- Sep 25, 2017
John Chapman authored
The configuration of the `MonopoleLooperKiller` missed being updated in the last update of the configuration syntax of `G4UserActions`. This means that monopole simulation jobs fail in 21.0.37. This commit updates the syntax such that the jobs should now succeed. Should fix ATLASSIM-3440.
- Jul 14, 2017
John Chapman authored
- Jul 10, 2017
John Chapman authored
A number of different ways of configuring UserAction Tools were tried. This merge request attempts to migrate all syntax to use simFlags.OptionalUserActionList
John Chapman authored
- May 30, 2017
Elmar Ritsch authored
- May 29, 2017
Elmar Ritsch authored
Contains updates for ATLASSIM-3023
- May 19, 2017
John Derek Chapman authored
- May 11, 2017
John Chapman authored
Rather than having a ToolHandle to the `TrackFastSimSDTool`, the `NeutronFastSimTool` is given the name of actual `TrackFastSimSD` instance to be retrieved. This gets around the issue that the `TrackFastSimSDTool` is no longer public. It means that the `NeutronFastSimTool::initialize` method is now redundant also. Should fix ATLASSIM-2813 Removed `DummyVolumeName` from volume list of `TrackFastSimSDTool`. The current logic in `SensitiveDetectorBase` with the `noVolumes` flag is sufficient to ensure the SD is added to the SD manager.
- May 08, 2017
Scott Snyder authored
Private class data members should start with m_.
Scott Snyder authored
Clang warnings: unused class members, missing override keywords, struct/class consistency.
John Chapman authored
Moving interfaces into a separate package from implementation code. ATLASSIM-1883
John Chapman authored
The idea behind these changes is to move towards making the Geo2G4 package into a pure component library. For this reason a separate GeoMaterial2G4 package was created and headers used by other packages were moved there. See ATLASSIM-1883 for details.
- May 05, 2017
John Chapman authored
John Chapman authored
- May 02, 2017
John Chapman authored
In the cases where both V1 and V2 implmentations are present, the V1 implementations can just be dropped. See ATLASSIM-3023
- Feb 01, 2017
Zach Marshall authored
* Adding job options for setup checker tool * Tagging: G4DebuggingTools-00-00-15 2017-01-19 Zach Marshall <ZLMarshall@lbl.gov> * Looks like we are happy with the checker - tagging! * Tagging: G4DebuggingTools-00-00-14 2017-01-12 Zach Marshall <ZLMarshall@lbl.gov> * Bugfixing for the Geant4SetupCheckerTool, moving to G4 exceptions, adding a mode to output a reference file 2017-01-11 Zach Marshall <ZLMarshall@lbl.gov> * Adding a first draft of Geant4SetupCheckerTool, a tool that is designed to output a few variables that tell us about the Geant4 configuration being used 2016-08-09 Andrea Di Simone <andrea.di.simone@cern.ch> * updating fragments in share * tagging G4DebuggingTools-00-00-13 ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
- Dec 01, 2016
Graeme Stewart authored
- Nov 01, 2016
John Derek Chapman authored
