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Commit 8042d178 authored by Adam Edward Barton's avatar Adam Edward Barton
Browse files

Merge branch 'swp31326' into 'master'

Manual sweep of !31326 (NSW Calib Tool)

See merge request !31980
parents f6d16114 7b1d4597
6 merge requests!58791DataQualityConfigurations: Modify L1Calo config for web display,!46784MuonCondInterface: Enable thread-safety checking.,!46776Updated LArMonitoring config file for WD to match new files produced using MT,!45405updated ART test cron job,!42417Draft: DIRE and VINCIA Base Fragments for Pythia 8.3,!31980Manual sweep of !31326 (NSW Calib Tool)
......@@ -6,12 +6,29 @@
#include "GaudiKernel/IAlgTool.h"
#include "GeoPrimitives/GeoPrimitives.h"
#include "Identifier/Identifier.h"
#include <cmath>
#include <vector>
static const InterfaceID IID_INSWCalibTool("Muon::INSWCalibTool",1,0);
namespace NSWCalib {
struct CalibratedStrip {
double charge;
double time;
double resTime;
double distDrift;
double resTransDistDrift;
double resLongDistDrift;
double dx;
Identifier identifier;
namespace Muon {
class MM_RawData;
......@@ -23,8 +40,8 @@ namespace Muon {
static const InterfaceID& interfaceID() {return IID_INSWCalibTool;}
public: // interface methods
virtual StatusCode calibrate(const Muon::MM_RawData* mmRawData, const Amg::Vector3D& globalPos, double& dist_drift, double& distRes_drift, double& calib_charge) = 0;
virtual StatusCode calibrate(const Muon::MM_RawData* mmRawData, const Amg::Vector3D& globalPos, NSWCalib::CalibratedStrip& calibStrip) const = 0;
......@@ -4,9 +4,12 @@
#include "NSWCalibTool.h"
#include "GaudiKernel/SystemOfUnits.h"
#include "GaudiKernel/PhysicalConstants.h"
namespace {
static constexpr double const& toRad = M_PI/180;
static constexpr double const& pitchErr = 0.425 * 0.425 / 12;
static constexpr double const& reciprocalSpeedOfLight = 1. / Gaudi::Units::c_light; // mm/ns
Muon::NSWCalibTool::NSWCalibTool(const std::string& t,
......@@ -18,9 +21,12 @@ Muon::NSWCalibTool::NSWCalibTool(const std::string& t,
declareProperty("MagFieldSvc", m_magFieldSvc, "Magnetic Field Service");
declareProperty("DriftVelocity", m_vDrift = 47., "Drift Velocity");
declareProperty("DriftVelocity", m_vDrift = 0.047, "Drift Velocity");
declareProperty("TimeResolution", m_timeRes = 25., "Time Resolution");
declareProperty("longDiff",m_longDiff=0.019); //mm/mm
declareProperty("transDiff",m_transDiff=0.036); //mm/mm
declareProperty("ionUncertainty",m_ionUncertainty=4.0); //ns
declareProperty("timeOffset", m_timeOffset = -100); //ns
......@@ -42,29 +48,27 @@ StatusCode Muon::NSWCalibTool::initialize()
StatusCode Muon::NSWCalibTool::calibrate( const Muon::MM_RawData* mmRawData, const Amg::Vector3D& globalPos, double& dist_drift, double& distRes_drift, double& calib_charge)
StatusCode Muon::NSWCalibTool::calibrate( const Muon::MM_RawData* mmRawData, const Amg::Vector3D& globalPos, NSWCalib::CalibratedStrip& calibStrip) const
double charge, time, vDriftCorrected;
charge = mmRawData->charge();
time = mmRawData->time();
double vDriftCorrected;
calibStrip.charge = mmRawData->charge();
calibStrip.time = mmRawData->time() - globalPos.norm() * reciprocalSpeedOfLight + m_timeOffset;
calibStrip.identifier = mmRawData->identify();
Amg::Vector3D magneticField;
calib_charge = charge;
m_mmBFieldX = magneticField.x();
m_mmBFieldY = magneticField.y();
m_mmBFieldZ = magneticField.z();
double lorentzAngle = m_lorentzAngleFunction->Eval((magneticField.y() > 0. ? 1. : -1.) * std::fabs (magneticField.y()) ) * toRad; // in radians;
vDriftCorrected = m_vDrift * std::cos(lorentzAngle);
dist_drift = vDriftCorrected * time;
dist_drift = dist_drift * Gaudi::Units::perThousand;
distRes_drift = vDriftCorrected * m_timeRes;
distRes_drift = distRes_drift * Gaudi::Units::perThousand;
calibStrip.distDrift = vDriftCorrected * calibStrip.time;
