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Commit 876ed7df authored by Ondrej Kovanda's avatar Ondrej Kovanda
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Adding the encoder and generator files

parent 8f5c5159
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23 merge requests!78241Draft: FPGATrackSim: GenScan code refactor,!78236Draft: Switching Streams,!78056AFP monitoring: new synchronization and cleaning,!78041AFP monitoring: new synchronization and cleaning,!77990Updating TRT chip masks for L1TRT trigger simulation - ATR-28372,!77733Draft: add new HLT NN JVT, augmented with additional tracking information,!77731Draft: Updates to ZDC reconstruction,!77728Draft: updates to ZDC reconstruction,!77522Draft: sTGC Pad Trigger Emulator,!76725ZdcNtuple: Fix cppcheck warning.,!76611L1CaloFEXByteStream: Fix out-of-bounds array accesses.,!76475Punchthrough AF3 implementation in FastG4,!76474Punchthrough AF3 implementation in FastG4,!75729New implementation of ZDC nonlinear FADC correction.,!75703Draft: Update to HI han config for HLT jets,!75184Draft: Update file heavyions_run.config,!74430Draft: Fixing upper bound for Delayed Jet Triggers,!73963Changing the path of the histograms to "Expert" area,!73875updating ID ART reference plots,!73874AtlasCLHEP_RandomGenerators: Fix cppcheck warnings.,!73449Add muon detectors to DarkJetPEBTLA partial event building,!73343Draft: [TrigEgamma] Add photon ringer chains on bootstrap mechanism,!71771Itk pixel bytestream encoding
* Author: Ondra Kovanda, ondrej.kovanda at
* Date: 02/2024
* Description: Generation of hits for ITkPix* emulation
#include "HitMapGenerator.h"
HitMapGenerator::HitMapGenerator(const uint nCol, const uint nRow, const uint nColInCCol, const uint nRowInQRow, const uint seed): m_nCol(nCol), m_nRow(nRow), m_nColInCCol(nColInCCol), m_nRowInQRow(nRowInQRow), m_seed(seed){
//initialize the pdfs for assigning a hit and for
//the ToT value of that hit
m_hitProb = std::uniform_real_distribution<float>(0., 1.);
m_totProb = std::uniform_int_distribution<uint16_t>(1, 15);
m_nCCol = nCol/m_nColInCCol;
m_nQRow = nRow/m_nRowInQRow;
void HitMapGenerator::setSeed(const uint seed){
m_seed = seed;
void HitMapGenerator::randomQCore(const uint CCol, const uint QRow){
//These are the coordinates of the top left corner of the QCore
const int m_col = CCol * m_nColInCCol;
const int m_row = QRow * m_nRowInQRow;
//Loop through pixels in that QCore, generate a random hit for each
//and store the truth accordingly. Loop "backwards" to get the
//truth hits in the same order as the default Yarr decoder
for (int pixRow = m_row + m_nRowInQRow -1; pixRow >= m_row; pixRow--){
for (int pixCol = m_col + m_nColInCCol -1; pixCol >= m_col; pixCol--){
//does the pixel have a hit?
float hitprob = m_hitProb(generator);
//std::cout << hitprob << " vs occupancy " << m_occupancy << "\n";
if (hitprob < m_occupancy){
//Then give it a tot!
uint16_t tot = m_totProb(generator);
m_hitMap(pixCol, pixRow) = tot;//m_totProb(generator);
//and save it into the truth output, respecting the
//decoder numbering conventions
m_truthEvt.addHit(pixRow + 1, pixCol + 1, m_hitMap(pixCol, pixRow) - 1);
void HitMapGenerator::randomHitMap(float occupancy){
//Generate uniformly random hit map for dev/testing purposes
//initialize the hit map with all zeros
m_hitMap = ItkpixLayout<uint16_t>();
m_truthEvt = FrontEndEvent(0, 0, m_nGenerated);
m_occupancy = occupancy;
//Loop over the hit map and fill random tot values.
