From 5df68bca4add0c10f1654c9b2e27ca056c982b33 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Johannes Junggeburth <> Date: Fri, 17 May 2024 09:43:47 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] Debug message Simpliyfy hit clustering Simplify the Tgc clustering Clean up more unused tools Clean uo Remove includes Delete Mdt hit clustering --- .../python/ | 30 -- .../MuonClusterization/CMakeLists.txt | 4 - .../MuonClusterization/HitClustering.h | 174 ------ .../IMuonClusterizationTool.h | 31 -- .../MuonClusterization/MdtHitClustering.h | 127 ----- .../MuonClusterization/TgcHitClustering.h | 157 ++---- .../MuonClusterization/src/HitClustering.cxx | 272 ---------- .../src/MdtHitClustering.cxx | 273 ---------- .../src/MuonClusterizationAlg.cxx | 55 -- .../src/MuonClusterizationAlg.h | 38 -- .../src/MuonClusterizationTool.cxx | 164 ------ .../src/MuonClusterizationTool.h | 49 -- .../src/TgcHitClustering.cxx | 347 +++--------- .../components/MuonClusterization_entries.cxx | 8 - .../MuonLayerHoughTool.h | 10 +- .../src/MuonLayerHoughTool.cxx | 106 ++-- .../IMuonCombiTrackMaker.h | 45 -- .../src/MuonSegmentFinderAlg.cxx | 25 +- .../src/MuonSegmentFinderAlg.h | 48 +- .../src/DCMathSegmentMaker.cxx | 1 + .../ATLAS_CHECK_THREAD_SAFETY | 1 - .../CMakeLists.txt | 17 - .../src/MuonClusterSegmentFinder.cxx | 509 ------------------ .../src/MuonClusterSegmentFinder.h | 202 ------- .../MuonClusterSegmentMakerTools_entries.cxx | 5 - .../src/MuonLayerSegmentFinderTool.cxx | 12 +- .../src/MuonLayerSegmentFinderTool.h | 3 +- .../IMuonClusterSegmentFinder.h | 54 -- .../IMuonPatternSegmentMaker.h | 54 -- .../src/MuonRecoValidationTool.cxx | 2 +- .../src/MuonInDetToMuonSystemExtensionAlg.cxx | 2 +- .../src/MuonStauRecoTool.cxx | 8 +- 32 files changed, 195 insertions(+), 2638 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 MuonSpectrometer/MuonReconstruction/MuonDataPrep/MuonClusterization/MuonClusterization/HitClustering.h delete mode 100644 MuonSpectrometer/MuonReconstruction/MuonDataPrep/MuonClusterization/MuonClusterization/IMuonClusterizationTool.h delete mode 100644 MuonSpectrometer/MuonReconstruction/MuonDataPrep/MuonClusterization/MuonClusterization/MdtHitClustering.h delete mode 100644 MuonSpectrometer/MuonReconstruction/MuonDataPrep/MuonClusterization/src/HitClustering.cxx delete mode 100644 MuonSpectrometer/MuonReconstruction/MuonDataPrep/MuonClusterization/src/MdtHitClustering.cxx delete mode 100644 MuonSpectrometer/MuonReconstruction/MuonDataPrep/MuonClusterization/src/MuonClusterizationAlg.cxx delete mode 100644 MuonSpectrometer/MuonReconstruction/MuonDataPrep/MuonClusterization/src/MuonClusterizationAlg.h delete mode 100644 MuonSpectrometer/MuonReconstruction/MuonDataPrep/MuonClusterization/src/MuonClusterizationTool.cxx delete mode 100644 MuonSpectrometer/MuonReconstruction/MuonDataPrep/MuonClusterization/src/MuonClusterizationTool.h delete mode 100644 MuonSpectrometer/MuonReconstruction/MuonDataPrep/MuonClusterization/src/components/MuonClusterization_entries.cxx delete mode 100644 MuonSpectrometer/MuonReconstruction/MuonRecTools/MuonRecToolInterfaces/MuonRecToolInterfaces/IMuonCombiTrackMaker.h delete mode 100644 MuonSpectrometer/MuonReconstruction/MuonSegmentMakers/MuonSegmentMakerTools/MuonClusterSegmentMakerTools/ATLAS_CHECK_THREAD_SAFETY delete mode 100644 MuonSpectrometer/MuonReconstruction/MuonSegmentMakers/MuonSegmentMakerTools/MuonClusterSegmentMakerTools/CMakeLists.txt delete mode 100644 MuonSpectrometer/MuonReconstruction/MuonSegmentMakers/MuonSegmentMakerTools/MuonClusterSegmentMakerTools/src/MuonClusterSegmentFinder.cxx delete mode 100644 MuonSpectrometer/MuonReconstruction/MuonSegmentMakers/MuonSegmentMakerTools/MuonClusterSegmentMakerTools/src/MuonClusterSegmentFinder.h delete mode 100644 MuonSpectrometer/MuonReconstruction/MuonSegmentMakers/MuonSegmentMakerTools/MuonClusterSegmentMakerTools/src/components/MuonClusterSegmentMakerTools_entries.cxx delete mode 100644 MuonSpectrometer/MuonReconstruction/MuonSegmentMakers/MuonSegmentMakerTools/MuonSegmentMakerToolInterfaces/MuonSegmentMakerToolInterfaces/IMuonClusterSegmentFinder.h delete mode 100644 MuonSpectrometer/MuonReconstruction/MuonSegmentMakers/MuonSegmentMakerTools/MuonSegmentMakerToolInterfaces/MuonSegmentMakerToolInterfaces/IMuonPatternSegmentMaker.h diff --git a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonConfig/python/ b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonConfig/python/ index cbeb2459bad3..cc8ea3d7fc8f 100644 --- a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonConfig/python/ +++ b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonConfig/python/ @@ -395,32 +395,6 @@ def MuonPRDSelectionToolCfg( flags, name="MuonPRDSelectionTool", **kwargs): result.setPrivateTools(the_tool) return result -def MuonClusterSegmentFinderCfg(flags, name = " MuonClusterSegmentFinder", **kwargs): - from MuonConfig.MuonRecToolsConfig import MuonTrackToSegmentToolCfg - from MuonConfig.MuonRIO_OnTrackCreatorToolConfig import MuonClusterOnTrackCreatorCfg - - result=ComponentAccumulator() - - # Won't explicitly configure MuonIdHelperSvc - edm_printer = result.popToolsAndMerge(MuonEDMPrinterToolCfg(flags) ) - kwargs.setdefault("MuonEDMPrinterTool", edm_printer) - # Won't explicitly configure MuonLayerHashProviderTool - kwargs.setdefault("MuonPRDSelectionTool", result.popToolsAndMerge( MuonPRDSelectionToolCfg(flags) ) ) - kwargs.setdefault('MdtSegmentMaker', result.popToolsAndMerge( DCMathSegmentMakerCfg(flags,name="DCMathSegmentMaker") ) ) - # Won't explicitly configure MuonClusterizationTool - kwargs.setdefault("MuonClusterOnTrackCreator", result.popToolsAndMerge(MuonClusterOnTrackCreatorCfg(flags)) ) - kwargs.setdefault("TrackToSegmentTool", result.popToolsAndMerge( MuonTrackToSegmentToolCfg(flags) ) ) - kwargs.setdefault('SLFitter', result.popToolsAndMerge( MCTBSLFitterCfg(flags) ) ) - kwargs.setdefault('AmbiguityProcessor', result.popToolsAndMerge( MuonAmbiProcessorCfg(flags) ) ) - kwargs.setdefault('TrackCleaner', result.popToolsAndMerge( MuonTrackCleanerCfg(flags) ) ) - kwargs.setdefault('MuonSegmentOverlapRemovalTool', CompFactory.Muon.MuonSegmentOverlapRemovalTool(Printer=edm_printer)) - - # Won't explicitly configure MuonSegmentOverlapRemovalTool (though it possibly needs it) - - from MuonConfig.MuonRecToolsConfig import MuonTrackToSegmentToolCfg - kwargs.setdefault( "TrackToSegmentTool", result.popToolsAndMerge(MuonTrackToSegmentToolCfg(flags))) - result.setPrivateTools(CompFactory.Muon.MuonClusterSegmentFinder(name, **kwargs)) - return result def MuonLayerHoughToolCfg(flags, name = "MuonLayerHoughTool" , **kwargs): result = ComponentAccumulator() @@ -486,8 +460,6 @@ def MuonPatternCalibrationCfg(flags, name="MuonPatternCalibration", **kwargs): def MuonSegmentFinderNCBAlgCfg(flags, name="MuonSegmentMaker_NCB", **kwargs): from MuonConfig.MuonRIO_OnTrackCreatorToolConfig import MuonClusterOnTrackCreatorCfg result = ComponentAccumulator() - ### Only use the TGC measurements from the current bunch crossing - kwargs.setdefault("TGC_PRDs", "TGC_Measurements") kwargs.setdefault("doStgcSegments", flags.Detector.EnablesTGC) kwargs.setdefault("doMMSegments", flags.Detector.EnableMM) kwargs.setdefault("doMdtSegments", False) @@ -544,7 +516,6 @@ def MuonSegmentFinderAlgCfg(flags, name="MuonSegmentMaker", **kwargs): kwargs.setdefault('MuonPatternCalibration', result.popToolsAndMerge( MuonPatternCalibrationCfg(flags) ) ) segment_maker = result.getPrimaryAndMerge(DCMathSegmentMakerCfg(flags,name="DCMathSegmentMaker")) kwargs.setdefault('SegmentMaker', segment_maker) - kwargs.setdefault("MuonClusterSegmentFinder", result.popToolsAndMerge(MuonClusterSegmentFinderCfg(flags, name = "MuonClusterSegmentFinder"))) # Not yet configuring MuonSegmentOverlapRemovalTool if flags.Detector.EnableMM or flags.Detector.EnablesTGC: @@ -569,7 +540,6 @@ def MuonSegmentFinderAlgCfg(flags, name="MuonSegmentMaker", **kwargs): kwargs.setdefault("doMMSegments", flags.Detector.EnableMM) kwargs.setdefault("SegmentCollectionName", "TrackMuonSegments" if flags.Muon.segmentOrigin != "TruthTracking" else "ThirdChainSegments") - kwargs.setdefault('TGC_PRDs', 'TGC_MeasurementsAllBCs' if not flags.Muon.useTGCPriorNextBC else 'TGC_Measurements') the_alg = CompFactory.MuonSegmentFinderAlg( name, **kwargs) result.addEventAlgo(the_alg) diff --git a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonReconstruction/MuonDataPrep/MuonClusterization/CMakeLists.txt b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonReconstruction/MuonDataPrep/MuonClusterization/CMakeLists.txt index 54d7e73727ca..56acd620a2ee 100644 --- a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonReconstruction/MuonDataPrep/MuonClusterization/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonReconstruction/MuonDataPrep/MuonClusterization/CMakeLists.txt @@ -12,7 +12,3 @@ atlas_add_library( MuonClusterizationLib LINK_LIBRARIES GeoPrimitives Identifier GaudiKernel MuonReadoutGeometry MuonPrepRawData MuonIdHelpersLib PRIVATE_LINK_LIBRARIES AthenaBaseComps EventPrimitives ) -atlas_add_component( MuonClusterization - src/components/*.cxx - LINK_LIBRARIES GeoPrimitives Identifier GaudiKernel MuonReadoutGeometry MuonIdHelpersLib MuonPrepRawData AthenaBaseComps EventPrimitives MuonClusterizationLib ) - diff --git a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonReconstruction/MuonDataPrep/MuonClusterization/MuonClusterization/HitClustering.h b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonReconstruction/MuonDataPrep/MuonClusterization/MuonClusterization/HitClustering.h deleted file mode 100644 index 7d570d0f7bb8..000000000000 --- a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonReconstruction/MuonDataPrep/MuonClusterization/MuonClusterization/HitClustering.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,174 +0,0 @@ -/* - Copyright (C) 2002-2022 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration -*/ - -#ifndef TGCHITCLUSTERING_H -#define TGCHITCLUSTERING_H - -#include <vector> -#include "MuonPrepRawData/MuonPrepDataContainer.h" -#include "MuonPrepRawData/MuonCluster.h" -#include "MuonReadoutGeometry/MuonClusterReadoutElement.h" -#include "GeoPrimitives/GeoPrimitives.h" - -#include "Identifier/Identifier.h" -#include "MuonIdHelpers/MuonIdHelper.h" - -namespace Muon { - - struct ClusterObj { - ClusterObj() : ngasgap1(0),ngasgap2(0),ngasgap3(0) {} - - void add( const MuonCluster* prd, int gasgap ) { - if( gasgap == 1 ) ++ngasgap1; - else if( gasgap == 2 ) ++ngasgap2; - else ++ngasgap3; - hitList.push_back( prd ); - } - - - bool addSecond( const MuonCluster* prd, int gasgap ) { - std::vector< const MuonCluster* >::iterator it = hitList.begin(); - std::vector< const MuonCluster* >::iterator it_end = hitList.end(); - - const RpcPrepData* rp_prd =dynamic_cast<const RpcPrepData*>(prd); - if(!rp_prd) return true;//If cast fails then the iterator is not an RpcPrepDataObject return as if it was a tgcPerpDataObject - - for( ;it!=it_end;++it ){ - const RpcPrepData* rp_it =dynamic_cast<const RpcPrepData*>(*it); - if(!rp_it) return true;//If the iterator is an RpcPrepDataObject continue - if( rp_it->identify() != prd->identify() ) continue; - if( fabs( rp_it->time() - 12.5) > fabs( rp_prd->time() - 12.5 ) ){ - return true; - } - } - add(prd,gasgap); - return false; - } - - - void merge( ClusterObj& cluster ) { - hitList.insert(hitList.end(),cluster.hitList.begin(),cluster.hitList.end()); - ngasgap1 += cluster.ngasgap1; - ngasgap2 += cluster.ngasgap2; - ngasgap3 += cluster.ngasgap3; - cluster.ngasgap1 = 0; - cluster.ngasgap2 = 0; - cluster.ngasgap3 = 0; - cluster.hitList.clear(); - } - - bool active() const { return !hitList.empty(); } - - int layers() const { - if( hitList.empty() ) return 0; - int nl = 0; - if( ngasgap1 > 0 ) ++nl; - if( ngasgap2 > 0 ) ++nl; - if( ngasgap3 > 0 ) ++nl; - return nl; - } - - int ngasgap1; - int ngasgap2; - int ngasgap3; - std::vector<const MuonCluster*> hitList; - }; - - struct ClusterObj3D { - ClusterObj3D( const ClusterObj& etaC, const ClusterObj& phiC ) : etaCluster(etaC), phiCluster(phiC) {} - - ClusterObj etaCluster; - ClusterObj phiCluster; - - Amg::Vector3D p11; - Amg::Vector3D p12; - Amg::Vector3D p21; - Amg::Vector3D p22; - }; - - struct SortClusterObjs { - bool operator()(const ClusterObj& cl1,const ClusterObj& cl2 ) const { - if( cl1.layers() > cl2.layers() ) return true; - else if( cl1.layers() < cl2.layers() ) return false; - return cl1.hitList.size() < cl2.hitList.size(); - } - }; - - struct SortHitList { - bool operator()(const MuonCluster* h1,const MuonCluster* h2 ) const { - return h1->localPosition().x() < h2->localPosition().x(); - } - }; - - struct HitClusteringObj { - - struct Id { - Id( int g, int c ) : gp(g),ch(c) {} - int gp; - int ch; - }; - - struct Triplet { - Triplet() : first(-1),second(-1),third(-1) {} - int first; - int second; - int third; - int sum() const { return first+second+third; } - }; - - struct Data - { - std::vector<ClusterObj> clustersEta; - std::vector<ClusterObj> clustersPhi; - }; - - - - HitClusteringObj( const MuonIdHelper& muonIdHelper, - bool combinedGasGaps, - bool debug = false) : - m_muonIdHelper(&muonIdHelper), - m_debug(debug),m_combinedGasGaps(combinedGasGaps) - {} - - - bool cluster( const std::vector<const MuonCluster*>& col, - std::vector<ClusterObj>& clustersEta, - std::vector<ClusterObj>& clustersPhi) const; - - bool cluster( const std::vector<const TgcPrepData*>& col, - std::vector<ClusterObj>& clustersEta, - std::vector<ClusterObj>& clustersPhi) const - { - std::vector<const MuonCluster*> prds; - for(unsigned int i=0; i < col.size(); i++){ - prds.push_back(; - } - return cluster( prds, clustersEta, clustersPhi ); - }; - - - std::vector<ClusterObj3D> - buildClusters3D(const std::vector<ClusterObj>& clustersEta, - const std::vector<ClusterObj>& clustersPhi) const; - - void dump(const std::vector<ClusterObj>& clustersEta, - const std::vector<ClusterObj>& clustersPhi) const; - - const ClusterObj* bestCluster(const std::vector<ClusterObj>& clusters) const { - if( clusters.empty() ) return nullptr; - return &clusters.front(); - } - - static void findBest(std::vector<ClusterObj>& clustersEta, - std::vector<ClusterObj>& clustersPhi) ; - - private: - const MuonIdHelper* m_muonIdHelper; - bool m_debug; - bool m_combinedGasGaps; - }; - -} -#endif diff --git a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonReconstruction/MuonDataPrep/MuonClusterization/MuonClusterization/IMuonClusterizationTool.h b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonReconstruction/MuonDataPrep/MuonClusterization/MuonClusterization/IMuonClusterizationTool.h deleted file mode 100644 index 3872ce405511..000000000000 --- a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonReconstruction/MuonDataPrep/MuonClusterization/MuonClusterization/IMuonClusterizationTool.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,31 +0,0 @@ -/* - Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration -*/ - -#ifndef IMUONCLUSTERIZATIONTOOL_H -#define IMUONCLUSTERIZATIONTOOL_H - -#include "GaudiKernel/IAlgTool.h" -#include "MuonPrepRawData/MuonPrepDataContainer.h" - -static const InterfaceID IID_IMuonClusterizationTool ("Muon::IMuonClusterizationTool",1,0); - -namespace Muon { - - - class IMuonClusterizationTool : virtual public IAlgTool - { - public: - virtual Muon::TgcPrepDataContainer* cluster( const Muon::TgcPrepDataContainer& prdContainer ) const = 0; - virtual Muon::TgcPrepDataCollection* cluster( const Muon::TgcPrepDataCollection& col ) const = 0; - - virtual Muon::RpcPrepDataContainer* cluster( const Muon::RpcPrepDataContainer& prdContainer ) const = 0; - virtual Muon::RpcPrepDataCollection* cluster( const Muon::RpcPrepDataCollection& col ) const = 0; - - /** access to tool interface */ - static const InterfaceID& interfaceID() { return IID_IMuonClusterizationTool; } - - }; -} - -#endif diff --git a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonReconstruction/MuonDataPrep/MuonClusterization/MuonClusterization/MdtHitClustering.h b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonReconstruction/MuonDataPrep/MuonClusterization/MuonClusterization/MdtHitClustering.h deleted file mode 100644 index 996cfa02457b..000000000000 --- a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonReconstruction/MuonDataPrep/MuonClusterization/MuonClusterization/MdtHitClustering.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,127 +0,0 @@ -/* - Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration -*/ - -#ifndef MDTHITCLUSTERING_H -#define MDTHITCLUSTERING_H - -#include <vector> -#include <algorithm> -#include "MuonPrepRawData/MuonPrepDataContainer.h" -#include "MuonPrepRawData/MdtPrepData.h" - -#include "Identifier/Identifier.h" - -class MdtIdHelper; -namespace MuonGM { - class MuonDetectorManager; - class MdtReadoutElement; -} - -namespace Muon { - - class MdtPrepData; - - struct MdtCluster { - - typedef std::vector< const MdtPrepData* > HitList; - typedef HitList::iterator HitIt; - typedef HitList::const_iterator HitCit; - MdtCluster() {} - - void add( const MdtPrepData* prd ) { hitList.push_back(prd); } - void addSecond( const MdtPrepData* prd ) { - HitIt it = hitList.begin(); - HitIt it_end = hitList.end(); - for( ;it!=it_end;++it ){ - if( (*it)->identify() != prd->identify() ) continue; - - // selected on of the two - if( (*it)->status() == MdtStatusDriftTime ) { - if( prd->status() == MdtStatusDriftTime ) { - //std::cout << " found two hits inside the drift time spectrum!! " << prd->tdc() << " " << (*it)->tdc() << std::endl; - if( prd->tdc() < (*it)->tdc() ) *it = prd; - } - }else if( prd->status() == MdtStatusDriftTime ){ - // replace PRD - *it = prd; - } - return; - } - std::cout << "could not find duplicate prd " << std::endl; - add(prd); - } - void merge( MdtCluster& cluster ) { - hitList.insert(hitList.end(),cluster.hitList.begin(),cluster.hitList.end()); - cluster.hitList.clear(); - } - - bool active() const { return !hitList.empty(); } - - void isolation( int& all, int& inTime, int& inTimeAndBefore ) const { - all = hitList.size(); - inTime = 0; - inTimeAndBefore = 0; - HitCit it = hitList.begin(); - HitCit it_end = hitList.end(); - for( ;it!