HEC_hits_merger_input_property = "LArHECHits"
-    HEC_hits_collection_name = generate_mergeable_collection_name(
-        HEC_hits_bare_collection_name,
-        mergeable_collection_suffix,
-        HEC_hits_merger_input_property)
-    tile_hits_bare_collection_name = "TileHitVec"
-    tile_hits_merger_input_property = "TileHits"
-    tile_hits_collection_name = generate_mergeable_collection_name(
-        tile_hits_bare_collection_name,
-        mergeable_collection_suffix,
-        tile_hits_merger_input_property)
-    kwargs.setdefault('embHitContainername', EMB_hits_collection_name)
-    kwargs.setdefault('emecHitContainername', EMEC_hits_collection_name)
-    kwargs.setdefault('fcalHitContainername', FCAL_hits_collection_name)
-    kwargs.setdefault('hecHitContainername', HEC_hits_collection_name)
-    kwargs.setdefault('tileHitContainername', tile_hits_collection_name)
+def getFastHitConvertTool(name="ISF_FastHitConvertTool",**kwargs):
     from FastCaloSimHit.FastCaloSimHitConf import FastHitConvertTool
     return FastHitConvertTool(name,**kwargs)
diff --git a/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimServices/python/ b/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimServices/python/
index 48621e9ef886..2797c9e57cba 100644
--- a/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimServices/python/
+++ b/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimServices/python/
@@ -96,14 +96,33 @@ def getFastCaloSimSvcV2(name="ISF_FastCaloSimSvcV2", **kwargs):
     kwargs.setdefault("CaloCellMakerTools_release"       , [ 'ISF_CaloCellContainerFinalizerTool',
                                                            'ISF_FastHitConvertTool' ])
     kwargs.setdefault("DoRandomFluctuations"             , False )
+    kwargs.setdefault("useOneDShapeParametrisation"      , False                                             )
+    kwargs.setdefault("nHits"                            , 100                                             )
     kwargs.setdefault("ParamsInputFilename"              , ISF_FastCaloSimFlags.ParamsInputFilename())
+    kwargs.setdefault("Extrapolator"                     , 'TimedExtrapolator')
+    kwargs.setdefault("FastCaloSimCaloExtrapolation"     , 'FastCaloSimCaloExtrapolation')
+    kwargs.setdefault("useFastCaloSimCaloExtrapolation"             , True )
     # register the FastCaloSim random number streams
     from G4AtlasApps.SimFlags import simFlags
     if not simFlags.RandomSeedList.checkForExistingSeed(ISF_FastCaloSimFlags.RandomStreamName()):
         simFlags.RandomSeedList.addSeed( ISF_FastCaloSimFlags.RandomStreamName(), 98346412, 12461240 )
     kwargs.setdefault("RandomStream"                     , ISF_FastCaloSimFlags.RandomStreamName())
     kwargs.setdefault("RandomSvc"                        , simFlags.RandomSvc.get_Value() )
     return CfgMgr.ISF__FastCaloSimSvcV2(name, **kwargs )
+def getFastCaloSimCaloExtrapolation(name="FastCaloSimCaloExtrapolation", **kwargs):
+    from ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization.ISF_FastCaloSimParametrizationConf import FastCaloSimCaloExtrapolation
+    kwargs.setdefault("CaloBoundaryR"             , 1148.0 )
+    kwargs.setdefault("CaloBoundaryZ"             , 3549.5 )
+    kwargs.setdefault("CaloMargin"                , 100    )
+    kwargs.setdefault("Extrapolator"              , "TimedExtrapolator" )
+    kwargs.setdefault("CaloSurfaceHelper"         , "CaloSurfaceHelper" )
+    kwargs.setdefault("CaloGeometryHelper"        , "FastCaloSimGeometryHelper" )
+    kwargs.setdefault("CaloEntrance"              , "InDet::Containers::InnerDetector"     )
+    return CfgMgr.FastCaloSimCaloExtrapolation(name, **kwargs) 
diff --git a/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimServices/python/ b/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimServices/python/
index 01a9b5a603ea..80b88a40c31f 100644
--- a/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimServices/python/
+++ b/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimServices/python/
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ from AthenaCommon.CfgGetter import addTool, addService, addAlgorithm
 addTool("ISF_FastCaloSimServices.AdditionalConfig.getNIMatEffUpdator",                 "ISF_NIMatEffUpdator")
 addTool("ISF_FastCaloSimServices.AdditionalConfig.getNIPropagator",                    "ISF_NIPropagator")
 addTool("ISF_FastCaloSimServices.AdditionalConfig.getNITimedExtrapolator",             "ISF_NITimedExtrapolator")
+addTool("ISF_FastCaloSimServices.AdditionalConfig.getTimedExtrapolator",               "TimedExtrapolator")
 addTool("ISF_FastCaloSimServices.AdditionalConfig.getPunchThroughTool",                "ISF_PunchThroughTool")
 addTool("ISF_FastCaloSimServices.AdditionalConfig.getEmptyCellBuilderTool",            "ISF_EmptyCellBuilderTool")
 addTool("ISF_FastCaloSimServices.AdditionalConfig.getFastShowerCellBuilderTool",       "ISF_FastShowerCellBuilderTool")
@@ -30,5 +31,4 @@ addService("ISF_FastCaloSimServices.ISF_FastCaloSimServicesConfig.getFastCaloSim
 addService("ISF_FastCaloSimServices.ISF_FastCaloSimServicesConfig.getLegacyAFIIFastCaloSimSvc",                   "ISF_LegacyAFIIFastCaloSimSvc")
 addService("ISF_FastCaloSimServices.ISF_FastCaloSimServicesConfig.getFastHitConvAlgLegacyAFIIFastCaloSimSvc",     "ISF_FastHitConvAlgLegacyAFIIFastCaloSimSvc")
 addService("ISF_FastCaloSimServices.ISF_FastCaloSimServicesConfig.getFastCaloSimSvcV2",                           "ISF_FastCaloSimSvcV2")
+addTool("ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization.ISF_FastCaloSimParametrizationConfig.getFastCaloSimCaloExtrapolation" , "FastCaloSimCaloExtrapolation"   )
diff --git a/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimServices/src/FastCaloSimSvcV2.cxx b/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimServices/src/FastCaloSimSvcV2.cxx
index c2d9290a5a43..57d242f64f58 100644
--- a/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimServices/src/FastCaloSimSvcV2.cxx
+++ b/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimServices/src/FastCaloSimSvcV2.cxx
@@ -9,10 +9,19 @@
 // class header include
 #include "FastCaloSimSvcV2.h"
 // FastCaloSim includes
 #include "ISF_FastCaloSimEvent/TFCSSimulationState.h"
 #include "ISF_FastCaloSimEvent/TFCSPCAEnergyParametrization.h"
+#include "ISF_FastCaloSimEvent/TFCSTruthState.h"
+#include "ISF_FastCaloSimEvent/TFCSExtrapolationState.h"
+#include "AtlasDetDescr/AtlasDetectorID.h"
+#include "IdDictParser/IdDictParser.h"
+#include "CaloIdentifier/LArEM_ID.h"
+#include "CaloIdentifier/TileID.h"
 // StoreGate
 #include "StoreGate/StoreGateSvc.h"
@@ -22,8 +31,8 @@
 #include "CLHEP/Random/RandFlat.h"
 #include "CaloEvent/CaloCellContainer.h"
-#include "ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/CaloGeometryFromFile.h"
-#include "ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/CaloDetDescrElement.h"
+#include "CaloDetDescr/CaloDetDescrElement.h"
+#include "CaloDetDescr/CaloDetDescrManager.h"
 #include "TCanvas.h" // Just for testing
 #include <fstream>
@@ -36,13 +45,18 @@ ISF::FastCaloSimSvcV2::FastCaloSimSvcV2(const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* sv
   BaseSimulationSvc(name, svc),
   m_rndGenSvc("AtRndmGenSvc", name)
-  declareProperty("ParamsInputFilename"        ,       m_paramsFilename);
-  declareProperty("CaloCellsOutputName"        ,       m_caloCellsOutputName) ;