src/MergeHijingParsTool.cxx: updates to allow copying of the HijingEventParams object from background as well as signal StoreGates. src/MergeMcEventCollTool.h, src/MergeMcEventCollTool.cxx - add saveHeavyIonInfo method to try to ensure that GenEvent::heavy_ion is filled for the first event in the McEventCollection in heavy ion jobs. ATLASSIM-2712. Tagging: MCTruthSimAlgs-01-06-00 (MCTruthSimAlgs-01-06-00) * src/MergeHijingParsTool.cxx: updates to allow copying of the HijingEventParams object from background as well as signal StoreGates. ATLASSIM-2712. * src/MergeMcEventCollTool.h, src/MergeMcEventCollTool.cxx - add saveHeavyIonInfo method to try to ensure that GenEvent::heavy_ion is filled for the first event in the McEventCollection in heavy ion jobs. ATLASSIM-2712 * Tagging: MCTruthSimAlgs-01-06-00 2016-08-18 scott snyder <snyder@bnl.gov> * Tagging MCTruthSimAlgs-01-05-04. * endreq -> endmsg. * Tagging MCTruthSimAlgs-01-05-03. * const fixes. 2016-07-06 John Chapman <John.Chapman@cern.ch> * src/MergeTruthJetsTool.cxx - made code more robust for the case ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
- Sep 01, 2016
John Derek Chapman authored
* add CMakeLists.txt * Tagging: TrackWriteFastSim-00-03-02-01
- Aug 19, 2016
John Derek Chapman authored
Add CMakeLists.txt - ATLASSIM-3005. Tagging: G4TruthStrategies-00-01-05 (G4TruthStrategies-00-01-05) * add CMakeLists.txt - ATLASSIM-3005 * Tagging: G4TruthStrategies-00-01-05
John Derek Chapman authored
* add CMakeLists.txt - ATLASSIM-3005 * Tagging: Geo2G4-00-06-15 * Tagging: Geo2G4-00-06-14
- Jul 15, 2016
Zach Marshall authored
* Lowering verbosity for physics lists * Tagging: G4PhysicsLists-01-00-05 2016-05-12 Zach Marshall <ZLMarshall@lbl.gov> * Adding FTFP_BERT_ATL physics list * Some clean up the ATLAS physics list factory * Tagging: G4PhysicsLists-01-00-04
- Jul 02, 2016
Andrea Di Simone authored
* several improvements to VolumeDebugger by Nigel Hessey * tagging G4DebuggingTools-00-00-11 2016-05-11 John Chapman <John.Chapman@cern.ch> * share/HyperspaceCatcher_options.py, share/StepNtuple_options.py, share/EnergyConservation_options.py, share/VerboseSelector_options.py, share/G4AtlantisDumper_options.py, share/VolumeDebugger_options.py - update syntax to work for both V1 and V2 UserActions. ATLASSIM-2226 * tagging G4DebuggingTools-00-00-10 2016-05-07 Andrea Di Simone <andrea.di.simone@cern.ch> * migrated VolumeDebugger and StepNtuple to Hive. StepNtuple needs to be run with only one thread * tagging G4DebuggingTools-00-00-09 2016-04-04 Andrea Di Simone <andrea.di.simone@cern.ch> * added example of how to use simFlags.UserActionConfig to the HyperspaceCatcherTool getter ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
John Derek Chapman authored
share/postInclude.G4ProfilingTools.py - update syntax to work for both V1 and V2 UserActions. ATLASSIM-2226. Tagging G4ProfilingTools-00-00-04 (G4ProfilingTools-00-00-04) * share/postInclude.G4ProfilingTools.py - update syntax to work for both V1 and V2 UserActions. ATLASSIM-2226 * tagging G4ProfilingTools-00-00-04 2016-05-05 Andrea Di Simone * implemeting V2 (MT) user actions * tagging G4ProfilingTools-00-00-03
Andrea Di Simone authored
2016-05-07 Andrea Di Simone <andrea.di.simone@cern.ch> * migrated ScoringPlane and FluxRecorder to hive. both will only run with 1 thread * tagging G4UserActions-00-01-19 2016-04-07 Andrea Di Simone * src/HitWrapper.cxx: fixed collection names * tagging G4UserActions-00-01-18 2016-04-06 John Chapman <John.Chapman@cern.ch> * src/CosmicPerigeeAction.cxx (CosmicPerigeeAction::BeginOfEvent) (G4UA::CosmicPerigeeAction::beginOfEvent): set the name of the * Tagging: G4UserActions-00-01-17 2016-01-14 Steve Farrell <Steven.Farrell@cern.ch> * V2 migration of the LengthIntegrator. Usage of the THistSvc and histograms is protected via mutex locks for thread-safety. This implementation is not intended to be performant, however. * Tagging: G4UserActions-00-01-16 2016-01-11 Andrea Di Simone * removed some verbosity ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Steven Andrew Farrell authored