=it_end;++it ){ - if( (*it)->adc() > 50 ){ - if( (*it)->status() == Muon::MdtStatusDriftTime ) { - ++inTime; - ++inTimeAndBefore; - }else if( (*it)->status() == Muon::MdtStatusBeforeSpectrum ) { - ++inTimeAndBefore; - } - } - } - } - - HitList hitList; - }; - - struct MdtHitClustering { - - struct Id { - Id( int l, int t ) : lay(l),tube(t) {} - int lay; - int tube; - }; - - typedef std::vector< std::vector<int> > HitPattern; - - MdtHitClustering( const MdtIdHelper& mdtIdHelper, const MuonGM::MuonDetectorManager& detMgr ) : - m_mdtIdHelper(&mdtIdHelper), m_detMgr(&detMgr), detEl1(0), detEl2(0), nlay(0), ntube1(0), ntube2(0), nml(0), debug(false) - { - - } - - bool init( const Identifier& chid ); - - void neighbouringTubes( const Id& id, std::vector<Id>& neighbours ) const; - - bool cluster( const MdtPrepDataCollection& col ); - - void dump() const; - - void layers( const MdtCluster& cl, int& all, int& inTime, int& inTimeAndBefore ) const; - - const MdtIdHelper* m_mdtIdHelper; - const MuonGM::MuonDetectorManager* m_detMgr; // cannot use ReadCondHandleKey since no athena component - const MuonGM::MdtReadoutElement* detEl1; - const MuonGM::MdtReadoutElement* detEl2; - unsigned int nlay; - unsigned int ntube1; - unsigned int ntube2; - unsigned int nml; - HitPattern hitPattern; - - std::vector< MdtCluster > clusters; - std::vector<int> staggeringCorrection; - bool debug; - }; - -} - - - -#endif diff --git a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonReconstruction/MuonDataPrep/MuonClusterization/MuonClusterization/TgcHitClustering.h b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonReconstruction/MuonDataPrep/MuonClusterization/MuonClusterization/TgcHitClustering.h index 8f5682493d0a..eaa08493ac1d 100644 --- a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonReconstruction/MuonDataPrep/MuonClusterization/MuonClusterization/TgcHitClustering.h +++ b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonReconstruction/MuonDataPrep/MuonClusterization/MuonClusterization/TgcHitClustering.h @@ -16,139 +16,58 @@ namespace Muon { - class TgcClusterObj { - public: - - typedef std::vector< const TgcPrepData* > HitList; - typedef HitList::iterator HitIt; - typedef HitList::const_iterator HitCit; - TgcClusterObj() : ngasgap1(0),ngasgap2(0),ngasgap3(0) {} - - void add( const TgcPrepData* prd, int gasgap ) { - if( gasgap == 1 ) ++ngasgap1; - else if( gasgap == 2 ) ++ngasgap2; - else ++ngasgap3; - hitList.push_back( prd ); - } - - void addSecond( const TgcPrepData* /*prd*/, int /*gasgap*/ ) { - return; - /* HitIt it = hitList.begin(); */ - /* HitIt it_end = hitList.end(); */ - /* for( ;it!=it_end;++it ){ */ - /* if( (*it)->identify() != prd->identify() ) continue; */ - /* } */ - /* std::cout << "could not find duplicate prd " << std::endl; */ - /* add(prd); */ - } - - void merge( TgcClusterObj& cluster ) { - hitList.insert(hitList.end(),cluster.hitList.begin(),cluster.hitList.end()); - ngasgap1 += cluster.ngasgap1; - ngasgap2 += cluster.ngasgap2; - ngasgap3 += cluster.ngasgap3; - cluster.ngasgap1 = 0; - cluster.ngasgap2 = 0; - cluster.ngasgap3 = 0; - cluster.hitList.clear(); - } - - bool active() const { return !hitList.empty(); } - - int layers() const { - if( hitList.empty() ) return 0; - int nl = 0; - if( ngasgap1 > 0 ) ++nl; - if( ngasgap2 > 0 ) ++nl; - if( ngasgap3 > 0 ) ++nl; - return nl; - } - - int ngasgap1; - int ngasgap2; - int ngasgap3; - HitList hitList; - }; - class TgcClusterObj3D { - public: - TgcClusterObj3D( const TgcClusterObj& etaC, const TgcClusterObj& phiC ) : etaCluster(etaC), phiCluster(phiC) {} - - TgcClusterObj etaCluster; - TgcClusterObj phiCluster; - - Amg::Vector3D p11; - Amg::Vector3D p12; - Amg::Vector3D p21; - Amg::Vector3D p22; - }; - - struct SortTgcClusterObjs { - bool operator()(const TgcClusterObj& cl1,const TgcClusterObj& cl2 ) const { - if( cl1.layers() > cl2.layers() ) return true; - else if( cl1.layers() < cl2.layers() ) return false; - return cl1.hitList.size() < cl2.hitList.size(); - } - }; - - struct SortTgcHitList { - bool operator()(const TgcPrepData* h1,const TgcPrepData* h2 ) const { - return h1->localPosition().x() < h2->localPosition().x(); - } + public: + + using HitList = std::vector< const TgcPrepData* >; + + TgcClusterObj3D( const HitList& etaC, const HitList& phiC ) : + etaCluster(etaC), phiCluster(phiC) {} + HitList etaCluster{}; + HitList phiCluster{}; + + /// Representation of the four edge points + enum class Edge : uint8_t{ + LowEtaLowPhi = 0, + LowEtaHighPhi, + HighEtaLowPhi, + HighEtaHighPhi + }; + Amg::Vector3D& getEdge(const Edge e) { + return m_edgePoints[static_cast<unsigned>(e)]; + } + const Amg::Vector3D& getEdge(const Edge e) const { + return m_edgePoints[static_cast<unsigned>(e)]; + } + + private: + std::array<Amg::Vector3D, 4> m_edgePoints{make_array<Amg::Vector3D, 4>(Amg::Vector3D::Zero())}; }; struct TgcHitClusteringObj { - struct Id { - Id( int g, int c ) : gp(g),ch(c) {} - int gp; - int ch; - }; - - struct Triplet { - Triplet() : first(-1),second(-1),third(-1) {} - int first; - int second; - int third; - int sum() const { return first+second+third; } - }; - typedef std::vector< Triplet > HitClustering; + using HitList = TgcClusterObj3D::HitList; TgcHitClusteringObj( const TgcIdHelper* tgcIdHelp ) : - m_tgcIdHelper(tgcIdHelp),bunchIdBestEta(-99),bunchIdBestPhi(-99), - ngasgaps(-99),debug(false),combinedGasGaps(true) - {} - + m_tgcIdHelper(tgcIdHelp) {} - bool cluster( const std::vector<const TgcPrepData*>& col ); + bool cluster(const HitList& col ); + bool cluster(HitList& filteredHits, + std::vector<HitList>& finalClusts); bool buildClusters3D(); void dump() const; - const TgcClusterObj* bestEtaCluster() const { - if( clustersEta.empty() ) return 0; - return &clustersEta.front(); - } - - const TgcClusterObj* bestPhiCluster() const { - if( clustersPhi.empty() ) return 0; - return &clustersPhi.front(); - } + const HitList& bestEtaCluster() const; + const HitList& bestPhiCluster() const; - void findBest(); - - const TgcIdHelper* m_tgcIdHelper; - std::vector<Triplet> channelsEta; - std::vector<Triplet> channelsPhi; - std::vector<TgcClusterObj> clustersEta; - std::vector<TgcClusterObj> clustersPhi; - std::vector<TgcClusterObj3D> clusters3D; - int bunchIdBestEta; - int bunchIdBestPhi; - int ngasgaps; - bool debug; - bool combinedGasGaps; + + const TgcIdHelper* m_tgcIdHelper{nullptr}; + std::vector<HitList> clustersEta{}; + std::vector<HitList> clustersPhi{}; + std::vector<TgcClusterObj3D> clusters3D{}; + }; } diff --git a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonReconstruction/MuonDataPrep/MuonClusterization/src/HitClustering.cxx b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonReconstruction/MuonDataPrep/MuonClusterization/src/HitClustering.cxx deleted file mode 100644 index e2ac786ddb1a..000000000000 --- a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonReconstruction/MuonDataPrep/MuonClusterization/src/HitClustering.cxx +++ /dev/null @@ -1,272 +0,0 @@ -/* - Copyright (C) 2002-2022 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration -*/ - -#include "MuonClusterization/HitClustering.h" - - -namespace Muon { - - bool HitClusteringObj::cluster( const std::vector<const MuonCluster*>& col, - std::vector<ClusterObj>& clustersEta, - std::vector<ClusterObj>& clustersPhi) const { - if( col.empty() ) return false; - - std::vector<const MuonCluster*>::const_iterator cit_begin = col.begin(); - std::vector<const MuonCluster*>::const_iterator cit_end = col.end(); - if( cit_begin == cit_end ) return false; - std::vector<const MuonCluster*>::const_iterator cit = cit_begin; - const Muon::MuonCluster* prd_first = *cit; - if( !prd_first ) return false; - - const MuonGM::MuonClusterReadoutElement* detEl = prd_first->detectorElement(); - const Identifier& id_first = prd_first->identify(); - if( !detEl ) return false; - int ngasgaps = detEl->numberOfLayers(detEl->measuresPhi(id_first)); - - if( m_debug ) std::cout << " performing clustering " << col.size() << " gasgaps " << ngasgaps << std::endl; - - std::vector<Triplet> channelsEta; - std::vector<Triplet> channelsPhi; - - clustersEta.clear(); - clustersPhi.clear(); - - // std::cout << "channel check " << m_muonIdHelper->channelMax(id_first) << std::endl; - channelsEta.resize(1340);//m_muonIdHelper->channelMax(id_first)+2); // Need better way to find max number of channels - channelsPhi.resize(1340);//m_muonIdHelper->channelMax(id_first)+2); - std::vector<Triplet>* channelsPtr = nullptr; - for( ; cit!=cit_end;++cit ) { - const Muon::MuonCluster* prd = *cit; - if( !prd ) continue; - - const Identifier& id = prd->identify(); - bool measuresPhi = m_muonIdHelper->measuresPhi(id); // like measuresPhi() - std::vector<ClusterObj>& clusters = measuresPhi ? clustersPhi : clustersEta; - int channel = m_muonIdHelper->channel(id); // between 1 and 135! - int gasgap = m_muonIdHelper->gasGap(id); - - if(measuresPhi) channelsPtr = &channelsPhi; - else channelsPtr = &channelsEta; - if( channel >= (int)channelsPtr->size() ){ - //ATH_MSG_WARNING("index channels out of range: " << channel << " max " << channelsPtr->size()); - continue; - } - Triplet& triplet = (*channelsPtr)[channel]; - - // first treat the case of a second hit in the same tube - int channelClusterNumber = gasgap==1 ? triplet.first : (gasgap==2 ? triplet.second : triplet.third ); - if( channelClusterNumber != -1 ){ - if( m_debug ){ - std::cout << " secondary hit " << channel << " " << gasgap; - if( measuresPhi ) std::cout << " phi " << channelClusterNumber << std::endl; - else std::cout << " eta " << channelClusterNumber << std::endl; - } - ClusterObj& cluster = clusters[channelClusterNumber]; - cluster.addSecond(prd,gasgap); - }else{ - - std::vector<Id> neighbours; - if( channel != 0 ) neighbours.emplace_back(gasgap,channel-1 ); - if( channel < (int)channelsPtr->size()-1 ) neighbours.emplace_back(gasgap,channel+1 ); - - if( m_combinedGasGaps ){ - if( gasgap != 1 ){ - neighbours.emplace_back(1,channel ); - if( channel != 0 ) neighbours.emplace_back(1,channel-1 ); - if( channel < (int)channelsPtr->size()-1 ) neighbours.emplace_back(1,channel+1 ); - } - - if( gasgap != 2 ) { - neighbours.emplace_back(2,channel ); - if( channel != 0 ) neighbours.emplace_back(2,channel-1 ); - if( channel < (int)channelsPtr->size()-1 ) neighbours.emplace_back(2,channel+1 ); - } - - if( ngasgaps == 3 && gasgap != 3 ){ - neighbours.emplace_back(3,channel ); - if( channel != 0 ) neighbours.emplace_back(3,channel-1 ); - if( channel < (int)channelsPtr->size()-1 ) neighbours.emplace_back(3,channel+1 ); - } - } - - if( m_debug ) { - std::cout << " new hit " << channel << " " << gasgap; - if( measuresPhi ) std::cout << " phi " << " neighbours " << neighbours.size() << std::endl; - else std::cout << " eta " << " neighbours " << neighbours.size() << std::endl; - } - std::vector<Id>::iterator nit = neighbours.begin(); - std::vector<Id>::iterator nit_end = neighbours.end(); - ClusterObj* currentCluster = nullptr; - int currentClusterId = -1; - for( ;nit!=nit_end;++nit ){ - - Triplet& trip = (*channelsPtr)[nit->ch]; - - int clusterNumber = nit->gp==1 ? trip.first : nit->gp==2 ? trip.second : trip.third; - if( clusterNumber == -1 ) continue; - if( m_debug ) std::cout << " new neighbour " << nit->gp << " " << nit->ch << " clusterid " << clusterNumber; - - ClusterObj& cluster = clusters[clusterNumber]; - - // if the hit is unassigned add it to the cluster - if( currentCluster == nullptr ){ - cluster.add(prd,gasgap); - currentCluster = &cluster; - if( gasgap==1 ) triplet.first = clusterNumber; - else if( gasgap==2 ) triplet.second = clusterNumber; - else triplet.third = clusterNumber; - currentClusterId = clusterNumber; - if( m_debug ) std::cout << " adding hit " << std::endl; - }else if( clusterNumber != currentClusterId ){ - // the hit is already assigned to a cluster, merge the two clusters - // first update hitPattern - std::vector<const MuonCluster*>::const_iterator h= cluster.hitList.begin(); - std::vector<const MuonCluster*>::const_iterator h_end = cluster.hitList.end(); - for( ;h!=h_end;++h ) { - const Identifier& cid = (*h)->identify(); - int ch = m_muonIdHelper->channel(cid); - int gp = m_muonIdHelper->gasGap(cid); - Triplet& trip = (*channelsPtr)[ch]; - if( gp==1 ) trip.first = currentClusterId; - else if( gp==2 ) trip.second = currentClusterId; - else trip.third = currentClusterId; - } - if( m_debug ) std::cout << " cluster overlap, merging clusters " << std::endl; - currentCluster->merge(cluster); - }else{ - if( m_debug ) std::cout << " cluster overlap, same cluster " << std::endl; - } - } - // now check whether the hit was already assigned to a cluster, if not create a new cluster - if( currentCluster == nullptr ){ - if( m_debug ) std::cout << " no neighbouring hits, creating new cluster " << clusters.size() << std::endl; - ClusterObj cl; - cl.add(prd,gasgap); - Triplet& trip = (*channelsPtr)[channel]; - if( gasgap==1 ) trip.first = clusters.size(); - else if( gasgap==2 ) trip.second = clusters.size(); - else trip.third = clusters.size(); - clusters.push_back(cl); - } - } - } - findBest(clustersEta, clustersPhi); - if( m_debug ) dump(clustersEta, clustersPhi); - return true; - } - - - void HitClusteringObj::dump(const std::vector<ClusterObj>& clustersEta, - const std::vector<ClusterObj>& clustersPhi) const { - - int clid = -1; - std::vector<ClusterObj>::const_iterator cit = clustersEta.begin(); - std::vector<ClusterObj>::const_iterator cit_end = clustersEta.end(); - for( ;cit!=cit_end;++cit ){ - ++clid; - if( !cit->active() ) continue; - std::cout << " new cluster " << clid << " size " << cit->hitList.size() << std::endl; - std::vector< const MuonCluster* >::const_iterator hit = cit->hitList.begin(); - std::vector< const MuonCluster* >::const_iterator hit_end = cit->hitList.end(); - for( ;hit!=hit_end;++hit ){ - const Muon::MuonCluster& prd = **hit; - const Identifier& id = prd.identify(); - std::cout << " hit " << m_muonIdHelper->gasGap(id) << " " << m_muonIdHelper->channel(id)-1; - bool measuresPhi = m_muonIdHelper->measuresPhi(id); - if(measuresPhi) std::cout << " phi" << std::endl; - else std::cout << " eta" << std::endl; - } - } - cit = clustersPhi.begin(); - cit_end = clustersPhi.end(); - for( ;cit!=cit_end;++cit ){ - ++clid; - if( !cit->active() ) continue; - std::cout << " new cluster " << clid << " size " << cit->hitList.size() << std::endl; - std::vector< const MuonCluster* >::const_iterator hit = cit->hitList.begin(); - std::vector< const MuonCluster* >::const_iterator hit_end = cit->hitList.end(); - for( ;hit!=hit_end;++hit ){ - const Muon::MuonCluster& prd = **hit; - const Identifier& id = prd.identify(); - std::cout << " hit " << m_muonIdHelper->gasGap(id) << " " << m_muonIdHelper->channel(id)-1; - bool measuresPhi = m_muonIdHelper->measuresPhi(id); - if(measuresPhi) std::cout << " phi" << std::endl; - else std::cout << " eta" << std::endl; - } - } - } - - void HitClusteringObj::findBest(std::vector<ClusterObj>& clustersEta, - std::vector<ClusterObj>& clustersPhi) { - std::vector<ClusterObj>::iterator it = clustersEta.begin(); - std::vector<ClusterObj>::iterator it_end = clustersEta.end(); - std::stable_sort(it,it_end,SortClusterObjs()); - it = clustersPhi.begin(); - it_end = clustersPhi.end(); - std::stable_sort(it,it_end,SortClusterObjs()); - } - - std::vector<ClusterObj3D> - HitClusteringObj::buildClusters3D(const std::vector<ClusterObj>& clustersEta, - const std::vector<ClusterObj>& clustersPhi) const { - - std::vector<ClusterObj3D> clusters3D; - - if( clustersPhi.empty() || clustersEta.empty() ) return clusters3D; - if( !bestCluster(clustersEta) || !bestCluster(clustersEta)->active() ) return clusters3D; - - const MuonCluster* etaHit = bestCluster(clustersEta)->hitList.front(); - if( !etaHit ) return clusters3D; - - const MuonGM::TgcReadoutElement* detEl = dynamic_cast<const MuonGM::TgcReadoutElement*>(etaHit->detectorElement()); - if( !detEl ) return clusters3D; - - // now loop over eta and phi clusters and form space points - if( m_debug ) std::cout << " eta clusters " << clustersEta.size() << " phi clusters " << clustersPhi.size() << std::endl; - for (const ClusterObj& cl_eta : clustersEta) { - if( ! ) continue; - - const MuonCluster* firstEta = cl_eta.hitList.front(); - const MuonCluster* lastEta = cl_eta.hitList.back(); - - for (const ClusterObj& cl_phi : clustersPhi) { - if( ! ) continue; - - const MuonCluster* firstPhi = cl_phi.hitList.front(); - const MuonCluster* lastPhi = cl_phi.hitList.back(); - - ClusterObj3D cl3D(cl_eta,cl_phi); - detEl->spacePointPosition( firstPhi->identify(),firstEta->identify(),cl3D.p11 ); - if( lastPhi != firstPhi ) detEl->spacePointPosition( lastPhi->identify(),firstEta->identify(),cl3D.p12 ); - else cl3D.p12 = cl3D.p11; - if( lastEta != firstEta ) { - detEl->spacePointPosition( firstPhi->identify(),lastEta->identify(),cl3D.p21 ); - if( lastPhi != firstPhi ) detEl->spacePointPosition( lastPhi->identify(),lastEta->identify(),cl3D.p22 ); - else cl3D.p22 = cl3D.p21; - }else{ - cl3D.p22 = cl3D.p12; - cl3D.p21 = cl3D.p11; - } - clusters3D.push_back(cl3D); - } - } - - if( m_debug && !clusters3D.empty() ){ - std::cout << " 3D clusters " << clusters3D.size() << std::endl; - std::vector<ClusterObj3D>::iterator it = clusters3D.begin(); - std::vector<ClusterObj3D>::iterator it_end = clusters3D.end(); - for( ;it!