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Commit cc7f9f1b authored by James Robinson's avatar James Robinson
Browse files

Added additional MadSpin configuration options. Fixed XML reweighting and...

Added additional MadSpin configuration options. Fixed XML reweighting and added fall-back to old-style reweighting for anything other than scale/PDF weights. 2017-10-26 13:09:37. (PowhegControl-00-03-04)
parent 13722a76
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......@@ -35,18 +35,14 @@ def __construct_inputs(input_LHE_events, process):
# Find insertion point for MadSpin header"Constructing MadSpin runcard header")
opening_string = LHE.get_opening_string(input_LHE_events)
closing_string = LHE.get_closing_string(input_LHE_events)
if opening_string.find("<header>") != -1:
pre_header = opening_string[: opening_string.find("<header>")]
post_header = opening_string[opening_string.find("<header>") + 8: opening_string.find("</header>") + 10]
pre_header = opening_string[: opening_string.find("<init>")]
post_header = "</header>\n" + opening_string[opening_string.find("<init>"): opening_string.find("</init>") + 8]
pre_header = "\n".join([elem for elem in [LHE.opening_tag(input_LHE_events), LHE.comment_block(input_LHE_events)] if elem])
header_contents = LHE.header_block(input_LHE_events).replace("<header>", "").replace("</header>", "").strip("\n")
post_header = LHE.init_block(input_LHE_events)
postamble = LHE.postamble(input_LHE_events)
# Write events to LHE file with MadSpin information
with open("madspin_LHE_input.lhe", "wb") as f_madspin_LHE:
f_madspin_LHE.write("{}\n".format(os.environ["MADPATH"].split("/")[-1].split("v")[-1].split("_p")[0].replace("_", ".")))
......@@ -58,12 +54,24 @@ def __construct_inputs(input_LHE_events, process):
f_madspin_LHE.write("set gauge unitary\n")
f_madspin_LHE.write("set complex_mass_scheme False\n")
f_madspin_LHE.write("import model {}\n".format(process.MadSpin_model))
f_madspin_LHE.write("define p = g u c d s u~ c~ d~ s~\n")
f_madspin_LHE.write("define j = g u c d s u~ c~ d~ s~\n")
f_madspin_LHE.write("define l+ = e+ mu+ ta+\n")
f_madspin_LHE.write("define l- = e- mu- ta-\n")
f_madspin_LHE.write("define vl = ve vm vt\n")
f_madspin_LHE.write("define vl~ = ve~ vm~ vt~\n")
if int(process.MadSpin_nFlavours) == 4:
f_madspin_LHE.write("define p = g u c d s u~ c~ d~ s~\n")
f_madspin_LHE.write("define j = g u c d s u~ c~ d~ s~\n")
elif int(process.MadSpin_nFlavours) == 5:
f_madspin_LHE.write("define p = g u c d s b u~ c~ d~ s~ b~\n")
f_madspin_LHE.write("define j = g u c d s b u~ c~ d~ s~ b~\n")
raise ValueError("'MadSpin_nFlavours' must be set to 4 or 5")
if process.MadSpin_taus_are_leptons:
f_madspin_LHE.write("define l+ = e+ mu+ ta+\n")
f_madspin_LHE.write("define l- = e- mu- ta-\n")
f_madspin_LHE.write("define vl = ve vm vt\n")
f_madspin_LHE.write("define vl~ = ve~ vm~ vt~\n")
f_madspin_LHE.write("define l+ = e+ mu+\n")
f_madspin_LHE.write("define l- = e- mu-\n")
f_madspin_LHE.write("define vl = ve vm\n")
f_madspin_LHE.write("define vl~ = ve~ vm~\n")
f_madspin_LHE.write("output tchan\n")
......@@ -216,10 +224,12 @@ def __construct_inputs(input_LHE_events, process):
f_madspin_LHE.write("# PDG Width\n")
f_madspin_LHE.write("DECAY 82 0.000000e+00\n")
for event in LHE.event_iterator(input_LHE_events):
# Rename LHE files
shutil.move(input_LHE_events, "{}.undecayed".format(input_LHE_events))
......@@ -254,32 +264,25 @@ def __prepare_outputs(input_LHE_events):"gunzip pwgevents_decayed.lhe.gz 2> /dev/null", shell=True)
shutil.move("pwgevents_decayed.lhe", "{}.decayed".format(input_LHE_events))
# Combine headers
pwg_opening_string = LHE.get_opening_string("{}.undecayed".format(input_LHE_events))
pwg_closing_string = LHE.get_closing_string("{}.undecayed".format(input_LHE_events))
madspin_opening_string = LHE.get_opening_string("{}.decayed".format(input_LHE_events))
