14 merge requests!76035Updated rel21 number,!63304adding missing electron iso WPs (Tight_VarRad, Loose_VarRad, TightTrackOnly_VarRad),!62053Merge branch 'sh_xrd_warning' into 'master',!61521fix maxPVrefit,!59663fixed a typo in HIGG8D1 format (followup of https://gitlab.cern.ch/atlas/athena/-/merge_requests/59575),!50754Return TruthTaus from truth matching tool in SUSY tools,!48850Added new HDBS derivation (HDBS3),!46643Draft:Adding MET Significance in AT,!46320Draft: Adding support for Leading3SignalJets strategy,!45689Bug fix: Use wrong vector to calculate largest bin number in findBin(),!45211Update in the FFJetSmearingTool,!44864Draft: WIP- MuonUncorrelateSystematics,!43718Modification of EXOT17.py for fractionally charged particle search,!42873DL2 umami