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Commit a1e3560f authored by Johannes Junggeburth's avatar Johannes Junggeburth :dog2:
Browse files

Add d0 vs z0 validation histogram. Fix z0 sin theta bug

parent 9a8325c7
6 merge requests!58791DataQualityConfigurations: Modify L1Calo config for web display,!46784MuonCondInterface: Enable thread-safety checking.,!46776Updated LArMonitoring config file for WD to match new files produced using MT,!45405updated ART test cron job,!42417Draft: DIRE and VINCIA Base Fragments for Pythia 8.3,!36175Add muons built from large d0 tracking.
......@@ -376,7 +376,7 @@
<y title="Entries"/>
<h id="residualx_pixel_barrel" type="TH1F" title="Residual: Pixel Barrel X">
<x title="x residual(#mum)" n="100" lo="-100.0" hi="100.0"/>
<x title="x residual(#mum)" n="100" lo="-100.0" hi="100.0"/>
<y title="Entries"/>
<h id="residualx_pixel_barrel_1hit" type="TH1F" title="Residual: Pixel Barrel X 1 hit">
......@@ -388,7 +388,7 @@
<y title="Entries"/>
<h id="residualx_sct_barrel" type="TH1F" title="Residual: SCT Barrel X">
<x title="x residual(#mum)" n="1200" lo="-600" hi="600"/>
<x title="x residual(#mum)" n="1200" lo="-600" hi="600"/>
<y title="Entries"/>
<h id="residualx_sct_barrel_1hit" type="TH1F" title="Residual: SCT Barrel X 1 hit">
......@@ -401,7 +401,7 @@
<!-- endcaps -->
<h id="residualx_pixel_endcap" type="TH1F" title="Residual: Pixel Endcap X">
<x title="x residual(#mum)" n="100" lo="-100.0" hi="100.0"/>
<x title="x residual(#mum)" n="100" lo="-100.0" hi="100.0"/>
<y title="Entries"/>
<h id="residualx_pixel_endcap_1hit" type="TH1F" title="Residual: Pixel Endcap X 1 hit">
......@@ -413,7 +413,7 @@
<y title="Entries"/>
<h id="residualx_sct_endcap" type="TH1F" title="Residual: SCT Endcap X">
<x title="x residual(#mum)" n="1200" lo="-600" hi="600"/>
<x title="x residual(#mum)" n="1200" lo="-600" hi="600"/>
<y title="Entries"/>
<h id="residualx_sct_endcap_1hit" type="TH1F" title="Residual: SCT Endcap X 1 hit">
......@@ -439,7 +439,7 @@
<y title="Entries"/>
<h id="residualy_pixel_barrel" type="TH1F" title="Residual: Pixel Barrel Y">
<x title="y residual(#mum)" n="100" lo="-1000.0" hi="1000.0"/>
<x title="y residual(#mum)" n="100" lo="-1000.0" hi="1000.0"/>
<y title="Entries"/>
<h id="residualy_pixel_barrel_1hit" type="TH1F" title="Residual: Pixel Barrel Y 1 hit">
......@@ -464,7 +464,7 @@
<!-- endcaps -->
<h id="residualy_pixel_endcap" type="TH1F" title="Residual: Pixel Endcap Y">
<x title="y residual(#mum)" n="100" lo="-1000.0" hi="1000.0"/>
<x title="y residual(#mum)" n="100" lo="-1000.0" hi="1000.0"/>
<y title="Entries"/>
<h id="residualy_pixel_endcap_1hit" type="TH1F" title="Residual: Pixel Endcap Y 1 hit">
......@@ -625,7 +625,7 @@
<h id="efficiency_vs_eta" type="TEfficiency" title="Fraction of reco-matched truth track">
<x title="#eta" n="20" lo="-&ETA;" hi="&ETA;"/>
<y title="Efficiency" lo="0.0" hi="2.0"/>