=it_end;++it ){ -// std::cout << " eta cluster " << it->etaCluster->hitList.size() << " phi cluster " << it->phiCluster->hitList.size() -// << " position " << it->p11 << std::endl; - std::cout << " eta cluster " << it->etaCluster.hitList.size() << " phi cluster " << it->phiCluster.hitList.size() - << " position " << it->p11 << std::endl; - } - } - - return clusters3D; - } - - - -} diff --git a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonReconstruction/MuonDataPrep/MuonClusterization/src/MdtHitClustering.cxx b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonReconstruction/MuonDataPrep/MuonClusterization/src/MdtHitClustering.cxx deleted file mode 100644 index ea8ee139448a..000000000000 --- a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonReconstruction/MuonDataPrep/MuonClusterization/src/MdtHitClustering.cxx +++ /dev/null @@ -1,273 +0,0 @@ -/* - Copyright (C) 2002-2021 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration -*/ - -#include "MuonClusterization/MdtHitClustering.h" -#include "MuonPrepRawData/MuonPrepDataContainer.h" -#include "MuonPrepRawData/MdtPrepData.h" -#include "MuonReadoutGeometry/MuonDetectorManager.h" -#include "MuonReadoutGeometry/MdtReadoutElement.h" - -#include "Identifier/Identifier.h" -#include "MuonIdHelpers/MdtIdHelper.h" - -#include "MuonPrepRawData/MdtDriftCircleStatus.h" -#include "GeoPrimitives/GeoPrimitives.h" - -namespace Muon { - - bool MdtHitClustering::init( const Identifier& chid ) { - hitPattern.clear(); - clusters.clear(); - - detEl1 = nullptr; - detEl2 = nullptr; - // number of layers and tubes - nlay = 0; - ntube1 = 0; - ntube2 = 0; - - // number of multilayers in chamber - nml = 0; - - int eta = m_mdtIdHelper->stationEta(chid); - int phi = m_mdtIdHelper->stationPhi(chid); - int name = m_mdtIdHelper->stationName(chid); - - // get detEL for first ml (always there) - detEl1 = m_detMgr->getMdtReadoutElement( m_mdtIdHelper->channelID( name,eta,phi,1,1,1 ) ); - if( !detEl1 ) return false; - detEl2 = nullptr; - // number of layers and tubes - nlay = detEl1->getNLayers(); - ntube1 = detEl1->getNtubesperlayer(); - ntube2 = 0; - - // number of multilayers in chamber - nml = detEl1->nMDTinStation(); - - // treament of chambers with two ml - if( nml == 2 ){ - Identifier firstIdml1 = m_mdtIdHelper->channelID( name,eta,phi,2,1,1 ); - detEl2 = m_detMgr->getMdtReadoutElement( firstIdml1 ); - ntube2 = detEl2->getNtubesperlayer(); - } - - // here we are going to calculate the staggering lay out of the MDT chamber - // by comparing the difference of local positions of the first and second tube in the first layer - // with the position of the first tube in the second layer - Amg::Transform3D gToStation = detEl1->GlobalToAmdbLRSTransform(); - Identifier idml0lay0tube0 = m_mdtIdHelper->channelID( name,eta,phi,1,1,1 ); - Amg::Vector3D posMl0lay0tube0 = gToStation*(detEl1->surface( idml0lay0tube0 ).center()); - Identifier idml0lay0tube1 = m_mdtIdHelper->channelID( name,eta,phi,1,1,2 ); - Amg::Vector3D posMl0lay0tube1 = gToStation*(detEl1->surface( idml0lay0tube1 ).center()); - Identifier idml0lay1tube0 = m_mdtIdHelper->channelID( name,eta,phi,1,2,1 ); - Amg::Vector3D posMl0lay1tube0 = gToStation*(detEl1->surface( idml0lay1tube0 ).center()); - bool posStagCor = true; - if( (posMl0lay0tube1.y()-posMl0lay0tube0.y())*(posMl0lay1tube0.y()-posMl0lay0tube0.y()) < 0 ) posStagCor = false; - - /* - 1 0 -1 0->0 1->0,1 -> stag = -1 - 1 0 -1 0->0,1 1->1,2 -> stag = 0 - - 1 0 -1 0->0,1 1->1,2 -> stag = 0 - 1 0 1 0->0 1->0,1 -> stag = -1 - - 0 1 1 0->0 1->0,1 -> stag = -1 - 0 1 1 0->0,1 1->1,2 -> stag = 0 - - 0 1 1 0->0,1 1->1,2 -> stag = 0 - 0 1 -1 0->0 1->0,1 -> stag = -1 - */ - - - hitPattern.resize(nml*nlay); - staggeringCorrection.resize(nml*nlay,0); - - for( unsigned int i=0;i<staggeringCorrection.size();++i ) { - unsigned int corlay = i; - if( corlay >= nlay ) corlay-=nlay; - if( posStagCor ){ - if( nlay == 4 && i >= nlay ){ - if( corlay%2==1 ) staggeringCorrection[i] = 0; - else staggeringCorrection[i] = -1; - }else{ - if( corlay%2==1 ) staggeringCorrection[i] = -1; - else staggeringCorrection[i] = 0; - } - }else{ - if( nlay == 4 && i >= nlay ){ - if( corlay%2==1 ) staggeringCorrection[i] = -1; - else staggeringCorrection[i] = 0; - }else{ - if( corlay%2==1 ) staggeringCorrection[i] = 0; - else staggeringCorrection[i] = -1; - } - } - } - unsigned int nl = 0; - std::vector< std::vector<int> >::iterator tit = hitPattern.begin(); - std::vector< std::vector<int> >::iterator tit_end = hitPattern.end(); - for( ;tit!=tit_end;++tit,++nl) { - if( nl < nlay ) tit->resize(ntube1,-1); - else tit->resize(ntube2,-1); - } - return true; - } - - void MdtHitClustering::neighbouringTubes( const Id& id, std::vector<Id>& neighbours ) const { - neighbours.clear(); - int ntubes = id.lay < (int)nlay ? ntube1 : ntube2; - // first add neighbours in the same layer - if( >= 0 ) neighbours.emplace_back(id.lay, ); - if( < ntubes ) neighbours.emplace_back(id.lay, ); - - // now add layer below - if( id.lay > 0 && id.lay != (int)nlay ){ - int prevLay = id.lay-1; - int nb1 = + staggeringCorrection[prevLay]; - int nb2 = nb1 + 1; - if( nb1 >= 0 ) neighbours.emplace_back(prevLay,nb1 ); - if( nb2 < ntubes ) neighbours.emplace_back(prevLay,nb2 ); - } - unsigned int nextLay = id.lay+1; - if( nextLay != nlay && nextLay < 2*nlay ){ - int nb1 = + staggeringCorrection[nextLay]; - int nb2 = nb1 + 1; - if( nb1 >= 0 ) neighbours.emplace_back(nextLay,nb1 ); - if( nb2 < ntubes ) neighbours.emplace_back(nextLay,nb2 ); - } - } - - void MdtHitClustering::layers( const MdtCluster& cl, int& all, int& inTime, int& inTimeAndBefore ) const { - std::set<int> lays; - std::set<int> laysInTime; - std::set<int> laysInTimeAndBefore; - for( MdtCluster::HitCit clit=cl.hitList.begin();clit!=cl.hitList.end();++clit ){ - int layer = m_mdtIdHelper->tubeLayer( (*clit)->identify()); - lays.insert(layer); - if( (*clit)->adc() > 50 ){ - if( (*clit)->status() == Muon::MdtStatusDriftTime ) { - laysInTime.insert(layer); - laysInTimeAndBefore.insert(layer); - }else if( (*clit)->status() == Muon::MdtStatusBeforeSpectrum ) { - laysInTimeAndBefore.insert(layer); - } - } - } - all = lays.size(); - inTime = laysInTime.size(); - inTimeAndBefore = laysInTimeAndBefore.size(); - } - - bool MdtHitClustering::cluster( const MdtPrepDataCollection& col ){ - - if( col.empty() ) return true; - MdtPrepDataCollection::const_iterator cit_begin = col.begin(); - MdtPrepDataCollection::const_iterator cit_end = col.end(); - const Identifier& chid = (*cit_begin)->identify(); - init(chid); - - if( debug ) std::cout << " handling chamber " << col.size() << std::endl; - std::vector<Id> neighbours; - std::vector<Id>::iterator nit,nit_end; - MdtPrepDataCollection::const_iterator cit = cit_begin; - for( ; cit!=cit_end;++cit ) { - const MdtPrepData* mdt = (*cit); - - const Identifier& ida = mdt->identify(); - int tube = m_mdtIdHelper->tube(ida)-1; - int lay = m_mdtIdHelper->tubeLayer(ida)-1; - int ml = m_mdtIdHelper->multilayer(ida)-1; - if( ml == 1 ) lay += nlay; - - // first treat the case of a second hit in the same tube - int tubeClusterNumber = hitPattern[lay][tube]; - if( tubeClusterNumber != -1 ){ - if( debug ) std::cout << " second hit " << lay << " " << tube << " clusterid " << tubeClusterNumber << std::endl; - MdtCluster& cluster = clusters[tubeClusterNumber]; - cluster.addSecond(mdt); - }else{ - - Id id(lay,tube); - neighbouringTubes(id,neighbours); - if( debug ) std::cout << " new tube " << id.lay << " " << << " neighbours " << neighbours.size() << std::endl; - nit = neighbours.begin(); - nit_end = neighbours.end(); - MdtCluster* currentCluster = nullptr; - int currentClusterId = -1; - for( ;nit!=nit_end;++nit ){ - - int clusterNumber = hitPattern[nit->lay][nit->tube]; - if( clusterNumber == -1 ) continue; - if( debug ) std::cout << " new neighbour " << nit->lay << " " << nit->tube << " clusterid " << clusterNumber; - - MdtCluster& cluster = clusters[clusterNumber]; - - // if the hit is unassigned add it to the cluster - if( currentCluster == nullptr ){ - cluster.add(mdt); - currentCluster = &cluster; - hitPattern[lay][tube] = clusterNumber; - currentClusterId = clusterNumber; - if( debug ) std::cout << " adding hit " << std::endl; - }else if( clusterNumber != currentClusterId ){ - // the hit is already assigned to a cluster, merge the two clusters - // first update hitPattern - MdtCluster::HitIt h = cluster.hitList.begin(); - MdtCluster::HitIt h_end = cluster.hitList.end(); - for( ;h!=h_end;++h ) { - const Identifier& cid = (*h)->identify(); - int ctube = m_mdtIdHelper->tube(cid)-1; - int clay = m_mdtIdHelper->tubeLayer(cid)-1; - int cml = m_mdtIdHelper->multilayer(cid)-1; - if( cml == 1 ) clay += nlay; - hitPattern[clay][ctube] = currentClusterId; - } - if( debug ) std::cout << " cluster overlap, merging clusters " << std::endl; - currentCluster->merge(cluster); - }else{ - if( debug ) std::cout << " cluster overlap, same cluster " << std::endl; - } - } - // now check whether the hit was already assigned to a cluster, if not create a new cluster - if( currentCluster == nullptr ){ - if( debug ) std::cout << " no neighbouring hits, creating new cluster " << clusters.size() << std::endl; - MdtCluster cl; - cl.hitList.push_back(mdt); - hitPattern[lay][tube] = clusters.size(); - clusters.push_back(cl); - } - } - } - - if( debug ) dump(); - - return true; - } - - void MdtHitClustering::dump() const { - std::cout << " dumping chamber hit map " << std::endl<< std::endl; - for( unsigned int nl=0;nl<hitPattern.size();++nl) { - if( nl == nlay ) std::cout << std::endl << std::endl; - - if( staggeringCorrection[nl] == -1 ) std::cout << " "; - for( unsigned int nt = 0;nt<hitPattern[nl].size();++nt ) std::cout << " " << std::setw(2) << hitPattern[nl][nt]+1; - std::cout << std::endl << std::endl; - } -// std::cout << " clusters " << clusters.size() << std::endl; -// std::vector< MdtCluster >::const_iterator cit = clusters.begin(); -// std::vector< MdtCluster >::const_iterator cit_end = clusters.end(); -// for( ;cit!=cit_end;++cit ){ -// if( !cit->active() ) continue; -// std::cout << " cluster " << cit->hitList.size() << std::endl; -// for( MdtCluster::HitCit clit=cit->hitList.begin();clit!=cit->hitList.end();++clit ){ -// std::cout << " ml " << m_mdtIdHelper->multilayer( (*clit)->identify())-1 -// << " lay " << m_mdtIdHelper->tubeLayer( (*clit)->identify())-1 -// << " tube " << m_mdtIdHelper->tube( (*clit)->identify())-1 << std::endl; -// } -// } - } - -} - diff --git a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonReconstruction/MuonDataPrep/MuonClusterization/src/MuonClusterizationAlg.cxx b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonReconstruction/MuonDataPrep/MuonClusterization/src/MuonClusterizationAlg.cxx deleted file mode 100644 index abbe64e4e663..000000000000 --- a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonReconstruction/MuonDataPrep/MuonClusterization/src/MuonClusterizationAlg.cxx +++ /dev/null @@ -1,55 +0,0 @@ -/* - Copyright (C) 2002-2020 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration -*/ - -#include "MuonClusterizationAlg.h" - -#include "MuonPrepRawData/MuonPrepDataContainer.h" - -using namespace Muon; - -MuonClusterizationAlg::MuonClusterizationAlg(const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator) - : AthAlgorithm(name, pSvcLocator) -{ - declareProperty("TgcPrepDataContainer", m_tgcPrdLocationInput = "TGC_Measurements"); - declareProperty("TgcPrepDataContainerOutput", m_tgcPrdLocationOutput = "TGC_Clusters"); - declareProperty("RpcPrepDataContainer", m_rpcPrdLocationInput = "RPC_Measurements"); - declareProperty("RpcPrepDataContainerOutput", m_rpcPrdLocationOutput = "RPC_Clusters"); -} - -StatusCode -MuonClusterizationAlg::initialize() -{ - ATH_CHECK(m_clusterTool.retrieve()); - return StatusCode::SUCCESS; -} - -StatusCode -MuonClusterizationAlg::execute() -{ - const TgcPrepDataContainer* tgcContainer = nullptr; - if (evtStore()->retrieve(tgcContainer, m_tgcPrdLocationInput).isFailure()) { - ATH_MSG_WARNING("Could not find TgcPrepDataContainer at " << m_tgcPrdLocationInput); - return StatusCode::RECOVERABLE; - } - - const TgcPrepDataContainer* tgcContainerCluster = m_clusterTool->cluster(*tgcContainer); - if (evtStore()->record(tgcContainerCluster, m_tgcPrdLocationOutput).isFailure()) { - ATH_MSG_WARNING("Could not record TgcPrepDataContainer at " << m_tgcPrdLocationOutput); - return StatusCode::RECOVERABLE; - } - - const RpcPrepDataContainer* rpcContainer = nullptr; - if (evtStore()->retrieve(rpcContainer, m_rpcPrdLocationInput).isFailure()) { - ATH_MSG_WARNING("Could not find RpcPrepDataContainer at " << m_rpcPrdLocationInput); - return StatusCode::RECOVERABLE; - } - - const RpcPrepDataContainer* rpcContainerCluster = m_clusterTool->cluster(*rpcContainer); - if (evtStore()->record(rpcContainerCluster, m_rpcPrdLocationOutput).isFailure()) { - ATH_MSG_WARNING("Could not record RpcPrepDataContainer at " << m_rpcPrdLocationOutput); - return StatusCode::RECOVERABLE; - } - - return StatusCode::SUCCESS; -} diff --git a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonReconstruction/MuonDataPrep/MuonClusterization/src/MuonClusterizationAlg.h b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonReconstruction/MuonDataPrep/MuonClusterization/src/MuonClusterizationAlg.h deleted file mode 100644 index da2fbdf0f857..000000000000 --- a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonReconstruction/MuonDataPrep/MuonClusterization/src/MuonClusterizationAlg.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,38 +0,0 @@ -/* - Copyright (C) 2002-2020 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration -*/ - -#ifndef MUONCLUSTERIZATIONALG_H -#define MUONCLUSTERIZATIONALG_H - -#include <string> - -#include "AthenaBaseComps/AthAlgorithm.h" -#include "GaudiKernel/ToolHandle.h" -#include "MuonClusterization/IMuonClusterizationTool.h" - -class MuonClusterizationAlg : public AthAlgorithm { - public: - MuonClusterizationAlg(const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator); - - public: - virtual ~MuonClusterizationAlg() = default; - - virtual StatusCode initialize(); - virtual StatusCode execute(); - - private: - std::string m_tgcPrdLocationInput; //!< Location of input TgcPrepData - std::string m_tgcPrdLocationOutput; //!< Location of output TgcPrepData - - std::string m_rpcPrdLocationInput; //!< Location of input RpcPrepData - std::string m_rpcPrdLocationOutput; //!< Location of output RpcPrepData - - ToolHandle<Muon::IMuonClusterizationTool> m_clusterTool{ - this, - "ClusterTool", - "Muon::MuonClusterizationTool/MuonClusterizationTool", - }; //!< clustering Tool -}; - -#endif diff --git a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonReconstruction/MuonDataPrep/MuonClusterization/src/MuonClusterizationTool.cxx b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonReconstruction/MuonDataPrep/MuonClusterization/src/MuonClusterizationTool.cxx deleted file mode 100644 index 49fde722bdec..000000000000 --- a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonReconstruction/MuonDataPrep/MuonClusterization/src/MuonClusterizationTool.cxx +++ /dev/null @@ -1,164 +0,0 @@ -/* - Copyright (C) 2002-2022 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration -*/ - -#include "MuonClusterizationTool.h" - -#include "GeoPrimitives/GeoPrimitives.h" -#include "EventPrimitives/EventPrimitives.h" - -namespace Muon { - - MuonClusterizationTool::MuonClusterizationTool(const std::string& t,const std::string& n, const IInterface* p) : - AthAlgTool(t,n,p), - m_tgcClustering(nullptr), - m_rpcClustering(nullptr) - { - declareInterface<IMuonClusterizationTool>(this); - declareProperty("CombineGasGaps", m_combineGasGaps = true); - } - - StatusCode MuonClusterizationTool::initialize() - { - ATH_CHECK(m_idHelperSvc.retrieve()); - m_tgcClustering = new HitClusteringObj(m_idHelperSvc->tgcIdHelper(), - m_combineGasGaps); - m_rpcClustering = new HitClusteringObj(m_idHelperSvc->rpcIdHelper(), - m_combineGasGaps); - return StatusCode::SUCCESS; - } - - StatusCode MuonClusterizationTool::finalize() - { - delete m_tgcClustering; - delete m_rpcClustering; - return StatusCode::SUCCESS; - } - - TgcPrepDataContainer* MuonClusterizationTool::cluster( const TgcPrepDataContainer& prdContainer ) const { - - TgcPrepDataContainer* clusteredContainer = new TgcPrepDataContainer(m_idHelperSvc->tgcIdHelper().module_hash_max()); - // loop over Tgc collections in container - TgcPrepDataContainer::const_iterator cit = prdContainer.begin(); - TgcPrepDataContainer::const_iterator cit_end = prdContainer.end(); - for( ;cit!=cit_end;++cit ){ - if( !*cit || (*cit)->empty() ) continue; - const TgcPrepDataCollection& col = **cit; - TgcPrepDataCollection* clusteredCol = cluster(col); - if( clusteredCol ) clusteredContainer->addCollection(clusteredCol, col.identifyHash() ).ignore(); - } - return clusteredContainer; - } - - TgcPrepDataCollection* MuonClusterizationTool::cluster( const TgcPrepDataCollection& col ) const { - if( col.empty() ) return nullptr; - TgcPrepDataCollection* collection = new TgcPrepDataCollection(col.identifyHash()); - collection->setIdentifier(col.identify()); - ATH_MSG_INFO("Performing clustering in " << m_idHelperSvc->toString(col.identify()) ); - std::vector<const MuonCluster*> prds; - prds.insert(prds.end(),col.begin(),col.end()); - std::vector<ClusterObj> clustersEta; - std::vector<ClusterObj> clustersPhi; - m_tgcClustering->cluster( prds, clustersEta, clustersPhi ); - addClusters(clustersEta,collection); - addClusters(clustersPhi,collection); - ATH_MSG_INFO(" input size " << col.size() << " output size " << collection->size()); - - return collection; - } - - void MuonClusterizationTool::addClusters( const std::vector<ClusterObj>& clusters, TgcPrepDataCollection* collection ) { - std::vector<ClusterObj>::const_iterator cit = clusters.begin(); - std::vector<ClusterObj>::const_iterator cit_end = clusters.end(); - for( ;cit!=cit_end;++cit ){ - - // ignore non-active clusters - const ClusterObj& cl = *cit; - if( ! ) continue; - const TgcPrepData* first = static_cast<const TgcPrepData*>(cl.hitList.front()); - if( !first ) continue; - - // copy identifiers of contained prds - std::vector<Identifier> rdoList; - rdoList.reserve(cl.hitList.size()); - std::vector< const MuonCluster*>::const_iterator hit = cl.hitList.begin(); - std::vector< const MuonCluster*>::const_iterator hit_end = cl.hitList.end(); - for( ;hit!=hit_end;++hit ) rdoList.push_back((*hit)->identify()); - - // create new PRD object - TgcPrepData* prd = new TgcPrepData( first->identify(), first->collectionHash(), - first->localPosition(), - rdoList, - Amg::MatrixX( first->localCovariance()), - first->detectorElement()); - //TgcPrepData::BC_CURRENT); add bc id - collection->push_back(prd); - } - } - - - RpcPrepDataContainer* MuonClusterizationTool::cluster( const RpcPrepDataContainer& prdContainer ) const { - - RpcPrepDataContainer* clusteredContainer = new RpcPrepDataContainer(m_idHelperSvc->rpcIdHelper().module_hash_max()); - // loop over Rpc collections in container - RpcPrepDataContainer::const_iterator cit = prdContainer.begin(); - RpcPrepDataContainer::const_iterator cit_end = prdContainer.end(); - for( ;cit!=cit_end;++cit ){ - if( !*cit || (*cit)->empty() ) continue; - const RpcPrepDataCollection& col = **cit; - RpcPrepDataCollection* clusteredCol = cluster(col); - if( clusteredCol ) clusteredContainer->addCollection(clusteredCol, col.identifyHash() ).ignore(); - } - return clusteredContainer; - } - - RpcPrepDataCollection* MuonClusterizationTool::cluster( const RpcPrepDataCollection& col ) const { - if( col.empty() ) return nullptr; - RpcPrepDataCollection* collection = new RpcPrepDataCollection(col.identifyHash()); - collection->setIdentifier(col.identify()); - ATH_MSG_INFO("Performing clustering in " << m_idHelperSvc->toString(col.identify()) ); - std::vector<const MuonCluster*> prds; - prds.insert(prds.end(),col.begin(),col.end()); - std::vector<ClusterObj> clustersEta; - std::vector<ClusterObj> clustersPhi; - m_rpcClustering->cluster( prds, clustersEta, clustersPhi ); - addClusters(clustersEta,collection); - addClusters(clustersPhi,collection); - ATH_MSG_INFO(" input size " << col.size() << " output size " << collection->size()); - - return collection; - } - - void MuonClusterizationTool::addClusters( const std::vector<ClusterObj>& clusters, RpcPrepDataCollection* collection ) { - std::vector<ClusterObj>::const_iterator cit = clusters.begin(); - std::vector<ClusterObj>::const_iterator cit_end = clusters.end(); - for( ;cit!