- Nov 27, 2015
Ewelina Maria Lobodzinska authored
Lukas Alexander Heinrich authored
* adapting to TDT-00-03-XX series * taggin gTriggerMenuAnalysis-00-03-06 2015-08-26 Takanori Kono <Takanori.Kohno@cern.ch> * Remove "macro_append ... linkopts ..." from requirements * TriggerMenuAnalysis-00-03-05 2015-08-06 Lukas Heinrich <lukas.heinrich@cern.ch> * adapted to navigation refactoring * Tagging TriggerMenuAnalysis-00-03-04 2015-05-12 Stewart Martin-Haugh <smh@cern.ch> * Tagging TriggerMenuAnalysis-00-03-01. * Move TrigMinBiasNtuple headers over before removing TrigMinBiasNtuple from release
Lukas Alexander Heinrich authored
2015-09-09 Lukas Heinrich <lukas.heinrich@cern.ch> * python change (global variable for ToolSvc, noticed in ATR-12019) * tagging TrigNavTools-00-02-06 2015-08-06 Lukas Heinrich <lukas.heinrich@cern.ch> * adapted to navigation refactoring * TrigNavTools-00-02-05
John Derek Chapman authored
test/OverlayMonitoringRTT_TestConfiguration.xml: updated Reco_tf.py syntax obo Tatyana Kharlamova. ATLASSIM-2182. OverlayMonitoringRTT-00-02-03 (OverlayMonitoringRTT-00-02-03)
Tomoe Kishimoto authored
2015-08-25 Tomoe Kishimoto <Tomoe.Kishimoto@cern.ch> * Fixed a compilation error (ATR-12113) * Tag as TrigT1Interfaces-01-05-24
John Derek Chapman authored
python/SimTransformUtils.py - addStandardHITSMergeSubstep: patch to ensure that core transform code does not try to access the event count for inputLogsFiles... Tagging: SimuJobTransforms-00-28-13-12 (SimuJobTransforms-00-28-13-12)
Edward Diehl authored
Elmar Ritsch authored
updating regression tests to use new common DCube xml files placed under 'MCProd' in the RTT DCube reference directory (should fix ATLASSIM-2073) + moving old 'MC12' references to 'MCProd' directory for 'G4_minbias_4reco' job (ISF_Validation-00-03-07)
Elmar Ritsch authored
removing unused and unfinised G4ConfigTool implementation (ATLASSIM-2053) (ISF_Geant4Config-00-01-23)
Scott Snyder authored
Ewelina Maria Lobodzinska authored
John Derek Chapman authored
HitRdoOverlayExample - migrate to AthAlgorithm base-class. Move header to src directory. ATLASSIM-1768. cmt/requirements - update to pick up new dependencies. Tag OverlayExamples-00-00-10 (OverlayExamples-00-00-10)
Scott Snyder authored
Scott Snyder authored
Nicholas Styles authored
Rolf Seuster authored
Masahiro Morii authored
Rolf Seuster authored
Sebastien Binet authored
- Nov 13, 2015
Graeme Stewart authored
Graeme Stewart authored
Graeme Stewart authored
Graeme Stewart authored
Graeme Stewart authored
Graeme Stewart authored
Graeme Stewart authored
Graeme Stewart authored
Graeme Stewart authored
Graeme Stewart authored
Graeme Stewart authored
Graeme Stewart authored
Graeme Stewart authored
Graeme Stewart authored
Graeme Stewart authored
Graeme Stewart authored
Graeme Stewart authored
Graeme Stewart authored
Graeme Stewart authored
Graeme Stewart authored
Graeme Stewart authored