//In order to preserve the order of hits as it emerges
//from the decoder & ensure easy comparison, the generation
//has to be per-QCore, and keep reverse order of the hits
//compared to the encoding recipe in each QCore. This happens
//in the randomQCore(...) function
for (uint CCol = 0; CCol < m_nCCol; CCol++){
for (uint QRow = 0; QRow < m_nQRow; QRow++){
randomQCore(CCol, QRow);
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* Author: Ondra Kovanda, ondrej.kovanda at
* Date: 02/2024
* Description: Generation of hits for ITkPix* emulation
#include <vector>
#include <random>
#include <iostream>
#include "EventData.h"
#include "ItkpixLayout.h"
class HitMapGenerator{
typedef ItkpixLayout<uint16_t> HitMap;
HitMapGenerator(const uint nCol = 400, const uint nRow = 384, const uint nColInCCol = 8, const uint nRowInQrow = 2, const uint seed = 0);
void setSeed(const uint seed = 0);
void randomHitMap(const float occupancy = 1e-3);
void randomQCore(const uint CCol, const uint QRow);
HitMap& outHits(){return m_hitMap;}
FrontEndEvent& outTruth(){return m_truthEvt;}
//generation machinery
std::mt19937 generator;
std::uniform_real_distribution<float> m_hitProb;
std::uniform_int_distribution<uint16_t> m_totProb;
//geometry and config
uint m_seed, m_nCol, m_nRow, m_nCCol, m_nQRow, m_nColInCCol, m_nRowInQRow;
float m_occupancy;
HitMap m_hitMap;
FrontEndEvent m_truthEvt;
uint m_nGenerated;
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* Author: Ondra Kovanda, ondrej.kovanda at
* Date: 03/2024
* Description: ITkPix* encoding base class
#include "ItkpixEncoder.h"
#include "ItkpixQCoreEncodingLUT.h"
//Constructor sets up the geometry for all future loops
ItkpixEncoder::ItkpixEncoder(const uint nCol, const uint nRow, const uint nColInCCol, const uint nRowInQRow, const uint nEventsPerStream, const bool plainHitMap, const bool dropToT): m_nCol(nCol), m_nRow(nRow), m_nColInCCol(nColInCCol), m_nRowInQRow(nRowInQRow), m_nEventsPerStream(nEventsPerStream), m_plainHitMap(plainHitMap), m_dropToT(dropToT){
m_nCCol = nCol/m_nColInCCol;
m_nQRow = nRow/m_nRowInQRow;
m_currBlock = 0x0ULL;
m_currBit = 0;
m_currEvent = 0;
m_currStream = 0;
void ItkpixEncoder::addBits64(const uint64_t value, const uint8_t length){
//This adds 'length' lowest bits to the current block. If the current
//block gets filled, push it to the output and start a new block with
//the rest of the bits that didn't make it. Need to keep track of the
//remaining space in the current word. Also, we only have 63 bits for
//the added data, as the first bit is EoS.
//Case 1: there's enough space for the entire information to be added
if (length <= (63 - m_currBit)){
//The position at which the new bits should be inserted into the block
//is (length of the block - 1) - (currently last bit) - (length)
//We need to keep the first bit for EoS, hence the -1
m_currBlock |= (value << (63 - m_currBit - length));
m_currBit += length;
//Case 2: there's not enough space, so we put what we can, push the block
//to the output, and the rest to a new block
else {
//How much space do we have?
uint8_t remainingBits = 63 - m_currBit;
//Add that many bits
m_currBlock |= ((value >> (length - remainingBits)));
//Push the current block to the output and reset it and the current
//bit counter. The block needs to be split in 32-bit halves before the output
//What are we left with?