=cit_end;++cit ){ - - // ignore non-active clusters - const ClusterObj& cl = *cit; - if( ! ) continue; - const RpcPrepData* first = static_cast<const RpcPrepData*>(cl.hitList.front()); - if( !first ) continue; - - // copy identifiers of contained prds - std::vector<Identifier> rdoList; - rdoList.reserve(cl.hitList.size()); - std::vector< const MuonCluster*>::const_iterator hit = cl.hitList.begin(); - std::vector< const MuonCluster*>::const_iterator hit_end = cl.hitList.end(); - for( ;hit!=hit_end;++hit ) rdoList.push_back((*hit)->identify()); - - // create new PRD object - RpcPrepData* prd = new RpcPrepData( first->identify(), first->collectionHash(), - first->localPosition(), - rdoList, - Amg::MatrixX(first->localCovariance() ), - first->detectorElement(), - first->time(), - first->triggerInfo(), - first->ambiguityFlag()); - //RpcPrepData::BC_CURRENT); add bc id - collection->push_back(prd); - } - } - -} diff --git a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonReconstruction/MuonDataPrep/MuonClusterization/src/MuonClusterizationTool.h b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonReconstruction/MuonDataPrep/MuonClusterization/src/MuonClusterizationTool.h deleted file mode 100644 index 2c3e813ab416..000000000000 --- a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonReconstruction/MuonDataPrep/MuonClusterization/src/MuonClusterizationTool.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,49 +0,0 @@ -/* - Copyright (C) 2002-2021 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration -*/ - -#ifndef MUONCLUSTERIZATIONTOOL_H -#define MUONCLUSTERIZATIONTOOL_H - - -#include "MuonClusterization/IMuonClusterizationTool.h" -#include "AthenaBaseComps/AthAlgTool.h" -#include "GaudiKernel/ServiceHandle.h" - -#include "MuonIdHelpers/IMuonIdHelperSvc.h" -#include "MuonPrepRawData/MuonPrepDataContainer.h" -#include "MuonClusterization/HitClustering.h" -#include "MuonClusterization/RpcHitClustering.h" - -#include <string> - -namespace Muon{ - - class MuonClusterizationTool : virtual public IMuonClusterizationTool, public AthAlgTool - { - public: - MuonClusterizationTool(const std::string& t, const std::string& n, const IInterface* p); - virtual ~MuonClusterizationTool()=default; - - virtual StatusCode initialize(); - virtual StatusCode finalize(); - - Muon::TgcPrepDataContainer* cluster( const Muon::TgcPrepDataContainer& prdContainer ) const ; - Muon::TgcPrepDataCollection* cluster( const Muon::TgcPrepDataCollection& col ) const ; - - Muon::RpcPrepDataContainer* cluster( const Muon::RpcPrepDataContainer& prdContainer ) const; - Muon::RpcPrepDataCollection* cluster( const Muon::RpcPrepDataCollection& col ) const; - - private: - static void addClusters( const std::vector<Muon::ClusterObj>& clusters, Muon::TgcPrepDataCollection* collection ) ; - static void addClusters( const std::vector<Muon::ClusterObj>& clusters, Muon::RpcPrepDataCollection* collection ) ; - - ServiceHandle<Muon::IMuonIdHelperSvc> m_idHelperSvc {this, "MuonIdHelperSvc", "Muon::MuonIdHelperSvc/MuonIdHelperSvc"}; - - Muon::HitClusteringObj* m_tgcClustering; - Muon::HitClusteringObj* m_rpcClustering; - bool m_combineGasGaps; - }; -} - -#endif diff --git a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonReconstruction/MuonDataPrep/MuonClusterization/src/TgcHitClustering.cxx b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonReconstruction/MuonDataPrep/MuonClusterization/src/TgcHitClustering.cxx index 6d05b94057e0..fcdeaa3512ca 100644 --- a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonReconstruction/MuonDataPrep/MuonClusterization/src/TgcHitClustering.cxx +++ b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonReconstruction/MuonDataPrep/MuonClusterization/src/TgcHitClustering.cxx @@ -1,290 +1,109 @@ /* - Copyright (C) 2002-2021 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration + Copyright (C) 2002-2024 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration */ #include "MuonClusterization/TgcHitClustering.h" - +namespace{ + using HitList = Muon::TgcHitClusteringObj::HitList; + static const HitList dummy{}; +} namespace Muon { - - bool TgcHitClusteringObj::cluster( const std::vector<const TgcPrepData*>& col ){ - - if( col.empty() ) return false; - - std::vector<const TgcPrepData*>::const_iterator cit_begin = col.begin(); - std::vector<const TgcPrepData*>::const_iterator cit_end = col.end(); - if( cit_begin == cit_end ) return false; - std::vector<const TgcPrepData*>::const_iterator cit = cit_begin; - const Muon::TgcPrepData* prd_first = *cit; - if( !prd_first ) return false; - const MuonGM::TgcReadoutElement* detEl = prd_first->detectorElement(); - if( !detEl ) return false; - ngasgaps = detEl->Ngasgaps(); - if( debug ) std::cout << " performing clustering " << col.size() << " gasgaps " << ngasgaps << std::endl; - - clustersEta.clear(); - clustersPhi.clear(); - channelsEta.clear(); - channelsPhi.clear(); - channelsEta.resize(TgcIdHelper::channelMax()+2); - channelsPhi.resize(TgcIdHelper::channelMax()+2); - std::vector<Triplet>* channelsPtr = nullptr; - for( ; cit!=cit_end;++cit ) { - const Muon::TgcPrepData* prd = *cit; - if( !prd ) continue; - - const Identifier& id = prd->identify(); - bool measuresPhi = m_tgcIdHelper->isStrip(id); // like measuresPhi() - std::vector<TgcClusterObj>& clusters = measuresPhi ? clustersPhi : clustersEta; - int channel = m_tgcIdHelper->channel(id); // between 1 and 135! - int gasgap = m_tgcIdHelper->gasGap(id); - - if(measuresPhi) channelsPtr = &channelsPhi; - else channelsPtr = &channelsEta; - if( channel >= (int)channelsPtr->size() ){ - //ATH_MSG_WARNING("index channels out of range: " << channel << " max " << channelsPtr->size()); - continue; - } - Triplet& triplet = (*channelsPtr)[channel]; - - // first treat the case of a second hit in the same tube - int channelClusterNumber = gasgap==1 ? triplet.first : (gasgap==2 ? triplet.second : triplet.third ); - if( channelClusterNumber != -1 ){ - if( debug ){ - std::cout << " secondary hit " << channel << " " << gasgap; - if( measuresPhi ) std::cout << " phi " << channelClusterNumber << std::endl; - else std::cout << " eta " << channelClusterNumber << std::endl; - } - TgcClusterObj& cluster = clusters[channelClusterNumber]; - cluster.addSecond(prd,gasgap); - }else{ - - std::vector<Id> neighbours; - if( channel != 0 ) neighbours.emplace_back(gasgap,channel-1 ); - if( channel < (int)channelsPtr->size()-1 ) neighbours.emplace_back(gasgap,channel+1 ); - - if( combinedGasGaps ){ - if( gasgap != 1 ){ - neighbours.emplace_back(1,channel ); - if( channel != 0 ) neighbours.emplace_back(1,channel-1 ); - if( channel < (int)channelsPtr->size()-1 ) neighbours.emplace_back(1,channel+1 ); - } - - if( gasgap != 2 ) { - neighbours.emplace_back(2,channel ); - if( channel != 0 ) neighbours.emplace_back(2,channel-1 ); - if( channel < (int)channelsPtr->size()-1 ) neighbours.emplace_back(2,channel+1 ); - } - - if( ngasgaps == 3 && gasgap != 3 ){ - neighbours.emplace_back(3,channel ); - if( channel != 0 ) neighbours.emplace_back(3,channel-1 ); - if( channel < (int)channelsPtr->size()-1 ) neighbours.emplace_back(3,channel+1 ); - } - } - - if( debug ) { - std::cout << " new hit " << channel << " " << gasgap; - if( measuresPhi ) std::cout << " phi " << " neighbours " << neighbours.size() << std::endl; - else std::cout << " eta " << " neighbours " << neighbours.size() << std::endl; - } - std::vector<Id>::iterator nit = neighbours.begin(); - std::vector<Id>::iterator nit_end = neighbours.end(); - TgcClusterObj* currentCluster = nullptr; - int currentClusterId = -1; - for( ;nit!=nit_end;++nit ){ - - Triplet& trip = (*channelsPtr)[nit->ch]; - - int clusterNumber = nit->gp==1 ? trip.first : nit->gp==2 ? trip.second : trip.third; - if( clusterNumber == -1 ) continue; - if( debug ) std::cout << " new neighbour " << nit->gp << " " << nit->ch << " clusterid " << clusterNumber; - - TgcClusterObj& cluster = clusters[clusterNumber]; - - // if the hit is unassigned add it to the cluster - if( currentCluster == nullptr ){ - cluster.add(prd,gasgap); - currentCluster = &cluster; - if( gasgap==1 ) triplet.first = clusterNumber; - else if( gasgap==2 ) triplet.second = clusterNumber; - else triplet.third = clusterNumber; - currentClusterId = clusterNumber; - if( debug ) std::cout << " adding hit " << std::endl; - }else if( clusterNumber != currentClusterId ){ - // the hit is already assigned to a cluster, merge the two clusters - // first update hitPattern - TgcClusterObj::HitIt h = cluster.hitList.begin(); - TgcClusterObj::HitIt h_end = cluster.hitList.end(); - for( ;h!=h_end;++h ) { - const Identifier& cid = (*h)->identify(); - int ch = m_tgcIdHelper->channel(cid); - int gp = m_tgcIdHelper->gasGap(cid); - Triplet& trip = (*channelsPtr)[ch]; - if( gp==1 ) trip.first = currentClusterId; - else if( gp==2 ) trip.second = currentClusterId; - else trip.third = currentClusterId; - } - if( debug ) std::cout << " cluster overlap, merging clusters " << std::endl; - currentCluster->merge(cluster); - }else{ - if( debug ) std::cout << " cluster overlap, same cluster " << std::endl; - } - } - // now check whether the hit was already assigned to a cluster, if not create a new cluster - if( currentCluster == nullptr ){ - if( debug ) std::cout << " no neighbouring hits, creating new cluster " << clusters.size() << std::endl; - TgcClusterObj cl; - cl.add(prd,gasgap); - Triplet& trip = (*channelsPtr)[channel]; - if( gasgap==1 ) trip.first = clusters.size(); - else if( gasgap==2 ) trip.second = clusters.size(); - else trip.third = clusters.size(); - clusters.push_back(cl); - } - } + const HitList& TgcHitClusteringObj::bestEtaCluster() const { + return clustersEta.size() ? clustersEta.front() : dummy; } - findBest(); - if( debug ) dump(); - return true; - } - - - void TgcHitClusteringObj::dump() const { - // std::cout << " dumping eta chamber hit map: number of gasgaps " << ngasgaps << std::endl << std::endl; -// if( ngasgaps == 3 ) -// for( unsigned int nl=0;nl<channelsEta.size();++nl) -// if( channelsEta[nl].third == -1 ) std::cout << " ."; -// else std::cout << " " << std::setw(2) << channelsEta[nl].third; - -// for( unsigned int nl=0;nl<channelsEta.size();++nl) -// if( channelsEta[nl].second == -1 ) std::cout << " ."; -// else std::cout << " " << std::setw(2) << channelsEta[nl].second; - -// std::cout << std::endl << std::endl; -// for( unsigned int nl=0;nl<channelsEta.size();++nl) -// if( channelsEta[nl].first == -1 ) std::cout << " ."; -// else std::cout << " " << std::setw(2) << channelsEta[nl].first; -// std::cout << std::endl << std::endl; - -// std::cout << " dumping phi chamber hit map " << std::endl << std::endl; -// for( unsigned int nl=0;nl<channelsPhi.size();++nl) -// if( channelsPhi[nl].second == -1 ) std::cout << " ."; -// else std::cout << " " << std::setw(2) << channelsPhi[nl].second; -// std::cout << std::endl << std::endl; -// for( unsigned int nl=0;nl<channelsPhi.size();++nl) -// if( channelsPhi[nl].first == -1 ) std::cout << " ."; -// else std::cout << " " << std::setw(2) << channelsPhi[nl].first; -// std::cout << std::endl << std::endl; - int clid = -1; - std::vector<TgcClusterObj>::const_iterator cit = clustersEta.begin(); - std::vector<TgcClusterObj>::const_iterator cit_end = clustersEta.end(); - for( ;cit!=cit_end;++cit ){ - ++clid; - if( !cit->active() ) continue; - std::cout << " new cluster " << clid << " size " << cit->hitList.size() << std::endl; - TgcClusterObj::HitCit hit = cit->hitList.begin(); - TgcClusterObj::HitCit hit_end = cit->hitList.end(); - for( ;hit!=hit_end;++hit ){ - const Muon::TgcPrepData& prd = **hit; - const Identifier& id = prd.identify(); - std::cout << " hit " << m_tgcIdHelper->gasGap(id) << " " << m_tgcIdHelper->channel(id)-1; - bool measuresPhi = m_tgcIdHelper->isStrip(id); - if(measuresPhi) std::cout << " phi" << std::endl; - else std::cout << " eta" << std::endl; - } + const HitList& TgcHitClusteringObj::bestPhiCluster() const { + return clustersPhi.size() ? clustersPhi.front() : dummy; } - cit = clustersPhi.begin(); - cit_end = clustersPhi.end(); - for( ;cit!=cit_end;++cit ){ - ++clid; - if( !cit->active() ) continue; - std::cout << " new cluster " << clid << " size " << cit->hitList.size() << std::endl; - TgcClusterObj::HitCit hit = cit->hitList.begin(); - TgcClusterObj::HitCit hit_end = cit->hitList.end(); - for( ;hit!=hit_end;++hit ){ - const Muon::TgcPrepData& prd = **hit; - const Identifier& id = prd.identify(); - std::cout << " hit " << m_tgcIdHelper->gasGap(id) << " " << m_tgcIdHelper->channel(id)-1; - bool measuresPhi = m_tgcIdHelper->isStrip(id); - if(measuresPhi) std::cout << " phi" << std::endl; - else std::cout << " eta" << std::endl; + bool TgcHitClusteringObj::cluster(HitList& filteredHits, + std::vector<HitList>& finalClusts) { + if (filteredHits.empty()) return false; + finalClusts.reserve(filteredHits.size()); + std::sort(filteredHits.begin(), filteredHits.end(), + [this](const TgcPrepData* h1,const TgcPrepData* h2) { + const int gap1{m_tgcIdHelper->gasGap(h1->identify())}, gap2{m_tgcIdHelper->gasGap(h2->identify())}; + if (gap1 != gap2) return gap1 < gap2; + return m_tgcIdHelper->channel(h1->identify()) < m_tgcIdHelper->channel(h2->identify()); + }); + + for (const TgcPrepData* prd : filteredHits) { + /// Create new clusters if the cluster is more separated by more than one channel or if the gas gaps don't match + if (finalClusts.empty() || + m_tgcIdHelper->channel(finalClusts.back().back()->identify()) +1 != m_tgcIdHelper->channel(prd->identify()) || + m_tgcIdHelper->gasGap(finalClusts.back().back()->identify()) != m_tgcIdHelper->gasGap(prd->identify())) { + finalClusts.emplace_back(); + } + finalClusts.back().push_back(prd); } - } + std::stable_sort(finalClusts.begin(),finalClusts.end(), + []( const HitList& a, const HitList& b){ + return a.size() < b.size(); + }); + return true; } - void TgcHitClusteringObj::findBest() { - std::vector<TgcClusterObj>::iterator it = clustersEta.begin(); - std::vector<TgcClusterObj>::iterator it_end = clustersEta.end(); - std::stable_sort(it,it_end,SortTgcClusterObjs()); - it = clustersPhi.begin(); - it_end = clustersPhi.end(); - std::stable_sort(it,it_end,SortTgcClusterObjs()); - } + bool TgcHitClusteringObj::cluster( const std::vector<const TgcPrepData*>& col ){ + + std::vector<const TgcPrepData*> etaHits{}, phiHits{}; + etaHits.reserve(col.size()); + phiHits.reserve(col.size()); + + /// Split the hits in eta & phi + std::copy_if(col.begin(),col.end(), std::back_inserter(etaHits), [this](const TgcPrepData* prd) { + return !m_tgcIdHelper->measuresPhi(prd->identify()); + }); + std::copy_if(col.begin(),col.end(), std::back_inserter(phiHits), [this](const TgcPrepData* prd){ + return m_tgcIdHelper->measuresPhi(prd->identify()); + }); + + if (!cluster(etaHits, clustersEta)) return false; + if (!cluster(phiHits, clustersPhi)) return false; + + return true; + } bool TgcHitClusteringObj::buildClusters3D() { - clusters3D.clear(); - if( clustersPhi.empty() || clustersEta.empty() ) return false; - if( !bestEtaCluster() || !bestEtaCluster()->active() ) return false; - const TgcPrepData* etaHit = bestEtaCluster()->hitList.front(); - if( !etaHit ) return false; + const TgcPrepData* etaHit = bestEtaCluster().front(); - const MuonGM::TgcReadoutElement* detEl = dynamic_cast<const MuonGM::TgcReadoutElement*>(etaHit->detectorElement()); - if( !detEl ) return false; + const MuonGM::TgcReadoutElement* detEl = etaHit->detectorElement(); // now loop over eta and phi clusters and form space points - if( debug ) std::cout << " eta clusters " << clustersEta.size() << " phi clusters " << clustersPhi.size() << std::endl; - std::vector< TgcClusterObj >::iterator eit = clustersEta.begin(); - std::vector< TgcClusterObj >::iterator eit_end = clustersEta.end(); - for( ;eit!=eit_end;++eit ){ - - if( !eit->active() ) continue; + for(HitList& eit : clustersEta) { - const TgcPrepData* firstEta = eit->hitList.front(); - const TgcPrepData* lastEta = eit->hitList.back(); + const TgcPrepData* firstEta = eit.front(); + const TgcPrepData* lastEta = eit.back(); - std::vector< TgcClusterObj >::iterator pit = clustersPhi.begin(); - std::vector< TgcClusterObj >::iterator pit_end = clustersPhi.end(); - for( ;pit!=pit_end;++pit ){ - - if( !pit->active() ) continue; - - const TgcPrepData* firstPhi = pit->hitList.front(); - const TgcPrepData* lastPhi = pit->hitList.back(); - - TgcClusterObj3D cl3D(*eit,*pit); -// cl3D.etaCluster = &*eit; -// cl3D.phiCluster = &*pit; - detEl->spacePointPosition( firstPhi->identify(),firstEta->identify(),cl3D.p11 ); - if( lastPhi != firstPhi ) detEl->spacePointPosition( lastPhi->identify(),firstEta->identify(),cl3D.p12 ); - else cl3D.p12 = cl3D.p11; - if( lastEta != firstEta ) { - detEl->spacePointPosition( firstPhi->identify(),lastEta->identify(),cl3D.p21 ); - if( lastPhi != firstPhi ) detEl->spacePointPosition( lastPhi->identify(),lastEta->identify(),cl3D.p22 ); - else cl3D.p22 = cl3D.p21; - }else{ - cl3D.p22 = cl3D.p12; - cl3D.p21 = cl3D.p11; - } - clusters3D.push_back(cl3D); + for(HitList& pit : clustersPhi) { + + const TgcPrepData* firstPhi = pit.front(); + const TgcPrepData* lastPhi = pit.back(); + + TgcClusterObj3D cl3D{eit, pit}; + using Edge = TgcClusterObj3D::Edge; + + detEl->spacePointPosition( firstPhi->identify(), firstEta->identify(), cl3D.getEdge(Edge::LowEtaLowPhi) ); + if( lastPhi != firstPhi ) { + detEl->spacePointPosition( lastPhi->identify(), firstEta->identify(), cl3D.getEdge(Edge::LowEtaHighPhi)); + } else { + cl3D.getEdge(Edge::LowEtaHighPhi) = cl3D.getEdge(Edge::LowEtaLowPhi); + } + if( lastEta != firstEta ) { + detEl->spacePointPosition( firstPhi->identify(),lastEta->identify(), cl3D.getEdge(Edge::HighEtaLowPhi) ); + if( lastPhi != firstPhi ) { + detEl->spacePointPosition( lastPhi->identify(),lastEta->identify(), cl3D.getEdge(Edge::HighEtaHighPhi) ); + } else { + cl3D.getEdge(Edge::HighEtaHighPhi) = cl3D.getEdge(Edge::HighEtaLowPhi); + } + }else{ + cl3D.getEdge(Edge::HighEtaLowPhi) = cl3D.getEdge(Edge::LowEtaLowPhi); + cl3D.getEdge(Edge::HighEtaHighPhi) = cl3D.getEdge(Edge::LowEtaHighPhi); + } + clusters3D.push_back(std::move(cl3D)); } } - - if( debug && !clusters3D.empty() ){ - std::cout << " 3D clusters " << clusters3D.size() << std::endl; - std::vector<TgcClusterObj3D>::iterator it = clusters3D.begin(); - std::vector<TgcClusterObj3D>::iterator it_end = clusters3D.end(); - for( ;it!