-  declareProperty("CaloCellMakerTools_setup"   ,       m_caloCellMakerToolsSetup) ;
-  declareProperty("CaloCellMakerTools_release" ,       m_caloCellMakerToolsRelease) ;
-  declareProperty("DoRandomFluctuations"       ,       m_doRandomFluctuations) ;
-  declareProperty("RandomSvc"                  ,       m_rndGenSvc                );
-  declareProperty("RandomStream"               ,       m_randomEngineName         );
+  declareProperty("ParamsInputFilename"            ,       m_paramsFilename);
+  declareProperty("CaloCellsOutputName"            ,       m_caloCellsOutputName) ;
+  declareProperty("CaloCellMakerTools_setup"       ,       m_caloCellMakerToolsSetup) ;
+  declareProperty("CaloCellMakerTools_release"     ,       m_caloCellMakerToolsRelease) ;
+  declareProperty("DoRandomFluctuations"           ,       m_doRandomFluctuations) ;
+  declareProperty("RandomSvc"                      ,       m_rndGenSvc                );
+  declareProperty("RandomStream"                   ,       m_randomEngineName         );
+  declareProperty("Extrapolator"                   ,       m_extrapolator );
+  declareProperty("FastCaloSimCaloExtrapolation"   ,       m_FastCaloSimCaloExtrapolation );
+  declareProperty("useFastCaloSimCaloExtrapolation",       m_useFastCaloSimCaloExtrapolation );
+  declareProperty("useOneDShapeParametrisation"    ,       m_useOneDShapeParametrisation );
+  declareProperty("nHits"                          ,       m_nHits );
@@ -51,47 +65,93 @@ ISF::FastCaloSimSvcV2::~FastCaloSimSvcV2()
 /** framework methods */
 StatusCode ISF::FastCaloSimSvcV2::initialize()
-  ATH_MSG_DEBUG(m_screenOutputPrefix << "Initializing ...");
+  ATH_MSG_INFO(m_screenOutputPrefix << "Initializing ...");
+  double wiggleLayer1[]={0.0110626,0.0242509,0.0398173,0.055761,0.0736173,0.0938847,0.115154,0.13639,0.157644,0.178934,0.200182,0.221473,0.242745,0.264019,0.285264,0.306527,0.327811,0.349119,0.370387,0.391668,0.412922,0.434208,0.45546,0.476732,0.498023,0.51931,0.540527,0.561799,0.583079,0.604358,0.625614,0.646864,0.668112,0.689351,0.710629,0.731894,0.75318,0.774426,0.795695,0.81699,0.838258,0.859528,0.880783,0.90202,0.922515,0.941276,0.958477,0.975062,0.988922,1};
+  double wiggleLayer2[]={0.0127507,0.0255775,0.0395137,0.0542644,0.0695555,0.0858206,0.102274,0.119653,0.137832,0.156777,0.176938,0.197727,0.217576,0.236615,0.256605,0.277766,0.2995,0.321951,0.344663,0.367903,0.392401,0.417473,0.443514,0.470867,0.498296,0.52573,0.553114,0.57921,0.604326,0.628822,0.652191,0.674853,0.697268,0.718983,0.739951,0.759866,0.778877,0.798762,0.819559,0.839789,0.858923,0.877327,0.894831,0.911693,0.92821,0.94391,0.959156,0.973593,0.986752,1};
+  double wiggleLayer3[]={0.0217932,0.0438502,0.0670992,0.091085,0.11651,0.143038,0.169524,0.196205,0.222944,0.249703,0.276629,0.303559,0.33034,0.356842,0.383579,0.410385,0.437272,0.464214,0.49118,0.518202,0.545454,0.572667,0.600037,0.627544,0.655072,0.6826,0.709824,0.733071,0.754764,0.775672,0.793834,0.810904,0.828219,0.844119,0.858339,0.871248,0.882485,0.894889,0.907955,0.920289,0.931136,0.941039,0.949844,0.957641,0.965787,0.97392,0.981706,0.988892,0.994527,1};
+  for(int i=0;i<50;i++)
+  {
+   m_wiggleLayer1[i]=wiggleLayer1[i];
+   m_wiggleLayer2[i]=wiggleLayer2[i];
+   m_wiggleLayer3[i]=wiggleLayer3[i];
+  }
+  cellcheck=0;
+  if(cellcheck)
+  {
+   detID=new AtlasDetectorID();
+   IdDictParser* parser = new IdDictParser;
+   IdDictMgr& idd = parser->parse ("IdDictParser/ATLAS_IDS.xml");
+   detID->initialize_from_dictionary(idd);
+   larID=new LArEM_ID();
+   larID->initialize_from_dictionary(idd);
+   tileID=new TileID();
+   tileID->set_do_neighbours(false);
+   tileID->initialize_from_dictionary(idd);
+   hecID=new LArHEC_ID();
+   hecID->initialize_from_dictionary(idd);
+   fcalID=new LArFCAL_ID();
+   fcalID->set_do_neighbours(false);
+   fcalID->initialize_from_dictionary(idd);
+  }
   m_paramsFile = TFile::Open(m_paramsFilename.c_str());
-  ATH_MSG_DEBUG("------> file = " << m_paramsFile);
-  TFCSPCAEnergyParametrization* epara_pions=new TFCSPCAEnergyParametrization("pions","pions");
-  TFCSPCAEnergyParametrization* epara_photons=new TFCSPCAEnergyParametrization("photons","photons");
+  ATH_MSG_INFO("------> file = " << m_paramsFile);
+  m_paramsFile_photons = TFile::Open("/afs/");
+  ATH_MSG_INFO("------> photon file = " << m_paramsFile_photons);
+  m_photonFile = TFile::Open("/afs/");
+  ATH_MSG_INFO("------> file = " << m_photonFile);
+  m_elFile = TFile::Open("/afs/");
+  ATH_MSG_INFO("------> file = " << m_elFile);
+  m_pionFile = TFile::Open("/afs/");
+  ATH_MSG_INFO("------> file = " << m_pionFile);
+  TFCSPCAEnergyParametrization* epara_pions    =new TFCSPCAEnergyParametrization("pions","pions");
+  TFCSPCAEnergyParametrization* epara_photons  =new TFCSPCAEnergyParametrization("photons","photons");
   TFCSPCAEnergyParametrization* epara_electrons=new TFCSPCAEnergyParametrization("electrons","electrons");
-  ATH_MSG_DEBUG("loading inputs pions");
+  ATH_MSG_INFO("loading inputs pions");
-  ATH_MSG_DEBUG("loading inputs photons");
-  m_eparas[1]->loadInputs(m_paramsFile,"EnergyParams/pdgid_22/EN_50000/eta_0_20");
-  ATH_MSG_DEBUG("loading inputs electrons");
+  ATH_MSG_INFO("loading inputs photons");
+  m_eparas[1]->loadInputs(m_paramsFile_photons,"");
+  ATH_MSG_INFO("loading inputs electrons");
-  ATH_MSG_DEBUG("loading electrons done!");
+  ATH_MSG_INFO("loading electrons done!");
   /** commenting out close and delete: accessing  the file in ::simulate */
-  // file->Close();
-  //delete file;
+  m_paramsFile->Close();
+  delete m_paramsFile;
   m_randomEngine = m_rndGenSvc->GetEngine( m_randomEngineName);
-    {
-      ATH_MSG_ERROR("Could not get random number engine from RandomNumberService. Abort.");
-      return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-    }
-  m_caloGeo = new CaloGeometryFromFile();
+  {
+   ATH_MSG_ERROR("Could not get random number engine from RandomNumberService. Abort.");
+   return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+  }
+  const CaloDetDescrManager* calo_dd_man  = CaloDetDescrManager::instance();
+  m_caloGeo = new CaloGeometryFromCaloDDM();
+  m_caloGeo->LoadGeometryFromCaloDDM(calo_dd_man);
   TString path_to_fcal_geo_files = "/afs/";
-  m_caloGeo->LoadGeometryFromFile("/afs/", "ATLAS-GEO-20-00-01");
   m_caloGeo->LoadFCalGeometryFromFiles(path_to_fcal_geo_files + "FCal1-electrodes.sorted.HV.09Nov2007.dat", path_to_fcal_geo_files + "FCal2-electrodes.sorted.HV.April2011.dat", path_to_fcal_geo_files + "FCal3-electrodes.sorted.HV.09Nov2007.dat");
   for(unsigned int i=0;i<24;i++)
-    m_rlayer.push_back(999);
+   m_rlayer.push_back(999);
@@ -117,391 +177,768 @@ StatusCode ISF::FastCaloSimSvcV2::initialize()
+  // Get TimedExtrapolator 
+  if(!m_extrapolator.empty() && m_extrapolator.retrieve().isFailure())
+   return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+  // Get FastCaloSimCaloExtrapolation
+  if(m_FastCaloSimCaloExtrapolation.retrieve().isFailure())
+  {
+   ATH_MSG_ERROR("FastCaloSimCaloExtrapolation not found ");
+   return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+  }
+  rnd = new TRandom();
   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
 /** framework methods */
 StatusCode ISF::FastCaloSimSvcV2::finalize()
-  ATH_MSG_DEBUG(m_screenOutputPrefix << "Finalizing ...");
+  ATH_MSG_INFO(m_screenOutputPrefix << "Finalizing ...");
   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
 StatusCode ISF::FastCaloSimSvcV2::setupEvent()