uint8_t leftoverBits = length - remainingBits;
//Now we can add the remainder
//Make sure that the remainder we're adding is really only the bits we've not yet
//added, otherwise there can be a rogue "1" in the EoS bit, which was already added
//in the previous block
addBits64((value & (0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF >> (64 - leftoverBits))), leftoverBits);
void ItkpixEncoder::pushWords32(){
//whenever the current block is ready for output,
//split it into two 32-bit words and push them to
//the output container. Reset the current bloc/bit
uint32_t word1 = m_currBlock >> 32;
uint32_t word2 = m_currBlock & 0xFFFFFFFF;
m_currBlock = 0x0ULL;
m_currBit = 0;
void ItkpixEncoder::encodeQCore(const uint nCCol, const uint nQRow){
//produce hit map and ToTs
//First, get the top-left pixel in the QCore
uint m_col = nCCol * m_nColInCCol;
uint m_row = nQRow * m_nRowInQRow;
//now loop, store ToTs, and build index of the
//compressed hit map in the LUT
uint16_t lutIndex = 0x0000;
std::vector<uint16_t> tots;
int pix = 0;
for (uint pixRow = m_row; pixRow < m_row + m_nRowInQRow; pixRow++){
for (uint pixCol = m_col; pixCol < m_col + m_nColInCCol; pixCol++){
if (m_hitMap(pixCol, pixRow)){
lutIndex |= 0x1 << pix;
tots.push_back(m_hitMap(pixCol, pixRow) - 1);
//now add the binary-tree encoded & compressed map
//from the LUT to the stream. If, instead, the plain
//hit map is requested, add the index (which is the
//plain hit map in fact)
m_plainHitMap ? addBits64(lutIndex, 16) : addBits64(ItkpixEncoding::Itkpixv2QCoreEncodingLUT_Tree[lutIndex], ItkpixEncoding::Itkpixv2QCoreEncodingLUT_Length[lutIndex]);
//if dropToT is requested, we can return here
if (m_dropToT) return;
//and add the four-bit ToT information for each hit
for (auto& tot : tots){
addBits64(tot, 4);
bool ItkpixEncoder::hitInQCore(const uint CCol, const uint QRow){
//Was there a hit in this QCore?
uint m_col = CCol * m_nColInCCol;
uint m_row = QRow * m_nRowInQRow;
for (uint pixRow = m_row; pixRow < m_row + m_nRowInQRow; pixRow++){
for (uint pixCol = m_col; pixCol < m_col + m_nColInCCol; pixCol++){
if (m_hitMap(pixCol, pixRow)) return true;
return false;
void ItkpixEncoder::scanHitMap(){
//Fill in a helper map of hit QCores and a vector of last qrow in each ccol
m_hitQCores = std::vector<std::vector<bool>>(m_nCCol, std::vector<bool>(m_nQRow, false));
m_lastQRow = std::vector<uint>(m_nCCol, 0);
for (uint CCol = 0; CCol < m_nCCol; CCol++){
for (uint QRow = 0; QRow < m_nQRow; QRow++){
//if there's a hit in the qcore, flag the helper map
m_hitQCores[CCol][QRow] = hitInQCore(CCol, QRow);
//and keep track of the last qrow in each CCol, so that we can
//easily set the isLast bit. Numbering starts at 1, in order to
//keep the m_lastQRow[CCol] == 0 case denoting "no hit" in the CCol
//to save some looping/ifs later on
if (m_hitQCores[CCol][QRow]) m_lastQRow[CCol] = QRow + 1;
void ItkpixEncoder::encodeEvent(){
//This produces the bits for one event.
//First, scan the map and produce helpers
for (uint CCol = 0; CCol < m_nCCol; CCol++){
//if there are no hits in this CCol, continue
if (m_lastQRow[CCol] == 0) continue;
//add the 6-bit (CCol + 1) address
addBits64(CCol + 1, 6);
int previousQRow = -666;
for (uint QRow = 0; QRow < m_nQRow; QRow++){
//if there's no hit in this row, continue
if (!m_hitQCores[CCol][QRow]) continue;
//add the isLast bit
QRow + 1 == m_lastQRow[CCol] ? addBits64(0x1, 1) : addBits64(0x0, 1);
//add the isNeighbor bit. If false, add the QRow address as well.
if (QRow == previousQRow + 1){
addBits64(0x1, 1);
else {
addBits64(0x0, 1);
addBits64(QRow, 8);
//add the map and ToT
encodeQCore(CCol, QRow);
//update the previous QRow
previousQRow = QRow;
void ItkpixEncoder::streamTag(const uint8_t nStream){
//this adds the 8-bit 'global' stream tag
addBits64(nStream, 8);
void ItkpixEncoder::intTag(const uint16_t nEvt){
//this adds 11 bits of interal tagging between events.
