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Commit eb5391a4 authored by Frank Winklmeier's avatar Frank Winklmeier
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Merge branch 'skeletonCA' into 'main'

Minimal working version of CA skeleton for evgen

See merge request !68732
parents 96ec3f76 69548ae1
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53 merge requests!78751Including CTP Monitoring in GLobal Monitoring,!78241Draft: FPGATrackSim: GenScan code refactor,!78236Draft: Switching Streams,!78056AFP monitoring: new synchronization and cleaning,!78041AFP monitoring: new synchronization and cleaning,!77990Updating TRT chip masks for L1TRT trigger simulation - ATR-28372,!77733Draft: add new HLT NN JVT, augmented with additional tracking information,!77731Draft: Updates to ZDC reconstruction,!77728Draft: updates to ZDC reconstruction,!77522Draft: sTGC Pad Trigger Emulator,!76725ZdcNtuple: Fix cppcheck warning.,!76611L1CaloFEXByteStream: Fix out-of-bounds array accesses.,!76475Punchthrough AF3 implementation in FastG4,!76474Punchthrough AF3 implementation in FastG4,!76343Draft: MooTrackBuilder: Recalibrate NSW hits in refine method,!75729New implementation of ZDC nonlinear FADC correction.,!75703Draft: Update to HI han config for HLT jets,!75184Draft: Update file heavyions_run.config,!74430Draft: Fixing upper bound for Delayed Jet Triggers,!73963Changing the path of the histograms to "Expert" area,!73875updating ID ART reference plots,!73874AtlasCLHEP_RandomGenerators: Fix cppcheck warnings.,!73449Add muon detectors to DarkJetPEBTLA partial event building,!73343Draft: [TrigEgamma] Add photon ringer chains on bootstrap mechanism,!72972Update L1Calo Jet Trigger Efficiency Monitoring algorithm,!72336Fixed TRT calibration crash,!72176Draft: Improving L1TopoOnline chain that now gets no-empty plots. Activating it by default,!72012Draft: Separate into Config files,!71876Fix MET trigger name in MissingETMonitoring,!71820Draft: Adding new TLA End-Of-Fill (EOF) chains and removing obsolete DIPZ chains,!71279Draft: ATR-29330: Move L1_4J15 and the HLT chains seeded by it in the MC Menu,!70990Updates to pulse analysis to support new 2016 p+Pb analysis and 2023 Pb+Pb analysis,!70948[TrigEGam] Adding egamma chains to be monitored,!70777Draft: sTGC offline raw monitoring: strip efficiency re-implementation,!70654Update,!70442Draft: Harmonize output folders+collections in ID Alignment monitoring and update DQM han config,!70269Draft: Initial Preparations for mc23e mu-distribution,!70047More test chains for delayed jets,!69944Draft: Avoid additional ONNX thread spawning for FastCaloSim,!69935Draft: New efficiency DQ criteria for HLTmuon hanconfig,!69795Some updates to the LArSuperCell Monitoring...,!69643Draft: added back ditau chain for commissioning,!69589Draft: Rely on callables to deffer createion of sequences in HLT menu generation,!69450Draft: Adding WP Scan GN2 vs GN1,!69449Draft: Adding the Working Point Scan chains,!69341Draft: Removing BKee Triggers from CPS Group (ATR-19501),!69292Draft:Make InDetTimeCollection recording optional,!69228Updating LAr EM NTuple creation to CA based configuration,!69154gFEX: fix bug in gTower class,!69149Fix bug in gTower class,!69128Delayed jets, additional chains, ATR-28836,!69112Update to use correct CA option,!68732Minimal working version of CA skeleton for evgen
# Copyright (C) 2002-2023 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
# Get logger
from AthenaCommon.Logging import logging
evgenLog = logging.getLogger('EvgenConfig')
class EvgenConfig():
"""The CA-based EvgenConfig class that holds the configuration for a sample to be generated"""
__slots__ = ()
def __init__(self, flags):
self.generators = []
self.keywords = [] = []
self.nEventsPerJob = None
def setupFlags(self, flags):
raise RuntimeError("setupFlags method needs to be implemented in Sample(EvgenConfig)")
def checkAttributes(self):
for var, value in vars(self).items():
if not value:
raise RuntimeError("self.{} should be set in Sample(EvgenConfig)".format(var))
else:"{} = {}".format(var, value))
def setupProcess(self, flags):