-  ATH_MSG_DEBUG(m_screenOutputPrefix << "setupEvent NEW EVENT!");
+  ATH_MSG_INFO(m_screenOutputPrefix << "setupEvent NEW EVENT!");
   m_theContainer = new CaloCellContainer(SG::VIEW_ELEMENTS);
-  // Only record if the container has not already been recorded
-  if (!evtStore()->contains<CaloCellContainer>(m_caloCellsOutputName)) {
-    if (evtStore()->record(m_theContainer, m_caloCellsOutputName).isFailure()) {
-      ATH_MSG_FATAL( m_screenOutputPrefix << "cannot record CaloCellContainer " << m_caloCellsOutputName );
-      return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-    }
+  StatusCode sc = evtStore()->record(m_theContainer, m_caloCellsOutputName);
+  if (sc.isFailure())
+  {
+    ATH_MSG_FATAL( m_screenOutputPrefix << "cannot record CaloCellContainer " << m_caloCellsOutputName );
+    return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-  ATH_CHECK( m_caloCellMakerToolsSetup.retrieve() );
+  CHECK( m_caloCellMakerToolsSetup.retrieve() );
   ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "Successfully retrieve CaloCellMakerTools: " << m_caloCellMakerToolsSetup );
   ToolHandleArray<ICaloCellMakerTool>::iterator itrTool = m_caloCellMakerToolsSetup.begin();
   ToolHandleArray<ICaloCellMakerTool>::iterator endTool = m_caloCellMakerToolsSetup.end();
   for (; itrTool != endTool; ++itrTool)
+  {
+    StatusCode sc = (*itrTool)->process(m_theContainer);
+    if (sc.isFailure())
-      StatusCode sc = (*itrTool)->process(m_theContainer);
-      if (sc.isFailure())
-        {
-          ATH_MSG_ERROR( m_screenOutputPrefix << "Error executing tool " << itrTool->name() );
-          return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-        }
+      ATH_MSG_ERROR( m_screenOutputPrefix << "Error executing tool " << itrTool->name() );
+      return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+  }
   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
 StatusCode ISF::FastCaloSimSvcV2::releaseEvent()
-  ATH_MSG_DEBUG(m_screenOutputPrefix << "release Event");
-  ATH_CHECK( m_caloCellMakerToolsRelease.retrieve() );
-  //run release tools in a loop
-  ToolHandleArray<ICaloCellMakerTool>::iterator itrTool = m_caloCellMakerToolsRelease.begin();
-  ToolHandleArray<ICaloCellMakerTool>::iterator endTool = m_caloCellMakerToolsRelease.end();
-  for (; itrTool != endTool; ++itrTool)
-    {
-      ATH_MSG_DEBUG( m_screenOutputPrefix << "Calling tool " << itrTool->name() );
-      StatusCode sc = (*itrTool)->process(m_theContainer);
-      if (sc.isFailure())
-        {
-          ATH_MSG_ERROR( m_screenOutputPrefix << "Error executing tool " << itrTool->name() );
-        }
-    }
-  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+ ATH_MSG_INFO(m_screenOutputPrefix << "release Event");
+ CHECK( m_caloCellMakerToolsRelease.retrieve() );
+ //run release tools in a loop
+ ToolHandleArray<ICaloCellMakerTool>::iterator itrTool = m_caloCellMakerToolsRelease.begin();
+ ToolHandleArray<ICaloCellMakerTool>::iterator endTool = m_caloCellMakerToolsRelease.end();
+ for (; itrTool != endTool; ++itrTool)
+ {
+  ATH_MSG_INFO( m_screenOutputPrefix << "Calling tool " << itrTool->name() );
+  StatusCode sc = (*itrTool)->process(m_theContainer);
+  if (sc.isFailure())
+  {
+   ATH_MSG_ERROR( m_screenOutputPrefix << "Error executing tool " << itrTool->name() );
+  }
+ }
+ return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
 /** Simulation Call */
 StatusCode ISF::FastCaloSimSvcV2::simulate(const ISF::ISFParticle& isfp)
-  ATH_MSG_DEBUG("NEW PARTICLE! FastCaloSimSvcV2 called with ISFParticle: " << isfp);
-  int pdgid = fabs(isfp.pdgCode());
-  int barcode=isfp.barcode();
-  if(barcode!=10001)
-    {
-      ATH_MSG_DEBUG("ISF particle barcode is barcode "<<barcode<<". Go to next Particle.");
-      return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
-    }
-  Amg::Vector3D particle_position =  isfp.position();
-  double eta(0.), phi(0.);
-  eta = particle_position.eta();
-  phi = particle_position.phi();
-  if(abs(eta) > 0.3 || abs(eta) < 0.15) //somewhat enlarged to not cut off too many particles
-    {
-      ATH_MSG_DEBUG("ISF particle is out of eta range: "<<eta<<". Go to next Particle.");
-      return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
-    }
-  if(pdgid==22 || pdgid==211 || pdgid==11)
-    {
-      int index_epara=0;
-      if(pdgid==22) index_epara=1;
-      if(pdgid==11) index_epara=2;
-      /** get the number of pca bins from the epara: **/
-      int n_pcabins = m_eparas[index_epara]->n_pcabins();
-      //determine the pca bin randomly:
-      int pcabin = 1;
-      float uniform=CLHEP::RandFlat::shoot(m_randomEngine);
-      for (int n = 0; n < n_pcabins; n++)
-        {
-          if (uniform > n * 1.0 / (double)n_pcabins && uniform < (n + 1.) * 1.0 / (double)n_pcabins)
-            pcabin = n + 1;
-        }
-      ATH_MSG_DEBUG("pca bin "<<pcabin);
-      //-----ENERGY:-----
-      TFCSSimulationState simulstate;
-      simulstate.set_Ebin(pcabin);
-      m_eparas[index_epara]->simulate(simulstate, nullptr, nullptr);
-      ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Energy returned: " << simulstate.E());
-      ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Energy fraction for layer: ");
-      for (int s = 0; s < CaloCell_ID_FCS::MaxSample; s++)
-        ATH_MSG_VERBOSE(" Sampling " << s << " energy " << simulstate.E(s));
-      //-----SHAPE:-----
-      if (m_doRandomFluctuations == true && pdgid == 211)
-        {
-          ATH_MSG_DEBUG("\n\n*******************************************\n"
-                       << "RANDOM FLUCTUATIONS ARE ON"
-                       << "\n*******************************************\n\n");
-        }
-      else {
-        ATH_MSG_DEBUG("\n\n*******************************************\n"
-                     << "RANDOM FLUCTUATIONS ARE OFF"
-                     << "\n*******************************************\n\n");
-      }
-      /** get the relevant calo layers */
-      IntArray *m_layers = m_eparas[index_epara]->get_layers();
-      /** get the appropriate input histogram */
-      std::string inputHisto = "";
-      for ( int ilayer = 0;  ilayer < m_layers->GetSize(); ilayer++)
-        {
-          /** get the layer ID and associated energy */
-          int layer =  m_layers->GetAt(ilayer);
-          double layerE = simulstate.E(layer);
-          int nHits=-1;
-          ATH_MSG_DEBUG("NOW RUNNING ON LAYER "<<layer);
-          inputHisto = "ShapeParams/pdgid_" + std::to_string(pdgid) + "/EN_50000/eta_0_20/hEnergyDensity_layer" + std::to_string(layer) + "_pca" + std::to_string(pcabin);
-          m_histEnergyDensity2D = (TH2F*)m_paramsFile->Get(inputHisto.c_str());
-          if(!m_paramsFile)
-            {
-              ATH_MSG_FATAL("No paramFile!");
-              return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-            }
-          if(!m_histEnergyDensity2D)
-            {
-              ATH_MSG_FATAL("Problem. No histogram!! :-(");
-              return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-            }
-          /** set number of hits due to random fluctuations if particle is a pion and flag is set */
-          if (m_doRandomFluctuations == true && pdgid == 211) nHits = 10;
-          /** otherwise get the number of hits to account for the resolution of the layer */
-          else nHits = hitCalc(layerE, layer, pdgid);
-          ATH_MSG_DEBUG("number of HITS = "<<nHits);