//does the tag always need to start with 111?
uint16_t tag = nEvt | (0b111 << 8);
addBits64(tag, 11);
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* Author: Ondra Kovanda, ondrej.kovanda at
* Date: 03/2024
* Description: ITkPix* encoding base class
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdint>
#include "ItkpixLayout.h"
class ItkpixEncoder{
typedef ItkpixLayout<uint16_t> HitMap;
ItkpixEncoder(const uint nCol = 400, const uint nRow = 384, const uint nColInCCol = 8, const uint nRowInQRow = 2, const uint nEventsPerStream = 16, const bool plainHitMap = false, const bool dropToT = false);
std::vector<uint32_t>& getWords(){return m_words;}
void addBits64(const uint64_t value, const uint8_t length);
void pushWords32();
void encodeQCore(const uint nCCol, const uint nQRow);
void encodeEvent();
void streamTag(const uint8_t nStream);
void intTag(const uint16_t nEvt);
void scanHitMap();
bool hitInQCore(const uint CCol, const uint QRow);
void setHitMap(const HitMap& hitMap){m_hitMap = hitMap;}
void setEventsPerStream(const uint nEventsPerStream = 16){m_nEventsPerStream = nEventsPerStream;}
// Output
std::vector<uint32_t> m_words;
uint m_nEventsPerStream, m_currCCol, m_currQRow, m_currEvent;//, m_lastQRow;
uint8_t m_currStream;
// Encoding machinery
uint64_t m_currBlock;
uint8_t m_currBit;
std::vector<std::vector<bool>> m_hitQCores;
std::vector<uint> m_lastQRow;
// Chip geometry
uint m_nCol, m_nRow, m_nCCol, m_nQRow, m_nColInCCol, m_nRowInQRow;
//Globals - could be replace with compile-time conditioning instead of run-time if performance is critical
bool m_plainHitMap, m_dropToT;
// Input
HitMap m_hitMap;
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* Author: Ondra Kovanda, ondrej.kovanda at
* Date: 04/2024
* Description: ITkPix* chip layout template. This aims for a contiguously stored
* array of arbitrary type, representing the individual pixels in
* ITkPix* chips with a 'physically' motivated (col, row) access
#include <array>
#include <cstdint>
template<class T> class ItkpixLayout{
T& operator()(const uint16_t col, const uint16_t row){
//Columns are stored after one another
return pixels[ col * 384 + row ];
T operator()(const uint16_t col, const uint16_t row) const {
//Columns are stored after one another
return pixels[ col * 384 + row ];
//All chips will allways have 400*384 pixels
std::array<T, 153600> pixels = {};
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* Author: Ondra Kovanda, ondrej.kovanda at
* Date: 02/2024
* Description: ITkPix* encoding
#include "Itkpixv2Encoder.h"
void Itkpixv2Encoder::endStream(){
m_currBlock |= (0x1ULL << 63);
void Itkpixv2Encoder::addToStream(const HitMap& hitMap, bool last){
//This is a high-level interface function that can take care of
//adding an event into the current stream, this can be called
//easily from the outside, and automatically tags/ends streams
//and events based on internal vars only
//If this is the first event, start a new stream. Otherwise, add an
//internal tag
if (m_currEvent == 0){
else {
//Then add the actual encoded event information
//If this is the last event in the stream or if we explicitly
//want to end the stream (i. e. total number of generated events
//is not a multiple of nEventsPerStream), end the stream
if (m_currEvent == m_nEventsPerStream || last){
m_currEvent = 0;
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* Author: Ondra Kovanda, ondrej.kovanda at
* Date: 02/2024
* Description: ITkPixv2 encoding
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <random>
#include "ItkpixEncoder.h"
class Itkpixv2Encoder : public ItkpixEncoder {
void endStream();
void addToStream(const HitMap& hitMap, bool last = false);
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