=it_end;++it ){ -// std::cout << " eta cluster " << it->etaCluster->hitList.size() << " phi cluster " << it->phiCluster->hitList.size() -// << " position " << it->p11 << std::endl; - std::cout << " eta cluster " << it->etaCluster.hitList.size() << " phi cluster " << it->phiCluster.hitList.size() - << " position " << it->p11 << std::endl; - } - } - return true; } diff --git a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonReconstruction/MuonDataPrep/MuonClusterization/src/components/MuonClusterization_entries.cxx b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonReconstruction/MuonDataPrep/MuonClusterization/src/components/MuonClusterization_entries.cxx deleted file mode 100644 index 6a372015422b..000000000000 --- a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonReconstruction/MuonDataPrep/MuonClusterization/src/components/MuonClusterization_entries.cxx +++ /dev/null @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@ -#include "../MuonClusterizationAlg.h" -#include "../MuonClusterizationTool.h" - -using namespace Muon; - -DECLARE_COMPONENT( MuonClusterizationAlg ) -DECLARE_COMPONENT( MuonClusterizationTool ) - diff --git a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonReconstruction/MuonPatternFinders/MuonPatternFinderTools/MuonHoughPatternTools/MuonHoughPatternTools/MuonLayerHoughTool.h b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonReconstruction/MuonPatternFinders/MuonPatternFinderTools/MuonHoughPatternTools/MuonHoughPatternTools/MuonLayerHoughTool.h index 02fd92d5b6f9..cbca919f2966 100644 --- a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonReconstruction/MuonPatternFinders/MuonPatternFinderTools/MuonHoughPatternTools/MuonHoughPatternTools/MuonLayerHoughTool.h +++ b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonReconstruction/MuonPatternFinders/MuonPatternFinderTools/MuonHoughPatternTools/MuonHoughPatternTools/MuonLayerHoughTool.h @@ -110,13 +110,15 @@ namespace Muon { const MuonSegmentCombinationCollection*, const EventContext& ctx) const override; private: + using TgcEdge = TgcClusterObj3D::Edge; + void getSectors(const Amg::Vector3D& pos, std::vector<int>& sectors) const; void getSectors(const TgcClusterObj3D& tgc, std::vector<int>& sectors) const; double rCor(const Amg::Vector3D& pos, const Identifier& id) const; double rCor(const MuonCluster& rpc) const; double rCor(const MdtPrepData& mdt) const; - double rCor(const TgcClusterObj3D& tgc, int val, int sector) const; + double rCor(const TgcClusterObj3D& tgc, const TgcEdge val, int sector) const; int sublay(const Identifier& id, float z = 0) const; // the z value is only used for the tgcs @@ -216,7 +218,7 @@ namespace Muon { }; inline void MuonLayerHoughTool::getSectors(const TgcClusterObj3D& tgc, std::vector<int>& sectors) const { - return getSectors(tgc.p11, sectors); + getSectors(tgc.getEdge(TgcEdge::LowEtaLowPhi), sectors); } inline void MuonLayerHoughTool::getSectors(const Amg::Vector3D& pos, std::vector<int>& sectors) const { @@ -231,8 +233,8 @@ namespace Muon { inline double MuonLayerHoughTool::rCor(const MdtPrepData& mm) const { return rCor(mm.globalPosition(), mm.identify()); } - inline double MuonLayerHoughTool::rCor(const TgcClusterObj3D& tgc, int val, int sector) const { - const Amg::Vector3D& pos = val == 1 ? tgc.p11 : (val == 2 ? tgc.p12 : (val == 3 ? tgc.p21 : tgc.p22)); + inline double MuonLayerHoughTool::rCor(const TgcClusterObj3D& tgc, const TgcEdge val, int sector) const { + const Amg::Vector3D& pos{tgc.getEdge(val)}; return m_sectorMapping.transformRToSector(pos.perp(), pos.phi(), sector); } diff --git a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonReconstruction/MuonPatternFinders/MuonPatternFinderTools/MuonHoughPatternTools/src/MuonLayerHoughTool.cxx b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonReconstruction/MuonPatternFinders/MuonPatternFinderTools/MuonHoughPatternTools/src/MuonLayerHoughTool.cxx index 0c9bff2ff5be..e09e5585e017 100644 --- a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonReconstruction/MuonPatternFinders/MuonPatternFinderTools/MuonHoughPatternTools/src/MuonLayerHoughTool.cxx +++ b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonReconstruction/MuonPatternFinders/MuonPatternFinderTools/MuonHoughPatternTools/src/MuonLayerHoughTool.cxx @@ -636,7 +636,7 @@ namespace Muon { for (auto ehit = maximum->hits.begin(); ehit != maximum->hits.end(); ++ehit) { const MuonHough::Hit& etaHit = **ehit; if (etaHit.tgc) { - if (!etaHit.tgc->phiCluster.hitList.empty()) tgcClusters.insert(etaHit.tgc); + if (!etaHit.tgc->phiCluster.empty()) tgcClusters.insert(etaHit.tgc); } else if (etaHit.prd) { triggerLayers.insert(m_idHelperSvc->gasGapId(etaHit.prd->identify())); } @@ -699,10 +699,10 @@ namespace Muon { // case 1: phiHit measured in TGC -> get phiHits from phiCluster // case 2: phiHit is prepared raw data -> use phiHit to extend the triggerLayersPhinMinMax map if (phiHit->tgc) { - if (phiHit->tgc->phiCluster.hitList.empty()) + if (phiHit->tgc->phiCluster.empty()) ATH_MSG_WARNING(" TGC 3D cluster without phi hits "); else - tgcClusters[m_idHelperSvc->stationIndex(phiHit->tgc->phiCluster.hitList.front()->identify())].insert(phiHit->tgc); + tgcClusters[m_idHelperSvc->stationIndex(phiHit->tgc->phiCluster.front()->identify())].insert(phiHit->tgc); } else if (phiHit->prd) { Identifier gpId = m_idHelperSvc->gasGapId(phiHit->prd->identify()); auto mit = triggerLayersPhiMinMax.find(gpId); @@ -728,8 +728,8 @@ namespace Muon { std::set<const TgcClusterObj3D*>::const_iterator ttit = stit->second.begin(); std::set<const TgcClusterObj3D*>::const_iterator ttit_end = stit->second.end(); for (; ttit != ttit_end; ++ttit) { - ATH_MSG_VERBOSE(" " << m_idHelperSvc->toString((*ttit)->phiCluster.hitList.front()->identify()) << " nhits " - << (*ttit)->phiCluster.hitList.size()); + ATH_MSG_VERBOSE(" " << m_idHelperSvc->toString((*ttit)->phiCluster.front()->identify()) << " nhits " + << (*ttit)->phiCluster.size()); } } } @@ -748,7 +748,7 @@ namespace Muon { // loop over eta hits for (const auto& etaHit : road_max->hits) { if (etaHit->tgc) { - if (etaHit->tgc->etaCluster.hitList.empty()) + if (etaHit->tgc->etaCluster.empty()) ATH_MSG_WARNING(" TGC 3D cluster without eta hits "); else { if (tgcClusters[stIndex].count(etaHit->tgc)) { @@ -871,7 +871,7 @@ namespace Muon { for (auto& hit : maxi->hits) { if (hit->debugInfo()) { hit->debugInfo()->phn = maxi2->max; - Identifier id = hit->tgc ? hit->tgc->etaCluster.hitList.front()->identify() : hit->prd->identify(); + Identifier id = hit->tgc ? hit->tgc->etaCluster.front()->identify() : hit->prd->identify(); ATH_MSG_VERBOSE(" " << m_idHelperSvc->toString(id) << " setphn " << hit->debugInfo()->phn); } } @@ -908,10 +908,10 @@ namespace Muon { // loop over hits for (const auto& phiHit : phiMaximum->hits) { if (phiHit->tgc) { - if (phiHit->tgc->phiCluster.hitList.empty()) + if (phiHit->tgc->phiCluster.empty()) ATH_MSG_WARNING(" TGC 3D cluster without phi hits "); else - tgcClusters[m_idHelperSvc->stationIndex(phiHit->tgc->phiCluster.hitList.front()->identify())].insert(phiHit->tgc); + tgcClusters[m_idHelperSvc->stationIndex(phiHit->tgc->phiCluster.front()->identify())].insert(phiHit->tgc); } else if (phiHit->prd) { Identifier colId = phiHit->prd->identify(); Identifier layId = m_idHelperSvc->gasGapId(colId); @@ -928,8 +928,8 @@ namespace Muon { std::set<const TgcClusterObj3D*>::const_iterator ttit = stit->second.begin(); std::set<const TgcClusterObj3D*>::const_iterator ttit_end = stit->second.end(); for (; ttit != ttit_end; ++ttit) { - ATH_MSG_VERBOSE(" " << m_idHelperSvc->toString((*ttit)->phiCluster.hitList.front()->identify()) << " nhits " - << (*ttit)->phiCluster.hitList.size()); + ATH_MSG_VERBOSE(" " << m_idHelperSvc->toString((*ttit)->phiCluster.front()->identify()) << " nhits " + << (*ttit)->phiCluster.size()); } } } @@ -972,13 +972,9 @@ namespace Muon { // loop over hits for (const auto& etaHit : maximum->hits) { if (etaHit->tgc) { - if (etaHit->tgc->etaCluster.hitList.empty()) - ATH_MSG_WARNING(" TGC 3D cluster without eta hits "); - else { - if (tgcClusters[stIndex].count(etaHit->tgc)) - ++ntgcOverlaps; + if (tgcClusters[stIndex].count(etaHit->tgc)) + ++ntgcOverlaps; - } } else if (etaHit->prd) { Identifier layId = m_idHelperSvc->gasGapId(etaHit->prd->identify()); ATH_MSG_VERBOSE(" eta layer hit " << m_idHelperSvc->toString(layId)); @@ -1104,8 +1100,8 @@ namespace Muon { // loop over hits in maximum and add them to the hit list for (const auto& hit : max->hits) { if (hit->tgc) { - const Identifier chId = m_idHelperSvc->chamberId(hit->tgc->etaCluster.hitList.front()->identify()); - prdsPerChamber[chId].insert(hit->tgc->etaCluster.hitList.begin(), hit->tgc->etaCluster.hitList.end()); + const Identifier chId = m_idHelperSvc->chamberId(hit->tgc->etaCluster.front()->identify()); + prdsPerChamber[chId].insert(hit->tgc->etaCluster.begin(), hit->tgc->etaCluster.end()); } else if (hit->prd) { const Identifier chId = m_idHelperSvc->chamberId(hit->prd->identify()); prdsPerChamber[chId].insert(hit->prd); @@ -1156,8 +1152,8 @@ namespace Muon { // loop over hits for (const auto& hit : pit->first->hits) { if (hit->tgc) { - const Identifier chId = m_idHelperSvc->chamberId(hit->tgc->phiCluster.hitList.front()->identify()); - phiHitsPerChamber[chId].insert(hit->tgc->phiCluster.hitList.begin(), hit->tgc->phiCluster.hitList.end()); + const Identifier chId = m_idHelperSvc->chamberId(hit->tgc->phiCluster.front()->identify()); + phiHitsPerChamber[chId].insert(hit->tgc->phiCluster.begin(), hit->tgc->phiCluster.end()); } else if (hit->prd) { const Identifier chId = m_idHelperSvc->chamberId(hit->prd->identify()); phiHitsPerChamber[chId].insert(hit->prd); @@ -1191,8 +1187,8 @@ namespace Muon { for (const auto& hit : max->hits) { Identifier chId; if (hit->tgc) { - chId = m_idHelperSvc->chamberId(hit->tgc->etaCluster.hitList.front()->identify()); - prdsPerChamber[chId].insert(hit->tgc->etaCluster.hitList.begin(), hit->tgc->etaCluster.hitList.end()); + chId = m_idHelperSvc->chamberId(hit->tgc->etaCluster.front()->identify()); + prdsPerChamber[chId].insert(hit->tgc->etaCluster.begin(), hit->tgc->etaCluster.end()); } else if (hit->prd) { chId = m_idHelperSvc->chamberId(hit->prd->identify()); prdsPerChamber[chId].insert(hit->prd); @@ -1210,7 +1206,7 @@ namespace Muon { if (max->hough) refPlane = max->hough->m_descriptor.referencePosition; else if (hit->tgc) - refPlane = hit->tgc->p11.z(); + refPlane = hit->tgc->getEdge(TgcEdge::LowEtaLowPhi).z(); else if (isBarrel) refPlane = hit->prd->detectorElement()->surface(hit->prd->identify()).center().perp(); else @@ -1314,7 +1310,7 @@ namespace Muon { if (hits.empty()) return false; if (hough.m_descriptor.chIndex < 0 || hough.m_descriptor.chIndex >= Muon::MuonStationIndex::ChIndexMax) { - Identifier id = hits.front()->tgc ? hits.front()->tgc->etaCluster.hitList.front()->identify() : hits.front()->prd->identify(); + Identifier id = hits.front()->tgc ? hits.front()->tgc->etaCluster.front()->identify() : hits.front()->prd->identify(); ATH_MSG_WARNING("Bad ChIndex " << m_idHelperSvc->toString(id) << " " << hough.m_descriptor.chIndex); return false; } @@ -1324,7 +1320,7 @@ namespace Muon { if (m_debugHough) hough.setDebug(true); hough.fillLayer2(hits); - Identifier id_hit = hits.front()->tgc ? hits.front()->tgc->etaCluster.hitList.front()->identify() : hits.front()->prd->identify(); + Identifier id_hit = hits.front()->tgc ? hits.front()->tgc->etaCluster.front()->identify() : hits.front()->prd->identify(); MuonHough::MuonLayerHoughSelector selectorLoose; MuonHough::MuonLayerHoughSelector selector; @@ -1354,8 +1350,8 @@ namespace Muon { const unsigned int nHitsInMaximum = maximum.hits.size(); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nHitsInMaximum; ++i) { MuonHough::Hit& hit = *(maximum.hits[i]); - Identifier id = hit.tgc ? hit.tgc->etaCluster.hitList.front()->identify() : hit.prd->identify(); - int nhits = hit.tgc ? hit.tgc->etaCluster.hitList.size() : 1; + Identifier id = hit.tgc ? hit.tgc->etaCluster.front()->identify() : hit.prd->identify(); + int nhits = hit.tgc ? hit.tgc->etaCluster.size() : 1; nmdt += m_idHelperSvc->isMdt(id); nstgc += m_idHelperSvc->issTgc(id); @@ -1402,9 +1398,9 @@ namespace Muon { const unsigned int nHitsInMaximum = maximum.hits.size(); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nHitsInMaximum; ++i) { MuonHough::PhiHit& hit = *(maximum.hits[i]); - Identifier id = hit.tgc ? hit.tgc->phiCluster.hitList.front()->identify() : hit.prd->identify(); + Identifier id = hit.tgc ? hit.tgc->phiCluster.front()->identify() : hit.prd->identify(); - int nhits = hit.tgc ? hit.tgc->phiCluster.hitList.size() : 1; + int nhits = hit.tgc ? hit.tgc->phiCluster.size() : 1; ATH_MSG_VERBOSE("findMaxima(Phi) phiHit " << m_idHelperSvc->toString(id) << " hits " << nhits); } @@ -1823,7 +1819,7 @@ namespace Muon { } return; } - if (!clustering.bestEtaCluster() || clustering.bestEtaCluster()->hitList.empty() || !clustering.bestEtaCluster()->hitList.front()) { + if (clustering.bestEtaCluster().empty()) { ATH_MSG_DEBUG("TgcHitClusteringObj, no eta cluster selected! "); if (msgLvl(MSG::DEBUG)) { for (const TgcPrepData* prd : prds) { ATH_MSG_DEBUG(" " << m_idHelperSvc->toString(prd->identify())); } @@ -1838,21 +1834,17 @@ namespace Muon { if (sectors[si] != sector) continue; for (const TgcClusterObj3D& cl : clustering.clusters3D) { - if (cl.etaCluster.hitList.empty()) { - ATH_MSG_WARNING("Incomplete TgcClusterObj3D in chamber " << m_idHelperSvc->toString(chid)); - continue; - } - const Identifier id = cl.etaCluster.hitList.front()->identify(); - - double x = cl.p11.z(); - double y11 = rCor(cl, 1, sector); - double y12 = rCor(cl, 2, sector); - double y21 = rCor(cl, 3, sector); - double y22 = rCor(cl, 4, sector); - double phi11 = cl.p11.phi(); - double phi12 = cl.p12.phi(); - double phi21 = cl.p21.phi(); - double phi22 = cl.p22.phi(); + const Identifier id = cl.etaCluster.front()->identify(); + + double x = cl.getEdge(TgcEdge::LowEtaLowPhi).z(); + double y11 = rCor(cl, TgcEdge::LowEtaLowPhi, sector); + double y12 = rCor(cl, TgcEdge::LowEtaHighPhi, sector); + double y21 = rCor(cl, TgcEdge::LowEtaLowPhi, sector); + double y22 = rCor(cl, TgcEdge::HighEtaHighPhi, sector); + double phi11 = cl.getEdge(TgcEdge::LowEtaLowPhi).phi(); + double phi12 = cl.getEdge(TgcEdge::LowEtaHighPhi).phi(); + double phi21 = cl.getEdge(TgcEdge::LowEtaLowPhi).phi(); + double phi22 = cl.getEdge(TgcEdge::HighEtaHighPhi).phi(); double ymin = std::min(std::min(y11, y12), std::min(y21, y22)); double ymax = std::max(std::max(y11, y12), std::max(y21, y22)); double phimin = std::min(std::min(phi11, phi12), std::min(phi21, phi22)); @@ -1860,23 +1852,27 @@ namespace Muon { double phi1 = phimin; // phiCor(phimin,sector); double phi2 = phimax; // phiCor(phimax,sector); int sublayer = sublay(id, x); + ATH_MSG_VERBOSE("Cluster "<<m_idHelperSvc->toString(id)<<" x: "<<x<<", y11: "<<y11 + <<", y12: "<<y12<<", y21: "<<y21<<", y22: "<<y22<<", phi11: "<<phi11<<", " + <<"phi12: "<<phi12<<", phi21: "<<phi21<<", phi22: "<<phi22<<" ymin: "<<ymin<<", ymax: "<<ymax + <<", phimin: "<<phimin<<", phimax: "<<phimax); MuonHough::HitDebugInfo* debug = new MuonHough::HitDebugInfo(technology, sector, region, layer, sublayer); - debug->clusterSize = cl.etaCluster.hitList.size(); - debug->clusterLayers = cl.etaCluster.layers(); - debug->isEtaPhi = cl.phiCluster.layers(); - debug->time = cl.etaCluster.hitList.front()->getBcBitMap(); + debug->clusterSize = cl.etaCluster.size(); + debug->clusterLayers = 2; + debug->isEtaPhi = true; + debug->time = cl.etaCluster.front()->getBcBitMap(); std::map<unsigned int, unsigned int>::const_iterator pos = m_techToTruthNameIdx.find(technology); if (pos != m_techToTruthNameIdx.end()) { matchTruth(truthHits, *truthCollections[pos->second], id, *debug); } MuonHough::HitDebugInfo* phiDebug = new MuonHough::HitDebugInfo(*debug); - phiDebug->clusterSize = cl.phiCluster.hitList.size(); - phiDebug->clusterLayers = cl.phiCluster.layers(); - phiDebug->isEtaPhi = cl.etaCluster.layers(); + phiDebug->clusterSize = cl.phiCluster.size(); + phiDebug->clusterLayers = 1; + phiDebug->isEtaPhi = true; - std::unique_ptr<MuonHough::Hit> hit = std::make_unique<MuonHough::Hit>(sublayer, x, ymin, ymax, 2 * cl.etaCluster.layers(), debug, nullptr, &cl); + std::unique_ptr<MuonHough::Hit> hit = std::make_unique<MuonHough::Hit>(sublayer, x, ymin, ymax, 2, debug, nullptr, &cl); std::unique_ptr<MuonHough::PhiHit> phiHit = - std::make_unique<MuonHough::PhiHit>(sublayer, y11, phi1, phi2, 2 * cl.phiCluster.layers(), phiDebug, nullptr, &cl); + std::make_unique<MuonHough::PhiHit>(sublayer, y11, phi1, phi2, 2, phiDebug, nullptr, &cl); hits.emplace_back(std::move(hit)); phiHits.emplace_back(std::move(phiHit)); } diff --git a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonReconstruction/MuonRecTools/MuonRecToolInterfaces/MuonRecToolInterfaces/IMuonCombiTrackMaker.h b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonReconstruction/MuonRecTools/MuonRecToolInterfaces/MuonRecToolInterfaces/IMuonCombiTrackMaker.h deleted file mode 100644 index d17bde6b6490..000000000000 --- a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonReconstruction/MuonRecTools/MuonRecToolInterfaces/MuonRecToolInterfaces/IMuonCombiTrackMaker.