# Split Powheg headers to insert MadSpin information
if pwg_opening_string.find("<header>") != -1:
pwg_pre_header = pwg_opening_string[: pwg_opening_string.find("<header>") + 8]
pwg_post_header = pwg_opening_string[pwg_opening_string.find("</header>") + 10:]
pwg_pre_header = pwg_opening_string[: pwg_opening_string.find("<init>")] + "<header>"
pwg_post_header = pwg_opening_string[pwg_opening_string.find("<init>"):]
madspin_header = madspin_opening_string[madspin_opening_string.find("<header>") + 8: madspin_opening_string.find("</header>") + 10]
# Get appropriate header sections from Powheg and MadSpin LHE
powheg_LHE, madspin_LHE = "{}.undecayed".format(input_LHE_events), "{}.decayed".format(input_LHE_events)
pre_header = "\n".join([elem for elem in [LHE.opening_tag(powheg_LHE), LHE.comment_block(powheg_LHE)] if elem])
header = LHE.header_block(madspin_LHE)
post_header = LHE.init_block(powheg_LHE)
postamble = LHE.postamble(powheg_LHE)
# Write events to LHE file with MadSpin information
with open("pwgevents_with_MadSpin.lhe", "wb") as f_combined_LHE:
for event in LHE.event_iterator("{}.decayed".format(input_LHE_events)):
# Rename output file
if os.path.isfile(input_LHE_events):
shutil.move(input_LHE_events, "madspin_LHE.input")
shutil.move(input_LHE_events, "{}.undecayed_ready_for_madspin".format(input_LHE_events))
shutil.move("pwgevents_with_MadSpin.lhe", input_LHE_events)
for LHE_tarball in list(set(glob.glob("*lhe*.gz") + glob.glob("*events*.gz"))):
......@@ -60,7 +60,6 @@ def acquire_NNLO_inputs(aux_directory, NNLO_reweighting_inputs):
def run_NNLO_executable(process, powheg_LHE_output, output_LHE_name):
"""! Run the NNLO executable."""
# process.executable, process.NNLO_reweighting_inputs,
NNLO_executable = process.executable
if "nnlopsreweighter" in NNLO_executable:
process.NNLO_weight_list = construct_NNLOPS_weight_list(process.NNLO_output_weights, powheg_LHE_output)
......@@ -158,20 +157,15 @@ def reformat_NNLOPS_events(NNLO_weight_list, powheg_LHE_output, output_LHE_name)
def reformat_DYNNLO_events(powheg_LHE_output, output_LHE_name):
def reformat_DYNNLO_events(powheg_LHE_output, input_LHE_name):
"""! Reformat DYNNLO events to fit ATLAS conventions.""""Converting output to LHEv3 format")
# Extract intro, header and footer
opening_string = LHE.get_opening_string(output_LHE_name)
closing_string = LHE.get_closing_string(output_LHE_name)
if opening_string.find("<header>") != -1:
intro = opening_string[: opening_string.find("<header>")]
header = opening_string[opening_string.find("<header>"): opening_string.find("</header>") + 9]
intro = opening_string[: opening_string.find("<init>")]
header = "<header></header>"
init = opening_string[opening_string.find("<init>"): opening_string.find("</init>") + 8]
intro = "\n".join([elem for elem in [LHE.opening_tag(input_LHE_name), LHE.comment_block(input_LHE_name)] if elem])
header = LHE.header_block(input_LHE_events)
init = LHE.init_block(input_LHE_events)
closing_string = LHE.postamble(input_LHE_name)
if closing_string.find("<LesHouchesEvents>") != -1:
footer = closing_string[closing_string.find("</LesHouchesEvents>"):]
......@@ -179,8 +173,6 @@ def reformat_DYNNLO_events(powheg_LHE_output, output_LHE_name):
# Add nominal weight to header"Adding LHEv3 weight: nominal")
# self._nominal_group_name = [x[1] for x in configurator.fixed_parameters if x[0] == "lhrwgt_group_name"][0]
# header_elem = LHE.add_weight_to_header(header, self._nominal_group_name, "nominal", 0)
header_elem = LHE.add_weight_to_header(header, "nominal", "nominal", 0)
# Get list of any weights already used in the range 4000-5000
......@@ -192,7 +184,7 @@ def reformat_DYNNLO_events(powheg_LHE_output, output_LHE_name):
weight_number_offset = max(filter(lambda w: 4000 <= w < 5000, [int(w_elem.attrib["id"]) for w_elem in w_elems]) + [4000])
