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Commit e75f7dc4 authored by Davide Gerbaudo's avatar Davide Gerbaudo
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Merge branch 'rebase_doxygen' into '21.1'

Add Doxygen documentation for TrigAFPReco and TrigAFPHypos

See merge request !2418
parents 95e8ef45 4ff6ad2d
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......@@ -13,26 +13,58 @@
#include "AFP_ByteStream2RawCnv/AFP_RawDataProviderTool.h"
#include "AFP_LocRecoInterfaces/IAFPSiDLocRecoTool.h"
#include "AFP_Raw2Digi/IAFP_Raw2DigiTool.h"
class ISvcLocator;
* @brief Class for the AFP FEX Algorithm which reconstructs tracks
* This class does the reconstruction of AFP tracks,
* starting with the raw data reconstruction,
* then reconstructing Si hits and, with that, AFP tracks
class Trig_AFPSiTrkReco: public HLT::FexAlgo {
/// Sets the tools and services needed to their default values, as well as the containers names that can be defined in the Python class
Trig_AFPSiTrkReco(const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator);
/// Class destructor. Not doing anything at the moment
virtual ~Trig_AFPSiTrkReco();
/// Initialize method, where AFP_RawDataProviderTool, AFP_Raw2DigiTool, AFPSiDLocRecoTool and ROBDataProviderSvc are retrieved
HLT::ErrorCode hltInitialize();
* @brief Execute method where the tools are called and the reconstruction is made
* In this method the following steps are done:
* - Record AFP_RawDataContainer that will be later filled
* - Retrieve ROB data through the ROBDataProviderSvc;
* - Reconstruct raw data from ROB data using AFP_RawDataProviderTool
* - Reconstruct Silicon hits from raw data using AFP_Raw2DigiTool
* These last steps are only taken if the evtStore does not find a SiHitContainer. Afterwards, if no AFPTrackContainer is found:
* - Reconstruct AFP tracks from Silicon hits using AFPSiDLocRecoTool
HLT::ErrorCode hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement* inputTE, HLT::TriggerElement* outputTE);
/// Finalize method. Nothing is done, except for a print statement in Debug stream
HLT::ErrorCode hltFinalize();
/// Service used by AFP_RawDataProviderTool to retrieve ROB data. Inside package ByteStreamCnvSvcBase
ServiceHandle<IROBDataProviderSvc> m_robDataProvider;
/// Tool to reconstruct raw data from ROB. Inside package AFP_ByteStream2RawCnv
ToolHandle<AFP_RawDataProviderTool> m_rawDataTool;
/// Tool to reconstruct Si hist from raw data. Inside package AFP_Raw2Digi
ToolHandle<IAFP_Raw2DigiTool> m_digiTool;
/// Tool to reconstruct AFP tracks from Si hits. Inside package AFP_LocRecoInterfaces
ToolHandle<IAFPSiDLocRecoTool> m_trackRecoTool;
/// Name of the raw data container used to save to storegate, which is then used by AFP_RawDataProviderTool. Default: "AFP_RawData"
std::string m_rawDataCollectionKey;
/// Name of the container with silicon detector hits container in storegate. Used both to save reconstructed hits and to them in input to track reconstruction. Default: "AFPSiHitContainer"
std::string m_siHitContainerName;
/// Name of the AFP tracks container that will be stored in storegate to be used by the hypothesis algorithm. Default: "AFPTrackContainer"
std::string m_trackContainerName;
......@@ -13,12 +13,12 @@ Trig_AFPSiTrkReco::Trig_AFPSiTrkReco(const std::string& name,
m_trackRecoTool("AFP_SIDLocRecoTool") {
declareProperty("AFP_RawDataCollectionKey", m_rawDataCollectionKey = "AFP_RawData");
declareProperty("AFP_SiHitContainerName", m_siHitContainerName = "AFPSiHitContainer");
declareProperty("AFP_TrackContainerName", m_trackContainerName = "AFPTrackContainer");
declareProperty("RawDataProviderTool", m_rawDataTool);
declareProperty("DigiTool", m_digiTool);
declareProperty("SiDTool", m_trackRecoTool);
declareProperty("AFP_RawDataCollectionKey", m_rawDataCollectionKey = "AFP_RawData", "Name of the raw data container");
declareProperty("AFP_SiHitContainerName", m_siHitContainerName = "AFPSiHitContainer", "Name of the storegate container with Silicon pixel hits");
declareProperty("AFP_TrackContainerName", m_trackContainerName = "AFPTrackContainer", "Name of the AFP tracks container to be called in the hypothesis algorithm with the same name");
declareProperty("RawDataProviderTool", m_rawDataTool, "AFP_RawDataProviderTool used to reconstruct raw data from ROB data");
declareProperty("DigiTool", m_digiTool, "AFP_Raw2DigiTool used to reconstruct Silicon pixel hits from raw data");
declareProperty("SiDTool", m_trackRecoTool, "AFPSiDLocRecoTool used to reconstruct AFP tracks from Si hits");
Trig_AFPSiTrkReco::~Trig_AFPSiTrkReco() {}