-          /** simulate random hits from the input histogram */
-          for (int i = 0; i < nHits; i++)
-            {
-              //std::cout<<"Hit nr "<<i<<std::endl;
-              double r, alpha;
-              double delta_phi,delta_phi_mm;
-              const CaloGeoDetDescrElement* mcell = 0;
-              m_histEnergyDensity2D->GetRandom2(alpha, r);
-              //std::cout<<"got a hit positon from the histogram!"<<" r "<<r<<" alpha "<<alpha<<std::endl;
-              //double r_layer=m_rlayers[ilayer*n_pcabins+pcabin-1];
-              double r_layer=m_rlayer[layer];
-              double hit_eta=findHitEta(alpha,r,r_layer,particle_position.z(),eta);
-              delta_phi_mm = r * sin(alpha);
-              delta_phi=delta_phi_mm/r_layer;
-              double hit_phi = phi+delta_phi;
-              if (layer < 21){
-                double wiggle = 0.0;
-                if (layer < 4 && layer > 0){
-                  wiggle = doWiggle(layer);
-                  //std::cout << "wiggle is " << wiggle << std::endl;
-                }
-                mcell = m_caloGeo->getDDE(layer, hit_eta, hit_phi-wiggle);
-              }
-              else
-                {
-                  double theta=2.*atan(exp(-hit_eta));
-                  double rT=particle_position.z()*tan(theta);
-                  double hit_x=rT*cos(hit_phi);
-                  double hit_y=rT*sin(hit_phi);
-                  mcell = m_caloGeo->getFCalDDE(layer, hit_x, hit_y, particle_position.z());
-                }
-              if (!mcell) continue;
-              CaloCell* theCell = (CaloCell*)m_theContainer->findCell(mcell->calo_hash());
-              if(i<10)
-                {
-                  ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Hit nr "<<i<<" eta: " << hit_eta << " phi: " << hit_phi << " Particle eta: " << eta << " phi: " << phi << " delta_eta: " << hit_eta - eta << " delta_phi: " << hit_phi - phi);
-                  ATH_MSG_DEBUG(" Cell from CaloGeometry: eta: " << mcell->eta() << " phi: " << mcell->phi() << " |CELL_eta - HIT_eta| " << abs(mcell->eta() - hit_eta)  << " |CELL_phi - HIT_phi| " << abs(mcell->phi() - hit_phi));
-                  ATH_MSG_DEBUG(" energy input into cell: "<<layerE / nHits);
-                }
-              theCell->addEnergy(layerE / nHits);
-            }
-        }
-    } //pdgid must be 211 or 22 or 11
-  else
-    {
-      ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Oh no! ISF particle has pdgid "<<pdgid<<" . That's not supported yet :(");
-    }
-  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+ ATH_MSG_INFO("NEW PARTICLE! FastCaloSimSvcV2 called with ISFParticle: " << isfp);
+ int pdgid = fabs(isfp.pdgCode());
+ int barcode=isfp.barcode();
+ if(barcode!=10001)
+ {
+  ATH_MSG_INFO("ISF particle barcode is barcode "<<barcode<<". Go to next Particle.");
+  return StatusCode::SUCCESS; 
+ }
+ particle_position =  isfp.position();
+ eta = 0;
+ phi = 0;
+ eta_isfp = 0;
+ phi_isfp = 0;
+ eta_isfp = particle_position.eta();             // isfp eta and phi, in case we need them
+ phi_isfp = particle_position.phi();  
+ if(abs(eta_isfp) > 0.3 || abs(eta_isfp) < 0.15) //somewhat enlarged to not cut off too many particles
+ {
+  ATH_MSG_INFO("ISF particle is out of eta range: "<<eta_isfp<<". Go to next Particle.");
+  return StatusCode::SUCCESS; 
+ }
+ if(!(pdgid==22 || pdgid==211 || pdgid==11))
+ {
+  ATH_MSG_INFO("Oh no! ISF particle has pdgid "<<pdgid<<" . That's not supported yet :(");
+  return StatusCode::SUCCESS; 
+ } 
+ //Get extrapolation result
+ //commenting out next line, because it fails for some events (where the truth is not saved, this apparanetly can happen)
+ //HepMC::GenParticle* isfpTruth = isfp.getTruthBinding()->getTruthParticle();
+ //will use the ISFP momentum instead:
+ TFCSTruthState truth(isfp.momentum().x(),isfp.momentum().y(),isfp.momentum().z(),sqrt(pow(isfp.ekin(),2)+pow(isfp.mass(),2)),isfp.pdgCode());
+ TFCSExtrapolationState result;
+ m_FastCaloSimCaloExtrapolation->extrapolate(result,&truth);
+ int index_epara=0;
+ if(pdgid==22) index_epara=1;
+ if(pdgid==11) index_epara=2;
+ /** get the number of pca bins from the epara: **/
+ int n_pcabins = m_eparas[index_epara]->n_pcabins();
+ //determine the pca bin randomly:
+ int pcabin = 1;
+ float uniform=CLHEP::RandFlat::shoot(m_randomEngine);
+ for (int n = 0; n < n_pcabins; n++)
+ {
+  if(uniform > n * 1.0 / (double)n_pcabins && uniform < (n + 1.) * 1.0 / (double)n_pcabins)
+  pcabin = n + 1;
+ }
+ ATH_MSG_INFO("pca bin "<<pcabin);
+ //-----ENERGY:-----
+ simulstate.set_Ebin(pcabin);
+ m_eparas[index_epara]->simulate(simulstate, nullptr, nullptr);
+ ATH_MSG_INFO("Energy returned: " << simulstate.E());
+ ATH_MSG_INFO("Energy fraction for layer: ");
+ for (int s = 0; s < CaloCell_ID_FCS::MaxSample; s++)
+ ATH_MSG_INFO(" Sampling " << s << " energy " << simulstate.E(s));
+ //-----SHAPE:-----
+ if(m_doRandomFluctuations == true && pdgid == 211)
+ {
+  ATH_MSG_INFO("\n\n*******************************************\n"
+     << "\n*******************************************\n\n");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+  ATH_MSG_INFO("\n\n*******************************************\n"
+        << "\n*******************************************\n\n");
+ }
+ if (m_useOneDShapeParametrisation == true )
+ {
+  ATH_MSG_INFO("\n\n*******************************************\n"
+        << "NHITS=" << m_nHits
+        << "\n*******************************************\n\n");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+  ATH_MSG_INFO("\n\n*******************************************\n"
+        << "\n*******************************************\n\n");
+ }
+ /** get the relevant calo layers */
+ m_layers = m_eparas[index_epara]->get_layers();
+ /** get the appropriate input histogram */
+ std::string inputHistoName = "";
+ esum=0.0;
+ nCells=0;
+ nCells_Tile=0;
+ for ( ilayer = 0;  ilayer < m_layers->GetSize(); ilayer++)
+ {  
+  /** get the layer ID and associated energy */
+  layer =  m_layers->GetAt(ilayer);
+  layerE = simulstate.E(layer);
+  // get eta and phi from extrapolator or isfp
+  if(m_useFastCaloSimCaloExtrapolation)
+  {
+   ATH_MSG_INFO("Using FastCaloSimCaloExtrapolation result for eta, phi, r and z!");
+   eta = result.eta(layer, 0);
+   phi = result.phi(layer, 0);
+   r_layer = result.r(layer,0);
+   z_particle = result.z(layer,0);
+  }
+  if(!m_useFastCaloSimCaloExtrapolation)
+  {
+   ATH_MSG_INFO("Using isfp for eta, phi, r and z!");
+   eta = eta_isfp;
+   phi = phi_isfp;
+   r_layer = m_rlayer[layer];
+   z_particle = particle_position.z();
+  }
+  inputHistoName = "hEnergy_layer"+std::to_string(layer)+"_pca"+std::to_string(pcabin);
+  if(pdgid==11)  //el
+   m_histEnergyDensity2D = (TH2F*)m_elFile->Get(inputHistoName.c_str());
+  if(pdgid==211) //pion
+   m_histEnergyDensity2D = (TH2F*)m_pionFile->Get(inputHistoName.c_str());
+  if(pdgid==22)  //photons
+   m_histEnergyDensity2D = (TH2F*)m_photonFile->Get(inputHistoName.c_str());
+  if(!m_photonFile)
+  {
+   ATH_MSG_FATAL("No photonFile!");
+   return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+  }
+  if(!m_elFile)
+  {
+   ATH_MSG_FATAL("No elFile!");
+   return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+  }
+  if(!m_pionFile)
+  {
+   ATH_MSG_FATAL("No pionFile!");
+   return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+  }
+  if(!m_paramsFile)
+  {
+   ATH_MSG_FATAL("No paramFile!");