# Add DYNNLO weights to header
dynnlo_weight_names = [x[0] for x in LHE.string_to_weight(LHE.get_first_event(output_LHE_name))]
dynnlo_weight_names = [x[0] for x in LHE.string_to_weight(LHE.get_first_event(input_LHE_name))]
for idx, weight_name in enumerate(dynnlo_weight_names, start=1):"Adding LHEv3 weight: {}".format(weight_name))
weight_name_to_id[weight_name] = weight_number_offset + idx
......@@ -201,10 +193,10 @@ def reformat_DYNNLO_events(powheg_LHE_output, output_LHE_name):
# Convert Powheg input events to LHEv3 output ones"Converting Powheg output into LHEv3 format")
with open(powheg_LHE_output, "wb") as f_output:
for event in LHE.event_iterator(output_LHE_name):
for event in LHE.event_iterator(input_LHE_name):
f_output.write(LHE.Powheg2LHEv3(event, weight_name_to_id))
......@@ -23,20 +23,20 @@ def quark_colour_fixer(process, powheg_LHE_output):"Checking for presence of colourless quarks!")
# Get opening and closing strings
opening_string = LHE.get_opening_string(powheg_LHE_output)
closing_string = LHE.get_closing_string(powheg_LHE_output)
preamble = LHE.preamble(powheg_LHE_output)
postamble = LHE.postamble(powheg_LHE_output)
# Check events for colourless final-state quarks and colour them
n_events = 0"Checking events for colourless final-state quarks")
powheg_LHE_recoloured = "{}.recoloured".format(powheg_LHE_output)
with open(powheg_LHE_recoloured, "wb") as f_output:
for input_event in LHE.event_iterator(powheg_LHE_output):
is_event_changed, output_event = LHE.ensure_coloured_quarks(input_event)
n_events += [0, 1][is_event_changed]
f_output.write(postamble)"Re-coloured final-state quarks in {} events!".format(n_events))
# Make a backup of the original events
......@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ import shutil
logger = Logging.logging.getLogger("PowhegControl")
## Tuple to contain arbitrary grouped weights
WeightTuple = collections.namedtuple("WeightTuple", ["parameter_settings", "keywords", "ID", "name", "combine", "group"])
WeightTuple = collections.namedtuple("WeightTuple", ["parameter_settings", "keywords", "ID", "name", "combine", "group", "xml_compatible"])
......@@ -23,80 +23,105 @@ def reweighter(process, weight_groups, powheg_LHE_output):
@param weight_groups OrderedDict containing groups of weights to add.
@param powheg_LHE_output Name of LHE file produced by PowhegBox.
# List of tuples holding reweighting information
## List of tuples holding reweighting information
weight_list = []
## List of attributes of a weight_group that are not themselves a weight
non_weight_attributes = ["parameter_names", "combination_method", "keywords"]
## Dictionary of available keywords for faster XML-reweighting: from rwl_setup_param_weights.f
xml_kwds = {"lhans1": "lhapdf", "lhans2": "lhapdf", "renscfact": "renscfact", "facscfact": "facscfact"}
# Initial values for scale, PDF and other weight groups
_idx_scale_start, _idx_PDF_start, _idx_other_start = 1001, 2001, 3001
# Construct ordered list of weights
for group_name, weight_group in weight_groups.items():
keyword_dict = dict((n, k) for n, k in zip(weight_group["parameter_names"], weight_group["keywords"]))
method = weight_group["combination_method"]"Preparing weight group: {:<19} with {} weights".format(group_name, len(weight_group)))"Preparing weight group: {:<19} with {} weights".format(group_name, len(weight_group) - len(non_weight_attributes)))
# Name -> keyword dictionary is different if this is an XML reweighting
is_xml_compatible = all([k in xml_kwds.keys() for _kw_set in weight_group["keywords"] for k in _kw_set])
if is_xml_compatible:
_keywords = [list(set([xml_kwds[k] for k in _kw_set])) for _kw_set in weight_group["keywords"]]
logger.warning("... this weight group is incompatible with XML-style reweighting. Will use (slow) old method.")