calibStrip.resTransDistDrift = pitchErr + std::pow(m_transDiff * calibStrip.distDrift, 2);
calibStrip.resLongDistDrift = std::pow(m_ionUncertainty * vDriftCorrected, 2) + std::pow(m_longDiff * calibStrip.distDrift, 2);
calibStrip.dx = std::sin(lorentzAngle) * calibStrip.time * m_vDrift;
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
......@@ -33,7 +33,8 @@ namespace Muon {
virtual ~NSWCalibTool() = default;
StatusCode calibrate( const Muon::MM_RawData* mmRawData, const Amg::Vector3D& globalPos, double& dist_drift, double& distRes_drift, double& calib_charge);
StatusCode calibrate( const Muon::MM_RawData* mmRawData, const Amg::Vector3D& globalPos, NSWCalib::CalibratedStrip& calibStrip) const;
virtual StatusCode initialize();
virtual StatusCode finalize();
......@@ -45,13 +46,13 @@ namespace Muon {
TF1* m_lorentzAngleFunction;
float m_mmBFieldX;
float m_mmBFieldY;
float m_mmBFieldZ;
float m_vDrift;
float m_timeRes;
float m_longDiff;
float m_transDiff;
float m_ionUncertainty;
double m_timeOffset;
......@@ -137,11 +137,8 @@ StatusCode Muon::MmRdoToPrepDataToolCore::processCollection(const MM_RawDataColl
ATH_MSG_WARNING("Could not get the global strip position for MM");
double dist_drift, distRes_drift, charge_calib;
ATH_CHECK (m_calibTool->calibrate(rdo, globalPos, dist_drift, distRes_drift, charge_calib));
const int time = rdo->time();
const int charge = charge_calib;
NSWCalib::CalibratedStrip calibStrip;
ATH_CHECK (m_calibTool->calibrate(rdo, globalPos, calibStrip));
const Amg::Vector3D globalDir(globalPos.x(), globalPos.y(), globalPos.z());
Trk::LocalDirection localDir;
......@@ -149,7 +146,7 @@ StatusCode Muon::MmRdoToPrepDataToolCore::processCollection(const MM_RawDataColl
Amg::Vector2D lpos;
psurf.globalToLocalDirection(globalDir, localDir);
float inAngle_XZ = fabs( localDir.angleXZ() / CLHEP::degree);
float inAngle_XZ = std::abs( localDir.angleXZ() / CLHEP::degree);
ATH_MSG_DEBUG(" Surface centre x " << << " y " << << " z " << );
ATH_MSG_DEBUG(" localPos x " << localPos.x() << " localPos y " << localPos.y() << " lpos recalculated 0 " << lpos[0] << " lpos y " << lpos[1]);
......@@ -159,26 +156,28 @@ StatusCode Muon::MmRdoToPrepDataToolCore::processCollection(const MM_RawDataColl
// get for now a temporary error matrix -> to be fixed
double resolution = 0.07;
if (fabs(inAngle_XZ)>3) resolution = ( -.001/3.*fabs(inAngle_XZ) ) + .28/3.;
if (std::abs(inAngle_XZ)>3) resolution = ( -.001/3.*std::abs(inAngle_XZ) ) + .28/3.;
double errX = 0;
const MuonGM::MuonChannelDesign* design = detEl->getDesign(layid);
if( !design ){
ATH_MSG_WARNING("Failed to get design for " << m_idHelperSvc->toString(layid) );
errX = fabs(design->inputPitch)/sqrt(12);
errX = std::abs(design->inputPitch)/std::sqrt(12);
ATH_MSG_DEBUG(" strips inputPitch " << design->inputPitch << " error " << errX);
// add strip width to error
resolution = sqrt(resolution*resolution+errX*errX);
resolution = std::sqrt(resolution*resolution+errX*errX);
Amg::MatrixX* cov = new Amg::MatrixX(1,1);
Amg::MatrixX* cov = new Amg::MatrixX(2,2);
(*cov)(0,0) = resolution*resolution;
(*cov)(0,0) = calibStrip.resTransDistDrift;
(*cov)(1,1) = calibStrip.resLongDistDrift;
localPos.x() += calibStrip.dx;
if(!merge) {
prdColl->push_back(new MMPrepData(prdId,hash,localPos,rdoList,cov,detEl,time,charge));
prdColl->push_back(new MMPrepData(prdId, hash, localPos, rdoList, cov, detEl, calibStrip.time, calibStrip.charge, calibStrip.distDrift));
} else {
MMPrepData mpd = MMPrepData(prdId,hash,localPos,rdoList,cov,detEl,time,charge);
MMPrepData mpd = MMPrepData(prdId, hash, localPos, rdoList, cov, detEl, calibStrip.time, calibStrip.charge, calibStrip.distDrift);
// set the hash of the MMPrepData such that it contains the correct value in case it gets used in SimpleMMClusterBuilderTool::getClusters
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