raise RuntimeError("setupProcess method needs to be implemented in Sample(EvgenConfig)")
......@@ -2,8 +2,6 @@
"""Functionality core of the Gen_tf transform"""
from PyJobTransforms.CommonRunArgsToFlags import commonRunArgsToFlags
# temporarily force no global config flags
from AthenaConfiguration import AllConfigFlags
del AllConfigFlags.ConfigFlags
......@@ -12,32 +10,180 @@ del AllConfigFlags.ConfigFlags
from AthenaCommon import JobProperties
JobProperties.jobPropertiesDisallowed = True
# Get logger
from AthenaCommon.Logging import logging
evgenLog = logging.getLogger('Gen_tf')
# Functions for pre/post-include/exec
from PyJobTransforms.TransformUtils import processPreExec, processPreInclude
# For creating CA instances of algorithms
from AthenaConfiguration.ComponentFactory import CompFactory
# Other imports that are needed
import sys, os
# Function that reads the jO and returns an instance of Sample(EvgenCAConfig)
def setupSample(runArgs, flags):
# Only permit one jobConfig argument for evgen
if len(runArgs.jobConfig) != 1:"runArgs.jobConfig = %s", runArgs.jobConfig)
evgenLog.error("You must supply one and only one jobConfig file argument")
sys.exit(1)"Using JOBOPTSEARCHPATH (as seen in skeleton) = {}".format(os.environ["JOBOPTSEARCHPATH"]))
FIRST_DIR = (os.environ['JOBOPTSEARCHPATH']).split(":")[0]
# Find jO file
jofiles = [f for f in os.listdir(FIRST_DIR) if (f.startswith('mc') and f.endswith('.py'))]
if len(jofiles) !=1:
evgenLog.error("You must supply one and only one jobOption file in DSID directory")
jofile = jofiles[0]
# Perform consistency checks on the jO
from GeneratorConfig.GenConfigHelpers import checkJOConsistency
# Import the jO as a module
# We cannot do import BLAH directly since
# 1. the filenames are not python compatible (
# 2. the filenames are different for every jO
import importlib.util
spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location(
jo = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec)
# Create instance of Sample(EvgenCAConfig)
sample = jo.Sample(flags)
# Set up the sample properties
# Set the random number seed
# Need to use logic in EvgenJobTransforms.Generate_dsid_ranseed
# Get DSID
dsid = os.path.basename(runArgs.jobConfig[0])
# Update the global flags
if dsid.isdigit():
flags.Input.Files = []
flags.Input.RunNumbers = [flags.Generator.DSID]
flags.Input.TimeStamps = [0]
flags.Generator.nEventsPerJob = sample.nEventsPerJob
flags.Exec.MaxEvents = runArgs.maxEvents if runArgs.maxEvents != -1 else sample.nEventsPerJob
flags.Output.EVNTFileName = runArgs.outputEVNTFile
# Check if sample attributes have been properly set
return sample
# Function to set up event generation services
def setupEvgenServices(flags, cfg):
# EventInfoCnvAlg
from xAODEventInfoCnv.xAODEventInfoCnvConfig import EventInfoCnvAlgCfg
cfg.merge(EventInfoCnvAlgCfg(flags, disableBeamSpot=True, xAODKey="TMPEvtInfo"))
# Function to set up event generation services
def setupOutputStream(flags, runArgs, cfg, sample):
# Items to save
ItemList = ["McEventCollection#*"]
# Configure output stream
from OutputStreamAthenaPool.OutputStreamConfig import OutputStreamCfg
ItemList = ItemList
# Add in-file MetaData
from xAODMetaDataCnv.InfileMetaDataConfig import SetupMetaDataForStreamCfg
cfg.merge(SetupMetaDataForStreamCfg(flags, "EVNT"))
# Write AMI tag into in-file MetaData
from PyUtils.AMITagHelperConfig import AMITagCfg
cfg.merge(AMITagCfg(flags, runArgs))
# Main function
def fromRunArgs(runArgs):
from AthenaCommon.Logging import logging
evgenLog = logging.getLogger('Gen_tf')
evgenLog.setLevel(logging.DEBUG if runArgs.VERBOSE else logging.INFO)
# Set logging level
evgenLog.setLevel(logging.DEBUG if runArgs.VERBOSE else logging.INFO)
# Set up sequences
# Announce arg checking
evgenLog.debug("****************** CHECKING EVENT GENERATION ARGS *****************")
evgenLog.debug('****************** Setting-up configuration flags *****************')
if runArgs.VERBOSE:
evgenLog.debug("****************** CHECKING EVENT GENERATION ARGS *****************")
evgenLog.debug('****************** Setting-up configuration flags *****************')
from AthenaConfiguration.AllConfigFlags import initConfigFlags
flags = initConfigFlags()