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,45 +0,0 @@ -/* - Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration -*/ - -#ifndef MUON_IMUONCOMBITRACKMAKER_H -#define MUON_IMUONCOMBITRACKMAKER_H - -#include <vector> - -#include "GaudiKernel/IAlgTool.h" -#include "MuonSegment/MuonSegmentCombinationCollection.h" -#include "TrkTrack/TrackCollection.h" - -static const InterfaceID IID_IMuonCombiTrackMaker("Muon::IMuonCombiTrackMaker", 1, 0); - -namespace Trk { - class Track; -} - -namespace Muon { - - /** @brief The IMuonSegmentMaker is a pure virtual interface for tools to find tracks starting from MuonSegmentCombinations */ - class IMuonCombiTrackMaker : virtual public IAlgTool { - public: - /** access to tool interface */ - static const InterfaceID& interfaceID(); - - /** @brief find tracks starting from a MuonSegmentCombination - @param combi a reference to a MuonSegmentCombination - @return a pointer to a vector of tracks, the ownership of the tracks is passed to the client calling the tool. - */ - virtual std::vector<Trk::Track*>* find(const MuonSegmentCombination& combi) const = 0; - - /** @brief find tracks starting from a MuonSegmentCombinationCollection - @param combiCol a reference to a MuonSegmentCombinationCollection - @return a pointer to a vector of tracks, the ownership of the tracks is passed to the client calling the tool. - */ - virtual TrackCollection* find(const MuonSegmentCombinationCollection& combiCol) const = 0; - }; - - inline const InterfaceID& IMuonCombiTrackMaker::interfaceID() { return IID_IMuonCombiTrackMaker; } - -} // namespace Muon - -#endif diff --git a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonReconstruction/MuonSegmentCombiners/MuonSegmentCombinerTools/MooSegmentCombinationFinder/src/MuonSegmentFinderAlg.cxx b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonReconstruction/MuonSegmentCombiners/MuonSegmentCombinerTools/MooSegmentCombinationFinder/src/MuonSegmentFinderAlg.cxx index 6c97bc40cd79..8eddbfb89892 100644 --- a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonReconstruction/MuonSegmentCombiners/MuonSegmentCombinerTools/MooSegmentCombinationFinder/src/MuonSegmentFinderAlg.cxx +++ b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonReconstruction/MuonSegmentCombiners/MuonSegmentCombinerTools/MooSegmentCombinationFinder/src/MuonSegmentFinderAlg.cxx @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ StatusCode MuonSegmentFinderAlg::initialize() { /// MDT segments ATH_CHECK(m_patternCalibration.retrieve(DisableTool{!m_runMdtSegments})); ATH_CHECK(m_segmentMaker.retrieve(DisableTool{!m_runMdtSegments})); - ATH_CHECK(m_clusterSegMaker.retrieve(DisableTool{!m_doTGCClust && !m_doRPCClust})); + const bool doNSW = m_doSTgcSegments || m_doMMSegments; ATH_CHECK(m_clusterCreator.retrieve(DisableTool{!doNSW})); @@ -41,13 +41,7 @@ StatusCode MuonSegmentFinderAlg::initialize() { /// Initialize the alignment container in the NSW ATH_CHECK(m_segmentNSWCollectionKey.initialize(doNSW && !m_segmentNSWCollectionKey.empty())); ATH_CHECK(m_cscPrdsKey.initialize(!m_cscPrdsKey.empty())); // check for layouts without CSCs - ATH_CHECK(m_mdtPrdsKey.initialize(m_doTGCClust || m_doRPCClust)); - ATH_CHECK(m_rpcPrdsKey.initialize(m_doRPCClust)); - ATH_CHECK(m_tgcPrdsKey.initialize(m_doTGCClust)); ATH_CHECK(m_patternCollKey.initialize()); - ATH_CHECK(m_tgcTruth.initialize(m_doClusterTruth)); - ATH_CHECK(m_rpcTruth.initialize(m_doClusterTruth)); - return StatusCode::SUCCESS; } @@ -87,23 +81,6 @@ StatusCode MuonSegmentFinderAlg::execute(const EventContext& ctx) const { } // end loop on pattern combinations - // do cluster based segment finding - if (m_doTGCClust || m_doRPCClust) { - const Muon::MdtPrepDataContainer* mdtPrds{nullptr}; - const PRD_MultiTruthCollection* tgcTruthColl{nullptr}; - const PRD_MultiTruthCollection* rpcTruthColl{nullptr}; - const Muon::TgcPrepDataContainer* tgcPrdCont{nullptr}; - const Muon::RpcPrepDataContainer* rpcPrdCont{nullptr}; - ATH_CHECK(loadFromStoreGate(ctx, m_rpcPrdsKey, rpcPrdCont)); - ATH_CHECK(loadFromStoreGate(ctx, m_tgcPrdsKey, tgcPrdCont)); - ATH_CHECK(loadFromStoreGate(ctx,m_mdtPrdsKey, mdtPrds)); - ATH_CHECK(loadFromStoreGate(ctx,m_tgcTruth, tgcTruthColl)); - ATH_CHECK(loadFromStoreGate(ctx,m_rpcTruth, rpcTruthColl)); - - m_clusterSegMaker->getClusterSegments(mdtPrds, rpcPrdCont, tgcPrdCont, tgcTruthColl, - rpcTruthColl, segmentContainer.get()); - } - m_segmentOverlapRemovalTool->removeDuplicates(*segmentContainer); std::unique_ptr<MuonSegmentCombinationCollection> csc4dSegmentCombinations{}; diff --git a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonReconstruction/MuonSegmentCombiners/MuonSegmentCombinerTools/MooSegmentCombinationFinder/src/MuonSegmentFinderAlg.h b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonReconstruction/MuonSegmentCombiners/MuonSegmentCombinerTools/MooSegmentCombinationFinder/src/MuonSegmentFinderAlg.h index 1c29fa2a4cee..bc6b54818920 100644 --- a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonReconstruction/MuonSegmentCombiners/MuonSegmentCombinerTools/MooSegmentCombinationFinder/src/MuonSegmentFinderAlg.h +++ b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonReconstruction/MuonSegmentCombiners/MuonSegmentCombinerTools/MooSegmentCombinationFinder/src/MuonSegmentFinderAlg.h @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* - Copyright (C) 2002-2023 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration + Copyright (C) 2002-2024 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration */ #ifndef MOOSEGMENTFINDERS_MUOSEGMENTFINDERALGS_H @@ -7,25 +7,17 @@ #include "AthenaBaseComps/AthReentrantAlgorithm.h" #include "CscSegmentMakers/ICscSegmentFinder.h" -#include "GaudiKernel/ServiceHandle.h" -#include "GaudiKernel/ToolHandle.h" #include "MuonIdHelpers/IMuonIdHelperSvc.h" #include "MuonPattern/MuonPatternChamberIntersect.h" -#include "MuonPrepRawData/CscPrepDataCollection.h" -#include "MuonPrepRawData/MdtPrepDataCollection.h" -#include "MuonPrepRawData/RpcPrepDataCollection.h" -#include "MuonPrepRawData/TgcPrepDataCollection.h" #include "MuonRecHelperTools/MuonEDMPrinterTool.h" #include "MuonRecToolInterfaces/IMuonClusterOnTrackCreator.h" #include "MuonRecToolInterfaces/IMuonSegmentMaker.h" #include "MuonSegment/MuonSegmentCombinationCollection.h" -#include "MuonSegmentMakerToolInterfaces/IMuonClusterSegmentFinder.h" #include "MuonSegmentMakerToolInterfaces/IMuonSegmentSelectionTool.h" #include "MuonSegmentMakerToolInterfaces/IMuonNSWSegmentFinderTool.h" #include "MuonSegmentMakerToolInterfaces/IMuonPatternCalibration.h" #include "MuonSegmentMakerToolInterfaces/IMuonSegmentOverlapRemovalTool.h" #include "TrkSegment/SegmentCollection.h" -#include "TrkTruthData/PRD_MultiTruthCollection.h" class MuonSegmentFinderAlg : public AthReentrantAlgorithm { public: @@ -58,11 +50,6 @@ private: "SegmentMaker", "Muon::DCMathSegmentMaker/DCMathSegmentMaker", }; - ToolHandle<Muon::IMuonClusterSegmentFinder> m_clusterSegMaker{ - this, - "MuonClusterSegmentFinder", - "Muon::MuonClusterSegmentFinder/MuonClusterSegmentFinder", - }; ToolHandle<Muon::IMuonSegmentOverlapRemovalTool> m_segmentOverlapRemovalTool{ this, "MuonSegmentOverlapRemovalTool", @@ -111,42 +98,12 @@ private: "CSC_Clusters", "CSC PRDs", }; - SG::ReadHandleKey<Muon::MdtPrepDataContainer> m_mdtPrdsKey{ - this, - "MDT_PRDs", - "MDT_DriftCircles", - "MDT PRDs", - }; - SG::ReadHandleKey<Muon::RpcPrepDataContainer> m_rpcPrdsKey{ - this, - "RPC_PRDs", - "RPC_Measurements", - "RPC PRDs", - }; - SG::ReadHandleKey<Muon::TgcPrepDataContainer> m_tgcPrdsKey{ - this, - "TGC_PRDs", - "TGC_Measurements", - "TGC PRDs", - }; SG::ReadHandleKey<MuonPatternCombinationCollection> m_patternCollKey{ this, "MuonLayerHoughCombisKey", "MuonLayerHoughCombis", "Hough combinations", }; - SG::ReadHandleKey<PRD_MultiTruthCollection> m_tgcTruth{ - this, - "TGCTruth", - "TGC_TruthMap", - "TGC PRD Multi-truth Collection", - }; - SG::ReadHandleKey<PRD_MultiTruthCollection> m_rpcTruth{ - this, - "RPCTruth", - "RPC_TruthMap", - "RPC PRD Multi-truth Collection", - }; StatusCode createSegmentsWithMDTs(const EventContext& ctx, const Muon::MuonPatternCombination* patt, Trk::SegmentCollection* segs) const; @@ -165,9 +122,6 @@ private: Gaudi::Property<bool> m_printSummary{this, "PrintSummary", false}; - Gaudi::Property<bool> m_doTGCClust{this, "doTGCClust", false, "selection flags for cluster based segment finding"}; - Gaudi::Property<bool> m_doRPCClust{this, "doRPCClust", false, "selection flags for cluster based segment finding"}; - Gaudi::Property<bool> m_doClusterTruth{this, "doClusterTruth", false, "selection flags for cluster based segment finding"}; /// Run segment finding with eta / phi determination Gaudi::Property<bool> m_doFullFinder{this, "FullFinder", true}; diff --git a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonReconstruction/MuonSegmentMakers/MuonSegmentMakerTools/DCMathSegmentMaker/src/DCMathSegmentMaker.cxx b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonReconstruction/MuonSegmentMakers/MuonSegmentMakerTools/DCMathSegmentMaker/src/DCMathSegmentMaker.cxx index 95d8732b1cb4..281c86d09f24 100644 --- a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonReconstruction/MuonSegmentMakers/MuonSegmentMakerTools/DCMathSegmentMaker/src/DCMathSegmentMaker.cxx +++ b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonReconstruction/MuonSegmentMakers/MuonSegmentMakerTools/DCMathSegmentMaker/src/DCMathSegmentMaker.cxx @@ -935,6 +935,7 @@ namespace Muon { ATH_MSG_WARNING(" Unphysical error assigned for gasgap " << m_idHelperSvc->toString(gasGapId)); error = 1.; } + ATH_MSG_VERBOSE("New space point for "<<m_idHelperSvc->toStringGasGap(gasGapId)<<" at ("<<lpx<<","<<lpy<<")"); return Cluster2D(detElId, gasGapId, Amg::Vector2D(lpx, lpy), error, etaHit, phiHit); } diff --git a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonReconstruction/MuonSegmentMakers/MuonSegmentMakerTools/MuonClusterSegmentMakerTools/ATLAS_CHECK_THREAD_SAFETY b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonReconstruction/MuonSegmentMakers/MuonSegmentMakerTools/MuonClusterSegmentMakerTools/ATLAS_CHECK_THREAD_SAFETY deleted file mode 100644 index 42cada0cc38f..000000000000 --- a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonReconstruction/MuonSegmentMakers/MuonSegmentMakerTools/MuonClusterSegmentMakerTools/ATLAS_CHECK_THREAD_SAFETY +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -MuonSpectrometer/MuonReconstruction/MuonSegmentMakers/MuonSegmentMakerTools/MuonClusterSegmentMakerTools diff --git a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonReconstruction/MuonSegmentMakers/MuonSegmentMakerTools/MuonClusterSegmentMakerTools/CMakeLists.txt b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonReconstruction/MuonSegmentMakers/MuonSegmentMakerTools/MuonClusterSegmentMakerTools/CMakeLists.txt deleted file mode 100644 index e2537f4818fa..000000000000 --- a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonReconstruction/MuonSegmentMakers/MuonSegmentMakerTools/MuonClusterSegmentMakerTools/CMakeLists.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,17 +0,0 @@ -################################################################################ -# Package: MuonClusterSegmentMakerTools -################################################################################ - -# Declare the package name: -atlas_subdir( MuonClusterSegmentMakerTools ) - -# External dependencies: -find_package( ROOT COMPONENTS Core Tree MathCore Hist RIO pthread ) - -# Component(s) in the package: -atlas_add_component( MuonClusterSegmentMakerTools - src/*.cxx - src/components/*.cxx - INCLUDE_DIRS ${ROOT_INCLUDE_DIRS} - LINK_LIBRARIES ${ROOT_LIBRARIES} AtlasHepMCLib GaudiKernel AthenaBaseComps MuonPrepRawDataProviderToolsLib MuonDetDescrUtils MuonIdHelpersLib MuonPrepRawData MuonRIO_OnTrack MuonSegment MuonRecHelperToolsLib MuonRecToolInterfaces MuonLinearSegmentMakerUtilities MuonSegmentMakerUtils TrkParameters TrkTrack TrkTruthData TrkFitterInterfaces TrkToolInterfaces MuonSegmentMakerToolInterfaces ) - diff --git a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonReconstruction/MuonSegmentMakers/MuonSegmentMakerTools/MuonClusterSegmentMakerTools/src/MuonClusterSegmentFinder.cxx b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonReconstruction/MuonSegmentMakers/MuonSegmentMakerTools/MuonClusterSegmentMakerTools/src/MuonClusterSegmentFinder.cxx deleted file mode 100644 index d2c6f4d34881..000000000000 --- a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonReconstruction/MuonSegmentMakers/MuonSegmentMakerTools/MuonClusterSegmentMakerTools/src/MuonClusterSegmentFinder.cxx +++ /dev/null @@ -1,509 +0,0 @@ -/* - Copyright (C) 2002-2023 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration -*/ - -#include "MuonClusterSegmentFinder.h" - -#include "AtlasHepMC/GenEvent.h" -#include "GaudiKernel/ConcurrencyFlags.h" -#include "MuonLinearSegmentMakerUtilities/ClusterAnalysis.h" -#include "MuonPrepRawData/MdtPrepDataCollection.h" -#include "MuonRIO_OnTrack/MdtDriftCircleOnTrack.h" -#include "MuonRIO_OnTrack/MuonClusterOnTrack.h" -#include "TFile.h" -#include "TTree.h" - -namespace { - bool sortfunctionMB(const Trk::MeasurementBase* i, const Trk::MeasurementBase* j) { - return (std::abs(i->globalPosition().z()) < std::abs(j->globalPosition().z())); - } - -} // namespace -namespace Muon { - - MuonClusterSegmentFinder::MuonClusterSegmentFinder(const std::string& type, const std::string& name, const IInterface* parent) : - AthAlgTool(type, name, parent) { - declareInterface<IMuonClusterSegmentFinder>(this); - declareProperty("DoNtuple", m_doNtuple = false); - } - - StatusCode MuonClusterSegmentFinder::finalize() { - if (m_doNtuple) { - TDirectory* cdir = gDirectory; - m_tree->m_file->cd(); - m_tree->m_tree->Write(); - m_tree->m_file->Write(); - m_tree->m_file->Close(); - delete m_tree->m_ntuple; - gDirectory = cdir; - } - return StatusCode::SUCCESS; - } - - StatusCode MuonClusterSegmentFinder::initialize() { - ATH_CHECK(m_idHelperSvc.retrieve()); - ATH_CHECK(m_printer.retrieve()); - ATH_CHECK(m_layerHashProvider.retrieve()); - ATH_CHECK(m_muonPRDSelectionTool.retrieve()); - ATH_CHECK(m_segmentMaker.retrieve()); - ATH_CHECK(m_clusterTool.retrieve()); - ATH_CHECK(m_clusterCreator.retrieve()); - ATH_CHECK(m_trackToSegmentTool.retrieve()); - ATH_CHECK(m_slTrackFitter.retrieve()); - ATH_CHECK(m_ambiguityProcessor.retrieve()); - ATH_CHECK(m_edmHelperSvc.retrieve()); - ATH_CHECK(m_trackCleaner.retrieve()); - ATH_CHECK(m_segmentOverlapRemovalTool.retrieve()); - - /// Ensure that the n-tuple is only written in the single thread mode - m_doNtuple &= Gaudi::Concurrency::ConcurrencyFlags::numThreads() <= 1; - if (m_doNtuple) { - TDirectory* cdir = gDirectory; - m_tree = std::make_unique<Tree>(); - m_tree->m_file = new TFile("ClusterNtuple.root", "RECREATE"); - m_tree->m_tree = new TTree("clusters", "clusters"); - m_tree->m_ntuple = new ClusterSeg::ClusterNtuple(); - m_tree->m_ntuple->initForWrite(*m_tree->m_tree); - gDirectory = cdir; - } - - return StatusCode::SUCCESS; - } - - bool MuonClusterSegmentFinder::matchTruth(const PRD_MultiTruthCollection& truthCol, const Identifier& id, int& bcode) const { - typedef PRD_MultiTruthCollection::const_iterator iprdt; - std::pair<iprdt, iprdt> range = truthCol.equal_range(id); - // Loop over particles contributing to this cluster - for (iprdt i = range.first; i != range.second; ++i) { - if (!i->second.isValid()) { - ATH_MSG_INFO("Unexpected invalid HepMcParticleLink in PRD_MultiTruthCollection"); - } else { - const HepMcParticleLink& link = i->second; - if (link.cptr()) { - if (std::abs(link.cptr()->pdg_id()) == 13) { - bcode = link.barcode(); - return true; - } - } - } - } - return false; - } - - void MuonClusterSegmentFinder::getClusterSegments(const Muon::MdtPrepDataContainer* mdtPrdCont, - std::vector<const Muon::TgcPrepDataCollection*>* tgcCols, - std::vector<const Muon::RpcPrepDataCollection*>* rpcCols, - const PRD_MultiTruthCollection* tgcTruthColl, - const PRD_MultiTruthCollection* rpcTruthColl, Trk::SegmentCollection* segColl) const { - if (tgcCols) { - Muon::TgcPrepDataContainer* clusterPRD = new Muon::TgcPrepDataContainer(m_idHelperSvc->tgcIdHelper().module_hash_max()); - for (const auto *const tgcCol : *tgcCols) { - Muon::TgcPrepDataCollection* clusteredCol = m_clusterTool->cluster(*tgcCol); - if (clusteredCol) clusterPRD->addCollection(clusteredCol, tgcCol->identifyHash()).ignore(); - } - std::vector<const Muon::TgcPrepDataCollection*> theTGCs; - std::transform(clusterPRD->begin(), clusterPRD->end(), std::back_inserter(theTGCs), [](auto* c){return c;}); - - findSegments(theTGCs, mdtPrdCont, segColl, tgcTruthColl); - } // end if TGC - - if (rpcCols) { - Muon::RpcPrepDataContainer* clusterPRD = new Muon::RpcPrepDataContainer(m_idHelperSvc->rpcIdHelper().module_hash_max()); - for (const auto *const rpcCol : *rpcCols) { - Muon::RpcPrepDataCollection* clusteredCol = m_clusterTool->cluster(*rpcCol); - if (clusteredCol) clusterPRD->addCollection(clusteredCol, rpcCol->identifyHash()).ignore(); - } - std::vector<const Muon::RpcPrepDataCollection*> theRPCs; - std::transform(clusterPRD->begin(), clusterPRD->end(), std::back_inserter(theRPCs), [](auto* c){return c;}); - - findSegments(theRPCs, mdtPrdCont, segColl, rpcTruthColl); - } // end if RPC - } - - void MuonClusterSegmentFinder::getClusterSegments(const Muon::MdtPrepDataContainer* mdtPrdCont, - const Muon::RpcPrepDataContainer* rpcPrdCont, - const Muon::TgcPrepDataContainer* tgcPrdCont, - const PRD_MultiTruthCollection* tgcTruthColl, - const PRD_MultiTruthCollection* rpcTruthColl, Trk::SegmentCollection* segColl) const { - if (tgcPrdCont) { - Muon::TgcPrepDataContainer* clusterPRD = m_clusterTool->cluster(*tgcPrdCont); - std::vector<const Muon::TgcPrepDataCollection*> theTGCs; - std::transform(clusterPRD->begin(), clusterPRD->end(), std::back_inserter(theTGCs), [](auto* c){return c;}); - findSegments(theTGCs, mdtPrdCont, segColl, tgcTruthColl); - } // end if TGC - - if (rpcPrdCont) { - Muon::RpcPrepDataContainer* clusterPRD = m_clusterTool->cluster(*rpcPrdCont); - std::vector<const Muon::RpcPrepDataCollection*> theRPCs; - std::transform(clusterPRD->begin(), clusterPRD->end(), std::back_inserter(theRPCs), [](auto* c){return c;}); - - - findSegments(theRPCs, mdtPrdCont, segColl, rpcTruthColl); - } // end if rpc - } - - void MuonClusterSegmentFinder::findSegments(std::vector<const TgcPrepDataCollection*>& tgcCols, - const Muon::MdtPrepDataContainer* mdtPrdCont, Trk::SegmentCollection* segColl, - const PRD_MultiTruthCollection* tgcTruthColl) const { - ATH_MSG_INFO("Executing " << name() << "..."); - ATH_MSG_DEBUG("start with " << segColl->size() << " segments"); - - candEvent* thisEvent = new candEvent; - - makeClusterVecs(tgcTruthColl, tgcCols, thisEvent); - - ClusterSeg::ClusterAnalysis theAnalysis; - ATH_MSG_DEBUG("the size of Clust is " << thisEvent->Clust().size()); - std::vector<std::vector<ClusterSeg::SpacePoint>> sPoints = theAnalysis.analyse(thisEvent->Clust()); - - processSpacePoints(thisEvent, sPoints); - if (!thisEvent->segTrkColl()->empty()) - ATH_MSG_DEBUG("it made at least one track "); - else - ATH_MSG_DEBUG("processSpacePoints didn't make anything"); - - std::map<int, bool> themap; - findOverlap(themap, thisEvent); - resolveCollections(themap, thisEvent); - - getSegments(thisEvent, mdtPrdCont, segColl); - - ATH_MSG_DEBUG("now have " << segColl->size() << " segments"); - - if (m_doNtuple) { - Tree& t = getTree(); - t.m_ntuple->fill(thisEvent->Clust()); - t.m_tree->Fill(); - } - delete thisEvent; - } - - void MuonClusterSegmentFinder::findSegments(std::vector<const RpcPrepDataCollection*>& rpcCols, - const Muon::MdtPrepDataContainer* mdtPrdCont, Trk::SegmentCollection* segColl, - const PRD_MultiTruthCollection* rpcTruthColl) const { - ATH_MSG_INFO("Executing " << name() << "..."); - ATH_MSG_DEBUG("start with " << segColl->size() << " segments"); - - candEvent* thisEvent = new candEvent; - - makeClusterVecs(rpcTruthColl, rpcCols, thisEvent); - - ClusterSeg::ClusterAnalysis theAnalysis; - ATH_MSG_DEBUG("the size of Clust is " << thisEvent->Clust().size()); - std::vector<std::vector<ClusterSeg::SpacePoint>> sPoints = theAnalysis.analyse(thisEvent->Clust()); - - processSpacePoints(thisEvent, sPoints); - if (!thisEvent->segTrkColl()->empty()) - ATH_MSG_DEBUG("it made at least one track "); - else - ATH_MSG_DEBUG("processSpacePoints didn't make anything"); - - std::map<int, bool> themap; - findOverlap(themap, thisEvent); - resolveCollections(themap, thisEvent); - - getSegments(thisEvent, mdtPrdCont, segColl); - - ATH_MSG_DEBUG("now have " << segColl->size() << " segments"); - - if (m_doNtuple) { - Tree& t = getTree(); - t.m_ntuple->fill(thisEvent->Clust()); - t.m_tree->Fill(); - } - delete thisEvent; - } - - void MuonClusterSegmentFinder::findOverlap(std::map<int, bool>& themap, candEvent* theEvent) { - CompareMuonSegmentKeys compareKeys{}; - if (theEvent->keyVector().size() > 1) { - for (unsigned int i = 0; i < theEvent->keyVector().size(); i++) { themap.insert(std::pair<int, bool>(i, true)); } - for (unsigned int i = 0; i < theEvent->keyVector().size() - 1; i++) { - for (unsigned int j = i + 1; j < theEvent->keyVector().size(); j++) { - CompareMuonSegmentKeys::OverlapResult overlap = compareKeys(theEvent->keyVector()[i], theEvent->keyVector()[j]); - if (overlap == 0 || overlap == 2) themap[j] = false; - if (overlap == 1) themap[i] = false; - } - } - } - } - - Trk::Track* MuonClusterSegmentFinder::fit(const std::vector<const Trk::MeasurementBase*>& vec2, - const Trk::TrackParameters& startpar) const { - const EventContext& ctx = Gaudi::Hive::currentContext(); - std::unique_ptr<Trk::Track> segtrack{m_slTrackFitter->fit(ctx, vec2, startpar, false, Trk::nonInteracting)}; - - if (segtrack) { - ATH_MSG_DEBUG("segment fit succeeded"); - - std::unique_ptr<Trk::Track> cleanedTrack = m_trackCleaner->clean(*segtrack, ctx); - if (cleanedTrack && !