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  1. Sep 28, 2017
  2. Aug 28, 2017
    • Will Leight's avatar
      Fix for ATLASRECTS-3787 · dfbd352b
      Will Leight authored
      This fix ensures that the MuonTruthDecorationAlg always adds the CaloEntryLayer_, MuonEntryLayer_, and MuonExtLayer_cov_extr variables to the truth particle.
      The only difference is thus that an empty vector will, in rare cases, be added to truth particles: this will happen rarely enough that running the Tier0 tests shows no changes.
      Output from the Tier0 tests is available at /afs/
      Note also that this only applies to MC.
      Former-commit-id: 4eaa392faa0f9226571bb20ed147d99ea7b32c1e
  3. Aug 03, 2017
  4. Jul 17, 2017
  5. Jul 14, 2017
  6. Jul 10, 2017
  7. Jun 20, 2017
    • Elmar Ritsch's avatar
      Make Geant4 and Fatras register HITS collections to CollectionMerger · a4d410b3
      Elmar Ritsch authored
      This is transparent to the AtlasG4 setup, but if Geant4 is run within
      the ISF, the sensitive detector HITS will go into separate *_G4 collections
      and will be merged with the respective *_Fatras and *_FastCaloSim collections.
      Former-commit-id: 7060e91d732f4efd7100f60dbf3734dd5c7b7ec3
  8. Jun 15, 2017
    • Will Leight's avatar
      Fix for ATLASRECTS-3199 · 83c1c220
      Will Leight authored
      This fixes a bug where position and direction information was not filled for truth muon segments built from CSC hits.
      CSC sim hits are treated differently than MDT ones, and it seems the code to handle them correctly was simply never written.
      The fixes in MuonTruthDecorationAlg::createSegments simply calculate this information for CSC segments the same way it is done for the other segments.
      The result will be FT0-violating, though only for MC, of course.
      Note that this violation is not visible in the Tier0 tests as q221 happens to not reconstruct any truth CSC segments.
      Tier0 test results are available at /afs/
      Former-commit-id: 41c73845
  9. Jun 03, 2017
  10. Jun 02, 2017
    • Will Leight's avatar
      Replace std::map::insert() with direct assignment · d16993be
      Will Leight authored
      As discussed on ATEAM-402, attempting to modify conditions data that is stored in a map using map::insert() will fail.
      The insert() method only adds information to the map if the key does not already exist: if the key exists, it does nothing.
      This was originally investigated for the SCT conditions, but the muon conditions also has this problem in several places.
      Fixing this should have a minimal effect on the final result, as the status information is used only in the hole search.
      So only the number of holes on track should be affected, with possible tiny changes from the addition of a hit to a track.
      (This could happen if the conditions was not correctly updated to indicate that the multilayer it is in was actually working.)
      FT0 violation should be quite small, and indeed none is visible in the FT0 tests, available at /afs/
      Former-commit-id: d143b513
  11. May 30, 2017
    • John Chapman's avatar
      Pulling in fixes from RPC_Digitization-01-05-18 · cf883945
      John Chapman authored
      src/RpcDigitizationTool.cxx (findStripNumber): catch exceptions thrown
      by RpcReadoutElement::localStripPos and write out an ERROR message
      instead. Should allow Overlay jobs to run. Workaround for ATLASRECTS-3871.
      Former-commit-id: 238d30463059cd9f7000789c7ce654c2d3000333
  12. May 24, 2017
    • Jochen Meyer's avatar
      skipping non-existing BMG tubes in DQ (fix for ATLASRECTS-4058) · 4ea46414
      Jochen Meyer authored
      The newly installed BMG chambers have cutouts, i.e. in some places
      there are tubes missing even though their identifiers exist. The
      DQ code iterates on the identifiers and asks for each tube the
      geometry for the position. Because for non-existing tubes this
      position cannot be evaluated an ERROR occurs. With this commit
      a member variable is introduced which at the beginning of the
      DQ code collects all identifiers of non-existing tubes and later
      on in the loop those tubes are skipped.