<h id="efficiency_vs_pt" type="TEfficiency" title="Fraction of reco-matched truth track">
<x title="p_{T} [GeV]" n="25" lo="0" hi="50"/>
<y title="Efficiency" lo="0.0" hi="2.0"/>
......@@ -674,7 +674,7 @@
<h id="fakerate_vs_eta" type="TEfficiency" title="Fractions of reco-tracks with matching probability &lt; 50%">
<x title="#eta" n="20" lo="-&ETA;" hi="&ETA;"/>
<y title="Fake Rate" lo="0.0" hi="2.0"/>
<h id="fakerate_vs_pt" type="TEfficiency" title="Fractions of reco-tracks with matching probability &lt; 50%">
<x title="p_{T} [GeV]" n="100" lo="0" hi="50.0"/>
<y title="Fake Rate" lo="0.0" hi="2.0"/>
......@@ -945,7 +945,7 @@
<x title="reco_{z_{0} #times sin} - truth_{z_{0} #times sin}" n="100" lo="-&Z0SINRES;" hi="&Z0SINRES;"/>
<y title="Number of Entries"/>
<h id="sigma_d0" type="TH1F" title="#sigma(d_{0})">
<x title="#sigma(d_{0}) [mm]" n="100" lo="0" hi="&D0RES;"/>
<y title="Number of Entries"/>
......@@ -1059,7 +1059,7 @@
<x title="p_{T} [GeV]" n="100" lo="0." hi="100"/>
<y title="reco_{z_{0} #times sin} - truth_{z_{0} #times sin} [mm]" n="1000" lo="-&Z0SINRES;" hi="&Z0SINRES;"/>
<h id="pullHelper_eta_d0" type="TH2F" title="pull vs #eta for d_{0}">
<x title="#eta" n="&NETA;" lo="-&ETA;" hi="&ETA;"/>
......@@ -1471,82 +1471,82 @@
<h id="sigma_vs_eta_d0" type="TProfile" title="#sigma(d_{0}) vs #eta">
<x title="#eta" n="&NETA;" lo="-&ETA;" hi="&ETA;"/>
<y title="#sigma(d_{0}) [mm}" lo="-1.5" hi="1.5"/>
<h id="sigma_vs_eta_z0" type="TProfile" title="#sigma(z_{0}) vs #eta">
<x title="#eta" n="&NETA;" lo="-&ETA;" hi="&ETA;"/>
<y title="#sigma(z_{0}) [mm]" lo="-10.0" hi="10.0"/>
<h id="sigma_vs_eta_qoverp" type="TProfile" title="#sigma_{qoverp} vs #eta">
<x title="#eta" n="&NETA;" lo="-&ETA;" hi="&ETA;"/>
<y title="#sigma_{qoverp}" lo="-2.5e-5" hi="2.5e-5"/>
<h id="sigma_vs_eta_ptqopt" type="TProfile" title="p_{T} #times #sigma(q/p_{T}) vs #eta">
<x title="#eta" n="&NETA;" lo="-&ETA;" hi="&ETA;"/>
<y title="p_{T} #times #sigma(q/p_{T})" lo="-15.0" hi="15.0"/>
<h id="sigma_vs_eta_pt" type="TProfile" title="#sigma_{pt} vs #eta">
<x title="#eta" n="&NETA;" lo="-&ETA;" hi="&ETA;"/>
<y title="#sigma_{pt}" lo="0.0" hi="100"/>
<h id="sigma_vs_eta_theta" type="TProfile" title="#sigma(#theta) vs #eta">
<x title="#eta" n="&NETA;" lo="-&ETA;" hi="&ETA;"/>
<y title="#sigma(#theta)" lo="-0.01" hi="0.01"/>
<h id="sigma_vs_eta_phi" type="TProfile" title="#sigma(#phi) vs #eta">
<x title="#eta" n="&NETA;" lo="-&ETA;" hi="&ETA;"/>
<y title="#sigma(#phi) [rads]" lo="-0.01" hi="0.01"/>
<h id="sigma_vs_eta_z0sin" type="TProfile" title="#sigma(z_{0} #times sin) vs #eta">
<x title="#eta" n="&NETA;" lo="-&ETA;" hi="&ETA;"/>
<y title="#sigma(z_{0} #times sin)" lo="-0.2" hi="0.2"/>
<h id="sigma_vs_pt_d0" type="TProfile" title="#sigma(d_{0}) vs p_{T}">
<x title="p_{T} [GeV]" n="&NETA;" lo="0.0" hi="100"/>
<y title="#sigma(d_{0}) [mm]" lo="-1.5" hi="1.5"/>
<h id="sigma_vs_pt_z0" type="TProfile" title="#sigma(z_{0}) vs p_{T}">