(*cleanedTrack->perigeeParameters() == *segtrack->perigeeParameters())) { - // using release until the entire code can be migrated to use smart pointers - segtrack.swap(cleanedTrack); - } else { - ATH_MSG_DEBUG("track remains unchanged"); - } - - if (!m_edmHelperSvc->goodTrack(*segtrack, 30) && vec2.size() > 4) { - ATH_MSG_DEBUG("bad segment fit:"); - if (segtrack->fitQuality()) - ATH_MSG_DEBUG("with chi^2/nDoF = " << segtrack->fitQuality()->chiSquared() << "/" - << segtrack->fitQuality()->numberDoF()); - - return nullptr; - } - } - return segtrack.release(); - } - - void MuonClusterSegmentFinder::makeClusterVecs(const std::vector<const Muon::MuonClusterOnTrack*>& clustCol, - candEvent* theEvent) const { - for (const MuonClusterOnTrack* clust : clustCol) { - MuonStationIndex::PhiIndex pIndex = m_idHelperSvc->phiIndex(clust->identify()); - bool tmatch(false); - int barcode(0); - if (m_idHelperSvc->measuresPhi(clust->identify())) { - theEvent->clusters().push_back(clust); - ClusterSeg::Cluster* cluster = - new ClusterSeg::Cluster(clust->globalPosition().x(), clust->globalPosition().y(), clust->globalPosition().z(), true, - MuonStationIndex::TechnologyIndex::TGC, pIndex, tmatch, barcode); - theEvent->Clust().push_back(cluster); - } else { - theEvent->clusters().push_back(clust); - ClusterSeg::Cluster* cluster = - new ClusterSeg::Cluster(clust->globalPosition().x(), clust->globalPosition().y(), clust->globalPosition().z(), false, - MuonStationIndex::TechnologyIndex::TGC, pIndex, tmatch, barcode); - theEvent->Clust().push_back(cluster); - } - } - } - - void MuonClusterSegmentFinder::makeClusterVecs(const PRD_MultiTruthCollection* truthCollectionTGC, - const std::vector<const TgcPrepDataCollection*>& tgcCols, candEvent* theEvent) const { - for (std::vector<const TgcPrepDataCollection*>::const_iterator colIt = tgcCols.begin(); colIt != tgcCols.end(); ++colIt) { - TgcPrepDataCollection::const_iterator pit = (*colIt)->begin(); - for (; pit != (*colIt)->end(); ++pit) { - const MuonCluster* cl = *pit; - if (!cl) continue; - bool tmatch = false; - int barcode = 0; - if (truthCollectionTGC) { - const Identifier& id = (*pit)->identify(); - tmatch = matchTruth(*truthCollectionTGC, id, barcode); - } - const MuonClusterOnTrack* clust = m_clusterCreator->createRIO_OnTrack(*cl, cl->globalPosition()); - MuonStationIndex::PhiIndex pIndex = m_idHelperSvc->phiIndex(clust->identify()); - if (m_idHelperSvc->measuresPhi(clust->identify())) { - theEvent->clusters().push_back(clust); - ClusterSeg::Cluster* cluster = - new ClusterSeg::Cluster(clust->globalPosition().x(), clust->globalPosition().y(), clust->globalPosition().z(), true, - MuonStationIndex::TechnologyIndex::TGC, pIndex, tmatch, barcode); - theEvent->Clust().push_back(cluster); - } else { - theEvent->clusters().push_back(clust); - ClusterSeg::Cluster* cluster = - new ClusterSeg::Cluster(clust->globalPosition().x(), clust->globalPosition().y(), clust->globalPosition().z(), - false, MuonStationIndex::TechnologyIndex::TGC, pIndex, tmatch, barcode); - theEvent->Clust().push_back(cluster); - } - } - } - } - - void MuonClusterSegmentFinder::makeClusterVecs(const PRD_MultiTruthCollection* truthCollectionRPC, - const std::vector<const RpcPrepDataCollection*>& rpcCols, candEvent* theEvent) const { - for (std::vector<const RpcPrepDataCollection*>::const_iterator colIt = rpcCols.begin(); colIt != rpcCols.end(); ++colIt) { - RpcPrepDataCollection::const_iterator pit = (*colIt)->begin(); - for (; pit != (*colIt)->end(); ++pit) { - const MuonCluster* cl = *pit; - if (!cl) continue; - bool tmatch = false; - int barcode = 0; - if (truthCollectionRPC) { - const Identifier& id = (*pit)->identify(); - tmatch = matchTruth(*truthCollectionRPC, id, barcode); - } - const MuonClusterOnTrack* clust = m_clusterCreator->createRIO_OnTrack(*cl, cl->globalPosition()); - MuonStationIndex::PhiIndex pIndex = m_idHelperSvc->phiIndex(clust->identify()); - if (m_idHelperSvc->measuresPhi(clust->identify())) { - theEvent->clusters().push_back(clust); - ClusterSeg::Cluster* cluster = - new ClusterSeg::Cluster(clust->globalPosition().x(), clust->globalPosition().y(), clust->globalPosition().z(), true, - MuonStationIndex::TechnologyIndex::RPC, pIndex, tmatch, barcode); - theEvent->Clust().push_back(cluster); - } else { - theEvent->clusters().push_back(clust); - ClusterSeg::Cluster* cluster = - new ClusterSeg::Cluster(clust->globalPosition().x(), clust->globalPosition().y(), clust->globalPosition().z(), - false, MuonStationIndex::TechnologyIndex::RPC, pIndex, tmatch, barcode); - theEvent->Clust().push_back(cluster); - } - } - } - } - - void MuonClusterSegmentFinder::processSpacePoints(candEvent* theEvent, - std::vector<std::vector<ClusterSeg::SpacePoint>>& sPoints) const { - bool truthSeed(true); - int fakeCounter(0); - unsigned int barcodeCounter(0); - int barcodeVal(0); - - for (const std::vector<ClusterSeg::SpacePoint>& sit : sPoints) { - if (sit.size() < 2) continue; - std::vector<const MuonClusterOnTrack*> vec1; - std::vector<const Trk::MeasurementBase*> vec2; - - for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sit.size(); i++) { - int spEit = sit[i].eit(); - vec1.push_back(theEvent->clusters()[spEit]); - vec2.push_back(theEvent->clusters()[spEit]); - int spPit = sit[i].pit(); - vec1.push_back(theEvent->clusters()[spPit]); - vec2.push_back(theEvent->clusters()[spPit]); - if (!(sit[i].isMatch())) - fakeCounter++; - else if (barcodeCounter == 0) { - barcodeVal = sit[i].barcode(); - barcodeCounter++; - } else if (barcodeVal == sit[i].barcode()) - barcodeCounter++; - } - - if (fakeCounter != 0) truthSeed = false; - std::sort(vec2.begin(), vec2.end(), sortfunctionMB); - Trk::TrackParameters* startpar = nullptr; - Amg::Vector3D gp(sit.front().x(), sit.front().y(), sit.front().z()); - Amg::Vector3D gd(sit.back().x() - sit.front().x(), sit.back().y() - sit.front().y(), sit.back().z() - sit.front().z()); - Amg::Vector3D perpos = gp + -10 * (gd.unit()); - if ( < 0) gd = -1 * gd; - startpar = new Trk::Perigee(perpos, gd, 0, perpos); - ATH_MSG_DEBUG("It is starting a fit with " << vec2.size() << "Measurement Base elements and " << startpar); - Trk::Track* segtrack = fit(vec2, *startpar); - delete startpar; - if (segtrack) { - MuonSegmentKey keyEntry = MuonSegmentKey(vec2); - theEvent->keyVector().push_back(keyEntry); - double chi2 = segtrack->fitQuality()->chiSquared(); - double dof = segtrack->fitQuality()->doubleNumberDoF(); - if (m_tree) { - Tree& t = getTree(); - if (truthSeed) t.m_ntuple->fill(chi2 / dof, ClusterSeg::FillType::chi2T); - t.m_ntuple->fill(chi2 / dof, ClusterSeg::FillType::chi2); - } - ATH_MSG_DEBUG("the chi2 is " << chi2 << "the dof are " << dof << " and the chi2/dof is " << chi2 / dof); - theEvent->segTrkColl()->push_back(segtrack); - theEvent->trackSeeds().emplace_back(gp, gd); - theEvent->hits().push_back(vec1); - } else { - ATH_MSG_DEBUG("segment fit failed"); - } - } - } - - void MuonClusterSegmentFinder::resolveCollections(const std::map<int, bool>& themap, candEvent* theEvent) const { - for (unsigned int i = 0; i < theEvent->keyVector().size(); i++) { - if ( { - theEvent->resolvedTrackSeeds().emplace_back(theEvent->trackSeeds()[i].first, theEvent->trackSeeds()[i].second); - theEvent->resolvedhits().push_back(theEvent->hits()[i]); - theEvent->resolvedTracks()->push_back(new Trk::Track(*(theEvent->segTrkColl()->at(i)))); - } - } - if (theEvent->keyVector().size() == 1) { - theEvent->resolvedTrackSeeds().emplace_back(theEvent->trackSeeds()[0].first, theEvent->trackSeeds()[0].second); - theEvent->resolvedhits().push_back(theEvent->hits()[0]); - theEvent->resolvedTracks()->push_back(new Trk::Track(*(theEvent->segTrkColl()->at(0)))); - } - ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Resolved track candidates: old size " << theEvent->segTrkColl()->size() << " new size " - << theEvent->resolvedTracks()->size()); - } - - void MuonClusterSegmentFinder::getSegments(candEvent* theEvent, const Muon::MdtPrepDataContainer* mdtPrdCont, - Trk::SegmentCollection* segColl) const { - std::vector<const Muon::MuonSegment*> appendSegments; - - const std::vector<const Muon::MuonClusterOnTrack*> MCOTs; - for (unsigned int i = 0; i < theEvent->resolvedTracks()->size(); i++) { - const DataVector<const Trk::TrackParameters>* tpVec = theEvent->resolvedTracks()->at(i)->trackParameters(); - if (!tpVec || tpVec->empty() || !tpVec->front()) continue; - const Trk::TrackParameters& startPars = *tpVec->front(); - - const std::vector<const MuonClusterOnTrack*>& MCOTs = theEvent->resolvedhits()[i]; - if (MCOTs.empty()) continue; - - const Identifier& id = MCOTs.front()->identify(); - MuonStationIndex::DetectorRegionIndex regionIndex = m_idHelperSvc->regionIndex(id); - MuonStationIndex::LayerIndex layerIndex = m_idHelperSvc->layerIndex(id); - - MuonLayerSurface::SurfacePtr surfacePtr(startPars.associatedSurface().clone()); - std::shared_ptr<const Trk::TrackParameters> parsPtr(startPars.clone()); - - // get sectors and loop over them - std::vector<int> sectors; - theEvent->sectorMapping().getSectors(startPars.position().phi(), sectors); - for (auto sector : sectors) { - MuonLayerSurface layerSurface(surfacePtr, sector, regionIndex, layerIndex); - MuonSystemExtension::Intersection intersection(parsPtr, layerSurface); - - std::vector<const MdtPrepDataCollection*> mdtCols; - if (!getLayerData(sector, regionIndex, layerIndex, mdtPrdCont, mdtCols)) { - ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Failed to get MDT PRD collections "); - continue; - } - std::vector<const Muon::MdtDriftCircleOnTrack*> MDTs; - for (const auto *mdtCol : mdtCols) { - if (!m_muonPRDSelectionTool->calibrateAndSelectMdt(intersection, *mdtCol, MDTs)) { - ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Failed to calibrate MDT PRD collection "); - continue; - } - } - ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Running mdt segment finding: MDTs " << MDTs.size() << " MCOTs " << MCOTs.size()); - m_segmentMaker->find(theEvent->resolvedTrackSeeds()[i].first, theEvent->resolvedTrackSeeds()[i].second, MDTs, MCOTs, false, - segColl); - ATH_MSG_DEBUG("the size of the segment collection is " << segColl->size()); - for (unsigned int j = 0; j < segColl->size(); j++) { - Trk::Segment* tseg = segColl->at(j); - ATH_MSG_DEBUG("the " << j << "th segment contains " << (dynamic_cast<MuonSegment*>(tseg))->numberOfContainedROTs() - << " ROTs "); - } - } - } - } - - bool MuonClusterSegmentFinder::getLayerData(int sector, MuonStationIndex::DetectorRegionIndex regionIndex, - MuonStationIndex::LayerIndex layerIndex, const Muon::MdtPrepDataContainer* input, - std::vector<const MdtPrepDataCollection*>& output) const { - // get technologies in the given layer - unsigned int sectorLayerHash = MuonStationIndex::sectorLayerHash(regionIndex, layerIndex); - - // get hashes - const MuonLayerHashProviderTool::HashVec& hashes = - m_layerHashProvider->getHashes(sector, MuonStationIndex::TechnologyIndex::MDT, sectorLayerHash); - - // skip empty inputs - if (hashes.empty()) return true; - - // loop over hashes - for (MuonLayerHashProviderTool::HashVec::const_iterator it = hashes.begin(); it != hashes.end(); ++it) { - // skip if not found - const auto *col = input->indexFindPtr(*it); - if (!col) { - // ATH_MSG_WARNING("Cannot find hash " << *it << " in container at " << location); - continue; - } - ATH_MSG_VERBOSE(" adding " << m_idHelperSvc->toStringChamber(col->identify()) << " size " << col->size()); - // else add - output.push_back(col); - } - return true; - } - - MuonClusterSegmentFinder::Tree& MuonClusterSegmentFinder::getTree() const - { - // We earlier checked that no more than one thread is being used. - Tree* t ATLAS_THREAD_SAFE = m_tree.get(); - return *t; - } - - -} // namespace Muon diff --git a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonReconstruction/MuonSegmentMakers/MuonSegmentMakerTools/MuonClusterSegmentMakerTools/src/MuonClusterSegmentFinder.h b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonReconstruction/MuonSegmentMakers/MuonSegmentMakerTools/MuonClusterSegmentMakerTools/src/MuonClusterSegmentFinder.h deleted file mode 100644 index c0e87ead0b54..000000000000 --- a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonReconstruction/MuonSegmentMakers/MuonSegmentMakerTools/MuonClusterSegmentMakerTools/src/MuonClusterSegmentFinder.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,202 +0,0 @@ -/* - Copyright (C) 2002-2023 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration -*/ - -#ifndef MUON_MUONCLUSTERSEGMENTFINDER_H -#define MUON_MUONCLUSTERSEGMENTFINDER_H - -#include <string> -#include <vector> - -#include "AthenaBaseComps/AthAlgTool.h" -#include "GaudiKernel/ServiceHandle.h" -#include "GaudiKernel/ToolHandle.h" -#include "MuonClusterization/IMuonClusterizationTool.h" -#include "MuonDetDescrUtils/MuonSectorMapping.h" -#include "MuonIdHelpers/IMuonIdHelperSvc.h" -#include "MuonLinearSegmentMakerUtilities/ClusterNtuple.h" -#include "MuonPrepRawData/MuonCluster.h" -#include "MuonPrepRawData/RpcPrepDataCollection.h" -#include "MuonPrepRawData/TgcPrepDataCollection.h" -#include "MuonPrepRawDataProviderTools/MuonLayerHashProviderTool.h" -#include "MuonRIO_OnTrack/MuonClusterOnTrack.h" -#include "MuonRecHelperTools/IMuonEDMHelperSvc.h" -#include "MuonRecHelperTools/MuonEDMPrinterTool.h" -#include "MuonRecToolInterfaces/IMuonClusterOnTrackCreator.h" -#include "MuonRecToolInterfaces/IMuonPRDSelectionTool.h" -#include "MuonRecToolInterfaces/IMuonSegmentMaker.h" -#include "MuonRecToolInterfaces/IMuonTrackCleaner.h" -#include "MuonRecToolInterfaces/IMuonTrackToSegmentTool.h" -#include "MuonSegment/MuonSegment.h" -#include "MuonSegmentMakerToolInterfaces/IMuonClusterSegmentFinder.h" -#include "MuonSegmentMakerToolInterfaces/IMuonSegmentOverlapRemovalTool.h" -#include "MuonSegmentMakerUtils/CompareMuonSegmentKeys.h" -#include "MuonSegmentMakerUtils/MuonSegmentKey.h" -#include "TrkFitterInterfaces/ITrackFitter.h" -#include "TrkParameters/TrackParameters.h" -#include "TrkToolInterfaces/ITrackAmbiguityProcessorTool.h" -#include "TrkTrack/Track.h" -#include "TrkTrack/TrackCollection.h" -#include "TrkTruthData/PRD_MultiTruthCollection.h" - -class TTree; -class TFile; - -namespace Trk { - class MeasurementBase; -} // namespace Trk - -namespace Muon { - - struct candEvent { - candEvent() - : m_segTrkColl (std::make_unique<TrackCollection>()), - m_resolvedTracks (std::make_unique<TrackCollection>()) - { - } - ~candEvent() = default; - - TrackCollection* segTrkColl() const { return m_segTrkColl.get(); } - std::vector<const MuonClusterOnTrack*>& clusters() { return m_clusters; } - std::vector<ClusterSeg::Cluster*>& Clust() { return m_Clust; } - std::vector<std::vector<const MuonClusterOnTrack*>>& hits() { return m_hits; } - std::vector<std::pair<Amg::Vector3D, Amg::Vector3D>>& trackSeeds() { return m_trackSeeds; } - std::vector<MuonSegmentKey>& keyVector() { return m_keyVector; } - std::vector<std::vector<ClusterSeg::SpacePoint>>& SPoints() { return m_SPoints; } - MuonSectorMapping& sectorMapping() { return m_sectorMapping; } - TrackCollection* resolvedTracks() const { return m_resolvedTracks.get(); } - std::vector<std::pair<Amg::Vector3D, Amg::Vector3D>>& resolvedTrackSeeds() { return m_resolvedTrackSeeds; } - std::vector<std::vector<const MuonClusterOnTrack*>>& resolvedhits() { return m_resolvedhits; } - - std::unique_ptr<TrackCollection> m_segTrkColl{nullptr}; - std::unique_ptr<TrackCollection> m_resolvedTracks{nullptr}; - - std::vector<const MuonClusterOnTrack*> m_clusters; - std::vector<ClusterSeg::Cluster*> m_Clust; - std::vector<std::vector<const MuonClusterOnTrack*>> m_hits; - std::vector<std::pair<Amg::Vector3D, Amg::Vector3D>> m_trackSeeds; - std::vector<MuonSegmentKey> m_keyVector; - std::vector<std::vector<ClusterSeg::SpacePoint>> m_SPoints; - MuonSectorMapping m_sectorMapping; - std::vector<std::pair<Amg::Vector3D, Amg::Vector3D>> m_resolvedTrackSeeds; - std::vector<std::vector<const MuonClusterOnTrack*>> m_resolvedhits; - }; - - class MuonClusterSegmentFinder : virtual public IMuonClusterSegmentFinder, public AthAlgTool { - public: - /** Default AlgTool functions */ - MuonClusterSegmentFinder(const std::string& type, const std::string& name, const IInterface* parent); - virtual ~MuonClusterSegmentFinder() = default; - StatusCode initialize(); - StatusCode finalize(); - - void getClusterSegments(const Muon::MdtPrepDataContainer* mdtPrdCont, const Muon::RpcPrepDataContainer* rpcPrdCont, - const Muon::TgcPrepDataContainer* tgcPrdCont, const PRD_MultiTruthCollection* tgcTruthColl, - const PRD_MultiTruthCollection* rpcTruthColl, Trk::SegmentCollection* segColl) const; - - void getClusterSegments(const Muon::MdtPrepDataContainer* mdtPrdCont, std::vector<const Muon::TgcPrepDataCollection*>* tgcCols, - std::vector<const Muon::RpcPrepDataCollection*>* rpcCols, const PRD_MultiTruthCollection* tgcTruthColl, - const PRD_MultiTruthCollection* rpcTruthColl, Trk::SegmentCollection* segColl) const; - - /** tgc segment finding */ - void findSegments(std::vector<const TgcPrepDataCollection*>& tgcCols, const Muon::MdtPrepDataContainer* mdtPrdCont, - Trk::SegmentCollection* segColl, const PRD_MultiTruthCollection* tgcTruthColl) const; - /** rpc segment finding */ - void findSegments(std::vector<const RpcPrepDataCollection*>& rpcCols, const Muon::MdtPrepDataContainer* mdtPrdCont, - Trk::SegmentCollection* segColl, const PRD_MultiTruthCollection* tgcTruthColl) const; - - private: - ServiceHandle<Muon::IMuonIdHelperSvc> m_idHelperSvc{ - this, - "MuonIdHelperSvc", - "Muon::MuonIdHelperSvc/MuonIdHelperSvc", - }; - ServiceHandle<IMuonEDMHelperSvc> m_edmHelperSvc{ - this, - "edmHelper", - "Muon::MuonEDMHelperSvc/MuonEDMHelperSvc", - "Handle to the service providing the IMuonEDMHelperSvc interface", - }; //<! Id helper tool - - PublicToolHandle<MuonEDMPrinterTool> m_printer{ - this, - "MuonEDMPrinterTool", - "Muon::MuonEDMPrinterTool/MuonEDMPrinterTool", - }; - ToolHandle<MuonLayerHashProviderTool> m_layerHashProvider{ - this, - "MuonLayerHashProviderTool", - "Muon::MuonLayerHashProviderTool/MuonLayerHashProviderTool", - }; - ToolHandle<IMuonPRDSelectionTool> m_muonPRDSelectionTool{ - this, "MuonPRDSelectionTool", "" - }; - ToolHandle<IMuonSegmentMaker> m_segmentMaker{ - this, - "MdtSegmentMaker", - "Muon::DCMathSegmentMaker/DCMathSegmentMaker", - }; - ToolHandle<Muon::IMuonClusterizationTool> m_clusterTool{ - this, - "MuonClusterizationTool", - "Muon::MuonClusterizationTool/MuonClusterizationTool", - }; //<! clustering tool - ToolHandle<IMuonClusterOnTrackCreator> m_clusterCreator{ - this, - "MuonClusterOnTrackCreator", - "Muon::MuonClusterOnTrackCreator/MuonClusterOnTrackCreator", - }; - ToolHandle<IMuonTrackToSegmentTool> m_trackToSegmentTool{ - this, - "TrackToSegmentTool", - "Muon::MuonTrackToSegmentTool/MuonTrackToSegmentTool", - }; //<! track to segment converter - ToolHandle<Trk::ITrackFitter> m_slTrackFitter{ - this, - "SLFitter", - "Trk::GlobalChi2Fitter/MCTBSLFitter", - }; //<! fitter, always use straightline - ToolHandle<Trk::ITrackAmbiguityProcessorTool> m_ambiguityProcessor{ - this, - "AmbiguityProcessor", - "Trk::TrackSelectionProcessorTool/MuonAmbiProcessor", - }; //!