      Former-commit-id: 9b578920
  13. May 18, 2017
  14. May 17, 2017
  15. May 16, 2017
  16. May 13, 2017
  17. May 09, 2017
    • Will Leight's avatar
      Fix for ATLASRECTS-3788 · c7f52bab
      Will Leight authored
      I had not previously noticed this, but the MuonTruthAssociationAlg also sets an auxdata for the truth particle, an ElementLink to the muon it is associated with.
      To avoid problems with ELReset, I added a null ElementLink to the truth particles that are not associated to a muon.
      Former-commit-id: 6af0d8ff
    • Will Leight's avatar
      Fix for ATLASRECTS-3788 · 2769556c
      Will Leight authored
      This commit fixes ATLASRECTS-3788, addressing an issue in which muon truth auxdata was not always saved to muons.
      The code loops over xAOD::Muon objects and truth particles and matches them using the muon primary track particle.
      Previously, the loop was over the truth particles and then the muons: I have reversed this.
      I feel it makes more sense this way as the muon dummy truth information will then only be set (if necessary) once.
      There is no FT0 violation as the only change is the addition of empty vectors to muons that are not truth-matched.
      Former-commit-id: 3c51afa2
    • Will Leight's avatar
  18. May 07, 2017
  19. May 05, 2017
  20. May 04, 2017
    • Nicolas Köhler's avatar
      Update of MuonEfficiencyCorrections · 85cc2742
      Nicolas Köhler authored
      Former-commit-id: c43d98a451b6052bc15676b6757ca990c30918b4
    • Will Leight's avatar
      Independent evaluation of eta and phi status: fixed bugs in the final building... · 34ad8e67
      Will Leight authored
      Independent evaluation of eta and phi status: fixed bugs in the final building of a segment from an eta or phi segment only
      Former-commit-id: a873f1d9
    • Will Leight's avatar
      Adjust CSC segment quality · a48e1f04
      Will Leight authored
      If a CSC segment is built only from eta or phi hits because the chamber's phi or eta strips are off or broken, we do not wish this to unduly affect the quality.
      In particular, CSC segments with fewer than four eta+phi hits will be given the lowest quality.
      However, we could easily have a CSC segment with 3 (or, in rare cases, 2) hits in eta or phi only if only eta or phi is functional.
      Therefore, flags are now added to define the eta and phi status for CSC segments.
      If the status is bad for eta or phi, a segment with fewer than four hits will be given the next-to-lowest quality.
      Former-commit-id: cd4f82166fc64f55c1523d9e6c2052ea0b3c3cb8
  21. May 03, 2017
    • Will Leight's avatar
      CSC segment finding if eta and phi layers have different status · 8c13f472
      Will Leight authored
      The current CSC segment finding assumes that eta and phi layers always have the same status.
      That is, if the eta layer is good, the phi layer is also, and vice versa.
      However, due to a hardware problem, this will no longer be the case for some CSC chambers this year.
      This update modifies the CSC segment-finding code so that layer status is treated separately for eta and phi layers.
      The statuses of the eta and phi layers are checked in the Csc2dSegmentMaker and stored separately.
      Each status is then evaluated independently in the CscSegmentUtilTool to determine if it makes sense to use the 2-layer segment finding or not.
      Thus, 2-layer segment finding could in principle be carried out only for phi, while for eta three or more hits would still be required.
      (Instead of automatically doing 2-layer segment finding for both eta and phi, as was done before.)
      Furthermore, if all eta(phi) layers have a bad status, a segment can now be built from only the phi(eta) segment, if one was constructed.
      But note that this only happens in the case of bad status: if the eta/phi segment is missing but should be there, no final segment is built.
      To allow this, the MuonSegmentCombination now knows about the status of all layers in its chamber.
      The Csc4dSegmentMaker and CscSegmentUtilTool can then use the status to determine whether to accept an eta- or phi-only segment.