......@@ -60,8 +60,9 @@ HLT::ErrorCode Trig_AFPSiTrkReco::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement* /*inputT
HLT::TriggerElement* /*outputTE*/) {
//Reconstructing Si hits in case it is not already in evtStore, in which case there would be a conflict
if (!evtStore()->contains<xAOD::AFPSiHitContainer>(m_siHitContainerName)) {
//Reconstructing Raw Data from ROBs
//Recording raw data container to be used by m_rawDataTool
AFP_RawDataContainer* container = new AFP_RawDataContainer();
ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Created AFP RDO Container");
StatusCode recordSC =
......@@ -75,13 +76,16 @@ HLT::ErrorCode Trig_AFPSiTrkReco::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement* /*inputT
std::vector<const ROBFragment*> listOfRobf;
std::vector<unsigned int> ROBIDs;
//Adding ROB numbers with AFP information
//Retrieving ROB data
m_robDataProvider->getROBData(ROBIDs, listOfRobf);
ATH_MSG_DEBUG(" ROB ID " << std::hex << ROBIDs << std::dec);
ATH_MSG_DEBUG(" Number of ROB fragments is " << listOfRobf.size());
//Reconstructing Raw Data from ROBs
if (m_rawDataTool->convert(listOfRobf, container).isFailure()) {
ATH_MSG_WARNING("BS conversion into RDOs failed");
return HLT::ERROR;
......@@ -90,6 +94,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode Trig_AFPSiTrkReco::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement* /*inputT
<< container->size());
// Reconstructing Si Hits from raw data
if (m_digiTool->recoSiHits().isFailure()) {
ATH_MSG_WARNING("Could not reconstruct SiHits");
return HLT::ERROR;
......@@ -98,6 +103,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode Trig_AFPSiTrkReco::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement* /*inputT
//Reconstructing AFP tracks in case a container is not present in evtStore, in which case there would be a conflict
if (!evtStore()->contains<xAOD::AFPTrackContainer>(m_trackContainerName)) {
if (m_trackRecoTool->reconstructTracks().isFailure()) {
ATH_MSG_WARNING("Tracks reconstruction failed");
......@@ -10,65 +10,161 @@
#include "TrigInterfaces/AllTEAlgo.h"
#include "TrigAFPHypo/AFPProtonTransportTool.h"
* @brief Class for the AFP hypothesis algorithm that targets exclusive jet events
* This algorithm targets exclusive jet events, where two protons emit jets and
* remain intact. The position of the protons at AFP is extrapolated using the
* jets kinematics, which is expected to be highly correlated to proton kinematics,
* due to energy conservation. The predicted proton position is then compared to
* measurements made in the AFP detector using AFP tracks reconstructed by the
* FEX algorithm (Trig_AFPSiTrkReco in the TrigAFPReco package), comparing the x, y
* position as well as the radius of the distance.
class TrigAFPJetAllTE: public HLT::AllTEAlgo {
* @brief Sets all variables and objects set by the Python class to their default.
* Sets the variable corresponding to the decision to record the event to false.
* Sets the cache variable to avoid repeating already existing calculations to false.
* Creats null pointers corresponding to the parameterizations of the A and C side beams.
* Sets all variables that can be defined in the Python class to their default. These are:
* - Thresholds for x, y and radius cuts
* - Nominal beam energy, used to calculate the proton position prediction
* - Files with the proton transport parameterization
* - Position shifts between parameterization and measurements
* - Corrections in x position due to alignment for each ATLAS side
* Sets all monitored variables, used to check if the algorithm is doing things as expected.
* The monitored variables are:
* - Jet multiplicity
* - Dijet system eta, rapidity and mass
* - Position distance between measurement and prediction for A and C side
* - Track multiplicity in each ATLAS side
* - Difference in x and y values between measurement and prediction for A and C side
* - Tracks x and y values for A and C side for prediction and measurement
TrigAFPJetAllTE(const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator);
* @brief This method calculates proton position at AFP based on jets kinematics and compares to AFP detector measurements
* In this method a container with jets is retrieved from the trigger element.
* Then the necessary variables for dijet kinematics calculations, as well as for cuts are set.
* Afterwards the dijet system TLorentzVector is defined using the two most energetic jets. Using a proton transport parameterization this
* information is used to predict the protons position at AFP in each ATLAS side.