<x title="p_{T} [GeV]" n="&NETA;" lo="0.0" hi="100"/>
<y title="#sigma(z_{0}) [mm]" lo="-10.0" hi="10.0"/>
<h id="sigma_vs_pt_qoverp" type="TProfile" title="#sigma_{qoverp} vs pT">
<x title="p_{T} [GeV]" n="&NETA;" lo="0.0" hi="100"/>
<y title="#sigma_{qoverp}" lo="-2.5e-5" hi="2.5e-5"/>
<h id="sigma_vs_pt_ptqopt" type="TProfile" title="p_{T} #times #sigma(q/p_{T}} vs p_{T}">
<x title="p_{T} [GeV]" n="&NETA;" lo="0.0" hi="100"/>
<y title="p_{T} #times #sigma(q/p_{T})" lo="-15.0" hi="15.0"/>
<h id="sigma_vs_pt_pt" type="TProfile" title="#sigma_{pt} vs pT">
<x title="p_{T} [GeV]" n="&NETA;" lo="0.0" hi="100"/>
<y title="#sigma_{pt}" lo="-100.0" hi="100.0"/>
<h id="sigma_vs_pt_theta" type="TProfile" title="#sigma(#theta) vs p_{T}">
<x title="p_{T} [GeV]" n="&NETA;" lo="0.0" hi="100"/>
<y title="#sigma(#theta) [rads]" lo="-0.01" hi="0.01" />
<h id="sigma_vs_pt_phi" type="TProfile" title="#sigma(phi) vs p_{T}">
<x title="p_{T} [GeV]" n="&NETA;" lo="0.0" hi="100"/>
<y title="#sigma(#phi) [rads]" lo="-0.01" hi="0.01"/>
<h id="sigma_vs_pt_z0sin" type="TProfile" title="#sigma(z_{0} #times sin) vs p_{T}">
<x title="p_{T} [GeV]" n="&NETA;" lo="0.0" hi="100"/>
<y title="#sigma(z_{0} #times sin)" lo="-0.2" hi="0.2"/>
<!-- End of standard resolution plots-->
......@@ -1606,7 +1606,7 @@
<x title="reco_{#chi^2/ndof}" n="100" lo="0.0" hi="5.0"/>
<y title="Number of Entries"/>
<h id="reco_author" type="TH1F" title="reco_{author}">
<x title="reco_{author}" n="52" lo="0" hi="52"/>
<y title="Number of Entries"/>
......@@ -1621,6 +1621,16 @@
<y title="reco_{#eta}" n="100" lo="-&ETA;" hi="&ETA;"/>
<h id="reco_d0_vs_z0" type="TH2F" title="reco d_{T} vs z_{0}">
<x title="reco_{d_0}" n="100" lo="-20" hi="20"/>
<y title="reco_{z_{0}}" n="100" lo="-250" hi="250"/>
<h id="reco_d0_vs_z0sin" type="TH2F" title="reco d_{T} vs z_{0} sin #theta">
<x title="reco_{d_0}" n="100" lo="-20" hi="20"/>
<y title="reco_{z_{0} sin #theta}" n="100" lo="-10" hi="10"/>
<h id="truth_d0" type="TH1F" title="truth_{d_{0}}">
<x title="truth_{d0} [mm]" n="100" lo="-&D0PARA;" hi="&D0PARA;"/>
<y title="Number of Entries"/>
......@@ -1870,7 +1880,7 @@
<h id="efficiency_vs_dR" type="TEfficiency" title="Fraction of reco-matched truth track versus #DeltaR">
<x title="#DeltaR" n="40" lo="0.0" hi="&DRMAX;"/>
<y title="Efficiency" lo="0.0" hi="2.0"/>
<h id="efficiency_vs_smalldR" type="TEfficiency" title="Fraction of reco-matched truth track versus #DeltaR">
<x title="#DeltaR" n="40" lo="0.0" hi="&SMALLDRMAX;"/>
......@@ -1886,7 +1896,7 @@
<h id="fakerate_vs_dR" type="TEfficiency" title="Fake rate versus #DeltaR">
<x title="#DeltaR" n="40" lo="0.0" hi="&DRMAX;"/>
<y title="Fake Rate" lo="0.0" hi="2.0"/>
<h id="fakerate_vs_smalldR" type="TEfficiency" title="Fake rate versus #DeltaR">
<x title="#DeltaR" n="40" lo="0.0" hi="&SMALLDRMAX;"/>
......@@ -45,6 +45,10 @@ InDetPerfPlot_TrackParameters::InDetPerfPlot_TrackParameters(InDetPlotBase* pPar
