- May 16, 2024
CMakeLists.txt files have been updated for all instances which depend on the GeoModel core libraries but which do not explicitely include ${GEOMODEL_INCLUDE_DIRS}. Without this we are in danger of mixing header files from two sources, and this is actually now happening in the GeoModel early fault detection pipeline.
- Feb 02, 2021
Vakhtang Tsulaia authored
Updated AtlasGeometryCommon packages to use FindGeoModel.cmake. Which was introduced to serve the new GeoModel uni-project, which was introduced into our build with !39900. Bonus: * Turned CavernInfraGeoModel into component-only package * Removed several commented-out include statements from VP1DetInfo.cxx
- Aug 05, 2020
Frank Winklmeier authored
- remove `atlas_depends_on_subdirs` - update link dependencies - replace `atlas_install_headers` with interface library or remove it entirely if headers not used outside package - enable flake8 where applicable
- Dec 16, 2019
Attila Krasznahorkay authored
In the "new packaging" the external is now called like that...
- Dec 14, 2018
Vakhtang Tsulaia authored
Given the standalone library is based on Eigen instead of CLHEP, all GeoModel clients in Athena code were also migrated to the Eigen-based interface of GeoModel. This affected a large number of packages. Most significant changes have been introduced to subsystem GeoModel packages. The in-house GeoModelKernel code has been removed from the repository. Almost all header files in PixelGeoModel have been moved to the src directory. The next step should be turning this package into a component-only library. Similar code reorganization can be applied to SCT_GeoModel too. Subsystem readout geometry interfaces remain mostly unchanged, except for a minor change in the InDet readout geometry interface (which was unavoidable). Several non-GeoModel packages affected by this migration mostly required addition of missing CLHEP includes. Former-commit-id: 9cffebb1
- Aug 24, 2018
scott snyder authored
Headers from CLIDSvc have been moved to AthenaKernel. Former-commit-id: 5d76402a
- Sep 19, 2014
Atlas-Software Librarian authored