+   return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+  }
+  if(!m_histEnergyDensity2D)
+  { 
+   ATH_MSG_FATAL("Problem. No histogram!! :-(");
+   return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+  }
+  if(m_useOneDShapeParametrisation)
+  {
+   if (m_doRandomFluctuations == true && pdgid == 211) m_nHits = 5; //to be optimised
+  }      
+  if(!m_useOneDShapeParametrisation)
+  {
+   /** set number of hits due to random fluctuations if particle is a pion and flag is set */
+   if (m_doRandomFluctuations == true && pdgid == 211) m_nHits = 10;
+   /** otherwise get the number of hits to account for the resolution of the layer */
+   else m_nHits = hitCalc(layerE, layer, pcabin, pdgid);
+  }
+  ATH_MSG_INFO("number of HITS = "<<m_nHits);
+  R=sqrt(r_layer*r_layer + z_particle*z_particle);
+  findEtaMMRange(R,eta,deltaEtaMMmin,deltaEtaMMmax);
+  deltaEtaMMmin*=0.999;
+  deltaEtaMMmax*=0.999;
+  /*
+  std::cout<<"Range for Delta eta[mm]: " << "[" << deltaEtaMMmin << "," << deltaEtaMMmax << "]" << std::endl;
+  std::cout << "Particle position: R: " << R << " eta: " << eta << std::endl;
+  std::cout<<"layer "<<layer<<" number of HITS = "<<m_nHits<<std::endl;
+  */
+  if(m_useOneDShapeParametrisation)
+  {
+   TH1D* proj = m_histEnergyDensity2D->ProjectionY("proj",0,-1,"e");
+   for (int i = 1; i <= proj->GetNbinsX(); ++i)
+   {      
+    double mean, err, energyDensityInBin, energyInBin;      
+    mean = proj->GetBinContent(i);
+    err = proj->GetBinError(i);
+    //std::cout << "Bin: " << i << " mean: " << mean << "  err: " << err << std::endl;
+    energyDensityInBin = rnd->Gaus(mean, err);
+    energyInBin = energyDensityInBin * layerE;
+    double minR = proj->GetBinLowEdge(i);
+    double maxR = proj->GetBinLowEdge(i) + proj->GetBinWidth(i);
+    //std::cout << "Energy in layer: " << layerE << " energyDensityInBin: " << energyDensityInBin << "  energyInBin: " << energyInBin << std::endl;
+    LoopOverHits(energyInBin, minR, maxR);
+    if(cellcheck) TestCell();
+   }
+  }
+  if(!m_useOneDShapeParametrisation)
+  {
+   LoopOverHits(layerE);
+   if(cellcheck) TestCell();
+  }
+ } //loop layer
+ if(cellcheck) std::cout<<"ECHECK etot "<<esum<<" epara "<<simulstate.E()<<" nCells "<<nCells<<" nCells_Tile "<<nCells_Tile<<std::endl;
+ delete m_histEnergyDensity2D;
+ return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+void ISF::FastCaloSimSvcV2::LoopOverHits(double totalEnergy, double minR, double maxR)
+ for (int hit = 0; hit < m_nHits; hit++)
+ {
+  double alpha, r;
+  double delta_eta_mm;
+  const CaloDetDescrElement* mcell = 0;
+  do
+  {
+   if(m_useOneDShapeParametrisation)
+   {
+    r = rnd->Uniform(minR, maxR);
+    alpha = rnd->Uniform(2*TMath::Pi());
+   }
+   if(!m_useOneDShapeParametrisation)
+   {
+    m_histEnergyDensity2D->GetRandom2(alpha, r);
+   }
+   delta_eta_mm=r * cos(alpha);
+  }
+  while(delta_eta_mm<deltaEtaMMmin || delta_eta_mm>deltaEtaMMmax);
+  double delta_phi_mm = r * sin(alpha);
+  //std::cout<<"got a hit positon from the histogram!"<<" r "<<r<<" alpha "<<alpha<<" r_layer "<<r_layer<<" z_particle "<<z_particle<<" eta "<<eta<<std::endl;
+  //double r_layer=m_rlayers[ilayer*n_pcabins+pcabin-1];
+  double hit_eta=findHitEta(delta_eta_mm,R,eta);
+  //std::cout<<"hit_eta "<<hit_eta<<std::endl;
+  double delta_phi=delta_phi_mm/r_layer;
+  double hit_phi = phi+delta_phi;
+  double hit_phi_shifted=hit_phi;     
+  double wiggle = 0.0;
+  if(layer < 21)
+  {
+   if(layer < 4 && layer > 0)
+   {
+    wiggle = doWiggle(layer);
+    //std::cout << "wiggle is " << wiggle << std::endl;
+   }
+   hit_phi_shifted=hit_phi-wiggle;
+   hit_phi_shifted=TVector2::Phi_mpi_pi(hit_phi_shifted);
+   mcell = m_caloGeo->getDDE(layer, hit_eta, hit_phi_shifted);
+  }
+  if(layer >= 21) //FCAL
+  {
+   double theta=2.*atan(exp(-hit_eta));
+   double rT=z_particle*tan(theta);
+   double hit_x=rT*cos(hit_phi);
+   double hit_y=rT*sin(hit_phi);
+   mcell = m_caloGeo->getFCalDDE(layer, hit_x, hit_y, z_particle);      
+  }
+  if (!mcell) continue;
+  CaloCell* theCell = (CaloCell*)m_theContainer->findCell(mcell->calo_hash());
+  theCell->addEnergy(totalEnergy / m_nHits);
+  /*
+  if(hit<10)
+  {
+   ATH_MSG_INFO("Hit nr "<<i<<" eta: " << hit_eta << " phi: " << hit_phi << " Particle eta: " << eta << " phi: " << phi << " delta_eta: " << hit_eta - eta << " delta_phi: " << hit_phi - phi);
+   ATH_MSG_INFO(" Cell from CaloGeometry: eta: " << mcell->eta() << " phi: " << mcell->phi() << " |CELL_eta - HIT_eta| " << abs(mcell->eta() - hit_eta)  << " |CELL_phi - HIT_phi| " << abs(mcell->phi() - hit_phi));
+   ATH_MSG_INFO(" energy density in layer: "<<energyDensityInBin);
+   ATH_MSG_INFO(" energy input into cell: "<<energyInBin / m_nHits);
+  }
+  */
+  if(cellcheck){
+   const CaloDetDescrElement* DDE = theCell->caloDDE();
+   // Comparison CaloDetDescrElement vs CaloGeometry element
+   if(abs(DDE->eta() - mcell->eta())>0.0001 || abs(DDE->phi() - mcell->phi())>0.0001 ){
+     ATH_MSG_ERROR("Error in CaloGeometry: Cell with same ID has different position.");
+     ATH_MSG_ERROR("CaloCell: " << "eta: " << DDE->eta() << " phi: " << DDE->phi() << " ID: " << DDE->identify());
+     ATH_MSG_ERROR("CaloGeometry: " << "eta: " << mcell->eta() << " phi: " << mcell->phi() << " ID: " << mcell->identify());
+   }
+   // Hit-to-cell assignment check
+   //double delta_phi_check=abs(std::fmod(DDE->phi() - hit_phi_shifted,TMath::Pi()*2.));
+   double delta_phi_check=abs(TVector2::Phi_mpi_pi(DDE->phi() - hit_phi_shifted));
+   //if(delta_phi_check>TMath::Pi())delta_phi_check=TMath::Pi()*2.-delta_phi_check;
+   if(abs(DDE->eta() - hit_eta) > DDE->deta()/2*1.01 || abs(delta_phi_check) > DDE->dphi()/2*1.01) {
+     ATH_MSG_ERROR("Error in hit-to-cell assignment: Hit is too far from the cell.");
+     ATH_MSG_ERROR(" Cell from CaloGeometry: eta: " << DDE->eta() << " deta: " << DDE->deta() << " phi: " << DDE->phi() << " dphi: " << DDE->dphi() << " |CELL_eta - HIT_eta|/(0.5*deta) " << abs(DDE->eta() - hit_eta)*2./ DDE->deta() 
+	  << " HIT_eta " << hit_eta << " |CELL_phi - HIT_phi|/(0.5*dphi) " << abs(delta_phi_check)*2./DDE->dphi() << " HIT_phi: " << hit_phi_shifted );		  
+   }
+   if(hit<10)
+   {
+    ATH_MSG_INFO("Hit nr "<<hit<<" eta: " << hit_eta << " phi: " << hit_phi << " Particle eta: " << eta << " phi: " << phi << " delta_eta: " << hit_eta - eta << " delta_phi: " << hit_phi - phi);
+    ATH_MSG_INFO(" Cell from CaloGeometry: eta: " << mcell->eta() << " phi: " << mcell->phi() << " |CELL_eta - HIT_eta|/(0.5*CELL_deta) " << abs(mcell->eta() - hit_eta)*2/mcell->deta()  << " |CELL_phi - HIT_phi|/(0.5*CELL_dphi) " << abs(mcell->phi() - hit_phi_shifted)*2./mcell->dphi());
+    ATH_MSG_INFO(" energy input into cell: "<<layerE / m_nHits);
+   }
+}  //if cellcheck
+ } //for hit
+} //LoopOverHits
+void ISF::FastCaloSimSvcV2::TestCell()
+ esum=0.0;
+ nCells=0;
+ nCells_Tile=0;	 
+ double cut=0.1;
+ CaloCellContainer::iterator it  =m_theContainer->begin();
+ CaloCellContainer::iterator it_e=m_theContainer->end();
+ for(;it!=it_e;++it)
+ {
+  CaloCell* theCell=(*it);
+  //const unsigned int hash_id=theCell->caloDDE()->calo_hash();
+  const Identifier cell_id=theCell->ID();
+  esum+=theCell->energy();
+  if(theCell->energy()>cut)
+  {
+   int isLAr=0; int isTile=0; int isHEC=0; int isFCAL=0;
+   if(detID->is_lar_em(cell_id)==1)   isLAr=1;
+   if(detID->is_lar_hec(cell_id)==1)  isHEC=1;
+   if(detID->is_lar_fcal(cell_id)==1) isFCAL=1;
+   if(detID->is_tile(cell_id)==1)     isTile=1;