m_truth_phi_vs_eta{} {
......@@ -76,11 +80,14 @@ InDetPerfPlot_TrackParameters::initializePlots() {
book(m_truth_pt, "truth_pt");
book(m_truth_lowpt, "truth_lowpt");
book(m_truth_prodR, "truth_prodR");
book(m_truth_prodZ, "truth_prodZ");
book(m_truth_prodZ, "truth_prodZ");
book(m_reco_pt_vs_eta, "reco_pt_vs_eta");
book(m_reco_phi_vs_eta, "reco_phi_vs_eta");
book(m_reco_d0_z0, "reco_d0_vs_z0");
book(m_reco_d0_z0sin, "reco_d0_vs_z0sin");
book(m_truth_pt_vs_eta, "truth_pt_vs_eta");
book(m_truth_phi_vs_eta, "truth_phi_vs_eta");
......@@ -92,7 +99,7 @@ InDetPerfPlot_TrackParameters::fill(const xAOD::TruthParticle& particle) {
// quantities with xAOD::TruthParticle accessors:
float eta = particle.eta();
float pt = / Gaudi::Units::GeV;
float d0 = (particle.isAvailable<float>("d0")) ? particle.auxdata<float>("d0") : -9999.;
float z0 = (particle.isAvailable<float>("z0")) ? particle.auxdata<float>("z0") : -9999.;
float theta = (particle.isAvailable<float>("theta")) ? particle.auxdata<float>("theta") : -9999.;
......@@ -110,7 +117,7 @@ InDetPerfPlot_TrackParameters::fill(const xAOD::TruthParticle& particle) {
if(qOverP > -9000.) fillHisto(m_truth_qoverp, qOverP);
if(prodR > -9000.) fillHisto(m_truth_prodR, prodR);
if(prodZ > -9000.) fillHisto(m_truth_prodZ, prodZ);
fillHisto(m_truth_eta, eta);
fillHisto(m_truth_pt, pt);
fillHisto(m_truth_lowpt, pt);
......@@ -126,15 +133,15 @@ InDetPerfPlot_TrackParameters::fill(const xAOD::TrackParticle& particle) {
float pt = / Gaudi::Units::GeV;
float eta = particle.eta();
float phi = particle.phi0();
float chi2 = particle.chiSquared();
float ndof = particle.numberDoF();
float chi2Overndof = ndof > 0 ? chi2 / ndof : 0;
fillHisto(m_reco_d0, particle.d0());
fillHisto(m_reco_z0, particle.z0());
fillHisto(m_reco_z0sin, particle.z0()* particle.theta());
fillHisto(m_reco_z0sin, particle.z0()* std::sin(particle.theta()));
fillHisto(m_reco_phi, phi);
fillHisto(m_reco_theta, particle.theta());
......@@ -146,13 +153,16 @@ InDetPerfPlot_TrackParameters::fill(const xAOD::TrackParticle& particle) {
fillHisto(m_reco_pt_vs_eta, pt, eta);
fillHisto(m_reco_phi_vs_eta, phi, eta);
fillHisto(m_reco_d0_z0, particle.d0(), particle.z0());
fillHisto(m_reco_d0_z0sin, particle.d0(), particle.z0()*std::sin(particle.theta()));
fillHisto(m_reco_chi2, chi2);
fillHisto(m_reco_ndof, ndof);
fillHisto(m_reco_chi2Overndof, chi2Overndof);
std::bitset<xAOD::TrackPatternRecoInfo::NumberOfTrackRecoInfo> patternInfo = particle.patternRecoInfo();
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < xAOD::TrackPatternRecoInfo::NumberOfTrackRecoInfo; i++){
if(patternInfo.test(i)) fillHisto(m_reco_author, i);
if(patternInfo.test(i)) fillHisto(m_reco_author, i);
......@@ -56,6 +56,9 @@ private:
TH2* m_reco_pt_vs_eta;
TH2* m_reco_phi_vs_eta;
TH2* m_reco_d0_z0;
TH2* m_reco_d0_z0sin;
TH2* m_truth_pt_vs_eta;
TH2* m_truth_phi_vs_eta;
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