      Former-commit-id: 0b9efa6e
    • Jochen Meyer's avatar
      adjusting HPTDC encoder/decoder to sth closer to reality · 03ceec2f
      Jochen Meyer authored
      Former-commit-id: df4617cbbde2f2772e841571a8e23cd23882ac6d
  22. May 02, 2017
    • Jochen Meyer's avatar
      decoding and cabling for BMG chambers · 3a8ea463
      Jochen Meyer authored
      During the winter shutdown 2016/1017 ten new small tube MDT
      chamber got installed in the feet region (called BMG). Because
      of delays in getting the cabling and difficulties to load it
      on the database an arbitrary cabling got hardcoded at first.
      This code change is adjusting the arbitrary cabling to the
      actual cabling (keeping it hardcoded).
      Furthermore these BMG chambers are read out by HPTDC chips
      rather than AMT chips like all the other MDTs up to now.
      Since the MdtAmtHit class suits also to be filled with the
      information obtained from the HPTDCs it was kept the same
      and only the corresponding readout classes got newly
      implemented. The MDT encoder/decoder were adjusted to
      use the new readout classes if they hit a BMG chamber.
      Former-commit-id: 9020a277
  23. Apr 29, 2017
  24. Apr 28, 2017
  25. Apr 26, 2017
    • Will Leight's avatar
      Fix for ATLASRECTS-3796 plus smaller technical changes · bac0080f
      Will Leight authored
      This change should fix ATLASRECTS-3796 by adding dummy truth links to xAOD::Muon objects and muon tracks that are not truth-matched, thus avoiding ELReset errors.
      It also brings in a memory leak fix (ATLASRECTS-3925) that was present in MuonTruthAlgs-02-12-16-00 and never made it to release 21.
      Finally, it adds the migration of MuonDecayTruthTrajectoryBuilder to const interfaces and of the TrackParticleTruthAlg to DataHandles.
      This occurred because the development started in svn and these changes were present in the most up-to-date tags, so they got added by accident.
      If not desired, these particular changes can be reverted: however, as they should have no effect on the performance, I left them in.
      Tier0 test results can be found at /afs/ no T0 violation was observed.
      The only changes that would be involved here are adding dummy values for cases when truth-matching fails.
      For the element-links, I don't know if this would be caught by the diff-root.
      However, as dummy values are also added for the truthOrigin and truthType, there would be in principle some T0 violation (though for MC only of course).
      Since these are dummy values and so will not be used by analyzers, I don't think it's a significant violation.
      AODtoTAG also reported many more errors for q221: since there were no changes at all in any of the other substeps, I assume this is a glitch of some sort.
      Former-commit-id: e672f80d
  26. Apr 20, 2017
    • Will Leight's avatar
      Fix for ATLASRECTS-3960 · 3f66c0f8
      Will Leight authored
      This fixes ATLASRECTS-3960 and brings the muon validation code up to date. It includes the following svn tags:
      Former-commit-id: 8b7cd6a1
  27. Apr 18, 2017
    • Will Leight's avatar
      Removed dummy function · d174f74d
      Will Leight authored
      MdtCalibrationSvc contained a dummy function: as there seemed to be no need for it, it was removed.
      Former-commit-id: 45096e41
    • Will Leight's avatar
      Fix BMG chamber TDC ticksize · a1089b9c
      Will Leight authored
      BMG chambers use the HPTDC chip instead of the AMT, so they have a smaller TDC ticksize of .2 ns.  However, the MdtCalibrationSvc was treating all MDT chambers the same.
      This change modifies the tdcBinSize() method of MdtCalibrationSvc to check to see if the chamber in question is a BMG chamber and return the correct tick size if so.
      Former-commit-id: 0d679a5c
  28. Apr 12, 2017
    • Jochen Meyer's avatar
      adding back files skipped during git migration (ATLASRECTS-4009) · 6c74c253
      Jochen Meyer authored
      During the git migration non code files bigger than 100kB got
      skipped. There are a few files for the RPC trigger which exceed
      this limit. In this commit they are added back in since some
      jobs need them to run properly as they are configured to use
      the files rather than the database.
      Former-commit-id: 0e3b9848
  29. Mar 31, 2017