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Commit 5e07bb5f authored by Antonio Jesus Gomez Delegido's avatar Antonio Jesus Gomez Delegido Committed by Duc Ta
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Update Tile Pulse Simulator to add continuous readout mode

Update Tile Pulse Simulator to add continuous readout mode
parent f9a66b7b
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2 merge requests!784022025-03-10: merge of 24.0 into main,!78304Update Tile Pulse Simulator to add continuous readout mode
......@@ -23,7 +23,8 @@ public:
m_ps = ps;
void fillSamples(double t0, double pedestal, double amplitude1, double amplitude2, TF1* pdf, bool addNoise, double itOffset = 0, double otOffset = 50);
void fillNSamples(double t0, double pedestal, double amp_it, std::vector<float> amp_pu, TF1* pdf, bool addNoise, double itOffset = 0, int nSamples = 7, int nPul = 21);
void fillNSamples(double t0, double pedestal, double amp_it, const std::vector<float>& amp_pu, TF1* pdf, bool addNoise, double itOffset = 0, int nSamples = 7, int nPul = 21);
float fillSample(double t0, double pedestal, const std::vector<float>& amp_pu, TF1* pdf, bool addNoise, int nPul = 21, int gain = 1);
void fill7SamplesQIE(float amp_it, float *amp_pu); //The function calculates charges for 7 intervals with each interval of 25 ns
......@@ -61,9 +61,9 @@ void TileSampleGenerator::fillSamples(double t0, double pedestal, double amplitu
void TileSampleGenerator::fillNSamples(double t0, double pedestal, double amp_it, vector<float> amp_pu, TF1* pdf, bool addNoise, double itOffset, int nSamples, int nPul) {
void TileSampleGenerator::fillNSamples(double t0, double pedestal, double amp_it, const std::vector<float>& amp_pu, TF1* pdf, bool addNoise, double itOffset, int nSamples, int nPul) {
std::unique_ptr<TileSampleBuffer> bufall(new TileSampleBuffer(nPul, -25*((nPul-1)/2), 25.));
std::unique_ptr<TileSampleBuffer> bufall = std::make_unique<TileSampleBuffer>(nPul, -25*((nPul-1)/2), 25.);
cout << "Pileup pulses:" << std::endl;
......@@ -127,6 +127,47 @@ void TileSampleGenerator::fillNSamples(double t0, double pedestal, double amp_it
float TileSampleGenerator::fillSample(double t0, double pedestal, const vector<float>& amp_pu, TF1* pdf, bool addNoise, int nPul, int gain) {
std::unique_ptr<TileSampleBuffer> bufall = std::make_unique<TileSampleBuffer>(nPul, -25*((nPul-1)/2), 25.);
std::cout << "Pileup pulses:" << std::endl;
for (std::vector<float>::const_iterator i = amp_pu.begin(); i != amp_pu.end(); ++i)
std::cout << *i << ' ';
std::cout << std::endl;
double amp_it_out = pedestal;
vector<int> t(nPul);
for (int pul=0; pul < nPul; pul++){
t[pul] = bufall->getTime(pul) - t0;
if(gain == 1){
amp_it_out += m_ps->eval(t[pul], false, true) *;
amp_it_out += (m_ps->eval(t[pul], false, true) * / 40;
std::cout << "nPul-1-pul: " << pul << " getTime(nPul-1-pul) " << bufall->getTime(pul) << " ps " << m_ps->eval(bufall->getTime(pul), false, true) << std::endl;
std::cout << "PU sample " << pul << ", pulse shape evaluated for t'=" << t[pul] << std::endl;
std::cout << "Contribution for in time amp " << m_ps->eval(t[pul], false, true) << " * " << << std::endl;
std::cout << std::endl;
if (addNoise) {
amp_it_out += pdf->GetRandom();
return amp_it_out;
// Simulation of the PMT pulse shapes for QIE FEB
......@@ -78,6 +78,7 @@ class IAthRNGSvc;
class TH1F;
class TFile;
class TRandom3;
@class TileDigitsFromPulse
......@@ -152,13 +153,14 @@ private:
std::string m_ootADistHistName; //!< Name of histogram for out-of-time amplitude distribution
bool m_simQIE; //!<Raw PMT pulses are generated if the option is set to true. The option is intended to simulate the QIE FEB.