< Tool for ambiguity solving - ToolHandle<IMuonTrackCleaner> m_trackCleaner{ - this, - "TrackCleaner", - "Muon::MuonTrackCleaner/MuonTrackCleaner", - }; - ToolHandle<IMuonSegmentOverlapRemovalTool> m_segmentOverlapRemovalTool{ - this, - "MuonSegmentOverlapRemovalTool", - "Muon::MuonSegmentOverlapRemovalTool/MuonSegmentOverlapRemovalTool", - }; - - bool m_doNtuple{false}; - struct Tree { - TFile* m_file{nullptr}; - TTree* m_tree{nullptr}; - ClusterSeg::ClusterNtuple* m_ntuple{nullptr}; - }; - std::unique_ptr<Tree> m_tree; - - bool matchTruth(const PRD_MultiTruthCollection& truthCol, const Identifier& id, int& barcode) const; - Trk::Track* fit(const std::vector<const Trk::MeasurementBase*>& vec2, const Trk::TrackParameters& startpar) const; - void makeClusterVecs(const std::vector<const Muon::MuonClusterOnTrack*>& clustCol, candEvent* theEvent) const; - void makeClusterVecs(const PRD_MultiTruthCollection* truthCollectionTGC, const std::vector<const TgcPrepDataCollection*>& tgcCols, - candEvent* theEvent) const; - void makeClusterVecs(const PRD_MultiTruthCollection* truthCollectionRPC, const std::vector<const RpcPrepDataCollection*>& rpcCols, - candEvent* theEvent) const; - static void findOverlap(std::map<int, bool>& themap, candEvent* theEvent) ; - void processSpacePoints(candEvent* theEvent, std::vector<std::vector<ClusterSeg::SpacePoint>>& sPoints) const; - void resolveCollections(const std::map<int, bool>& themap, candEvent* theEvent) const; - void getSegments(candEvent* theEvent, const Muon::MdtPrepDataContainer* mdtPrdCont, Trk::SegmentCollection* segColl) const; - bool getLayerData(int sector, MuonStationIndex::DetectorRegionIndex regionIndex, MuonStationIndex::LayerIndex layerIndex, - const Muon::MdtPrepDataContainer* input, std::vector<const MdtPrepDataCollection*>& output) const; - - Tree& getTree() const; - }; - -} // namespace Muon - -#endif diff --git a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonReconstruction/MuonSegmentMakers/MuonSegmentMakerTools/MuonClusterSegmentMakerTools/src/components/MuonClusterSegmentMakerTools_entries.cxx b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonReconstruction/MuonSegmentMakers/MuonSegmentMakerTools/MuonClusterSegmentMakerTools/src/components/MuonClusterSegmentMakerTools_entries.cxx deleted file mode 100644 index 5d9fa99aa95a..000000000000 --- a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonReconstruction/MuonSegmentMakers/MuonSegmentMakerTools/MuonClusterSegmentMakerTools/src/components/MuonClusterSegmentMakerTools_entries.cxx +++ /dev/null @@ -1,5 +0,0 @@ -#include "../MuonClusterSegmentFinder.h" - -using namespace Muon; - -DECLARE_COMPONENT(MuonClusterSegmentFinder) diff --git a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonReconstruction/MuonSegmentMakers/MuonSegmentMakerTools/MuonLayerSegmentMakerTools/src/MuonLayerSegmentFinderTool.cxx b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonReconstruction/MuonSegmentMakers/MuonSegmentMakerTools/MuonLayerSegmentMakerTools/src/MuonLayerSegmentFinderTool.cxx index fb6bca3365ff..a0210dfe66b0 100644 --- a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonReconstruction/MuonSegmentMakers/MuonSegmentMakerTools/MuonLayerSegmentMakerTools/src/MuonLayerSegmentFinderTool.cxx +++ b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonReconstruction/MuonSegmentMakers/MuonSegmentMakerTools/MuonLayerSegmentMakerTools/src/MuonLayerSegmentFinderTool.cxx @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* - Copyright (C) 2002-2023 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration + Copyright (C) 2002-2024 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration */ #include "MuonLayerSegmentFinderTool.h" @@ -306,7 +306,9 @@ namespace Muon { // treat the case that the hit is a composite TGC hit if (hit->tgc) { - for (const auto& prd : hit->tgc->etaCluster.hitList) handleCluster(*prd, clusters); + for (const auto& prd : hit->tgc->etaCluster) { + handleCluster(*prd, clusters); + } } else if (hit->prd) { Identifier id = hit->prd->identify(); if (m_idHelperSvc->isMdt(id)) @@ -333,10 +335,10 @@ namespace Muon { for (const auto& phi_hit : maximum.hits) { // treat the case that the hit is a composite TGC hit - if (phi_hit->tgc && !phi_hit->tgc->phiCluster.hitList.empty()) { - Identifier id = phi_hit->tgc->phiCluster.hitList.front()->identify(); + if (phi_hit->tgc) { + Identifier id = phi_hit->tgc->phiCluster.front()->identify(); if (m_idHelperSvc->layerIndex(id) != intersection.layerSurface.layerIndex) continue; - for (const auto& prd : phi_hit->tgc->phiCluster.hitList) handleCluster(*prd, clusters); + for (const auto& prd : phi_hit->tgc->phiCluster) handleCluster(*prd, clusters); } else if (phi_hit->prd) { Identifier id = phi_hit->prd->identify(); if (m_idHelperSvc->layerIndex(id) != intersection.layerSurface.layerIndex) continue; diff --git a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonReconstruction/MuonSegmentMakers/MuonSegmentMakerTools/MuonLayerSegmentMakerTools/src/MuonLayerSegmentFinderTool.h b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonReconstruction/MuonSegmentMakers/MuonSegmentMakerTools/MuonLayerSegmentMakerTools/src/MuonLayerSegmentFinderTool.h index 00739f64de6c..bb040be351e8 100644 --- a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonReconstruction/MuonSegmentMakers/MuonSegmentMakerTools/MuonLayerSegmentMakerTools/src/MuonLayerSegmentFinderTool.h +++ b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonReconstruction/MuonSegmentMakers/MuonSegmentMakerTools/MuonLayerSegmentMakerTools/src/MuonLayerSegmentFinderTool.h @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* - Copyright (C) 2002-2022 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration + Copyright (C) 2002-2024 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration */ #ifndef MUON_MUONLAYERSEGMENTFINDERTOOL_H @@ -19,7 +19,6 @@ #include "MuonRecHelperTools/MuonEDMPrinterTool.h" #include "MuonRecToolInterfaces/IMuonPRDSelectionTool.h" #include "MuonRecToolInterfaces/IMuonSegmentMaker.h" -#include "MuonSegmentMakerToolInterfaces/IMuonClusterSegmentFinder.h" #include "MuonSegmentMakerToolInterfaces/IMuonNSWSegmentFinderTool.h" #include "MuonSegmentMakerToolInterfaces/IMuonLayerSegmentFinderTool.h" #include "MuonRecToolInterfaces/HoughDataPerSec.h" diff --git a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonReconstruction/MuonSegmentMakers/MuonSegmentMakerTools/MuonSegmentMakerToolInterfaces/MuonSegmentMakerToolInterfaces/IMuonClusterSegmentFinder.h b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonReconstruction/MuonSegmentMakers/MuonSegmentMakerTools/MuonSegmentMakerToolInterfaces/MuonSegmentMakerToolInterfaces/IMuonClusterSegmentFinder.h deleted file mode 100644 index f929463465d5..000000000000 --- a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonReconstruction/MuonSegmentMakers/MuonSegmentMakerTools/MuonSegmentMakerToolInterfaces/MuonSegmentMakerToolInterfaces/IMuonClusterSegmentFinder.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,54 +0,0 @@ -/* - Copyright (C) 2002-2021 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration -*/ - -#ifndef MUON_IMUONCLUSTERSEGMENTFINDER_H -#define MUON_IMUONCLUSTERSEGMENTFINDER_H - -#include <vector> - -#include "GaudiKernel/IAlgTool.h" -#include "MuonPrepRawData/MuonPrepDataContainer.h" -#include "MuonPrepRawData/RpcPrepDataCollection.h" -#include "MuonPrepRawData/TgcPrepDataCollection.h" -#include "MuonRIO_OnTrack/MuonClusterOnTrack.h" -#include "TrkSegment/SegmentCollection.h" -#include "TrkTruthData/PRD_MultiTruthCollection.h" - -namespace Muon { - - class MuonSegment; - - /** Interface for tools calculating hit count summaries for track */ - class IMuonClusterSegmentFinder : virtual public IAlgTool { - public: - /** IAlgTool interface */ - static const InterfaceID& interfaceID() { - static const InterfaceID IID_IMuonClusterSegmentFinder("Muon::IMuonClusterSegmentFinder", 1, 0); - return IID_IMuonClusterSegmentFinder; - } - - virtual void getClusterSegments(const Muon::MdtPrepDataContainer* mdtPrdCont, const Muon::RpcPrepDataContainer* rpcPrdCont, - const Muon::TgcPrepDataContainer* tgcPrdCont, const PRD_MultiTruthCollection* tgcTruthColl, - const PRD_MultiTruthCollection* rpcTruthColl, Trk::SegmentCollection* segColl) const = 0; - - virtual void getClusterSegments(const Muon::MdtPrepDataContainer* mdtPrdCont, - std::vector<const Muon::TgcPrepDataCollection*>* tgcCols, - std::vector<const Muon::RpcPrepDataCollection*>* rpcCols, - const PRD_MultiTruthCollection* tgcTruthColl, const PRD_MultiTruthCollection* rpcTruthColl, - Trk::SegmentCollection* segColl) const = 0; - - /** @brief Find tgc + mdt segments for a given set of TGC hit collections */ - virtual void findSegments(std::vector<const TgcPrepDataCollection*>& tgcCols, const Muon::MdtPrepDataContainer* mdtPrdCont, - Trk::SegmentCollection* segColl, const PRD_MultiTruthCollection* tgcTruthColl) const = 0; - - /** @brief Find rpc + mdt segments for a given set of RPC hit collections */ - virtual void findSegments(std::vector<const RpcPrepDataCollection*>& rpcCols, const Muon::MdtPrepDataContainer* mdtPrdCont, - Trk::SegmentCollection* segColl, const PRD_MultiTruthCollection* rpcTruthColl) const = 0; - - virtual ~IMuonClusterSegmentFinder() = default; - }; - -} // namespace Muon - -#endif // IMuonClusterSegmentFinder_H diff --git a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonReconstruction/MuonSegmentMakers/MuonSegmentMakerTools/MuonSegmentMakerToolInterfaces/MuonSegmentMakerToolInterfaces/IMuonPatternSegmentMaker.h b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonReconstruction/MuonSegmentMakers/MuonSegmentMakerTools/MuonSegmentMakerToolInterfaces/MuonSegmentMakerToolInterfaces/IMuonPatternSegmentMaker.h deleted file mode 100644 index 6d501440702e..000000000000 --- a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonReconstruction/MuonSegmentMakers/MuonSegmentMakerTools/MuonSegmentMakerToolInterfaces/MuonSegmentMakerToolInterfaces/IMuonPatternSegmentMaker.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,54 +0,0 @@ -/* - Copyright (C) 2002-2019 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration -*/ - -#ifndef MUONSEGMENTMAKETOOLINTERFACES_MUON_IMUONPATTERNSEGMENTMAKER_H -#define MUONSEGMENTMAKETOOLINTERFACES_MUON_IMUONPATTERNSEGMENTMAKER_H - -#include <vector> - -#include "GaudiKernel/IAlgTool.h" -#include "MuonEDM_AssociationObjects/MuonSegmentCombPatternCombAssociationMap.h" -#include "MuonPattern/MuonPatternCombinationCollection.h" -#include "MuonPrepRawData/RpcPrepDataCollection.h" -#include "MuonPrepRawData/TgcPrepDataCollection.h" -#include "MuonSegment/MuonSegmentCombinationCollection.h" -#include "TrkSegment/SegmentCollection.h" - -namespace Trk { - class Track; -} - -namespace Muon { - - /** @brief The IMuonSegmentMaker is a pure virtual interface for tools to find tracks starting from MuonSegmentCombinations */ - class IMuonPatternSegmentMaker : virtual public IAlgTool { - public: - /** access to tool interface */ - static const InterfaceID& interfaceID() { - static const InterfaceID IID_IMuonPatternSegmentMaker("Muon::IMuonPatternSegmentMaker", 1, 0); - return IID_IMuonPatternSegmentMaker; - } - - /** @brief find tracks starting from a MuonSegmentCombination - @param combi a reference to a MuonSegmentCombination - @return a pointer to a vector of tracks, the ownership of the tracks is passed to the client calling the tool. - */ - virtual void find(const MuonPatternCombination& pattern, const std::vector<const RpcPrepDataCollection*>& rpcCols, - const std::vector<const TgcPrepDataCollection*>& tgcCols, Trk::SegmentCollection* segColl) const = 0; - - /** @brief find tracks starting from a MuonSegmentCombinationCollection - @param combiCol a reference to a MuonSegmentCombinationCollection - @return a pointer to a vector of tracks, the ownership of the tracks is passed to the client calling the tool. - */ - virtual std::unique_ptr<MuonSegmentCombinationCollection> find(const MuonPatternCombinationCollection* patterns, - MuonSegmentCombPatternCombAssociationMap* segPattMap, - const std::vector<const RpcPrepDataCollection*>& rpcCols, - const std::vector<const TgcPrepDataCollection*>& tgcCols) const = 0; - - virtual ~IMuonPatternSegmentMaker() = default; - }; - -} // namespace Muon - -#endif diff --git a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonValidation/MuonRecValidation/MuonTrackPerformance/src/MuonRecoValidationTool.cxx b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonValidation/MuonRecValidation/MuonTrackPerformance/src/MuonRecoValidationTool.cxx index 43025b36be56..744ed26a6a73 100644 --- a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonValidation/MuonRecValidation/MuonTrackPerformance/src/MuonRecoValidationTool.cxx +++ b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonValidation/MuonRecValidation/MuonTrackPerformance/src/MuonRecoValidationTool.cxx @@ -421,7 +421,7 @@ namespace Muon { for (; hit != hit_end; ++hit) { // treat the case that the hit is a composite TGC hit if ((*hit)->tgc) { - for (const auto& prd : (*hit)->tgc->etaCluster.hitList) ids.insert(prd->identify()); + for (const auto& prd : (*hit)->tgc->etaCluster) ids.insert(prd->identify()); } else if ((*hit)->prd) { ids.insert((*hit)->prd->identify()); } diff --git a/Reconstruction/MuonIdentification/MuonCombinedAlgs/src/MuonInDetToMuonSystemExtensionAlg.cxx b/Reconstruction/MuonIdentification/MuonCombinedAlgs/src/MuonInDetToMuonSystemExtensionAlg.cxx index 6305c1390cd7..8c8700170015 100644 --- a/Reconstruction/MuonIdentification/MuonCombinedAlgs/src/MuonInDetToMuonSystemExtensionAlg.cxx +++ b/Reconstruction/MuonIdentification/MuonCombinedAlgs/src/MuonInDetToMuonSystemExtensionAlg.cxx @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ namespace { inline const Trk::PrepRawData* prepData(const std::shared_ptr<MuonHough::Hit>& hit) { if (hit->prd) return hit->prd; - if (hit->tgc) return hit->tgc->phiCluster.hitList.front(); + if (hit->tgc) return hit->tgc->phiCluster.front(); return nullptr; } /// Helper struct to store the number of hits per chamber diff --git a/Reconstruction/MuonIdentification/MuonCombinedTrackFindingTools/src/MuonStauRecoTool.cxx b/Reconstruction/MuonIdentification/MuonCombinedTrackFindingTools/src/MuonStauRecoTool.cxx index b75a8d4e9b4d..da57e59e266b 100644 --- a/Reconstruction/MuonIdentification/MuonCombinedTrackFindingTools/src/MuonStauRecoTool.cxx +++ b/Reconstruction/MuonIdentification/MuonCombinedTrackFindingTools/src/MuonStauRecoTool.cxx @@ -1161,7 +1161,7 @@ namespace MuonCombined { ATH_MSG_DEBUG("hit x,y_min,y_max,w = " << (*hit)->x << "," << (*hit)->ymin << "," << (*hit)->ymax << "," << (*hit)->w); // treat the case that the hit is a composite TGC hit if ((*hit)->tgc) { - for (const auto& prd : (*hit)->tgc->etaCluster.hitList) handleCluster(*prd, clusters); + for (const auto& prd : (*hit)->tgc->etaCluster) handleCluster(*prd, clusters); } else if ((*hit)->prd) { Identifier id = (*hit)->prd->identify(); if (m_idHelperSvc->isMdt(id)) @@ -1359,10 +1359,10 @@ namespace MuonCombined { const MuonHough::MuonPhiLayerHough::Maximum& maximum = **pit; for (const std::shared_ptr<MuonHough::PhiHit>& hit : maximum.hits) { // treat the case that the hit is a composite TGC hit - if (hit->tgc && !hit->tgc->phiCluster.hitList.empty()) { - Identifier id = hit->tgc->phiCluster.hitList.front()->identify(); + if (hit->tgc) { + Identifier id = hit->tgc->phiCluster.front()->identify(); if (m_idHelperSvc->layerIndex(id) != intersection.layerSurface.layerIndex) continue; - for (const Muon::MuonCluster* prd : hit->tgc->phiCluster.hitList) handleCluster(*prd, phiClusterOnTracks); + for (const Muon::MuonCluster* prd : hit->tgc->phiCluster) handleCluster(*prd, phiClusterOnTracks); } else if (hit->prd && !(hit->prd->type(Trk::PrepRawDataType::sTgcPrepData) || hit->prd->type(Trk::PrepRawDataType::MMPrepData))) { const Identifier id = hit->prd->identify(); if (m_idHelperSvc->layerIndex(id) != intersection.layerSurface.layerIndex) continue; -- GitLab