* Migrated the truth strategies to get secondaries from the G4Step method GetSecondaryInCurrentStep and to call saveSecondarVertex in TruthStrategyUtils rather than the TruthStrategyManager. These updates allow to run the truth-filling code in AthenaMT. * Tagging: G4TruthStrategies-00-01-04 2016-01-05 Steve Farrell <Steven.Farrell@cern.ch> * Removed thread-unsafe usages of StepHelper in the strategies. The helper wasn't actually helping anyway; the code is shorter without it. * Tagging: G4TruthStrategies-00-01-03 2015-12-15 Steve Farrell <Steven.Farrell@cern.ch> * Code cleanup. * Passing const strings by reference to constructors. * Tagging: G4TruthStrategies-00-01-02
John Derek Chapman authored
python/TrackWriteFastSimConfig.py, python/TrackWriteFastSimConfigDb.py - drop CfgGetter methods for TrackRecorderSDTool used to write out TrackRecordCollections for entry/exit layers, as this is now handled directly by the MCTruthSteppingAction. ATLASSIM-2437. Tagging: TrackWriteFastSim-00-03-02 (TrackWriteFastSim-00-03-02) * python/TrackWriteFastSimConfig.py, python/TrackWriteFastSimConfigDb.py - drop CfgGetter methods for TrackRecorderSDTool used to write out TrackRecordCollections for entry/exit layers, as this is now handled directly by the MCTruthSteppingAction. ATLASSIM-2437 * Tagging: TrackWriteFastSim-00-03-02
- May 27, 2016
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* src/MergeMcEventCollTool.h, src/MergeTrackRecordCollTool.h, src/MergeCalibHitsTool.cxx, src/MergeGenericMuonSimHitCollTool.cxx, src/MergeMcEventCollTool.cxx, src/MergeTrackRecordCollTool.cxx, src/MergeRecoTimingObjTool.h, src/MergeTruthJetsTool.h, src/MergeHijingParsTool.h, src/MergeCalibHitsTool.h, src/MergeGenericMuonSimHitCollTool.h, src/MergeRecoTimingObjTool.cxx, src/MergeTruthJetsTool.cxx, src/MergeHijingParsTool.cxx (processBunchXing): update interface to use xAODEventInfo rather than PileUpEventInfo. ATLASSIM-2240. Requires PileUpTools-01-18-00 or later. ATLASSIM-2122 * Tagging: MCTruthSimAlgs-01-03-00
Scott Snyder authored
* Tagging G4PhysicsLists-01-00-03. * cmt/requirements: Remove obsolete macro manipulation. * Tagging G4PhysicsLists-01-00-02. * Comply with ATLAS naming conventions. 2016-03-13 Attila Krasznahorkay <Attila.Krasznahorkay@cern.ch> * Adding a hand-written CMakeLists.txt file to the package, to deal with its non-standard source layout. * Tagging as G4PhysicsLists-01-00-01
Vakhtang Tsulaia authored
* Supporting the alternative assembly material (OBO Jochen)
- May 09, 2016
Graeme Stewart authored
Graeme Stewart authored
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* src/G4StepLimitationTool.cxx (initialize, ConstructProcess): change message levels to reduce veborsity in standard log files. * Tagging: G4StepLimitation-01-00-01 2015-10-21 Edoardo Farina <edoardo.maria.farina@cern.ch> * Migration to new infrastructure. ATLASSIM-1964 * Tagging: G4StepLimitation-01-00-00
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