# Convert run arguments to athena flags
from GeneratorConfig.GeneratorConfigFlags import generatorRunArgsToFlags
# Convert run arguments to global athena flags
from PyJobTransforms.CommonRunArgsToFlags import commonRunArgsToFlags
commonRunArgsToFlags(runArgs, flags)
# Convert generator-specific run arguments to global athena flags
from GeneratorConfig.GeneratorConfigFlags import generatorRunArgsToFlags
generatorRunArgsToFlags(runArgs, flags)
# convert arguments to flags
# Create an instance of the Sample(EvgenCAConfig) and update global flags accordingly
sample = setupSample(runArgs, flags)
# Process pre-include
processPreInclude(runArgs, flags)
# Process pre-exec
processPreExec(runArgs, flags)
# Lock flags
if runArgs.VERBOSE:
evgenLog.debug('****************** Dump configuration flags *****************')
# Announce start of job configuration
evgenLog.debug("****************** CONFIGURING EVENT GENERATION *****************")
# Announce start of job configuration
evgenLog.debug("****************** CONFIGURING EVENT GENERATION *****************")"Hello from GENtoEVGEN_Skeleton")
# Main object
from AthenaConfiguration.MainServicesConfig import MainEvgenServicesCfg
cfg = MainEvgenServicesCfg(flags)
# Set up evgen job with all sequences
setupEvgenServices(flags, cfg)
# Set up the process
AthSequencer = CompFactory.AthSequencer
evgenGenSeq = AthSequencer('EvgenGenSeq')
cfg.addSequence(evgenGenSeq, parentName='AthAllAlgSeq')
cfg.merge(sample.setupProcess(flags), sequenceName="EvgenGenSeq")
# Set up the output stream
setupOutputStream(flags, runArgs, cfg, sample)
# Print ComponentAccumulator components
if runArgs.VERBOSE:
evgenLog.debug("****************** DUMPING CA CONFIG *****************")
# Run final ComponentAccumulator
# Copyright (C) 2002-2023 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
# Get logger
from AthenaCommon.Logging import logging
evgenLog = logging.getLogger('GenConfigHelpers')
# Generators providing input events via the LHEF format
# (used to determine the input file dummy-naming strategy for C++ generators)
LHEFGenerators = ["Lhef", # generic name: prefer to use the names below
......@@ -93,3 +97,35 @@ def gen_sortkey(genname):
# Return a tuple
return (genstage, genname)
# Function to perform consistency check on jO
def checkJOConsistency(jofile):
import os, sys, string
joparts = (os.path.basename(jofile)).split(".")
# Perform some consistency checks
if joparts[0].startswith("mc") and all(c in string.digits for c in joparts[0][2:]):
# Check that there are exactly 4 name parts separated by '.': MCxx, DSID, physicsShort, .py
if len(joparts) != 3:
evgenLog.error(jofile + " name format is wrong: must be of the form mc.<physicsShort>.py: please rename.")
# Check the length limit on the physicsShort portion of the filename
jo_physshortpart = joparts[1]
if len(jo_physshortpart) > 50:
evgenLog.error(jofile + " contains a physicsShort field of more than 60 characters: please rename.")
# There must be at least 2 physicsShort sub-parts separated by '_': gens, (tune)+PDF, and process
jo_physshortparts = jo_physshortpart.split("_")
if len(jo_physshortparts) < 2:
evgenLog.error(jofile + " has too few physicsShort fields separated by '_': should contain <generators>(_<tune+PDF_if_available>)_<process>. Please rename.")
# NOTE: a further check on physicsShort consistency is done below, after fragment loading
from check_jo_consistency import check_naming
if os.path.exists(check_jofiles):
evgenLog.error(" not found")
......@@ -19,8 +19,11 @@ def createGeneratorConfigFlags():
# Events per job
gencf.addFlag("Generator.nEventsPerJob", 10000)
# Events per job
gencf.addFlag("Generator.DSID", 999999)
# First event
gencf.addFlag("Generator.firstEvent", 1)
gencf.addFlag("Generator.firstEvent", -1)
# Number of HepMC events to print
gencf.addFlag("Generator.printEvts", 0)
......@@ -43,7 +46,7 @@ def generatorRunArgsToFlags(runArgs, flags):
flags.Beam.Energy = runArgs.ecmEnergy/2 * GeV
raise RuntimeError("No center of mass energy provided.")
if hasattr(runArgs, "ignoreBlackList"):
flags.Generator.ignoreBlackList = runArgs.ignoreBlackList
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