_keywords = weight_group["keywords"]
keyword_dict = dict((n, k) for n, k in zip(weight_group["parameter_names"], _keywords))
# Common arguments for all weights
tuple_kwargs = {"keywords": keyword_dict, "combine": weight_group["combination_method"], "group": group_name, "xml_compatible": is_xml_compatible}
# Nominal variation: ID=0
if group_name == "nominal":
weight_list.append(WeightTuple(parameter_settings=weight_group["nominal"], keywords=keyword_dict, ID=0, name="nominal", combine=method, group=group_name))
weight_list.append(WeightTuple(parameter_settings=weight_group["nominal"], ID=0, name="nominal", **tuple_kwargs))
# Scale variations: ID=1001+
elif group_name == "scale_variation":
for idx, name in enumerate([k for k in weight_group.keys() if k not in ["parameter_names", "combination_method", "keywords"]], start=_idx_scale_start):
weight_list.append(WeightTuple(parameter_settings=weight_group[name], keywords=keyword_dict, ID=idx, name=name, combine=method, group=group_name))
for idx, name in enumerate([k for k in weight_group.keys() if k not in non_weight_attributes], start=_idx_scale_start):
weight_list.append(WeightTuple(parameter_settings=weight_group[name], ID=idx, name=name, **tuple_kwargs))
_idx_scale_start = idx + 1
# PDF variations: ID=2001+
elif group_name == "PDF_variation":
for idx, name in enumerate([k for k in weight_group.keys() if k not in ["parameter_names", "combination_method", "keywords"]], start=_idx_PDF_start):
weight_list.append(WeightTuple(parameter_settings=weight_group[name], keywords=keyword_dict, ID=idx, name=name, combine=method, group=group_name))
for idx, name in enumerate([k for k in weight_group.keys() if k not in non_weight_attributes], start=_idx_PDF_start):
weight_list.append(WeightTuple(parameter_settings=weight_group[name], ID=idx, name=name, **tuple_kwargs))
_idx_PDF_start = idx + 1
# Other variations: ID=3001+
for idx, name in enumerate([k for k in weight_group.keys() if k not in ["parameter_names", "combination_method", "keywords"]], start=_idx_other_start):
weight_list.append(WeightTuple(parameter_settings=weight_group[name], keywords=keyword_dict, ID=idx, name=name, combine=method, group=group_name))
for idx, name in enumerate([k for k in weight_group.keys() if k not in non_weight_attributes], start=_idx_other_start):
weight_list.append(WeightTuple(parameter_settings=weight_group[name], ID=idx, name=name, **tuple_kwargs))
_idx_other_start = idx + 1
# Construct xml output
xml_lines, weightgroup = [], ""
xml_lines, non_xml_weight_list, current_weightgroup = [], [], ""
for weight in weight_list:
# Group elements
if != weightgroup:
if != current_weightgroup:
weightgroup =
xml_lines.append("<weightgroup name='{}'>".format(weightgroup))
current_weightgroup =
xml_lines.append("<weightgroup name='{}'>".format(current_weightgroup))
# Weight elements
keyword_pairs = ["{}={}".format(k, v) for p, v in weight.parameter_settings for k in weight.keywords[p]]
xml_lines.append("<weight id='{}'> {} </weight>".format(weight.ID, " ".join(keyword_pairs)))
if weight.xml_compatible:
keyword_pairs = ["{}={}".format(k, v) for p, v in weight.parameter_settings for k in weight.keywords[p]]
xml_lines.append("<weight id='{}'> {} </weight>".format(weight.ID, " ".join(keyword_pairs)))
print "group {}, <weight id='{}'> {} </weight>".format(current_weightgroup, weight.ID, " ".join(keyword_pairs))
xml_lines.append(xml_lines.pop(0)) # move the closing tag to the end
# Write xml output
with open("reweighting_input.xml", "wb") as f_rwgt:
for xml_line in xml_lines:
# Make backup of generation statistics
if os.path.isfile("pwgcounters.dat"):
shutil.copy("pwgcounters.dat", "pwgcounters.dat.bak")
# # Iterate over variations
# for idx_weight, weight in enumerate(weight_list, start=1):
# add_single_weight(process, weight, idx_weight, len(weight_list))
# Add reweighting lines to runcard
FileParser("powheg.input").text_replace("rwl_file .*", "rwl_file 'reweighting_input.xml'")
FileParser("powheg.input").text_replace("rwl_add .*", "rwl_add 1")