+   std::cout<<"cell_id "<<cell_id<<" energy "<<theCell->energy()<<" eta "<<theCell->eta()<<" phi "<<phi;
+   if(isLAr)  { std::cout<<"  LArEM sampling "<<larID->sampling(cell_id); }
+   if(isHEC)  { std::cout<<"  HEC sampling   "<<hecID->sampling(cell_id); }
+   if(isFCAL) { std::cout<<"  FCAL module    "<<fcalID->module(cell_id); }
+   if(isTile) { std::cout<<"  TILE sampling  "<<tileID->sampling(cell_id); nCells_Tile++; }
+   std::cout<<" "<<std::endl;
+   nCells++;
+  }
+ }
+ double sum_epara=0.0;
+ for(int a=0;a<=ilayer;a++) sum_epara+=simulstate.E(m_layers->GetAt(a));
+ std::cout<<"ECHECK layer "<<layer<<" esum "<<esum<<" epara "<<sum_epara<<" (this layer: "<<simulstate.E(layer)<<") nCells "<<nCells<<" nCells_Tile "<<nCells_Tile<<std::endl;
-int ISF::FastCaloSimSvcV2::hitCalc(double energy, int calolayer, int pdgid){
-  int hits=1;
-  /** Calculate estimates for cell energy fluctuations. Should be updated with better numbers */
-  if(energy>0.0001)
-    {
-      double stochastic=0.1;
-      double constant=0.0;
-      if(pdgid == 211){
-        if(calolayer >= 0 && calolayer<= 7){
-          stochastic=0.101;     //LAr      10.1%/sqrt(E)
-          constant=0.002;
-        }
-        else if(calolayer >= 8 && calolayer <= 11){
-          stochastic=0.706;     //HadEC  70.6%/sqrt(E) for pions
-          constant=0.058;
-        }
-        else if(calolayer >= 12 && calolayer <= 20){
-          stochastic=0.564;     //TileCal 56.4%/sqrt(E)
-          constant=0.055;
-        }
-        else if(calolayer >= 21 && calolayer <= 23){
-          stochastic=0.942;     //FCAL    94.2%/sqrt(E) for pions
-          constant=0.075;
-        }
-      }
-      else {
-        if(calolayer >= 0 && calolayer<= 7){
-          stochastic=0.101;     //LAr      10.1%/sqrt(E)
-          constant=0.002;
-        }
-        else if(calolayer >= 8 && calolayer <= 11){
-          stochastic=0.214;     //HadEC 21.4%/sqrt(E)
-          constant=0.0;
-        }
-        else if(calolayer >= 12 && calolayer <= 20){
-          stochastic=0.564;     //TileCal 56.4%/sqrt(E)
-          constant=0.055;
-        }
-        else if(calolayer >= 21 && calolayer <= 23){
-          stochastic=0.285;     //FCAL    28.5%/sqrt(E)
-          constant=0.035;
-        }
-      }
-      hits = 1.0 / ((stochastic/sqrt(energy/1000.0))*(stochastic/sqrt(energy/1000.0)) + constant*constant);
-    }
-  else
-    ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Something is wrong. Layer "<<calolayer<<" has very little energy "<<energy);
+int ISF::FastCaloSimSvcV2::hitCalc(double energy, int calolayer,int pcabin, int pdgid)
+ int hits=1;
+ std::vector<std::vector<int> > hitVectorPions(24);
+ //for(int i=0;i<24;i++)hitVector[i].resize(5);
+ hitVectorPions[0]={105,62,30,9,4};
+ hitVectorPions[1]={569,283,117,31,7};
+ hitVectorPions[2]={2320,1859,1189,380,35};
+ hitVectorPions[3]={103,128,136,50,3};
+ hitVectorPions[12]={18,28,37,49,36};
+ hitVectorPions[13]={6,14,26,44,70};
+ hitVectorPions[14]={0,0,4,0,8};
+ std::vector<std::vector<int> > hitVectorPhotons(24);
+ hitVectorPhotons[0]={8,10,5,5,8};
+ hitVectorPhotons[1]={5,5,5,5,8};
+ hitVectorPhotons[2]={25,55,60,150,150};
+ hitVectorPhotons[3]={50,50,50,50,50};
+ hitVectorPhotons[12]={30,40,50,25,30};
+ hitVectorPhotons[13]={0,0,0,0,0};
+ hitVectorPhotons[14]={0,0,0,0,0};
+ /** Calculate estimates for cell energy fluctuations. Should be updated with better numbers */
+ if(energy>0.0001)
+ {
+  double stochastic=0.1;
+  double constant=0.0;
+  if(pdgid == 211)
+  {
+   return hitVectorPions[calolayer][pcabin];
+   /*
+   if(calolayer >= 0 && calolayer<= 7)
+   {
+    stochastic=0.101;     //LAr      10.1%/sqrt(E)
+    constant=0.002;
+   }
+   if(calolayer >= 8 && calolayer <= 11)
+   {
+    stochastic=0.706;     //HadEC  70.6%/sqrt(E) for pions
+    constant=0.058;
+   }
+   if(calolayer >= 12 && calolayer <= 20)
+   {
+    stochastic=0.564;     //TileCal 56.4%/sqrt(E)
+    constant=0.055;
+   }
+   if(calolayer >= 21 && calolayer <= 23)
+   {
+    stochastic=0.942;     //FCAL    94.2%/sqrt(E) for pions
+    constant=0.075;
+   }
+   */
+  }
-  return hits;
+  if(pdgid != 211)
+  {
+   if(calolayer >= 0 && calolayer<= 7)
+   {
+    stochastic=0.101;     //LAr      10.1%/sqrt(E)
+    constant=0.002;
+   }
+   if(calolayer >= 8 && calolayer <= 11)
+   {
+    stochastic=0.214;     //HadEC 21.4%/sqrt(E)
+    constant=0.0;
+   }
+   if(calolayer >= 12 && calolayer <= 20)
+   {
+    stochastic=0.564;     //TileCal 56.4%/sqrt(E)
+    constant=0.055;
+   }
+   if(calolayer >= 21 && calolayer <= 23)
+   {
+    stochastic=0.285;     //FCAL    28.5%/sqrt(E)
+    constant=0.035;
+   }
+  } //if pdgid!=211
+  hits = 1.0 / ((stochastic/sqrt(energy/1000.0))*(stochastic/sqrt(energy/1000.0)) + constant*constant);
+ } //if pass energy
+ else
+  ATH_MSG_INFO("Something is wrong. Layer "<<calolayer<<" has very little energy "<<energy);
+ return hits;
-double ISF::FastCaloSimSvcV2::findHitEta(const double alpha,const double r, const double r_layer,const double z_particle,const double eta_particle){
-  const double delta_eta_mm = r * cos(alpha);
-  const double R=sqrt(r_layer*r_layer + z_particle*z_particle);
-  double x=eta_particle; // approximation of hit_eta, starting point for iterations
+double ISF::FastCaloSimSvcV2::findHitEta(const double delta_eta_mm,const double R,const double eta_particle)
+  double x=eta_particle; // approximation of hit_eta, starting point for iterations
+  //std::cout<<"in findHitEta: delta_eta_mm "<<delta_eta_mm<<" R "<<R<<" x "<<x<<std::endl;
   double a,b;
   double c,d;
   double delta;
-  double e;
-  const double epsilon=0.0001;
-  do{
-    c=exp(-x);
-    d=1./(1.+(c*c));
-    e=(2.*R)*(c*d);
+  double sech,tanh;
+  int count=0;
+  const double epsilon=0.001;
+  do
+  {
+    c=exp(x);
+    d=1./c;
+    sech=2./(c+d);
+    tanh=(c-d)/2.*sech;
-    a = e*delta - delta_eta_mm; // transformation
-    b = e*(1. - (delta*d)); // first derivative of the transformation
+    a = transformationEtaToMM(R,delta,sech) - delta_eta_mm;// transformation
+    b = transformationEtaToMMFirstDerivative(R,delta,sech,tanh);// first derivative of the transformation
     x = x - a/b;
-  } while(abs(a) > epsilon);
-  if(x!=x) ATH_MSG_ERROR("Error: Hit eta not defined.");
+    count++;
+    //std::cout<<"count "<<count<<" a "<<a<<" b "<<b<<" c "<<c<<" d "<<d<<" delta "<<delta<<" x "<<x<<std::endl;
+  }
+  while((abs(a) > epsilon) && count<1000);
+  if(x!=x || count>=1000) ATH_MSG_ERROR("Error: Hit eta not found.");
   //std::cout << "hit_eta: " << x << " error: " << a/b << std::endl;
   return x;
-double ISF::FastCaloSimSvcV2::doWiggle(int layer)
+double ISF::FastCaloSimSvcV2::findStartingPoint(const double R,const double eta_particle,bool forMaximum)
-  double wiggle = 0.0;
-  double cell_dphi = 0.0;
-  //Define cell size in phi
-  if (layer == 1)
-    cell_dphi = 0.0981748;
-  else if (layer == 2 || layer == 3)
-    cell_dphi = 0.0245437;
-  else{
-    ATH_MSG_ERROR("I am inside the wiggle calculation, but the layer is " << layer << "!");
-    return 0.0;
-  }
-  //Set random numbers
-  double searchRand = CLHEP::RandFlat::shoot(m_randomEngine);
-  //Now for layer dependant approach
-  if (layer == 1){