bool m_simPulseChain; //!< Simulate continous output of readout for HL-LHC paradigm
int m_seed;
int m_BunchSpacing; //!< Time between pulses in ms 25, 50 or 75
int m_nSamples; //!< number of read out samples
int m_nPul; //!< number of pileup pulses
int m_nPul_eff; //Used for symetrization of PU in computation
std::vector<float> m_PUAmp;
int m_nPul_eff{}; //Used for symetrization of PU in computation
std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<float>>>> m_PUAmp; // Used to store PU amplitudes
bool m_PhaseII; //Use parameters of TilePhaseII if the option is set to true
bool m_bigain; //If true, save the two gains in the ntuples
......@@ -186,6 +188,12 @@ private:
bool makeDist(TFile*& file, TH1F*& hist, const std::string& fileName, const std::string& histName="h_Eopt_hi"); //!< Method to read distribution from file
bool makeDist(TFile*& file, std::vector<std::vector<TH1F*>>& hists, const std::string& fileName);
void addPileUp(double &n_inTimeAmp, int gain, int ros, int drawer, int channel); //!< Fill vector with pile-up amplitudes
void addPileUpSample(int gain, int ros, int drawer, int channel); //!< Fill only a BC with pile-up amplitude
float m_sample_tru = 0;
std::unique_ptr<TRandom3> m_random;
......@@ -41,6 +41,15 @@ def TileDigitsFromPulseCfg(flags, **kwargs):
AmpDistLowerLimit -- Set all bins lower than this to zero. Default = 135
InTimeAmpDistHistogramName -- Name of the histogram to use for in-time amplitude distribution
OutOfTimeAmpDistHistogramName -- Name of the histogram to use for out-of-time amplitude distribution
PedestalValueHG -- Pedestal in HG if not taken from database
PedestalValueLG -- Pedestal in LG if not taken from database
SimulatePileUpWithPoiss -- Simulate pile-up overlaying signals from distribution
AvgMuForPileUpSimulation -- Average number of pp collisions for pile-up simulation with SimulatePileUpWithPoiss
PileUpAmpDistFileName -- Distribution to simulate pile-up with SimulatePileUpWithPoiss
RandomSeed -- Random seed for random number generator
SimulatePulseChain -- Simulate continuous output from readout cosidering HL-LHC paradigm
Bigain -- Save two gains in ntuple
NPulses -- The number of neighboring bunch crossings (before and after the in-time crossing) whose signals are accounted for when simulating the total contribution to a given bunch crossing
kwargs.setdefault('InTimeAmp', 1000)
......@@ -48,8 +57,13 @@ def TileDigitsFromPulseCfg(flags, **kwargs):
kwargs.setdefault('ImperfectionRms', 0)
kwargs.setdefault('TilePhaseII', False)
kwargs.setdefault('NSamples', 7)
kwargs.setdefault('NPulses', 21)
kwargs.setdefault('Bigain', False)
kwargs.setdefault('SimulatePulseChain', False)
PhaseII = kwargs['TilePhaseII']
PulseChain = kwargs['SimulatePulseChain']
# PhaseII parameters
if PhaseII:
kwargs.setdefault('PedestalValueHG', 100)
......@@ -62,6 +76,7 @@ def TileDigitsFromPulseCfg(flags, **kwargs):
kwargs.setdefault('PileUpFraction', 0)
kwargs.setdefault('AmpDistLowerLimit', 0)
kwargs.setdefault('SimulatePileUpWithPoiss', False)
kwargs.setdefault('AvgMuForPileUpSimulation', 80)
from TileGeoModel.TileGMConfig import TileGMCfg
......@@ -77,7 +92,7 @@ def TileDigitsFromPulseCfg(flags, **kwargs):
kwargs['RndmSvc'] = acc.getPrimaryAndMerge( AthRNGSvcCfg(flags) ).name
# Configure TileInfoLoader to set up number of samples
nSamples = kwargs['NSamples']
nSamples = kwargs['NSamples'] if not PulseChain else 1
ADCmax = 4095 if PhaseII else 1023
ADCmaskValue = 4800 if PhaseII else 2047
from TileConditions.TileInfoLoaderConfig import TileInfoLoaderCfg
......@@ -118,16 +133,23 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
parser.add_argument('--phaseII', type=bool, default=False, help='Use parameters of TilePhaseII')
parser.add_argument('--run', type=int, default=410000, help='Run number')
parser.add_argument('--save-true-amplitude', action='store_true', help='Save true Tile raw channel amplitude into h2000')
parser.add_argument('--pulseChain', type=bool, default=False, help='Simulate continuous output of readout across bunch crossings')
parser.add_argument('--acr-db', action='store_true', help='Use auto correlation matrix from DB')
args, _ = parser.parse_known_args()
flags.Tile.RunType = TileRunType.PHY
# Set up Tile reconstuction methods
flags.Tile.doOpt2 = True
flags.Tile.doOptATLAS = True
if args.nsamples != 7:
if(args.pulseChain): # no reconstruction ran for continuous readout simulation
flags.Tile.doOpt2 = False
flags.Tile.doOptATLAS = False
flags.Tile.OfcFromCOOL = False
flags.Tile.doOpt2 = True
flags.Tile.doOptATLAS = True
if args.nsamples != 7:
flags.Tile.OfcFromCOOL = False
flags.Input.isMC = True
flags.Input.Files = []
......@@ -162,7 +184,7 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
# =======>>> Configure Tile digits from pulse algorithm
cfg.merge( TileDigitsFromPulseCfg(flags, NSamples=args.nsamples, TilePhaseII=args.phaseII) )
cfg.merge( TileDigitsFromPulseCfg(flags, NSamples=args.nsamples, TilePhaseII=args.phaseII, SimulatePulseChain=args.pulseChain) )
# =======>>> Configure Tile raw channel maker
from TileRecUtils.TileRawChannelMakerConfig import TileRawChannelMakerCfg
......@@ -178,20 +200,27 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
# =======>>> Configure Tile h2000 ntuple production
ntupleFile = f'{args.outputDirectory}/tile_{runNumber}_{args.outputVersion}.aan.root'
from TileRec.TileAANtupleConfig import TileAANtupleCfg
cfg.merge( TileAANtupleCfg(flags,
outputFile=ntupleFile) )
if args.save_true_amplitude:
cfg.getEventAlgo('TileNtuple').TileRawChannelContainerFit = 'TrueAmp'
outputFile=ntupleFile) )
if args.pulseChain:
cfg.getEventAlgo('TileNtuple').NSamples = 1
cfg.getEventAlgo('TileNtuple').TileRawChannelContainer = 'TrueAmp'
cfg.getEventAlgo('TileNtuple').NSamples = args.nsamples
if args.save_true_amplitude:
cfg.getEventAlgo('TileNtuple').TileRawChannelContainerFit = 'TrueAmp'
# =======>>> Any last things to do?
if args.postExec:
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