FileParser("powheg.input").text_replace("clobberlhe .*", "clobberlhe 1")
# Copy the old events and then run the reweighter
shutil.copy(powheg_LHE_output, "{}.unweighted".format(powheg_LHE_output))"Preparing to add {} weights to generated events.".format(len(weight_list)))
# Move the reweighted file back
shutil.move(powheg_LHE_output.replace(".lhe", "-rwgt.lhe"), powheg_LHE_output)
n_xml_weights = len(weight_list) - len(non_xml_weight_list)
if n_xml_weights > 0:
with open("reweighting_input.xml", "wb") as f_rwgt:
for xml_line in xml_lines:
# Make backup of generation statistics
if os.path.isfile("pwgcounters.dat"):
shutil.copy("pwgcounters.dat", "pwgcounters.dat.bak")
# Add reweighting lines to runcard
FileParser("powheg.input").text_replace("rwl_file .*", "rwl_file 'reweighting_input.xml'")
FileParser("powheg.input").text_replace("rwl_add .*", "rwl_add 1")
FileParser("powheg.input").text_replace("clobberlhe .*", "clobberlhe 1")
# Copy the old events and then run the reweighter
shutil.copy(powheg_LHE_output, "{}.unweighted".format(powheg_LHE_output))"Preparing simultaneous calculation of {} additional weights for generated events.".format(n_xml_weights))
# Move the reweighted file back
shutil.move(powheg_LHE_output.replace(".lhe", "-rwgt.lhe"), powheg_LHE_output)
# Iterate over any variations which require old-style reweighting
if len(non_xml_weight_list) > 0:"Preparing individual calculation of {} additional weights for generated events.".format(len(non_xml_weight_list)))
for idx_weight, weight in enumerate(non_xml_weight_list, start=1):
add_single_weight(process, weight, idx_weight, len(non_xml_weight_list))
shutil.move(powheg_LHE_output.replace(".lhe", "-rwgt.lhe"), powheg_LHE_output)
# Remove rwgt and pdf lines, which crash Pythia
......@@ -116,45 +141,44 @@ def reweighter(process, weight_groups, powheg_LHE_output):
shutil.move("pwgcounters.dat.bak", "pwgcounters.dat")
# def add_single_weight(process, weight, idx_weight, n_total):
# """! Add a single additional weight to an LHE file.
# @param process PowhegBox process.
# @param weight Tuple with details of the weight to be added.
# @param idx_weight Which number this weight is.
# @param n_total Total number of weights to add.
# """
# @timed("weight variation {}/{}".format(idx_weight, n_total))
# def __timed_inner_fn():
#"... weight name is: {}".format(
#"... weight index ID is: {}".format(weight.ID))
# shutil.copy("powheg_nominal.input", "powheg.input")
# # As the nominal process has already been run, turn on compute_rwgt
# FileParser("powheg.input").text_replace("compute_rwgt 0", "compute_rwgt 1")
# # Ensure that manyseeds is turned off, as this would cause the reweighting to crash
# FileParser("powheg.input").text_replace("manyseeds .*", "manyseeds 0")
# FileParser("powheg.input").text_replace("parallelstage .*", "parallelstage -1")
# # Apply weight settings
# for (parameter, value) in weight.parameter_settings:
# try:
# for keyword in weight.keywords[parameter]:
# FileParser("powheg.input").text_replace("^{}.*".format(keyword), "{} {}".format(keyword, value))
#"... setting {} to {}".format(parameter, value))
# except KeyError:
# logger.warning("Parameter '{}' not recognised. Cannot reweight!".format(parameter))
# # Set reweighting metadata
# FileParser("powheg.input").text_replace("lhrwgt_descr .*", "lhrwgt_descr '{}'".format(
# FileParser("powheg.input").text_replace("lhrwgt_id .*", "lhrwgt_id '{}'".format(weight.ID))
# FileParser("powheg.input").text_replace("lhrwgt_group_combine .*", "lhrwgt_group_combine '{}'".format(weight.combine))
# FileParser("powheg.input").text_replace("lhrwgt_group_name .*", "lhrwgt_group_name '{}'".format(
# # Run the process until termination
# untimed_generation_singlecore(process)
# shutil.move("pwgevents-rwgt.lhe", "pwgevents.lhe")
# # Run single weight variation
# __timed_inner_fn()
def add_single_weight(process, weight, idx_weight, n_total):
"""! Add a single additional weight to an LHE file.