* The next step is to retrieve a container of AFP tracks reconstructed in the FEX algorithm (Trig_AFPSiTrkReco in TrigAFPReco package).
* Using the tracks container the differences in position, x and y values are calculated, taking into account beam alignment correction (set up
* from the Python class). For each side the differences are compared with the thresholds (set from the Python class) and a boolean is defined
* corresponding to the cuts being passed or not, and the node corresponding to this decision is set to this value.
* The steps corresponding to the calculations and comparisions are only made if a cache variable stats that these were not already made.
HLT::ErrorCode hltExecute(std::vector<std::vector<HLT::TriggerElement*> >& inputTE,
unsigned int outputTE);
///Method to run at the end of each event that sets the cache to calculate to false and the default decision to record the next event to false
HLT::ErrorCode hltEndEvent();
* @brief Initialize method to fetch the parameterization txt files, set the parameterization objects and the energy variable.
* In the initialize method files with the parameterization for each ATLAS side are retrieved, using PathResolver::find_file.
* With these files objects of the proton transport parameterization are created, for each A and C side.
* A Info print statement is made with the radius, x and y thresholds and the names of the parameterization files.
* The last step is to set a total energy variable, which is double of each beam energy.
HLT::ErrorCode hltInitialize();
///Finalize method where the pointers of the transport beams are deleted
HLT::ErrorCode hltFinalize();
///Boolean corresponding to the decision to record the event based on the selection being met.
bool m_decision;
///Bolean that is set to true after the calculations and comparisions are made, to avoid redoing these.
bool m_useCachedResult;
///Proton transport parameterizaton object used in the proton position prediction for ATLAS A side
AFPProtonTransportTool* m_transportBeam1;
///Proton transport parameterizaton object used in the proton position prediction for ATLAS C side
AFPProtonTransportTool* m_transportBeam2;
///String with the name of the txt file containing the parameterization corresponding to the ATLAS A side
std::string m_protonTransportParamFileName1;
///String with the name of the txt file containing the parameterization corresponding to the ATLAS C side
std::string m_protonTransportParamFileName2;
///Threshold for the radius distance between parameterization and measurements
float m_maxProtonDist;
///Threshold for the x distance between parameterization and measurements
float m_maxProtonDiff_x;
///Threshold for the y distance between parameterization and measurements
float m_maxProtonDiff_y;
float m_beamEnergy; ///< energy of one beam i.e. half of centre-of-mass energy
float m_totalEnergy; ///< beams centre-of-mass energy 2*#m_beamEnergy
///Shift in x position between parameterization and measurements
float m_protonPosShift_x;
///Shif in y position between parameterization and measurements
float m_protonPosShift_y;
///Beam alignment corrections in the x position of ATLAS A side
float m_alignmentCorrection_nearA;
///Beam alignment corrections in the x position of ATLAS C side
float m_alignmentCorrection_nearC;
///Variable to convert from MeV to GeV
const float m_GeV = 0.001;
//Monitored variables
///Jet multiplicity monitoring variable
int m_jetsN;
///Dijet system mass monitoring variable
double m_dijetMass;
///Dijet system pseudo-rapidity monitoring variable
double m_dijetEta;
///Dijet system rapidity monitoring variable
double m_dijetRapidity;
///A side track multiplicity monitoring variable
int m_sideA_tracksN;
///Minimum distance between tracks measuremtnts and predictions in ATLAS A side
double m_sideA_minDist;
///Closest x position of tracks measurements in ATLAS A side compared to prediction
double m_sideA_trkX;
///Closest y position of tracks measurements in ATLAS A side compared to prediction
double m_sideA_trkY;
///Closest x position of prediction in ATLAS A side compared to measurements
double m_sideA_predictX;
///Closest y position of prediction in ATLAS A side compared to measurements
double m_sideA_predictY;
///Minimum distnace in x between measurements and prediction in ATLAS A side
double m_sideA_diffX;
///Minimum distnace in y between measurements and prediction in ATLAS A side
double m_sideA_diffY;
///C side track multiplicity monitoring variable
int m_sideC_tracksN;
///Minimum distance between tracks measuremtnts and predictions in ATLAS C side
double m_sideC_minDist;
///Closest x position of tracks measurements in ATLAS C side
double m_sideC_trkX;
///Closest y position of tracks measurements in ATLAS C side
double m_sideC_trkY;
///Closest x position of prediction in ATLAS C side compared to measurements
double m_sideC_predictX;
///Closest y position of prediction in ATLAS C side compared to measurements
double m_sideC_predictY;
///Minimum distnace in x between measurements and prediction in ATLAS C side
double m_sideC_diffX;
///Minimum distnace in y between measurements and prediction in ATLAS C side
double m_sideC_diffY;
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