-    double m_wiggleLayer1[]={0.0110626,0.0242509,0.0398173,0.055761,0.0736173,0.0938847,0.115154,0.13639,0.157644,0.178934,0.200182,0.221473,0.242745,0.264019,0.285264,0.306527,0.327811,0.349119,0.370387,0.391668,0.412922,0.434208,0.45546,0.476732,0.498023,0.51931,0.540527,0.561799,0.583079,0.604358,0.625614,0.646864,0.668112,0.689351,0.710629,0.731894,0.75318,0.774426,0.795695,0.81699,0.838258,0.859528,0.880783,0.90202,0.922515,0.941276,0.958477,0.975062,0.988922,1};
-    int chosenBin = (Int_t) TMath::BinarySearch(50, m_wiggleLayer1, searchRand);
-    double x_wigg = ((-0.98)+(chosenBin+1)*0.04)/2;
-    wiggle = x_wigg*cell_dphi/4;
-  }
-  if (layer == 2){
-    double m_wiggleLayer2[]={0.0127507,0.0255775,0.0395137,0.0542644,0.0695555,0.0858206,0.102274,0.119653,0.137832,0.156777,0.176938,0.197727,0.217576,0.236615,0.256605,0.277766,0.2995,0.321951,0.344663,0.367903,0.392401,0.417473,0.443514,0.470867,0.498296,0.52573,0.553114,0.57921,0.604326,0.628822,0.652191,0.674853,0.697268,0.718983,0.739951,0.759866,0.778877,0.798762,0.819559,0.839789,0.858923,0.877327,0.894831,0.911693,0.92821,0.94391,0.959156,0.973593,0.986752,1};
-    int chosenBin = (Int_t) TMath::BinarySearch(50, m_wiggleLayer2, searchRand);
-    double x_wigg = ((-0.98)+(chosenBin+1)*0.04)/2;
-    wiggle = x_wigg*cell_dphi;
-  }
-  if (layer == 3){
-    double m_wiggleLayer3[]={0.0217932,0.0438502,0.0670992,0.091085,0.11651,0.143038,0.169524,0.196205,0.222944,0.249703,0.276629,0.303559,0.33034,0.356842,0.383579,0.410385,0.437272,0.464214,0.49118,0.518202,0.545454,0.572667,0.600037,0.627544,0.655072,0.6826,0.709824,0.733071,0.754764,0.775672,0.793834,0.810904,0.828219,0.844119,0.858339,0.871248,0.882485,0.894889,0.907955,0.920289,0.931136,0.941039,0.949844,0.957641,0.965787,0.97392,0.981706,0.988892,0.994527,1};
-    int chosenBin = (Int_t) TMath::BinarySearch(50, m_wiggleLayer3, searchRand);
-    double x_wigg = ((-0.98)+(chosenBin+1)*0.04)/2;
-    wiggle = x_wigg*cell_dphi;
+  double x=eta_particle;
+  double delta,sech;
+  double c,d;
+  const double sign= forMaximum ? 1. : -1.;
+  double y=0,max=0;
+  const double epsilon=sign*0.2;
+  //std::cout << "Serching for starting point" << std::endl;
+  //std::cout << "Epsilon" << epsilon << std::endl;
+  int count=0;
+  for(;count<1000;count++)
+  {
+   x+=epsilon;
+   delta=x-eta_particle;
+   c=exp(x);
+   d=1./c;
+   sech=2./(c+d);
+   y=transformationEtaToMM(R,delta,sech);
+   //std::cout << "y " << y << " max " << max << " sign*(y - max) " << sign*(y - max) << std::endl;
+   if(sign*(y - max)>0)max=y;
+   else break;
+  x-=epsilon;
+  return x;
-  return wiggle;
+void ISF::FastCaloSimSvcV2::findEtaMMRange(const double R,const double eta_particle,double & etaMin,double & etaMax)
+  // const double epsilon1=0.1;
+  double delta;
+  double x=eta_particle;
+  // double secondDerivative(0);
+  double c,d,sech,tanh;
+  double startingPointForMaximum=findStartingPoint(R,eta_particle,true);
+  double startingPointForMinimum=findStartingPoint(R,eta_particle,false);
+  c=exp(startingPointForMaximum);
+  d=1./c;
+  sech=2./(c+d);
+  tanh=(c-d)/2.*sech;
+  delta=startingPointForMaximum-eta_particle;
+  //std::cout<< "Starting point for maximum: " << startingPointForMaximum << std::endl;
+  //std::cout<< "Function evaluated in starting point for maximum: " << transformationEtaToMM(R,delta,sech) << std::endl;
+  //std::cout<< "First derivative in starting point for maximum: " << transformationEtaToMMFirstDerivative(R,delta,sech,tanh) << std::endl;
+  //std::cout<< "Second derivative in starting point for maximum: " << transformationEtaToMMSecondDerivative(R,delta,sech,tanh) << std::endl;
+  c=exp(startingPointForMinimum);
+  d=1./c;
+  sech=2./(c+d);
+  tanh=(c-d)/2.*sech;
+  delta=startingPointForMinimum-eta_particle;
+  //std::cout<< "Starting point for minimum: " << startingPointForMinimum << std::endl;
+  //std::cout<< "Function evaluated in starting point for minimum: " << transformationEtaToMM(R,delta,sech) << std::endl;
+  //std::cout<< "First derivative in starting point for minimum: " << transformationEtaToMMFirstDerivative(R,delta,sech,tanh) << std::endl;
+  //std::cout<< "Second derivative in starting point for minimum: " << transformationEtaToMMSecondDerivative(R,delta,sech,tanh) << std::endl;
+  x=startingPointForMaximum;
+  const double epsilon=0.001;
+  int count =0;
+  double a,b;
+  //double e;
+  double gamma=1;
+  //std::cout << "Searching for maximum" << std::endl;
+  do
+  {
+    c=exp(x);
+    d=1./c;
+    sech=2./(c+d);
+    tanh=(c-d)/2.*sech;
+    delta=x-eta_particle;
+    a = transformationEtaToMMFirstDerivative(R,delta,sech,tanh);// transformation
+    b = transformationEtaToMMSecondDerivative(R,delta,sech,tanh);// first derivative of the transformation
+    //e = transformationEtaToMM(R,delta,sech);
+    x = x - gamma*a/b;
+    count++;
+    //std::cout<<"count "<<count<<" a "<<a<<" b "<<b<< " value " << e <<" c "<<c<<" d "<<d<<" delta "<<delta<<" x "<<x<<std::endl;
+  } while((abs(a) > epsilon) && count<1000);
+  if(x!=x || count>=1000) ATH_MSG_ERROR("Error: Maximum for delta eta[mm] range not found.");
+  delta=x-eta_particle;
+  c=exp(x);
+  d=1./c;
+  sech=2./(c+d);
+  etaMax=transformationEtaToMM(R,delta,sech);
+  //std::cout << " Position of maximum " << x << " Eta particle " << eta_particle << " Delta Eta max[mm] " << etaMax << std::endl;
+  x=startingPointForMinimum;
+  count =0;
+  //std::cout << "Searching for minimum" << std::endl;
+  do
+  {
+    c=exp(x);
+    d=1./c;
+    sech=2./(c+d);
+    tanh=(c-d)/2.*sech;
+    delta=x-eta_particle;
+    a = transformationEtaToMMFirstDerivative(R,delta,sech,tanh);// transformation
+    b = transformationEtaToMMSecondDerivative(R,delta,sech,tanh);// first derivative of the transformation
+    //e = transformationEtaToMM(R,delta,sech);
+    x = x - gamma*a/b;
+    count++;
+    //std::cout<<"count "<<count<<" a "<<a<<" b "<<b<< " value " << e <<" c "<<c<<" d "<<d<<" delta "<<delta<<" x "<<x<<std::endl;
+  } while((abs(a) > epsilon) && count<1000);
+  if(x!=x || count>=1000) ATH_MSG_ERROR("Error: Minimum for delta eta[mm] range not found.");
+  delta=x-eta_particle;
+  c=exp(x);
+  d=1./c;
+  sech=2./(c+d);
+  etaMin=transformationEtaToMM(R,delta,sech);
+  //std::cout << " Position of minimum " << x << " Eta particle " << eta_particle << " Delta Eta min[mm] " << etaMin << std::endl;
+double ISF::FastCaloSimSvcV2::doWiggle(int layer)
+ double wiggle = 0.0;
+ double cell_dphi = 0.0;
+ //Define cell size in phi  
+ if(layer == 1)
+  cell_dphi = 0.0981748;
+ if(layer == 2 || layer == 3)
+  cell_dphi = 0.0245437;
+ if(layer==0 || layer>3)
+ {
+  ATH_MSG_ERROR("I am inside the wiggle calculation, but the layer is " << layer << "!");
+  return 0.0;
+ }
+ //Set random numbers
+ double searchRand = CLHEP::RandFlat::shoot(m_randomEngine);
+ //Now for layer dependant approach
+ if(layer == 1)
+ {
+  int chosenBin = (Int_t) TMath::BinarySearch(50, m_wiggleLayer1, searchRand);
+  double x_wigg = ((-0.98)+(chosenBin+1)*0.04)/2;
+  wiggle = x_wigg*cell_dphi/4; 
+ }
+ if(layer == 2)
+ {
+  int chosenBin = (Int_t) TMath::BinarySearch(50, m_wiggleLayer2, searchRand);
+  double x_wigg = ((-0.98)+(chosenBin+1)*0.04)/2;
+  wiggle = x_wigg*cell_dphi;
+ }
+ if(layer == 3)
+ {
+  int chosenBin = (Int_t) TMath::BinarySearch(50, m_wiggleLayer3, searchRand);
+  double x_wigg = ((-0.98)+(chosenBin+1)*0.04)/2;
+  wiggle = x_wigg*cell_dphi;
+ }
+ return wiggle;
diff --git a/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimServices/src/FastCaloSimSvcV2.h b/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimServices/src/FastCaloSimSvcV2.h
index 5c993ea97417..52c7d31f99ee 100644