@param process PowhegBox process.
@param weight Tuple with details of the weight to be added.
@param idx_weight Which number this weight is.
@param n_total Total number of weights to add.
@timed("weight variation {}/{}".format(idx_weight, n_total))
def __timed_inner_fn():"... weight name is: {}".format("... weight index ID is: {}".format(weight.ID))
shutil.copy("powheg_nominal.input", "powheg.input")
# As the nominal process has already been run, turn on compute_rwgt
FileParser("powheg.input").text_replace("compute_rwgt 0", "compute_rwgt 1")
# Ensure that manyseeds is turned off, as this would cause the reweighting to crash
FileParser("powheg.input").text_replace("manyseeds .*", "manyseeds 0")
FileParser("powheg.input").text_replace("parallelstage .*", "parallelstage -1")
# Apply weight settings
for (parameter, value) in weight.parameter_settings:
for keyword in weight.keywords[parameter]:
FileParser("powheg.input").text_replace("^{} .*".format(keyword), "{} {}".format(keyword, value))"... setting {} to {}".format(parameter, value))
except KeyError:
logger.warning("Parameter '{}' not recognised. Cannot reweight!".format(parameter))
# Set reweighting metadata
FileParser("powheg.input").text_replace("lhrwgt_descr .*", "lhrwgt_descr '{}'".format(
FileParser("powheg.input").text_replace("lhrwgt_id .*", "lhrwgt_id '{}'".format(weight.ID))
FileParser("powheg.input").text_replace("lhrwgt_group_combine .*", "lhrwgt_group_combine '{}'".format(weight.combine))
FileParser("powheg.input").text_replace("lhrwgt_group_name .*", "lhrwgt_group_name '{}'".format(
# Run the process until termination
# Run single weight variation
......@@ -207,11 +207,13 @@ class Registry(object):
self.add_default("lhrwgt_id", 0, frozen=True, description="weight ID.")
self.add_default("LOevents", 0, description="(0:disabled; 1:enabled) produce LOPS events (scalup=ptj); in this case bornonly should also be enabled.")
self.add_default("m2bb", -1, description="(-1:use Powheg default)")
self.add_default("MadSpin_decays", [], description="Decays allowed by MadSpin")
self.add_default("MadSpin_enabled", True, description="(False:disabled; True:enabled) use MadSpin for top decays (only if decays are disabled in Powheg)")
self.add_default("MadSpin_decays", [], description="decays allowed by MadSpin")
self.add_default("MadSpin_enabled", True, description="use MadSpin for top decays (only if decays are disabled in Powheg). [False:disabled; True:enabled]")
self.add_default("MadSpin_model", "loop_sm-ckm", description="which model to import in MadSpin.")
self.add_default("MadSpin_mode", "full", description="('full'; 'bridge'; 'none') which spin mode to use in MadSpin")
self.add_default("MadSpin_process", "", description="Process that MadSpin is operating on")
self.add_default("MadSpin_mode", "full", description="which spin mode to use in MadSpin. ['full'; 'bridge'; 'none']")
self.add_default("MadSpin_nFlavours", "4", description="which flavour scheme to use. [4; 5]")
self.add_default("MadSpin_process", "", description="process that MadSpin is operating on")
self.add_default("MadSpin_taus_are_leptons", True, description="whether lepton definitions should include taus. [False: do not include taus, True: include taus]")
self.add_default("manyseeds", 0, description="read multiple seeds for the random number generator from pwgseeds.dat. [1:enabled]")
self.add_default("mass_b", atlas_common.mass.b, description="b-quark mass in GeV")
self.add_default("mass_c", atlas_common.mass.c, name="mass_c", description="c-quark mass in GeV")
......@@ -36,7 +36,9 @@ class ExternalMadSpin(ExternalBase):
self.add_keyword("MadSpin_process", process)
......@@ -70,7 +72,7 @@ class ExternalMadSpin(ExternalBase):
return False
# Check that decay list has at least one entry otherwise add defaults
if len(self.MadSpin_decays) == 0:"No MadSpin decays specified, so defaults will be used (only relevant if MadSpin is enabled)")
logger.warning("No MadSpin decays specified, so defaults will be used.")