2016-01-22 John Chapman <John.Chapman@cern.ch> * src/CosmicPerigeeAction.cxx (BeginOfEvent): set the name of the TrackRecordCollection object properly. ATLASSIM-2517 * tagging G4UserActions-00-01-05-02 2015-12-18 John Chapman <John.Chapman@cern.ch> * cmt/requirements - drop use statement for G4DetectorEnvelopes. Add use statement for CxxUtils. General tidying. ATLASSIM-2481 * src/CosmicPerigeeAction.cxx, G4UserActions/CosmicPerigeeAction.h - switch to using a WriteHandle for the TrackRecordCollection. Set default values for m_idR and m_idZ, then drop EnvelopeGeometryManager. ATLASSIM-2481 * src/FastIDKiller.cxx, G4UserActions/FastIDKiller.h - set default values for m_idR and m_idZ, then drop EnvelopeGeometryManager. ATLASSIM-2481 * tagging G4UserActions-00-01-05-01 2015-09-15 John Chapman <John.Chapman@cern.ch> ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* cmt/requirements - make use statement for MCTruth private. ATLASSIM-2144 * Tagging: G4TruthStrategies-00-01-01 2015-09-15 John Chapman <John.Chapman@cern.ch> * cmt/requirements - add use statement for MCTruthBase. ATLASSIM-2144. * G4TruthStrategies/HadronicInteractionStrategy.h , G4TruthStrategies/LLPStrategy.h , G4TruthStrategies/CaloCatchAllStrategy.h , G4TruthStrategies/MuonCatchAllStrategy.h , G4TruthStrategies/ComptonStrategy.h , G4TruthStrategies/BremsstrahlungStrategy.h , G4TruthStrategies/IonizationStrategy.h , G4TruthStrategies/ConversionStrategy.h , G4TruthStrategies/DecayStrategy.h - include TruthStrategy.h header from MCTruthBase rather than MCTruth. ATLASSIM-2144 * Tagging: G4TruthStrategies-00-01-00
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* migrating to the new user actions * tagging G4ProfilingTools-00-00-02
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* Fix: ATLASSIM-2222. Force exit-normal vectors to be unit vectors. * Tagging: Geo2G4-00-06-13 2015-08-31 Vakho Tsulaia <tsulaia@cern.ch> * Adding support for GeoTorus * Tagging: Geo2G4-00-06-12 2015-07-31 Dmitriy Maximov <Dmitriy.Maximov@cern.ch> * Code cleanup, remove local static variables as much as currently possible, to make code closer to thread-safety. * Adoption to the new interface of DetectorDescription/GeoModel/GeoSpecialShapes-00-02-00 * Tagging Geo2G4-00-06-11
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* Adding neutron time cut and primary eta cut as configurable flags for the neutron fast sim - basically for cavern background. ATLASSIM-1905. Not obvious how to use these things, though! * Tagging: TrackWriteFastSim-00-03-01 2015-09-15 John Chapman <John.Chapman@cern.ch> * python/TrackWriteFastSimConfig.py, python/TrackWriteFastSimConfigDb.py - add CfgGetter methods for TrackRecorderSDTool used to write out TrackRecordCollections for entry/exit layers. * TrackWriteFastSim/TrackFastSimSD.h, src/TrackFastSimSD.cxx - update so that this code can also cover the CosmicTRTSD and TrackRecorderSD cases. * src/TrackRecorderSDTool.h, src/TrackRecorderSDTool.cxx - new tool to configure the writing out of TrackRecordCollections for entry/exit layers. * src/components/TrackWriteFastSim_entries.cxx - add entry for TrackRecorderSDTool. ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
John Derek Chapman authored
Migrating to new G4Atlas infrastructure. ATLASSIM-2328. Dropping ElVariations lists. Tagging: G4PhysicsLists-01-00-00 (G4PhysicsLists-01-00-00) 2015-11-03 Edoardo Maria Farina * Migrating to new G4Atlas infrastructure. ATLASSIM-2328 * Dropping ElVariations lists. * Tagging: G4PhysicsLists-01-00-00 2015-01-08 Zach Marshall <ZLMarshall@lbl.gov> * Additions of FTFP_BERT_EMY and _EMZ * Tagging: G4PhysicsLists-00-01-01 2014-04-20 Zach Marshall <ZLMarshall@lbl.gov> * Many changes to update for G4 10 * Tagging: G4PhysicsLists-00-01-00