--- a/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimServices/src/FastCaloSimSvcV2.h
+++ b/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimServices/src/FastCaloSimSvcV2.h
@@ -14,17 +14,27 @@
 // FastCaloSim includes
 #include "ISF_FastCaloSimEvent/TFCSPCAEnergyParametrization.h"
+#include "ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/CaloGeometryFromCaloDDM.h"
+#include "ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/IFastCaloSimCaloExtrapolation.h"
+#include "TrkExInterfaces/ITimedExtrapolator.h" 
 #include "CaloInterface/ICaloCellMakerTool.h"
 #include "ISF_FastCaloSimEvent/IntArray.h"
 #include "TH2D.h"
+#include "TRandom3.h"
 #include "AthenaKernel/IAtRndmGenSvc.h"
+#include "AtlasDetDescr/AtlasDetectorID.h"
+#include "CaloIdentifier/LArEM_ID.h"
+#include "CaloIdentifier/LArHEC_ID.h"
+#include "CaloIdentifier/LArFCAL_ID.h"
+#include "CaloIdentifier/TileID.h"
 namespace CLHEP
-  class HepRandomEngine;
+ class HepRandomEngine;
 //forward declarations
@@ -35,72 +45,134 @@ class CaloGeometryFromFile;
 namespace ISF {
   /** @class FastCaloSimSvcV2
-      @author Elmar.Ritsch -at-, Geraldine.Conti -at-, Flavia.Dias -at-
-  */
-  class FastCaloSimSvcV2 : public BaseSimulationSvc {
-  public:
-    /** Constructor with parameters */
-    FastCaloSimSvcV2(const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator);
-    /** Destructor */
-    virtual ~FastCaloSimSvcV2();
-    /** Athena algorithm's interface methods */
-    virtual StatusCode  initialize() override final;
-    virtual StatusCode  finalize() override final;
-    /** Simulation Call */
-    virtual StatusCode simulate(const ISFParticle& isp) override final;
-    /** Setup Event chain - in case of a begin-of event action is needed */
-    virtual StatusCode setupEvent() override final;
-    /** Release Event chain - in case of an end-of event action is needed */
-    virtual StatusCode releaseEvent() override final;
-  private:
-    int hitCalc(double energy, int calolayer, int pdgid);
-    double findHitEta(const double alpha,const double r, const double r_layer,const double z_particle,const double eta_particle);
-    //** Calculate the wiggle for the hit-to-cell assignment on layers with accordion shape **//
-    double doWiggle(int layer);
-    /** FCSParam file **/
-    TFile* m_paramsFile;
-    TFile* m_energyDensity2D;
-    std::string m_paramsFilename;
-    //TFCSPCAEnergyParametrization    m_epara;
-    std::vector<TFCSPCAEnergyParametrization*>  m_eparas;
-    ToolHandleArray<ICaloCellMakerTool> m_caloCellMakerToolsSetup ;
-    ToolHandleArray<ICaloCellMakerTool> m_caloCellMakerToolsRelease ;
-    CaloCellContainer *       m_theContainer;
-    TH2F* m_histEnergyDensity2D;
-    ServiceHandle<IAtRndmGenSvc>    m_rndGenSvc;
-    CLHEP::HepRandomEngine*         m_randomEngine;
-    std::string                     m_randomEngineName;
-    CaloGeometryFromFile* m_caloGeo;
-    std::string  m_caloCellsOutputName;
-    std::vector<double> m_rlayer;
-    /** enable/disable random fluctuations in calorimeter layers */
-    bool m_doRandomFluctuations;
-    //** Array for the hit-to-cell assignment accordion structure fix (wiggle)  **//
-    //** To be moved to the conditions database at some point **//
-    static const double m_wiggleLayer1[50];
-    static const double m_wiggleLayer2[50];
-    static const double m_wiggleLayer3[50];
+    @author Elmar.Ritsch -at-, Geraldine.Conti -at-, Flavia.Dias -at-
+    */
+  class FastCaloSimSvcV2 : public BaseSimulationSvc
+  {
+    public:
+      /** Constructor with parameters */
+      FastCaloSimSvcV2(const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator);
+      /** Destructor */
+      virtual ~FastCaloSimSvcV2();
+      /** Athena algorithm's interface methods */
+      StatusCode  initialize();
+      StatusCode  finalize();
+      /** Simulation Call */
+      StatusCode simulate(const ISFParticle& isp);
+      /** Setup Event chain - in case of a begin-of event action is needed */
+      StatusCode setupEvent();
+      /** Release Event chain - in case of an end-of event action is needed */
+      StatusCode releaseEvent();
+      int hitCalc(double energy, int calolayer,int pcabin, int pdgid);
+      double findHitEta(const double delta_eta_mm,const double R,const double eta_particle);
+      inline double transformationEtaToMM(const double R,const double deltaEta, const double sech)
+      {
+         return R*sech*deltaEta;
+      }
+      inline double transformationEtaToMMFirstDerivative(const double R,const double deltaEta, const double sech,const double tanh)
+      {
+         return R*sech*(1.-(deltaEta)*tanh);
+      }
+      inline double transformationEtaToMMSecondDerivative(const double R,const double deltaEta, const double sech,const double tanh)
+      {
+         return R*sech*((deltaEta)*(1-2.*sech*sech) - 2.*tanh);
+      }      
+      void findEtaMMRange(const double R,const double eta_particle,double & etaMin,double & etaMax);
+      double findStartingPoint(const double R,const double eta_particle,bool forMaximum);
+      void LoopOverHits(const double totalEnergy, double minR = 0, double maxR = 0);
+      void TestCell();
+      //** Calculate the wiggle for the hit-to-cell assignment on layers with accordion shape **//
+      double doWiggle(int layer);
+      AtlasDetectorID* detID;
+      LArEM_ID* larID;
+      TileID*   tileID;
+      LArHEC_ID* hecID;
+      LArFCAL_ID* fcalID;
+      int cellcheck;
+      /** FCSParam file **/
+      TFile* m_paramsFile;
+      TFile* m_photonFile;
+      TFile* m_elFile;
+      TFile* m_pionFile;
+      TFile* m_paramsFile_photons;
+      std::string m_paramsFilename;
+      //TFCSPCAEnergyParametrization    m_epara;
+      std::vector<TFCSPCAEnergyParametrization*>  m_eparas;
+      ToolHandleArray<ICaloCellMakerTool> m_caloCellMakerToolsSetup ;
+      ToolHandleArray<ICaloCellMakerTool> m_caloCellMakerToolsRelease ;
+      ToolHandle<IFastCaloSimCaloExtrapolation> m_FastCaloSimCaloExtrapolation;
+      ToolHandle<Trk::ITimedExtrapolator> m_extrapolator;
+      CaloCellContainer *       m_theContainer;
+      Amg::Vector3D particle_position;
+      TH2F* m_histEnergyDensity2D;
+      ServiceHandle<IAtRndmGenSvc>    m_rndGenSvc;
+      CLHEP::HepRandomEngine*         m_randomEngine;
+      std::string                     m_randomEngineName;
+      CaloGeometryFromCaloDDM* m_caloGeo;
+      std::string  m_caloCellsOutputName;
+			std::vector<double> m_rlayer;
+      TRandom3* m_random;
+      /** enable/disable random fluctuations in calorimeter layers */
+      bool m_doRandomFluctuations;
+      bool m_useFastCaloSimCaloExtrapolation;
+      // Settings for new shape parametrisation
+      bool m_useOneDShapeParametrisation;
+      int m_nHits;
+      TRandom *rnd;
+      double eta;
+      double phi;
+      double eta_isfp;
+      double phi_isfp;
+      double R;
+      IntArray *m_layers;
+      double r_layer;
+      double z_particle;
+      int layer;
+      double layerE;
+      double deltaEtaMMmin;
+      double deltaEtaMMmax;
+      double esum;
+      int nCells;
+      int nCells_Tile;
+      TFCSSimulationState simulstate;
+      // iterator over layers
+      int ilayer;
+      //** Array for the hit-to-cell assignment accordion structure fix (wiggle)  **//
+      //** To be moved to the conditions database at some point **// 
+      double m_wiggleLayer1[50];
+      double m_wiggleLayer2[50];
+      double m_wiggleLayer3[50];