for decay in ("t > w+ b, w+ > l+ vl", "t~ > w- b~, w- > l- vl~", "t > w+ b, w+ > j j", "t~ > w- b~, w- > j j"):"... adding MadSpin decay: 'decay {0}'".format(decay))
self.parameters_by_name("MadSpin_decays")[0].value.append("decay {0}".format(decay))
......@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ class Wj(PowhegV2):
# Add all keywords for this process, overriding defaults if required
self.add_keyword("bornktmin", 5.0)
......@@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ def merge(input_file_pattern, output_file):
with open(output_file, "ab") as f_output:"... reading metadata from {}".format(input_file_list[0]))
# Start with the first file and extract opening/closing string
opening_string = get_opening_string(input_file_list[0])
closing_string = get_closing_string(input_file_list[0])
s_preamble = preamble(input_file_list[0])
s_postamble = postamble(input_file_list[0])
# Now write events from all files to output
# Use sanitised list in case output_file matches the pattern
......@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ def merge(input_file_pattern, output_file):
# Finally add the footer
# Write the event count to the logger"Wrote {} events to {}".format(nEvents + 1, output_file))
......@@ -57,9 +57,10 @@ def event_iterator(input_files, verbose=True):
# Group all lines inside an XML event element
with open(file_name, "rb") as f_input:
for line in f_input:
if "<event>" in line:
# Both <event ...> and <event> are permitted
if "<event" in line:
in_event = True
line = line[line.index("<event>"):] # catch cases like "</init><event>"
line = line[line.index("<event"):] # catch cases like "</init><event>"
if in_event:
event_lines += line
if "</event>" in line:
......@@ -105,7 +106,7 @@ def add_weight_to_header(header, weightgroup_name, weight_name, weight_id):
return header_elem
def get_opening_string(input_LHE_file):
def preamble(input_LHE_file):
"""! Get opening lines from file as a string."""
with open(input_LHE_file, "rb") as f_input:
s_input = mmap.mmap(f_input.fileno(), 0, access=mmap.ACCESS_READ)
......@@ -113,19 +114,55 @@ def get_opening_string(input_LHE_file):
return s_output
def get_first_event(input_LHE_file):
"""! Get first event from file as a string."""
def postamble(input_LHE_file):
"""! Get closing lines from file as a string."""
with open(input_LHE_file, "rb") as f_input:
s_input = mmap.mmap(f_input.fileno(), 0, access=mmap.ACCESS_READ)
s_output = s_input[s_input.find("<event>"): s_input.find("</event>") + 8]
s_output = s_input[s_input.rfind("</event>") + 9:]
return s_output
def get_closing_string(input_LHE_file):
"""! Get closing lines from file as a string."""
def opening_tag(input_LHE_file):
"""! Get <LesHouchesEvents> opening tag from file as a string."""
s_opening = preamble(input_LHE_file)
if s_opening.find("<LesHouchesEvents") != -1:
return s_opening[s_opening.find("<LesHouchesEvents"): s_opening.find(">") + 1].strip("\n")
return ""
def comment_block(input_LHE_file):
"""! Get comment block from file as a string."""
s_opening = preamble(input_LHE_file)
if s_opening.find("<!--") != -1:
return s_opening[s_opening.find("<!--"): s_opening.find("-->") + 3].strip("\n")
return ""
def header_block(input_LHE_file):
"""! Get <header> block from file as a string."""
s_opening = preamble(input_LHE_file)
if s_opening.find("<header>") != -1:
return s_opening[s_opening.find("<header>"): s_opening.find("</header>") + 9].strip("\n")
return "<header>\n</header>"
def init_block(input_LHE_file):
"""! Get <init> block from file as a string."""
s_opening = preamble(input_LHE_file)
# Both <init ...> and <init> are permitted
if s_opening.find("<init>") != -1:
return s_opening[s_opening.find("<init>"): s_opening.find("</init>") + 7].strip("\n")
if s_opening.find("<init ") != -1:
return s_opening[s_opening.find("<init "): s_opening.find("</init>") + 7].strip("\n")
return "<init>\n</init>"
def get_first_event(input_LHE_file):
"""! Get first event from file as a string."""
with open(input_LHE_file, "rb") as f_input:
s_input = mmap.mmap(f_input.fileno(), 0, access=mmap.ACCESS_READ)
s_output = s_input[s_input.rfind("</event>") + 9:]
# Both <event ...> and <event> are permitted
s_output = s_input[s_input.find("<event"): s_input.find("</event>") + 8]
return s_output
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